How to make a factory ceiling. What materials are embossed ceilings? Use in the interior

The choice of the texture of stretch ceilings is very important for the correct organization of space of the room and maintain the desired stylistics.

Surface texture and material

To date, stretch canvas can be in several versions of surface textures:

  • Matte coatings
  • Glossy stretch ceilings
  • Satin coatings
  • Textured panels

Each texture corresponds to a specific type of material from which the canvas is performed. So, glossy ceilings are made from a polyvinyl chloride film. Frosted surfaces can be both fabric cannon and film surfaces. Satin ceilings are a separate category of tension surfaces produced from a woven base with polyvinyl chloride impregnation. Texture coatings can be made from PVC films and fabric cloths. Each manufacturer has its own catalog of tension ceilings.

Distinctive features and scope

Despite the classification of cloths on the material, the features of the cloth of the same origin can be distinguished, but different textures. They have such characteristics:

  1. Coatings with a matte surface very much resemble traditional white ceilings. This is a classic style coatings. They calm and pacify. White filmmade ceilings are the most affordable coating. If you want to buy inexpensive ceilings in the traditional living room, then matte surfaces - exactly what you need.
  2. Glossy ceilings are characterized by perfect smoothness. Their surface is capable of reflecting surrounding items. Glossy coatings from PVC films have the widest selection of colors. Thanks to the mirror effect, the room with such ceilings seems higher. If you want to order stretch ceilings for a low room, you can choose white glossy coatings.
  3. Satin texture of the stretch ceiling is the most luxurious and beautiful. The ceiling acquires a different shade with different lighting. He seems to be filled with a pearl brilliance. It has environmentally friendly, so it can be used even in nursery. The material cannot be used for a device of multi-level coatings.
  4. Textured surfaces are capable of very accurately repeating wood texture, metal, marble, leather or velvet. For the manufacture of coatings with the texture of marble, metal or suede, PVC film is used, and an embossed tissue tissue is used to produce "leather, silk or wooden" surfaces. Such coatings can be used in any room. The best way to look in combination with other types of coatings.

Stretch ceilings: stylistics of the room, textures and colors

Each coverage texture is combined with a specific design room:

  • Mate canvas or satin are suitable for rooms in classic design. In some cases, you can apply small inserts from a white gloss. The color of the coating can be pastel or white. The main thing is that the ceiling shade was the lighter wall. For such premises, single-level, and multi-level coating structures are suitable. You can use a careless print no surface.
  • Modern in the design of the room can be supported by glossy coatings. It is important to choose the shade of the material to the tone of the whole interior. The style is characteristic of greenish, azure, purple or light steel colors. The coating must be made easy and air, so do not use very complex forms and many details.
  • High-tech style is characterized by a metal glitter surface, so the gloss and the texture of the metal must prevail in the ceiling surface. The choice of color is quite wide, but the main shades are white, gray and steel. It is better to use single-tier ceilings. You can apply the photo printing style.
  • Fusion Style is the most unexpected textures (marble, leather, stone, wood), so the texture coverage here will be as impossible by the way. Tint of the panel can be any. The main principle is wealth and modesty. On the surface you can use complex forms in the form of an archer or domes.
  • Matte texture of the stretch ceiling will be appropriate with ethnic design. Tint of the canvas must maintain the direction of style. It is better to use single-level coatings, but not excluded the use of complex nucleus surfaces. You can choose the painting in the ethnic style.
  • Satine invoices will be suitable for the style of minimalism, but the matte surface will be appropriate. The color is better to choose white or pastel. The severity of this style does not allow the use of multi-tiered ceiling structures. The surface must be smooth, without details and patterns.

Select the texture of stretch ceilings by room

Features of each texture of the coating dictate their use. So, for coatings in the kitchen it is better to use gloss or matte film coatings. Such surfaces simply wash, do not pick up odors and soot.

If you decide to buy covers with velvet texture, do not order too saturated dark colors. Such a ceiling will seem dusty and heavy. Velvet surface can not be washed, so their area of \u200b\u200buse is limited to the living room or bedroom. In the kitchen or in the bathroom such a ceiling will be impractical.

The photo you can see different textures of stretch ceilings in the living room. In this room, the choice of surface is unlimited. The main thing is that the coating fit into the overall style of the room.

In children's rooms, it is better not to use mirror glossy ceilings and very bright colors. According to psychologists, such coatings do not affect the imperfect children's psyche. Since the environmental purity of the material is very important for this room, then satin or matte fabric ceilings pastel colors will become the best finish option.

If you cannot decide on the choice of coverage texture, call our phones, and we will help you. With us you can buy covers of various textures.

Deep starry sky, Gothic stained glass window or spring garden is an incomplete list of designer solutions that can be implemented in reality using a system of stretch ceilings.

The variety of species, textures and prints of stretch ceilings allows them to make them a central element of any interior. The use of modern technologies in the production of stretch ceilings helps to hide surface defects and engineering communications.

Stretch ceiling is a strained tight, on a pre-fixed, frame. Material for the manufacture of ceiling surfaces can be synthetic fabric or PVC film.

Fabric ceilings

The use of modern technologies made it possible to create a unique, durable, universal material for stretch ceilings - a synthetic canvas.

Positive characteristics of tissue ceiling structures:

  1. Perfectly fits into any interior, creating a comfortable, cozy atmosphere.
  2. Special interlacing fibers of the synthetic web allows the surface of the ceiling "to breathe", thereby preventing the formation of condensate, increasing the service life of the entire structure.
  3. The width of the synthetic canvas for the stretch design reaches five meters, which makes it possible to create seamless design.
  4. Fabric ceiling perfectly withstands low temperatures. This type of tension structures is often used in the interior of unheated premises (for example, private house veranda), public places, shopping complexes.
  5. The installation of a fabric ceiling construction is simple and understandable to a simple man in the midster helps to save on payments of qualified masters.

Negative properties of ceilings from fabric material:

  1. The micropores of the canvas are very quickly clogged with dust. The ceiling loses its initial appearance, to return which can only be cleaned.
  2. Fabric ceiling perfectly absorb foreign odors. This type of cover is not recommended to use in the interior of kitchens, canteens.
  3. The high cost of the fabric ceiling design in comparison with the film coating loses. Choosing fabric ceilings to create a new interior always need to really evaluate the possible costs and the desired result.

Film canvas

Universal, very popular stretch film ceiling structures are manufactured using a polyvinyl chloride film. The construction materials market granted a huge selection of species of film stretch structures of a variety of colors and shades. Such an assortment allows you to implement any idea of \u200b\u200bthe designer and the wishes of the client.

  1. The mirror effect helps to visually increase the size of the room.
  2. Film coatings do not attract dust.
  3. Film ceilings fit perfectly in any interior.
  4. A photo printing is easily located on the surface of the film, which significantly expands the list of opportunities to use ceiling structures in the interior.
  5. The elasticity of the film helps to prevent flooding of the room (the canvas withstands up to 100kg per 1m2).
  6. The use of the method of harpoon fixation of the cloth from the tissue material allows to dismantle it several times.
  7. The film absolutely does not absorb unpleasant odors, which makes it possible to use this type of coating.

Also important is the manufacturer of stretch ceilings. Before buying, you need to explore the reviews about all manufacturers and make your choice.

Classification in width

Depending on the width of the canvas, stretch designs are two types of suture and seamless.

Stretch ceiling with a seam is mounted using a film cloth. Under the influence of special thermal guns, the film is stretched and fixed by the harpoon method. With insufficient width of the canvas, several parts are welded in a special way. The mounted surface is stretched and the perfectly smooth surface is obtained. The seams in this case are practically invisible.

Seamless stretch ceilings are most often mounted using the tissue web (its width is five meters). The lack of seams helps to create a perfectly smooth surface. The only thing that must be considered when choosing a tissue canvase is the most winning color scheme is limited to light shades.

What are the texture

One of the items in which the types of stretch ceilings are classified - texture. The choice of the consumer offers three main types of textures: glossy, matte and satin. Each of them has its own positive and negative sides. Choosing the texture of the tension ceiling construction is better in advance to familiarize themselves with the features of each type.

Classic finish

Matte stretching surfaces will appreciate those who prefer discreet, conservative style in the interior. The matte surface is distinguished by low reflection indicators, which allows you to create a quiet design, a cozy, comfortable atmosphere in the room.

The advantages of matte cloths:

  • optimal value ratio and quality;
  • high indicators of sound and thermal insulation;
  • the absence of any extraneous smells;
  • wear resistance;
  • resistance to the combustion process.

It is worth noting: The optimal version of the color solving of the matte canvas is snow-white. Designers do not recommend using matte surfaces of bright, screaming shades for residential premises.

Monochrome glitter

Glossy surfaces are the most popular option among consumers. Glossy canvas made of PVC films. Unfortunately, the width of the film rarely exceeds two meters, because glossy ceilings are most often suture.

The advantages of a glossy stretch ceiling:

  • the reflecting surface is ideal for small rooms (visually increases space);
  • differs high indicators of moisture resistance (well suited for bathrooms);
  • does not highlight and does not absorb unpleasant odors (you can use in the kitchen interior);
  • moving a rich color palette (helps to embody any idea of \u200b\u200bthe designer into reality).

It is worth noting: glossy stretch designs are capable of imitate any surface: natural stone, marble, granite.

Simple and expensive

Universal for any interior satin ceiling helps to create an ideal smooth imitation of a white surface. The appearance of satin canvas, at first glance, simple, creates a visual picture of an ideally level, high-quality trimmed ceiling.

Advantages of satin canvas:

  • as simple as possible, does not attract dust;
  • universal in use, ideal for any interior;
  • does not secrete toxic substances, health is safe;
  • durable, wearless;
  • waterproof;
  • the canvas can be dismantled and installed several times.

Easy, unobtrusive brilliance Satina introduce a note of respectableness in the design, such interiors look gorgeous, but not prefabricated.

Simple installation of satin canvas (does not require the use of heat gun) makes satin ceiling stretch designs very attractive for the consumer.

It is worth noting: Satin ceiling - the ideal solution for those who cannot choose between matte and glossy canvases, since it was he who combined all the positive aspects of both types of cloths.

What are the shortcomings of satin powders

Choosing a tension satin ceiling, it is worth noting for yourself a few negative points:

  1. The canvas does not withstand low temperatures. The temperature range in the room where the satin ceiling is mounted, varies from +5 to +50. If the ceiling stretched cape in the cold room, it is very soon he will crack and will lead. Satin can not be stretched on the ceiling in unheated rooms.
  2. Satin canvas very easy to pierce. Any careless movement on the surface of the web can disrupt its integrity.
  3. Sutin ceiling suture. The lack of master's experience in working with similar materials can cause the following traces from seams connecting several cloths on the ceiling.
  4. Satin canvas is not elastic. It is difficult to use to create multi-level structures.

In detail to study the question of the choice of stretch design will help the video, what are the stretch ceilings.

Which stretch ceiling is better to choose

Matte ceilings look indoors as well sweaty surfaces. This option is ideal for those who do not accept experiments in the interior design and prefers classic style.

Glossy texture allows you to add chic notch in the interior, the highlight. But choosing a glossy surface must be carefully monitored that the ceiling surface is maintained by other elements of the interior, creating a single composition.

Musture home from flooding from the side of the neighbors from above will help the installation of ceiling structures. An ideal variant of the material for stretch ceilings in this case will be a polyvinyl chloride film mounted by the harpoon method.

Indoor, which rarely heated (for example, cottage) The optimal option for finishing the ceiling will be a seamless tissue ceiling.

In the kitchen, and in rooms with high humidity it is better to choose stretch film ceilings. Given that such premises, as a rule, do not differ in the large area, the glossy surface will help to visually solve the problem of lack of free space.

The interiors in the style of Haytech perfectly complement the ceilings in the metallic color.

The exquisite style of the living room will emphasize the satin stretch ceiling of a gentle pearl shade.

Surfaces with velvet texture perfectly look in bedrooms. They create the necessary atmosphere of relaxation, comfort and comfort.

Children's rooms successfully complement bright accents. The ideal solution will be a stretch ceiling with an interesting printer for a child. The advantage is better to give the tissue canvases due to their density, and the presence of micropores of the tissue structure, providing the necessary microcirculation of air indoors.

Regardless of the texture and type of material, stretch ceilings help create the most bizarre compositions: arches, waves, cones. The canvas can be fixed at any angle and on a different plane. By adding an unlimited choice of colors and shades to this, we can conclude that the stretch ceiling construction is the perfect way to implement any fantasies and ideas.

Choosing a tension ceiling structure should always be ensured that it is combined with other elements of the interior, creating a single, harmonious composition.

The interior is a mosaic that is collected from a variety of puzzles. And so that the picture has been completed, it is very important to have all the components. The ceiling is one of them. It sets the visual volume of the room and decides how open space will be. In ancient Rome, people thought and even reproduced the design of stretch ceilings. Since then, much has been transformed, but the essence remains the same - this is the material enshrined with the help of wall baguettes.

This type of ceilings allows you to connect incompatible things and will carry out that flight fantasies that occurs in the head when interior design.

In the modern world, you can leave the ceiling space with marble plates, as well as silk cloth. All this is carried out due to the texture of stretch ceilings.

The texture component is characterized as follows:

  • The degree of smoothness;
  • Relief pattern;
  • Level level of light reflection.

The last two parameters are the most indicative. There are many options for creating a relief drawing with your own hands. To create a design ceiling, there is no need to spend enormous means. Rollers, comb, brushes will come to the rescue. Who does not interest the creation of the relief, and cares about the small area of \u200b\u200bthe room, you can also increase the space, competently choosing the level of surface lighting. Tips will be shown below.

The texture of stretch ceilings: the best selection of surface to increase space

The minimum reflective effect is characteristic of matte film. The decor usually reproduces a wooden, stone, bamboo surface.

Matte ceiling

The color and drawing with such a variation are more expressive and practically do not change when the lighting changes. The ceiling material is divided into smooth and factory, usually simulating a certain natural component.

Satin variation

high reflective ability is expressed in the ability, in the presence of lighting, change the shades of the coating, becoming the most saturated. Such a designer solution is most clearly traced when the films of light shades are coated (especially if they are white).

Glossy cloth

Here it should be remembered that the coverage of dark shades reflects the interior better than the mirror version. Such a solution to designers is usually used in visual separation of the room block, or if necessary zoning zones. Like this, it is possible to introduce an analogy of a multi-level ceiling. When combining the matte and glossy material, the first is characterized by an expression of the real height of the room, and the second, at first glance, increases the height of the room.

What you need to remember when choosing the texture of stretch ceilings

Repair - the topic is very controversial, even a discussion. And those who first thought about choosing the ceiling invoice, a little know the above properties of stretch textured ceilings.

The following tips can help determine the choice of surface:

  1. Matte ceiling - Perfectly "getting around" with furniture free walls and classics in the interior. The eyes will not get tired with him, calm and comfort can be fully felt completely.
  2. Satin ceiling - often installed in bedrooms, as in the room with such a silky coating cozy and homely cute. Moreover, behind such a surface is also easy to care - just wipe the dry cloth.
  3. Glossy ceiling- We should not forget that there is furniture furniture with a ceiling of varnish in small quantities, otherwise, the room is characteristic of personality.

Gloss is the best choice for small spaces.

Stretch ceiling: unusual texture

There are many not just glossy, satin and matte surfaces of the ceilings on the market.

There are unusual textures that emphasize the style of space and characterize the individuality of the personality.

Thus, the highlight in its interior can be added by such types of surfaces:

  • Silk - barely noticeable brilliance will create a softness of space and emphasize the pastel environment of the room;
  • Marble - a smooth surface with a feeling of cold is perfect, thanks to a natural drawing;
  • Metallic - The wide palette of shades with a slight flicker will change the color with different lighting of your room;
  • Nacre - Excellent imitation of pearls will be remarkably allocated in the design of the premises and the bonus will give the royal nature of the owner;
  • Suede leather - Non-specific for ceiling covering, but perfectly suitable for non-standard solutions in the interior.

How to make a relief ceiling: tips, secrets of execution

The smooth surface of the ceiling is the key to successful finishing work. But, the multi-step plaster works are not everyone in the shower. With this circumstance, the help will have plaster with a textured base. The ceiling with insignificant defects will easily perceive this material. Small inaccuracies will not be visible on the texture of the ceiling. The main advantage of such coatings is durability.

In addition to the fact that there are new technological developments in the field of popular finishing mixtures, relevant and several techniques for applying structural material.

  1. Due to the addition of large-dispersed filler, the volume is created. What is the thickness of the layer, such and the feeling of volume.
  2. The treated platform is always smooth, but the visualization of roughness is carried out when applied by subsequent layers.
  3. Under the influence of special tools (for example, roller), a structure is built.

The secrets of the creation of the relief are their hands to use all sorts of girlfriends.

For example:

  • Urban not used according to their intended purpose;
  • Any existing rag, preferably from natural material;
  • Conventional cellophane package for products;
  • Combs with a small tooth;
  • Ordinary sponge.

Specialized tools can be purchased in stores. These can be different rollers, usually, along the edges of which are depicted in various kinds of patterns. By pressing force, the relief of various complexity is created. It may also be spatulas, various shapes and sizes.

Unique interior: textured stretch ceilings (video)

Textured stretch ceilings - a modern solution to the creation of the design interior. Do not be afraid to experiment! Screw materials will help create the individuality of your space. The result will not leave anyone indifferent, as other than finance, textures, plasters and rollers, in this work you have invested your soul!

For any fabric of the stretch ceiling, not only color or drawing is very important, but also the texture. Textured stretch ceilings are capable not only to emphasize the overall interior composition of your room, but also it is beneficial to present its individual elements.

Polyvinyl chloride and tissue canvases are currently represented by a large selection of textures. And you will not be difficult to choose an option for yourself. The main thing about to remember the features of your room. In our article we will talk about typical modern textures, which are offered by various manufacturers of stretch ceilings, consider their differences. And also study the possibility of creating the texture of the stretch ceiling with your own hands with the help of special paints.

What are the textures of stretch ceilings?

Choosing a tension ceiling cloth for one of the rooms of your home, you pay attention not only to its color, drawing or quality of photo printing, but also on its texture. After all, the general view of your beautiful stretch ceiling depends on it. Under the texture of the tensioning ceiling, we will understand all the features of the surface of its web, except for color that distinguish such a canvas from others. Modern manufacturers of stretch ceilings offer a number of very popular in the customers of the textures, consider them in more detail.

Combine textures on your stretch ceiling

When creating modern interiors, designers are not limited to using only one texture. Even when designing the stretch ceiling, a combination of textures can be able to give the room unexpectedly an unusual look.

Create the texture of the stretch ceiling with your own hands

Textured stretch ceilings are not an exceptional prerogative manufacturers of cloths. Modern technologies allow you to create the color and texture of your stretch ceiling, without dismantling it. We are talking about textured paints for the stretch ceiling. Of course, you can only paint tension ceilings. But if you are the happy owner of such a ceiling, then this section is for you. Inspection paint, in contrast to a conventional water-emulsion, has a special filler, which gives her density and allows you to create a certain texture when applied to the surface. As you know, the fabric canvas can be repainted several times. So you will have the opportunity to change its invoice several times and is relatively cheap.

In conclusion, we note that the texture of the tension ceiling canvas is a very important element of the design of your room. Let's say more - the decisive element. The factory stretch ceiling can visually expand the space of the room or the opposite to narrow it. It can radically change the view of the room when changing the lighting intensity or create other effects - experiment yourself.

Stock Foto Textured stretch ceilings

Choosing a canvas for the future ceiling, you are guided not only with such criteria as color, drawing, quality, but also as textured features. After all, it is they asks the tone of the whole design. Under the word "invoice" we will keep in mind any external characteristics of the canvas, except for color solutions. Modern manufacturers offer stretch ceilings with texture in different variations. Let us dwell on them.

The standard facts include three types:

  • Matte - Classic stretched cavetles, a distinctive feature of which is the absence of embossed images on the surface, smoothness and evenness. The main function of the matte canvas is to emphasize the beauty of the ceiling coating, highlighting the pattern or color depth.

  • Satinovaya The texture makes the ceilings expressive and attractive. Higher ability to reflect light than the first option, saturate the colors of the coating. This is due to the overflow of shades under the influence of artificial or natural lighting.

  • Glossy It has high reflective abilities. This property allows you to visually expand the room, make it volumetric and light.

Each texture is created on a specific type of material. For example, gloss is made only on PVC film, and the matte structure can be both fabric and film coatings. Satin surfaces should be attributed to a separate category, since their base is a tissue cloth with polyvinyl chloride impregnation.

Of particular interest are unusual textures. In this case, the base of the ceiling is original with an intricate relief applied to the surface or staining with the use of special paints under marble, silk, suede, pearl. In this case, the facial part of the web is not smooth, but a textured, with imitation of a pattern, or having a rough surface.

The advantages of the stretch ceiling textured finish are similar to the advantages of conventional film canvases. These are durability, reliability, convenience in operation, no need for special care, moisture resistance.

What else can be the textures on the ceilings

  • Metallic - Luxurious and original ceiling texture that gives the room with rigor and brutality. Best of all, this design will fit into the style of High-tech, minimalism and other modern directions.
  • Silkon the ceilings it is worth using in bedrooms and children's rooms. The muffled surface of the surface will make the ceiling soft and cozy. Variating the color shades will be able to create a romantic setting in the room.

On a note! Do not install dark silk canvas, they visually dried the ceilings. But the gold structural surfaces are ideal for decoring the bedroom in a classic style.

  • Marble Exotica will organically fit into the living room or a large hall. The material looks so natural that in appearance resembles marble slabs.
  • Pearl On the ceiling will make the room gently, and its light shades will visually give her additional volume.
  • Nacre Qualitatively imitates pearls on the ceilings, giving the room a certain luxury and nobility.

If you want to make a stretch ceiling with the textures of different types, you should know how to properly combine individual options:

  • The matte and glossy canvases are visually visually representing, which cannot be embodied in reality due to objective reasons. For example, a small room height.
  • Matte and metal ceilings in combination create an amazing effect when the room is transformed from any light source to the surface of the rays. At the same time, metallic begins to overflow, and the matte canvas does not change its color.
  • Matte and silk can be combined as follows: made of silk coating to make the basis for the drawing, and matte - to form an unusual "picture."

Make a factory ceiling with your own hands

The texture component determines the following indicators:

  1. smoothness;
  2. relief;
  3. ability to reflect light.

The latter factors have the greatest value.

Modern materials allow you to independently change the appearance of even such vulnerable, at first glance, coatings, like. And there will be no need to spend large means for the transformation of the ceiling. Arm yourself with rollers, brushes, comb, paints and forward to action!

Important! Not every stretch ceiling coatings can be reeded with paints. Natural tissue canvases are suitable for such work. The texture for the PVC film is applied in the factory conditions, so such a canvas you can only purchase the manufacturer.

Due to the peculiarities of textured paints (thick and drig), they are recommended to apply them only by the construction spatula.

Applying various shades, you can recreate the following images:

  • natural irregularities on the ceilings with a spatula;
  • chaotic rush stripes;
  • rough ropes with washcloths or rigid brushes;
  • original ornaments using special rollers for.

The possibility of repeatedly repainting the tissue canvas will allow you to change the textures on the ceiling as often as you wish.

Do not be afraid of experiments! Use textured stretch ceilings to radically transform the interior of your home. The main thing is not overloading the overall composition and organically combine the ceiling decor with the common room style.

Textured Stretch Ceilings - Video