Material for plating walls outside. Outside: Materials and Technology

After completing the construction of a private house, the developer arises a question than to decide it to create the required thermal insulation and an attractive appearance. Modern facing materials are widely represented in the construction market, so it is important to figure out their characteristics to select the optimal option.

Requirements for facing materials

Outdoor decoration is important

To create a comfortable environment in the house, preventing the occurrence of dampness and making the structure of an attractive type, facing materials are used. All of them must correspond to a number of requirements:

  • The thermal conductivity should be minimal, which will reduce heat loss.
  • The vapor permeability of the inner layers of the material should not allow condensate.
  • The level of moisture resistance must prevent the penetration and residence of moisture in the material.
  • The degree of heat resistance must be maximal, which will allow the skin not to be exposed and not flammable under the influence of high temperatures.
  • Do not enter into chemical interaction with substances falling on the facing material and not change their properties when they are exposed.
  • The material must have protection against the effects of biological factors and not be food for animals.
  • Properties and characteristics of the material should not be changed under the influence of sunlight.

The effectiveness of the facing can be maximum in the case, not only when it is reliably fixed on the surface of the walls, but also when compliance with the installation technology.

Covering Houses for Stucco

The cover of the house outside with the use of foam, fibrocement or glass gambles in the form of mats provides for further coating by plaster. Therefore, the doomle in this case is not provided. This technique is usually used when lining of walls made of brick or reinforced concrete.

Covering Houses for Stucco

The technology of performing work is as follows:

  • To mount the insulation on the wall, a profile made of metal is fixed. It is selected in accordance with the thickness of the insulation material. Setting profiles should occur by level.
  • In order to improve the adhesion of the material of the walls and the insulation, their surface should be cleaned from dust and moistened with water.
  • After that, glue is applied to the insulation material.
  • The plates of the first row are installed on the profile and with an effort pressed to the surface of the wall.
  • In the future, the installation of the slabs occurs on the principle that is used when laying bricks into the dressing.

After fixing with a glue of two or three rows, the plates are fixed additionally on the dowel.

  • Waving to dry the adhesive, carry out the puncture of the slopes, equipped with a reinforcing grid. This applies the same glue.
  • When the corners are dried, fixing the grid-sickle glue over the entire surface, which will be insulated.
  • After drying the glue, polymer plaster in several layers is applied to the surface.
  • The final stage lies in the imposition of decorative plaster.

Decorative plaster

Casing at home using the crate

Wall insulation using the crate can provide them with a 1-2 layer installation. At the same time, the bars from which the framework consists are located in accordance with the installation scheme of decorative lining.
To achieve the best result, it is pre-marking taking into account the size of the insulation material. After that, the installation of bars or profiles is carried out. In the event of a wooden surface, it is necessary before mounting the insulation to carry out the installation of vaporizolation.

Casing at home using the crate

Laying mats is produced into the space of the crate and, if necessary, they are fixed using anchors. After completing this stage, it is necessary to stretch and fasten with the help of a diffusion membrane construction bracket. The work end with the installation of decorative material.

Types of decorative sheaturing

The possibilities of modern facing materials allow you to transform the surface of the walls beyond recognition. The installation of each of them has a certain specificity, which significantly affects the appearance of the building.

Clinker thermopanels

This material refers to modern types of cladding, which will not only insulate the structure, but also decorate it. The main characteristics of clinker thermopanels are as follows:

  • multifunctionality of material;
  • externally, the material is imitation of brickwork, the color range can be selected in accordance with personal taste preferences;
  • simplicity and convenience when installing;
  • a wide range of materials on which this cladding can be mounted;
  • a minor weight of the material does not require the strengthening of the foundation;
  • caring for the facing surface can be carried out under water pressure, since the material has an extremely low water absorption indicator;
  • dense fitting panels to the wall surface reliably isolate the house from heat loss.

Clinker thermopanels

The basis of thermopanels consists of polyurethane foam or polystyrene foam. It is fixed with the clinker tile. Such a design allows to increase thermal insulation several times, as well as increase the durability of the material of the walls. This is explained by the fact that the panels are a reliable protection against the effects of atmospheric factors. In this case, the operational period of the material reaches half a century without repair.


The installation of thermopanels is performed using the original compound mechanism that provides maximum density of the compounds. In the assembled form, cladding is a single plane.
The configuration of the panels corresponds to the location of their location on the building, and can be straight, wall or angular. The use of plastic guides prevents the occurrence of deformations and internal stresses of the facing material.

Facing home clinker thermopanels

Before proceeding with the skin of the house outside, it is important to explore the walls of the walls. If there are various defects that can prevent the facing process, they should be removed and the smooth wall should be removed. If the irregularities are significant, then the crate device is necessary. The location of the details of the crate should provide the required stuffing stiffness. After completion of facing events, it is necessary to make the seams of seams between the panels with a special cloud. Thus, the maximum tightness of the elements of the insulation is achieved, and the facing attaches the view similar to the brick masonry.

In the process of work

Conditioning house siding

Wide popularity has a lining of a house with siding. The appearance of this material can imitate various natural coatings. With its production, a variety of materials can be used. Monoecastrusion or coextrusion underlies the technology of obtaining siding. In the first case, a homogeneous mass is the basis for the formation of the panel, in the second - elements have two layers, one of which serves to protect against external factors, and the other is the basis of the product.

Outer beauty

Qualitatively executed siding has a number of advantages:

  • High resistance to the mechanical path in the form of impacts and scratches.
  • Sufficient elasticity.
  • It has the required level of fire safety and resistant to the effect of temperature drops. This makes it possible to operate the material in conditions of various climates.
  • Absolute resistance to the effects of biological factors.
  • The impact of sunlight does not lead to the loss of characteristics of the material, so it has significant durability.
  • High performance qualities.
  • The material is unpretentious in care. It is enough to send a water jet to the surface of the facing for cleaning it.
  • Siding is safe for human health.
  • Installation of this cladding is simple.
  • Available cost.

Montage siding

Montage siding

The covering of the house outside with the help of siding in the horizontal direction starts with the bottom of the structure. This is done by overlaying panels one to another brass with fixation by type of lock. The panel fasteners to the material of the crate is carried out in the upper part of it through specially provided lattices.

During the installation of siding, it is necessary that the number of joints in the vertical direction can as small as possible. If possible, it is recommended to use for docking specifically for this intended profile that is mounted in strict accordance with the vertical over the entire length.
Completion This type of facing acquires when using a variety of decor elements. There may be corners, sofa, flow, slopes and a number of others.

Block house

As a shelling of the house outside, an interesting solution of the facing material is a block house. For its manufacture, natural wood is used in the form of boards having a surface in the form of a semicircle. As a result of the installation of a block house, the house acquires a type of log cabin.

Block House

The smooth face of the facing material is equipped with two longitudinal grooves. Their appointment lies in unloading emerging stresses and improving the quality of ventilation. Installation of facing boards is carried out using grooves and response spikes, respectively, from below.

The material for the production of block house is the wood of coniferous rocks. With its high-quality processing, significant loss of facing can be achieved. The material has a number of unique properties:

  • material is absolutely environmental;
  • has significant strength properties with a small mass;
  • the ability to withstand significant temperature fluctuations;
  • easy installation;
  • the tree has the ability to "breathe", which allows you to get a comfortable atmosphere in the premises of the house;
  • the value of the material is available for the wide category of consumers and is significantly lower than the whole log.

In addition to wood, a block house can be made of metal or vinyl with imitation of natural logs. In this case, the cost of products is significantly reduced while maintaining the attractiveness of the lined surface and durability of the material. At the same time, the unique atmosphere is lost, which creates a tree.

Facade Plumber Block House

Before starting work on the cladding of the walls, a block house is necessary for wood adaptation to operating conditions. After that, the panels are processed by an antiseptic. In the process of its drying, various defects can be detected, which need to be eliminated and reinforced by applying an antiseptic agent.

In the process of plating a block house

Installation of block house begins with the bottom of the house. In this case, the spike of the first panel should be directed upwards. This its location will prevent the penetration of atmospheric moisture. In places where the use of screws is envisaged, after the minting, their scenery is made under the color of the material. For further installation, the scheme of groove-spikes is applied with fastening on the crate.

The outdoor cladding of a wooden house performs several important functions - protects the walls from atmospheric influences, insulates the building, gives it a more aesthetic appearance. Even at the design stage, you should think about to see the wooden house outside so that the finish meets the technical requirements and financial capabilities.

Consider the popular facing options and find out which of them are better suited for skinning of wood houses.

Wood houses to this day remain the most environmentally friendly, "breathable", useful and comfortable for living. However, wood belongs to short-lived materials, therefore requires mandatory protection.

In addition, because of its softness and looseness, the wood is attractive for rodents, bugs and other livestock.

But protection becomes more efficient if the facade of the wooden house is covered with a trim - reliable, beautiful, heat-insulating.

The tree constantly absorbs moisture, as a result of which it deforms, loses strength and density, with time it darkens, is covered with cracks, it starts to rotate and mold

Universal facing material selection rules does not exist, but preference is given to the finish, which has the following characteristics:

  • is insulation;
  • possesses vapor permeability;
  • easy to install;
  • has a low cost;
  • does not require constant painting.

Of course, Wooden Types of Saving - Lining, Block House, Planken, Brusine Imitation. They have the same characteristics as the main building material, and retain the naturalness and environmental friendliness of the building.

Review of materials for finishing at home

Often when buying is focused only on the cost of facing material. This is a wrong approach, since cheap finish requires additional investments.

Acquire expensive, but not suitable for technical parameters the material is also incorrect. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account all parties - the cost, characteristics, compliance with the climatic zone.

The modern market provides the ability to choose exactly the trim, which fits perfectly in all respects. Four species from wood include popular types of finishes, and four more from other natural and synthetic materials.

Gallery of images

When choosing a material, you can rely on the standards specified in GOST 8242-88. There are more stringent standards - DIN 68126/86.which set out the requirements for the so-called Eurovantia.

At the cottage, rest not only from the city noise and bustle. Clean air is an integral part of the rest in nature. Many are tormented by the question than to sheathe the walls at the dacha inside inexpensively, and save comfort. For this, an eco-friendly material is used, capable of transferring without the cost of a winter non-heated period. Finishing style is desirable to preserve the natural, country.

Why did we work with the other to study the materials

We have a few aunts with Vadik, who have no one to help, except nephews. At the beginning of Spring began to prepare for the summer season. We must begin to give dacha in order. The most laborious work was the decoration of walls inside. It is necessary to choose a material that allowed the walls to breathe. It is advisable to keep the design style.

Completed the task of the one in the country no one lived. The room was not heated. Our relatives could not spend a lot of money on trim inside. We will do work yourself, but the material should be purchased cheap. The combination of price and quality is easier than the cost of material and its naturalness, environmental purity.

I told Vadik about different finishing materials for wooden houses. As a result, he made a table that can be taken as a choice when choosing an option than to sew wooden walls in the country.

Positive quality material Negative qualities Where you can not apply finish
cost gigroscopicity Low vapor permeability at the cottages of seasonal stay
easy mounting the need for plaster in buildings that did not give shrinkage
low vapor permeability
hypanoloconse lists
cost destruction on the jams Unheated dachas
flexibility lowered vapor permanent not giving shrinka
easy mount reduced ecology
durability walls do not breathe not heated premises
high cost of mounting and material bedrooms and children's rooms
cork panels
eco-friendly very expensive in raw rooms
durable fragile boiler rooms
environmentally friendly material high price boiler rooms
durability fire hazard raw premises
aesthetic species
average cost low plasticity seasonal buildings
ecology gigroscopic raw premises
high vapor permeability fire hazardous premises
no deformation
plastic the presence of glue in raw rooms
naturalness gigroscopic
cost seeling junctions
oSP Plates
ecology contains formaldehyde bedrooms
no deformation dust with cutting children's rooms
low cost
wooden wall
naturalness collapsed when the temperature drop Unheated premises
easily processed burning
aesthetic species
block house
average cost sophisticated raw premises
natural wood
aesthetic species
glass-magnifying sheet
cheap requires coating children's rooms
easy low vapor permeability bedrooms

Natural materials are more expensive. Savings are obtained by the absence of wall decoration after the trim. Plastering, glue and dyeing is not necessary.

The advantages and disadvantages of solid wood

Wood warm and clean material. For many years, after the completion of construction, it fills the house inside with its aroma. To separate the walls, we must take into account the shrinkage of the new structure and the constant expansion of the logs when the humidity and temperature changes. Bar and boards play less.

Lack of natural material for finishing the cottage walls at high cost. To make inexpensively, you can use trimming lining and non-thendition and make it yourself. Work is complicated, it is necessary to eliminate defects, and pick up the size. The beauty of the drawing is preserved. On wooden walls to mount the board with self-drawing without a frame. Brick and plastered surfaces should be seen by the profile or slats.

To protect against moisture, wood finish is impregnated with protective compositions. The coating is updated regularly. In the country, which is not heated, a year.

Finishing with chips, chips and sawdust plates

Finishing with chips, chips and sawdust plates

Finishing inexpensively is possible with plates produced from wood processing waste. Scoop plates are pressed from chips. As a connecting material, glue from natural components is used. For decorations have several advantages over other materials:

  • vapor permeability to solid wood;
  • do not deform from moisture - multidirectional fibers;
  • flexible, not destroyed when shrinking walls;
  • hold fasteners well;
  • has aesthetic look;
  • easily processed.

The disadvantage in the content of formaldehyde, especially in moisture-resistant plates for the kitchen and the bathroom. Supports burning. When sawing, small dust is formed. It is necessary to wear a respirator.

We were shed all rooms, except for bedrooms, in the country used seasonally. Its construction was completed last year, and the house gave shrink. We needed a finish that will withstand deformation.

MDF plates do not contain harmful substances. Fasteners are riveted in dust of wood resin. My friend and we have chosen the material with a veneer veneer and the walls of the wall at the cottage, where my aunt lives all year round. The house has heating, and it has been built more than five years ago.

Trim plywood under painting and wallpaper

In the apartment and houses with permanent heating for wall alignment often use plasterboard. The plates have a smooth surface and only the joints and dents from the screws are sufficiently sharpened. Fix large sheets can be fixed directly to the walls if they are smooth. Gypsum misses air and swells from moisture. Therefore, for the unheated dacha, the walls of which are composed of logs, it must be stacked in several layers, along the sliding scheme. Plaster and protective paint exclude the term "inexpensive".

The final stage of construction is the cover of the house. The facade is a "face" of the building, so it is suitally suitable for the choice of materials for its decoration. They must comply with the following requirements:

  • maintain their characteristics throughout the entire period of operation;
  • prevent heat loss;
  • possess paro and breathability;
  • withstand temperature differences;
  • protect walls from precipitation, ultraviolet;
  • be
  • resist biological influences (fungus, mold).

In addition, the facade should be beautiful, durable, durable. To implement these tasks, different materials are used: lining, siding, plaster, panels, facing brick, tile. The choice of finishes depends on the features of the walls of the house, the need for additional insulation, the preferences of the owner.

Wood finish

This option is considered practical and environmentally friendly. The facade of a high-quality tree will be durable, wear-resistant. Outside it looks respectable and stylish. Wood materials are used to decorate walls from concrete, brick, aerated concrete, as well as for lining a wooden house. Their advantages:

  • provide good sound insulation and insulation;
  • resistant to mechanical effects;
  • combined with stone, brick, metal;
  • allow to quickly transform the facade.

By preferring wood, you should consider the disadvantages inherent in it:

From them it easily eliminates the treatment of wood outside with antiseptics, antipirens.

Wood panels (lining), a block house, leafy materials are used to cover houses. The lining is very popular with accessibility and convenience of mounting. Using it for, outside the panel is located horizontally, and inside - vertically. Due to this, the stiffness of the structure is significantly increased, performance characteristics are improved. After processing with an antiseptic, the lining will retain natural beauty for a long time.

To look like a log house, a block house is used. It is a profiled board, one face of which has a rounded form. Due to this, the skin is mimicing with massive logs. In this case, such advantages are ensured:

  • high thermal insulation properties;
  • increased tensile strength;
  • resistance to moisture, ultraviolet;
  • easy installation.

In order for the block house as long as possible retained its properties, it must be intermitted periodically, to apply protective equipment.


Practical, available material is siding. These panels have a special castle compound, ensuring reliability and ease of installation. They are made of metal, vinyl and wood. The outer coating mimics the milking cladding, stone, brick and other materials.

Vinyl siding is suitable for use in any climatic zone. It successfully resists deformations under the action of temperatures, mechanical shocks. The panels are distinguished by a variety of colors, textures. So that they served for many years without repair and damage, it is necessary when choosing to adhere to these rules:

  • give preference to light tones, dark colors will quickly burn out;
  • perform installation at positive temperatures to avoid a large amount of waste;
  • panels should not be tightly fixed, be sure to leave the gap for temperature expansion.

Metal siding will not require special labor costs when installing. Its main advantages are non-combustible and high strength. The outer part of the panel is covered with a protective layer that prevents corrosion of the material. It is often used for, as it does not waste the design, and thanks to the gasket of the insulation increases thermal insulation.

Mounting the facade from siding, use special challenges. Their form and quantity are determined depending on the configuration of the house, its size, quantity and shape of the openings.

Panels are made from a mixture of cement and synthetic fibers. Thanks to this, they are largely superior to the characteristics of other materials. They can be used to finish wooden, brick, aerated concrete houses. External coating perfectly imitates a tree, stone, tile. For installation, the framework of metal or wooden profiles will be required. Advantages of coating:

  • has a long service life;
  • does not rot, does not give in corrosion;
  • standing tolerates any impact;
  • safe for others;
  • does not burn.

The use of fiber cement panels allows you to restore the geometry of the facade without prior alignment, hide defects. The material has a low thermal conductivity, therefore it allows you to minimize heating costs.

The disadvantages of panels include:

  • need to paint after installation;
  • the surface can be deformed under the action of moisture;
  • be careful from shocks.

Porcelain stonewares are made of a mixture of white clay, wild spa, quartz. Required color plates give mineral pigments. Externally, the material exceeds the structure of different types of natural stones. The facade of the porcelain is fasten with the help of glue or by the frame. His advantages:

  • frost resistance, durability;
  • do not absorb moisture;
  • resistant to ultraviolet;
  • fireproof;
  • does not be measured by acids and alkalis.

A minus facing is considered quite large weight, which must be taken into account when calculating the foundation.

Natural stone is a symbol of goodness, wealth. Finishing from marble or granite Outside of the house gives the building a foundation. When cladding a wooden house, a stone is laying down the base, and the walls are covered with plaster, siding or facing brick. The advantages include the natural beauty of the surface, excellent performance characteristics (strength, resistance to any effects). The disadvantage of stone finishes is a significant weight that requires a reinforced base.

To reduce the mass of cladding, keeping the decorative properties inherent in it, the stone began to use as the facial part of the facing panels. A small thickness of the surface layer (up to 8 mm) fixed on aluminum-plastic framework allows to reduce the mass of the finishing material.

Glass facades

The use of glass allows you to make the facade in unique on beauty and architectural style. A variety of glass feature panels (anti-burglar, reinforced, hardened), thickness, color ensures reliability, strength and durability of the facing. Their advantages:

  • due to the special coating reduce heat loss;
  • provide good sound insulation;
  • reduce the effects of ultraviolet.

The disadvantages of the glass finish are the complexity of the installation, the high cost of design work. However, the unique design of the facade fully justifies the funds invested in it.

Facing brick

Due to the combination of decorative and protective properties, facing brick is often used for facing facades. A variety of sizes, shapes, colors allows you to create unique compositions on the aesthetic indicators. In addition, the brick ensures reliable protection of the house from mechanical impacts and weather cataclys. The material has such advantages:

  • high strength;
  • frost resistance;
  • low absorption of moisture;
  • does not fade in the sun.

There are several types of bricks. Ceramic brick is made from a mixture of clay with additives by drying with subsequent firing. Its minuses include the appearance of heating - white sediments. The hyperpressed brick is made by pressing a seven or limestone mixture with cement. Its disadvantages: low ventilating ability, quickly burns out under the action of the sun.

From clay by firing at high temperatures, clinker brick is obtained. Such technology provides a high density of the material that causes its frost resistance, water resistance. Solutions are not formed on it. Minus facing is its high price.

Walls made of logs, timber and boards themselves provide high thermal insulation and create a beautiful exterior. However, in some cases additional outdoor casing is useful:

  1. Protection against drafts. The junctions between the timber, logs and boards are a weak place of any. It is possible to close the cracks, but after the wood is deformed, work will have to repeat. Many materials for the skin are equipped with a system of spikes and grooves, so do not blur. In addition, the outer finish is not deformed.
  2. Protection against dampness. In conditions of high humidity, the wood begins to rot. Sheetting sealing and does not let water. As a result, the life of the entire building is significantly increased.
  3. Increase thermal insulation. Additional thermal insulation allows you to reduce heating costs in winter and helps longer to keep a pleasant coolness inside the summer house.

Council. All protective properties of the skin can be improved, additionally putting the layers of pair and thermal insulation.

  1. Improved exterior. After several years of operation, wooden walls are darked and a little deform, which worsens the appearance of the building. All sorts of paints and varnishes are not always able to correct the situation, which you can not say about the materials for the outer sheaving. The latter allow you to completely transform the exterior of the structure. Some covers externally imitate expensive materials, for example, natural stone.

Work on the outer trim can be made at any time - both at the construction stage of the building and in the process of its overhaul.

Materials for outdoor sheat

The following materials are used for outer decoration:

Council. It is difficult to create a beautiful exterior design using a single type of material. Combinations from different colors and types of finishing usually look more attractive.

How to choose a material for outdoor skin

When choosing a specific material for the trim, several criteria should be taken into account:

  • mass of the trim. The outer covering creates an additional load on the supporting structures of the house - walls and. If these elements of the building are worn or the load on them is approaching the limit value, it is necessary to overhaul or the reconstruction of the structure. It will also be necessary to abandon the use of heavy facing materials (bricks, thermopadals, cement and ceramic siding). When calculating the additional load, it is not necessary to forget about the mass of fastening material, heat and vaporizolation;
  • exterior design. The appearance of the house is best to create, guided by your own taste. Fresh ideas are easy to get, having studied ready-made exterior options. You can also contact the services of professional designers;
  • disadvantages of the existing design. The casing must compensate or eliminate the existing building defects. So, in the current state, the house looks ugly, the future design should be carefully developed, with large heat loss during the winter months - improve insulation, etc. It should be remembered that the outer covering is not a supporting design and will not be able to strengthen the walls;
  • price. The use of some materials (primarily decorative bricks, cement and ceramic siding) can be excluded due to excessive cost. When calculating total expenses, it is impossible to forget about the costs of fastening material, insulation and tools;
  • the complexity of installation and maintenance. With the fastening of the lining, block house, metallic and PVC siding successfully cope even beginner. Other materials require some construction experience. Also, the finish in this case is better to spend together with 1-2 assistants. Wood-based trim is necessary once every 1-3 years from pollution, rot, the former paintwork, and then re-process protective compositions. Otherwise, it will quickly lose an attractive look and rot;
  • building construction. In some cases, the casing using certain materials is not possible. For example, it will not be possible to place a brickwork on the foundation of insufficient width. However, metallic and PVC siding are universal.

The outer covering of wooden houses performs a decorative function, and can also serve as additional protection against drafts, dampness and cold. For the external decoration of buildings, different materials are used - brick, wood, PVC panels, ceramics and cement. When choosing any of them, it is important not to forget about the overall load on the walls and the foundation.

How to shepherd and what to warm the wooden house - video