Decorating the ceilings in the apartment with decorative stucco. How is the ceiling decorated with decorative plaster

Decorative plastering on the ceiling is one of the beautiful, but time-consuming types of decoration. The complicated technology is complicated by the horizontal surface. However, the durability and attractiveness of the coating are justified.

Material benefits

Thanks to the special composition, such plaster is practical. So, depending on the purpose of the room, you can choose a material with antiseptic and moisture-repellent characteristics, thermal insulation and other features.

All varieties of decorative plaster are inherent in the following:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • the ability to mask small irregularities;
  • lack of rigorous surface preparation for finishing;
  • ease of application;
  • increased strength, which ensures a long period of use;
  • the ability to decor any surface.

Another important advantage is the variety of textures. However, it is a wide range that requires careful selection, since the main stages of decoration differ depending on the texture. For example, a material with the smallest particles does not have reinforcing functions, because a thin layer will repeat all the surface irregularities. Therefore, working with it involves preliminary alignment of the ceiling.

It is very important to decide in advance what type of surface you will apply the mixture to. Some species will only spoil the main material. For example, water is not used on a surface that loses its appearance and shape when wet, it can be drywall or wood.

The advantages include the property of the original and quick transformation of the room. Finishing the ceiling with decorative plaster allows you to create any pattern or pattern, paint it in the desired color.

Combining with decorative elements, you can create a non-trivial style.

Material characteristics

Mixtures are classified depending on the binder into four groups, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages, which determines their use.

Mineral decorative plaster on the ceiling is with the following basis:

  • calcareous;
  • gypsum;
  • cement.

It is applied to a pre-primed surface.

Advantages of mineral mixtures:

  • resistant to high humidity;
  • durable;
  • vapor permeable;
  • easy to apply;
  • fireproof;
  • allow you to get a silk surface.

At a price the mixture is affordable and involves the use of flocks, chips and other elements. Regarding the shortcomings, cracks are observed when the building shrinks.

Acrylic plaster for the ceiling is sold ready-made. It is characterized by a high level of adhesion with different mineral surfaces, a small coefficient of absorption of moisture and high elasticity. However, it is flammable and not suitable for cladding.

Silicate decorative stucco of the ceiling is based on "liquid" potash glass, an emulsion, which is mixed before use. The mixture is characterized by the ability to pass steam and elasticity. Open plaster should be applied quickly. The silicate surface is easy to care for. This type is characterized by a long period of operation, water resistance and vapor permeability. It is suitable for different coatings. If necessary, easily create any color by adding color.

Filler for the mixture

Varieties of plaster differ in the type of stone chips. Manufacturers use several natural stones that are crushed. Its size varies from 0.5 to 5 mm.

Each view has unique properties:

  • marble - has excellent adhesion characteristics with a base, but not resistant to mechanical damage and abrasion;
  • quartz - has an average adhesion to a bonding base;
  • granite - characterized by excellent resistance to mechanical damage.

Classification by surface type

The method of applying the mixture is affected by the composition of the plaster. There are several techniques:

  • simulated;
  • furrowed;
  • uniformly rough.

For any type of coating, choose the material that suits it the most. The manufacturer places the compatibility data on the labels. Read the information before starting work.

Before you make a purchase, you need to check the expiration date. Expired material turns into flour.

Manufacturers produce decorative plaster in various forms:

  • dry
  • ready made.

The most popular types are textured “sea breeze”, roller and Venetian mixtures.

Application Method

Before starting work, remember that silicate plaster is not used in the decoration of coatings that are treated with a dispersion or water-based primer. It is applied to the sand ceiling. For silicate material, it is better to use a plaster with a mineral base.

The decorative mixture is applied only after thorough mixing. For this purpose, use a special tool - auger. He works at low speeds. At high mixing speeds, the granules will collapse.

Finishing the ceiling is possible only after full preparation. It must be clean and dry.

The advantage of such plaster also lies in the fact that, in comparison with paint, it is applied to the ceiling with flaws. It is important to remember that this is possible when the size of the roughness is not larger than the filler grain. To enhance adhesion, the surface is primed with a special composition with quartz sand.

The method of applying plaster is similar to the putty method. The material is applied from bottom to top and leveled. Then comes one of the most important points - the formation of the desired pattern. Plaster is processed using a spatula, a special structural roller or a plastic grater. To create relief drawings, use the following application techniques:

  1. The formation of patterns with brushes, graters and spatulas. For example, using circular movements with a spatula, the effect of sea shells is imitated. A plastic grater creates furrowed patterns.
  2. The formation of the structure using a roller. If you make rotational movements, you get a uniform surface, and with easy rolling, you get a kind of pattern.

Usually, after the plaster dries, additional processing is not required. In some cases, to increase the operational and decorative qualities, it is coated with paint. It dries in a couple of hours, but this is completely possible only in a few weeks.

The owner of a house, apartment or office, depending on the wishes, as well as operating conditions and features of the coating, can choose a certain type of decorative mixture, the desired texture and shade. This material is suitable for decorating bedrooms, living rooms and hallways.

In order to start decorating the ceiling, you must have a fairly flat surface. But few people like the idea of \u200b\u200bplastering in several stages. In this case, textured plaster for the ceiling can help. This material is well applied even to the ceiling, which has minor defects. Defects will not be noticeable on a textured, uneven surface. One of the main advantages of such coatings is their durability. A variety of types and types will help in creating an original interior with your own hands without any outside help.

The advantage of textured plaster in the durability of the coating.

Selection of decorative plaster

Having decided to replace the traditional ceiling coating with textured plaster, the ordinary consumer is faced with the question of choice. In construction stores and supermarkets labels are confusing by their names: textured, decorative, structural plaster, stucco, plastic. In reality, the same thing is often hidden under different names. Just different manufacturers call the product in their own way. To determine what exactly is in the bucket, you only need to carefully examine the label. The consumer should be interested in information about the appearance of the plaster, the methods of its application, the materials acting as binders, the fraction of the filler, the minimum thickness of the textured layer.

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Types of textured plaster for the ceiling

Textured plaster can be of several types:

The formation of the structural surface can occur due to coarse filler in the composition of the plaster.

  • the relief on the surface is obtained by treating the layer with all kinds of tools. The layer thickness can be 2-7 mm and depends on the desired texture and tool;
  • the formation of the structural surface occurs due to coarse filler in the composition of the plaster. The thickness of the layer ranges from 1-6 mm and depends on the fraction of the filler;
  • texture creation is achieved by multilayer application of the necessary material, visually and to the touch such a surface is smooth. Such coatings have a thickness of not more than 1.5 mm.

A separate item can be noted variational plaster. In this case, the acquisition of the base and filler occurs separately. As a filler, marble and quartz chips, chips and flops are used.

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Classification by type of binder

The cheapest option is plaster, which is based on a mineral binder. The role of the binder is performed by gypsum, cement or lime. Representatives of this type of plaster have good vapor permeability and adhesion. Cement plasters easily tolerate moisture. As a result, they are used for exterior decoration and for finishing ceilings in damp rooms. However, cement plasters differ in rough texture and are not suitable for every interior.

Polyurethane and epoxy plasters are the most resistant and durable.

The greatest resistance is shown by polyurethane and epoxy plasters. They are not afraid of either fire or chemicals. Polyurethane-based plasters are used for interior and exterior decoration. They can be used under any conditions, but their chemical origin is their main disadvantage. Such plasters have a specific smell, and with strong heating release toxic substances. Their cost is quite high.

The experts consider water-based plasters to be the most acceptable option. In their composition, acrylic, styrene-acrylic or polyvinyl acetate act as a binder. Their advantages include good ductility, vapor permeability, resistance to ultraviolet and moisture.

Previously, all old coatings are cleaned from the ceiling: wallpaper, ceiling tiles, whitewash, putty, etc. Then the surface is primed.

DIY textured plaster requires the following tools:

  • a mixer or drill equipped with a nozzle for mixing;
  • spacious containers (for example, 18 l) in order to spread the plaster;
  • set of spatulas;
  • rule
  • master OK;
  • graters or graters;
  • primer brush;
  • roller.

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"Bark beetle" as a way of applying plaster

Do-it-yourself bark beetle plastering is almost no different from working with any other plaster that has coarse aggregate.

  1. First, the surface of the ceiling is cleaned of wallpaper, whitewash, ceiling tiles, putty, etc., and then primed. To achieve a uniform distribution of the filler in the composition of the plaster, it should be mixed. Mixing is best done manually to avoid damage to the filler.
  2. Ready plaster is applied to the ceiling using a trowel or metal spatula. The optimum layer thickness should not be more than 5 - 6 mm. The surface to be coated at a time is chosen by everyone at their own discretion. However, do not forget that the grinding of the plaster to give the surface a finished look must begin before it starts to set. To do this work yourself, it is advisable to have a partner. The first applies a layer of plaster, and the other creates a “labyrinths” on the ceiling with a trowel.

Tip: During the application and leveling of putty, tools will inevitably become contaminated with plaster residues. All contaminants must be removed in a timely manner with a wrung out damp cloth.

The finished textured surface does not require paint. Unless, of course, the color is as intended. It is best to immediately give the desired color after plastering. This service is provided by all major manufacturers and distributors of plaster.

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Textured plaster as an artist’s canvas

A special roller for working with textured plaster allows you to create a relief ceiling.

Decorative plaster, which does not have large aggregates, is a material that is able to open unlimited spaces for the imagination of decorators, architects and artists. Using this plaster, they create real works of art, wall panels, modern murals, etc.

To create a relief (texture) with your own hands, you can use all kinds of materials that are at hand, for example:

  • washcloth;
  • rag;
  • plastic bag;
  • hairbrush.

Special tools for creating textured plaster can also be purchased at the store. For example, various spatulas with curly edges that allow you to make patterns in the form of waves and grooves, or special rollers for working with textured plaster. Such rollers have a carved pattern that remains on the ceiling when rolling over an as yet uncured coating. They can imitate the texture of wood or grass.

The effect of wrinkled paper on the ceiling surface can be achieved by placing a regular roller in a fabric cover.

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DIY plaster patterns

Using the selected tool, a relief texture is formed and, pressing a relief spatula, they are drawn along the putty layer along a predetermined path.

The first step in creating a three-dimensional pattern on the ceiling can be attributed to surface preparation (repairing cracks, priming, dusting).

The next step is the application of plaster. A plaster layer of 3-5 mm is applied and then leveled. All work must be carried out taking into account the fact that drying will occur rather quickly.

And then the most interesting and fascinating begins - the creation of a textured drawing with your own hands. Using the selected tool, they begin to form a relief texture. While pressing a relief spatula, roller or other tool, they are drawn along the putty layer along a predetermined path (horizontal, vertical, wavy, arched, etc.). The force of pressure on the tool affects the depth of the relief. If you have doubts about how the pattern will look in a particular place, you should pre-practice on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe surface and finally decide on a suitable texture. Then the already drying textured surface must be smoothed. Large protrusions are smoothed out with a metal trowel. It is first dipped in water, and then, slightly touching the ceiling, slightly level the surface.

After the plaster layer has completely dried, the ceiling is sanded with fine-grained sandpaper, and poorly-held particles are removed with a spatula.

At the last stage, the surface is refined. Painting the ceiling with textured plaster with your own hands is a very exciting activity. You can make the ceiling monophonic, or you can connect a fantasy and use several colors. To do this, the ceiling is first covered with darker paint, and then from the protruding sections the paint is erased with a rag or sponge and a lighter color is applied. Such painting will enhance the effect of the relief of the ceiling.

The ceiling plays an important role in the interior of the apartment. To get a beautiful design, it is not necessary to use expensive materials. To create an atmosphere, designers often use various finishing mixtures in their work. These include decorative stucco on the ceiling.

Options for decorating the ceiling with decorative plaster

Decorative plaster is a finishing textured coating. It consists mainly of sand and cement, but various components are added to it that are completely capable of changing the appearance and structure, allowing the coating to become voluminous. As additional components, marble, quartz, granite chips are used. Depending on these additives, the plaster is divided into several types. It happens:

  • textured - in this embodiment, all ingredients have already been added to its composition, and its texture is due to its composition;
  • structural - here the finish is a white mixture, which in the process of work can be supplemented with any color, and thanks to the tools the specialist is able to give it any look;
  • venetian;
  • flock.

This finish has several advantages:

  • masking defects on the main surface;
  • it can be applied to any building material, whether it is wood, concrete, drywall, brick;
  • large color gamut;
  • long term of operation;
  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • the material is environmentally friendly.

Among the options for decorating the ceiling with decorative plaster, Venetian plaster and sgraffito are distinguished.

Venetian stucco on the ceiling

The main difference of this mixture is its exclusive appearance. The master creates a unique drawing directly on the spot. Acrylic is used as the basis of the material for the Venetian plaster, and various pigments are added to obtain the desired color shade. You can also use marble dust in the decoration. Thanks to this, an imitation of natural marble is obtained. Wax is applied over the plaster layer at the very end of the work. It protects against unwanted effects on the surface and gives shine. You can appreciate the beauty of such a coating by looking at the photo of the Venetian ceiling.

Important! The technology of applying Venetian plaster to the ceiling requires workers to have certain qualifications, since the process is very complicated. Without experience in this matter, you can spoil the coating.

Before applying the finishing material, the ceiling surface should be carefully sanded, leveled, and then a primer is applied. Then, layer by layer, apply the decorative mixture itself. Basically, you need to apply from 3 to 10 layers of various shades. Each row of plaster needs to be made as smooth as possible. Due to the translucency in the final work, the visual effect of the depth of the ceiling space is obtained.

The strokes for decoration are applied in different sizes, thereby creating a chaotic pattern. Specialists in their work can use the technique of applying dry strokes to a wet surface and apply various pressure on the tool. These techniques help create the desired effect.

At the end of the finishing work, wax is applied to the surface, and then the ceiling is carefully sanded with a soft cloth, creating a mirror shine. And even a photo will not be able to convey all the beauty of Venetian plaster on the ceiling.

Textured plaster for ceiling

There are a lot of advantages of this type of finishing material:

  • low cost;
  • ease of use;
  • there is no need to very carefully align the original ceiling before work;
  • durability of the coating.

Before applying decorative plaster, thoroughly clean the working surface of the old material and carry out priming so that the material sticks better to the ceiling. Then apply the plaster, creating the desired relief. To get the original design of the ceiling, it is worth observing some nuances. For example, to obtain a plane that will be uniformly covered with small tubercles, you need to apply a mixture, and then use a regular roller for rolling. To change the pattern, a cord can be wound around the roller. In places where it will push through the layer, you will get a noticeable and non-standard version of the picture.

Important! For a creative purpose, you can even use a regular plastic bag by wrapping it on a roller and pressing it against a layer of decorative mixture. Also, special tools are used to create a certain texture, as well as ordinary improvised materials, such as a foam sponge, fabric flaps.

After creating the necessary texture, the finishing material should dry well. After that, you can leave the original version of the design or add paint, gloss or glaze to it. All this will give the ceiling a unique look.

There are several types of textured plasters, but for the ceiling it is advisable to use a mixture with cementitious materials such as polyvinyl acetate or acrylic. They are the most plastic, so they are easy to apply to the original surface. They have moisture resistance and are not affected by ultraviolet rays.

Structural plastering on the ceiling

To create a designer ceiling, you can use structural decorative plaster. Some consumers often confuse it with a textured mixture. They have a similar composition, but the method of applying the relief is different. In the case of using textured decorative plaster, the drawing is created on a non-dried layer of the mixture, and when using the structural mixture, the texture is obtained immediately during its application. The composition of this plaster includes a base and a filler, on which the effects depend.

Before application, the initial ceiling is leveled and primed. Then, using tools, apply the mixture, rubbing it on the surface. The structure of the future drawing appears already in the process of the work itself. After the raw material dries, the surface can be painted.

Flocking plaster for ceiling

Flocks are called small particles, which are used as a complement to the mixture. They can be of different shapes and colors, can be covered with sparkles or just stay dull. By mixing different types of flocks, you can get a unique shade and texture of the ceiling. Flock decorative plaster will ideally fit into any interior style.

This type of decorative finish has wear resistance, water resistance and increased moisture resistance. The material is completely non-toxic; it can be used to decorate children's rooms and public spaces. Stucco keeps its appearance unchanged for many years. Wet cleaning of such a surface is very simple. To do this, just use a damp sponge with detergent. Flock decorative plaster meets all fire safety standards, as it does not support the combustion process.

At the beginning of the finish, a layer of adhesive coating is applied, and then flocks are sprayed onto the base with a spray gun. After complete drying, the surface is poured with a stiff brush to remove particles that have not adhered. At the end, the ceiling is covered with acrylic varnish.

Decorative plaster on the ceiling: photo in the interior

It is believed that finishing with decorative plaster is already out of date. Looking at the photo of ceilings with such a finish, the opinion of most people is changing. Many dream of a beautiful stylish ceiling. And to make it is not so expensive and difficult, as it seems at the very beginning.

If you use such material for decoration, you can get an imitation of marble or any other stone. This texture gives a certain zest to the apartment. And if the room is dominated by a Gothic or antique style, then you can use stucco made of polyurethane for decoration. Seeing the beauty of decorative plaster in the photo, no one can resist the desire to create such beauty in the room.

DIY stucco on the ceiling

To create a decorative ceiling, it is not necessary to hire specialists. If there is a lot of experience in such works, then you can independently finish the ceiling surface in the room.

Preparatory work

To decorate the house with decorative plaster, you must very responsibly approach the choice of mixture. The dry composition of the finish requires preparation, and for this you need some experience to properly create the right consistency. Mixtures are produced in only one white color, in order to get a different shade, you need to additionally paint the composition during the work.

Important! When finishing with materials of this kind, it should be noted that for complete drying it will be necessary to wait a week.

In addition to such mixtures, there is also a finishing material that is immediately ready for use. And such a finish dries one day.

After the material has been selected, you need to pick up a special tool. It is chosen depending on the type of material and the method of applying the plaster. The main tool when working with decorative trim is a trowel. And for structural plaster, they also use a plastic grater. The use of a regular or curly roller is also very common.

Before you start decorating the ceiling with stucco, it must be leveled using the finishing putty. And then treat the surface with a primer. It is necessary for better adhesion of the finish to the ceiling.

Application of decorative plaster on the ceiling

If a dry mix is \u200b\u200bused, then it must be prepared using a construction mixer.

After laying, the plaster is taken to create the texture. For this purpose, use a grater. Moving it on the ceiling surface, the master creates an artistic pattern.

Paint the ceiling only after the finish layer has dried. The paint is applied with at least two layers, with a break after each painting. When working with textured plaster to create patterns, various devices are used to create the intended texture.

Venetian plaster is applied with a spatula, and using a straight trowel, level and form a layer. The thickness of the formation should be up to 5 mm. The number of layers depends on the design idea. Each subsequent layer is applied to the previous one after 12 hours. After full troweling, the surface is carefully rubbed and covered with wax.


Decorative stucco on the ceiling is one of the inexpensive materials that allow you to create an original design and style of the apartment. Photos of ceilings decorated with decorative plaster are striking in their beauty. This design is an ideal solution for decorating the ceiling in the bedroom, living room, children's room.

The texture of the stone is always in fashion

One of the advantages of this surface finish is the durability of the coating. And if you decide to do without the help of specialists, and do the work yourself, the question arises of the choice of material.

What to look for when choosing

Reading the various names on the labels, an ignorant person will not always understand that this is often the same thing: decorative, structural, textured, plaster, and stuco. Each manufacturer simply has its own name.

Different types of decorative plaster

  • The difference between these compounds lies not in this. The instructions on the package should contain information about the cementitious base, the minimum thickness of the invoice layer, fractions of fillers and the final form of the plastered surface.
  • The structure of the plaster layer is formed due to coarse special filler in its composition. The thickness of the layer also varies from its fraction - from one to six millimeters.
  • The creation of a certain texture is achieved by multilayer application of the material. At the same time, the surface of the plaster is smooth to the touch, and can have a thickness of no more than one and a half millimeters.
  • But the relief on the surface is created by machining the applied composition with special tools. This is clearly visible in the photo presented in the gallery. In this case, the thickness of the applied layer can vary, reaching six to seven millimeters.

There is such a type of decorative plaster - variational. Base mix and fillers for it are sold separately. As a filler, flops, chips, quartz or marble chips can be used. Thanks to them, such different and incredibly beautiful textures are obtained.

Types of compositions and their use

The lowest price for mineral based plaster options. The binders here are lime, cement or gypsum. These mixtures are well set, and each has its own application.

  • For example, cement plaster tolerates moisture better, but has a rougher texture. Not in every interior it will look good, therefore it is more often used for walls and ceilings of rooms with high humidity.

Cement-based plasters are used to create a “concrete effect”

  • Gypsum plaster on the ceiling is more appropriate due to the natural whiteness of this material. As for the lime mixture for decorative plastering, it is mainly used for wall decoration.
  • There are combined options. For example: a lime-cement mixture called terrazite plaster. It consists of white Portland cement, fluffy lime, sand, mica, various pigments. This composition is usually used for decorating building facades.
  • The most resistant and durable are epoxy and polyurethane compounds. They are not afraid of any exposure to chemicals and high temperatures. Their main disadvantage is the specific smell.
  • With strong heating, the surface plastered with such a composition releases toxic substances. It is clear that these mixtures are not used for residential premises. But for the exterior, these are great options, despite their high cost.

Styling the travertine texture on the kitchen ceiling with acrylic putties and paints

The best option is textured stucco for the ceiling, the binder of which is acrylic or polyvinyl acetate. Such plasters have the best ductility. They are resistant to moisture and ultraviolet radiation and do not pose any danger to human health.

How to work with decorative plaster

Gold-colored zoning

No special surface preparation is required before finishing. Everything is as usual - a thorough cleaning to the floor slab is made, and the coating is made with concrete contact. Only if there are differences on the base ceiling, potholes and visible seams between the plates - they need to be puttied or evened out. How to do this, watch the video.

  • To knead the solution, you will need a twenty-liter container; construction mixer, or drill with a nozzle. To work with the finished solution, various tools are used - depending on what texture you need to get:

Relief toolkit

  • First of all, this is a set of spatulas: you will need both narrow and wide stainless steel, and, certainly, rubber. Application of textured plaster on the ceiling, and its alignment is carried out with a spatula.
  • The trowel is also used for this purpose, and also for creating relief in the formation of patterns. In fact, for each type of plaster, you need your own tool.
  • There is a popular texture "bark beetle". Create it with a grater, which must be moved along the layer of plaster in a certain direction. There are many options for grazing, using which you can get a different pattern.

  • The same can be said about the rollers. The usual fur roller primed surfaces. There is a technology for applying textured plaster with such a roller. A patterned roller can even be applied to simple plaster, and not just to decorative.
  • If a continuous drawing is applied with a patterned roller, then a stamp is used to create a separately located image. It turns out neatly and fairly quickly.
  • An interesting pattern on the surface can be obtained by winding a crumpled plastic film or rope onto a roller. Original reliefs and drawings can also be created using a stencil.
  • To form the relief by spraying, you need a special gun. The solution is supplied to it by a compressor with a capacity of up to four atmospheres. Specialists work with this method. It is unlikely that someone will acquire such equipment for independent plastering.
  • The textured plaster of the ceiling with quartz filler requires a tool called a comb. It is used to create linear patterns on thick layers of applied composition.

Types of textured tension structures

Speaking of textured ceilings, we have in mind some features of the surface of the film or fabric, which make up their texture:

  • relief drawing (furrows, stripes, waves, ledges);
  • degree of smoothness-roughness;
  • light reflection level.

Textured stretch fabric looks great in combination with matte pendant designs

For example, minimal reflective characteristics are characteristic of a matte film. The pattern most often imitates one of the natural surfaces - wood, stone, bamboo or natural fabric. Satin reflects light rays a little more, especially light satin, and the maximum reflective properties of gloss, the specularity of which serves as an excellent way to increase space.

To emphasize the style of the interior, we choose one of the popular types of stretch textured ceiling:

  • silk - is distinguished by light shine, pastel shades and softness;
  • marble - perfectly copies a cold and smooth surface with a natural pattern;
  • metallic - has a wide palette of shades with a slight flicker, changes color under varying degrees of lighting;
  • mother of pearl - conveys luxurious pearl shine, looks great in any interior;
  • suede is an unusual solution for the ceiling, great for eclectic decoration.

Noble glossy marble visually increases the height of the room

Combinations of various textures look original. For example, the alternation of gloss and matte dark tones are used to create an imitation of a multi-level design.

Features of textured paints

If you first decided to conduct an experiment and create a textured ceiling with your own hands, use special paints. Volume and relief arise due to the addition of fillers to the usual composition. The base consists of acrylic resins, water is used as a diluent. Due to the thick consistency, the paint is applied not with a brush or roller, but with a spatula, like plaster. Traditional tools are often used to create a picture or ornament.

Using decorative plaster, you can create an unusual stylized surface.

Pay attention to the advantages of paint:

  • profitability (especially in comparison with tension structures);
  • the ability to hide small irregularities of the plates;
  • maintaining the height of the room;
  • prompt and inexpensive repair.

It is also fair to note the disadvantages: the textured paint for the ceiling does not hold well on wooden surfaces, has a high consumption and does not cover large defects - protrusions and cracks.

Using decorative paints is the easiest way to create a textured surface.

How to choose decorative plaster

Having a little practice in the application technique, you can use textured plaster for the ceiling, which in construction supermarkets is sometimes found under other names - decorative plaster, plaster, stucco.

Ready-made compounds

Thanks to new technological developments in the field of modern decorative plasters, there are several types of creating a relief structure of the material, as well as several methods of applying it:

  • the volume is created by adding coarse filler, the thickness of the layer - 2-5 mm;
  • the visual effect of unevenness occurs during the application of several layers, although in fact the treated surface remains smooth;
  • the structure is built under the influence of special tools.

Decorative plaster is most often applied with a conventional spatula.

Variational plaster is obtained by mixing two components: a base and one of the fillers, which are chips, quartz chips, flops.

Composition and structure of decorative plaster

Depending on the use, the composition of decorative plaster may vary in fillers and additives, which give the finishing material one or another additional property. Decorative plaster for the ceiling is not only a stylish element of the decor of the interior, but also a durable coating that protects the ceiling from excess moisture, dampness and other adverse effects.

In construction stores, you can purchase both structural and textured plasters for ceilings.

Structural plaster

Ceiling finish with structural plaster of different textures

Structural plaster mix is \u200b\u200ba mass of white color, which in the process of finishing can be painted in any color. These mixtures allow using specialized plastering tools to give the surface of the ceiling any texture required by the interior design of the room.

Decorative plastering of the ceiling with the help of structural stucco mixture requires certain skills in the construction and finishing works.

Textured plaster

Textured plaster with marble chips

This type of decorative plaster is very convenient to use, as it is completely ready for use.

All the necessary components have already been added to the composition of textured plasters, and the surface texture during application is already determined by the composition of the building and finishing mixture.

According to the size of the filler grains, decorative plasters are divided into the following types:

  • Large textured decorative plaster has a granule size of three to five millimeters;
  • Medium textured - the size of the granules from one and a half to two and a half millimeters;
  • Finely textured plaster - granule size from 0.5 to 1 millimeter;
  • Finely textured decorative plaster has a granule size of less than 0.5 millimeters.

Tip. When deciding on the choice of material for finishing the ceiling, it should be borne in mind that in order to apply the finishing plaster of fine or fine texture, the ceiling must be perfectly even, since this material does not hide surface defects.

Composition of decorative plaster

Decorative plaster on the ceiling has several compositions of the working mixture:

  • Plasters, which include acrylic or polymer dissolved in water as a binder, are environmentally friendly, but their wear resistance leaves much to be desired;
  • If epoxy resins or polyurethane are used as a binder in the decorative plaster, then such a material is more durable, but can produce fumes that are unsafe for human health when heated.

Tip. These coatings are not used for decorating ceilings in bedrooms and children's rooms.

  • When using granite or quartz chips as a filler for a stucco mixture, an abrasion-resistant surface of a smooth or rough texture is obtained;
  • If marble chips are selected as the filler, then the treated surface will have an abrasion-resistant, rough texture;
  • To give the plaster mixture waterproofing and antiseptic properties, special thickeners, preservatives and antiseptics are introduced into the composition, which should be indicated on the finished package.

Options for decorating ceilings with decorative plaster

Depending on the style of the room design and its features, the option of decorative plaster for ceilings is also chosen.

For example, the decoration of the ceiling with decorative plaster in the bathroom or hall will differ in composition and texture from the decoration of the bedroom or dining room.

Decoration of bedrooms and children's rooms

Application of mineral plaster on the ceiling, a large selection of options and textures

As a finishing material for bedrooms and children's rooms, it is better to choose stucco mixtures based on mineral-based lime - this is the safest environmentally friendly material that allows the ceiling surface to "breathe".

Thanks to a huge selection of colors and textures of mineral decorative plasters, you can decorate the ceiling in a variety of styles and color combinations.

Tip. Water-based plasters can not be applied to a surface that swells under the influence of moisture - fiberboard, drywall and wood.

Decoration of rooms with high humidity

Marble bathroom ceiling option

For the decoration of rooms with high humidity - bathrooms, bathrooms and kitchens, decorative plasters for the ceiling on an acrylic basis are used, which have water-repellent properties.

There are a number of stucco mixtures for ceilings with a water-repellent effect, which is also necessarily indicated on the package with the mixture. The application of decorative plaster on the ceiling does not require prior alignment of the ceiling, since the mixture is applied with a layer of at least five millimeters.

But nevertheless, preliminary preparation of the ceiling and the elimination of large surface defects, before applying the plaster mixture, is necessary.

Advantages and disadvantages of stucco mixtures for ceilings

The advantages of decorative plaster include the following factors:

  • Lightness and ease of use;
  • Decorative plaster can be applied to almost any surface;
  • Decorative plaster for the ceiling does not require thorough surface preparation, but it is desirable to eliminate large surface defects;
  • Decorative plaster remarkably masks small irregularities in the surface of the ceiling;
  • Decorative plaster - resistant, environmentally friendly and durable coating.

The disadvantages of this building and finishing material include the following:

  • Finishing work must be carried out by a specialist;
  • Finely textured plaster requires a perfectly flat ceiling surface;
  • Water-based plasters can not be applied on surfaces that are unstable to moisture - drywall, particleboard and wood.

Properly selected decorative plaster on the ceiling will help to give the interior of the room a unique style and grace. The main thing is that the material of the stucco mixture be selected taking into account all technological requirements.

Features and installation sequence

First you need to say that work of this nature is quite difficult to produce. It is necessary not only to stand on a certain height, but also constantly keep your hands raised up to perform certain actions. Given this, most people prefer to hire workers for this operation, so as not to carry out it on their own.

Ceiling work is quite difficult to do, because you have to constantly work with your hands up


  • First of all, you need to understand that when working with the ceiling, any trifle is important. Errors cannot be made in such work, since this can not only degrade the quality of the structure, but also significantly reduce the life of the device.
  • Particular attention in this work is given to lighting. Typically, the installation instructions recommend the use of additional lamps, which should be installed in a special way, to detect irregularities.

Incorrect selection of the mixture can lead not only to difficulties in installation, but also to shorten the life of the

  • The choice of mixtures for work, too, must be approached responsibly. The fact is that coarse-grained materials should be used for leveling, and finishing finishing is done with compositions with small particles and even on a different basis.
  • It is worth mentioning that some compositions for working with the ceiling are often called putty, although in fact they are plaster mixes. Accordingly, decorative plaster on the ceiling is the very mixture, though performed by special compounds. In this case, special technologies that differ from each other can be used.

Correctly installed lighting can greatly facilitate the work and identify installation defects

Preparation and lighthouses

  • First of all, it is necessary to completely remove the old coating from the ceiling. A sharpened spatula is perfect for this. It is also recommended to use a brush with bristles made of metal.
  • After that, the surface is treated with a primer. Professional craftsmen recommend applying several layers at intervals of 4 hours. The fact is that this will not only increase the level of adhesion, but also significantly reduce the absorption.

Each individual operation requires the use of certain materials that perform strictly defined functions.

  • If you plan to create a ceiling from decorative plaster, it is best to use the type of primer that is recommended along with the main material. (See also do-it-yourself primer primer.)
  • The next step is to level the surface. For this, first of all, markup is applied. It is best performed using a laser level and threads that stretch over the area.

Beacon installation and marking diagram

  • Based on the markings and cords, beacons need to be made. At the same time, professional craftsmen recommend reducing the planned level of the stucco layer to a minimum. That is why they try to take as a basis a place on the surface that is closest to the floor.
  • For the manufacture of lighthouses, it is best to use landing gypsum. The fact is that this substance hardens very quickly and it will be much easier to work with it. It should be noted that lighthouses are made at a distance of 20 cm from the walls and between them leave a gap equal to the length of the rule minus 20 cm.

Installation of gypsum beacons for subsequent pulling on them

  • After the structure hardens, the entire surface is again treated with a primer.

If you make too large beacons, then the thickness of the layer of plaster will also be significant.
However, it must be remembered that this will take up space and underestimate the ceiling.

Some wizards use a water-level tool when working to facilitate the measurement process.

Sketch and stretch

  • At this stage, you need to use a mixture designed to level the surface. Nobody has been using conventional cement mortars for a long time, although the price of plaster compositions is much higher. This is due to the fact that working with them is much simpler and faster, and the resulting surface will have very good quality indicators.
  • It must be said that the mixture must be prepared very carefully, using a special nozzle on the drill. The consistency of the resulting mixture should be quite thick so that it can hold on a vertical plane.

Aligning ceilings using a rule

  • Apply the mixture to the surface with a spatula, trying to rub it with pressure. After this, the leveling process begins, pulling the composition with its rule or another long and even tool. If the solution turns out to be too dry, it can be additionally moistened.
  • At the next stage, the mixture is allowed to solidify completely and then it is treated with a primer to strengthen the bond with the surface.

Some experts also recommend using a notch to increase traction.

  • Next, do-it-yourself decorative plastering of the ceiling, taking into account the characteristics of the selected material. Usually for this, a metal spatula or a trowel is used. However, there are also such compounds that require the use of special tools.
  • Given these features of the finishing coat, professional craftsmen strongly recommend that you study in detail the technological processes for working with specific types of material. At the same time, it is advised to listen to the manufacturers of mixtures, who advise using additional components of the same series and even lots.

Obligatory priming before each application of the material to the surface will increase the bond strength of the layers of the mixture and will create an almost monolithic structure

  • The final alignment, if there is no pattern or relief on the surface, is done using a polyurethane grater. At the same time, the surface can be moistened to create a polishing effect.

When working with the ceiling, mortar residues often fall onto the floor.
That is why before starting installation it needs to be covered with a film so as not to spoil it.

Application of the simplest finishing layer to the surface, which can subsequently be painted or used as the basis for decorative design

Finishing the ceiling with decorative plaster creates a durable, stable coating on the surface, which also has waterproof, heat-insulating and antiseptic properties. Also, the use of this material allows you to get a plane that imitates natural marble or texture of any other stone.

Application technology in the design of decorative and textured plasters requires special accuracy and accuracy.

Indeed, despite the elimination of minor defects, significant surface imperfections will clearly stand out against the general background.
  So, how do decorative stucco of ceilings do it yourself?

If you take the definition, then decorative plaster is a viscous mixture of consistency, intended for the decoration of housing surfaces. But, the highlight of the material is given by its fillers, which form coatings that are special in appearance.

The following types of plaster used for decoration:

Each variety forms its surface due to mineral and organic fillers.

Structural plaster

The most striking example is the bark beetle, which is most often used in decorating building facades. The peculiarity of such a mixture is available in addition to the binders of the mineral additive - quartz chips from 0.5 to 3 mm in size.
  After applying structural plaster, it is necessary to form its relief manually. Due to the pebbles, you can get volumetric patterns.

Textured blends

This is a plaster containing binders with mineral and organic additives: mica, wood fibers, small stones. The combination of fillers, in the end, gives the effect of a three-dimensional image. If you use various stamps or molding rollers, then you can form texture images on the surface.

Venetian plaster

Includes small marble chips. The mixture also has an astringent. When applied to the surface, a smooth, uniform coating is formed, repeating the appearance of natural marble.

Flock mixes

Plaster for the interior decoration of the ceiling, allowing you to get an image in the style of mosaics. The effect is achieved by applying three layers: astringent-adhesive composition, multi-colored and multi-sized stones, varnish coating.
  Mixtures differ in their composition, one way or another affecting the styling methods and the final result.

Classification by composition

In addition to fillers in the form of mineral chips or organic additives, an important component that affects the properties is a binder.
According to this criterion, the following decorative plasters are distinguished:


Usually, acrylic resins are used as a binder component, which give coatings resistance to moisture and temperature jumps.


The base of silicone components gives plasticity to the applied plaster, moreover, the vapor permeability and water resistance are improved.


They include components such as liquid glass and alkalis. Such components make it possible to obtain coatings with good antiseptic properties, ductility, water resistance and vapor permeability.


The main astringent used in these types of plasters is lime; clay and mineral additives can also be part of the composition.

To improve the properties, additives can be used: acrylic, polyurethane, and epoxy resins, strengthening the coating, giving it resistance and durability.

Mineral chips (quartz, granite), in addition to texture, allows you to get a layer that is resistant to abrasion, and having smooth / rough surfaces.
  Waterproofing and antiseptic properties are improved due to preservatives, thickeners and others included in the mixture.
An example of complex multicomponent mixtures is Venetian plaster, which, in addition to a strong, durable coating, has an original appearance in the form of a marble surface.
  The compositions of decorative mixtures in the end give a lot of positive qualities.

Positive and negative properties of plasters

Using this type of ceiling surface design allows you to get many positive properties.
  Practical component. Coatings formed by decorative plaster are very easy to keep clean, they can be washed and wiped.
  Antiseptic properties. Plastered planes will be reliably protected from the formation of mold and fungus on the surface.
Water resistance. The increased level of humidity does not harm the finish of decorative plaster.
  Universality. The material can be applied to various types of substrates: brick, concrete, drywall and others.

Environmental friendliness. Mixtures do not contain harmful and toxic compounds.
  Extensive assortment. A variety of mixes with different fillers allows you to create different types of texture images.
However, there are no ideal building and finishing materials, and finishing mixtures also have their drawbacks.

  • High price;
  • High requirements for surface preparation;
  • The need for experience with the material.
  • The impossibility of laying on hydrophobic substrates of some types of plaster (wood, gypsum and others).

But, the prevailing positive qualities of decorative mixtures make them one of the most popular materials in the design of rooms.

How to choose the right mix

Mixtures for ceiling decor are sold in the form of ready-to-use, and dry formulations requiring self-preparation. Ready-made mixtures can be immediately applied to previously prepared ceilings, in addition, usually the basis of such plasters are acrylic resins. This feature makes them universal, that is, they can even be laid on water-afraid surfaces: wood or drywall.

  Dry formulations need to be prepared for use by adding a certain amount of water and thoroughly mixing. This requires skills, because it is not always possible to immediately get the consistency you need to work. And the base in the form of water limits the use of dry decorative plasters on hydrophobic substrates.

Dry mixes are cheaper than ready-made ones, however, it is worth considering that the first option has one color - white. To get the surface you need in gamut, the ceiling will have to be additionally painted, or the plaster itself tinted during preparation.
Another point is the drying speed, ready-made acrylic-based mixtures can be painted the very next day after application, but in the case of dry, a minimum of a week is required.
  When choosing various compounds it is better to pay attention to samples from well-known manufacturers, their certified materials are really high quality.

Technologies for applying decorative plaster to the ceiling

The tool is selected for decorative plaster, depending on the types and methods of application. Dry mixes are prepared by mixing with a nozzle mixer on a drill. The main device for laying decorative plaster is a straight trowel, or as it is also called Venetian.

For structural types of material, you still need a plastic grater that forms the surface texture. When choosing the right tool, you must first study the manufacturer's recommendations for using a specific material.
  The methods for applying decorative plaster depend on its type.

Structural Plastering

Initially, you need to prepare the mixture, after which they begin to lay it.
The mixture is placed on the surface of the trowel with an auxiliary spatula. After that, the tool is exposed at an angle to the ceiling surface of 30 degrees, and the composition is pulled along the plane. A layer of structural plaster is laid with a thickness corresponding to the size of mineral chips (0.5-3 mm).

  When using structural finishing materials, after laying them, it is necessary to proceed to the formation of texture. This is done using a plastic grater, moving it on a plastered surface, create a specific pattern.
  Structural coatings can be painted after the material has dried. Paint is applied in at least 2 layers with breaks between sets.

It is important to know that when working with structural mixtures, it is best to use a utility room. While one puts the plaster layer, the second overwrites the applied mixture, forming a picture!

Working with textured plaster

In addition to a straight trowel, it is advisable to use a figured roller with a grooved roller to form a pattern on the surface of the coating. The technology of applying to the ceiling is as follows.

  At the first stage, the finished mixture is applied, like its structural analogue, with a straight trowel.
  Patterned images can be applied with a roller, but also use trowels, brushes, rags and other devices that form textures.
  Textured plaster for the ceiling is painted after drying.

How to apply the Venetian

The technology of work is as follows:
  Laying is done in several layers, applying plaster with a spatula, and using a straight trowel, level and form layers.
The total coating thickness is maintained within 5 mm; how many layers can be accommodated is decided individually. Each individual layer is laid at intervals of 12 hours.
  After laying, they do the “ironing” procedure by rubbing the surface with a trowel. And after the final drying, it is polished with fine-grained emery paper and covered with wax.