Sailing sauce for potatoes. Simple potato sauce with meat or without

Dana recipes cooking sauces for boiled potatoes. The number of products for the preparation of sauce is given at the rate of a kilogram of boiled potatoes. How to boil potatoes, described in the second dishes section, vegetable dishes, boiled potatoes. In all sauces for boiled potatoes salt to taste. Hot boiled potatoes is poured one of the sauces when serving on the table. By the way, no less delicious and cold boiled potatoes under the sauce.

Potatoes in sour cream sauce with greens.

Recipe of sour cream sauce with greens.

Composition of sour cream sauce with greens:

  • 1 tablespoon of flour;
  • full cabinet sour cream;
  • 2 tablespoons of finely chopped greenery (kinza, parsley, dill);
  • a glass of potato beam or meat broth.

Preparing sour cream sauce. First, flour to fry on the creamy oil to a golden color (it is better to use a pot with a thick bottom). A slow jet with continuous stirring pour hot decoction and add sour cream. Cook for 5-7 minutes with continuous stirring, then pour chopped greens and boil.

Potatoes in sour cream sauce.

Recipe of sour cream sauce with dill.

The composition of the sour cream sauce with dill:

  • a glass of finely chopped dill;
  • a half cup of potato beam (hot);
  • 2 tablespoons of flour;
  • egg;

Fry flour in oil. Add dill to flour, mix and slightly fry. Then add hot potato decoction and boil, stirring, on a weak heat for 10 minutes. Remove sauce from fire. Egg beat with sour cream and lemon juice and fill the sauce.

Sauce serve with young boiled potatoes.

Potatoes in sour cream sauce.

Recipe of sour cream sauce with champignons.

Composition of sour cream sauce with champignons:

  • half of the glass of sour cream minimum fatty;
  • 2-3 mayonnaise tablespoons:
  • bulb:
  • a small bundle of dill;
  • half glass of very finely chopped champignons;
  • salt, black pepper to taste.

Very finely chopped onions pass into oil. Then add champignons and stew under the lid on a small fire with a periodic stirring until the fungi is ready. The lid take off and slightly fry mushrooms, cool to room temperature.
Finely chopped dill mix with sour cream and mayonnaise, then add roasted mushrooms and mix well again.
Sauce serve with young boiled potatoes.

Potatoes in sour cream sauce.

Recipe of sour cream sauce with tomato.

Composition of sour cream sauce with tomato:

  • 1 tablespoon of flour;
  • 2 tablespoons of butter;
  • full cabinet sour cream;
  • 2 tablespoons of tomato paste or 6 tablespoons of tomato sauce;
  • bulb;
  • a glass of potato beam.

The bulb is finely chopped and fry in oil, add tomato and 5 minutes 5 tomato and bow fry, stirring continuously. Carefully pour flour, dilute with hot decoction, mix, add sour cream, mix and cook for about 7 minutes, stirring continuously.

Potatoes in sour cream sauce.

Recipe for sour cream sauce with horseradish.

Composition of sour cream sauce with horseradish:

  • 1 tablespoon of horseradish, grated on a shallow grater;
  • 1 apple;
  • full cabinet sour cream;
  • tablespoon of lemon juice;
  • salt, sugar to taste.

Clear the apple from the skin, cut the core and grate on the shallow grater. Mix grated horseradish, grated apple and sour cream. Add salt, sugar and lemon juice. Instead of lemon juice, you can add a finely chopped half of a small lemon peeled from crust. Buckwheat sauce.

Potatoes in sour cream sauce.

Recipe of sour cream sauce with mustard.

Sourmed sauce with mustard is contraindicated with ulcerative disease, with inflammation of the kidneys, as well as during pregnancy. In addition, it is better not to give small children. The sour cream sauce with mustard is very simply preparing, but it is a sharp sauce.

The composition of the sour cream sauce with mustard:

  • 1 teaspoon dry mustard;
  • a glass of fresh sour cream (200 grams);
  • 2 tablespoons of butter;
  • half tea spoon salt and black pepper.

Preheat butter and fry mustard. Cool and pour into the sour cream. Add salt and on the tip of a teaspoon black pepper. Mix well. Sauce is ready.

Potatoes in sour cream sauce.

Recipe for sour cream sauce with avocado.

Composition of sour cream sauce with avocado:

  • half a cup of wipe avocado;
  • full cabinet sour cream;
  • dessert spoon of garlic;
  • greens of parsley and dill to taste (7-8 twigs).

Avocado clean from the peel and wipe through the sieve. Add sour cream and beat well. Skip over the press (garlic). Greens very finely cut. Then garlic and greens add to sour cream with avocado and mix very carefully. Sauce is good with boiled potatoes. To obtain a more acute sauce, the amount of garlic can be increased.

Potatoes in mushroom sauce.

Recipe for fungal sauce.

The composition of the fungal sauce:

  • 1 cup of mushroom broth;
  • 2 tablespoons of wheat flour;
  • 2 tablespoons of crushed boiled mushrooms (better than white);
  • 1 bulb;
  • 1 tablespoon sour cream (optional):
  • salt to taste.

Fry on half cream oil finely chopped onions and boiled mushrooms. On the other half of the butter, fry flour to golden color, add mushroom broth and boil on low fire for 10 minutes, continuously stirring. Then add onions with mushrooms, mix well and bring to a boil. In the mushroom sauce, you can add a spoon of sour cream and mix well again.

Potatoes in mushroom sauce.

Recipe for sauce of white mushrooms.

The composition of the fungal sauce:

  • 1.5 cup of meat broth;
  • 100 grams of purified white mushrooms;
  • 2 tablespoons of butter;
  • 200 grams sour cream;
  • 1 small bulb;
  • 1 tablespoon of flour;
  • 1 tbsp. Spoon finely chopped parsley;
  • pepper, salt to taste.

Fierce on cream oil finely chopped onions and parsley. Then sprinkle with flour and continue to fry for another one minute. Slowly pour the cold broth prepared in the pan, add sour cream and with continuous stirring, cook for 20 minutes on a small fire (so that the sauce does not boil strongly).

Add to the sauce very finely chopped, stewed white mushrooms, mix, add fire and drove well for a few minutes. Salt, pepper, mix well, turn off the fire, close the sauce with a lid and give to stand for about 15 minutes. Sauce is ready.

Note: You can add lemon juice before turning off the fire.

Potatoes in cheese sauce.

The first recipe for cheese sauce.

The composition of the cheese sauce:

  • pack of melted cheese;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • a glass of milk;
  • 2 tablespoons of vinegar or lemon juice;
  • bulb;
  • pepper., Better a mixture of peppers

Grate the cheese on the grater, mix with milk, add vegetable oil, and warm up the degrees to 40-45 (the cheese must melt), then pour vinegar or lemon juice, salt, heavily peep and beat well.

Potatoes in cheese sauce.

The second recipe for cheese sauce.

The composition of the cheese sauce:

  • ½ liter of milk;
  • 50 grams of butter;
  • 3 tablespoons of buckwheat flour;
  • 50 grams of grated cheeses like parmesan and Cheddar;
  • salt, pepper., Better a mixture of peppers to taste.

Buckwheat flour can be obtained at home, grinding a buckwheat in a coffee grinder and then seeking it.

Preparation of cheese sauce.

Mix in a saucepan of milk, oil and flour, then put on a slow fire and beat continuously until the sauce thickens. Thorn sauce to remove from fire, add grated cheeses, salt, pepper and thoroughly mixed. Very tasty sauce ready.

Potatoes in sugar sauce.

Recipe for dry sauce.

The composition of the sugar sauce:

  • half pack of butter;
  • 2 tablespoons of ground white superstars;
  • boiled boiled egg;
  • 2 tablespoons of vinegar or lemon juice.

Fry crust on cream oil to golden color, add egg, lemon juice or vinegar, salt and mix well.

Fruit sauce potatoes.

Recipe for fruit sauce.

The composition of the fruit sauce:

  • large apple (or 2 medium size);
  • large pear (or 2 medium size);
  • 150-200 grams of plums;
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar, it is better to replace honey.

Fruits wash. From draining to remove bones. Apples, pears and plums to cut, it is better not large. To put in a saucepan, pour a small amount of water and stew with continuous stirring until soft. Watch that the fruits are not burned. Then merge excess water, but not in the sink, the decoction can still come in handy. Fruits wipe, add sugar or honey and breed a decoction to the depletion of sour cream.

Potatoes in creamy sauce with bacon.

Creamy sauce recipe with bacon.

The composition of the creamy sauce with bacon:

  • very large bulb (or 2 medium size);
  • half a cup of 10% cream;
  • 50 grams of smoked bacon;
  • 3 tablespoons of finely chopped mushrooms (not necessarily added);
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Onions clean, finely cut and slightly fry in vegetable oil with mushrooms. Then add finely chopped bacon and fry, stirring continuously. Add cream and boil until sauce thickens. Then pepper, salt, mix well and slightly (to count to 10-15) to hold on fire. Sit on the table along with boiled potatoes. This sauce can be used with fried potatoes.

Potatoes in spicy sauce with eggplants.

Recipe spicy sauce with eggplants.

Composition of spicy sauce with eggplants:

  • 2 small eggplants (2 medium size);
  • 3 bulbs;
  • 2 slices of garlic;
  • 4-5 ripe tomatoes;
  • 2 sweet bell peppers;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil (better olive);
  • tablespoon oregano or a mixture of greenery (parsley, dill, branch of the basil);
  • salt.

Eggplant cleanse from peel and seeds, then cut into them with thin rings. Since eggplants can be patched, try them to taste. If there is a bitter, pour them with salted cold water for half an hour, then rinse with flowing cold water and dried. Tip: - Choose young fresh eggplants, they practically do not care. Then cut the rings into small pieces. By the way, you can immediately cut eggplants into pieces and soak them, but they are more so impregnated with water. The choice is yours.

Preparation of spicy sauce.Eggplant boil to readiness, merge water through a colander and give pieces to clean. Tomatoes cook entirely and then wipe through the sieve. Onions are very finely chopped and fry in vegetable oil until soft. Then add finely chopped pepper, crushed garlic, ready-made eggplants, chopped with finely green or oregano, pour the rubbed tomatoes and salt to taste. Bring to boil and cook until pepper is ready. Cool sauce.

If you want to use the sauce, like a fiddle (it is more thick), continue to cook the sauce until the extra liquid evaporates.

Of the recipes we offer, you will learn how to cook sauce from meat and potatoes. This simple dish will affect you with its incredible rich taste and delightful aroma.

Cooking sauce from meat and potatoes - recipe


  • any meat - 750 g;
  • the onion is 175 g;
  • carrots - 85 g;
  • potato tubers - 1.6 kg;
  • garlic - 3 teeth;
  • vegetable oil - 45 ml;
  • vegetable or or water - 600 ml;
  • dry spicy herbs - to taste;
  • laurel leaves - 2-3 pcs.;
  • salt to taste;


For the preparation of the sauce, you can take any meat - chicken on the bone, pork pulp or beef, as well as ribs. If the flesh is used, then it is pre-cutting it on slices and beat a little with a culinary hammer. Chicken or ribs simply cut on portions. Then, season meat pieces with a ground mixture of peppers and salt and leave for a few minutes. In the meantime, my carrots, potatoes with cubes or small slices, and brine, and a lucheet, garlic and luchely chickens, clean the straw.

In a cauldron, a casserole or a pot of thick bottom pour vegetable oil, warm it up well and lay prepared meat. We grab it, stirring, on a strong heat from all sides, adding onions with carrots and garlic and withstand the same intensity on the fire for a few more minutes, not forgetting to stir. Now add potatoes, we pour the broth heated to boiling or purified water, season to taste with salt, cover the lid and we reduce the fire to a minimum after boiling. Tomis sauce for fifty minutes or before the softness of meat and vegetables. Ten minutes before the completion of the cooking process, throw Lava's leaves and add dry spicy herbs to taste.

By readiness, we give the dish fifteen minutes to stand and can serve, told the fresh greens to your choice and taste.

Delicious sauce with potatoes and meat in a slow cooker


  • any meat - 450 g;
  • onion - 75 g;
  • carrots - 75 g;
  • potato tubers - 1 kg;
  • garlic - 2-3 teeth;
  • vegetable oil - 35 ml;
  • purified water - 900 ml;
  • - 50-60 g;
  • sour cream - 50-60 g;
  • flour - 30 g;
  • laurel leaves - 2-3 pcs.;
  • sugar sand - pinch;
  • salt to taste;
  • hammer mixture of peppers - to taste;
  • fresh greenery of dill and parsley - to taste.


In the washesized multi-stroke, lay pre-washed, dry and cut on the portions of meat, chopped onions, straw carrots and withstand everything in the "Baking" or "fry" mode for twelve-fifteen minutes depending on the power of the device. Next, throw potatoes cubes, pour a mixture of water, tomato paste and sour cream, add salt, pinch of sugar sand, ground mixture of peppers, crushed garlic, laurel leaves. We close the appliance cover and set it up on the "quenching" function. After sixty-ninety minutes, the dish will be ready, it remains only to decompose it in plates and season with fresh greens.

As the heroine spoke of one famous film, you can do anything from potatoes. And indeed, in whatever form we served it on the table, it always appears in the form of a saturated, tasty and nutritious dish. From potatoes, a great side dish and full-fledged dishes are in the oven - for example, casserole. In whatever form, neither this beautiful and useful root corneprode is supplied, it will be more tastier with the addition of sauce. Refills for potatoes are presented in fairly large variety, but the recipe for potatoes is considered to be a classic option.

At home, such a jay is prepared very easily, does not require heat treatment, and therefore, long standing at the slab, and it is still kept for quite a long time in the refrigerator. All ingredients of the sauce to potatoes belong to the category of publicly available and inexpensive products, some of which will always be found in the refrigerator.

It will take:

  • Sour cream - 250 ml
  • Garlic - 2 teeth
  • Parsley, Fresh - 1 Middle Bunch
  • Dill, Fresh - 1 Middle Bunch
  • Onion Green, Fresh - 1 Middle Bunch
  • Black pepper, ground - to taste
  • Dried paprika - to taste
  • Salt to taste

Number of portions - 4

Cooking time - 20 minutes

Fresh refueling

For such a refueling, you do not need to regret the greenery - than it is more, the better. Surely many of the childhood remember how tasty was tasty for both cheeks freshly breeded or baked potatoes, sprinkled with a disturbed greenushkoy, a grandmother in the village. And this is true: Potatoes are combined with parsley, dill and onions are amazing well! Of course, you can add to refueling and dried foods, but they will never be able to transfer the entire rich fragrance, taste and freshness of greens.

Sour cream for sauce should be selected from the category of products with a high fatness. It has a softer creamy taste, thick consistency, and most importantly - it contains not so much water, as in a degreased product, so in the process of cooking the sauce for potatoes will not become too watery. The best option is the farmer sour cream, which is cooked from natural components and does not contain all kinds of chemical additives. Such a sour cream is not only tastier, but much more useful.

  1. Fresh dill, parsley and green onions are crushed with a knife or with a blender. With a blender, it is recommended to work carefully: no need to turn the greens in the puree. The finished mass is required to retrieve salt, add black ground pepper and mix thoroughly.
  2. The sour cream is laid out in a deep bowl, then a garlic passed through garlic. The product is carefully stirred so that the spice is evenly distributed throughout the volume. Then in the workpiece lays ground greenery. The sauce is mixed to a homogeneous state.
  3. At the end of the preparation, you can add some paprika. The finished sauce is closed with a film and goes to the refrigerator for one hour. After that, sour cream sauce can be served to the table. If the refueling is planned for baking potatoes in the oven, it is not necessary to cool it.


Sailing sauce is suitable for any dish of potatoes. Of course, this does not mean that it is impossible to serve it with other products, but it is for potatoes that is truly perfect accompaniment. Options - many:

Using simple and inexpensive ingredients, you will get a wonderful fresh sauce, which not only has a gentle pleasant taste, but is also very useful, because it does not require cooking or roasting. An exception is cases when refilling is used to baked a dish in the oven. Sauce can be stored in the refrigerator up to two days, which means to pamper your loved ones.

Bon Appetit!

In contact with

Potatoes Fries love many. The dish is very tasty, especially if there is with a suitable sauce. Prepare sauces for potatoes Free can be made of sour cream, tomatoes and cheese with different spices and greens.

Potato sauce froth cream-garlic


  • stack. sour cream 15 - 20%;
  • small bug of dill;
  • two slices of garlic;
  • two chipotes of salt.


  1. Finely pour fresh dill.
  2. Smetana lay out in a bowl, add dill and mix.
  3. Garlic squeeze, add to sour cream and spray.
  4. Mix carefully sauce so that it become homogeneous.

Optionally, it is possible to add a chinful of ground red pepper into sour cream garlic sauce for Potatoes. Sauce is suitable not only to Potatoes, but also to baked and boiled potatoes.

Cheese sauce for froth potatoes

This is an appetizing cheese sauce for Potatoes Friends as McDonalds. Prepare sauce for 25 minutes. It turns out 4 servings, caloric 846 kcal.

Required ingredients:

  • 40 g. Drain. oils;
  • 600 ml. milk;
  • 40 g. Flour;
  • 120 g. Cheese;
  • two l. Art. lemon juice;
  • pepper, salt;
  • chinful muscat. nut;
  • lavar leaf;
  • two sticks of cloves.

Preparation steps:

  1. Slices Cut the oil and melt.
  2. Pass portions into flour oil and stir the wedge.
  3. In the mass, pour gradually cold milk, stirring.
  4. Suck the taste, add spices. Give the fire to the minimum and cook, stirring, ten more minutes.
  5. Pull out the carnation and bay leaf.
  6. Cheese grind on the grater and lay out in a plate, add lemon juice, mix and add to the sauce. Cheese should be room temperature.
  7. Fire make a slow and stir the sauce, wait until the cheese is mounted.

Homemade sauce to FRI potatoes turns out very tasty and perfectly complements potatoes.

Tomato sauce to Fry's potatoes

Natural and very appetizing tomato sauce for Potatoes Friends is preparing from fresh tomatoes with the addition of garlic and celery. Calorie - 264 caluses

Required ingredients:

  • celery stem;
  • tomatoes - 250 g.;
  • three slices of garlic;
  • two spoons tomato paste;
  • 1 Spoon Olive oil.;
  • pepper, salt.

Cooking step by step:

  1. On each tomato, make an incision in the form of a cross.
  2. Tomatoes scatter boiling water, rinse in cold water and clean the skin.
  3. Cut tomatoes with pieces, grind garlic.
  4. Celery stalk finely cut.
  5. Heat the oil on the skillet, and fry tomatoes five minutes.
  6. Add garlic with celery, taut paste. Sung and add ground pepper.
  7. Prepare sauce for another five minutes, stirring.

It turns out two servings of the sauce. Cooking sauce to Fry's potatoes at home takes 25 minutes.


  • 4 garlic slices;
  • yolk;
  • chiny salt;
  • lemon Juice - Half Ch.L.;
  • stack. ;
  • 1 L.St. water.


  1. In the container, squeeze well and pour the oil olive oil.
  2. Add yolk, very well scroll mass. Sung and add lemon juice.
  3. Pour cold water and mix carefully.

Stir the sauce, according to the consistency, it should turn out thick.

Victoria Palamarchuk

Sauce is the perfect addition of many dishes. It helps to hide the possible disadvantages, combine the components of the dishes, make some kind of acceptance and diversify the taste. Link can add a dish of freshness, piquancy, sharpness and sweets.

Today, stores present a huge range of different sauces, but their composition wishes better. The thing is that there you can find various amplifiers of taste, flavors and other harmful substances for the body. That is why it is recommended to cook everything at home. Consider several proven recipes.

Recipes sauces to potatoes based sour cream

Smetana is a universal product to which you can add different ingredients and spices, which allows you to get the original option. Consider several options that are suitable for potatoes prepared in any way.

Recipe number 1 - with greens. Prepare for this option 1 tbsp. A spoonful of flour, 2 tbsp. Spoons of butter and crushed greenery (dill, parsley and kinse), 0.5 tbsp. Sour creams and 1 tbsp. Barray from potatoes or broth.

The cooking process: in the pan melt the butter and fry flour on it until goldenness. Slowly pour hot decoction and constantly stir up so that no lumps are formed. After that, put the sour cream and cook for 6 minutes. It is important not to stop mixing.

When the consistency becomes thick, add a chopped greens and all together boil.

Recipe number 2 - with cottage cheese and nuts. The consistency of this sauce turns out more thick. It can be added both to the Potato FRI and to the baked and boiled vegetable. Take such products: 150 g of cottage cheese, 2.5 tbsp. Spoons sour cream, 2 tbsp. Spoons of purified walnuts, 3 garlic slices, greens and salt.

Process cooking: In the bowl of the blender, put the peeled garlic and nuts, and then overcome them before getting shallow crumbs. There is also a variety of chopped greens, sour cream and cottage cheese. Add salt to taste, usually grabs 0.5 h. Spoons. With the help of a blender, grind everything before receiving homogeneity. Pour ready for use.

Potato fruit and cheese sauce recipe

This sauce is tremendous. It is served with Fries in almost any fast food, and it is also suitable for meat, and birds. It is distinguished not only by its original taste, but also aroma. The prepared ingredients will be enough for 3 servings.

Take this set of products.: 20 g of cream, 2 garlic slices, 1 tbsp. White wine, 180 g of solid varieties cheese, 50 g of ground nutmeg, salt and pepper.

  1. take the shill and pour cream into it. Put on weak fire and warm, but do not boil. Cheese grind on a shallow grater, and send it to cream. Mix well so that the cheese began to melting;
  2. purified garlic is finely babbled and together with pepper, nutmeg and salt, add to the scenery. Mix thoroughly, pour wine and negotiate everything together for 3 minutes.

Sauce to Potato Feta Cheese

This journey is perfect for a laundry menu. It can be served not only to potatoes, but also to meat, but you can simply smear on the bread and there are sandwiches.

For this recipe you should take such a set of products.: 100 g of low-fat feta, 1/4 cups of skimmed kefir, 3 tbsp. Spoons of lemon juice, garlic slice, pepper pinch, oregano, fourth part of crushed sweet pepper green, 2 hours. spoons of olive oil and water.

The cooking process is next: All ingredients with the exception of oil and pepper put in the bowl of the blender and at the minimum speed whip. Slowly pour the oil and mix until uniformity, put the pepper and take it all silent everything over a couple of seconds.

Tomato Sauce Recipe

Many love to use ketchup, but shopping options are completely unpublished, so you can prepare an excellent alternative. Garlic makes gravy slightly sharp. Preparing everything extremely quickly and simple.

The composition includes such products.: 250 g of tomatoes, celery petiole, 3 garlic slices, 2 tbsp. Spoons of tomato paste, 1 tbsp. A spoonful of olive oil, salt and pepper.

The cooking process is next:

  1. first you need to get rid of the skins on tomatoes. To do this, make a cross-shaped incision and lower for a minute in boiling water. After that, take the vegetables with cold water. These manipulations will help easily remove skin. Cut the flesh with a small cube;
  2. purified garlic pass through the press, and the celery finely bare. In the pan, heals the oil and for 5 minutes. Fry tomatoes. After that, put celery, garlic and other ingredients. All mix and boil for 5 minutes. After that, using a blender, bring the mass until uniformity.

Original Pour with mustard

If you have prepared potatoes in the oven, then make a spicy sauce. It turns out sharp and very tasty. Preparing everything extremely quickly and simple.

Prepare such a set of products: 0.5 Art. sour cream, 2 tbsp. Natural yogurt, greens, mustard, 4 eggs, salt and pepper. The amount of mustard depends on what sharpness I want to get a final product. If desired, you can change the composition of the ingredients.

The cooking process is next: Greens are finely babble, and boil eggs for 6 min. Grind them on a shallow grater, add sour cream and yogurt. Everyone is pretty mixed, put the greens, salt, pepper and mustard. Everyone is pretty mixed to homogeneity.

Mushroom sauce to potatoes

Mushrooms and potatoes are an ideal combination that is used in many dishes. Therefore, we propose to cook delicious gravy from mushrooms. You can use forest mushrooms that give the dish not only the original taste and aroma and affordable champignons.

Take such products: 0.5 kg of mushrooms, bulb, 2 tbsp. Spoons of flour, 200 ml of cream, 50 ml of olive and 20 g of butter, nutmeg, salt and pepper.

The cooking process is next:

  1. mushrooms need to be frozen, clean, pour water and put on the plate to boil. The duration of heat treatment is 35 minutes. Finished mushrooms cut into small pieces. In the pan, heat the two types of oil and fry there welded mushrooms;
  2. purified onions cut into a small cube and add it to mushrooms. Put salt, pepper and cook before the softness of the bow. Add flour and mix until it becomes golden;
  3. separately connect cream, nutmeg and some pepper. All mix and pour to mushrooms. Prepare for 12 minutes. Before the mass becomes thick. You can leave a filling of such, and you can all grind with a blender to a puree state.

Potato recipe in soybean in the oven

It is impossible not to tell about this dish, because it is very tasty. Soy sauce makes a spicy vegetable, and garlic attaches an acute note. Such a garnish is ideal for home dinner and for the holiday.