Plant made of coniferous. Coniferous trees

When choosing species and sorts of coniferous rocks, it is necessary to take into account how they will look, what sizes will be achieved at the time of maturity, not forgetting, of course, about growth rates, color, habitat requirements. It is important to compare all these characteristics with specific conditions, including the size of sadroom territory. Only, we will succeed in making coniferous plants interesting in colors, contour and spatial terms of the composition.

In most coniferous trees and shrubs - plants are light-minded. This means that for healthy growth and development, they need enough light, space and such a place where they will not suffer from lack of air.

Great adaptability is distinguished by the tees that develop well in the half and even complete shadow. Move the shading of young fir, pseudootsuga, spruce, tsi, cryptomeria, tissoly or Douglas Fir, and from pine - Pinus Flexilis, P. Koraiensis and R. R. For cypressants, the optimal conditions - the half-one or the place is not on the sunny side. A relatively well adapt to the Tui. The rest of the breeds of breeds of coniferous plants prefer a place in the sun, and juniper and very very poorly carry shading.

As for the soil conditions, the requirements for them in coniferous rocks are very different. The most unpretentious larch, juniper, pine (except for views with five needles in a beam) and a cypress man. These breeds grow well on sand-clay soils, and pines - even on stony. Cypressians, juniper, larch, spruce and teases love lime. Juniper over it is well tolerating and drying soil. But the cypressists, on the contrary, require the wealth of soil moisture. Food is better growing on wet clay and sandy lands. Fir compared to fir quality to the quality of the soil is more recovered. They feel well on deep clay and sandy, moderately wet, nutrient-rich soils and, as a rule, do not endure high level Budded waters. For the rest of coniferous trees and shrubs, you need more powerful soils in which enough nutrients and the moderate content of soil moisture. In swampy locations, even in small standing water, only marsh cypresses grow well.

If we talk about the ordering, most of the coniferous plants are resistant to cold. Fir, cedar, cryptomeria, ate and more delicate species of individual breeds should not be seated in cold hollows where they can surf.

From the fir, the most enduring and are not afraid of frost Abies Balsamea, A. Concolor, A. Grandis and A. Homolepis; From kiparisovnikov - ChamaecyParis Nootkatensis and CH. Lawsoniana; from the fir - Picea Abies, P. Alba, P. Asperata, P. Omorika and R. Pungens; Pine Pinus Banksiana, P. Cembra and R. Reis.

Fir needs a more wind-protected place, and the cedar develops well only at such places. Due to the fact that the volatile coniferous trees, and from Tui - Thuja Orientalis, in the winter they can suffer from solar radiation, the place for them should be selected and taking into account this moment.

Coniferous trees Also carry polluted air differently. Some types are generally growing quite well in industrial areas. However, smoke, polluted air completely does not endure most of the fir. Among them are relatively most hardened in this respect Abies Concolor, A. Grandis, A. Koreana, A. Nordmanniana, A. Procera, A. Veitchii. HE makes such pollution and most fir trees, pines and cryptomeria. Although in the same conditions, some types of cedars and cypressovnikovnikov, teases, thies, and pine sannik, black pine, pine, and others, are quite well aware of the same conditions.

From the overalls of the forest beast, those species that have soft needles, as well as cypressants, mainly young, some juniper (also at a young age), for example, Juniper Chinese, Juniper Virginsky, and in the spring with the dissolution of the needles and juniper ordinary. The beasts are biting and the bark of a young larch, and those who have soft needles are chosen from pines. Neither the berry tees nor western Thuja. The remaining coniferous breeds from the beasts do not suffer.

Forest workers often face that many gardeners seek to purchase coniferous trees breeds for their small sites and parisades, distinguished by high growth, without giving, truth, due attention to this moment. At the same time, in most cases, they simply attract the beauty of young plants and seduces the size of the selling instances. Such buyers naively hope that it is worth putting such plants in the garden, as they immediately decorate the site. They forget that with the time of the Tui, the cypressists, ate, fir, pines and other major breeds will create an almost impenetrable wall, will interfere with the surrounding landscape, and then the garden is at a permanent shadow.

High coniferous wood

Fir Vetchova ( Abies Veitchii.) It is a slim tree, reaching 15-20, or even 25 m of height and 4 m in the diameter of the crown. She has thick shiny needles of dark green color with a silver tide on the underside. Every year, this tree grows about 70 cm in height and 20 cm in width. It is planted, mainly, one in large gardens.

Vela European, or ordinary ( Picea abies) - All known wood with a height of 20-25 m (it can reach 30-35 m), with a narrow pyramidal crown and symmetrical branches, located in a horizontal plane. It grows by the buoyo, annually increasing by about 80 cm in height and 30 cm in width. It is used more often in large gardens and in the parks, or in group landings as trimmed by alive hedges.

Spruce Spruce, or Balkan ( Picea Omorika.) - A beautiful, surprisingly slender tree, whose crown begins to brangle it very much from below. It applies to the number of robust conifers, is completely not afraid of frosts and is well withstanding urban air. This spruce reaches 25-35 m of height, but the ground is only 2-3 m. The annual increase of it is approximately 50 cm in height and 15-20 cm for the diameter of the crown. Serbian or Balkan spruce is an exclusive advantage plant planned, suitable for both large and medium-sized gardens.

Pine Black, Austrian ( Pinus Nigra Austriaca - R.N. SSP. Nigra) First, it has a cone-shaped, and later - an egg-shaped crown form reaching 4-8 m in diameter. In height, this tree can reach 20 m, and in exceptional cases and 25 m. Annual increase is an average of 70 cm in height and 35 cm for the diameter of the crown. Black pine is a beautiful tree for large gardens; She loves dry, well-driving water with the soil, which contains and lime.

Larch is faltering, or Western European ( Larix Decidua.), Also a very high tree, climbing up and 35 m. Krone has a wide, with a diameter of 4-6 m, the needles of light green, sometimes even gray-green. This larch is growing faster than all other coniferous trees, adding about 80 cm in a height and 50 cm in the diameter of the crown for the year. This tree needs a place in the sun, a lot of free space around and deep, but not too light soil, which has sufficient water-resistance.

One of the varieties of Lavson's cypressist ( Chamaecyparis Lawsoniana "Alumii") Blue-steel painting is a very slim conifer with a cone-shaped thick crown. In height, it reaches about 10 m, and in diameter - 2-3 m. Its annual growth is approximately 30 cm in height and 10 cm in width. This variety is unaffected, loves a sunny place and, as it is believed to carry frosts well. It is planted in the main one or used to create a living fence of an unusual form.

TISC berry, or ordinary, European ( Taxus Baccata.) It is capable of carrying a deep shadow, although it is great and in full solar lighting. This is a tree 10-20 m of height with a rounded crown of 10-15 m in diameter. It often happens and bush form, reaches a very revered age. Loves lime soil well-transmitting water; It is planted one by one or in group compositions, like undergrings near higher trees. Berry TIS is also suitable for creating alive hedges, and freely growing, and trimmed. Its annual increase in height is, as in diameter, approximately 30 cm.

Western thuja ( Thuja Occidentalis) - a cone-shaped growing coniferous tree with short horizontally disposable branches, reaches 10-15 m of height and 3-4 m in diameter. Its annual increase is about 20-30 cm in height and as much in width. The tree loves a sunny place, it is distinguished by extraordinary frost resistance and is particularly well suitable for landing as natural freely growing or triggered alive hedges.

Single-color fir ( Abies Concolor) - A wood 20-30 m of height with a direct barrel and a beautiful, starting in the very Earth by the cone-shaped crown with a diameter of up to 3-4 m. This fir has peculiar, sulfur-shaped gray-green needles. The annual increase in plants is 50 cm in height and about 15 cm on the diameter of the crown. It loves the sun, very frost resistant and puts out a smoke contaminated atmosphere. One-color fir needs nutrient soil with sufficient water permeability and place with good sunlight. It is considered an excellent single tree in a large city.

Coniferous Middle Size Trees

Coniferous trees of medium sizes play a significant role in the decoration of gardens and parks and even very squat. More low-minded species are usually planted near access roads or hiking tracks, houses and cottages, as well as in the mountaineering and in those places where for any reason it is not possible to plant trees reaching large sizes.

IN last years Fir Korean (Abies Koreana) uses specially popular with gardeners. This slowly growing tree is characterized by a thick pyramidal crown, and in adulthood happens, as a rule, not so much as high as wide, reaching 2-4 m in height and 2-3 m in diameter, although it can be larger - up to 8 m Heights and 4 m in diameter. Every year, the tree rises up approximately 30cm and 15-20 cm is distributed in width. Fir Korean is very prolific. AND young tree Gives beautiful, purple-purple cones up to 7 cm long.

Attractive in appearance gently diluted variety of Lavson's cypress team (Chamaecyparis Lawsoniana "Ellwoodiif), which has gray-blue scaly needles and a narrow, pyramidal shape of Crown. Adult tree reaches 2-3 m in height and approximately 1 m in the diameter of the crown. This cypressive variety is growing slowly (an annual increase is about 20 cm in height and 5-10 cm in diameter), very unpretentious and is considered to have gardeners with an excellent single plant, which can be planted in small gardens.

Slender Cypress Camera Pisifera "Plumosa Aurea" Pisifera Vyifera varieties is distinguished by throwing yellowish-golden needles and a wide cone-shaped form. It reaches 6-8 and even 10 m in height and 2-3, and then 4 m in the diameter of the crown. The annual growth of the tree is an average of 25 cm in height and 15 cm in width. This is a very modest, undemanding plant, loving, however, is wet places and sandy, well-driving soil. It must be borne in mind that the juicy color of the needle acquires only when the tree grows in the sun. This variety of wood can be placed alone and in group landings, in the form of alive hedges.

In recent years, another interesting variety of potassium cypress officer has acquired great popularity - Ch.p. "Boulevard". It grows slowly and forms a cone-shaped, thick branched crown, reaching 2 m in height and 1 m to the diameter of the crown. This is also an undemanding plant, loving well-transmitting soil and solar place. In horticultural practice, the tree is placed by one. This cypressist, characterized by a juicy bluish-steel colorful and soft cheese, looks especially good among the lawn.

The Juniperus Communis "Hibernica" Juniperus Communis Juniper is attractive, which is characterized by a slender film form and refers to the number of coniferous trees suitable for landing in large gardens and parks and small areas. As a rule, it reaches 3-4 m in height and about 1 m in the diameter of the crown. Its not too stuck and thick needles has a silver bluish-green color. This variety of an ordinary juniper loves the sun, sandy, well-skipping the soil and looks great in the untouched corners of the garden, in large mountaineering and near them, as well as in herase thickets. It is planted separately and small groups.

Picea Glauca "Conica" is a slow-growing white spruce culture. In adulthood, the plant can reach 3-4 m in height. It is planted and one by one, and the group and, of course, are placed in alpinearia

Juniperus chinensis "Pfitzeriana" is unpretentious, well-growing and decorative juniper with splashing, slightly flashed branches. It is placed mainly one by one. Juniper reaches 2 m in height and about 4 m in the diameter of the crown. One of its varieties J.OH. "Pfitzeriana aura" is distinguished by widely overwhelmed branches and gray-green, while growing up with golden yellow, and in winter - bronze needles. It reaches about 2-2.5 m in height A has 6-8, and sometimes 10 m in the diameter of the crown. For the year, the plant is gaining in a height of only about 20 cm, while in the width of its increase is up to 40 cm. This frost-resistant variety Refers to the most beautiful juniper with a spreaded crown, loves soil, well-driving water, and solar, as a last resort, slightly shaded places. It is planted as a single plant, as well as groups with other coniferous rocks.

The famous variety of spruce White Picea Glauca "Conica" is characterized by a symmetrical cone-shaped form and reaches a thirty-year height of 3 m with diameter in 1 m. The plant grows very slowly (annual growths are 15 cm in height and 5 cm in the crown diameter). It is characterized by a thick compact crown and a gentle needle of herbal and green. The plant is great for small gardens, where the best place for it is in the middle of a grassy platform or in the mountaineering. However, the tree needs easy fellow. In the sun, it suffers from burns.

In a quiet corner formed by trees, herbs and perennials, three pyramidal juniper Juniperus SMMUNIS "Hibernica" dominate

Pine Skin Mountain ( Pinus Mugo Var. Pumilio.) Refers to the most favorite gardeners pine small sizes. He is rather broad, rather than a high semicircular crown (height the plant reaches 1-1.5 m and 3 m wide). Annual increase in 5 cm in height and up to 10 cm over the diameter of the crown. This low-spirited pine prefers a place, well-lit by the sun; It can be planting, as well as in group landings.

Coniferous trees with colored cheese

The silver-blue variety of spiny (Picea Pungens "Glauca") in everyday life is most often called silver fir. The stores sell young plants that have grown out of seedlings who over the years in our conditions reach 10-20 m of heights. Along with them is divorced by several varieties multiplied by vaccination, for example, Picea Pungens "Koster", which has a juicy silvery-blue needles, P.p. Moerheimi, distinguished by a slim cone-shaped shape and the same silver-blue cheese. The annual increase in these varieties is 15-25 cm in height and 10-15 cm in the diameter of the crown.

To decorate the entrance to the house, two pyramidal juniper Juniperus Communis "Hibernica" are planted, immediately attracting attention

Gardeners, especially beginners, should not be crushed, looking at the asymmetric form of young droves. Such a plant as it is developed itself for three years or more years, becomes slim. But it is often highly appreciated by the unusualness, the fancy of the shape, which is characteristic of the peeling varieties. P.P. "Glauca Pendula" can serve this example.

Among the fir, distinguished by the juicy blue color of their needles, gardeners are chosen mainly by the Fir Silver, or the noble Abies Procera "Glauca"; This is a mighty plant, reaching 20-30 m in height. In adults, the attacks annually appear long, up to 25 cm bumps. Annual increase in this tree is usually 30 cm in height and 15 cm in the diameter of the crown.

ChamaecyParis Obtusa "Nana Gracilis" in adulthood reaches 2 m in height. Grows slowly. Often used in mountaineering and landing in vegetative vessels of large size

Rich and diverse painting bluish needles at the genus Juniper. Large, spreadable, but not too high bushes form, for example, the variety of juniper medium Juniperus chinensis "Pfitzeriana", J.CH. "Hetzii", J. Squamata "Meyeri" with a compact shape and clear gray-blue corners grows significantly slower and needs regular lump: only then it looks beautiful.

An interesting tree with bluish-steel needles - the "Glauca" grade of the horizontal juniper (J. Horizontalis). Due to its low-speed, it is well suited for the green coating of the soil surface. This plant is successfully developing at half-directed areas, rising above the ground level of only 20-30 cm; An adult plant is able to close its branches in 2-3 m 2. Meaty round cones, beautifully post-shaped shape and gentle needles from a bluish-green to silver-gray attracts attention to his attention the variety of Juniper Virgin J. Virginiana "Glauca".

Among the coniferous breeds of yellowish painting, you can pick up extremely picturesque views and varieties for the garden. To their number, for example, an interesting cypress man with hanging branches and a golden yellow cheeve, known called Chamaecyparis Lawso-Niana "Golden King". In winter, his needles acquire a brown-yellow tone.

On a hill among alpine plants Located silicon breeds are planted - Pinus Mugo Var. Mughus and Juniperus Communis "Depressa"

Beautiful cypresstees painted in yellow tones include ch. Lawsoniana "Lane", which reaches a height of 5 or more meters, as well as the varieties of Chinese juniper, for example, J. Chinensis Tfitzeriana Aurea, "J. CH." Old Gold ", J. Ch." Plumosa aurea ", whose needles has Many shades - from yellowish color to juicy golden yellow.

Among the teasers and the thu, there are also several representatives with interesting yellow-pong needles, such as the grade of the berry and Tui Western (Taxus Baccata "Fastigiata Aurea. Thuja occidentalis" rheingold ").

Coniferous rocks for mountaineering and garden vases

Alpinaria and space around them are impossible to imagine without coniferous plants. For small rocky gardens and minialpinarias that are broken in ads and garden vases, for dry walls, or the coverage of the Earth are used primarily to dwarf, low and sharpening varieties of the most different species. They are distinguished by bizarre forms and outlines, pestosity needles. For dwarf plants, slow growth is characteristic. Lots of similar crops are derived. Large, monumental alpinaries should be placed more tall species and varieties.

From a rich assortment of coniferous breeds suitable for such landings, let's call several, the most familiar gardeners.

Abies Balsamea "Nana", or "Hudsonia" - a dwarf variety of Canadian balsam fir, characterized by a squat nest-shaped form. This fir grows slowly, reaching a height of 50-100 cm. Needs she has dark green, short, glossy and thick.

A. Concolor "Glauca Compacta" - a very rare dwarf variety, for which a typical dense asymmetric crown shape and catchy gray-blue needles. (This culture is suitable for larger alpinarians, it can be planted in the neighborhood with them, as well as place in the middle of the lawn and in small gardens.

A. Koreana - Fir Korean in adulthood seems too cumbersome for a small garden, but nevertheless it is quite suitable for such use. Many years will pass before this plant reaches 2-4 m of height. It grows slowly; It often happens that the old Korean fir is a crown diameter greater than the height of the entire plant. This tree has beautiful, dense, juicy-green on top and white bottom of the needles, and, most importantly, attractive purple cones that appear even on young fir.

CHAMAEECYPARIS LAWSONIANA "FLETCHERI" is a variety of a cypress man with a patch or cone-shaped form. The needles of young trees are brighter gray-green color. This culture is recommended for mountaineering. It reaches a height of 5 or more meters, which should be taken into account in a timely manner.

Ch. I. "Minima Glauca" - a beautiful dwarf form of a cypress man with branches that resemble their outlines of the shell. This variety reaches a height of about one meter and is distinguished by short matte, bluish-green with a wax needle needle. At first, "Minima Glauca" has a spherical shape, but over the years, changing, acquires the contours of the cone.

Ch. Obtusa "Crippsii" - catchy on the species of a cypressist with a slowly growing wide cone-shaped crown and light yellow, with a shadow of sulfur needles, which sometimes acquire and golden yellow painting. It takes many years before the plant reaches a three-meter height. This is one of the most beautiful crops among the lowered, so-called. Gold coniferous trees.

Ch. about. "Filicoides" - a slowly growing variety of a cypressist, characterized by a straight and smooth shape; Sometimes there are also an individual asymmetric, similar to the bushes. The branches of this plant resemble the leaves of fern, the needle is dark green. Already a young tree looks spectacular, catchy. For a quarter of a century, it reaches 2 m in height.

Ch. about. "Lycopodioides" - a plant of compact sizes with juicy green cheese, thick, resembling a plan, very decorative branches. It often happens like a pyramid. In height, this cypressist reaches 1.5-2 m, in diameter - 2 m.

Picea Glauca "Alberta Globe" reaches a three-meter height. This tree is placed in the mountainaria, in the group of more low conifers or on the foreground of the browning part of the site

Ch. about. "Nana Gracilis" grows after many years after landing just 80-100 cm in height; The plant is noteworthy needles of fresh green and branches like small shells.

Ch. about. "Pygmaea" - splashing spherical shape and dwarf size plant with small branches, located ladder and almost horizontally. His needles first reddish brown, and later brownish green and glossy. IN winter time The needles acquire a reddish-bronze tint. The plant slowly increases in size, reaching 1-2 m in height.

Ch. Pisifera "Aurea Nana" - also a dwarf and very slowly growing cypress man with a cone-shaped crown and juicy needles yellow color. It is suitable for small mountaineering and garden VAZ. Ch. p. "Boulevard" - one of the new varieties; It is noteworthy thick, straightly leaving up the crown of a pyramidal shape and juicy colorful needles, coloring blue steel. It grows this tree slowly. The oldest instances barely reach 2.5 m in height. The plant is very endless, well develops in adverse atmospheric conditions of industrial cities. Its soft to the touch of a needle in winter acquires a beautiful purple shade. In 1934, Squarrosa variety was derived. However, only in recent years it has become popular among gardeners. "Boulevard" is suitable for small gardens. Ch. p. "Nana Aureovariegata" reaches a height barely meter. This variety has short and gentle, placed by the ladder and curved branches, the ends of which seemed to curl. The needles are very small, matte-yellow. The plant is suitable for small alpinarians. Ch.p. TILIFERA NANA "is distinguished by low-robbed branches that hang from all sides, and freshly green needles. In height, it reaches the maximum of one meter. Ch.p." Plumosa Compressa "refers to the number of little coniferous plants intended for mountaineering. Height It rises only by about 30 cm and is distinguished by an excellent form. The needles are light green, sometimes with blue.

The teases relate to very valuable coniferous rocks. it single treewhich is withstanding a complete shadow and can serve as a barrier, delaying dust. It is easier than the remaining conifers, cut, forming a crown. In the picture - Taxus Baccata "Repandens"

Cotoneaster Multiflorus serves both a single plant, and a group: it is undemanding, grows well under the right rays of the sun and in a half.

Thoughtfully using decorative wooded rocks, and in small garden Create an impressive composition, where architecture and greens will form a single integer.

Cryptomeria Japonica is a representative of frost-resistant Japanese cryptium, grows slowly, characterized by asymmetric shrub shape and fleshy, bluish-green needles, which in winter become reddish brown. In height, the plant reaches about one meter and is of interest mainly for those who like to collect various curious cultures. Cryptomeria Japonica requires a secure place or at least easy shelter for the winter.

Juniperus Chinensis "Old Gold" looks like a variety of J.CH. "Pfitzeriana aurea", which is characterized by a more compact crown and constant bronze-gold painting needle, not changing even in winter. Over the years, the diameter and the height of this plant become approximately the same - within one meter.

J. Communis "COMPRESSA" - Slowly growing, dwarf in size, the variety of an ordinary juniper, which per year adds to the height of only 2-5 cm. It has thick, as if compacted branches and gentle, light blond-green-green needles. This is a remarkable I. rare plant, suitable for both small alpinarias, care for which requires special experience. In more severe conditions and in unprotected places it needs winter shelter Pynik. J.C. var. DEPRESSA is distinguished by a flat steering form and reaches a height of 50-60 cm. This plant has short and wide greens needles with a yellowish or brownish tinge; In winter, they become bronze. This is a natural, non-cultivated juniper originally from the mountainous places of North America. It applies to the number of the best carpet coniferous rocks suitable for landscaping large areas on the sun-illuminated areas. J.C. "Depressa Aurea" is similar to the previous plant, but before the beginning of the summer it is saved by the needles of juicy-golden yellow and only later acquires a light yellow shade. J.C. "Depressa Aureospicata" is particularly suitable for landing in Alpinaria. His young needles are distinguished by light yellow color. J.C. "Hibernica" is known and popular with gardeners. This is exactly growing juniper with a blue-green cheese, reaching 4 m heights. J.C. "Hornibrookii" pinching trunk. Over time, this juniper reaches 2 m wide, but its height, even in an adult instance, as a rule, no more than 30-50 cm. Dark brown, with a gloss of a branch of different lengths usually lie on the ground, only their tips are slightly lifted up. Needles, light green, with silver-white stripes, thick, in the winter are acquired by a brownish tump. The plant has the ability to drink a thick carpet cover the major stones of the mountaineering or hills slopes.

J. Horizontalis "Douglasii" - a wonderful splinter juniper with a height of only 30 cm, is valued for growing slowly. Only a very old plant reaches 2-3 m in the diameter of the crown. His needles from his blue steel, which in the fall acquires a purple shade and a blizzard-green wax. This plant is planted on cemeteries.

J. Sabina "Cupressifolia" - low, slowly growing, developing mainly in a width of culture with a grimaceous barrel. In height, it rises about 60 cm. The needles are dark green. It is used mainly to decorate lawns and slopes. Beautiful and tamarisk-oil grade of a flutter juniper with bluish-green needles - J.S. TAMARISCIFOLIA ". It is also low with increasing (up to 60 cm) and is distinguished by widely decomposed branches.

J. Squamata "Meyeri" - a slowly growing culture of a flutter juniper with bent upwards by the ends of the branches and very spectacular bright bluish-white needles. Height reaches 2 m.

J. Virginiana "Globosa", or "Nana Compacta", is a low shrub reaching a height meter. The plant is distinguished by the shag-likeness and thick branched crown. Its needles, greenish-gray on top and green from below, in the winter become pale purple-green. Sort J.V. "Skyrocket" although not applies to the number of lowered (up to 5 m in height), nevertheless deserves attention due to its extremely harmonious form and a post-form. With a height of 2 m, it has only 30 cm in diameter. Its branches are closely adjacent to each other. Needles - bluish gray. This juniper is especially good among the heather thickets and where we would like to disrupt the monotonous monotonance of growing coniferous and other plants.

Picea Abies "Echiniformis" - dwarf fir with delicate thick branches, light yellow-green needles; She resembles a pillow lying on Earth. Highly beautiful variety For mountaineering, for landing near him and among the lawn. Height reaches about 60 cm. R.A. Maxwellii is distinguished by density, spherical appearance and light greens of needles. Its height is about meter. R.A. "Nidiformis" is a pillow shape of a dwarf ate, with a nest-shaped deepening in the middle. Well suitable for mountaineering. Its height to 60-100 cm. R.A. "Pumila Glauca" - growing mainly in the width of a dwarf plant with a dark green crown. Height in the range of 80 cm.

P. Glauca "Conica" is a dwarf fir with a beautiful cone-shaped shape and soft light green needles. It grows slowly, reaches 2 m in height, attractive to its spectacular decorative species.

P. Omorika "Nana" - the dwarf form of a very famous Serbian ate, which is distinguished by a cone-shaped form with a wide base, thick branches and compact common view. This plant is often the diameter of the crown more than the height. Over the years, it reaches 1.5-3 m in height. The needles on its branches are lucid, thanks to which their bluish painting is clearly visible.

P. Pungens "Glauca Compacta" - the spectacular dwarf form of "silver spruce" with a height of 1-1,5m with thick branches and beautiful blue needles. The individuals grown from cuttings grow very slowly and differ in extremely compact appearance.

P.P. "Glauca Globosa" - a beautiful dwarf form of ate with a juicy blue cheese and a spherical contour of the crown. An adult plant is usually no more than one meter in height.

Pinus Cembra is a European cedar, one of the most beautiful European pines with a picturesque narrow cone-shaped crown and very thick joy of dark green color on the facial and bluish-white on the back of the needles. The spruce better adapts if it is planted in a good, moderately wet soil. Is suitable for use in more severe natural conditions. He loves that around her there was enough free space. In height, the tree reaches 10-20 m, but in spite of it it is quite often planted in large mountaineering.

P. Densiflora "Umbraculifera" grows very slowly, is a low tree most often with a wide asymmetric, in the form of an umbrella crown and horizontally located branches. He has a soft, catchy light-bluish-green shade. This is a very hardy grade, which for 30 years reaches about 2 m in height.

R. Tido - the stabber of almost shrub forms with branches, often fluttering on the ground. This plant looks better in the natural groups in the garden or in large mountaineering. Height - up to 3-4 m. P.M. Van Pumilio is growing rather in the width than height, refers to the number of desofed plant plants used in alpinearia. Reaching one meter in height.

P. pumila "Glauca" - a low-spirited pine of a shrub species, similar to the stabel, but being a relative of the European cedar. The height reaches 1-1.5 m, differs bluish-green needles. Growing the tree slowly, unpretentiously with respect to the conditions of habitat, but loves wet soils. The plant is suitable for mountaineering and landing on the slopes.

P. sfrobus "Nana" - the dwarf shape of the famous Pine Waimuth, which is thick and wide crown. The plant is up to 1.5-2 m high, with a bluish-zeden, relatively short cheese. It is undemanding and frost-resistant variety that can be planted singing and in small gardens.

Taxus Baccata "Compacts" - a slowly growing culture of the tissance compact oval or cone-shaped shape with raised branches and dark green needles. It is suitable for small alpinarians.

T. Cuspidata "Nana" - dwarf tees with a beautiful dense shape of the crown and juicy dark green needles. Reaches 1 m in height and 3 m in the diameter of the crown.

T. X Media "Hicksii" is distinguished by a narrow smooth crown and light green housing. Grows to a height of 1.5-3 m; Suitable for landing both on sunny places and in the shade.

Thuja Occidentalis "Rheingold" - a slowly growing thuja with a spherical crown and a golden orange cheese. In height reaches about 1.5 m. So Tittle Gem "- a dwarf variety with dense, rather wide than a high crown and juicy-green cheese. So" Recurva Nana "is characterized by a thick ball-like or cone-shaped, with a wide base of the crown and green, and in winter - brown needles. Ends Branches slightly bent. The adult plant reaches 2 m in height.

T. Orientalis "Aurea Nana" - a slowly growing thuly with a spherical shape of the crown and yellow-green cheese. It is also suitable for small alpinarias.

If you want to put in the country, then with the range of problems will not be: today there are more than 700 species of the coniferous subclass and a huge number of their garden forms. But many of us are in the country not so often, and maybe they want to give more time to rest, and not the care of plants. In this case, your choice is the most unpretentious coniferous, requiring minimal care.

Most resistant to growing natural (natural) specieswhich because of their considerable sizes are suitable only for large country sites. Therefore, we offer 13 most unpretentious coniferous among decorative forms that perfectly fit into the design. small cottages. Presented forms we found among, and.

Basic requirements for unpretentious coniferous

  • They must winter without shelter;
  • They should not freeze in winter;
  • They should not burn the sun;
  • They should not swell;
  • They should not sleep;
  • They should grow well at all soils (exception - wetlands).

Unpretentious juniper

The largest number of noncain forms, tested by time and not one dacket, among juniper. Juniper grow well on sufficiently loose, moisture-intensive, but not heavy soils, both in the sun and in a half, some make a strong shading. With an excess of humidity, the lowest shapes suffer primarily, so they are better to plant them in and on the slopes.

Particularly spectacular compositions on the site are obtained in combination with.

They are harmonious in high flower beds in quality.

1. Juniper Chinese (Juniperus Chinensis) 'Old Gold'

Luxurious Golden Juniper, fulfilling its name - " old gold ". It is almost like a cube: a height and width of up to 2 m. The yellow-bronze painting of the needle is saved in winter. Very stable.

2. Juniper horizontal (Juniperus Horizontalis) 'Andorra Compact'

Juniperus Horizontalis Andorra Compact. Photos from

Especially rich in unpretentious decorative forms juniper horizontal (Juniperus horizontalis) . Take juniper horizontal "Andorra Compact". It is a shrub with a pillow-shaped crown 0.3-0.4 m height and a diameter of up to 1 m. The challenge is small, scaly, siece-gray-green, winter acquires a slightly purple shade. Slightly, but makes a slight shading. It grows well on wet, squealed soils.

3. Juniper horizontal (Juniperus Horizontalis) 'Blue Chip'

Slowly growing soil shrub for small stony Garden 0.2-0.3 cm high and a diameter of up to 1.5 m. The needles of silver-blue, in winter a little purple.

4. Juniper horizontal (Juniperus Horizontalis) 'Wilton'

The soil shrub, sprinkling a dense low carpet. At the age of 10 years, it reaches a height of 0.1-0.15 m. With such a small height, it distributes stirre 2-3 m or more. Necklot-blue needles. Suitable for growing in containers, harmonious in stony gardens.

5. Juniper horizontal (Juniperus Horizontalis) 'Prince of Wales'

A dense low shrub tall 0.2 m and a width of about 2 m. Cable of scaly, thick, bluish-green, winter with a grayish pink tint. It grows better in open solar places, makes a small shading.

6. Juniperus Squamata (Juniperus Squamata) 'Blue Spider'

A very low juniper height is only 0.3 m, but the growing styling to 1 m, with an amazingly beautiful emerald cheevey.

Endurance record holder! Powerful, quickly smaller view, 0.3-1.5 m high, 1.0-2.5 m wide. Very beautiful of its needle.

Different types of juniper you can pick up in our catalog, which presents products of many garden online stores.

This is another winter golden beauty (summer is green in summer) from the pines of mountains. Surprisingly correct, rounding the shape of the crown with age becomes somewhat spread and unequal. At the age of 10 years reaches a height of 0.5 m and diameter of 1 m.

Pines in a wide range are presented in our catalog, which combines offers from different online stores.

Pine Mountain Mugus (H100-125, com) 22 680 rubles LOOK
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Pine Himalayan, 5 pcs. 98 rubles LOOK

Pine Mountain Mugus (V.2l H20-25) 918 rubles LOOK
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Pine Mountain Pumilio (C80 H60-80, Pillow) 28 210 rubles LOOK
Agrofirm search

Unpretentious ate

They ate shadownodes, grow well in raw, but not wetlands, drought suffer badly! Among the firings, the following forms were very stable showed themselves in culture.

10. Spruce (Picea Abies) 'Barryi'

Strong, slowly growing dwarf shape. At the age of 10 years reaches a height of 2 m. Young plants have a rounded crown shape, which is lost with age. Shiny's needles, dark green, young shoots - orange-brown.

11. Ord Ordinary (Picea Abies) 'Inversa'

An inverted molding shape with a very narrow uneven crown due to the drop-down almost falling down shoots. The lower branches are beautifully lying on the ground. The height of the adult plant is 6-8 m, the width of about 2-2.5 m. The needles are thick, dark green, shiny. Appreciates lovers of coniferous plants due to pronounced individuality.

Among the huge variety of vegetation of a moderate climatic belt, coniferous trees occupy a special place. They appeared on the planet many millions of years ago and are one of the main sources of oxygen. Their role in the economic activity of man is invaluable. Plants of coniferous rocks are used in medicine, chemical and cosmetic industry.

Characteristics of coniferous rocks

Coniferous breeds include wood and shrub shapes. Occur in almost all corners globe In mixed forests or taezhnaya zone. According to the degree of illumination of areas occupied by them, you can judge what coniferous trees are. Names define their light-mindedness. These are dark and light and light breeds.

Refer to the most ancient class, which, in turn, includes the following types of families:

  • Araucaries inhabit the forests of the southern hemisphere. Plants of this species are very demanding of moisture and warmth. Have wide leaves, large cones and seeds. The bark and wood highlights a large number of resin. They are considered rare and numbered only about forty varieties.
  • Garde-circuit grow on wet swampy soils of the Australian continent and Asia. The family includes more than one hundred forty species. Leaves can be different sizes and forms.
  • Pine are a numerous family that occupies extensive territories. In Siberia, natural biomes called Taiga are formed. These include more than two hundred and fifty evergreen and deciduous species.
  • Cypressians grow in northern and southern latitudes. Trees grow up to seventy meters high, have a very wide trunk. Shrubs are characterized by slow growth, can be high and fluttering.

Modern coniferous trees are vascular plants, their seeds develop inside the cones. They are long-livers, the age of the oldest tree reaches nine thousand years. As well as the trees of this breed are record holders in height.

Darkness trees

The most popular varieties include:

  • Juniper has a chevy of different shades - from green to golden. It refers to the lower tier of coniferous and mixed forest arrays. Live in moderate climates Eurasian continent, North Africa and the United States of America. At home does not require special care Thanks to its unpretentiousness.
  • Berry TIS - Rare View evergreen plants. The habitat area includes the southern regions of Europe and Russian Federation. Tis attracts attention to small needles of light green and reddish berries, ripening autumn. Grows on light, alkaline soils with high humidity.
  • Thua has a cone-shaped crown with a cheese of emerald color. Very unpretentious and resistant to winter cold. It is well harmonized with blooming plants, therefore it is often planted on household plots and urban squares.

Beautiful appearance and a large variety of species allows the use of coniferous shrubs for landscape design in any regions.

Coniferous plants include trees, small plants and evergreen shrubs. The life expectancy of coniferous representatives is rather impressive, so they have properties to produce protection mechanisms from external factors. Thus, it helps many plants to overcome some diseases and get rid of pests. A characteristic feature of conifers is that during the year they do not drop their foliage or chew. They change it gradually, completely imperceptibly for an extraneous eye. That is why they got the name evergreen.

Characteristic features of conifers

Conifers are extremely popular in the design of gardens and landscape designs. Each gardener certainly grows at their land plot at least one coniferous tree or shrub. Without coniferous garden Just transformed. And it seems that the design of the garden will be unfinished if there is not a single representative of this kind.

Popular decorations in the garden are at the expense of their characteristic advantages. When growing, the boys have some advantages.

Pros of evergreen trees and shrubs:

The plants of the coniferous forest there are many, but before planting on its plot the coniferous tree newcomer, it is necessary to carefully examine its characteristic.

How to choose a suitable plant

Before you start choosing a suitable coniferous tree or shrub, it is necessary to ask how many types of coniferous plants exist in the region. And which of them are more suitable for the terrain where they will be grown. In addition, it is necessary to decide for yourself which result should be achieved when boarding a conifer.

What needs to decide:

  • what exactly needs to plant a shrub or tree;
  • the plant will grow alone or planned composition with a conifer;
  • whether the climatic conditions and soil composition are suitable for climber;
  • what color should there be a tree.

When everything was determined with these questions, you can start choosing a coniferous representative. Then you need to think well what kind of sort of sober will be grown. Based on the variety, the form and shape of the conifer is selected.

Rod and types of conifers

The number of types of coniferous plants in the world is about 560. They grow at different parts of the Earth. Therefore, for a start, it is necessary to know which species can feel comfortable in certain climatic conditions. To find out if you need to get acquainted with various coniferous plants, examples, names and views.

The most popular ate

Elegant coniferous monocoa tree, one of the most beloved all gardeners and investors. High and slim it can decorate absolutely any design. In total there are about 50 species of beautiful ate. In Russia, they grow only 8.

Fir prefers light, but still remains a shadowed plant. Its root system is a shallow, in upper layers Soil. Therefore, in order not to harm the root system, it is impossible to pull the land around the earth. Comfortably feels in the sugary and thin soils. Then the most popular ate in the design of gardens and designer projects.

Serbian fir. A fast-growing tree, it can grow more than 40 m. It has a specific coloring. At the top of the crown of a tree has a darkest green chew, at the bottom of the crown on the needle white stripes. Thanks to the specific color of the needles, the fir seems bluish-green.

Special elegance and charm fabulous plant give a brown cone with a purple tide. Often, spruce can be seen in the parks along the alley, it also looks good in a single composition. There are dwarf analogues of the Serbian ate. They grow only up to 2 meters, but in beauty and grace are not inferior at all with their state sister.

Siberian fir. This species representative can be found in the Urals, in Eastern and Western Siberia, in the Far East. It grows in a height of up to 30 meters. It has a bicycle dense crown. To the top is sharpened. Its cones of brown color, egg-shaped cylindrical shape. There are several subtypes of the Siberian ate. They differ in each other with a variety of needles, which can be both ordinary green and silver and even golden shade.

European, or ordinary spruce. The plant can live 300 years, and to this age, its height will reach about 50 meters. Croon tree is distinguished by a pyramidal dense. The stem diameter reaches in some cases up to 1 meter. For 1 year, spruce is capable of growing 50 cm, so it is rightly called a fast-growing coniferous plant. The bumps have a conventional cylindrical shape. Their maturation falls in October.

Experienced breeders were decorative hybrids of firings of this species. In the landscape design, placing parks and gardens, decorative weaves, kegle visible and compact ate are now very popular.

Pine and its types

Pine has more than 100 representatives. Pine grows perfectly in the forests, worse within the city. It tolerates well as drought and severe frosts. Therefore, often the plant can be seen in nordic regions. Pine looks great in group landings and in single, thanks to its thick spreader crown. Prefers stony, sandy, and lime soils.

It is amazing that with the onset of frosts, the needles of the tree is covered with wax, while their dust closes. This means that in the cold of pine just stops breathing. In this form, she will sleep all winter. You can read about the most popular in the design of pine types below.

Ordinary Pine. In height, it is considered the first tree in the forest. It can reach a height of up to 40 m. The diameter of the trunk can be equal to 1 meter. It has a sizo-green dense hive. At the branch of the needle can be located in different ways. It can grow beams of 2 needles, can hang around in different sides, there is a needle concave form. Couplings live 3 years, after which they turn yellow and fall. Instead of the fallen grow new, young couplers. Brown cones, on the branch are located 2-3 pieces. Often the bump reaches 6 and more cm long.

Root system May be different, it depends on its places of growth. Sometimes the tree can remain dwarf at all if it grows in unfavorable conditions for it. On average, the tree lives 200 years, but in history there were cases when a tree could live 400 years. Every year, pine can grow 50-70 cm in height. It is considered a fast-growing tree. Fruption begins at the age of 40.

Mountain pine. Multi-rolled plant 10-20 meters high. There are dwarf varieties, only 40-50 cm high. The diameter of an adult can be 3 meters. Decorative plant With a long curved dark green housing. Already 3 years begins the aging of the cones. Very good dwarf pine in the design of park zones and on rocky shores of the reservoir.

Yellow Pine. Height up to 10 meters. Great grows in the regions with a warm climate. This kind of pine is almost completely increasing the conditions of the city. Young individuals cold winter May be frozen. Does not tolerate winds, it is necessary to plant it only with groups.

Pine Weimutova. Spectacular pine with blue-green housing. Sophistication she gives bumps curved shape. Grow up to 30 meters. It can be called a long-liver. Wood can live 400 years old. Although stealing can tolerate frosts, but does not tolerate winds at all.

The genus Pine can look great in any designer project. And it does not matter, it will be planted alone or small groups.

Hearty trees

Very interesting coniferous trees. Their needles are located on branches opposite each other or pairwise in 2 lines. Plants grow most in China, Japan, Korea, on Taiwan Island. Tius jumped are one-bedroom, they are capable of self-poll. There may be two-walled, that is, they can bloom with female flowers and male. While the genus is not studied the genus.

Cypress trees and shrubs

Representatives of cypressives can be in the form of trees and shrubs. Plants grow in warm climatic conditions. In all types of cypress trees, the leaf of the coniferous plant adjacent to the branch. One-bed plant. Can be self-polished. Men's cones have an oval shape attractive shine. Female Like a rod with scales. The crown shape is mostly pyramidal. The plant looks very beautiful in the design.

All coniferous plants in landscape design are simply indispensable. They are able to revive any design at any time of the year.

Many gardeners lovers to decorate their garden or cottage plot Choose coniferous vegetation. After all, it is not only excellent evergreen alleys for walking, but also the healing air. In addition, conifers are unpretentious and perfectly complement the landscape both in the composition and separately.

Thanks to almost all coniferous trees and shrubs retain their outfit all year round Your green garden will delight the eye at any time of the year, to envy neighbors. With the help of conifers, whether they are giants or dwarfs can be created noble and original landscape Even on your small summer cottage.

Names of coniferous plants

In the context of the Russian climate, the most popular and common coniferous plants are:

  • fir;
  • juniper;
  • pine;
  • cypressive;

Methods for decorating the site

Coniferous "scenery" open space You can spend in several ways:

To create an original unique composition, it should be pre-familiarized with the characteristics of various coniferous plants and determine their place in your area in advance.

Coniferous Plants for Garden: Views and their description

Combination of plants different varieties And species will create a unique landscape on your site, but it is necessary to take into account the features of each group, its advantages and disadvantages. But not all kinds of conifers are suitable for decorating the garden plot.

Landscape designers have long definite the types of coniferous plants, which are perfectly combined with other trees and shrubs and are good at the same time.

Main representative of this type of conifers - Tis. This plant has needle leaflets located two-time or asymmetric. Tis can be both diving and one-bedroom. In the testic family, there are about twelve species. They grow mainly in the northern hemisphere, since the representatives of this kind of conifers are very demanding of the composition of the soil and humidity.

Drainage soil provides plants active growth, and due to the powerful root system, they receive a sufficient amount of necessary substances.

Thicks are recommended to plant areas well protected from wind and preferably in a half. With this location, the plant will have a brighter saturated color. Tis does not grow on acidic soils, as well as in wetlands.


Among the twelve representatives of this family meet both trees (mostly) and shrubs. They are also divided into frost-resistant and thermal-loving plants. This type of conifers requires special attentionwhich consists in compliance with certain conditions.

All types of cypresses are easy to grow from seeds. Thanks to its spectacular appearance, representatives of the cypress family have won a great popularity from landscape designers.

When landing on the sunny plot, the plant will have a non-primable yellow colorTherefore, in order to protect dark green crowns from burning, the cypress is better to place in the shaded place.


Largely representatives of the pine family have quite large sizes (up to 50 m high) and therefore are not always suitable for garden design. Especially ridiculous they will look at little plot. Therefore, before you give preference to one or another type of pine family, it is necessary to clarify its future dimensions. Basically, these plants are found in wildlife and, as a rule, are common in Europe and Asia.

Basic the advantage of pine is that they are perfectly transferred as heatand frost. The root system of this conifer is well developed and has a property to actively grow. Therefore, it is necessary to highlight in advance in the site a large place where the conifer will not interfere with the growth and development of other plants.

Representatives of the Pine Family Round Eyes are happy with a rich-green needles and do not need special care.

Tall types of coniferous plants

The following types are highlighted.

If you do not want to have a too high conifer plant in your site, you can adjust its growth by pinching steps. But it is necessary to do it every year in order to avoid the appearance of a freak season in the garden.

Mattering conifers

Coniferous medium-sized plants will serve a great landscape decoration Your garden. They perfectly complement small flower beds, keeping their presentable view in winter. Usually these coniferous plants disembark about entrance doors And along the tracks, which gives symmetry in the design of the site.

Especially popular among middle-growth conifers:

  • golden tees;
  • globosa spherical thuja.

Dwarf coniferous plants for the garden

First of all, you should clarify that far not all the so-called dwarf conifers are. So, the dwarfish can grow up to 2 meters high. But this is a rarity - usually dwarf types of coniferous plants reach a height of no more than meters. They look great in combination decorative herbs and stones.

The most common varieties are:

  • Korean Piccolo Fir;
  • mountain pine of Hampi;
  • spruce Lubers.

Features of coniferous plants

In order for the cloves to please the eyes and winter and summer, for them need constant care. The location of the plant plays an important role. An ideal place for landing is half-directed place in the corner of the garden. The soil must be sufficiently moistened, and its level of fertility can be average, as you can always add missing elements yourself, applying the appropriate fertilizers. However, any rule has its exceptions - pines are better growing in the sun, and the tees and ate felt quite comfortably in the shade.

If you are only planning the landing of coniferous trees and shrubs, it is not necessary to worry about the lack of chernozem on your site - they will need only 20-25 cm of fertile land. In the extreme case, make a small layer of blackloom and some fertilizers. It is also recommended to promulate the soil - it will save it from a sharp freeze in the occurrence of frosts and protects from weeds.

Useful S. war of coniferous plants were known to people for five years ago. This is confirmed by the signs found by the most ancient civilization - Sumerians. I put in my garden only a few units of tees or juniper. You arrange a "healthy" right next to your home, and for care and attention coniferous plants will "thank you" for many years.