What a Christian of Orthodoxy should know. What should I know the prayers to every Orthodox believer

In the new book of Archpriest Paul Gmerovova "", published in the publishing house of the Sretensky Monastery, in an affordable form, the initial knowledge necessary for those preparing for the sacrament of baptism is given or only begins to live an Orthodox life. The book presents the main provisions of our faith, told about the sacraments, commandments of God and about prayer.

The purpose of the life of the Orthodox Christian is a connection with God. The word "religion" is translated from the Latin language - restoration of communication. Hence the word "league" (in a musical literacy - an arc connecting notes).

Christian religion is also called the Orthodox faith. Words "Vera", "Trust", "Confidence" are one-sided. We believe in God and trust him, we have confidence that the Lord is always there, always close and never leave your chad, contacting him. It is certainty, and not self-confidence, that is, hope only for their own weak forces. A Christian knows that the fishery of God acts in his life, which leads him, sometimes even through complex tests, to salvation. And therefore an Orthodox person is not alone in this world. Even if friends and close to turn away from him, God will never leave him. This is different from people unbelievers or insane. Their life accompanies constant stress, tension, fear: how to survive in this cruel world? What will happen tomorrow? and so on. The Orthodox person should not be fear before the present and future: perfect love to God, faith in him i expelled fear (Wed: 1 In. 4, 18). But faith is not just a recognition that there is a certain cosmic mind, absolute; This is a living connection with the living God.

Without faith, it is impossible for any sacrament or even a rite. The grace of God, healing and strengthens us, is served only by our personal faith. Sacredness is not a magic ritual: something they did something for us, and now we will be fine. No, you need to open your heart to God, personally contact him. Who will believe and be baptized, will be saved; And who will not believe, will be convicted (MK. 16, 16).

Unfortunately, very many modern people who consider themselves Orthodox, begin to the sacraments and other sacredness of the Church without understanding, faith and personal appeal to God. Just in case there are children, from fashion or respect for traditions are crowned and go to the temple on.

If we turn to the gospel, we will see that the Lord Makes Miracles, healing only by faith to contact him or by faith of those people who ask for sick. For example, one day, Christ taught the people in a certain house and to this house brought a relaxed, paralyzed person. Without opportunities because of crowded, enter the house, bringing disassembled the roof and lowered the bed with sick through the roof. Jesus, seeing the faith of them, says relaxed: Chado, your sins forgive you. And healed it (See: MK. 2, 1-12). That is, the miracle was made by the faith of friends relaxed, which very much wanted his healing.

But an example of personal appeal. One woman suffered to bleeding twelve years and spent all the estate of his doctors, had a strong faith in what, just touching the Savior's clothes, she would receive healing. And her faith was not susceptible. Touching the Rise of Christ, she received healing. The Lord himself praised her faith, saying: dare, dashing! Your faith saved you (See: Matt. 9, 20-22). And such examples in the Holy Scripture can be found a lot.

The most important question is: how to pull faith and how to strengthen it in your heart? Faith is purchased through the appeal to God, through prayer. Praying, a person begins to feel the presence of God in his life, and he no longer needs other evidence of the existence of God, he knows that, turning to the prayer to the Lord, he receives in his prayer. The second thing that faith is strengthened is gratitude to God. It is necessary to notice the benefits and gifts of God in their lives, exhausted on us.

Moreover, it is necessary to thank the Lord not only for the pleasant moments of life, but also for the sent tests. "Did it happen good? Blesses God and good will remain. Did it happen thin? Blesses God and thin will stop. Thank God for everything!" - He speaks .

Prayer Rule

So, prayer for an Orthodox Christian is a way to connect with God, conversation, communication with him. Appeal to the Lord in prayer - the need of a tricky person's soul, no wonder the holy fathers called the prayer's breath of the soul.

Performing a daily prayer rule, you need to remember two things.

Daily prayer because it is called the rule that is obligatory to execute by each Orthodox Christian

First. Daily because it is called the rule that is obligatory to execute by each Orthodox Christian. Each Orthodox Christian should pray in the morning and before bedtime - to read the morning and evening prayers set forth in Orthodox prayer. Also pray before meal (read the prayer of the Lord "Our Father" or "the eyes of all on the lad, God, relieve ...") And after eating (reading thanksgiving prayer). These prayers are also contained in Orthodox prayer. Christians pray before the start of every case (work, study, other affairs) and after his end. Before starting work, the prayer "King Heavenly" or special prayers at the beginning of all the case from Prayer. After the end of the case, the prayer of the Mother of God "worthy is". You can still read special thankful prayers, which are also contained in prayer; They are read, thanks to God for his blessing.

In prayer life there must be regularity and discipline. The daily prayer rule cannot be omitted and prayed only when it wanted and the mood will be. A Christian is a warrior of Christ, in baptism he takes the oath to the loyalty to the Lord. The life of every warrior, the soldier is called the service and is built on a special schedule and statute. In service is unacceptable self-catering and laziness. And the Orthodox person also carries its service. The prayer rule is not only communication with God, which should be the need of the soul, this is also the service of God, and this service is held on the charters of the Church.

The prayer rule is not only communication with God, which should be the need of the soul, this is also the service of God, and this service is held on the charters of the Church

SecondWhat should be remembered by correcting the rule: it is impossible to turn daily prayer into the formal subtraction of the pressed prayers. It happens that the confession has to hear this: "I began to read the morning prayers and only in the middle I realized that I read the evening rule." So reading was purely formal, mechanical. Such prayer is not needed. So that the execution of the rule does not turn into an empty "subtraction" (read the rule for the tick, and you can safely go to do business), you need to read it without hurrying, better out loud, in a low voice or whisper, thinking in the meaning of prayer, the standing is reverently, because we are And we speak with him. Before the prayer you need to stand for some time before icons, calm down, remove all the everyday thoughts and care and only then start prayer. If, during reading a prayer, attention is dispersed, extraneous thoughts come and we are distracted from readable, it is recommended to stop and start reading the prayer again, with due attention.

A new christian is difficult to immediately read the full prayer rule. Then, with the blessings of the spiritual father or the parish priest, he can choose at least a few morning and evening prayers from the prayer, for example, three or four, and praying for this abbreviated rule, gradually adding one prayer from the prayer. As if rising from strength by virtue (Wed: Ps. 83, 6-8).

Understanding and skill of prayer will surely come with time if a person sincerely seeks this and does not stand still in a prayer life

Of course, a person who makes the first steps in spiritual life is not easy to fulfill the incredited rule. He still does not understand much, unfamiliar church Slavonic text is still complicated for his perception. To realize the meaning of the readable texts, you should purchase a small dictionary of church Slavonic words. Understanding and the skill of prayer will surely come with time if a person sincerely seeks it and does not stand still in a prayer life. Here you can cite such a comparison. Everyone who begins to play sports, begins with small loads. For example, runs for short distances, engaged with lightweight dumbbells, but then gradually, more and more, increases the load and eventually achieves good results.

Christians are sure to read prayers in the morning, asking for the blessing of the day for the day coming and thanks to him for the night of the past, they pray to him every evening, fulfilling the rule that prepares to sleep and is the confession of the sins of last day, that is, it has a repeated character. But all day of the Orthodox man should also be spiritualized by memory of God. This memory is very well strengthened by prayer. Without me, you can not do anything, "Says the Lord (John 15, 5). And every business, even the simplest, you need to start at least with a brief prayer for calling the help of God to our works.

Very good when we are not limited to reading the last morning and evening rule, and constantly turn to God with a prayer during the day

Very many breast children complain that they do not have time to read the daily rule. Spiritual life suffers from this: a person begins to rarely remember God. Indeed, when a child delivers a lot of trouble, it is necessary to constantly get up to him in the afternoon and night, feed it and care for him, - to fulfill the full prayer rule is very difficult. Here you can advise constantly calling the name of God during the day. For example, if the mother prepares food, it is praying for lunch to get tasty; Before feeding the baby, read "ours' feed"; After - thankful prayer. If there is especially a lot of cases - it should be prayed that the Lord helps, give strength and time to remake all things. So our life will pass with a constant memory of God, and we will not forget him in a little worldly. This recommendation is suitable not only for the Orthodox mother of young children, but also for any Orthodox Christian. Very good, when we are not limited to reading the last morning and evening rules, and constantly turn to God for the day with a prayer.

Prayers are conditionally divided into lesible, repentant, thankful and sorval (although repentance is also a request for the forgiveness of sins). To the Lord, of course, we must contact not only with requests, but also incessantly thank it for his countless blessings. And the main thing is to be able to see them, notice in your life and appreciate the gifts of God. Very good at the end of the day, to have a rule to remember everything good that was sent from God to the past past, and read thank gratitude prayers. They are in any full prayer.

In addition to the compulsory prayer rule, each Orthodox person can also fulfill a daily rule. For example, read during the day canons, akathists, a psalter. This is especially necessary to do in difficult, sorrowful or simply difficult periods of life. For example, Canon is a prayer-breeder, which is in prayer, read "in every soul mate,", as it is said in the title of this canon. If a Christian wants to take on a constant prayer rule (reading the canons or, for example, to create a prayer of Jesus - "Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the sinfulness of the sinner" - on the rosary), he must take on this blessing of the spiritual father or the parish priest. Before the communion of the Holy Taine, the Orthodox Christians of God, that is, canons will be read and read: repentable; prayer breeding; Canon Angel Guardian and Canon Before Holy Communion with Prayers.

It should also be added that in addition to the constant prayer rule, the Christian should regularly read the Word of God - the Holy Scripture. You can hear such an opinion: why do you bother our requests, prayers, the Lord and so knows what we have. You need to contact God only in special cases when it is really necessary.

Such an opinion is a simple justification of your own tension. We can't bother our prayers to God. He is the father of our heavenly, and, like every father, he wants his children to communicate with him, appealed to him. And God's grace and grace for us can not overcome, no matter how much we treat God.

There is one parable on this topic.

In the house of some rich people stopped praying before meals. One day a priest came to visit them. The table was covered very exquisitely: got the best disasters and filed the best drink. The family gathered at the table, everyone looked at the priest and thought that now he would pray before eating. But the priest said: "Father of the family must pray at the table, because he is the first prayer in the family." An awkward silence has come, because in this family no one prayed. Father cleared his way and said: "You know, dear Father, we do not pray, because in prayer before eating, the same thing is always repeated. Prayers for habit are empty chatter. These repetitions every day, every year, so we no longer pray. "

The priest looked in surprise at all, but here the seven-year-old girl said: "Dad, really I don't need more every morning to come to you and say" Good morning "?"

When I say "normal", I do not mean - "average", I mean - the one who lives in Orthodox canons.

And this, of course, is not a complete list, and items in it are not in order of priority.

So, a normal Christian:

1. It goes to the service as often as possible

The required minimum is to go to the morning service every Sunday. But it often happens that this is not enough. And "go to the service" - this does not mean to be simply present on it, but it means to be mentally involved - silently attentive to the hill, sink, and so on.

2. Every day praises at home

Ideally, you need to read the morning and evening rule and prayer before and after biting food. It is especially important that husbands and wives pray together, and that parents pray with children. Turn here the same daily reading of the Bible, especially the psalter.

3. Participate in the sacraments

This means not only confessing and communion, but also to bind, if you get sick. This means to adopt baptism, consist in a wedded marriage. It is worth even thinking about whether to do you or another man from your family dedication to the spiritual san.

4. Avoids immorality in thoughts, words and actions

All that we do with your body, soul and words, matters for our salvation. Let your body, soul and words serve for you and your loved ones. Look for someone to help, and not to help you.

5. Complies with posts according to the church calendar

The priest who has confesses will advise you how to relate the posts and the usual life of your family. Orthodox follows the post on Wednesdays and Fridays and, of course, during the Great, Petrov, Assumption and Christmas posts.

6. goes to confession

The sacrament of confession is extremely important for the soul. To confession, you need to go at least once during each post. But also - just when it is necessary for your soul when there is a sin that matches you.

And often finds them during confession. But the priest (or the confessor, if you have it) at any time he will listen to you. This is the source you need to enjoy constantly.

8. Gives the tenth of the income of the Church

To give the tenth of income to the Lord (after all, your income is his gift to you) - this is a biblical rate that Orthodox Christians must adhere to. If you cannot give all 10 percent, choose another amount, but give regularly, gradually moving to give 10 percent. And if you can give more than 10 percent - give. And do it not only when it's hard for you when something bad happens in life - sacrifice when everything is fine. To give the tenth of income - it is the Orthodox tradition, who many times pointed out the fathers of the Church.

9. Submits alms and deals with charity

That is helps those who need. This assistance may be monetary, but you can help with our own difficulty, and morally supporting, and even just being close to those who are hard with those who are sick, etc.

10. Constantly increases the level of their education.

It is necessary to find all the deeper comprehension of faith all the time - and not only in the sense to understand that, in fact, it means to be a believer, pious, devout. This means also the fact that our mind must constantly be in the power of the Lord so that he heal him and changed it. All our thoughts should be associated with God - whether we read spiritual literature, visit whether courses on religious education, etc. The purpose of all our activities in the field of education is to learn how to learn more and understand the Scripture.

11. Shares faith with others

If you are grateful to the Lord for the salvation given to us - you want to divide your faith with other people.

12. goes to the goddes, makes pilgrimage trips

That is, traveling to the visit to the shrines. These are usually monasteries, temples and other holy places.

Anna Barabash's translation

Prayer Symbol of faith and its explanation (from the book of God of God)

Symbol of faith

Church Slavic

1. I believe (I admit) in the one-god of God Father, the Almighty, (who is holding everything in his power), the Creator of the sky and the Earth, visible to all and invisible (visible and invisible - angelic world).

2. And in the unagnago gentlemen of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only beef, (the only one) izh (who) from the father born out before all century (before all times) of light from the light, the god is true of God is true, born, not cooked, is unique (the same Nature with God Father) Father, guess (which) the whole house (all created).

3. We are for the sake of the person and our for the sake of salvation of Szedshago from Heaven and the embodiment (taking the body) from the Spirit of Holy and Mary of the Virgin, and in the case (who became a man).

4. Crucifago the same as Pilate, and suffering, and buried.

5. And resistant on the third day of Scripture (as predicted in Holy Scripture).

6. And there is an emerced (rising with the flesh) to heaven, and the seeds of the Odessa (seating on the right side) of the Father.

7. And Paki (again) of the coming (going) with Glevai Sudiuti (to judge) alive and dead, the Eaggent of Kingdom will not end.

8. And in the Spirit of the Saints, the Lord, the life-groanly, (reviving) izh (who) from the father outgoing, (comes from his father) Izhu with Father and Son Schoblans and Slavima, (he is wearing him and His Slavs, together with his father and son) Glablavshago Prophets (Holy Spirit spoke through the prophets).

9. To one, holy, cathedral (universal) and the apostolic church.

10. Restrass (I admit) a single baptism in leaving (forgiveness) of sins.

11. Tea (expect) Resurrection of the dead.

12. And the life of the future century (future life in paradise). Amen. (True so).

Symbol of faith

In Russian

1. I believe in a single God, Father, Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth, Visible and Invisible.

2. And in the Unified Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the one-native, born of Father before all centuries: Lights from the light, the god true from the God of the true, born, not created, one being with his father, they are all created.

3. For the sake of our people and for our salvation from heaven, and who took the flesh from the Spirit of the Holy and Mary of the Virgin, and who became a man.

4. Consistent for us with Pontic Pilate, and suffering, and buried,

5. And risen on the third day, according to the Scriptures.

6. And asked to heaven, and sitting on the right side of the Father.

7. And again going with glory to judge the living and the dead, his kingdom will not end.

8. And in the Holy Spirit, gentlemen who gives life, from the father of the outgoing, together with the father and the son of the defendant and glorified, who spoke through the prophets.

9. In the Unified, Holy, Cathedral and Apostolic Church.

10. I admit one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.

11. I expect the resurrection of the dead,

12. And the life of the future century. Amen (truly so).

What is the character of faith?

The Symbol of Faith is a prayer in which the most important truths of the Christian faith are concisely preferred. Each Orthodox Christian must believe in the way teaches the Symbol of Faith. The Symbol of Faith should be aware of memory and read with morning prayers.

The symbol of faith, which we will explain here, are compiled by the fathers of the first and second universal cathedrals. On the first universal cathedral were written the first seven members of the symbol, on the second - the rest of five. The first universal cathedral took place in the city of Naquet in the 325th year after the Nativity of Christ for the approval of the apostolic teaching about the Son of God and against the wrong exercise of Aria. Aria taught that the Son of God was created by God by the Father and is not a true God. The Second Universal Cathedral took place in Constantinople in 381m. For the approval of the apostolic teaching on the Holy Spirit against the false coating of Macedonia, who rejected the divine dignity of the Holy Spirit. For two cities, where these universal cathedrals took place, the symbol of faith is called Nikeo-Tsoregradsky.

The faith symbol consists of 12 members (parts). The 1st member speaks of God Father, the 2nd on the 7th member talk about God Son, the 8th - about God's spirit of the Holy, the 9th - about the church, the 10th - about baptism, 11th and 12 - about the resurrection of the dead and about eternal life.

First member of the faith symbol

I believe in the One God's Father, Almighty, the Creator of the Sky and the Earth, visible to all and invisible

Believe in God - it means to be firmly sure that God exists that he cares about us, and to take with all his heart what he told us through his son, through the prophets and apostles.

Faith should not be limited to our mind as abstract science, but it should warm our heart with love for God and to people. In other words, it is not enough to recognize that God exists, but it is necessary to live as God wants.

A true Christian is the one who believes correctly and lives according to God's commandments.

It is necessary that our faith in God be so strong so that no temptation, danger, suffering and death itself could make us renounce God or disrupt His Holy Will. Only live and strong faith saves our soul, as the Holy Scriptures teaches: "We believe for righteousness, we confess to salvation" (Rome 10:10).

Examples of solid faith are holy martyrs. For the sake of faith in God and the fulfillment of his commandments, they refused all the benefits of earthly life, were persecuted, terrible torment and even death.

The words of the Faith symbol: "In a single God", it is taught that the Christian must admit only one true God. In the universe, there is no other God, except for him - the United, the Great and All Common. Wild and superstitious people who recognize many gods and serve as idols are called pagans.

God is a creature of higher, supernatural, supernatural. Completely know the creature of God - it is impossible. It is above knowledge not only for people, but also for angels.

However, we can and must know God. About God teaches us the nature, which he created, as well as the Holy Scripture, in which God opened himself to people through their prophets and the apostles. Considering the world around us, its beauty and harmony, as well as reading the Holy Scripture, we know the following properties of God.

God is the Creator. All that exists: visible and invisible - all the immense universe are created by God. At the same time, God can do everything, in an instant and easily. Therefore, we call him almighty.

God is an almighty, because he keeps everything in his power. Without his will, nothing can happen.

God is the Spirit. It is not material and simple in its essence.

God is an inexhaustible life. All living things: plants, animals, people, angels and other creatures - everything got and gets their lives from God.

God has always existed and will always exist - he is eternal.

God is everywhere and everything penetrates himself, although nothing is mixed with anything. He is omnipresent.

God knows everything: everything that was, what is and what will happen is the thoughts and desires of all creatures. Nothing can be hidden from him; He is omniscient.

God is infinitely wise. Nobody can invent anything better than him. He is wisdom.

God is infinitely kind. He regrets everyone and loves, he cares about everyone like a father. He is love.

God is extremely fair. Everyone before or later will receive what he deserves. God is all-honored.

God is in Eternal Bliss and gives joy and bliss loving him. He is all-wide.

God does not change. He is always the same. Everything else in the world is born and grows, it dies and disintegrate.

God is one, but not alone, because God is one of its essence, but three in the faces: the father, son and the Holy Spirit, - the Trinity is unique and inseparable. The unity of three, infinitely loving each other's faces.

The mutual relationship between the persons of the Blessed Trinity is that God's Father is not born and does not come from another person; The Son of God was born from God's God before all centuries; And the Holy Spirit comes from God Father before all centuries. All three faces of the Most Holy Trinity are essentially properties, are completely equal to each other. Like God Father has a true God, and the Son of God is a true God, so God's spirit of Holy is a true God, but all three persons a single deity is a single God.

As a single God exists in three faces is a mystery, incomprehensible to our mind. We believe in her, because I taught us to believe the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. After sending the apostles to the sermon, he said: "Go, teach all the peoples, kiss them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit" (Matt. 28:19). The apostle and evangelist John explains that persons in God have one essence: "Three testify in the sky (about the divinity of the Son of God): Father, Word and Holy Spirit; and these three essence of one" (John 5: 7). The Apostle Paul writes: "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God's Father, and the Communication of the Holy Spirit with all of you" (2 Cor. 13:13).

To explain the secrets of the Holy Trinity, you can specify the following examples. All the peoples of the land has three persons: I (we), you (you) and he (they); time has: past, present and future; condition of matter: solid, liquid and gaseous; All variety of colors in the world is composed of three main colors: red, blue and yellow; A person manifests itself through: thought, word and action; Action, in turn, has: beginning, middle and end; The sun has a circle, heat and light; Saving the soul is achieved through three virtues: faith, hope and love.

We can understand the mystery of the Holy Trinity more by our heart than the mind. If we love God and live by His commandments, our heart will feel the truth of the mystery of the Holy Trinity and all of what the Lord taught Jesus Christ.

God created first invisible, and then - the visible world. An invisible, or the spiritual world belongs to the angels - perfume, creatures are disembodied (because invisible) and immortal, gifted by mind, will and power.

The word "Angel" - Greek and means in Russian "Bulletin." God sends angels to the people of His will. Each Christian has a keeper angel who invisibly helps him in salvation and protects him from any evil. There are also evil spirits - fallen angels: demons or demons. God created them with good, but they became evil in their pride and disobedience. Good angels inhabit the sky, and the demons - in hell.

The visible world is the world in which we live. God created him from anything many millions of years ago. Man is a difficult creature. His soul is invisible and immortal. It is designed in the image and likeness of God. The human body is made from the Earth, like the body of animals.

Second member of the Faith Symbol

And in the unagnago gentlemen of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only beggar, and from the Father Born himself before all century. Lights from the light, God is true from God the truth, born, not created, one of the father, right away.

The Lord Jesus Christ is the only Son of God, that is, the only son of God Father, born from the essence of the Father. As the light is born from the light, the true God-son was born from the true god-father. Therefore, the Son of God has the same divine essence as the God of Father, or, as the Symbol of Faith says, he is "one of the Father." Jesus Christ himself said: "I and father - one" (Ioan. 10:30).

The Son of God was born from God Father before all centuries, that is, before the beginning of time - initially. Like God Father eternally exists, so forever there is a son of God, and forever there is a Holy Spirit.

If the angels and holy people can be called "the sons of God," that is not essentially in their own way, but by the grace of God. God the Father adopted us to himself - for the sake of his only society, who died for us to clear us from sins and make saints.

By the way, "Born," the word "is not created." The word "is not created in the faith symbol." It is added to refute the false teaching of Aria, who claimed that the Son of God was not born, but created.

Words themselves, the whole house - mean that they, the Son of God, everything is created: both visible and invisible world. "Without him (the Son of God), nothing began to be that it began to be," - written in the Gospel (John 1: 3).

The Son of God, when he was born on Earth, received the name Jesus Christ. The name Jesus is the Greek translation of the Jewish name Ishua, which means the Savior. This name was twice indicated by God through the angel before Merry Christmas, because the prevish son of God went to the ground precisely to save people.

The name of Christ is Greek and so the anointed one. In Jewish language, he corresponded to the word "Messiah." In the Old Testament, the prophets, high priests and kings were called, who, when they joined their position, were enjoyed and through it received the gifts of the Holy Spirit necessary to fulfill their duties.

The Son of God is called anointed anointed (Christ) in his human nature, because he received all the gifts of the Holy Spirit: the prophetic knowledge, holiness of the high priest and the power of the king.

The third member of the faith symbol

We are for the sake of a person and our sake of salvation of Szedshago from heaven and embodied from the Spirit of Holy and Mary of the Virgin, and in the smallest.

The third member of the Faith symbol speaks of the embodiment of the Son of God. Being a perfect God, the Son of God came off the sky in our world and became more developed, - that is, became a perfect person, without ceasing to be an almighty and omnipresent God.

As a person, Jesus Christ had a soul and body and became similar to us, except for sin. His human nature was clean, like Adam before the sin. Since Jesus Christ had and continues to have two nature - a divine and human, he is God-shit.

The Son of God came to our world to save us: to save people from the devil, sin and eternal death and make us righteous people.

All people are born sinful. Sin appeared in people from the devil, who was seduced by Eve, and through her, Adam, and bowed them to disturb the commandment of God, that is, to sin. This sin ruined the nature of Adam and Eve. Since then, all their descendants are born damaged sin. Sin deprived of people of the grace of God, prayed their mind, weakened the will, sickness and death introduced into the body. People began to suffer and die, and themselves, on their own, could no longer overcome the sin.

Seeing the powerlessness of people in the fight against sin, the merciful Lord promised Adam and Eve that the Savior of the world will come to the ground, which will save people from sin and from the devil power.

Then, for many generations, God through his prophets was preparing people for the coming of the Son of God to Earth and indicated signs of his coming to the world. Here are some major predictions about the Savior:

The Prophet Isaiah predicted that the Savior will be born from the Virgin (Isaiah 7:14) and with amazing clarity predicted his suffering and resurrection (Isaiah 53rd chapter).

The Prophet Micah predicted that the Savior will be born in Bethlehem (Mich. 5: 2; Matt. 2: 4-6).

The Prophet Malachi predicted that the Savior would come to the newly created Jerusalem temple and that the forerunner would be sent to him (John the Baptist), such a prophet Elijah (Malach. 3: 1-15).

The Prophet Zechariah predicted the solemn entrance of the Savior in Jerusalem on the foal (Zech. 9: 9).

Tsar David in the 21st Psalm depicted the godpanis of the Spa Spa with such accuracy, as if he had seen them at the cross.

The Prophet Daniel for 490 years predicted the time of the Savior's phenomenon, his godfather, predicted the subsequent destruction of the temper, Jerusalem and the spread of Christian faith (Dan. 9 Chapter).

When the time of salvation came, the Son of God melded into the immaculate Mary of Maria and the action of the Holy Spirit took human nature from her. Further development of the Baby of Christ in the womb of the Virgin Mary went naturally, until nine months after conception he was born from her in the city of Bethlehem.

Many righteous people learned about the birth of the Savior Bethlehem. So, for example, the eastern wise men (Magi) found out in the star, which before the birth of the Savior appeared in the east. Bethlehem shepherds learned about him from the angels. The old man Simeon and the propheted Anna recognized him on the revelation of the Holy Spirit when he was brought to the temple. John the Baptist recognized him on the Reveiordan during Baptism, when he went to the Lord the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove and God Father said: "This is the son of my beloved, in which my favor" (Matt. 3:17). Many learned him on the elevation of his teachings and especially in the wonders he worked.

Went to the Savior, we read and his preching mother. The Most Holy Virgo Mary took place from the genus Abraham and King David and was the daughter of righteous Joachim and Anna. From the love of God, she gave a promise not to marry, that is, to stay by the Virgin. She stayed by the Virgin and after the Birth of the Savior, so it is called a naval ("always-Virgin.") We also call the Virgin Mary by the Virgin, because she gave birth to the true Son of God for the flesh. We read it above all the created creatures, not only people, but also angels: "Honest Cherubimov and a sorry without comparing Seraphim."

All that the Lord did Jesus Christ was aimed at salvating the sinful human race: his teaching, an example of his life, his death and resurrection from the dead.

The teaching of Jesus Christ saves us when we take it with all the soul and do, imitating the life of the Savior. As the false word of the devil, taken by the first people, has become in people the seed of sin and death, so the true word of Christ, sincerely accepted by Christians, becomes the seed of holy and immortal life in them.

Fourth Member of the Faith Symbol

Crucifago the same as Pilate Pilate, and suffering, and buried.

This member of the Faith symbol speaks of the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ in the times of Pilate Pilate - the ruler of Judea. Jesus Christ, as an almighty God, could avoid suffering, but he voluntarily suffered and died on the cross, in order to wash our sins with his blood. In his endless love for us, he took over our sins and has undergone all the suffering that we would be expected for sins.

The godpanis was the most shameful and cruel, which people could come up with. The Romans cited on the crosses of the most dangerous criminals. This terrible execution of the Lord voluntarily accepted from his endless love for us.

The Lord Jesus Christ was crucified on Friday on the eve of the Jewish Easter on the spot, called Calvary (frontal place), near Jerusalem. The Savior suffered from not his divine nature, which could not suffer, but as a person. After the death of the Savior, Joseph Arimafi buried his body in a stone cave near Calvary. The high priests attached to the cave of the Roman guard, and on the stone, stronged to the cave, put their stamp.

After the Savior died on the cross, he went to hell with his soul, and from there he brought the soul of all believers and virtuous people, ranging from Adam and Eve. Hell is called the place of suffering, removed from God and devoid of light. Satan reigns there. Since all people were sinful, no one could enter the paradise to the Savior's death of the Savior, even righteous people.

On the Cross, the Lord committed a great victory over evil. He washed away the sins of all over the world, took the power of people from the devil and defeated death. The Lord consecrated the cross with his limp blood and gave him spiritual power, with which we defeat the devilish temptations. Thanks to the congestion of the Savior, even the most desperate sinner has hope through repentance and faith in the Savior to get the forgiveness of his sins and the kingdom of heaven. The robber, which heard on the cross, first entered the paradise.

We, Christians, should always remember what terrible price of the Lord Jesus Christ washed away our sins. Therefore, we must use every effort to not sin and live righteous.

If the Lord loved us so much, that he gave her life for us, then we must love it to all our heart.


1. Words in the Symbol of Faith "Suffering and Breaknna" are told against the ancient heretics, who falsely taught that the Lord did not suffer on the cross, but only did the kind that suffers.

2. As evangelists write, the Savior's Cross Savior watches "Darkness acted along the entire Earth" (onions 23:44). Public writers testify to this darkness: Roman astronomer Phlegont, Fall, Julius African. One of them exclaimed: "Some of the gods died!" The famous philosopher from Athens, Dionysius Areopagitis, was at the time in Egypt, in the city of Galiopol. Watching a sudden darkness, he said: "Or the Creator suffers, or the world is destroyed." Subsequently, after the preaching of the Apostle Paul, Dionysius adopted Christianity and was the first Athenian bishop.

Fifth member of the faith symbol

And resistant on the third day by Scripture.

The fifth member of the Faith symbol says that Jesus Christ won his death and on the third day Risen: he came to life and left the coffin with his updated flesh. Surprising Savior is the greatest miracle that has discovered people to renew and eternal joy.

The Old Testament Prophets predicted death, the burial and resurrection of the Savior, so it was said in the symbol: "According to Scripture," that is, all this happened as written in the Holy Scripture. Jesus Christ died on Friday, on the eve of the Jewish Easter, about three o'clock in the afternoon, and rose at night after Saturday. Since then, the first day after Saturday became known as the "Resurrection" or "Day of the Lord." On this day, Christians were going for the gratitude prayer to God and for communion.

The state of Jesus Christ after his death and before the resurrection, the Orthodox Church depicts so: "In the coffin, you were a body, in hell - with a soul like God, in paradise you were with a robber, and on the throne you were, Christ, with my father and spirit, all Filling with himself incomprehensible. "

Resurrection of Christ differs from the resurrection of other people. The Son of the Naine Widow, the girl Tabiff, Lazar and others was resurrected by the Divine force of the Lord Jesus Christ. They were temporary resurrection, since the souls of the dead returned to their former earthly and suffered bodies. After some time, these resurrected people died again.

Jesus Christ rebelled out of the dead in his completely transfigured and updated body. With the resurrection, his body became lightweight and heaven. Therefore, Christ came out of the cave, where he was buried, not dropping the stone and not disturbing the press. He was invisible to warriors who were confused by the coffin.

The Lord discovered the Apostles first about his resurrection through the angel, who pulled the stone from the door of the coffin. Then the angels were announced about the resurrection of Jesus Christ's wives of the Mironos. Finally, Jesus Christ himself in the evening on the first day of his resurrection appeared to all apostles. Then, in the continuation of forty days, the Savior has repeatedly been to his disciples, with many faithful evidence of his resurrection: he gave students to touch his wounds from nails and from a spear, ate before them and talked with them about the kingdom of God.

The Day of the Resurrection of Christ is called Easter and is the most joyful holiday for us. This is because by his death the Lord defeated the devil, death and any evil and marked the beginning of our resurrection. Therefore, we sing on Easter: "Christ is resurrected from the dead, death, death (winning), and by the goal (being) in the tomb of the belly (life)."

Now the Lord is forever in heaven in this new risen body. With a general resurrection, we rebel from the dead with an updated and spiritualized body, similar to the body of the resurrection of the Savior.

Then the ancient prediction of the Prophet of Osi will be fulfilled: "I will buy them from the power of hell, I will deliver them from death. Death, where is your sting? Hell, where is your victory?!" (Asia 13:14).

Sixth member of the faith symbol

And it is worthwhile to heaven, and the stern father's father.

This member of the Symbol of Faith speaks of the ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ on the sky, where he sat down ones (on the right side of the Father's God.

The Ascension of the Savior accomplished after forty days after his resurrection. He ascended to heaven with his flesh and soul, as a man, and his deity he was always with his father as the son of God Father.

Sitting "On the right side of the Father" means that Jesus Christ, ascended to the sky, received the Divine power to us the world with God's Father.

Our Ascension, our Jesus Christ joined the earthly with heaven and pointed out to us that our thoughts and desires should be sent to the sky.

The Lord Jesus Christ promised: "We will get to sit down (evil, sin) to go with me on my throne, as I won and sat with my father on his throne" (Rev. 3:21).

Seventh Member of the Faith Symbol

And Paki Supilo with Glevai Sudiuti Alive and Dead, the Eagle Centers will not end.

The seventh member of the Symbol of Faith speaks of the second coming of the Savior, when he returns to Earth to judge all the living and dead people. After that, his kingdom will begin, which will not end.

The second coming of the Savior is predicted in the Holy Scripture. So, for example, when Jesus Christ undertakes to the sky, the angels appeared to the apostles and said: "This Jesus, ascended from you on the sky, will again come in the same way as you have seen him ascending on the sky" (Acts 1:11).

The second coming of Christ will not at all like the first. For the first time he came in the humble form of a person to suffer for us and to save us. He was born in a cave for livestock, lived in poverty, he was overwhelmed, hungry and eager, tolerated insults from sinners and died in the midst of villains on the cross. For the second time, he will come in all its greatness - the king of the universe is surrounded by angels. "How lightning comes from the East and is visible even to the West, so there will be the coming of the Son of Human" (Matt. 24:27).

The second coming of Christ the Savior will be unusually: then "the sun will fade, and the moon will not give his light, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly forces will die; then the sign of the Son of the Human (Cross) will appear; and they will pay all the tribes of the earth when they see the Son Human, coming on the clouds of heaven with power and Great Great. And he will send an angels with a loud tube, and collect his chosen "from all over the world (Matt. 24: 29-30).

"Then he will sit on the throne of the glory of his own, and all the peoples (living on Earth from the creation of the world) will be gathering before him)," and he will judge all people: righteous and sinful (Matt. 25: 31-46).

This court is called "terrible," because then the inner state of each person will open and it is found to everyone not only all of his affairs, but all the words they have said, secret desires and thoughts.

In court, the righteous will go into life eternal, and the sinners in the eternal flour - for what the evil deeds did not repense and whom did not cope with good deeds and the correction of life. People who have never heard of God (pagans) will be judged by the voice of their conscience: who did how the conscience told him, will be justified, and who did contrary to the voice of conscience, will be convicted.

"Time will come," says the Lord, in which all those in the coffins will hear the voice of the Son of God; and they will come out good to the resurrection of life, but who made evil on the resurrection of condemnation "(John 5: 28-29).

When the Lord comes exactly the second time on Earth, is hidden from all. This is a mystery that no one knows, even God's angels know, but only one Heavenly Father. Therefore, we should always be prepared to appear on the court of God.

Although the Day of Coming is unknown, but some signs of approaching the coming of the Lord are open in the Holy Scripture.

1. Before this, the Gospel will be preached all over the world.

2. Jews in many will turn to Christ and become Christians.

3. Before the end of the world, people will become extremely debaucated, they will completely weaken faith in them, they will hate each other and make evil; Some will challenge and worship demon.

4. There will be many false prophets who will evolve people with their fictional teachings and false wonders.

5. Insurance and bloody wars in the world will increase; There will be hunger, illness, strong earthquakes and storms.

6. Finally, when the evil is extremely strengthened, antichrist will appear among people.

The word "Antichrist" means the opponent of Christ. He will appear before the end of the world and will reign three and a half years. People will hope for him as on the wise ruler, but he will try to destroy Christian faith in every way. In his time, Christians will be strongly pursued, demanding the recognition of antichrist. Christians, faithful to Christ, will not be able to get a job or sell or buy. Then many people will be seduced, they will renounce Christ and will betray each other. Everything, renounced from Christ and conquered by Antichrist, will die in hell, and Christians will be saved, remaining faithful to Christ to the end.

Christ comes, and the dominion of the Antichrist will end with the terrible death of his own, his followers and the devil himself.

After that, the resurrection of the dead, the terrible court will come and the Eternal Kingdom of Christ will come.

Eighth member of the faith symbol

(I believe) and in the Spirit of the Saints, the Lord, the life-to-talk, and from the father outgoing, and the Father and the Son of Spoklans and Saglivima, the Glagolavsha prophets.

The eighth member of the Symbol of Faith speaks of the third person of the Holy Trinity - about the Holy Spirit, namely, that he is the same true God, like God Father and God Son. Therefore, we must glorify it and bow to him on a par with the Father and Son.

The Holy Spirit is called life-giving, because he, together with his father and son, gives life - especially the spiritual life of angels and people. He is the Creator of the world, along with the Father and Son. Therefore, it is said when creating the world that "the Spirit of God rushed over the water" (abyssful, life. 1: 2).

Jesus Christ said about the need for a person to be a revived spirit of Holy: "If anyone can not be born from the water and the Spirit, he can not enter the kingdom of God" (John 3: 5).

Words: "Like the father of the outgoing" - which comes from his father - point to the personal property of the Holy Spirit, which he differs from God's God and from God Son, namely, that he comes from God Father. The Lord Jesus Christ said that, so told his disciples: "When the comforter comes, whom I will send you from my father, the spirit of truth, which comes from his father, he will testify to me" (John 15:26). The Holy Spirit is called "Comforter," because it gives us such a great joy that we forget about our grief.

The words "the verbal prophets" mean that the Holy Spirit spoke through righteous people: prophets and apostles. They predicted the future and wrote sacred books not at wishes or on natural human inspiration, but by suggestion of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, their Scriptures are books in the Bible - are called the vague - inspired and contain a pure divine truth. All Book Books is the Word of God.

The Holy Spirit from the day of its descent on the Apostles on the Day of Pentecost continuously resides in the Church of Christ. He retains her teaching intact and gives Christians of his divine gifts. The Holy Spirit enlightens Christ's teachings with the light, cleans them from sinful bad, warms their heart with love of God and to the neighbor, gives diligence and forces to live righteously to make us holy. Everything is kind, what we have or want to get, gives us the Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ warned: "Every sin and hula will eat people; and Hula does not forgive in the spirit" (Matt. 12:31). "Through the Holy Spirit" is called a conscious and fierce opposition of Christ Truth, "because the spirit is the truth" (John 5: 6). Stubborn resistance truth leads a person from humility and repentance, and without repentance there can be no forgiveness. That is why the sin of "Jules on the Spirit" does not say goodbye.

The Holy Spirit has opened people visible: when the Lord is baptized in the form of a dove, and on the day of Pentecost, he came down on the apostles in the form of fiery languages. When the Holy Spirit acts in us, we are calm, kind, obedient, courageous, firmly believe in God, we want to love everyone.

Therefore, a Christian must try to get and keep in themselves the grace of the Holy Spirit. There is nothing more valuable in the world. We get this grace in the holy sacraments, in worship services, in a diligent home prayer, from reading the Holy Scriptures and from good deeds.

Ninth member of the faith symbol

(Believe) to one, holy, cathedral and apostolic church.

The ninth member of the Faith symbol speaks of the Church of Christ, which Jesus Christ founded for consecration and rescue people.

The church is all Orthodox Christians - living and dead. The church is a big family, an universal organization. The church is the kingdom of God, which descended from the sky, spread on earth and consists of millions of people and angels.

Sometimes the church is called the building (temple), in which we pray. But here we are not talking about the building, but about the unity of all truly believers.

We, the Church of the Church of Christ, connects one faith, alone the commandments of God, mutual love and grace of the Holy Spirit. Each Orthodox Christian, if he believes and lives as the Lord Jesus Christ taught and his apostles, is a member of the Church of Christ.

Jesus Christ is the head of the church, and the church is the spiritual body of Christ. Through the communion, Christ invisibly lives in believers.

The Lord Jesus Christ instructed the visible device and managing the Church of the Holy Apostles and their successors - bishops, shepherds of the Church, and through them he invisibly controls the church.

Who will obey the church, he will obey Christ himself, and who will not obey and rejects it, he rejects the Lord himself. If anyone "churches does not listen, he will be he, as a pagan and mytar," said the Lord (Matt. 19:17).

Church of Christ is invincible and will exist forever, as the Lord promised: "I will create a church of my church, and the Gate of hell will not overcome it ... I am with you all the days before the dedication of the century" (Matt. 16:18; Matt. 28:20) .

The truth of God is kept in its purity only in the Church of Christ, as the Apostle Paul wrote: "The Church of God Living, Pillars and the Approval of Truth" (Tim 3:15). Jesus Christ promised to the apostles: "The comforter, the spirit of the Holy (spirit of truth), whom the father will send in my name, will teach you everything and remind you all that I told you." He "will be in mind" (John 14:26 and 14:16). Other uninostable churches have more or less moved away from the truth.

We believe in a single, holy, cathedral and apostolic church.

1. The Church of Christ is one, because it has one spiritual body, has one chapter - Christ and is waved with one spirit of God (Ephesus. 4: 4-6). It has one goal - to sanctify people; One divine teaching, some sacraments. As a living body is not divided and the church cannot disintegrate or disconnect. Heretics and splitters can be separated from it, but, dropping, they cease to be members of the church. The church remains united. The body consists of many members and the Church of Christ consists of many local or national churches: Greek, Russian, Serbian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Jerusalem, Konstantinople, Antioch, Alexandrian, American and others. All these local churches believe and teach equally, everyone has bishops, ascending to the apostles. Only the language of each church is yours.

2. The Church of Christ is Holy, because it is consecrated by the Lord Jesus Christ: His sufferings, his divine teaching and the holy sacraments established by him, in which the believing of the Holy Spirit is served.

As the essence of the gemstone does not change from the gathered dust on it, and the church does not lose its holiness from the sinfulness of people. All Christians should clean themselves from sins with repentance, confession and communion of the holy secrets. If, which of them remains an unskilled sinner, he disappears from the church as the dry branch from the tree.

3. Church of Christ Cathedral, because she collects all truly believers - regardless of their nationality, education or social status. The church is not limited to any space nor time nor the people. Because the church is also called the Universal (Cafe). All important questions in the church decides not one person, but the Cathedral of the Bishops. The cathedrals of the bishops from all local churches are called universal cathedrals.

4. Church of Christ is called the Apostolic, because she keeps the apostolic doctrine and the apostolic grace. St. Apostles, having received the gifts of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, handed them through the sacred ordination of the shepherds of the church. So continuously from the apostles to this day, the grace of God is transferred to the bishop deimers from the bishop.

The United Saint, the Cathedral and Apostolic Church is called another Orthodox (Greek-Docheo), because she thinks correctly and teaches correctly.

Tenth Member of the Faith Symbol

Confessing a single baptism in leaving sins.

The ten member of the Faith symbol speaks of the sacrament of baptism. The sacrament is called a worship service in which the grace of the Holy Spirit is informed ("secretly"). There are seven sacraments: baptism, world-formation, repentance (confession), communion, marriage, priesthood and a malnutrition.

The Faith symbol mentioned only about baptism, because it is the first mystery that opens access to other sacraments of the church.

The sacrament of baptism

The sacrament of baptism is a sacred effect in which the believer in Christ, through a three-time immersion in the water, with the vocation of the name of the Most Holy Trinity - the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, is washed from all sins, it is born spiritually and becomes a member of the Church.

The sacrament of baptism was established by the Lord our Jesus Christ. First, he consecrated baptism with his own example, barely in Jordan. Then, after his resurrection, he commanded the apostles: "Go, teach all the peoples, kiss them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit" (Matt. 28:19).

Baptism is necessary for everyone who wants to escape. "If anyone can not be born from the water and the Spirit, can not enter the kingdom of God," said the Lord (John 3: 5).

From the apostolic times it entered the custom to baptize not only adults, but also their children, with the condition that parents and perceptions will take care of the Christian education of baptized children. The fact is that children, although they do not have personal sins, but they are born by the damaged primary sin of Adam and Eve, who came to her inheritance from their parents. If someone dies before baptism, the original sin prevents him in the kingdom of heaven. That is why parents, taking care of the salvation of their children, try to baptize them early.

Since baptism is spiritual birth, but a man is born once, the sacrament of baptism over a person is committed once in his life.

Mint Miropomania

Miropomanazing is a sacrament in which the reaches of the Holy Spirit are served the newly cut and strengthen it in Christian life.

Initially, the Holy Apostles committed the sacrament of the world-building by the laying of hands. But since the number of Christians increased everything, and the apostles and their closest students did not have time to lay hands on all the baptized, they began to sanctifying the fir, who gave their assistants-priests so that they would bring them from their behalf with this elbow and so fed them Grace of Holy Spirit. This particularly sanctified fir is called "Miro."

The Holy Miro for the Miropomasic Sacrament is prepared from olive oil with special incense substances and is consecrated by bishops to the Great Thursday. It is given priests as needed and stored in the altar on the throne.

When making the sacrament, the following parts of the body: forehead, eyes, ears, mouth, chest, hands and legs - with word pronunciation: "Print the gift of the spirit of Svyataro, Amen."

The sacrament of repentance

Repentance is a sacrament in which the believer confesses (opens orally) his sins to God in the presence of a priest and receives the forgiveness of sins from the Lord through the priest.

The Lord said to the Apostles: "Take the Holy Spirit. Who forgive sins, it is forgive; on whom will leave - will remain" (John 20:23).

For forgiveness (permission) of sins from the confession (entering), reconciliation with all the near, sincere regret of their sins and oral recognition of them (confession) and the firm intention to correct their lives.

In special cases, "Epitia" (translated from Greek - prohibition), consisting of pious affairs and some deprivation, aimed at overcoming sinful habits is imposed.

Sins, like dust, little gather gather in our soul. They must be cleaned by confession so that the soul is clean and that the Holy Spirit dwells in us.

Sacrament of communion

The communion is a sacrament in which the believer, under the guise of bread and wine, takes the body and blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Through this sacrament, a believer joins with Christ and is made by the Party of Eternal Life.

The sacrament of communion was established by the Lord Jesus Christ during a mystery of the evening, on the eve of his godpanis. The Gospel tells that the Lord "Taking Bread and Thank you (God's Father for all His mercy to the human race), prevented and filed the disciples, saying:" Adjust the Flock (Eat): This is my body, which is indulging for you; We create in my memory. "Also taking a bowl and thanks, he filed them, saying:" Drink everything from it; For this is the blood of my new covenant, for you and for many poured into the remaining (forgiveness) of sins. "

Having established the sacrament of communion, Jesus Christ commanded his students: "So do in my memory," that is, do this sacrament, remembering everything that I did to save people.

According to the commandment of Christ, on the apostolic time, the sacrament of communion is constantly committed in the Church of Christ and will be committed until the end of the world. The worship service on which it is committed is called Liturgy.

During the liturgy, bread and wine with the action of the Holy Spirit vary into the true body and true blood of Christ.

Christians of the first centuries came every Sunday day.

We need to try to communion more often, at least once a month and on the day of your angel (name day) and at least once a year in a great post.

In communion, we connect with the Bogoral Christ. That is why communion gives us joy and greater spiritual power. Coming, it is necessary to thank God for His mercy to us and try to live righteously, as Jesus Christ lived.

The sacrament of marriage

The marriage is a sacrament in which the married union of the bride and groom is blessed with the promise of mutual loyalty, and the grace of God for mutual love, unanimity, for the birth and Christian education of children is served.

The marriage brings many joy when the spouses live in Christian, love and help each other. Husband and wife are obliged to keep mutual love and respect, mutual loyalty and loyalty. The Lord does not allow divorce. Entering into marriage, you need to overcome all family difficulties from God and correct yourself.

Before marriage entry, a man and a woman should live purely and chaste.

The sacrament of priesthood

The priesthood is a sacrament in which a person through the bishop ordination receives the grace of the Holy Spirit for the sacred ministry of the Church of Christ.

This sacrament is performed only above the persons who sincerely want to serve God and people who are immaculate in their personal life and have passed the necessary training. The degrees of the priesthood are three: Deacon, Presbyter (priest) and bishop (bishop).

Dedicated to the Diacon gets grace to serve in worship and help the priest.

Dedicated to the priest (presbyter) gets grace to lead believers to salvation and commit worship and sacraments.

Dedicated to the bishop (bishopa) gets grace to manage the Church, head of worship, make all the sacraments and devote others to commit the sacraments. Bishops are full of apostolic grace.

The sacrament of amazing

The mallement is a sacrament, in which during anointing the patient with consecrated oil oil is called upon him the grace of God for healing it from bodily and mental illnesses.

The sacrament of the ignition is also called compassion, because for the commission there are several priests, although if necessary, one priest can make it.

Eleventh Member of the Faith Symbol

The resurrection of the dead.

This member of the Faith symbol speaks of the universal resurrection of the dead.

Resurrection of the dead, whom we are "tea," that is, we expect to happen in the second coming of the Lord of our Jesus Christ. According to his divine word, the soul of all the dead will return to their restored bodies, and all people will rise alive.

Faith on the resurrection of the dead was expressed by Jew during his suffering: "And I know, my Redeemer is alive, and he will restore this disintegrating skin on my darling on the last day, and I am in the flesh of my assert (I will see) (Job. 19: 25-26). The Prophet Isaiah predicted: "Your dead will be revived, the dead bodies will revive! Relive and celebrate, plunged in a praha: for dew your dew - dew plants, and the earth will spew the dead" (Isa. 26:19).

The Saint Ezekiel in the prophetic vision saw the resurrection of the dead, when a lot of dry bones scattered over the field, the power of God began to be connected alone on the other, to be covered with body and skin and finally rebelled by living people (Iz. Gl. 37).

Jesus Christ spoke about the resurrection of the dead: "The time comes in which all those in the coffins will hear the voice of the Son of God and, having heard, will come to life. And we will come out good to the resurrection of life, but who made evil on the resurrection of condemnation" (John 5:25 -29).

Answering unbeliever Saddukes on their question about the resurrection of the dead, Jesus Christ said: "They are mistaken, not knowing the writings, no power of God. About the resurrection of the dead Did you read the god to you: I god Abraham, and God Isaac, and God James? God is not There is God of the dead, but alive "(Matt. 22:29, 31, 32).

The Apostle Paul says: "Christ rose from the dead, the firstborn of the dead. For how death through a person (Adam), so through a person (Christ) and the resurrection of the dead. As in Adam everyone die, so in Christ everyone will come to life" (1 Cor. 15 : 20--22).

At the time of universal resurrection, the bodies of dead people will change. Essentially, they will be the same that we now have, but in quality will become different: they will be done by spiritual and immortal. At the time of universal resurrection, the bodies also change those people who will still be alive during the Second Coming of the Savior. The Apostle Paul says: "Summer soulful's body, the spiritual body will rise ... We will not all die, but everything will change, suddenly, in the blink of an eye with the last pipe: for toasty, and the dead will resurrect the unveiled, and we (survivors) will change" (1 Cor. 15: 44-52).

Resurrected people will have an unequal view. The righteous will shine like the sun, and sinners will look gloomy and ugly. Then the inner state of each person will be found in its appearance.

Then the Earth and all things are burned on it. The whole world will change: from the pulled will turn into an awn and spiritual - it will become a new sky and new earth.

The state of the shower of people who died to the universal resurrection is not the same. So, the souls of the righteous are in the sky in anticipation of Eternal Bliss, and sinners in hell - in anticipation of eternal flour. This state of the deceased souls is determined by God immediately after the death of every person.

Death is the limit to which the earth's life ends and eternity begins. That a person will sit in this life, he will get back in the future. But the court immediately after death is not final, because there is still a universal terrible court. Therefore, the souls of believers, but sinful people, can get relief in the afterlife sufferings and even completely get rid of them on the prayers for their loved ones and churches, and also through good deeds committed for them alive. In order to help those who died in their afterlife in the Orthodox Church, it was established to pray for them on the burial, memorizing and liturgies, when the believers serve clarifiers with scoring.

The twelfth member of the faith symbol

(Expect) and the life of the future century. Amen.

The last member of the Faith symbol speaks of the future eternal life that will come after the universal resurrection of the dead, the renewals of the world and the Universal Court of Christova.

For righteous people, eternal life will be so joyful and blessed that in the present we cannot even imagine it or portray it. The Apostle Paul says: "I have not seen that eye, I did not hear your ear and did not come to the heart of a person that I prepared God who loved him" (1 Cor. 2: 9).

Such bliss of righteous will occur from the contemplation of God in light and from the connection with it. In the bliss of the Soul of the righteous, the body will also be involved, which will be glorified by the Lord of God like the body of the Lord Jesus Christ during the transformation of him on Mount Favor. "Then the righteous will reach as the sun in the kingdom of their father," said the Savior.

Now, "sowing (body) in humiliation, he rebels in glory, he sees into the glibliators, rebels in force," - explains the apostle Paul (1 Cor. 15:43). The righteouss will receive different degrees of bliss, respectively, the moral dignity of everyone: "other than the glory of the sun, other than the fame of the moon, other stars; and the star from the star will be varied in glory. So at the resurrection of the dead" (1 Cor. 15: 41-42).

For unbelievers and for unrecorded sinners, that life will be eternal torment. The Lord will say to them: "Go from me, damned, into the fire eternal, prepared by the Devil and his angels. And they will go into the eternal flour" (Matt. 25: 41-46).

Sinners will be away from God and from the paradise life. They will suffer from stors of their conscience and in shame for their crimes. They will be tormented from the proximity of evil spirits and the sinners like they, from the eternal flame and darkness.

So the sinners will be punished.

The faith symbol ends with the word Amen, which means: "True" or "will be like that." Giving these words, we testify to this that we believe in the truth of all that is stated in the Symbol of Faith.

M.il to you, dear visitors to the Orthodox website "Family and Vera"!

Often, we can hear both in the temple and in a secular society, addressed to the believer (including us) a warded promotion: "It does not apply to behave so an Orthodox Christian."

So what should be a true Christian? What is his difference from an ordinary person?

Archpriest Valentin Mordasov in his instructive words gave the main definitions of a truly believer man. Let's get acquainted with them:

We must clean our soul, wash repentance of repentance about the former sinful life.

Make the cases of merciful, decorate your life by fasting, prayers, luck, boggomethem.

We should not envy us, do not be enjoyed, the carnal lust to curb, refrain from every excess both in food, drink, and sleep.

Be undone to prayer.

Cases to start a brief prayer, wish all the goodness.

In order for us to not notice other people's sins, to reproach them to the neighbor, despise them, we must first warm our sins and mourn yourself as spiritual dead.

To find peace, the inner world, we need to go to church. She will give it all with an excess. She will deliver everything through worship, holy sacraments. She teaches all the true. Not in vain we read prayers in the church and at home. Through them, we purify from our bad sins. Get rid of temptations, troubles, circumstances.

Why do we need to pray at home and go to the church for worship? In order to maintain, excite the life of the soul, clean it. In the church we are separated from the worldly charm and lust of everydays. Enlighten, consecrate, we connect with God.

We go more often in the temple of God and do the soul grace. From the temple, through the prayer of church, they receive consolation, pardon and our departed.

We should love to love the right thing to correct here and not be fried on a terrible court in front of the whole world, angels and people.

It is necessary to regret any evil person, and not be angry with him, pleaseing the Satan. It is necessary to move away from it.

We need to be always kobroi, nobility, merciful, patient.

It is necessary to conquer good.

You do not need to burden myself with the concerns of everydays, acquired to earth managers, wealth, sacraments, differences so that these concerns, predictions, did not destroy us at an hour of death.

You always need to think about God, about his affairs and always remove from the deeds of crap and evil. These temptations of the Diavolsky are that he chooses us to love worldly, all the earthly: wealth, glory, food, clothes, knowledge, sweetness, and not think about God and Eternal Bliss. In our thoughts, in our heart, there is a power of evil, which will every minute to remove us from God, inspirers, wishes, concerns, glory, deeds, exciting to malice, envy, pride, idleness, disobedience, stubbornness, impudent. She needs to go against us.

It should not reject posts, because the sin of the first people happened from the conference. Abstinence is an instrument against sin, we cater to God. We should know that a person disappears through the impudent of God, because every sin is happening from him.

Post sent to people to a tool against the devil. We should part with thin habits, sinful desires, to save themselves by post, happiness, prayers, works and soul to exercise with the reading of spiritual books, boggometimes. We should not disrupt posts, as soon as because of the greatest illness.

Christians must certainly go in the law of God, read more often the Gospel, to delve into the worship service, execute the commandments, the charters of the church, read the Scriptures of the Holy Fathers to live in Christian.

Whether the divine is home to do this to do it with a prayer, with the meekness cardiac, so that God is aroused, strengthened you in faith, piety, helped to find and remember the necessary, useful.

We are with sinners - say reasonably, cautiously, instructive, asked.

Come home from service, read the Holy Gospel. It is reasonable to spend your life, live clean, rolling, pray for life, so as not to suffer you a sudden death.

Do not shift the prayer rule, live below the grass, quieter of water - and saved.

Be obedient fathers with spiritual, krochi, silent.

Be satisfied with any, even modest, meal.

Smug up to the end of life.

Do not imitate the Pharise, who did all the heads of people. And you are good to do secret.

Watch the thoughts, because who agrees with thin thoughts, enjoys them, nizrifies the Lord God. And those who do not agree with them oppose, receive the crown of the Lord.

Every person must undergo temptations, grief. They are sent or to curb evil, or for the inspection, or for the previous sins, or for greater fame in the future life. A Christian not only should postpone the grief, insults, but also take care of not looking at the insult.

Andrei Muzorph, a teacher of the Kiev Spiritual Academy and the seminary, causing Christians from possible dangers.

- Andrei, the editorial office of "Orthodox Life" regularly come various questions from readers. We selected the most frequently repeated and would like to discuss them with you. Let's start with such a question: is it possible to go to the Catholic temples, mosques? How to behave there?

- In one of his messages, the Holy Apostle Paul says: "Everything is permissible to me, but not everything is useful." (1 Cor. 6:12). Therefore, in order to more correctly answer this question, first it is necessary to determine the purpose of visiting the injecting or alien cult facilities. If we go to the church or the mosque to see, so to speak, to expand your cultural outlook, then in this, in principle, nothing reprehensible. If we visit the uninostable temples in order to pray, we should remember the 65th apostolic rule: "If someone from the clearing or layer in a meeting of the Jewish or heretical will pray: yes, it will be from the rank of sacred, and is excited from the church communication" . But there are exceptions: in many Roman Catholic temples, as well as in the temples owned by the yurisdiction of the so-called Kiev Patriarchate, there are shrines, revered by and Orthodox. In the above Apostolic rule, it is about the prohibition to participate in public utilities along with non-uninusited. Therefore, there is nothing reprehensible if an Orthodox Christian with a prayer is delighted with the other shrine located in the inokonfessional temple.

Regarding how it is worthwhile to behave in non-eracted temples, only one factor can be the rule to the manual: the lift. Orthodox Christian, wherever he is, must behave culturally and restrained. Despite our personal beliefs, we in no way have the right to offend the religious feelings of other people, because the chief criterion, which is distinguished by a Christian - above all, love. And this criterion identified the Lord himself. Our Jesus Christ: "According to that, everything you know that you are my students if you have love between sobody" (John 13:35).

- Is it possible to turn to alternative medicine, such as Chinese?

- The Orthodox Church never considered the spiritual obstacle to the achievement in the field of medicine. But before you resort to the help of a non-traditional physician, a person should understand for himself: what sources he uses, otherwise you can bring both a lot of harmful harm to your soul.

One of the researchers of unconventional treatments once noted: the Chinese, for example, belong to their medicine as religion. A similar attitude to medicine should alert the Orthodox man, because higher and sacral religion can not be anything. In addition, German scientists, exploring the practice of acupuncture, conducted the following experiment: the needles were put in such patients, so to speak, on all "canons" of Chinese medicine, others, roughly speaking, at random, just not to hurt the important organs and not harm. As a result, the effectiveness of the first acupuncture amounted to 52%, and the second is 49%! That is, there was practically no difference between the "smart" and "free" acupuncture.

However, more acute is the question of the application of some spiritual practice in medicine. For example, some "healers" in order to cure one or another ailment, they offer their patients to try to get out of the world of physical in the world superweight, psychic. But we must remember that our physical body is a kind of obstacle that separates us from direct direct communication with the world of spiritual and, in particular, the world of fallen spirits. Some Eastern cults use a whole range of exercises that contribute to such an exit to the "Spiritual World", and this practice weakens our defense from demons. Saint Ignatius Caucasian warns: "If we were in sensual communication with the demons, then in the shortest possible time they would finally corrupate the people, insteadously inspiring them evil, clearly and incessantly promoting evil, infecting the examples of their permanent criminal and hostile to God."

That is why any "alternative medicine", practicing some communication with the spiritual world, even if it promises physical recovery to his patients, as a result becomes dangerous for their spiritual health.

- What does it mean not to go to the advice of wicked?

- The value of this verse, which is the first verse of the first Psalm of the Book of the Psalter, is very deep and multival about. Thus, the Saint Athanasius Great says: "The Council of the Unholy" is a collection of custody people who seek to evade the righteous from follow the path of God. And St. Vasily Vasily clarifies: "The Council of the Unholy" is any wicked thoughts, which, like invisible enemies, overcome man.

In addition, it is very interesting that in the presented Psalm on the confrontation of the righteous "Council of the Unholy" says "in three dimensions" - walking, standing and prior: "Blessed husband, and not an idea for the advice of wicked, and in the path of sinners, not a hundred and on Seeders of destroyers are not gray. " According to Saint Feofan, the rejection, the purpose of such a triple instructions is to warn at the three main degrees of evasion in evil: in the form of internal attraction to evil (procession to sin), in the form of an assertion in evil (standing in sin) and in the form of a good and propaganda Evil (co-foundation with a descendant, that is, diell).

Thus, walking to the Council of the Unholy - this is all sorts of participation in evil, whether it is a thought, in the word or a act. According to St. John Cassiana Romanna, in order to escape, a person must unstand himself to control himself, exercising in spiritual doing: without the latter there will be no spiritual life.

- Is it possible to ride to relax, for example, on the ski resort in the Christmas post?

- According to the thoughts of Rev. Ephraim Sirin, the goal of the post is that the person can defend the lust, vices and sins. If the post does not help us overcome sin, we should think: how do we post, what do wrong?

Unfortunately, historically developed in such a way that in the life of a modern person, most of the holidays fall on the time of the Christmas post - during the New Year holidays. The goal of the christmas post is to prepare a person to adopt the Bog Mountain of Christ, who comes to this world and becomes a person in order to save each of us from the power of sin and death. And because the main thing about what the Orthodox Christian should think about Christmas on the eve of Christmas, so it's about how best, it is best to prepare yourself to meet the Savior.

Active recreation, such as skiing, is very useful for health if it is combined with a spiritual increase in man. Otherwise, the benefits of such "recovery" will not be. Therefore, if our rest does not allow us to make our heart worth a worthy extensive living God - it is better to refuse such a holiday.

- Is it possible to make a woman tattoo, for example, for cosmetic purposes?

- In order to answer this question, it is necessary to decide: why do you need a similar tattoo, what are the reasons for a person who puts the person on their body of certain images?

Still in the Old Testament it was said: "For the sake of the deceased, do not make slices on your body and do not pump writing on yourself" (Lion 19:28). This ban in the pentateuch of Moses repeats further twice: in the same book Levit (21: 5), as well as in the book of Deuteronomy (14: 1). Moses prohibits the ugly human body, as such an action is an insult to the Creator, who gave a man a beautiful flesh. Historically, the tattoo is a sign of belonging to any pagan cult: people with the help of tattoo hoped to drop a special favor in one or another deity. That is why since the ancient times of tattoos - "abostant to the Lord".

According to the word Metropolitan Sourozh Anthony, the body is the visible part of the soul, so any external change is primarily a sign of internal, spiritual changes occurring in a person. The main signs of a Christian is modesty, meekness and humility. The tattoo is, this is the thought of one contemporary author, escape from modesty, an attempt to present yourself more exquisitely and, perhaps, with a view to some indispensable surrounding. Based on this, you can make a confident conclusion: even the most, as it seems, innocuous tattoos can cause a person irreparable spiritual harm.

- Is it possible to listen to the prayer rule in headphones along the way to work or using a disk in the car?

- Prayer is primarily a conversation with God. And therefore, it seems very doubtful. It seems that the statement can be prayed and under audio recording.

Unfortunately, a modern person, so simplified his life with the help of certain technologies, is less and less time to give to God and communicate with him. Therefore, we try to pray for audio recordings, listen to evening and morning prayers in the car or on the way home. But, if you think about: how carefully can we listen to such records? How focusing can we pray for them?

Holy Fathers always said: It is better to sincerely tell God a few words than, without thinking about him, pronounced long prayers. We need the Lord not our words, but our heart. And he sees its contents: the desire for his Creator and the Savior or an attempt to dismiss him, hiding for the half-hour audio recording.

- What should ever do Orthodox?

- Orthodox should be afraid to sin, but not because of the fear of the punishment of God. Rev. Abwa Dorofey says: fear of God is not at all fear of God as a kind of mischief for sins; Fear of God is fear of offending the love of God's manifested in Christ. Therefore, each Orthodox Christian should try to control himself, preserving even their thoughts about the commission of sin, because with their sins, according to the word of the Holy Apostle Paul, we are reappearing the Lord of our Jesus Christ. Sins we destroy all that we are familiar with God for our salvation. And it is this that we must be afraid and avoid in your life.

Tamed Natalia Goroshkov