DIY plywood stands drawings. How to make a wooden flower stand - drawings and manufacturing procedure

This plywood stand for magazines and newspapers is very beautiful. In this article I will describe in detail what is needed for this and how to do it at home without having any experience. Well, let's get started. We will make our product from 10 mm plywood.

Tool - hand jigsaw with files for it. To complete the work, we need wood stain, epoxy glue, wood varnish and sandpaper.

And so we decided what we need for work. Let's start in order, we can buy pieces of plywood in the store. We choose clean plywood without cracks and any defects. We take a manual jigsaw, we will learn to work with our hands.

An electric jigsaw will not work, the files are wide there and we will not be able to make the turns we need. It is better to take files for metal, they are the same as for wood, but it is much better to saw with them. The stain is now on sale in different colors, choose the color you like.

I used an under mahogany powder diluted with water. I glued the shelf with epoxy resin, but you can only glue it with PVA using professional glue. The varnish used NC for wood, it dries quickly, you can use other varnishes for wood, there are a lot of them.

We buy sandpaper, fine and coarse in grain size. Yes, I almost forgot we also need a drill. An electric drill is what we need, you can also use a hand one.

We will definitely need buttons and carbon paper. Now we have everything to work with, let's get started.

The stand consists of five parts. We need to cut out two large walls, two small ones and the bottom of our stand. Let's start with a small sidewall, choosing a piece of plywood to fit the part.

Small sidewall

Put the carbon copy on the plywood from the top of the drawing in the corners, fasten it with buttons and circle our drawing with a pencil. Remove the buttons and remove the drawing and carbon copy aside.

Now we need to drill holes in order to insert the file through them. We drill those places that we will cut out. The drill will need three millimeters.

Large sidewall

We take a jigsaw and clamp one end of the file, and pass the other through the hole and clamp it with a screw. I used to force to clamp the saw-pliers, if you tighten it loosely, then the file jumps out. I think you have already decided where you will cut.

It should be a well-lit place that is comfortable for you. I must say right away that there will be a lot of dust; clean the carpets of the path immediately away, and at the end of the work, vacuum and wet cleaning. From the beginning, we cut out the patterns of the middle, cut one out, turn off the file and insert it into the next.

Stand bottom

When we have cut everything in the middle, we start cutting out the edges of our stand. And so, having cut one out, we do this operation with the rest. When cutting, hold the jigsaw at a ninety-degree angle so that you do not have an oblique cut.

Saw slowly along the line, otherwise then you will be cleaning for a long time. It is better to cut longer than spend a lot of time cleaning. When sawing, be careful not to injure yourself.

Do not hold your hand in front of the jigsaw; if the file breaks, you may injure your hand. Make sure not to spoil what you are sawing when cutting. I think you did it and you sawed out all five blanks for magazine and newspaper stands.

View from above

The next stage is cleaning, we will clean the cuts from the saw. Now, how much time you spend on cleaning will depend on how you cut exactly. We clean it from the beginning with sandpaper to the largest, and then we go through with a fine one.

How well you clean will depend on the beauty of your stand. If you are tired, then postpone, and then when you are in the mood, continue. Take your time to move on to the next stage.

Well, if you have everything ready, we start to stain the parts of the stand. This must be done before gluing, because the stain through the glue will not stain the surface. I think you have decided what kind of stain you will stain

The basic rule here is to evenly cover with a brush and rub with a cloth. Look well, so that there are no smudges and everywhere it is promoted. Do not forget to wear rubber gloves, otherwise it is very difficult to wash your hands after staining.

Protect your eyes in case of contact, rinse immediately with cold water. After staining, let the parts dry well, and then we proceed to assembly. This is a critical step, take it seriously. Using the template, we outline with an awl where we will drill holes five millimeters deep and three millimeters thick.

We need to drill four holes in each part. Clamp the drill into the drill. Make sure to do the restrictions on the drilling depth so as not to drill through. This can be done in a simple way, leaving five millimeters of the drill to make an emphasis by winding it up with thin tape or adhesive tape.

Carefully drill twenty-four holes. Next, we prepare twelve joints, I used a simple nail three millimeters thick. With a metal saw, cut into lengths nine millimeters twelve pieces

Assemble to dry from the beginning and see if everything worked out well. If it does not fit snugly somewhere, do not be lazy, adjust everything. Then we will start gluing and then we will not fix anything. I used epoxy for gluing.

We dilute the resin exactly in proportions as indicated in the instructions. It is not necessary to breed a lot. One third of a teaspoon is quite enough for us. We coat the holes well with a match, put the prepared carnations, six in each, in the large sidewalls and connect our product.

If you succeed, put it on the floor and press it with anything from the top. Make sure that the stand does not warp under the load. We give time to dry the glue and proceed to completion. Lay or lay something on the floor before varnishing.

That's it, you have a do-it-yourself plywood stand for magazines and newspapers.

The various stands have many functions, the main thing is that they are practical and reliable. With the help of these pieces of furniture, you can diversify the interior of any room, properly organize the space, etc. Almost everything is used as the main material for the manufacture of stands: wood, plastic, iron, plywood, marble, etc. Plywood crafts are not uncommon for anyone; they are made for a variety of purposes, including decorating a room or ennobling the territory. For these purposes, use FSF or FC. Their characteristics allow you to admire the products for a long time, resistance to dampness and temperature changes will allow you to place crafts in any place where your heart desires. The only difference between these plywoods is the glue used for gluing the veneer layers. The first version of plywood is too toxic, so they are used only for outdoor work. In order to keep the stands indoors, it is better to use FC plywood. If you decide to make plywood crafts yourself, then you must definitely understand its types and properties. You may come across Sh1 and Sh2 codes; these are single-sided and double-sided plywood. NSh plywood is rough, which means that you still have to spend time to prepare it for processing. The choice of such parameters depends on where and in what conditions they plan to use it. For example, a plywood attached to a wall is viewed from one side only, and a figurine or stand is viewed from all sides.

What plywood to make a stand from

With regard to the texture of plywood, here you choose based on personal preference. Birch veneer plywood is great if you want to preserve the natural look of the wood. If painting or varnishing is planned, then it is better to choose pine veneer. To paint the finished product, choose oil-based or acrylic-based paints, because they are not so susceptible to fading in the sun. The stand will retain its original appearance for several years. It is imperative that when buying plywood, it should be inspected for inclusions and knotty. Any defects complicate the creation process. If you want to make a stand using a jigsaw, then thin plywood is the best choice. In addition to the material, you also need to select the tool. Electric jigsaw models are more expensive, but they have a number of advantages:

    Good cutting speed and accuracy;

    Cleanliness of edges;

    It is possible to change the cutting parameters.

In general, this type of tool is important in the household, because it can work not only with wood, but also with other materials. Hand tools are more difficult to work with, cutting blades are very often broken, so it is better to buy several spare ones at once. In general, making a product with a manual jigsaw is to spend a lot of time and files, but save money.

How to make a stand yourself

The stand can be made for flowers, newspapers, and many more options. But in order not to have to do, you should always start with a drawing. To work, you need to buy plywood, a jigsaw, wood stain, wood varnish and sandpaper. In addition to all this, you can prepare a drill, buttons and carbon paper. Further, we will consider in detail how to make your own magazine stand. Our stand consists of 5 parts, we need to cut out the bottom, two small sides and two large ones.

We start with a small side, first you need to put the carbon copy on the plywood. The drawing on top is attached with buttons, and the drawing is outlined with a pencil. Drill the spots to be cut. This completes the procedure with a small side, proceed to the large sides. With a jigsaw, one end of the file must be clamped, the other passed through the hole and clamped with a screw. There will be a lot of dust in the process, so you can remove the carpet runners immediately. If there are patterns, then it is better to start cutting them from the middle of the sheet. After the middle, you need to cut out the edges of the stand, the jigsaw should be kept at an angle of ninety degrees during work, then the cut will not be oblique. You need to cut smoothly and slowly, it is better to spend time on this than to clean up the irregularities later. In the process of work, be sure to follow the safety precautions. The final stage is cleaning from dust, first with larger sandpaper, then fine. After stripping, the stand must be stained, it is better to do this before gluing.

The process is simple, the main thing is to evenly cover the surface with a brush and rub it with a cloth. Remember to wear gloves, and in case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with water. We have four parts, each needs to make four holes. There will be 24 of them in total, then you need to prepare twelve connections. Assemble all parts dry and check if it worked well. After checking, we glue all the parts with a suitable adhesive. After the glue, you need to put a stand and press it with something hard on top. Be sure to make sure that the product does not warp under the load. We start the varnishing process from below, only then we go through it with a brush from all sides. It is desirable to carry out varnishing in several layers.

Why do you need a plywood stand

Plywood products are convenient and practical, a stand made of it is a very important part in a room, since you can put a lot of things on it. If a person likes to do it himself, then the option to make a stand out of plywood with his own hands is ideal. In case there is a desire, but there is not enough time or for some other reason, you can buy a ready-made stand. In order for the finished product to be practical and durable, you need to use high-quality sawn timber, which you can buy from the Plywood Monolith online store. The store's catalog contains the best sorts of products from the largest Russian suppliers and manufacturers of plywood, furniture boards and similar materials. Products purchased here have quality and safety certificates. You can place an order, pay for the goods and wait for delivery without leaving your home.

I want to show you how I made plywood coasters.

I took plywood and drew circles of a suitable size on it.

Then you need to take a hand jigsaw and cut out these circles with it.

Something like this :) After that, you need to slightly sand the surface and edges of the cut with a sandpaper.

Then I took a few simple silhouettes and transferred them to my blanks using carbon paper.

In order to start cutting out a drawing, you need to drill a hole in it for a nail file.

Thus, insert the nail file and start sawing along the contour.

And here's what happened.

Then the entire workpiece must be carefully sanded from all sides - outside and inside. I used a regular sandpaper, a sanding block, and even Natfil in especially thin and uncomfortable places.

On the back of the coasters, I wrote a congratulation with a burning device.

Since I hope that the hot coasters will be used for their intended purpose, I did not varnish them, but applied only a thin layer of drying oil. The drying oil was applied with a regular foam sponge.

To prevent the coasters from sliding on the table, they need "legs". A piece of unnecessary leather is perfect for this purpose.

I glued the leather "legs" with glue. Moment. This was the final chord.

These are the coasters I got.

Mobile communication devices are in every home, they have become almost indispensable for a modern person and perform a lot of functions. Therefore, quite often you need to keep them not in your pocket, but on your desktop, so a smartphone stand is a must for everyone. There are many ways on how to make a phone stand, but one of the best options is of course wood, since, despite its hardness, it will not scratch the smartphone and will look good both in the office and at home on the table.

The easiest way to make a do-it-yourself phone stand out of wood is to just make it out of a regular plank. The design of such a product is as simple as possible - a groove of the required width is made in the board and the stand is ready. Since the board has a large plane, and after you put the mobile in the slot, it will stand firmly and securely on the table.

The most important thing about this wooden phone stand is the area of ​​the base that will be in contact with the table, it must be large enough to cope with the functional load. As a basis, such a homemade phone stand can be of any wood and can be shaped into any shape. And the manufacturing process itself is limited by the fact that a groove is simply made in the board with the help of a router. The groove can be made even or at a slope, depending on the angle at which the device should be.

When you make a smartphone stand with your own hands, it is important to grind it well, especially in the area of ​​the groove where the mobile will stand. After all, if there are irregularities, then you can scratch the glass, and this will ruin the appearance of your gadget.

Complex construction

If you want your mobile device to be always in sight, not to get lost in the documents and at the same time your table looks beautiful, solid, then the stand must be appropriate. To do this, you can make it not just from a board, but from several parts. Don't worry, you don't need a lot of tools or material for this either. The most important thing is not to rush and carefully think over the design that your homemade product will have.

A good stand for a smartphone with your own hands, which is suitable not only for any phone, but also for a tablet, and at the same time will be as stable as possible, can be made from two small boards.

The design of such a stand is as simple as possible, two identical rectangular wooden blanks are taken. On the one hand, about a quarter from the edge, a cut is made to the middle of the board. It is important that the slot does not run at a right angle, but obliquely so that the stand is more stable and has the correct inclination of the plane that will support the phone. On both blanks, a slot is made up to half the width of the blank.

For someone just getting started, it can be challenging to find the right angle for the slot. But this is not difficult to do, it is enough just to attach two parts to one another at the planned angle and just make marks on the side at the end. Well, besides that, so that the phone does not slip, you need to make a groove on the horizontal plate, or stick a small bar that will be a stopper.

After all the slots are ready, it is enough to simply grind the stand well so that the irregularities do not scratch the phone case, and cover it with tint or just varnish.

There are many ways to make a stand for a phone of this design, for example, you can make a curly vertical part of the stand, which will greatly improve its appearance. Shapes can be a wide variety of hand, leaf, animals, and in general whatever you come up with, since the tree can be given almost any shape.

How to choose a stand design

There are quite a few ways on how to make a smartphone stand, but wood options differ not only in durability, but also in their beautiful appearance. In addition, they also look much more noble than other materials, since a properly selected wooden accessory will adorn any design, regardless of its style.

Therefore, to make your hand-made mobile phone stand beautiful and original, try to choose the right design, size and color. Of course, do not forget about such parameters as functionality and stability, since if the cell is dropped, it can simply be damaged.

You can make a variety of phone accessories at home and you don't need to have a special tool for that. In most cases, with due diligence and patience, you can do with a simple hacksaw, chisel, sandpaper and a piece of plywood. Then just glue your sample from small pieces and at home it will also be easy.

Do not be afraid to experiment and fantasize so that the stand you make is unique, and not like everyone else's. After all, mass production is organized in such a way that anyone can afford to buy beautiful and seemingly diverse things. But really bright individuals prefer unique things in a single copy. Such things are not sold in stores, they can only be ordered or made by yourself. The second option is much better, not only in terms of economy, but also in terms of individuality.

Even if you do not have experience in making any wood crafts, you should not be upset, as there is nothing difficult about it. It is enough to carefully plan everything, calculate what tools and materials will be needed and only after that start the work itself. If something doesn't work out for you, then you can try again, rarely anyone succeeds in doing everything right the first time, everyone learns and everyone makes mistakes. But this is the only way to gain experience and learn how to do everything right.

All photos from the article

The desire to realize their creative plans is understandable. Not everyone is given the ability to turn a wooden board or block into a work of art, but to create a masterpiece from plywood or, at least, a craft that will fit beautifully into the interior, and even be useful to many. What kind of plywood crafts can be made, how to assemble a cute puzzle from simple fragments - our instructions will tell you about this.

From simple to complex

Starting to work with puff, and this is what plywood is, start with simple things that will be useful in everyday life. Later, you can assemble more complex designs, decorate them with intricate patterns and truly turn them into a work of art.

But this is later, but for now let's figure out our capabilities.

At first, you can do:

  • flat products that do not require special skills, but allow them to be purchased... Such products include: a stand for hot plywood, various decorative hangers, where hooks are attached to an unusual shape, flat figures for a playground or for decorating a garden or vegetable garden;
  • simple plywood stands, where, in fact, you are constructing an elementary volumetric model of a homemade product, while loading it with useful functions;
  • the simplest mechanical toys, where the fixation of the parts to each other occurs at one point, and the movement of the fragments is carried out in a simple way - pull the string.

Our help!
Later, having figured out the simple techniques of cutting and assembling, you can move on to more complex models - both artistically and functionally.
After all, it is possible from plywood, beds for various machine tools, and even vehicles, for example, small boats are perfectly assembled from this material.

Drawing the future

Drawings are needed not only for complex structures, but also for simpler things. Even a plywood window sill requires a drawing, for the most accurate fit of the product into the future bed, as well as taking into account the fastening system.

The drawing can be completely drawn on paper, or only its individual elements.

What is meant:

  • simple flat products, for example, circles of supports of a certain diameter, can be immediately drawn with a compass on plywood. Certain internal fragments, for example, the outlines of animals, representatives of flora, household items, etc., are best depicted first on paper, and then transferred to plywood;
  • complex drawings, for example, drawings of a plywood candlestick are immediately made on paper. Their appearance and dimensions are determined, and only later are they transferred to plywood.