How to make a gaming house. Playground: Wooden house for children in the country

  1. Why plywood
  2. What to pay attention to
  3. What to pay attention to
  4. Accept for work
  5. Additional functions
  6. Let's summarize

Apartments for dolls is often expensive, made of plastic - fragile, quickly breaking material. The article describes how to make a toy lodge with your own hands.

To fulfill the dream of a child about a house for a favorite doll, it is not necessary to go to the store. You can make a cottage from your own project.

Independent Manufacturing Arguments

Why should I build a homemade puppet house from plywood:

  • Individuality. The project will be unique.
  • Collaboration with the child. Helps strengthen family relationships.
  • Development of creative abilities, skills, motility, acquiring new experience in children.
  • Ability to create a house of any size.

Why plywood

A puppet house is made from different materials. Best option - plywood:

  • The use of plywood for construction ensures the strength of the future at home. With good attachment, the parts are not collapsed, do not bow.
  • Plywood is easily processed by conventional tools.
  • Wooden toys are pleasant to the touch.
  • Beautiful appearance of a tree allows you to do without additional design, surface design.
  • Low value of the material.

What to pay attention to

In the production of plywood use formaldehyde. They are part of the impregnating glue to connect the fibers. To avoid poisoning, ingress of dangerous material in a nursery, you need to pay attention to the marking of sheets:

  • E0 - less than 6 mg of formaldehyde per 100 g of the product;
  • E1 - 7-9 mg per 100 g;
  • E2 - 10-20 mg per 100 g.

Furniture and its components must be performed from the safest plywood class - E0.

How to do

Making a house for plywood dolls is a multi-step process. It is required to follow a certain sequence of actions. To facilitate work, you can use step by step instructions.

Stage 1. Sketch preparation

The scheme should display the layout, the size of the floors in length, width, height.

You can find a sketch on the Internet, adjust it. The photo presents several schemes of the bases of the toy dwelling.

The most important thing is to comply with the scale proportions. This is necessary in case, during the work of the product dimensions, it will want to change the product.

Design can be thought out in advance to acquire and prepare the necessary materials for the decor.

Stage 2. Preparation of accessories and tools

For the assembly it will be necessary:

  • Plywood. To determine its quantity, the drawing is used: they calculate the number of parts, their dimensions are obtained by a total surface area. Based on the result, the required number of sheets acquire. For a desktop house, you will need 2-3 workpieces, for a large mansion can take up to 7-10 sheets of plywood.
  • Corrugated roof cardboard.
  • Tool cutting tool. It is recommended to use an electric jig. It will help quickly, accurately cut the details of the desired forms, dimensions.
  • Joiner adhesive for fixing the elements of the assembly.
  • Scotch mounted as an aid for fastening parts.
  • Sandage shallow fraction.
  • Roulette, line, pencil for applying.

For registration you will need:

  • PVA glue or silicate.
  • Wallpaper, color films.
  • Self-adhesive film for imitation flooring.
  • Color cardboard or paper for the design of individual elements of the room (optional).

Stage 3. Image transfer

To assemble wooden parts into a single whole, they must be cut from the sheet-blank. For this sketch, the scale is transferred to the paper, the finished parts are cut out of it, in the future use as a template.

If the window diagrams are not marked, when transferring the patterns, they are drawn. On a flat view house without anterior wall, cuts under the windows are not needed.

Stage 4. Assembly

Step-by-step assembly instructions:

  1. Electric jigsaw cut out the parts transferred to the phaneer. They try to do it carefully, without leaving the line of the contours: when the design error can be connected incorrectly.
  2. Okrew edges to make details safe, avoid injury.

Cutting and processing edges must be performed by adults.

  1. The assembly begins with the unification of the internal space. To the vertical end walls with glue and assembly tape is attached overlap and internal partitions according to the scheme. To enhance the connection, the internal angles are sampled with thin rails. They will give rigidity. At this stage, a child can take part in the work.
  2. Staircases are performed from wooden lines. They are put in the form of a slide or cut one, glue the real staircase from it.

  1. Attach the rear wall.
  2. Collect the roof. From the cardboard you can cut one-piece skates and glue them. Another option is to assemble the roof from individual pieces in the form of a tile.

The ready-made cozo of the house is left for a few days before drying the glue, the acquisition of sufficient strength.

After the assembly, proceed to design.

Stage 5. Design

The finished frame is decorated and furnished with doll accessories. Recommendations:

  • Paul can be left in original form or decorate. Plywood has a pattern of wood, so it is impractical to cover it with a similar ornament.
  • You can make swing windows, doors. To do this, the canvas are adjacent to pieces of cardboard or use small metal door loops. Passages overlap tissue curtains. Windows is sometimes replaced with cardboard shutters.
  • Ceiling, walls can be placed with colored films, wallpaper, paint.
  • The rooms arrange furniture for toys.

Additional functions

Not only aesthetic, but also the practical side of the house: toys must be stored somewhere, it is necessary to remove the accessories, something to hide. You can make additional built-in boxes in the upper or lower tier. This is appropriate if the house is big, takes a significant place in the residential room.

Boxes also make plywood. In the drawing, provide a place for storing things. From plywood cut the sides of the box, glue them. Screw the handle, insert into the department.

You can make a folding door as in the photo. For this, the carved canvas is screwed onto the shells of metal.


The house for toys from plywood made by their own hands will be a good gift for any child.

The construction process will take 2-3 days, taking into account the preparation of blanks, cutting them, drying glue. Premises a child can independently.

Many dacms when planning and are going to build at least a small children's house with their own hands to make small owners than to do and where to play in the summer. That is why we decided to write an article where in detail the process of creating this small structure on the site.

In our case, the height of the construction of the construction will be 90 centimeters, and the total dimensions will be limited to the following indicators - 160x160x140 centimeters. For the construction of a children's house, the following tools and materials will be required:

  • Screws with nails;
  • 4 foundation blocks;
  • Paint;
  • 4 floorboards;
  • Edged board;
  • Lining;
  • 6 beam holders;
  • Fasteners;
  • 11 bars for the creation of floor and 5 for blood;
  • Carved platbands;
  • Furniture shield.

Order of work

  • Floor frame assembly. The first thing is the founding of the future structure, followed by reinforcement using metal corners and alignment diagonally.

  • Definition with a plot. You follow strong place. If there is no such, you will have to first fill the territory under the construction. On the site using a frame, you need to designate four angular points, which will become markup to accommodate the foundation blocks.
  • Give sustainability. Before, lay out the carcass of the house, follows the surface of the sand pillow to place four foundation blocks in a depth of no more than one bayonet shovel. After that, the waterproofing material is laid between the frame and base.

  • Floor execution. The next step of the frame is completely trimmed by boards, thus obtaining a smooth surface.

  • Under side processing. After the floor is assembled, it is necessary to process the outer surface of the boards, that is, the one that will be subsequent to the ground. Next, you can start rising walls, insert doors and windows.

Important moment!To build a children's house, you should select only fugged materials. Thus, children will not be injured and getting offered during the game in a small building. For the same purpose, it makes sense to perform chamfers at the corners.

  • Rafyla. The first thing on the working surface is drawn by preliminary marking. After with the help of temporary nails, bait is performed. The next step is to fasten the editorial, and also close all the joints with the corners. At the end of the nails are cleaned.
  • Fastening timber. To install exactly on a plumb 3, it should be placed on the frame, supervised them with the help of an inclined backup. To the frame of the wall of the future children's house will be attached to metal holders.

  • Plumber of walls. The frame assembled with your own hands can be seen with different materials, but the lining is most often used for this.

  • Build roof. Starting from the skate, the roof of the house is trimmed by carved boards on both sides. On top of it you can put ondulin, which is quite simply cut into the size of the grinder.

  • Outdoor decoration. Having completed with the construction of a children's house, you should not stop there - decorate the appearance of the new building for the child, making the construction more elegant and beautiful. To do this, you can embello the corners of the construction of curry corners, and doors, windows and ends with carved platbands.

  • Interior. Do not lose attention and, placing inside, for example, a small bench or table.

So you will receive a practically ready-made children's house. As you can see, perform all the work with your own hands is completely simple. In the end will remain just paint the walls of the new building.

Children's house on pillars

You can easily build a gaming house for a child in a summer cottage, right before the housing. One of the most common options is the construction, made with your own hands on the poles.

Instructions for work

Of course, the new design on the site will not differ in great weight, and therefore there is no need to perform the foundation under it. However, some reason will still need even for children's facilities. In our case, it is best to use a 100 millimeters wooden bar 100. You can bore together a bar using steel corners.

The next step must be placed supports that will hold the top floor of the children's house. To this end, it is worth using boards with a thickness and width of 30 and 80 millimeters, respectively. For the attachment, jumpers will be used, which will be at the same time to hold the 2nd floor chambers.

At the same time, wooden supports are installed, they will perform the role of supporting structures for the stairs. Set overlap made of wood.

Council of specialists! So that the overlapping of the future structure could hold a strong load, it is recommended to place the boards with ribs down.

Best if the supports of the construction will not be placed somewhere, but on the surface of paving slabs.

In order for children to be hurt at the time of the game, it is worth installing balusters on the stairs.

In the upper part of the supports should be fixed with each other. For mounting a wall frame, use jumpers.

You can sneak the walls using ordinary boards, it is recommended to use plywood for the roof.

For greater safety and avoiding injuries in children before the construction of a children's house, one's own timber is handled. In addition, it is better if you inspect all the boards for the presence of chips, cracks and bugs to minimize the risk of obtaining the head of the construction during operation.

For the roof, you can use almost any modern soft.

In addition to the main entrance, it will not be superfluous to provide in the design of a house for children and "black" and simply a spare way out. For this purpose, a small hole can be performed in the floor of the facilities, where the rope will stretch. Undoubtedly, the guys will appreciate such a decision!

Closer to the end, finishing works are carried out for which various decorative elements and multi-colored painting materials are applied.

In conclusion between the columns, under the first floor, you can create a sandbox.

Master class on creating a house do it yourself

First option

The following materials will be required for work:

  1. Corners of wood.
  2. Edged board.
  3. Bowboard for flooring.
  4. Nails.
  5. Metal fasteners.
  6. Barcaste for a frame with a cross section of 45 to 45 centimeters.
  7. Biotex.
  8. "Block house".

Before you start creating a children's house with your own hands, you need to draw up a drawing of a future design. In our case, the construction will be contained a single room with a doorway and a window and a small veranda.

As you know, any designer work begins with basisthat will simultaneously play the role of the floor. Three lags are connected together with t-shirts by mounting spike grooves and nails.

After that, the framework of the new building is performed from the bar. Do not forget that for attaching bars it is worth using metal corners.

In order to in the process of fastening the "Haus block", the material was not damaged and did not spoil his appearance, it is necessary to use trimming and hammer.

Facing the walls follows from the location of the doorway and windows.

The corners from the street are covered with wooden corners.

Cutting boards are used for the roof, which is fixed with nails on each side. The flooring is recommended to perform from bituminous tiles.

After you completely build a children's house, it is necessary to process walls, gender and roof of the building "Bioteks". This composition will not only give the surfaces the desired color, but will continue to protect the construction of the construction from the negative impact of the rain and the sun.

Like last time, shelves, table and shops are performed inside the room.

Thus, we do with your own hands, without the help of specialists and additional expenses, we will get a beautiful and reliable children's house, which will certainly appreciate your children.

Second option

In the second case, the following components and materials will be required to build the house:

  1. Thin boards.
  2. Ruberoid.
  3. Six wooden boards 2.4 per 1.8 meters.
  4. A set of screws.
  5. Bruks of various sections.
  6. Morida.

It is recommended to lay a reason if possible using rubble. Alternatively, you can simply align the surface of the Earth under a new building. Next, the bars with a size of a section of 10 per 10 centimeters need to be cut into equal parts, and then place them in a step between the racks of 1.4-1.5 meters.

Supporting bars should be placed under racks in the soil, so we will exclude the process of genuation of the floor. Broi 5 by 10 cm section with a bar of the rack and the panel, which will be in the subsequent floor. The fixation of BRUSEV is achieved at the expense of screws. The existing voids between lags should be filled with land.

The next step is to cut the wooden panels on the equal parts, and then decompose them in a strictly horizontal position. The mount is achieved at the expense of a bar.

In order for the flooring in the end turned out to be as smooth, panels should be laid with a slight reserve, then sprinkle unnecessary parts.

Next go on work on the creation of side panels. In this case, initially mark the markup, leaving the width of at least a 6-centimeter margin on each side. As for the height of the wall for a children's house, then 1,5-meter panels can be made as an example.

In the process of assembling walls, do not forget about the door and window openings, which are also created based on the markup pre-made. In our case, the door dimensions will be 0.6 per 1.2 meters.

Internal and outer panels are covered with varnish. After the flooring is well fixed, walls are attached to it with screws. The board with a sectional size of 10 by 5 centimeters is placed with a small protrusion beyond the side of the sideline.

As soon as the new wall is placed on the spot, its laying is necessarily checked with a level. Only make sure that the location can be moved to the next wall!

The next step is the roof, which in the end is covered with a layer of rubberoid. To cover spaces, which may randomly form between panels, you should use a wide horse.

For greater beauty, you can create a small porch in front of a house on the windows of the shutter.

At this, the children's building will be ready.

Overhead construction with a staircase and a slide

An interesting option can serve as a children's house built on the country area on the elevation. In this case, the following materials and products may be required:

  1. Paint.
  2. Stairs.
  3. Chipboard.
  4. Sand with cement for base.
  5. Hill.
  6. Brooms made of wood for piles.
  7. Screws and nails.

This embodiment will be built for the most part due to the combination of spike-groove, which will allow, if necessary, disassemble the construction, for example, for the winter.

The house frame is assembled similarly to how shown in the photo below.

If you are going to execute shutters on the window opening, then you should in advance to buy hinges in the store.

College railing under the porch. To this end, small holes are made in the bars with a certain step, a depth of no more than half of the bar.

Reiki should be done with the resulting recesses. Making sure that the rails are well suited, they should be removed for a while and consolidate with nails for greater convenience of painting work.

The most important point in the construction of any structure is the bookmark of the foundation. Children's house is no exception! In our case, under the piles of the building you need to dig 4 pits, the depth of which will be, approximately one meter. Next, the supports are flooded with a cement mixture, after which it remains to wait for the final drying.

It is important to emphasize that the deeper the piles to be placed in the soil, the more reliable will be the finished design of the house, reducing the risk of crashing and mobility of the children's building.

Fabulous Terems for Your Baby

Every child dreams of his own corner, where he can freely retire from adults with their rules and tips. So the current dads and moms have surely built a design of chairs and covered, which was called the "tent" and played a double role immediately - there was a headquarters in which it is convenient to admire, and a house for such a popular daughter's daughter game. Modern children are not necessarily to suffer every time to build a slush. After all, today in the market of children's goods there are such comfortable and practical wooden children's houses, in which you can not only pursue or play the role-playing game, but also to hide from bad weather by setting up a small tea party with friends.

Wooden children's house - the perfect solution for games in the country

For useful and efficient leisure, kid is recommended to purchase a children's wooden house for giving. Such a house is made from high quality and environmental materials, which allows manufacturers to guarantee their safety. Drainy children's houses are pretty durable and no less important - durable, and therefore - not one generation will be able to play in this house. Children's houses made of wood are thought out to the smallest detail. They are functional and comfortable, but look like a fairy tale came to your yard. The design of such a house can be the most diverse: with windows, doors, slides and lades. And also have a different layout. However, from the important advantages of a wooden children's house is its high environmental friendliness and safety. In the manufacture of such houses, in order to eliminate the appearance of fungus and rot, wood is pre-dried. Such an approach besides everything contributes to increasing its resistance to moisture and dampness. Absolutely all children adore active games on the street and children's wooden houses for giving this is the perfect gift for both kids and for the guys older. And thanks to a wide range presented in our store, you can pick up a wooden children's house, which will not only answer the interests of your baby, but will perfectly complement your country plot, bringing a little fairy tale in it. All children love active games in the fresh air. And therefore, the children's country house will become an ideal gift for them. Parents will give great pleasure to watching their children. After all, children are an inexhaustible source of fantasy and faith in miracles.

Rich Choice - Pleasant Prices

Cozy hut, colorful castle, openwork gazebo, fishing house or two-storey "Mansion" for a small princess - in our online store there is a rich selection of children's wooden houses for giving. Here you can choose a house that will not only maximize the needs of your child, but also perfectly fit into the decor of your country area. And if none of the presented houses fit you, we will gladly create a unique design of a children's wooden house with Accounting for the interests and needs of your baby. Depending on your child's preferences, the house can be decorated with his favorite cartoon characters or heroes in any style, be sidewall or fabulous topics. Thus, you can make your baby than the best gift, embodying his most cherished desires in reality, and a walk in a fabulous adventure. Children's wooden houses for giving this excellent acquisition, allowing not only to spend time on the street fun and with benefit, but also the opportunity To be together with the children, plunging into the fabulous world of fantasy and child carelessness.

Impeccable service and high-quality goods

One of the important points when choosing one or another store is a quality service and the ability to quickly get help on a particular issue related to the purchase. This is especially true when it comes to buying goods for children, where not only quality and safety, but also an aesthetic appearance, as well as dimensions. In our online store you can always get a consultation of a specialist who will help you choose a wooden children's house and answer All the questions you are interested in on the selected product. We carry out delivery to all regions of Russia, at a convenient time for you. Payment is made in cash directly to the courier or non-cash, by bank transfer. At the same time, if a wooden children's house for some reason you did not come up with you can easily be returned or exchanged for a similar product. In our store adhere to open and trusting relationships, because we value our customers and are always glad to see you again in our online store. We care about our little buyers and try to buy in our store comfortable and brought only joy.

If the child has nowhere to play and at the cottage he misses, the problem can solve a children's house from a tree. Children are much less demanding than adults. Even the simplest house is no longer than the chalas from wooden rails, covered with cloth - can become a finest place for them. What we can talk about more complex designs - located on a tree, similar to wonderful forest hut, with a built-in slide or even imitating a pirate frigate. About everything more detailed further in the article.

Why it is a tree: pros and cons

Of course, in order to make a child a house, you can use a variety of materials - from plastic to the very real brick. But the tree has a number of specific advantages, parts of which are deprived of the rest of the materials. It:

In addition, the tree is purely in meaning is best suited for the embodiment of some ideas. For example, a fabulous hut make out of plastic would be strange, and the ship of the aliens from the brick and not at all. In addition, if you have a cottage and connections with your neighbors, you can find a tree at a low price.

There are also minuses:
  • Need to care. Every year, the house will have to paint or lacquer again so that nothing happens to him.
  • The need for careful processing. In order for a child, there was no chance to drink a hand, you need to carefully check all the boards, pollute them if necessary.

The tree, behind which they do not care, quickly begins to rot or dissipate. But if you are ready to process each spring, it will serve for a long time.

To even increase this period, you can make a house from one of the most common breeds in the construction:
  • Pine. Among coniferous breeds - the best you can choose. She has a gentle golden color, weak resinous smell. For the first years, it will not need to be processed, because due to the large content in the wood, the resin does not rot. It may have a positive effect on the state of the child's respiratory bodies.
  • Oak or beech. Woods of a dark, noble shade, which due to tanning substances poorly absorbs moisture and, therefore, well resists the effects of the external environment. Supporting, amenable to processing - it can be given any shape if it is properly bent during the heat.

You can still use an apple tree, but first you need to make sure that its wood dried completely - during drying it cracks, changes the form. Processing it until it dried to the end, it does not make sense.

Do not buy wood on the house, which does not comply with standards - it is unsafe, and also will greatly affect its appearance.

You do not need to take the boards on which there are:
  • cracks - this means that they are overpowering, quickly crack further;
  • green spots - This is mold or rot, and therefore boards will quickly fail;
  • speaking knots - It is ugly, and the child can catch during the game;
  • resin cavities - It will have to pump out, otherwise the board will be fragile.

Ideally, the tree should be homogeneous color, without impurities of shades, without large bitch, without spots, without small defects. Then it can be used for a house without feet.

What are houses from wood?

Children's houses can be very different from each other - you can allocate several diverse categories at once.

First - on floors:
  • Single-tier. It is easier to make such a design because it is not necessary to count on whether the second tier will withstand the pillars, it is not dangerous to the child will be on it. But they usually look less impressive, do not attach a hill to them, the infinite love of the children to Lazagan will not satisfy. However, if you properly approach the design, the result can still be worthwhile.
  • Bunk. Watching such houses are more interesting, plus it is possible to attach a hill, a ladder or even a rope, according to which the children will be able to descend down. Require accuracy, accuracy - if you do not calculate, the poles will simply not stand it, the second tier will collapse, and it's good if at this moment there will be no one.

You can, of course, to show creativity and build a three-storey house for children, but usually refused from such ideas - it is expensive on materials, according to work, and it is more difficult to calculate.

Second - on the design:
  • Open. This, in fact, small arbors, which are relevant in the southern areas, where in the summer in a closed room, children will be too suffering from heat. Make them or in the form of a shala, or in the form of columns that support the roof, and they themselves are connected by a wooden grid. As a result, shelter is, but it is cozy and cool. And if privacy wanted, the child can always hang a cloth between the columns.
  • Semi-open. Such houses have one or two walls, and the rest are the columns with the grille, as in the gazebo. On the one hand, they are not too stuffy in them, on the other - the child will not suffer from the rain, if he goes, and it takes it more comfortable from the sun.
  • Closed. If you make two windows and keep them open, inside can even be in the heat - especially if you place a house under the trees, in the shade. It is for this species that most designs include castles, hut, ships, houses in a certain style.
Third - by placement:
  • Freshly air. In the courtyard of a private house or in the country, so that the child can spend more time outside - it is useful for health.
  • Inside. Usually in the apartment, those who have no cottage or private house. Such a house can not be bunk, does not require bookmark the foundation, but it can become an excellent playground for games.
Fourth - mobility:
  • Mobile. These are structures that can be collected if desired and transfer to another place. Usually they include plastic houses, but chalashi on wooden slats can also be easily rearranged.
  • Stationary. It is in one place for several years - most of the structures from the tree refers to them.

What will be a house that build you depends solely on your fantasy and tastes of the child.


If you are going to build a design at the cottage, on which we only spend the weekend, you will fit the mobile outdoor house, which you can collect and remove during your absence. And if you live in a private house, it has more meaning to make stationary - in it the child will be able to play even in winter.

How to build a house?

It is necessary to approach construction carefully, without a rush. Nowhere to rush, and from how much time you put, how much time spend on the calculations, how good it will be seen the material depends on how the result will be at the result.

Preliminary work

To serve a long time for a long time, you need to lay the foundation from the very beginning. For this, there are rules:

  • Without drawing - nowhere. The finished drawing can be found on the Internet, and you can make on your own. Imagine what dream design looks like. What size it should be to ensure that the child is comfortable, how to achieve it. The easiest way to make a drawing of a regular wooden box - and this is what can be done to start. Then, I realized the principle, you can do something more complicated.
  • Height. To ensure that the child is comfortable, the design should be higher than its growth of centimeters for thirty so that it can get up. In fact, this rule is inaccurate - the children grow rapidly, soon the ceilings will interfere. Therefore, it is better to take a universal height of sixty - although if you suspect that the house does not get bored and a teenager, then you can take two.
  • Width with length. The area of \u200b\u200bthe house should be such that the child can turn around in it normally. Usually it is one and a half - one and a half - you can send toys on such an area, put the table, turn around with desktop games. But you can and less.
  • Accommodation. The right place for the house is in the shade, but not too close to the trees, otherwise they can start it. It is also desirable that you can be conveniently look after playing children from anywhere in the house and garden, and that no large-scale changes are planned in its place.
  • Playground under the foundation. Must be clean, smooth. If this is not in the garden, you can make it yourself, removing the upper layer of the soil, racing the same shovel.

And, of course, you need to stock materials.

For the simplest slag it is:
  • several (from five) rivers the same length;
  • durable twine;
  • the fabric size is about two per month and a half plus nails.
For one-story design, you will need, of course, more:

We will also need nails, screws, fasteners with tools that can be fixed.

And otherwise - only accuracy along with readiness, if that, remake.

Directly construction

To make a salash - and it's easier not yet invented - efforts need not so much:
  • rakes are laid in the ground in a circle with a radius of about a meter;
  • the ends of the rivers are associated together with the help of the twine;
  • the fabric is fastened from above - first to one rail with nails, then to the next, and so far there will be no two neighboring rails.

Somewhat more complicated with a real one-story design - it will not be possible to build it in half an hour. Although the act also needs consistently:

  • fold the bars of the base in the square, to be copped with their corners, plus to attach them to a separate bar in the middle;
  • dig in the selected place four recesses under the foundation blocks and lay them;
  • on top of putting a frame, shelter his boards to get the floor;
  • attach the bars of the walls - four on the corners, two where there will be windows and doors, on the remaining free wall one, to fasten the framework, similar to the foundation;
  • make rafters - two bars connect with special corners under an acute angle, attach them to the wall frame;
  • shelter all shield sheets - from the walls to the roof;
  • hit a pre-harvested door and windows.

Of course, in the trifles the process is much more difficult, but it looks like that of it that way. The result is a simple house that needs to be furnished so that it becomes good to look good.


To design a children's house you need to come up with a fantasy. It should be bright, interesting even in appearance, but not devoid of taste.

Ready ideas

Of course, it is not necessary to take what someone has already come up with. But you can always take advantage of other people's ideas for inspiration. So, a children's wooden house may look very different.

The first solution is like a fabulous hut.
  • Exterior decoration. The walls are separated so that it seems that they are made of logs (for this you can use imitation). The door is squat, too, from logs, but vertical. The roof is double, with a carved visor and a casing in the form of a cock. Shutters carved, if desired, they can be closed. Colors - Natural Tree, Bright Red, Bright Yellow.
  • Interior decoration. Walls from all the same logs, wooden floor, there is a domain (at least in appearance) the carpet - it is comfortable for children, to play gently. In the corner - folded from the brick, the White Little Stove, in which, of course, do not really bake anything, but you can play the same bun.
  • Interior design. At the walls of the shop - they are sitting on them. In the middle of the table - you can put board games, a designer, sandwiches brought from the big house. In the corner, the traditional chest, in it toys, and you can hang the castle on the lid. Under the ceiling to hang ligaments of herbs, beads, dried flowers. A Russian rag or straw doll will look good.

Of course, children will quickly turn into a thoughtful design into something - the doll will play, something will be shedding on the table, the carpet will wipe the toys - but the total atmosphere will still be traced.

Second - Arbor Sultan.

  • Exterior decoration. There are no walls - instead of them four posts, a woven wooden grid that looks intutely, interesting (instead of a wooden can be taken metallic). Pointed roof, if enough craftsmanship - in the form of an elegant lying. Instead of the door of the arch. It will be beautiful if grapes or other such a plant will be placed on the grid. Colors - wood, red, blue, white, golden.
  • Interior decoration. Floor wooden, without carpet. The fabric is fixed under the ceiling - if it is hot or want to hide, it can be stretched by closing the grid.
  • Interior design. Many colorful pillows on the floor, a lowest table, which not only plays an entourage, but which is comfortable for children. The intricate iron candlestick with a real candle is, of course, to heal solely in the presence of adults. From the ceiling hangs dream catcher or wind music.

If children have no allergies, you can put a stand for aromatic sticks - in the fresh air the smell will be unwittered, but pleasant.

The third is a pirate ship.
  • Exterior decoration. The walls repeat the shape of the pirate ship, instead of the roof, actually deck. You can make a regular door, and you can - a round hatch in the roof, as on the real ship. Then the child will need to climb on the rope ladder on the deck and go down through the hatch. Such exercises are useful for coordination, but if the child is clumsy, it is better to refuse them.
  • Interior decoration. Paul from wood, walls, too, round portholes are not curtained. On the walls there are shops or hang hammocks, in which you can lie, read, shift. You can put the table, but you can do without it.
  • Interior design. Be sure to have accessories of the maritime subject. Encyclopedia with ships. Rope on which you can learn to knit knots. Compass by which you can define directions. You can even give out to everyone who goes on the ship, eye bandage to be more convenient to play pirates.
Fourth - European style house.
  • Exterior decoration. Walls to paint, door to make a scribblet, beautiful. The windows are simple, with rectangular shutters. Before entering, you can break the flower beds, for which children will be able to care if they want. Colors - pastel, with bright accents on the roof and doors.
  • Interior decoration. Walls to dry out simple wallpaper, leave the floor wooden, bother the ceiling. You can put a carpet to be cozy.
  • Interior design. Required a vase with flowers, a small silestone of children's size. You can simulate a fireplace, you can put a bookcase. Plush toys, a table with a set for tea drinking. Nothing superfluous, nothing screaming.

This decision is suitable only to calm introvert children - it is worth considering. Playing such a house in active games is not interesting, but for something economic - quite.


By building a house, be sure to use the child's help. Discuss with him what he wants to see. Invite to participate in the creation of a sketch. Even if the baby is only four years old, it will be the result that it will be, and therefore his opinion is also important.

Additional nuances

So that the house looks even better, you can use tricks:

  • Make a separate track. You can lay out it with a stone, tile or wooden dies - depending on how it looks in general. So, the suede stones are suitable for the Russian hut, scattered in such a way that from one to another you need to expand widely. But for the eastern motives you need a beautiful tile.
  • Sprinkle flower beds. Not all the children love to mess with flowers, but if you like it - it is quite possible to highlight the area from the house for him so that he can put everything on it that he wants.
  • Use not only simple varnish with paint. You can paint the walls with interesting drawings (for example, your favorite cartoon characters), you can draw beautiful patterns, and you can decorate their intricate carvings. Even stained glass instead of ordinary glass in the window will look beautiful.

While adults are engaged in leaving the garden and the landscaping of the garden, the kids should not be bored: let them be passionate about the cheerful game nearby. Comprehensively thoughtful children's houses for the cottage from wood are able to become the center of attention of the children, because their infrastructure meets all the requests of the younger generation. So that the localized playground always causes an excitement, it can be issued as an illustration for the interests of the child - in the form of a ship for a young navigator, a palace for the princess, a scientific laboratory for a passionate researcher. In general, if you wish, you can implement any project of a children's house for the cottage, the main thing is to arm a fantasy.

Children's house from a tree stylized under the ship Source

But it is impossible to repel solely from aesthetic considerations: the structure should be safe and convenient. In this aspect, professional intervention will help - the specialists will tell what materials will be appropriate, will take advantage of ergonomic methods of zoning, they will be interpreted that all technical and sanitary standards are observed during construction.

Selection of location and optimal material

To build a children's wooden house, it is necessary to find such a plot that will be equally visible from the entire area of \u200b\u200bownership - then parents will be able to continuously control the child. It is not recommended to plant trees, shrubs, smash the flower beds around the perimeter: due to the inevitable irrigation, the moisture of the soil will increase, which is fraught with fungal and moldless lesions of the wood. The same danger represent fountains and artificial reservoirs.

If there is already a barbecue area on the site, the game hut can not be put nearby: the combination of open fire and the pivious wind can lead to fire, and the abundant smoke from the manga will not benefit the young organism.

All wooden structures need careful impregnation with fire makeup.

Most often, children's houses are installed on a flat site, away from other business buildings source

Why is the tree recommend as a basic building material? Secret in natural origin and minimal risk of provoking allergic reactions. The wood, in contrast to plastic and metal surfaces, is not heated, does not emit hazardous chemical components into the air (provided that all coatings and impregnations were selected with special care). Accessories can be made of similar material, plastic, metal.

The unique texture, pleasant color and natural drawing is the key to the aestheticness of the finished structure, it does not need additional decoration, it is enough to indicate in terms of work. Applying several layers of protective varnish. If, on the contrary, I want to create a bright composition, the tree is easy to paint into any gamut.

What to order a house of a tree: models from plywood, boards, logs

These are environmentally friendly materials, lungs in assembly and processing, so they are taken as the basis for the construction of structures intended for leisure kids.

Next to the house it is easy to make a full-fledged playground Source

Construction of plywood

To build a children's house from plywood, the masters will drive out the templates of parts in full size and cut the blanks on them. Usually used material resistant to moisture. Further fixes prepared "semi-finished products" on the frame of thick bars using self-tapping screws. All of these manipulations predict the assembly of a blown belt burst into the soil from a large bar or a full-fledged basement.

Plywood lodge - this is also an extra reason to do with a child painting Source

On our site you can familiarize yourself with the most popular projects of wooden houses from construction companies presented at the exhibition of the houses "Low-rise Country".

Simple boarding hut

All parts are pre-impregnated with antiseptic compositions protecting wood from rotting, damage to fungi, mold. The thickness of the boards should exceed 40 mm, the details on the template are cut. The frame also, as in the previous case, is shuting out of thick bars, it is trimmed, observing the window and doorways marked in the project.

To build a double roof, the same brand of boards can be used, it is additionally strengthened with rolled or siding roofing materials, tiles.

In such a "hut" you can play in the snow shop and in three pigs source

Fabulous log house

A simple project of a children's house from a tree can turn into a fabulous hut. In this case, the complexity of construction is comparable to the logbook for a full-fledged dwelling: as a result, a small strong, sustainable building is formed. The interior of three sides is equipped with window openings, here you can envisage full-fledged shutters.

The entrance zone can also be with a "highlight": a mini-terrace or a porch without elevation concludes a single roof with the house, they collect patterned railing, put chairs and a compact countertop. This improvised summer kitchen is easy to turn into a drawing zone or board games.

Just a little fantasy and "Visiting a fairy tale" This is not just a telecast source FINMATRIX.RU

On our site you can find contact with building companies that offer construction construction services. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".


This project will be delighted every child, even adults will be delighted to participate in children's games. A logical link in this category is one colorful old or several nearby trees, which "build up" the house with minimal damage for nature. The playground can be closed, that is, having a full-fledged roof (and in some cases), or open, equipped with high railings.

The ladder can be screw, insertion (if desired, the child will raise it upstairs), stationary, it is interesting for a special training grid, stretched on the frame. In the free space, under the floor, the rope simulators and attractions can be suspended, tarzanka and swing with one crossbar will be relevant. In large-scale projects, two or more platforms combine the system of bridges.

After building such a house, you can go to visit Source

House on pillars for children with sandbox

This decision fits perfectly into small summer cottages, as the sandbox is on the first floor - directly under the bottom of the hut. In addition to the ladder, the miniature rock can be held upstairs, the Swedish wall. To the house adds swing, slide. Sandbox is recommended to equip a drawer for toys and benches.

When developing all models placed at altitude, special attention is paid to elements that level the injury factor. Having ordered such a house from professionals, you can be confident in its stability, thoughtfulness and comprehensive security for the child.

Such a house will easily replace the child a full sports field Source

Drawing up a plan and determination of the future sizes of a children's house from a tree

When developing a children's house project for cottages, several factors must be taken into account:

    foundation Significantly extends the operational period of construction. It will protect the wood from constant contact with the damp soil, which will prevent the premature destruction of the material;

    type of building. The hut can be closed or open, in the first case, include in a plan of at least 2 windows and the door. Open structures look like mini-arbors, the roof is supported by vertical supports, fences are introduced along the lower edge;

    dimensions specify depending on the parameters of the free space at the local area;

    mobility. The design can be transferred from place to place if initially adhere to the collapsible execution.

To reduce the risk of injury, specialists propose to pay attention to one- or divertile performance of the roof: sooner or later, the direct horizontal variations of the roof become an object of children's interest - they are climbing on them, try to jump off.

Duscal roofs will allow inpatient structures during wintering to be freed from snow.

Such a roof is very beautiful, but little child will not want to climb the source

Regarding openings are set specific boundaries:

    the height of the door should exceed the growth of the child at least 25-30 cm;

    the windows must be located at an altitude of at least 50-55 cm from the floor.

The final dimensions of the huts are equipped directly on the foundation, are determined by the operational needs and capabilities of the site. As for houses on trees, columns, the height of their sex relative to the level of the Earth should exceed 1.2 m, the height of the residential part to the top point of the roof - from 1.6 m. Taking into account the slides, stairs, the attractions need to release a platform of at least 4x4 m. This space will be enough for preschool kids games, for older children all parameters need to be increased by about 1.5 times.

Wooden house construction stages for children

Based on the drawing of a children's house, builders calculate the required amount of materials and after their delivery to the customer's territory begin to assemble.

Key steps:

    Formation of foundation From brick or terraced board. Upon request, the laying can be supplemented with a strap from the bar. The specificity of the structure does not imply fill a full-scale concrete base.

Children's house on a column foundation source

    Floor Create according to the classic scenario: the lags are pinching, they are cutting them with a germ. In some cases, the use of plywood in several layers with displacement of seams is permissible.

    Frame It looks like the basements covered in the corners of the basement, which has passed the preliminary antiseptic and water-repellent processing. In zones, where the openings will be located, additional supports are installed. Metal corners ensure the stability of the frame.

    Walls Performed from plywood, boards.

    Gable roof It is based on the front of the triangles from a thick bar fixed on two opposite walls. If the overall structure is planned, the installation of additional frontones between the main one will prevent. The design is stuffed with a timber and is trimmed with roofing material - boards, straw, bituminous tiles, rubberoid, etc., depending on the budget of the event.

    Finish In the simplest form, it lies in a thorough sister of all surfaces to which children will touch, wood covering protective compositions.

Careful finish and coloring is a security deposit design. Source

The latter are necessary to prevent the processes of rotting and damage to insects. Next, the tree is opened with varnish, the veil, if necessary, paint. Furniture, which will be placed inside, and outside, are performed from the remnants of the material and also processed.

The construction of the house on the tree begins with the search for a suitable instance of the deciduous breed. Professionals note that the tree shape will vary in proportion to its natural growth, so the models located mainly on the lower branches are design.

Supports and floor are mounted at the selected place, while the pre-assembly of walls and roofs are carried out on Earth, then the blanks are raised and fixed. The safest and simple staircase is wooden with railings to raise child interest, you can also provide a rope for quick descent.

Video Description

And a few more beautiful children's houses visually in the next video:

Choose the project together

To visit the cottage always caused delight in a child, let him also take part in the compilation of the sketch. In this case, the children's wooden house will become a favorite platform and a starting point for the development of the creative abilities of the younger generation. Further, collaborative family developments transmit professionals that calculate the project, taking into account the aesthetic and operating requests of the customer, will be estimated, they will bring material and begin to build.