How to make slopes on windows with plaster with your own hands. Plastering of window and door slopes - a worthy tradition

Plastering is the most budgetary option for arranging window slopes. This is not a difficult job, but despite the extreme ease of implementation, you also need to prepare for it.

In the absence of experience in conducting such events, it is recommended to begin with practicing plastering simpler surfaces such as the ceiling and walls. Having mastered the basic subtleties of the process, you can independently plaster window slopes no worse than a qualified master.

Before starting work, prepare all the accessories necessary for its implementation. It is better to collect all the required elements in advance, so as not to be distracted in the future by looking for missing elements.

You will need:

When choosing a building level, pay attention to the length of the product - the tool should normally fit between the windowsill and the window lintel. At the same time, the level should not be too short either - it is simply inconvenient to work with such a tool. The optimal level is 100 cm.

Additionally, you may need various assistive devices, such as:

Before you start finishing work, you have to complete several preparatory activities. Pay due attention to their implementation. The convenience and speed of further finishing and the overall quality of the finished coating directly depend on the correct preparation.

It is better if the window sill is installed before finishing. Otherwise, in the future you will have to close up the gaps that appear between the side window slopes and the mounted window sill.

First step... Provide reliable protection of the window sill from damage and contamination with mortar. For protection, it will be enough to cover the product with simple thick cardboard or suitable drywall scraps, if available.

Step two. Remove old plaster, paintwork and any kind of contamination from the surfaces of the opening if present. The wall for laying the plaster must be clean and even, the presence of dust and any other contamination is unacceptable.

Step three. Cover the glass unit with plastic wrap. You just need to stick the protective film to the glass unit with tape.

Wrap handles, heaters and all other accessories with foil or thick paper.

Fourth step. If you find excess foam (it is assumed that all slots have already been blown out with this material after installing the window), carefully cut them off with a sharp knife.

Fifth step. Cover the surfaces of the opening with a deep penetration primer. Such treatment will contribute to the improvement of adhesion (setting of the applied plaster solution with the surface to be finished).

When choosing a plaster, be guided, first of all, by the material for making the window opening. A specialist store consultant will help you choose the right mixture.

Sixth step. Equip a vapor barrier. To do this, cover the foam seal with a special film vapor barrier material, or cover it with a frost-resistant silicone sealant.

Apply the sealant to the previously cleaned and dried surface. Dispose of excess sealant immediately. It is very difficult to remove the cured product.

Without the internal vapor barrier of the foam seal, the foam will constantly get wet from the resulting condensate, lose its thermal insulation properties and collapse. In parallel with the foam, glasses and slopes will begin to get wet, a draft will appear in the room, etc.

Seventh step. Make a mala. You can buy it ready-made, but making it yourself will save you some money.

Malka is an ordinary template used for plastering. Examine the window slopes. You will notice that they do not have a strictly even shape, but seem to expand slightly inward, due to which the window dawn is created. In order to qualitatively plaster such a surface, a bead is needed.

Video - Using Malka

The easiest way to make your own bevel is to use sheet plywood. The finished template will have a width of about 150 mm, and a length of 50-100 mm more than the length of the slope. A cut must be made on one side of the template. You will move the side with the cutout along the window slope, and the other side along the pre-assembled lighthouse.

As a result, the finished surface will be as flat as possible. Also, in the template, you need to make an additional cutout to pass the window hinges.

The manufacture of malka should be taken with full responsibility. The working surfaces of the template should be as smooth as possible.

Professional plaster painters use aluminum beads in their work. Such devices are usually made to order, but ready-made options can also be found in specialized stores. In this moment, make a decision at your discretion.

Of course, slopes can be plastered without a template, but in such a situation the angles are unlikely to be the same.

What do you need to know before getting started?

To make the work as easy as possible, and the finished coating is durable, beautiful and of high quality, remember and follow these simple rules:

The procedure for plastering slopes

The process of finishing slopes with plaster does not differ significantly from plastering simple walls with an angle. However, as already noted, when finishing the window slopes, it is strongly recommended to use a bevel.

First step. Determine the location of the slope angle.

Step two.Set the rule with a level at a certain angle and mark the position of the angle on the surface of the wall with a pencil.

Step three. Apply starter plaster to the surface to be finished. The bottom layer of plaster should be thick enough.

Fourth step. Press the template against the sash and slowly smooth the plaster off the slope. Your task is to get the correct angle and smooth surface of the slope without irregularities.

Fifth step.Remove the rule by slowly moving the tool along the slope.

Sixth step. After the bottom layer has dried, apply a finishing plaster mixture to the slopes. Pre-place special products called perforated angle on the corners of the slopes. Such elements should be fixed in a not yet dried starting layer of plaster, slightly pressing them into the coating. Thanks to these devices, additional protection of the edge from all kinds of damage will be provided.

After a while, use the ironer

Apply the finishing coat in the same order as the starting coat. Make the second layer thinner than the first.

Level the plaster until the finish is as smooth and perfectly smooth as possible.

In the case of finishing the slopes of plastic window structures, a number of separate rules must be observed.

The work is performed in the sequence described above. After the design of the slope in the not yet dried plaster solution, a small groove must be cut with a spatula. Make it between the frame of your window and the slope itself. A depression up to 0.5 cm wide will suffice. The finished cavity should be filled with silicone sealant.

PVC (the main material for the manufacture of the windows in question), especially if it is of low quality, expands noticeably when heated. In the heat, the plastic can expand so that cracks form at the junction points of the block with the slopes. The silicone sealant has an elastic structure and will not allow the above problem to appear.

Now you know how to cope with plastering slopes on your own. Follow the recommendations received and everything will definitely work out.

Happy work!

Video - DIY plastering of slopes

After the installation of windows or doors, the plaster of the slopes is a mandatory step. Its task is to give them a neat, finished look, to prepare them for subsequent operation. Plastering is the traditional finishing method using cement or plaster mortars. It allows you to eliminate damage to the walls resulting from installation.

  • improve heat and sound insulation;
  • protect the premises from external factors;
  • give an aesthetic look.

Plastering is a laborious process that requires the person performing it to have certain skills. You also need to stock up on a set of tools. It includes a level, tape measure, ruler, usually a half-trowel or ironer. A dry mixture is used to prepare the solution. Rails, perforated corners, profiles will help to achieve the desired layer thickness. If the layer of plaster is more than 30 mm, then a reinforcing mesh is used. It is best to use a steel mesh with cells of 50 to 50 mm, securing it with dowel-nails.

Preparation for work

More and more apartment and house owners seek to replace old wooden windows with new ones. But as a result of the installation of window blocks, the integrity of the slopes is violated, cracks and damage appear. Before plastering, it becomes necessary to perform a number of preparatory work.

Upon completion of the installation of the window block, it is required to cut off the excess of polyurethane foam so that it does not go beyond the plane of the window. It should be noted that polyurethane foam used for sealing, crevices is a vapor-permeable material. To prevent it from becoming a source of condensation, it is necessary to insulate it with acrylic sealant or vapor barrier film. A sealant is applied to the foam located inside the room with a thin layer and allowed to dry well. After that, you can move on.

Plastering the slopes of windows is a dirty job, accompanied by dust. Therefore, it is recommended to cover the radiator and part of the window block with cardboard or plastic wrap. The most difficult thing will be to clean the fittings, so they close it especially carefully.

The surface of the slope must be cleaned of debris and dust. To remove particles of old plaster, mortar, weak areas, they are passed along the slope with a stiff brush. The final stage is priming, a means of deep penetration.

Slope plaster is traditionally performed with a sand-cement or gypsum mixture. The stores offer different types, the choice is up to the customer. For finishing external slopes, it is recommended to give preference to a cement mortar with a ratio of 1 part cement to 3 parts sand. The sand should not contain clay impurities; it is better to use river washed sand.

The gypsum mix does not tolerate high humidity, which is typical for areas near a window. It is well suited for interior decoration: it dries quickly, acquiring a beautiful white color. The ideal option for plastering internal surfaces is a cement-sand mixture with a small addition of alabaster, which will speed up the setting.

Slope angle

It is necessary to pay attention to the position of the inner slopes in relation to the plane of the window. This angle is greater than 90 degrees. This arrangement improves the efficiency of light passing through the opening. The deviation is usually 5-6 degrees, but it can be more. It all depends on the thickness of the walls and the design solution. The lower, upper and outer slopes can be made at right angles.

You will need a pencil and ruler to form the corner. First, calculate the distance at which the edge of the slope should be located. The calculation is based on the fact that for every 10 cm of the slope from the edge of the window block, it is necessary to retreat 1 cm. The resulting value is laid on the windowsill.

Often, the nearest edge does not fall on this line. This means that you will need to make the layer thicker. To set its thickness, wooden slats are stuffed on the inside of the slope. Then a beacon profile is installed on the solution, setting it in level and setting the required angle.

When creating door slopes, the angle can be exactly 90 degrees. Therefore, no special preparations are required.

Solution application

Do-it-yourself plastering of slopes is most often done in a common way "under the rule". It is good in that it allows you to return a neat look to the slopes, regardless of whether major repairs were carried out or just replacement of windows.

To align the plane of the slope, a beacon is installed in the corner. First, a solution is thrown into the recess, then I press the beacon into it, controlling the depth by level. The rule will help to limit the outer corner. It is installed vertically, making a protrusion towards the window at the distance that is required to form the thickness of the slope. Then they are fixed with dowels or self-tapping screws. You can use a metal profile by leveling and securing it. The upper slope is also prepared.

Before applying the mortar, you need to make sure that all elements are positioned correctly. The plaster is carried out in three layers: spray, primer, cover. The application of the mortar begins from the upper slope, moving from its edge to the window. It is recommended to install a reinforcing mesh on the upper slope. The solution is applied to it by pressing and simultaneously gluing the mesh to the base.

A liquid solution is used for spraying. Its task is to create a solid base for the base layer and bond it tightly to the wall. The main layer - the soil - is carried out with a solution, the density of which is similar to the density of good sour cream. It is thrown onto the spray and given time to grab. Then the excess solution is removed, moving from the bottom up, with a scraper or rule.

Having finished applying the primer, it is given time to dry out. Carefully remove the rule, shifting it not towards themselves, but to the side. The remaining areas are rubbed with a solution, the corners are plastered. They can be started after the layer on the slope itself has dried. To do this, use the same solution, applying it with a trowel or trowel on a pre-moistened surface. The leveling of the mixture is carried out from the bottom up and to the sides, creating a single surface. The dried plaster is primed, putty, using it instead of a cover.

Plastering of external slopes is performed in the same way, and even a little easier. Usually the outside is much less damaged than the inside. Therefore, first they check the quality of sealing the cracks, cut off the foam. After moistening it, cover the slope with a layer of plaster. The staining finishes the work.

Slope putty

The task of the putty is to eliminate small scratches and cracks. Before puttingtying, the surface must be primed. The first layer is performed with a starting mixture. It contains larger particles that will fill in the irregularities. After drying, it is sanded and primed again.

Finish the putty with a finishing mixture. It will create a perfectly even and smooth coating, which can be wallpapered or painted after grouting with sandpaper and applying primer.

How long does it take for the plaster to dry?

This is not an idle question, since it depends on how quickly you can proceed to the final finishing. The easiest way to calculate the drying rate takes into account that 1 mm of plaster layer will dry for 1 day. This formula does not work for gypsum plaster. If an ideal temperature and humidity regime is created, then take 2 mm per day. The ideal conditions include the conditions under which the temperature is maintained within 10-25 degrees, and the humidity is up to 8%.

Do not accelerate drying artificially by increasing heating or ventilation. This will definitely lead to surface cracking. High humidity and low temperatures slow down drying. Therefore, in rainy weather and a frosty day, it is better not to open the windows. Moderate ventilation won't hurt, though.

The drying time of the outer layer of the plaster does not differ much from the inner one. For a cement-sand mixture, it will take almost a month to completely dry. A reasonable question arises, how then to maintain the interval between the application of several layers? The answer is quite simple: there is no need to wait until it is completely dry before the next coat. It is enough to wait a day, and you can continue to work.

The exact drying time is difficult. Visually, you can navigate by several indicators:

  • wet spots begin to fade;
  • the surface of the wall brightens.

Of course, you should pay attention to the standards specified by the manufacturer. They can be found on the mix packaging.

The technology of plastering window slopes is not so complicated and difficult, everything can be done by hand and then the price will not be high. Today we will tell you how to plaster window slopes in different versions. You can also watch the video in this article and photos that will help you do everything quickly and efficiently.

Plastering of window slopes is done in several stages. They are all important and nothing to be missed. For work, purchase only high-quality material. It is not worth saving on this. Plastering window slopes video will help in this matter. All work is done in the following order:

We select the tool

Here is a list of tools and accessories that will be needed for high-quality slope processing:

  1. Rotary hammer (can be replaced with a hammer drill)
  2. Adapter from SDS + to ½ ”and drill chuck, these are needed to stir the mixture. It will help to get a uniform texture, avoid the formation of unnecessary lumps in the mixture.
  3. A hammer
  4. Drills for a hammer drill (the most running diameter is 6 mm, but you can take any others)
  5. Plastic dowels (suitable size)
  6. Self-tapping screws for woodworking
  7. Screwdriver (preferably Phillips type)
  8. Bubble level 2m
  9. Aluminum rules of the desired length
  10. Spatula blade (the best option is 14 - 16)
  11. An ironing spatula, this is an important element, please note that without it, at some stages, something may not work out
  12. Large capacity (you can take a bucket)
  13. Mixer attachment
  14. Acrylic-based primer, it is possible to use "betokontakt"
  15. Roller roller with a container or a large brush (you can take a wide paint brush)
  16. Cotton gloves to protect the skin
  17. Stencil (template)
  18. Gon

Weight of a bag of plaster kg

Prepare the surface

The technology of plastering window slopes begins with the preparation of the base plane. This is important, since the quality of the work as a whole will depend on this, as well as the durability of the structure, therefore, it can take a lot of time to perform high-quality preparation, but these costs are quite justified


  • It is recommended to install the window sill before you start plastering work. This will avoid the formation of cracks and gaps between the window and the window sill, the formation of mechanical damage, and will also strengthen the structure.
  • Plaster for window slopes can be from any building mixture. The main thing when kneading is to monitor its uniformity. For mixing, it is better to use a construction mixer or a drill with a nozzle.

Attention: It is best to protect the surface of the window sill from damage, because there is a high probability that a caustic solution will get on it, and, as a result, damage that can hardly be repaired, so you need to take care of protection in advance: cover the surface with polyethylene, put sheets of paper, and so on. ...

  • If there are traces of old plaster on the rim of the window opening, they must be removed (see How to remove old plaster from walls without problems), because the new layer should lie on a perfectly smooth surface that has no irregularities
  • It is preferable to cover the glass surface of the window with a protective sheet. If you are doing the plaster in one step, you can simply glue it on with scotch tape. Remember to wrap pens and other items, if any, with paper or tape
  • After the surface has been cleaned, it is recommended to cut off excess pieces of foam with a knife.
  • To improve the contact of the solution with the surface, the surface should be leveled with a primer
  • Perform the steam isolation procedure. On the inside, the foam must be fixed with a special film of the appropriate type, or a layer of frost-resistant liquid - sealant must be applied.

Plastering the slopes of plastic windows is a very important stage in any repair. After all, this is part of the opening, and if a gap arises here, then the room is unlikely to be suitable for living.

In general, it is difficult to underestimate the importance of windows. First of all, they are a source of natural light, and their role in the interior is also far from the last. And this applies not only to the windows themselves, but also to the slopes that frame them, which can also give the room a unique look. They hide the mounting elements, and the whole structure acquires integrity and completeness.

However, creating an interior is far from the main function, although, of course, it should not be underestimated. In addition, the finishing of the slopes affects the thermal insulation of the room. After all, even a layman knows that the greatest heat loss will always be in the area of \u200b\u200bwindows and entrance doors. And in order to reduce them to a minimum, it is necessary to carry out complex work on the installation of window sills, slopes, and their finishing. And only then will the room be cozy and warm at any time of the year. In addition, if you do not trim the slopes, then the dew point will be inside the room, which will lead to constant fogging of the glasses.

The choice of modern finishing materials is simply striking in its diversity, the leading positions among them are taken by drywall, plastic, it has also become very fashionable to frame windows with very original slopes made of different types of wood or cork. However, despite such a wide list, the oldest and most reliable method, proven over the years, is still at the peak of popularity - plaster.

And all thanks to its advantages, firstly, it does not require any special knowledge, tools and skills. Although you will have to work hard, because the appearance of the slopes should be at the highest level. Secondly, it is one of the cheapest methods. And, thirdly, it is also environmentally friendly, because all the components of the solution are natural. The choice of the type of solution depends entirely on the location of the slopes and on the humidity of the room.

For better insulation, you can leave a small distance to the window frame, which will be sealed with silicone.

But if you do everything in good faith, without skipping a single step, the result will be excellent, the surface will be perfectly flat. In addition, it is precisely this technology that allows very thin layers to be applied. But if you rush and do not complete at least one stage, then all the time and money will be wasted. For example, not paying enough attention to insulation, you will eventually see cracks at the junction between the slope and the frame, which will deteriorate the thermal insulation properties. If you do not apply a grid, then horizontal cracks will go, which will greatly spoil the appearance of the room as a whole.

DIY plastering of window slopes - instructions

We cannot underestimate the entire significance of the slopes, while we must remember that their properties completely depend on the quality of the selected materials and, of course, the work performed. From the above, it is clear that it is time to present the information on how to properly plaster the slopes on the windows to the reader.

How to plaster the slopes of windows with your own hands - a step by step scheme

Step 1: preparation

First of all, it is necessary to fill in all the gaps; for this, polyurethane foam, felt or tow is used. The first is much more convenient to use, but if you decide to fill all the gaps with the other listed materials in the old fashioned way, then they must be pre-treated with a 3% sodium fluoride solution. Since these heaters are literally hammered into the gaps, this can lead to deformation of the window frames, and in order to avoid such a turn of events, they must be wedged with wooden struts.

Also, remember to remove all traces of dirt, dust, paint, etc. from the surface. After cleaning the walls, the depth of the joints in the masonry or between the panel and the window should be about 10 mm. And in the case when it is necessary to apply a thick layer of the solution, this value can be more than 4 cm, and then you cannot do without a reinforcing mesh, which is attached by means of special plastic dowels. Also, on a very smooth surface, the solution will not adhere, because he will have nothing to catch on to, so it is necessary to make notches on such walls. Before you start plastering directly, you should thoroughly moisten the walls with water.

When replacing windows or performing repair work in the room, it is also necessary to work with slopes. Plastering slopes is a very laborious and complex business, so you can do it better only if you have at least the initial skills of putty or experience in plastering. Without experience, it is unlikely that it will be possible to perform high-quality plaster on the slopes. However, if you have the desire and perseverance, you can do the job efficiently and fairly quickly.

Preparatory stage

Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare or purchase all the necessary tools and materials. Some tools will be needed for sure, and the need for some is determined by the initial state of the slope and other factors. It is recommended to organize a workplace before starting work. There must be access to sockets near this workplace in order to connect a mixer, which will mix the plaster mixture.

In order not to stain the floor and surrounding surfaces, it is recommended to spread a large piece of thick oilcloth on the floor, and put all the tools and materials on it.

Thus, the room will be clean, moreover, it will be easy to clean the workplace after the repair is completed.

Selection and preparation of instruments

What tools will you need exactly to level the slopes with your own hands:

  1. A range of spatulas (preferably several pieces - 10 cm, 25 cm, a spatula, the length of which is slightly more than the width of the slope)
  2. A level whose length is slightly less than the height of the window or doors, the slopes of which must be processed. If only door slopes will be plastered, it is advisable to choose a level of one and a half meters, if both window and door slopes, a level of 1 m is suitable.On a large area, it is not recommended to use a small level.
  3. Rule. Its length must be greater than the length of the slope. If you have no experience with the rules, it is better to choose aluminum, it is light and comfortable to work with.
  4. Bucket for mixing and washing tools.
  5. Cloths and brushes for cleaning tools.
  6. A square for setting the lighthouse at an angle of 90 °.
  7. Rubber or rubberized gloves for hand protection.
  8. Trowels or trowels for easy slope handling.
  9. Capacity for primer (wide trays are convenient).
  10. Primer brushes, bristles and rollers.
  11. Mixer for mixing the mixture and whisk to it.

Depending on the selected sequence of work and the method of handling the slope, you may also need the following tools:

  • dowels;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • a hammer;
  • borax;
  • etc.

Purchase of materials

To level the slopes on windows or doors, you will need the following materials:

  1. Primer. You can use quartz, or designed for deep penetration. It is not recommended to dilute the primer with water - when plastering, maximum adhesion between surfaces is required.
  2. Water. It is recommended to bring enough water to the workplace before starting work. The larger the layer of plaster falls on the slopes, the faster the water intended for mixing the mixture will leave. It is recommended to have 2 buckets - one for mixing the plaster and the other for washing the tools.
  3. Any starting gypsum putty (ideal for plastering door and window slopes. The mixture has high plasticity, easy to apply, comfortable to work with. It does not dry out too quickly, besides, it is easy to wash and wash).

How is plastering of slopes

The technologies of how to plaster door slopes and how to work with window slopes are practically the same. Difficulties arise when working with the upper slope due to its extremely inconvenient location in space. After completing work on the side slopes, it is easier to work with the upper slope. Firstly, there is already a little experience in plastering slopes, and secondly, since the side slopes are adjacent to the upper one, part of the work on forming the corners has already been done.

Beacon fasteners

Slopes are plastering along the established guides. Such guides can be long rules, even and smooth wooden beams, long pieces of profiles, and the like. It is much easier to carry out work, relying on beacons. To install the guides on the side slopes, it is most convenient to use a starting mixture for plaster. Several spatulas of the mixture are applied to the wall and the beacon is attached directly to the plaster. It dries up, and the slope is plastered over the lighthouse.

As for the upper slope, it is best to mount the beacon with brackets, profiles or dowel mountings. It is more difficult, but more reliable. A non-dried lighthouse can slide off the upper slope, and thus the plane will be plastered crooked. The same rule applies when aligning the slopes of doorways.

Thus, all planes will be processed sequentially. After installing the beacon, you should make sure that it is level. Since the beacon gives flatness to the plane, you should make sure that it is level. To do this, a level is applied to one of the sides of the beacon and the guide is leveled. After that, they must be left to dry to the wall. After about an hour, you can start plastering the slopes.

Slope preparation

Before leveling the slopes with plaster, watch to make a few preparatory steps.

These include:

  • cutting off with a clerical knife protruding assembly or glue foam, which was used when installing the window;
  • pasting the window with masking tape and stretch film to prevent plaster from getting on it;
  • wiping off dust from slopes (to improve adhesion), window sills and windows;
  • priming the entire slope.

All this can be done while the lighthouses dry up. At the same time, it is recommended to organize a workplace, prepare a mixture for plaster, putty knife and other tools that will be needed when working with a slope.

Plaster preparation

Before mixing the mixture, be sure to read the instructions on the package. Manufacturers give different recommendations for mixing specific putty mixtures. Therefore, to achieve the best result and reliability, all manufacturer's recommendations should be followed. When mixing the mixture, it does not matter whether the door or window slope will be plastered. It is important that the mixture has a consistency, thanks to which it will not drain or slide off the slope. At the same time, it will be comfortable to work with it and there will be time before drying to level the plane.

Stir the plaster with a mixer. It is best to try what consistency it is with a small spatula - 10 or 15 cm.

The bucket in which the plaster is mixed for the slopes of the front door, interior doors or windows must be clean. Before mixing a new portion of the mixture, the bucket should be washed with a brush and rinsed.

Leveling the slope plane using the mixture

When the surface is prepared and the mixture for plaster begins to be applied to the slope. The process of plastering door slopes does not differ from the processing of window frames, the technology for carrying out the work is the same. Using a spatula, the mixture is applied to the slope. It is recommended to process small areas of 20-30 cm.
First, the mixture is applied to them, and then it is leveled with a half-scraper or a wide spatula. Hold a trowel or a half-trowel, with which the slope is leveled, should be at an angle of 90 ° to the plane of the slope, perpendicular. Thus, it will turn out to achieve a flat and smooth slope.

The door itself will hinder movement while working with a slope, and there is a high probability of getting it dirty. It is best to work with slopes after installing the box.

Final work

After the slopes are plastered, it is necessary to wait until it is completely or partially dry and remove the lighthouse. Whatever method it is attached to the wall, it should be removed in the direction from the slope to the wall so as not to damage the plaster layer. After removing the lighthouse, it will be noticeable that a small influx of plaster mixture has formed on the wall. It needs to be removed. If the plaster layer is still soft, you may be able to do it with a trowel. If not, you can use coarse sandpaper (numbered 40-80).

After the slopes are plastered, paint perforated corners can be installed on them. The corners help to form an even corner and also protect the wall from chipping pieces of putty. After installing the corners, you can putty the slope with a finishing plaster mixture.

According to the above scheme, you can align the jambs of doorways and window slopes. Working with plaster is rather dirty, therefore it is recommended to carry out it in clothes that completely cover arms and legs. After finishing work, all tools should be washed with a brush under running water, and then wiped dry (with the exception of the power tool). This way the tools will last longer.

It is recommended to carry out work on plastering slopes with your own hands in the absence of any experience in performing repair work after watching the training videos.
If possible, you should consult with those who are engaged in repair work or.

Instructions for a beginner on finishing slopes with plaster - video