How to glue vinyl wallpaper. How to swing vinyl wallpaper

The walls of the apartment occupy the largest area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment and visually attract attention. The quality of wall finishing will task the tone of the interior of the room. Therefore, in order for your repair to succeed, we offer brief recommendations, as well as visual video benefits on how to glue.

Why exactly vinyl?

Firstly, this material has an amazing feature: he repels water, and therefore it will be easy to clean from contamination.

Secondly, recent developments allow the vinyl wallpaper to "breathe", because Now the wallpaper canvases have micropores.

Thirdly, due to the significant thickness and mass of the vinyl web such a wallpaper is easier to glue - they will not be broken while sticking onto the wall or turning the roll. And, of course, serve such walls will also be longer than ordinary paper.

Before you bleach vinyl wallpapers you need to know several distinctive features that significantly affect the technology of pasting.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper

Step 1. How to prepare walls to pasting?

We clean from the former coating, whirl, soil, align and dry the base.

IMPORTANT! Concrete walls are important before pasting to be primed: otherwise the spots can catch on the wallpaper.

You can use not shopping primer, but strongly diluted glue for wallpaper. After the primer, be sure to open the walls with white water-emulsion paint.

To prepare the walls of different types to pasting, there are instructions.

So, for example, before sticking the fresh wall coating into the painted walls, swipe a small test: scratch the paint in several places, and then close the scratch by the usual stationery tape: if, when the tape is leaving, the paint cracks, and its particles will remain on sticky tape, paint needed Remove from the whole wall.

On plastic or on any other smooth surface, wallpapers glued only after the wall isolating, and on the plasterboard wallpaper is fixed only on a special adhesive composition.

Step 2. How to cut the canvas?

Before opening the first roll, check the total number of purchased rolls, as well as the color matching and wallpaper pattern, the identity of the party number. Wallpapers of different parties can differ significantly from each other. If at first glance, the difference is not noticeable, then sticking vinyl wallpapers on the wall immediately will show color or textured differences.

The easiest way to cut the wallpaper without a picture. Then you will need to measure the height of the wall and add 5-10 cm to the resulting value on the allowance. You can cover such wallpapers on a special table or on any spacious flat surface. After cutting the first canvase, the roll is measured with an equal band, connecting them in places of cut.

In all other cases, the second and subsequent canvases are dismissed solely after combining the figure of the first and subsequent canvases.

IMPORTANT! Mark the cloth in order to stick them on the back of the pencil, as well as mark the top and them of the canvas.

When wallpassing walls with a pattern in marriage will go much more material. So buying such wallpaper is needed with a margin.

IMPORTANT! Wallpaper during cutting should beched from the roll in the same direction. All even and all odd wallpaper canvases are identical, i.e. For all of them, the matching points of the drawing are similar.

When buying, pay attention to the wallpaper labeling: special icons should be applied on the packaging of each roll, which describes the method of cutting this type of wallpaper.

Figure 1 - pictograms for determining the wallpaper cutting method

IMPORTANT! When choosing wallpaper, it is better to slide to wider, as glue the meter wallpaper online is faster than the usual, the more will be less than the seams, and the drawing will look more complete.

Step 3. What glue glue vinyl wallpaper?

For each type of wallpaper, a certain type of glue should be applied. All the necessary information about using should be indicated on the roll packaging.

When cooking glue strictly follow the instructions specified on the package of the mixture.

Vinyl wallpaper heavy, therefore, excess water in the cooked glue will negatively affect adhesion: after a couple of weeks, and then the clutch clutches can be lagging behind the walls and everyone will have to begin again.

It is necessary to buy only glue for vinyl wallpaper: the use of universal adhesive compositions or, worse, glue for paper wallpapers, guarantee you a good result of the clutch with a wall cannot.

In its class, Quelyd is considered the best (5 $ / 300 g, consumption - up to 5-6 rolls), PUFAS (3 $ / 200 g, consumption - 25-32 m²) and methilane (4 $ / 300 g, consumption - 32- 50 m²). The smell of these types of glue or is missing, or weakly expressed.

Drying time for each type of glue is also individually, but the average is at least 12-24 hours. It is recommended to withstand the room closed within 48 hours.

Step 4. Vinyl wallpaper: how to glue right?

You will need:

  • bucket;
  • wide spatula;
  • sponge;
  • sharp knife;
  • pencil;
  • brush for smoothing (or rubber roller);
  • plumb;
  • scissors;
  • meter;
  • brush for applying glue;
  • working surface (table).


The cuttings folded on a flat surface and are evenly covered with glue, using the instructions shown on the manufacturer's packaging of the adhesive mixture.

For the convenience of transporting and storing the plated canvases, they are folded as follows: one edge of the back side is bend on 2/3 of length, the second is 1/3. When adding the web should not be bends. The canvas twist into a loose roll and lay aside.

IMPORTANT! If you do not plan to use one or another roll of more than half an hour, after applying glue on it, wrap the roll in the cellophane to avoid premature drying edges of the wallpaper.

On average, wallpaper need from 5 to 10 minutes to impregnate with glue (more accurate digit should be indicated on the roll packaging).

For impregnation with glue, wallpaper becomes more elastic and often give a change in the shape in width. After drying on the wall, the wallpaper is stretched and all irregularities will be removed in a natural way.

IMPORTANT! If the wallpaper bands are inhomogeneously impregnated with glue or one band in the glue lay longer than another, this may affect the appearance of the strips (especially when it comes to the stripes with a pattern): the drawing can be displaced or distorted due to compression of vinyl after drying.

Also, if you cut the wallpaper in glue, the edges of the bands can stick and when trying to open the canvas for gluing onto the wall, they can break.

Tip: To determine the optimal impregnation time, align the edges of the band: if, when combined, they "depart", the time for normal impregnation was not enough and should still wait.

The walls of the room rarely when strictly vertical, therefore, when the corners are not guided by the verticality of the angles. To enhance the first lane of the wallpaper of each wall, it is necessary to spend the vertical person: for this use level or plumb.

Figure 2 - We celebrate the vertical on the wall using a plumb

To ensure adhesion, the pre-primed wall is also covered with a layer of glue (such a "double" bowl of adhesion is often used when the walls are sewn with heavy washable vinyl wallpaper).

Proper to keep the wallpaper before pasting you need like this:

  • the rolled roll is impregnated with glue, take into hand and climb the stepladder to the ceiling (at vertical vertical);
  • bend the left hand into the elbow and carefully expand the roll, carefully placing it through the hand;
  • take over the edge of the strip with the main side and carefully disconnect the wallpaper web (ideally you will only need to take the edge and omit the cloth to subscribe along the entire length so that the detachment does naturally happen - under the weight of the weight of the salary canvase);
  • the lower third of the canvas, still rolled up to the center, you need to discharge after fixing 2/3 of the canvas on the wall.

Details - in the roller (description of the position of the roll at pasting, see from 8 min.).

VIDEO. How to glue vinyl wallpaper


The strip after straightening is aligned by vertical marked and, using a special brush or rubber roller, wallpapers are glued to the wall:

  • initially, the selected tool is carried out in the center of the canvas, and then, on the basis of the "Christmas tree", smoothes the band around, removing excess air from under wallpaper;
  • disconnect the lower third and smooth in the same method.

Figure 3 - Smoothing of the band of vinyl wallpaper

IMPORTANT! When fixing the band, remember the allowances for the ceiling and plinth equal to 5-10 cm!

Although most of the wallpapers today stick to the joint in the junction, if you want to walked the wall of the mustache, you need to start from the window: so when the light falls on the joints there will be no shadow.

It is impossible to sample wallpaper in the corners of the room with solid canvas in a complete width: one way or another, folds will be formed in the corner. The band must be cut off the width so that it goes to the opposite wall for no more than 1.5 cm. In order to glue the second part of the wallpaper strip in the corner, the plumb on the clean wall is performed on a width equal to the width of the glued part of the web , after which it is attached to the wall. So you will receive not only the competent finish of the angle, but also strictly vertical beginning for further wall pasting.

Slit seams need a special roller. At the same time, it is important to take into account that when the walls are plated with dense wallpaper, a strong pressure on the roller can damage the surface of the canvas. Relief wallpapers can not burn roller.

Figure 4 - Special rubber roller for smoothing seams

10. Speakers on the ceiling edge of wallpaper can be removed in three ways:

  • the back of the scissors spend on the junction of the wall and the ceiling, as if smoothing the cloth of wallpapers, then remove the cloth and in the formed fold line, cut with sharp scissors, the blade without applying an additional adhesive base to the wall, smoothing the fresh seam;
  • to trimming the ceiling, a spatula and a wallpaper knife can also be used (first support the canvas in the junction between the wall and the ceiling, and the second - spend on the spatula, cutting the canvas);
  • it is possible to trim wallpaper with a special tire for trimming (when using it, the glue does not fall on the ceiling and other surrounding surfaces).

Figure 5 - One way to trim the allowance for fitting down length

11. If you plan to stick the wallpaper with a border, start the surface of the surface of the cloth with a decorative ribbon, only after complete drying of the glue, i.e. After 24-48 hours (how much, the wallpaper dries - the indicator indicated by the manufacturer on the roll label).

Vinyl wallpapers: harmful or not?

When choosing the wallpaper, vinyl wallpaper is harmful to human health or not, almost all buyers are asked about the adverse effects of vinyl coating.

If we are talking about a quality product, then the answer is "no, not harmful."

A large drawback of vinyl wallpaper is the result of the greatest advantage of this coverage: such wallpapers can be washed, and therefore they are an order of magnitude less, and they are more susceptible to the flow of temperature.

The water-repellent properties of the blades of vinyl wallpaper are achieved due to the special addition: PVC (polyvinyl chloride) or in common - vinyl.

If the buyer has individual intolerance with this additive, it was not observed, then there are no contraindications to buying and saving walls with such wallpaper. Allergy to PVC is the only one that is harmful to high-quality vinyl wallpapers.

Vinyl wallpaper: Product Characteristics

The composition of vinyl wallpaper - PVC, applied to the fliesline base or sprayed on paper.

Silkography or the so-called "flat vinyl", "vinyl hot embossing" - belong to the most expensive varieties of vinyl wallpaper. Thanks to the specific manufacturing and additive technology, such wallpaper gives the effect of silk fabric.

Vinyl wallpaper - moisture-resistant, therefore, the weight of the vinyl canvas exceeds the weight of paper wallpaper. The size of the wallpaper is often reduced to the standard: 10 m of length and 0.53 M widths in one roll. However, there are varieties of 60 cm, 90 cm and meter wallpaper.

The shelf life of vinyl wallpaper on average does not exceed 10-15 years. With a rare exception, the manufacturer may promise you 25 years of faithful service of this coverage. But in this case, it will be about buying a VIP class wallpaper for rather big money.

How to wash vinyl wallpaper

Before cleaning the vinyl wallpaper, carefully read the roll liner: it must contain such pictograms:

Figure 6 - pictograms for determining the method of cleaning vinyl wallpaper

Well washable wallpapers are able to withstand the treatment with household chemicals, water resistant can only be treated with a wet sponge - no more.

Washable vinyl wallpapers: Price

Depending on the degree of resistance of moisture and the type of basics, vinyl wallpapers can be purchased at a price of $ 4 to $ 10 (domestic manufacturers - "Belooby", ratin 032 or tissue 119 (in the photo)).

Figure 8 - Marking of the method of removal of vinyl wallpaper from the walls of the walls

In most cases, it is easy to tear off the top film layer, and the paper substrate will remain on the wall.

IMPORTANT! Glue new wallpapers on the old substrate can not - the new canvas will quickly dug!

The paper layer is plentifully sprayed with water with a spray with water, as it is impossible to remove the substrate without damaging the plaster, it is impossible. It is possible to wash off a moisture paper basis using a sponge or, ranging from the seams, to tear up using a rigid wobbly scraper.

IMPORTANT! Instead of water for moisturizing the substrate, you can use special solutions to remove wallpaper.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper on the ceiling

On how to glue the vinyl wallpaper on the ceiling you will tell you the following video. Note that the technology sticker wallpapers on the wall and the ceiling has no significant differences.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper. VIDEO

Self-adhesive vinyl wallpaper

Another proven way to transform any room is to use colorful self-adhesive vinyl stickers. The range of such goods is quite wide and you can pick up a sticker suitable for any design.

For example, stick onto bright walls in a children's teddy bear or decorate the monkey walls with a living room in a stencil.

In any case, it is 10 times faster and more economically changing the entire wall covering.

Photo 1 - Vinyl stickers in the nursery

Vinyl wallpaper under painting: how to paint

Mission: paint the wallpaper

Decided to paint the vinyl wallpaper?

Here are the answers to the most common questions:

What to paint?

Use a roller with a long pile. This will be punished all the textured elements of the wallpaper, and the paint on the surface of the canvas will be blurred evenly. Paint should be liquid.

Use the spatula if you want that wallpaper texture was visible. Paint for this type of coloring should be sufficiently thick.

What paint?

Select paint only on a water basis.

Is it possible to paint with other types of paints?

No, unfortunately, it is impossible.

Glue for vinyl wallpaper: Price

Buy glue for vinyl wallpaper can be in any construction hypermarket of the country.

How much is the glue for vinyl wallpaper?


  • Quelyd - $ 5/300 g;
  • PUFAS - $ 3/200 g;
  • Methilan - $ 4/300 g

One package for salabing the walls of the standard room 3 * 4 may be quite enough.

Cost of pasting walls by wallpaper:

  • Kiev - 45-70 UAH / m² (cleaning of walls from wallpaper - additionally to 25 UAH / m², primer walls - additionally up to 30 UAH / m²);
  • Moscow - 200-500 rubles / m² (cleaning of walls from wallpaper - additionally up to 40 rubles / m², grinding walls - additionally from 20 rubles / m²).

Vinyl wallpapers are in demand from those who want to make cosmetic repairs in their apartments. This popularity is explained by the fact that the vinyl imitates various textures and drawings perfectly, and the wallpaper is durable and durable. People who first have decided to conduct cosmetic repairs independently, must first find out how to glue vinyl wallpaper. Tips and recommendations will help prevent traditional errors of beginner finishing workshops.

Vinyl wallpaper is durable and durable, perfectly imitate colors and textures.

Vinyl wallpapers are textured and smooth. This is a two-layer wallpaper consisting of a base that can be flieslinic or paper and vinyl coating. In order to give the figure the texture, the coating is poured foaming vinyl, which has a special density and durability. When silk screen printing, the drawing is obtained smooth and brilliant.

Properly glued wallpapers service life is at least 10 years.

They are easy to care and apply to finishing any premises. Among the disadvantages of this modern coating, it is possible to call its chemical basis, which in small doses allocates harmful volatile substances, poor breathability. The manufacturer informs exactly where its products are allowed to glue. When violating technology on the wallpaper sticker, mold and fungus are formed under them.

Features of vinyl wallpaper

For premises with high humidity it is necessary to use foamed vinyl.

In rooms with high humidity, foam vinyl is more suitable. Such wallpapers have a relief pattern and a low density of the upper layer. They possess good breathability and ability to mask the shortcomings of uneven walls. Glued wallpaper does not represent complexity.

Silkography is characterized by special beauty. It imitates the luxury of textiles and is much cheaper, does not fade and is exploited for a long time. If you need to glue the wallpaper with silk screen, then they buy glue for heavy wallpaper. This type of vinyl wallpaper is better suitable for rooms. Before their use of the wall is necessarily aligned. If unevenness remains on the surface, then their silkography will emphasize them.

Glue for working with vinyl wallpaper choose the one that the manufacturer did specifically for them. You can choose the composition of the universal type, allowing any. If this is not on sale, you need to purchase special adhesive for paper or fliesline base. Other varieties of the wallpaper glue are not suitable due to a specific material, the work will be performed poorly.

Before glue vinyl wallpaper, you need to turn off the electric current intake into the room. Switches and sockets in the room during wallpaper stickers must be removed. If you manage to remove the plinth, then the work will look very neat.

Wall pastry technology with wallpaper requires a dry surface to be dry. When you work, you cannot open the windows and turn on the fan, air conditioning or convector. The main stages in the work are preparatory work, the wallpaper sticker on the wall, the final stage. The quality of the work performed will depend on how all the stages will be performed.

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Wall pastry tools

To correctly blew the vinyl wallpaper, you will need the following tools:

  • fur roller for the primer of the walls;
  • brush for applying glue on the canvas;
  • rubber roller for working with seams;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • ribs for removing excess glue;
  • stationery knife for cutting powders;
  • knife Sharpener.

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We are preparing for pasting walls with vinyl walls

It is necessary to glue the wallpaper correctly, otherwise they will be covered with mold or quickly disappear from the wall due to violations of technology.

First you need to clean the wall from old materials. It is cleaned with spatulas, sandpaper. The finished wall is aligned with a putty, give dry and once again treated with coarse sandpaper.

After the wall is completely dried, it is treated with a primer for antifungal protection. After a few hours you can start the walls of the walls. Before you break the vinyl wallpaper, glue is bred and give it to ravel. Do it according to the instructions.

If you have drawings on wallpaper, they need to be customized with each other.

Then proceed to cutting sheets of the required length. Using the roulette, the height of the walls is measured, added to the resulting digit 10 cm and begin to cut the material. If there is a drawing on the wallpaper, then the canvas additionally customize that the pattern coincides. No need to make a stack of more than 10 bands. It is usually cut one roll of wallpaper, and when the cooked sheets are completed, they begin new.

If a fibergal basis is used, then you need to know how to glue the vinyl wallpaper on the phlizelin. Such wallpapers are not treated with glue. For them, it is enough that glue that was applied to the wall. This base does not change the size of the canvas, it will work easily.

Wallpaper sheets on a paper basis laid down the face. First, the walls are covered with a thin layer of glue. This will improve the clutch of the sheets with the wall. Having finished the wall with a roller, begin to apply glue on the back side of the wallpaper. Ideally performed work has no traces of glue on the front side. Randomly falling excess glue are immediately removed with a clean rag.

The middle of the sheet passes with a roller, and the edges and corners are thoroughly treated with a tassel. A cooked sheet on a paper basis can not be glued at the wall at once. It is required to wait until the paper is on the melted of the adhesive composition. For this, the sheet is folded in half. On the package it is written how to glue wallpaper. The duration of this process depends on the density of the material used. Than it is tight, the more time it will be required. Wallpapers on a paper basis have a swelling property slightly stretched. So that the work looks flawlessly, the exposure time is observed on each strip, be sure to wait the right time.

Many people are interested in how to glue vinyl wallpaper. We will fulfill this wish, but at first we will help to figure out why these wallpapers became extremely popular and which constitute these finishing materials.

The vinyl wallpapers are taken from the middle of the last century, the creator of which were two American engineers, one of which opened the excellent properties of polyvinyl chloride, and the other put this material on the paper basis. Unfortunately, only in our time, people appreciated this unique material, which rightly became the leader of sales and all sorts of ratings. Therefore, the intersener's interest in vinyl wallpaper is quite natural, which is seen from numerous requests on the Internet. Subject " How to stick the vinyl wallpaper?"Constantly on hearing.

Vinyl wallpaper - species, characteristics

Today, manufacturers have been established by the release of two types of vinyl wallpapers, which are bred by their shareholder, in one case it can be paper, in another - fliseline. However, this is not the only difference, today in the construction materials market, there are on sale wallpaper of this category, part of which is a foamed polyvinyl, due to which the magnificent structure of the material has been created.

It has an unusually dense, non-standard heterogeneity of the invoice, so that the wall surface can not be made to the perfect degree of evenly, which is a prerequisite for wallpaper of other categories. Small flaws and defects material will hide, while its surface will look impeccably smooth.

And, of course, the characteristics of vinyl wallpaper deserve attention - they are practically impeccable and comply with the requirements of our time.

Buying this material, you should pay attention to the icons applied by the manufacturer on the packaging of each roll.

First - This is a way of applying glue. The indicator is very significant, it should be strictly followed when sticking vinyl wallpaper. Because manufacturers are offered varieties, prescribing in one case to apply glue on the wall, in another directly on the back side of the wallpaper. These are completely two different production process. And now add another option to them, in which the wallpaper is supplied with a glue layer applied to them in the factory conditions.

Secondly, Spend some time to study the characteristics of wallpapers, which are divided depending on their confrontation efficiency by exposure to moisture and dampness:

  1. Water resistance during the processing period.
  2. Stability during the period of wet processing.
  3. High resistance during the period of wet processing.
  4. Resistance to mechanical effects (allowed to wash the brush).
  5. High resistance to mechanical stress.

Preparation of the wall surface for pasting wallpaper

The beginning of the walls of the walls with wallpaper is preceded by removal from the surface of the former finishing materials (of course, if the apartment is not from the new building). It is possible to remove old wallpaper quite easily, it is enough to moisten them with water (preferably warm) by means of a sponge or painting roller, wait a while so that they are well soaked in moisture, and then, using a spatula, separate from the wall.

In the case when on the wall, the former coating is made by water-mounted paint, a drill with a metal nozzle should be put into the move in the form of a brush. And so regardless of the former finishing material, the old coating is subject to mandatory removal. Perform yourself this work is quite able to any inhabitant, the main thing is to be desire.

Then it is necessary to carefully examine the surface to identify and remove the identified defects and flaws. Cracks, recesses, chips and other little things can be sealed with a putty or plastering solution. The freshly abandoned leveling material must be given time for drying, after which the surface should be primed by the primer mixture of deep penetration, dry and re-apply the aligning finishing layer of putty.

But since now we are talking about the pasting of walls by vinyl wallpaper, it is quite enough will be the first layer of putty, which, together with the removal of defects, will simultaneously be the leveling layer, which will remain to bring to the relative evenness of fine-grained emery paper and primer (and also give the primer time to dry). And if they will remain some roughness, the bulk material itself will absorb.

We draw your attention to the fact that when choosing a primer should be caution, because in the building materials market a huge set of these products. And you should choose special glue for vinyl wallpaper. But if it so happened that for some reason it is currently no, you can use wallpaper glue, which should be dissolved with water to liquid state. Such a mixture is also very good for the primer of the walls under the sticking of vinyl wallpaper.

Having finished with all the preparatory work on the wall with a plumb, it is necessary to apply a vertical line, it will become a reference line defining the correctness of the sticking of the wallpaper in a strictly vertical direction. It is very easy to perform this process - tighten the screws on one of the walls under the ceiling, to which led the thread of the plumb. The plumb itself will pull the thread, you will remain with the help of a pencil and a long line to spend a parallel line on the wall, which will become the starting line to accommodate the first wallpapers.

Once again we remind you that vinyl wallpapers have a high density that allows you to effectively cover small defects and flaws on the wall surface. Therefore, stopping your choice on vinyl wallpaper, in the implementation of preparatory work, you can not spend time on the finishing equalizing putty layer, which contributes to saving labor costs and finance.

Warm walls with vinyl wallpaper

The wallpaper of this type is made quite large width, which helps to reduce the joints. More correctly and rationally, if you prepare wallpapers before starting the wallpaper sticking, the bands must be cut into so much so that they are enough for pasting all the walls of the room (for counting the needs of the bands, it is necessary to perform simple arithmetic actions). The length of the strip must be equal to the height of the surface of the plus of five to ten centimeters of admission to various unforeseen circumstances.

Then the glue mixture is going on, it is applied in accordance with the icon on the roll, that is, either on the wall or on the back side of the wallpaper. The glue is better to apply a painted roller, which will evenly distribute glue over the surface, while it is better to wash the surface with glue only under one bar, and after sticking it, move to the treatment of the next sequence of the wall.

After that, the top and bottom of the band are reduced together (the back of the inside), lift to the ceiling and, holding the top of the wallpaper strip, dissolve it to the bottom, watching it to lay exactly along the drawn line you have applied before. Further, we recall the strip with a rubber roller or a plastic spatula, at the same time squeezing air residues under the material. For a dense fit of the material to the surface, the leveling should be carried out from top to bottom and simultaneously from the center of the wallpaper strip to its edges. The subsequent entertainment of the blended wallpaper depends on the thoroughness of the execution of this process.

Vinyl wallpaper glued is much easier than paper, because unlike its analogues, the vinyl bands are stacked. Although some masters use the technology of their brazing stickers, however, they do this at the expense of small tricks - impose the following lane on the previous one with a nasky of about two or three centimeters. After mounting the second cloth, make a vertical section in the middle located one to another bands. Then the upper cut strip is removed, and the bottom, which is located under the second strip, should also be removed. After that, the edge of the second strip must be applied. It turns out a smooth junction, almost imperceptible to the eye. This technique speeds up the process of pasting and reduces the possibility of gaps between strips.

We told a variant in which the wall surface was glared, and if the wall strips are missing with glue, then the prepared wallpaper should be placed on the floor and melt the rear-side of the material with adhesive mixture. It is also better to make a roller, thanks to which you can achieve uniformity of the adhesive layer. Wallpaper should be applied to the surface of the wall 5-6 minutes after blasting with glue - this time is enough so that the material is well soaked. The further global process is performed by the same technology as when applying glue to the wall surface.

In case you smear the glue to the wallpaper strip, observe moderation, because quite a small layer of the mixture, the main thing is that the material was missed by glue carefully and evenly.

Also, after the location of the wallpaper on the wall, avoid stretching the material to the sides. And no less substantially - timely remove the remnants of glue, do not allow it to dry. It is better to make a clean soft cloth.

  1. Vinyl wallpapers are desirable to stick at an indoor temperature not higher than 23 degrees Celsius.
  2. For the period of operation, the premises should save from drafts.
  3. If you first glue vinyl wallpapers, work skills to work with them on the wall of some secondary room, which can then be closed with furniture, carpet or other objects.
  4. Thoroughly prepare for the stitching process, you must have all the materials and tools you need to perform such work, right up to rags for wiping hands.
  5. When diluted with the wallpaper glue, the dry adhesive mixture should be poured into a capacity with water with small portions, constantly stirring it. Once again, we emphasize - the glue is added to the water, but not vice versa!

So, we figured out how to qualitatively caught the wall surfaces with vinyl wallpaper and it becomes clear that it is practically much different from sticking any other types of wallpaper. At least one to one to the main stages. Therefore, a manual, who at least once had to glue the wallpaper, will also be able to perform the process of stickers of vinyl wallpaper, and at a high level, by anything not inferior to the work of a highly qualified wizard.

The main thing is not to hurry and follow the wisdom of the life advice - it is better to measure seven times than to cut off once.

Glue vinyl wallpaper is quite easy. They are very dense and they do not rob, do not twist from glue, will not be deformed when drying on the walls.

Even, even one who never glued wallpaper, can do it. You just need to know some of the project nuances and the room update will pass quickly and easily.

Most who came across the sticking of vinyl wallpaper know that they are sufficiently heavy. Severity occurs from the density of the canvas, but it is precisely this and provides a vinyl wallpaper to good moisture resistance. Thanks to this, they can be wiped with a damp cloth - absolutely not afraid of wet cleaning.

Often, many housewives have a feeling that due to their severity, vinyl wallpaper will be bad on the walls, but these all fears are in vain.

Feedback: Vinyl wallpaper I like most. My husband and I have chosen the wallpaper for a long time to shove and stopped only on vinyl wallpaper. The first question was like this: how to punish the vinyl wallpaper, because they say that they are heavy and difficult to glue. However, this is not all true. Booted the room quickly and easily. With vinyl wallpaper, it turned out to work easier than paper, as the paper is very easy to rush. See the main thing to be high-quality glue and do not regret it. Our hall completely transformed!

Probably everyone who makes repairs in an apartment or in the house, wants the walls to look beautiful. Therefore, it should not be bought up on the expensive wallpaper and the choice of glue for vinyl wallpaper should be justified.

Wallpaper It is necessary to glue only with the help of special glue, which you will definitely recommend in the store. Divide and prepare the adhesive mixture according to the instructions that are described on the package. Do not save on the glue, you will not lose much, but if you donate the expensive wallpaper, it will be a shame.

Cooking walls for sticking

First of all, you should clean the walls from old wallpapers, paints and necessarily from whitewash, if any. With the help of a solution or putty, close all cracks, chips and potholes.

Feedback: Yes, I also had problems with uneven walls in the hallway, so blended vinyl wallpapers and all the irregularities disappeared. Just beauty! Therefore, it is not necessary to steam if the walls are not perfectly smooth - the solution will be the vinyl wallpaper. And it is easy to glue, and the seams are unclear, and the error of the walls disappear. Beauty!

Previously, the wallpaper was glued to the plaster, and the walls were placed with the addition of large-grained sand and the surface of the plaster was in the end turned out to be coarse. In this case, the walls are needed to be primed up and sprinkled so that a smooth smooth surface is released, to which it is much more convenient to glue.

The smoothness of the surface is necessary to ensure that during gluing sheet, you can move it and correct if you went to the cosine, or the sheet unevenly lay on the wall plane. It is not necessary to apply glue for smooth walls. It is enough to apply a good layer on the wallpaper. On the floor, you will definitely spread the newspapers and roll on them and cut the wallpaper so as not to stain the front side. If the room is large, then you should not chop up all the wallpapers at once, but also change the newspapers under the wallpaper from time to time.

Cut the vinyl wallpaper for sticking

To begin with, we carefully measure the height of the wall not only in the place where you are going to start work, but also in other places. If the differences are small, then select the gold middle and proceed to cutting vinyl wallpaper. If somewhere before the floor, you will miss the length of the wallpaper - it is not scary all the shortcomings will hide under the plinths.

Very often, when cutting, you have to take into account the drawing, which is applied to them. Be sure to consider and cut the wallpaper so that your drawing coincides. Number the cut sheets of wallpaper, so that later the confusion does not go to the drawing and it is in order of numbering that the strips must be glued. I can add to the additives that vinyl is cool combined with PVC panels on the walls.

If there is no need to combine the pattern, then boldly cut the tubes of vinyl wallpaper, observing their height. Claper wallpaper is only in the order, in which you will be unsettled stripes. If you confuse the top and bottom, then the light from the window will be different in different ways, and this emboss will be noticeable.

Vinyl wallpaper label guide

Starting sticking only from the window or angle. It is necessary to glue the right hand over the room circle. Suppose we started glue vinyl wallpaper from the corner of the room. Take away from the corner of a strictly vertical line in width of wallpaper. It is necessary that your first leaf lay smoothly. All other wallpaper sheets will be glued in the first. And if you squeeze the first strip, the rest will also go and cut.

If you do not put the walls, the glue must be applied to the wall. It is worth the careful angle thoroughly, since such places are the most problematic when sticking.

Gently lift the wallpaper sheet with glue and starting with the top to attach it to the wall. Hang it so that the leaf sticks exactly and from the top begin to squeeze the air. When moving, use a roller or a conventional cloth. You can remove all excess glue to the same rag, which I will perform at the edges.

Everything needs to be done together - it is more convenient: one sticks the wallpaper from above, and the second helps to align the vertical sheet. But if you have no one to help not be discouraged - here is a wonderful instruction on sticking wallpaper alone.

Smoothing should be made from the center to the edges to drive the resulting air bubbles. The bubble is complicated and you can not drive it out - drop out of the strip and stick again. If it does not help, you can arm a pin. Press the resulting bubble and pressing the cloth smoothed this place.

The second strip of vinyl wallpaper is glued only into the joint with the previous one. Outlows do not need to do, otherwise it will be ugly. It is not necessary to strongly press the strip to each other, otherwise the joints after drying can take up. All glue that will perform in the place of the joints, immediately remove the rag. Do not be afraid that glue will hit the front side of the vinyl wallpaper, when drying it, it becomes transparent and you are notced to wallpaper.

Constantly control the verticality of the glued bands and only then proceed to sticking the next strip. I took advantage of the level, a very comfortable thing, in a circle of the room knocks off the level. And so we pass throughout the perimeter of the room. After the end of work in the room there should be no draft. Doors and windows must be closed. Otherwise, the wallpaper will simply go away from the walls.

At the end, I want to wish you pleasant works and the magnificent walls that you will do without any problems. Just take into account some points you need to know when sticking vinyl wallpaper and your walls will look irresistible.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper? This question is asked by many owners during cosmetic and overhaul, because it is the vinyl for many years most appreciated among different types of wallpaper.

The optimal value for money, durability, resistance to impacts and scratches, the most unusual colors and patterns - all this vinyl.

Pusting of the vinyl web with her own hands - the case is quite troublesome, but it is quite realistic, if it is good to prepare the surface and explore all the nuances of such a bulk repairs.

Advantages and disadvantages

They are produced in the form of rolls with the basis of paper canvas or better and durable fliesline, top-decorative vinyl layer (officially polyvinyl chloride).

There are several types of such a coating, but they all are famous for several general advantages:

  • strength (thanks to two layers of the canvas to break the vinyl when sticking or already on the wall almost unreal);
  • durability (perfectly held on the wall up to 10 years, keeping the pristine brightness);
  • moisture resistance (some vinyl varieties can be wiped with a cloth and even wash);
  • universality (you can choose a coating for any interior, to find imitation of any coverage - wood, fabric, brick, etc.).

Among the flaws of vinyl are toxicity, airtightness and hard repair, but in fact - not everything is so dangerous.

Toxic evaporation after decorations may appear only at the wobbly canvas of questionable quality - the vinyl on the fliesline basis is absolutely safe for health.

This coating also skips the air, in contrast to the heaving paper base, which can provoke the rise of mold and fungus.

It is really not easy to glue the wallpaper from vinyl, especially if there is no experience, but if you choose a slight coating on the fliesline, and not on a paper basis, then the blending process will be noticeably easier.

Features of sticking different types of material

Where to start sticking vinyl wallpaper?

Many will say that from the window or from the wall and will be almost right. But in fact, it is necessary to start with choosing a variety of vinyl web.

In the repair market you can meet several subspecies of such a coating, everyone has its own characteristics.

  • Structural (with a layer of vinyl foam). Overlookes are usually covered by uneven walls, as well as a tree, plywood, fiberboard. The canvas helps to smooth out all the irregularities and defects and creates a spectacular game of light on the surface;
  • Hot stamping (heavy and compact vinyl). Such dense wallpapers are produced the most unusual color and textures. They greatly grind all the irregularities of the walls and keep at least as possible, without losing the original appearance;
  • Silkography. These rolls are available on a paper basis. The sticker of such wallpapers with your own hands is the process of not easy: heavy shelves of silk screening are glued without fail, without adhesion, besides, when drying, they can cringe. But they are very durable, resistant to abrasion, look consistently expensive and stylish;
  • Washable. Such vinyl is usually used for kitchen repairs;
  • Solid (evaporated). It consists of three layers of paper and evaporated vinyl, often applied under painting.

Warehouse preparation

How to glue vinyl wallpaper with your own hands and what is needed for this?

It is necessary to start with the preparation of a bridgehead for repair - to get rid of all traces of the old wall covering: salted dirty wallpapers, shining putty and plaster.

Even if the walls are planned with embossed vinyl wallpaper, it is necessary to align large cracks and hillocks with putty, as well as to predict the surface so that the vinyl is tightly and did not dug.

If there are wide vinyl wallpaper to finish the walls, it is important to provide a perfectly smooth surface.

Before you glue the vinyl wallpaper with your own hands, you must prepare:

  • sharp scissors or a special wallpaper knife;
  • pencil, suspension with a piece of chalk, ruler;
  • a wide brush for glue and a thin sinks for joints;
  • wallpaper (plastic) spatula and rubber roller (smoothing heavy canvas);
  • clean dry cloth x / b;
  • wet sponge;
  • bucket for glue and glue itself;
  • stepladder;
  • some old newspapers.

Before glueing the vinyl wallpaper with your own hands, you also need to de-energize the room and tightly shut all the windows and the doors so that there are no drafts in the room.

Then you need to properly prepare glue and cut the wobbly canvas. Special glue for vinyl wallpaper is bred according to the instructions and are waiting until the solution will swell.

In the meantime, it is necessary to prepare wallpaper stripes: to cut a roll into separate webs along a length of 10 cm, decompose them on old newspapers, smeared with wallpaper glue and leave "diving" for 7-10 minutes.

Walking Wallpaper from Vinyl: Work Technology

How to glue vinyl wallpaper in the room with your own hands? It is best to do it together - with a reliable assistant.

First you need to drag the vertical line on the wall using the suspension on the wall - the first strip will be glued.

The stilt process of the wallpaper cannon will look like this: one person takes the hen with glue beam for the upper part, gives it a partner standing on the stepladder.

He applies a piece of vinyl roll to the wall, turns the cloth and aligns the wallpaper.

It is only necessary to glue the vinyl, even the minimum adhesive are strictly prohibited.

Then the band must be smoothed with a rubber roller or spatula.

The spatula is perfect for a smooth canvase, the roller is used for foamed vinyl and other relief wallpapers so as not to damage the pattern.

Where to start smoothing the canvas to drive out the air and remove the excess glue? It is better to move from the center to the edges from top to bottom to squeeze all bubbles.

Excess glue you need to quickly remove the cloth so that it does not get on the front side of the wallpaper.

Surplus the wallpapers that remain downstairs are better to cut after drying, otherwise the wet cloth will be frown and can even break.

Wide vinyl wallpaper glued by the same scheme as the standard width bands.

The only nuance - if you chose wide wallpapers, then when working it is convenient to use 2 stepladers. This will ensure the perfect leveling of wallpaper on the walls and facilitates the stacking of their jack.

Where to start pasting with wallpaper?

Laying the vinyl cloth on the wall is better from the angle of the wall, perpendicular to the window, light wide webs - from the window in the direction of the incident light.

This will allow glue wallpaper accurately, clearly connect the pattern and create a solid coating effect.

Glue wallpaper from vinyl in problem places

If the process of pasting the walls of the walls by heavy vinyl looks quite clear, then how to glue vinyl wallpaper in problem places and where to start work?

The most difficult areas for wallpaper repair with your own hands are the corners, the battery space and switches.

Where to start catching the wallpaper of corners with your own hands and how to do it - jack or mustache?

So that the angles look beautiful and do not lose their kind after drying, you need to act according to a special scheme.

We glue two panels on the angles with an adhesive in 2-3 cm (if the angles are uneven, it can be increased to 5 cm).

Then the sharp stationery knife is cut through both pieces vertically - according to a ruler or a long spatula.

Carefully remove the upper unnecessary strips, flexing the edges of both cloths, we wash with glue, put back onto the wall, connect the drawing and rolling the roller (spatula).

After drying, the angles will remain perfectly smooth.

Batteries to lay the vinyl is not completely not necessary - it is enough to take 15-20 cm on both sides.

If you certainly want to decorate the area behind the radiator with wallpaper, then you can cut pieces of the canvas into several narrow parts - it will make it easier for work, especially if the finish is used wide wallpapers.

Places for sockets and switches, when the walls are covered with vinyl wallpaper, you need to cut only on the wall - if you do the holes in advance, they may simply do not coincide with the real socket.

On the pasted band, the desired place is noted, the cuts of the cross will make the crosswise and bend the corners inside.

After mounting the switches and sockets, the extra vinyl can be simply cut off.