Building a house from wood concrete with your own hands. We build a house from wood concrete with our own hands, video

Today, a person who is going to build his own house needs to make a very difficult choice. The fact is that a vast variety of the most modern and already well-known building materials can put a layman in a hopeless position. Even highly professional builders now and then discuss among themselves on the choice of the key building material for the construction of the walls of any structure.

In this article we will talk about another building material called arbolite (wood concrete). We will not admonish the mandatory use of this building material in the process of performing construction work, we will simply talk about its inherent advantages and typical disadvantages.

Advantages and disadvantages

Due to its structure and characteristics, arbolit (wood concrete) is endowed with both a number of positive qualities and some flaws.

Positive properties make it possible for blocks of wood concrete to compete with classical building materials, and disadvantages make it unacceptable to use in specific situations (multi-storey construction, high humidity).

In general, there can be no building material, consisting of some advantages, otherwise it would be used everywhere, and the rest were undeservedly forgotten. The advantages of wood concrete as a building material are obvious.

So, a block made of wood concrete has many advantages.

  • Thermal conductivitywood concrete is approximately the same coefficient for light cellular (porous) concretes and makes it possible not to produce additional insulation. However, this similarity can also become a minus, since in some areas the presented material is more expensive in comparison with the named concretes.

  • When following the manufacturing technology of wood concrete the block is environmentally friendly, which is especially important for people who are concerned about the environmental cleanliness of building materials and the state of the ecological situation.

  • Material has good sound absorption, which provides the ultimate protection of all residents of the house from extraneous noise from the street and adjacent premises.

  • To the positives can be attributed to high vapor permeability, which makes it possible for the walls to "breathe", however, the advantage immediately becomes a minus as soon as the conversation turns to areas with a consistently high saturation of the atmosphere with moisture and cool climatic conditions. Everything is explained by the fact that in the presented version, the thermal efficiency of a building material can dramatically change for the worse.

  • Due to low volumetric weight lung blocks, and when working with them, the use of an order of magnitude less physical effort is required compared to denser building materials, and the need for lifting equipment is significantly reduced.

  • Dimensionswood concrete block makes it possible to build structures at a much higher speed than when using the same brick.

  • With wood concrete very easy to work, it can be sawed without any problems with any sawing tool. In addition, you can drive nails into it and screw in self-tapping screws.

  • Due to the structure of the material and its very high flexural strength, you can not reinforce the walls and not install reinforced belts, which further reduces resource consumption and operating time. There is a similar positive point only for low-rise construction.

  • Wood concrete block not flammabletherefore, there is no need to worry about its fire resistance.

The disadvantages of wood concrete blocks are some nuances.

  • The ability of the manufacturer to profit from the cement used in the block production. In this case, the building material sharply loses its strength, thus, this minus also eliminates some of the previously presented advantages.
  • Similarly, a disadvantage that can nullify a number of advantages is the permissibility of the manufacturer changing the fraction of wood particles in the structure. From this it follows that the release of products with a too coarse fraction of chips is likely, or, on the contrary, sawdust may constitute the main share of the wood component. Both options have a great impact on the quality characteristics of the finished block and, therefore, the structure built from it.
  • Due to wood in its structure, wood concrete is capable of absorbing water in significant volumes, which is why it is required to pay close attention to protecting structures made of wood concrete from water penetration.
  • Another drawback is the frequent errors in the geometry of wood-concrete blocks, they, as a rule, are not very strong, but can lead to an excess of the masonry cement mortar. And it increases the thermal conductivity of the rebuilt wall more, which is also difficult to call an advantage.

Having examined all the advantages and disadvantages of wood-concrete blocks, one can draw the proper conclusions.

Wood concrete is an environmentally friendly material from which you can build an energy efficient house very quickly and thoroughly.

Building material should be used with caution for buildings with a high level of humidity of air masses inside.

Before purchasing, it is imperative to check the material and make sure of its quality characteristics. It is necessary to assess the size and intertwining of the wood particles in the structure, to check the absence of excessive formation of frozen cement mortar or loosely coupled component components of the products.


In the process of creating a project, the composition and characteristics of the soil are established in order to calculate the characteristics of the foundation in accordance with this information. Then the shape of the house, the thickness of the walls, the presence or absence of thermal insulation, the placement of windows and doors, as well as other necessary characteristics are established. In addition, in the process of creating a project, the amount and type of building material is established.

For example, on the outskirts of the city of Sochi, a wall thickness of 20 centimeters makes it possible to do without thermal insulation, while in the Omsk zone the smallest wall thickness, which makes it possible to do without the use of thermal insulation, is 50 centimeters.

A well-designed project will save you from unnecessary consumption of materials and the ability to rebuild some areas or details during the construction of the house.

Note: all standard house designs from 100 m² up to 150 sq. m will be adapted to the area of \u200b\u200bconstruction work (soils and local climatic conditions of the area).

Wood concrete house projects ranging from 100 to 150 sq. m can be one-story or two-story and have an attic, a garage and even a basement or basement in their structure.

Construction technology

The house can be built in two ways.

  • Construction of wood-concrete blocks... In this situation, ready-made wood-concrete blocks are used industrially. Often a decision is made to make wood concrete with your own hands. Before starting work, you need to make sure that the blocks have reached the quality required for work.
  • Monolithic construction from wood concrete... The application of this practice provides for the creation of a permanent formwork with further pouring into it an arbolite solution. To build a house from monolithic wood concrete, it is necessary to study the method of organizing monolithic walls. Other phases will be similar to block construction.

Mix preparation

In the manufacture of wood concrete there are some tricks, without knowing which you cannot get the proper quality. Actually, here is basically the reason for the suspicious attitude of individual builders to this material.

At first glance, everything is clear - mix sawdust with cement and water. Only soon it turns out that what was received does not want to harden, and when it does harden, it peels off and cracks. Therefore, it is concluded that all the talk about the advantages of wood concrete is not worth the spent sawdust.

In reality, everything is not so primitive. There are different types of sugars in tree cells (hemicellulose, glucose, sucrose, and others). The listed are water-soluble elements that negatively affect the cement component of the material. They delay and sometimes completely interrupt the hardening, adversely affect the composition of the cement.

Fortunately for us, it is possible to fight this.

Much it is easier to let the raw wood lie in the open air for two years... During this period, all compounds undesirable for cement are washed out, turn into substances that cannot be dissolved, or disintegrate.

But since such a long process is not possible every time, various ingredients are mixed into wood concrete to block the sugars. Of these, for the production of wood concrete with your own hands, a combination of slaked lime with liquid glass or calcium chloride and aluminum sulfate (aluminum sulfate) will do.

The first way is more economical. In addition, some experts believe it is the most faithful and less whimsical to the quality of the source material. The second attracts with a significant acceleration of the hardening of the solution.


Due to the small mass, arbolite walls exert significantly less pressure on the soil than brick, concrete or stone structures, therefore, for such houses, they use pile screw, shallow tape, or combined foundations. This makes it possible to significantly reduce the cost and labor costs of the work, when compared with the construction of the foundation for concrete or brick houses.

When constructing a foundation, close attention must be paid to protecting the building from water and thermal insulation, since in winter the insulated base has a much less effect on the temperature of the floors. For insulation from moisture, roofing material or roofing material is used, and for thermal insulation, foam plastic.

If you intend to create an insulated or warm floor, then there is no need to insulate the foundation.


Due to the fact that cement is used as a connecting element when creating wood-concrete blocks, different cement-based mixtures are used for laying arboblocks. You can use both a classic mortar in a ratio of cement and sand 1: 3, as well as any glue or masonry compounds that are intended for blocks based on cement. Timber blocks can be sawed effortlessly with a simple hand saw, as well as an electric or chainsawTherefore, on-site installation is not a problem.

As in the construction of houses from building stone, every 3rd or 4th row is fixed by means of reinforcement laid out on all arboblocks under a layer of masonry mixture or glue.

Due to the good strength of wood-concrete blocks, the installation of windows and door leaves does not cause problems - they are fixed by means of anchor bolts.

The construction of the walls is started from the cornersBy using a level, plumb line and a cord that is pulled between the last blocks, this makes it possible to lay other blocks along a precise line. In this, the laying of arboblocks does not differ at all from the laying of bricks, cinder blocks, foam blocks or gas silicate blocks. The masonry mixture must have the correct consistency so that the wood-concrete block displaces the excess mortar with its own mass. The construction of walls is required at an air temperature of more than + 10 ° C... Wood concrete blocks do not need to be soaked or soaked before laying.

Manufacturers often bring to the client wet wood-concrete blocks that have not accumulated the required strength characteristics. Walls should not be built from such blocks, since the lower rows will be crushed by the upper ones, and the wall configuration will be upset. If damp blocks have been delivered, then they must be laid aside and allowed to rest for 15-20 days, after which they are absolutely ready for laying.

In parallel with block masonry, two methods of pouring load-bearing walls made of wood concrete with their own hands are practiced.

1. Rammed technology of pouring wood concrete, without frame

A string is pulled along the axis of the base of the house. Guided by it, formwork panels are installed.

The solution is mixed, poured into the permanent formwork in layers of 20 centimeters and compacted, the solution is added until it fills the formwork box to the very top. The packing is covered with cellophane wrap and left to harden.

The next day, it is checked how well the mortar has gained strength, the formwork is dismantled, installed in another place or raised to the next row. The formwork is again filled with the mixture and the mortar is compacted. This continues until the wall is ready.

2. Frame method of pouring wood concrete

A skeleton of future walls is made from a 50x60 or 50x70 mm bar, the frame struts are aligned along the cord to form the outer and inner planes of the walls.

After that, the resulting frame is filled with wood concrete similar to the first option, moving the formwork along the bars of the frame.

Such a casting method is more expensive, but provides the highest accuracy, and is more convenient, since you do not need to control every time how the formwork is correctly positioned. We simply move the formwork along the vertical bars of the frame, as if along the guides.

Note: if you do not want to mess with it yourself, there is a ready-made house kit made of wood concrete panels on sale.


There are now many ways to build walls of an individual house made of wood concrete. In warm regions, an arbolite wall can be built 30 centimeters without additional thermal insulation. In cold regions, an outer wall of 30, and sometimes even 40 cm will not be effective enough to save heat. In order to prevent the structure from freezing, and to protect the housing from possible heat loss, it is required to cover it with a layer of thermal insulation from the street.

Thermal insulation of walls made of wood concrete with expanded polystyrene

Polyfoam must be used exclusively for thermal insulation of the wood concrete house from the outside. In this case, it will be necessary to improve the ventilation system of air masses in the house, since the use of foam will lead to a decrease in the vapor permeability of the walls. The slabs are fixed to the facade by means of glue and, in addition, they are fastened with disc dowels, the gaps between the slabs must be well foamed to eliminate temperature bridges.

Thermal insulation of wood-concrete walls with mineral wool

Manufacturers of stone wool advise using a layer of insulation of at least 10 centimeters for thermal insulation of the facade. It is better to lay slabs of mineral wool in two layers to eliminate cold bridges in the structure.

In order not to miss in the selection of the thickness of thermal insulation, use the calculator for calculating the insulation and do not forget to close the fiber insulation with a vapor barrier film.

Thermal insulation of wood concrete with sawdust and cellulose insulation (ecowool)

The presented materials refer to natural insulation materials consisting of cellulose. Sawdust and ecowool are filled in during the construction of walls between the load-bearing wall and the finishing brickwork. In the role of thermal insulation inside the walls, it is allowed to use expanded clay, polyurethane foam or expanded polystyrene boards.


On walls made of wood concrete, it is allowed to mount a rafter system of any design. Mauerlat can be made from a bar of 15x15 centimeters, rafters from a board of 50x200 mm, racks from a bar of 150x200 mm, a bed from a bar of 200x200 mm. The choice of roofing materials is also not regulated.

Experts also recommend using bituminous (soft, flexible) shingles for roofing. They explain their choice by the fact that flexible shingles are able to perceive small swaying of the walls made of wood concrete without significant defects.

A fundamental aspect in the construction of a roof will be the fulfillment of the rule - removal of the roof by 300-500 millimeters from the wall, which will make it possible to protect it from direct penetration of thawed and rainwater.


The shrinkage of a timber concrete structure is only 0.4%. This makes it possible to start facing work immediately after construction is completed.

Due to the strong moisture absorption of wood concrete (from 40 to 80%), the walls must be protected from high humidity. This is also required by the unattractive appearance of wood-concrete walls.

For external wall cladding, it is possible to use any building material: siding, lining, bricketc. In most cases plaster is applied... If you will be plastering, then when choosing, you must not forget that the vapor permeability of the material used must be similar to wood concrete. To sheathe clapboard or siding, it is required to carry out a thorough waterproofing and airing of the wall.

Note: a new type of material has appeared on the construction market - wood concrete with decorative trim. It makes it possible to do without wood concrete wall cladding outside.

A house made of wood concrete does not need internal wall cladding. The most important condition is that the humidity level in the house used is not higher than 75%. In another case, in particular for a bath, it is necessary to take into account the additional vapor barrier of the walls.

Building a house is one of the main responsibilities of a man (after that, plant a tree and give birth to a child). Everyone dreams of living in their own home. But, for this you will have to make a lot of effort, spend a certain amount of money and time, especially if you carry out construction work yourself. Another problem is the choice of material for construction. At the moment, there are so many raw materials for work that you can break your head. You have to choose, analyzing the pros and cons of the material, the purpose of the building, the climate, the available funds, etc. As practice has shown, one of the best materials for the construction of a residential building is wood concrete. It is a practical, lightweight, durable, durable and environmentally friendly material based on sawdust and Portland cement. Houses made of wood concrete blocks differ in their energy consumption, because the heat conductivity of wood concrete is 0.07-0.16, depending on the density. It is warm and comfortable to live in such a house.

In this article, we will look at how the construction of a house from wood concrete blocks is going on, the stages of doing the work with your own hands and some recommendations for laying the foundation and laying the walls. The article contains supporting videos.

Tools for work

You cannot complete your home construction without the right tools and materials. They must be prepared in advance and in good condition. The list is as follows:

  • shovel, stone cutting saw.
  • level, tape measure, plumb;
  • stakes and long rope;
  • reinforcement rods Ø14 mm;
  • container for solution;
  • trowel, notched trowel or trowel for laying blocks;
  • rubber mallet;
  • fishing line for aligning blocks.

Now you can start building a house from wood concrete blocks.

1st stage of construction - design

Every developer knows that the construction of any building begins with drawing up a project. However, this procedure is the first in any kind of work. Projects are needed for orientation so that construction proceeds quickly and according to plan. Such a plan must be drawn up in advance and approved by the district administration. It should indicate the details of the entire construction of the house. You can say - this is a map by which you will know what to do.

The plan should contain drawings of the house, its size, number of storeys, material, layout, communications, etc. House projects from wood concrete sides can be obtained in several ways:

  1. Order a specialist designer (the most expensive option).
  2. Buy a project on special sites.
  3. Free download.

As for point 3, be careful, as free projects may not always be of high quality. And this, in turn, will affect the entire construction. A well-prepared plan can have in the family the approximate cost of each material, its quantity and the approximate cost of building a house.

When your project is ready, you can purchase all the necessary materials and start building!

2nd stage of construction - foundation device

The foundation of any building is the foundation. It is he who is the guarantor of the reliability and durability of the building. Due to the fact that wood concrete blocks are quite lightweight, the construction of a reinforced foundation is not required. This saves you a little money. The type of foundation can be different:

  • pile;
  • tiled;
  • tape shallow;
  • columnar.

The most common type of foundation for an arbolite house is a strip foundation that repeats the design of all walls.

Let's look at the sequence of work on its construction:

  1. Site preparation and marking. The site should be freed from all unnecessary things: garbage, old things, bushes, etc. Based on the project, marking is done on the ground with rope and stakes and the top fertile soil layer is removed.
  2. Digging a pit. Recommended trench width - 30 - 40 cm, depth - 60 cm (depending on the soil). These dimensions must be taken into account when marking and do it correctly.
  3. Leveling the walls and bottom of the trench.
  4. Sand cushion device. Compacted with 5-10 soy sand and 5 cm layer of crushed stone.
  5. Formwork erection. Its height can be 30 cm, but if you live in an area with a harsh climate, we recommend making a 50 cm base.
  6. At this stage, communications can be laid while the concrete has not yet been poured.
  7. Reinforcement cage manufacturing. To make the foundation strong, you need to make a reinforcing mesh (reinforcement Ø14 mm) and place it in the pit.
  8. Pouring concrete. There are 2 options for the development of events: prepare concrete yourself or order a ready-made mixture. The pit is filled with concrete. After that, the finished foundation is leveled with a trowel.

Now it takes time as the concrete must dry completely. This takes about a month. The formwork can be removed for 10 days. The surface of the foundation must be protected from external factors. To prevent it from collapsing, cover it with plastic.

note! To prevent the foundation from cracking, periodically spray the surface with water, moistening it.

Your foundation is now ready. You can start building the walls of the wood concrete house. Blocks can be bought or made by yourself.

Stage 3 of construction - laying of walls

Before proceeding with the laying, it is required to provide waterproofing of the foundation. To do this, it is covered with bituminous mastic or 1-2 layers of roofing material are spread on the surface. So the foundation and walls will be protected from the effects of destructive moisture, and construction will not be in vain.

Advice! To correctly calculate the number of wood concrete blocks for laying the house, use a special calculator.

All that is required is to enter into the form the dimensions of the block, the thickness and height of the walls, the perimeter and thickness of the mortar during laying. Then you will find out the amount of material required.

Wall masonry is a responsible business. They must be perfectly flat and strong. It will be easier for those who have already performed brickwork or other material. It is even easier to work with wood concrete. First you need to prepare a cement mortar. Everything is simple here: achieve a 1: 3 ratio (cement, sand) and add water to bring everything to the desired consistency. Make sure to prepare as much mortar as needed for the masonry. Having made a lot of solution, you may not have time to use it while it is liquid.

Note! For masonry, you can also use special glue for aerated block. It dries faster and is easier to work with.

It's time to lay wood concrete blocks. The order of work is as follows:

  1. Masonry starts from the corners of the building. Expose the corner blocks to the mortar. They should be perfectly even, because the blocks in the corner are fundamental. Use the level. If the wall is long, install an additional block in the middle.
  2. Pull the line between the products. It should touch the top of the block slightly and serve as a guide for even laying.
  3. Now lay the rest of the blocks, forming 1 row. Apply mortar or glue to the foundation and align the blocks. Please note that the seam between them should not exceed 10 mm. Use a rubber mallet to tap the block, adjusting it to the line.
  4. It is clear that the length of the wall will not always be equal to the exact number of blocks, so one of them will have to be cut. The question arises: how to cut wood concrete blocks? You can use a stone saw. Arbolite is easy to process, so it is easy to cut. When doing this, use a metal corner so that the block comes out even.
  5. When the first row of masonry around the entire perimeter is completed, you can proceed to the next. The procedure is exactly the same, only now you need to make a bandage.
  6. During the construction process, do not forget to make openings for windows and doors in the right places.

Watch the video, which clearly shows the laying of wood concrete blocks.

This is all technology. It remains to build walls, make lintels over windows and doorways, overlap and arrange a roof, according to the selected technology. The construction of the building box made of wood concrete blocks has been completed. But, this is far from the end, because you still have a lot of work to do.

If this is your first time laying wood concrete blocks, then these tips will help you do everything right.

Keep in mind that wood concrete blocks must be protected from external factors. Therefore, it is better to do the interior and exterior decoration faster.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video, which describes in detail the construction of a house from wood concrete blocks.

In the practice of low-rise construction, wood concrete is used for the construction of partitions, load-bearing walls, as sound and heat insulation. But, successfully implemented house projects are not so common due to the low popularity of this type of lightweight concrete. Although wood concrete can become the basis for effective construction.

Timber concrete can be used based on one of two technologies:

  • laying of walls from ready-made modules;
  • pouring monolithic wood concrete into the formwork (fixed or removable).

If the builder is just starting to work with the material, it is recommended to carry out a trial batch and make several test modules... If you managed to achieve a high quality block, you can try to make a small bench from them, then a garage or a shed, and only then start building a house. The master will have time to gain experience in working with wood concrete, learn to lay mortar of the required thickness, and gain confidence in his actions. Construction of houses from wood concrete will be of high quality and fast.

A correctly folded wood concrete house will never crack along the wall, even if the foundation collapses. Material has high bending strength


How to build a house from wood concrete? Initially, a plot of land should be allocated for building, the master should have a project of a house made of wood concrete, according to which construction will be carried out.

The further sequence of work is as follows:

  • markings for the foundation are applied to the site;
  • according to the markings, a trench 50 cm deep is pulled out, the width depends on the design values, but 30 cm is enough to create a two-story house;
  • the soil is rammed using a vibratory rammer;
  • formwork is constructed from edged boards;
  • sand 20 cm is laid at the bottom of the trench, or gravel / sand 10 cm each, the mass is rammed and leveled;
  • waterproofing is laid out;
  • a reinforcing cage is laid (d 10mm);
  • concrete B22.5 / M300 is poured.

In this case, a brief technology for manufacturing a strip foundation is described. No less reliable is the supporting base on bored piles. To protect the masonry from moisture, a 1.5 m red brick substrate should be erected or the foundation should be raised above the ground to an identical height. A reinforced belt can be laid between the masonry and the base, a waterproofing layer is mandatory.

Laying of walls and partitions

Wall thickness can be 30-40 cm... Work on the construction of the first floor starts from the corner of the building. It is recommended to use a block of 300x200x500 mm. The modules are laid on perlite or cement mortar M10, with a seam thickness of no more than 10-15 mm, a vertical seam - 8.0-15 mm. For the device of internal partitions, a size of 20x20x50 cm is used... During the construction of partitions, ventilation ducts are laid, for the creation of which special modules are used.

The composition of the cement / perlite solution used in the construction of houses from wood concrete with your own hands:

  • proportions by volume 1: 5;
  • cement - 300.0 kg;
  • perlite - 1.00 m³;
  • water - 290.0 l;
  • air-entraining additives - 4.1 l.

For the masonry of wood concrete blocks, a standard cement-sand mortar is often used in a ratio of 1: 3.

After the completion of this stage of work, the filling of the armopoyas is implemented... This structural element gives the future building high strength.

Work technology:

  • wood concrete blocks 150x200x500 mm are installed along the perimeter of the object, closer to the outer wall;
  • modules act as formwork and as additional insulation of a structural element;
  • from the inside, a formwork is laid from an edged board;
  • inside the structure, 10 mm reinforcement is placed in six rows;
  • pouring concrete M300 / B22.5 is being implemented.

For reinforcement of wood concrete, you can use separate rods or welded mesh:

  • welded reinforcement products, embedded parts and mesh in accordance with GOST 8478-81 / GOST 6727 80;
  • reinforcing bar steel АI-II-III;
  • wire of class Вр1.

Floor laying

Arbolite house masonry material allows you to equip reinforced concrete or wooden floors. Frameless concrete slabs 150 mm can be used as a basis... Based on the design data, all the protruding parts of the slabs can be cut to obtain the required configuration. Along the perimeter, they are also insulated with wood concrete modules 150x200x500, after which the laying of the second floor begins.

Laying floor beams on the second floor

When building houses from wood concrete, beams with a section of 100x200 mm are laid on the last row of blocks. The recommended pitch is 600 mm. The material is pre-treated with an antiseptic.

Roof construction

For the construction of a rafter system, you can use a 200x50 mm edged board... A waterproofing membrane is pulled over the rafters. UTAFOL H110 material showed good results.

A counter-beam of 50x50 mm is attached to the membrane to the rafters, a crate is assembled from a 150x35 mm board with a step of 250 mm. The lathing is sheathed with particle boards 122x250 mm, 9.5 mm thick... Metal or bituminous tiles are laid on the roof of the house from wood concrete blocks.

Modules can be tailored to the needs of a specific project. The complete set and dimensions do not violate the beauty of the masonry and contribute to fast construction

We build a house from wood concrete with our own hands - exterior decoration

How to build a house that won't collapse in a few years? The outer surface must have a protective finish... The material has good adhesion and does not require preliminary preparation. A rough plaster layer is applied along the facade along the lighthouses.

After that, the walls are pasted over with plaster mesh under the finishing layer. At the end, a protective plaster mixture up to 5 mm is applied, with frost-resistant and moisture-resistant properties... The facade is ready to work with textured paints (based on acrylurethane) or decorative cladding (block house, wall paneling, siding, clinker, ventilation facade). The main construction of a house made of wood concrete with your own hands can be considered completed.

The property needs good moisture protection. Between the masonry and the inner cladding, a layer of vapor barrier is laid out; it is better to leave free space from the outer cladding to the wall.

Monolithic house made of wood concrete with your own hands

How to build a house from wood concrete with your own hands using this technology? The monolith is created on the basis of removable or non-removable formwork. Special shells can be made of high-density wood concrete 1000 kg / m³, which, after setting, act as a permanent formwork. In this case, it is possible to achieve relative uniformity of the wall, which is due to a minimum of through mortar joints. In addition, this method of building houses from wood concrete on a turnkey basis allows the use of cast wood concrete of a lower density, which is warmer.

The mixture is placed around the perimeter, - on average, a layer of 40-50 cm / 3-4 m³ is realized per work shift... She practically does not ram, only bayonets and then slightly ramps. Arbolite should be made from special chips, pre-treated with mineralizers or lime 100-150 kg / m³. When they build a house from wood concrete with their own hands, mixing the solution must be done by force.

When building houses from wood concrete blocks, professionals recommend considering the following:

  • it is possible to extract maximum heat engineering properties from the object by removing cold bridges, which are characterized by a high coefficient of heat loss. There is a method of breaking a mortar joint using wooden planks 12x12 mm. Along the entire contour, the solution is distributed between the strips set on the sides of the modules;
  • it is not so easy to build a house from wood concrete - when dry, the module quickly absorbs water that is present in the cement mortar. To prevent this, it is recommended to moisten the surface with water or use an incompletely dried block in the masonry. For such purposes, a more liquid cement mortar can be used;
  • for the implementation of a non-standard project of a wood concrete house, modules of complex trapezoidal or angular shapes will be required. Machining is best done on-site using a stone saw and other tools.

The wood concrete manufacturing technology provides such properties that the blocks can be used as insulation in frame housing construction

The cost

Before you build a house from wood concrete, you should decide on the level of costs that you will have to incur. Arbolite blocks, the price of which is 3.9 tr / m³, is not a cheap building material. A budget project for a typical development can cost 2,100-2,500 thousand rubles.

Lightweight concrete, prepared on the basis of special chips and cement, makes it possible to obtain a high-quality and technological block, which should be used in private housing construction.

Do-it-yourself construction of houses from wood concrete is shown in the video:

The construction market is saturated with a variety of materials; an extensive assortment gives rise to a difficult choice problem. If brick and timber is understandable and familiar to everyone, then newer and more technological varieties (for example, aerated concrete) cause distrust. Arbolit is a new (although, in fact, well forgotten old) product for many, whose advantages and disadvantages are lost behind rumors. Why wood concrete houses are good: projects and prices, features of buildings in our article.

The project of a two-story house made of arbolite Source

A bit of history

The idea of \u200b\u200bcombining the warmth of wood and the hardness of stone has visited people more than once and was realized in different ways. From time immemorial, adobe is known - a brick made from clay and herbal additives, straw or reed. In the dry Central Asian climate, houses made of this material have stood for centuries, withstanding the summer heat and winter frosts.

A successful option combining both materials was developed in Holland in the 30s of the last century. It quickly spread around the world under the brand name Durisol. In the Soviet Union, they tried to produce such blocks back in the 30s and 40s, but their quality was low due to technological flaws (low-grade cement, improper chip format, varied equipment).

High-quality domestic material was developed, standardized and certified in the 60s; it was named arbolit (from Latin arbor - tree). Modern prefabricated wood concrete blocks, produced in compliance with the technology, are an effective material with a set of unique properties. The reputation of wood concrete suffers, as a rule, because of the products of folk craftsmen.

Industrial production units Source

Composition and technology

Arbolit, houses from which were massively built 60 years ago, belongs to the family of lightweight concrete, which has now won a significant share of the market from brick. It is a composite (complex in composition) material consisting of the following components:

    Wood chips (shredded coniferous sawdust, shredded cotton stalks, flax or hemp stalks). The organic part is a filler and occupies 80-90% of the volume. Chips have a specific shape and size, which distinguishes wood concrete from sawdust concrete.

    Cement... Mineral astringent. To make the block strong, Portland cement grades M400-500 are used.

    Mineralizing additives... They are engaged in the neutralization of the sugar present in the wood, and affect the strength of wood concrete (improve the adhesion of wood chips with cement). Used calcium chloride, soluble glass, aluminum sulfate (the latter is a food additive E-520, which is actively used in the confectionery industry and fish canning factories).

Vibropress at work Source

The production of blocks is carried out on automated lines and is divided into stages:

    Preparation... The chips are crushed, soaked and treated with a chemical composition. If the chips are pre-aged in the fresh air for 4-6 months, additives are not needed, the sugar is destroyed on its own.

    Moldings... The required, precisely adjusted amount of chips and cement are mixed and formed into blocks.

    Drying... On a vibropress, the blocks are compacted, the final density and geometry corresponding to GOST are obtained.


Blocks, panels and slabs are produced from wood concrete (another name for wood concrete). According to the state standard, wood concrete products do not need additional insulation. Products differ in density (percentage of sawdust), they are classified by purpose:

    Structural... They are used for the construction of external walls.

    Heat insulating... For interior walls.

In terms of dimensions, the blocks are divided into: wide, medium, narrow and connecting. In addition, the elements are marked from 5 to 50 (strength indicator).

Wood concrete house - fast, cheap, energy efficient Source


Arbolite blocks are applicable in all climatic zones (there are arbolite buildings not only in the middle zone, but also in Antarctica, at the Molodezhnaya polar station). This multipurpose use was made possible due to the combination of technical characteristics of the material:

    Light weight... The density of structural blocks is 500-850 kg / m 3, heat-insulating - up to 500 kg / m 3.

    Low thermal conductivity... In terms of the parameter (0.11 W / (m * K)) it surpasses wood. A 0.3 m thick wall corresponds to 0.6-0.7 m of brick in terms of its ability to retain heat.

    Environmental friendliness and biostability Arbolit is safe for human health; the material does not rot, fungus and mice do not start in it.

    Fire resistance... The material can withstand an open flame with a temperature of 1000 ° C for up to an hour and a half, then begins to smolder.

    Sound insulation and vapor permeability The structure of the blocks absorbs sound and maintains natural ventilation and humidity regulation, which ensures a comfortable microclimate in the home.

Comparative characteristics of popular building materials Source

Handicraft mistakes

The technological chain of wood concrete production is described in one phrase: a mixture of concrete and wood chips is placed in molds and dried without additional heating (firing). Outward simplicity is deceiving. The lack of obvious technological problems prompts home craftsmen to independently make wood concrete blocks. Deciding to save money, the garage manufacturer is guided by such misconceptions:

    Any wood chips will do (even sawdust from a sawmill).

    The cement grade affects the strength of the product slightly.

    The mixture is concrete, so it can be mixed in an ordinary household mixer, and the mineralizer can be neglected.

    You can do without a press or assemble it yourself.

    The mold is easy to build from plywood or foam concrete. Since the mixture is thick, the formwork can be removed immediately, and the blocks will dry out under a canopy or in a shed.

Problem zones in the masonry made of artisanal wood concrete Source

The output is a fragile product that crumbles along the edges and has disturbed proportions (not according to GOST). Handicraft production, throwing thousands of cubic meters of low-quality blocks onto the market, discredits industrially produced material. Until the buyer sees real, strong and even products, he will consider arbolite to be a worthless material.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects of houses made of wood concrete blocks from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

Advantages and disadvantages of technology

Due to the technical characteristics of the material, the construction of a house from wood concrete blocks is becoming more and more in demand. Houses made of wood concrete blocks have a number of advantages:

    Low cost... Arbolite is cheaper than most building materials (at a cost comparable to foam concrete), which makes it possible to inexpensively build a house from arbolite, the average price can converge at around 2.5 million rubles for housing for a family of 4-6 people.

    Light weight... Accelerates work, allows using a lightweight foundation.

    Strength... Good indicators of impact and bending strength (not prone to cracking, in contrast to cellular concrete).

Arbolite surface has high adhesion Source

    Simple machining... Blocks are easy to saw, drill and hold fasteners.

    High adhesion... High-quality adhesion of the wall surface to concrete and plaster (without additional reinforcement).

    Frost resistance... For cladding blocks, 50 freeze-thaw cycles are guaranteed.

    Shrinkage... Minimum, 0.4% (for a tree up to 10%).

The construction of a house from wood concrete has the following nuances:

    You can use aerated concrete adhesive, which removes cold bridges from the walls.

    On a dense and uniform surface, the plaster is applied without a grid.

    No need to equip forced ventilation.

The external cladding hides the boring wood concrete facade Source

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of building houses from wood concrete blocks. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the Low-Rise Country exhibition of houses.

When designing a house made of wood concrete, you must remember the disadvantages:

    Hygroscopicity... The trouble with many aerated concrete. But if a foam concrete block that has absorbed moisture can crack, then the arbolite block swells, remaining intact. The minus is eliminated by plastering.

    Blowing... Eliminated with rough plaster.

    Appearance... The facade looks unpresentable, which, however, can be easily improved by decorative external finishing.

Features of the use of technology

Dwellings built of wood concrete blocks combine the strength of brick and the comfort of a wooden building; also some disadvantages are combined, which are quite easy to eliminate.

Video description

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this material, as well as detailed characteristics, we analyze in this video. Let's dispel all fears and delusions. What is a wood concrete block, what is it made of and what is it for?

1. Design

Any project created for the construction of a house made of wood or stone is suitable for the construction of wood concrete. When adapting a project, the following stages of work must be worked out:

    Geodetic research... An important parameter is the depth of groundwater. High water level is the reason for raising the foundation or changing its type.

    Overlapping... The strength of wood concrete allows it to withstand both wooden beams and reinforced concrete (precast monolithic) floors.

    Waterproofing... She needs to be given enough attention; possibly use vapor barrier materials or hydrophobic paint.

    Warming... Your estimate will do without spending on solid thermal insulation, the material is exceptionally frost-resistant.

    Finishing... Since the wood concrete perfectly holds fasteners, for finishing you can use not only plaster, but also a block house, lining, facing brick.

Country house made of wood concrete, clad with brick Source

2. Foundation

Most often, for houses made of wood concrete, which has a low specific gravity, a lightweight foundation is chosen, usually a shallow strip. This allows you to reduce costs (a conventional foundation accounts for 25-30% of all construction costs). High groundwater forces to replace the foundation (with a columnar), or equip the basement.

3. Walls

The use of large wood concrete blocks facilitates and speeds up the construction; the masonry scheme has no differences. It is convenient to use special glue for cellular concrete as a mortar for masonry. The seam will not serve as a "cold bridge", as it will turn out thin (for masonry 1.8-2 m high, the seam thickness is 1-1.5 cm)

Masonry technology provides for wetting blocks with water or treatment with moisture-retaining impregnation. This prevents moisture from absorbing excessively into the blocks and deteriorating the quality of the masonry mortar.

Construction of the first floor Source

4. Partitions, door and window openings

The use of narrow blocks for internal partitions will save money without deteriorating the heat and sound insulation of rooms. There are no problems when creating openings; blocks are easily sawn with a hand saw and accelerated with a chainsaw.

5. Roof

An arbolite box confidently withstands a heavy roof; you can put slate on the roof or decorate it with natural ceramic tiles. Experts recommend designing wide roof overhangs that can protect arbolite walls from slanting rain.

6. Insulation

Arbolite walls do not need insulation, but heat can be lost in other ways. To determine weaknesses, a heat audit is carried out at home. Heat loss is most likely through such parts of the structure:

    Floor... Due to its proximity to the ground, 50-60% more heat is emitted through the floor than through the walls. For thermal insulation, mineral wool or expanded clay is mainly used.

Thermal imaging diagnostics is an effective way to check the thermal insulation of a country house Source

    Ceiling and roof... The ceiling is insulated if the attic is non-residential. Otherwise, the roof is insulated.

    Window... The slots are filled with silicone sealants, seals or polyurethane foam.

Subtleties of design

A country house built of wood concrete looks like wood or stone due to its finishing. The choice of material is more a matter of aesthetic preference than functionality.

Video description

About the choice of wood concrete in the following video:

External finishing

The main way of finishing wood concrete is plastering. It is important to remember that the consumption of plaster will be 1.5-2 times higher than for a concrete wall. However, even without a reinforcing mesh, the finishing layer will be strong and even. For finishing, it is permissible to use the following types of plaster:

    Cement... The standard block will be protected by a 20 mm finishing layer.

    Decorative... Latex, lime and acrylic versions are used.

    Limestone... Needs additional treatment (primer and putty).

In order for the walls to breathe, when using the sheathing, a ventilation gap is arranged (most often a wooden crate). Used as cladding:

    Block house, lining or imitation of a bar... Externally, housing will not differ from a wooden building.

    Vinyl siding... Offers a huge number of options, non-flammable, practical and easy to mount directly to the wall.

    Facing brick... An ideal opportunity to turn your home into a brick home.

House made of wood concrete, exterior decoration with elements of the half-timbered style Source

Interior decoration

Some of the most common methods for interior decoration of wood concrete walls:

    Plastering and cladding with plasterboard sheets (on the frame). Both options allow you to paint the walls or paste over them with wallpaper in the future.

    Clapboard decoration... For her, a crate is arranged, which plays the role of a ventilation gap and helps to hide communications.

Design styles

Projects of houses made of wood concrete blocks successfully reproduce the characteristics of popular architectural styles, often improving the comfort of a residential building.

1. Chalet

Traditionally, chalet houses are made of two floors, with the first floor being built of stone and the second one of wood to convey the spirit of a mountain hut. The peculiarity of the original chalets is often the high humidity of the basement. Features of the construction of a wood concrete chalet:

    Ground independence... Wood concrete chalets can be built on problem soils, unlike a stone chalet.

Chalet style house. Stone plinth or stone finish? Source

    Cladding... For the first floor, basement panels with a stone relief are used, for the second - a block house or wooden lining. In both cases, installation is carried out on the crate. A person who did not take part in construction work is unlikely to determine with certainty what the house is built from.

    Microclimate... Will be equally comfortable on both floors.

2. Minimalism

Buildings in the style of minimalism are traditionally built from lightweight concrete or bricks, erected in a monolithic way. They are characterized by strict geometry and a minimum of decorative elements. Interior design choices include restrained colors and smooth textured finishes (plaster or tile predominant)

The wood concrete house, the project of which embodies this style, has additional advantages:

    A house made of wood concrete does not need an expensive slab or buried foundation, like a building made of monolithic reinforced concrete.

Arbolite wall covered with fiberglass Source

    Arbolite walls after finishing will look the same as concrete (brick) ones, but unlike them they are able to breathe.

    If the project provides for French (panoramic) windows, a house made of wood concrete will be characterized by much lower heat loss than its concrete or brick counterpart.

3. Loft

The loft emerged when smart city dwellers began to settle in empty industrial buildings with spacious rooms and huge windows. What was previously considered a disadvantage - open communications and rough finishing (or better, its absence), suddenly became a sign of chic and belonging to the elite.

"Real" lofts in industrial buildings are not very practical, so country houses made of concrete or brick, which were specially designed for this brutal style, have become widespread. Arbolite blocks are no less durable, and in terms of thermal insulation qualities they are much (2-3 times) superior to traditional stone materials. It is worth taking a closer look at wood concrete if the loft project provides for large windows and siding; heat loss will be minimal, and finishing will be easy and quick.

Heat losses of large windows are compensated by wood concrete walls Source

4. Traditional (ethnic) style

For the construction and decoration of ethno-style houses, they try to use natural materials, avoiding the use of bricks, tiles, glass or chrome elements (forged are allowed). Such houses in the Asian or folk European (the same chalet) style are environmentally friendly, but often cold and often low-strength buildings. Arbolite houses can give odds in terms of weight, comfort, fire safety and energy saving.

Video description

How to build a house from wood concrete? What type of foundation does a house of wood concrete blocks imply? How much does a turnkey wood concrete house cost?

5. Rustic

The style is characterized by a deliberately rough, minimal treatment of stone and wood. The same materials are used for the interior decoration, and the interior is enlivened by natural fabrics, pottery and animal skins designed to emphasize the natural beauty of nature. The advantages of wood concrete are immediately visible here:

    Compared to an arbolite building, a stone house is too heavy for problem soil, a wooden one is powerless against fire.

    In a climate characterized by prolonged wet periods (prolonged autumn and spring rains), the owners of a house made of wood concrete do not need to worry about the appearance of mold and rot.

An arbolite house with a block house finish is difficult to distinguish from a wooden one Source

Projects and prices of arbolite houses

Many construction companies have their own production of wood concrete blocks, which allows them to offer houses at affordable prices. The customer can choose a standard (finished) project and modify it, or order an individual project with full development. The turnkey wood concrete block house is available in several trim levels:

    Economy... The foundation is being set up, walls and a roof are being erected. The option will cost from 11,500 rubles / m2.

    Standard... In addition to the box and the roof, the customer can count on the installation of windows and doors, as well as insulation of floors. From 12,500 rubles / m2.

    Optimal... In addition to the previous work, facade (external) finishing is being carried out, the roof and attic are being insulated. From 14,500 rubles / m2.

    Premium... A full range of construction and finishing works, wiring communications and other activities stipulated by the contract. From 17,000 rubles / m2.

Consider some projects of houses made of wood concrete blocks:

Turnkey project of a country cottage from arbolite Source

Houses made of wood concrete blocks, the price of which allows keeping the budget within reasonable limits, are also pleasing with the timing of construction: a house with an area of \u200b\u200b100 m2 is completed in 2.5-3.5 months (depending on the complexity of the project). Average prices for projects in the Moscow region:

    House area up to 100 m 2: 1,470 - 1,860 thousand rubles.

    From 100 to 200 m 2: 2,350 - 3,470 thousand rubles.

    More than 200 m 2: 3,980 - 6,295 thousand rubles.


In many ways, a country house made of wood concrete can be a profitable solution for someone who is thinking about their own family nest. Thanks to a huge selection of modern finishing materials (plaster, basement panels, liquid wallpaper), an arbolite house will not lose in appearance to its brick, wood and concrete counterparts. Its unrivaled ability to retain heat will be a multiple win.

To begin with, a little theory and details about the building material itself.

Arbolit (wood concrete) is a composite building material, 80-90% consisting of wood chips (average density - from 500 to 850 kg / m 3). Its thermal conductivity is 0.07-0.17 W / m-K, while the thermal conductivity of brick is 0.45-1.45 W / m-K, and that of wood is 0.15-0.4 W / m- TO. A standard block of wood concrete with a thickness of 30 cm in terms of its heat and sound insulation properties corresponds to a brick wall 90 cm thick, and a classic wooden one - 50 cm thick. In addition, this material does not support combustion, therefore does not need additional fire-prevention treatment.

Arbolite is not subject to decay, damage by fungi and microorganisms. Thanks to the large-pore structure, wood-concrete walls allow maintaining a comfortable temperature and good air exchange in the room.

Arbolite is easy to use, since it is easy to hammer in nails and screw in screws without pre-drilling holes for dowels. The porous surface of wood concrete blocks provides high-quality adhesion to concrete and plaster without additional reinforcement.

Here is the description of arbolit as a building material given by I.Kh. Nanazashvili, Doctor of Technical Sciences.

In the manufacture of wood concrete, 85% of wood chips are used, mainly of coniferous trees, treated with purified aluminum sulfate. This salt is used, in particular, for the purification of drinking and industrial water.

The wood processed with it is not subject to rotting and mold. High quality cement is used as a binder. That is, as can be seen from the components of this building material, it is absolutely environmentally friendly.

It is advisable to introduce light fractions of perlite into the masonry mixture used for the installation of arbolite blocks, which will improve the thermal resistance of the seam (exclude the formation of so-called "cold bridges") and generally improve the thermal resistance of the wall made of arbolite blocks. Expanded perlite is a free-flowing, porous, friable, lightweight, durable and fire-resistant material with heat and sound insulating properties, as well as high absorbency, which is obtained by grinding and heat treatment of acid volcanic glass.

Wood concrete house project. On the plan:

1 - guest room 14 m 2; 2 - bathroom 5.5 m 2; 3 - boiler room 6.5 m 2; 4 - vestibule 3.5 m 2; 5 - entrance hall 11.5 m 2; 6 - corridor 5.4 m 2; 7 - kitchen-dining room 16.5 m 2; 8 - living room 26.0 m 2; 9 - terrace 28.0 m 2.

Second floor: 1 - bedroom (Figure 2): 15.5 m 2; 2 - bedroom 15.5 m 2; 3 - bathroom 2.5 m 2; 4 bathroom 8.5 m 2; 5 - hall 16.5 m 2; 6-storeroom 4.0 m 2; 7 - bedroom 18.5 m 2. (dimensions are conditional and can be changed)

1. On the site allocated for building, markings were made for a shallow strip reinforced foundation. We dug a trench to a depth of 500 mm according to the markings made for pouring the foundation tape (read more -). Formwork was built from edged boards. To create a sand cushion, sand was poured to a height of 200 mm at the bottom of the trench, leveled, and waterproofed. The recommended width of the foundation strip in this case is 300 mm. To create a reinforcement cage, a reinforcement with a section of 10 millimeters was installed in the trench and concrete of the M300 brand (strength class B22.5) was poured.

2. The soil inside the perimeter of the foundation was compacted using a vibratory rammer. Sand poured over the ground was compacted in the same way.

3. Arbolite blocks 150x200x500 mm were fixed on the masonry mortar along the perimeter of the foundation being erected. Waterproofing was laid inside the resulting structure for pouring the slab, reinforcement cage was installed in two levels of 6 reinforcement threads 010 mm, tying its elements with knitting wire. Then they filled in the same brand as for the tape. Foundation height above ground level - 500 mm with depth up to 300 mm. Recall that the laying of communications (supplying electricity to the house and connecting a septic tank) must be taken care of before filling the tape.

4. From the corner, they began laying the first floor of the house, using wood concrete blocks 300x200x500 mm, where 300 mm is the thickness of the block, 200 mm is the height of the block and 500 mm is its length. The laying technology is the same as for brick walls, using sand-cement mortar or mortar from a special perlite dry mix. Seam thickness - no more than 1 cm.

5. When erecting one of the internal partitions of the house (according to the project), a ventilation duct was laid from blocks prepared in advance. They are made using a special shape corresponding to the size of wood concrete blocks, into which a sand-cement mixture is poured. A hole is provided inside such blocks through which the pipe will pass.

6. Before installing the overlap of the first floor, it is necessary to fill in the armored belt, ensuring the strength of the building. For this, wood concrete blocks 150x200x500 mm were laid along the perimeter of the building closer to the outer wall (that is, as the masons would say, in half a brick, in this case - in half a block). They serve from the outside of the wall as formwork for further pouring concrete, and as additional insulation of the armopoyas. On the inside, a formwork was built from edged boards. In the resulting recess along the entire perimeter of the building, reinforcement 010 mm in 6 threads was laid, and then concrete was poured of the same grade that was used for the foundation. Armopoyas tied the building into a solid and reliable structure. When the load-bearing frame was ready, the floors were laid between the first and second floors - frameless concrete slabs 150 mm wide, which were ordered specifically for this project. On the bay window, the protruding parts of the slabs were cut off and given the necessary configuration. Along the perimeter, the slab was also insulated with arbolite blocks 150x200x500 mm, like the armopoyas.

7. After that, the laying of the 2nd floor of the house was started using hollow blocks and dry masonry mixture.

8. Over the last row of blocks on the second floor, floor beams with a section of 100 × 200 mm with a step of 600 mm were laid, pretreated with an antiseptic.

9. For the construction of the truss system, an edged board 50 × 200 mm was used. The waterproofing membrane UTAFOL Н 110 by the Czech company JUTA was pulled onto the rafters. On top of it, a 50 × 50 mm counter-beam was attached to the rafters, and a crate was made from a 150 × 35 mm board with a step of 250 mm. The lathing was sheathed with oriented strand boards 122 × 250 cm and 9.5 mm thick.

10. KEROBIT bitumen shingles made in Finland were installed on the roof It was ordered directly from the manufacturer for a specific project.

11. On top of the blocks on the facades of the building, first a rough layer of plaster was applied along the lighthouses. Then the walls were pasted over with a plaster mesh under the finishing plaster. And only after that a moisture- and frost-resistant protective plaster mixture was applied with a layer thickness of no more than 5 mm. The facades are ready for applying textured paint.

The construction of the wood concrete house took only two months. The building practically does not shrink (it is no more than 0.4%), therefore, finishing can be carried out immediately after the end of construction.

We build a house from wood concrete with our own hands: photo

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