Snake the ceiling with a wooden house with a clapboard. How to shelter the ceiling with your own hands? Unprocessed lining or processed - what to choose

The ceiling overlap decoration today has many solution options. One of the common ways is considered clapboard, which is a modern finishing material - a facing board. It is made of natural wood, or from DVP (read: ""), or from plastic and has a groove-crease connective system, resulting in a monolithic surface. Ceiling upholstery is made by creating a frame and subsequent cladding using the selected material depending on the interior of the room.

Types of lining

The most sought-after is wooden lining which is made from such coniferous and hardwood as: fir; larch; spruce; Pine; aspen; Linden; oak, etc. The cladding is popular for the ceiling in a house from a pine, which is used as a building material over a long period. The advantages of this tree species are as follows: the presence of a small amount of bitch, ease of processing, resistance to mold formation and fungus. Its products are durable and durable. Many consumers prefer to rinse the ceiling with pine clap in the inner rooms - the result looks very worthy, which is a confirmation of what is a photo.

Before sheeing the ceiling with wood with wood, the choice is made and the finishing material is bought, which is divided into 4 grade for quality: C, B, A and Extra or Premium and is divided into simply lining and eurvagon (more details: ""). It is also divided into types according to geometric parameters: width, length, thickness.

Plastic lining can be seamless and seam may have any one-photon colors or imitate the structure of different wood species, natural stone and other things. The plastic white ceiling of the lining is universal and is suitable for the premises of various functional. The suture board is mounted by the "groove spike" method and the result is similar to a wooden coating.

Seamless is connected in the same way, but it is almost impaired, therefore it is considered an ideal version of the ceiling. Seamless wide lining for the ceiling every five wider than usual, thanks to which the place of the panels becomes less.

Made of Fiberboard Lining - this MDF panel entering for sale in a practically limitless color scheme. The basis of their production involves the method when the wood fiber is pressed and it is attached to the thickness of a flat shape and a groove-cream device. This type of lining should not be installed in rooms with high humidity, for example, in the bathroom.

Creating a carcass

Before grabbing the clapboard, you need to form the frame design: the ends of the main profile slats should be attached to the guides so that they are located all over the overlap area and were parallel to each other and perpendicular to the mounting direction. To enhance the bearing capacity of the system, suspensions are used, which are mounted to the base of the base ceiling and to the profile planks with a 60-centimeter step.

Today, a wide distribution was obtained by such a method of finishing as a ceiling cover with clapboard. With aesthetic, decorative and beautiful material, it is easy to transform space, refresh the room.

What is the lining

The cladding for the ceiling cladding is represented by thin plates with a special type of connection when the protrusion of another element is inserted into the slot.

A variety of types and quality of material makes it suitable for installation in rooms having different operating conditions, and to lifting the clapboard the ceiling will easily work out. Panels produce from:

  • solid wood breeds;
  • plate MDF;
  • plastic.

For example, for a bathroom or kitchen, it is preferable to mount plastic, which is resistant to moisture, is not afraid of fungus, it is easy to wash it. Wooden plates or MDF are better used in residential rooms.

Types of construction lining

Wooden lining - natural material (from hardwood or coniferous rocks), the main quality criteria for which are:

  • strength;
  • hardness;
  • classiness;
  • fire resistance.

Wooden lamellas are divided into several classes:

  • extra-class or premium. For such boards, the ideal smoothness and the absence of any defects are characteristic. When finishing the EUROVAL Class ceilings, the premium class does not have to customize the details to each other;
  • class A.. Perhaps the presence of minor defects:

- Easy roughness in some areas;

- small splashes of resin on the surface;

- small non-separation cracks;

  • In-class. For this type, the presence of a significant number of defects. Face parts may have small chips. It is better to sow these panels of a country cottage room, a balcony or loggia;
  • Class S. - the lowest and cheap category of material. In this case, only rotten boards are prohibited. Ceiling lining Class C is recommended for basement, attic or utility rooms.

It includes:

  • no need to carefully prepare the ceiling space for finishing;
  • easy installation will allow the ceilings with panels from MDF with their own hands;
  • ease of care;
  • a variety of variants of lamellae from MDF allows you to choose a suitable color or texture that organically fit into the overall design and style of the room.

Molding from MDF is based on the method of pressing wood fibers and further giving the material of the desired size and form.

Among the disadvantages, you can note the low operational characteristics, since over time the surface of such panels begins to crack, acquires a dark shade.

This is not a meal popular material than natural wood or chipboard. The production of this type of lamella is based on the extrusion method, in which the viscous polyvinyl chloride mass is squeezed through special holes.

  • from wooden bar. For this on the opposite sides of the room, two vessels are fixed, retreating 10-15 cm from the wall surface. They fix them with nails or screws every 60 cm.

Important! The mounting of the timber must be carried out perpendicular to the location of the lamellae.

The distance between the bars is 60-100 cm if the lining of the tree is installed, and 40-60 cm when plastic panels are planned.

The lower faces of each bar must be parallel to the floor and be on the same level with other bars. Pulling on the bottom side of the transverse slats, the kapron thread, the rest of the bars are fixed. To enhance the design, jumpers from the bar of the same dimensions are mounted;

  • metal profile. If such a frame is installed, then first the horizontal line fastens the UD profile on the dowel. On the opposite directions, the CD profile is recorded at a distance of 10-15 cm from the wall surface with a step of 60 cm. In this case, the CD profiles will be located perpendicular to the UD profile straps and the clapboard. To the ceiling, the profile is fixed on P-shaped suspensions with a distance of 40-60 cm.

Upon completion of the installation of the frame, any of the ways are summing up wires to places of placement of lighting devices.

Installation of clapboard

The first panel is fixed, tightly pressed against the wall. Next, the comb of the next lamellas is inserted into the grooves of the previous one and strengthen fasteners in places of contact with the frame with a frame.

On a note! Holes for luminaires are cut in the process of plating the ceiling with clapboard. Otherwise, damage may remain on it, which are difficult to disguise.

Finishing stage

After the ceilings made of the lining, it is necessary to adjust the lamellas along the length and pack the angular joints. Clauses in places of wall connection and ceiling are masked by plinths. Decorative plugs should flow to the interior of the room, so buying them is recommended with panels.

This method of finishing is often used in the style of Provence. Stressing his direction, the lining looks especially original and effectively. Designers advise to apply a layer of special paint to the trimmed ceilings, giving them an effect.

The gray larch panels are well emphasized, and the colorless varnish will give the coating of extra shine and beauty.

If you first examine the technology, how to put the ceilings with clapboard, then the installation does not take you much time and effort. As a result of work, you will get the original and beautiful ceiling.

Ceiling finish with clapboard video

Facing the ceiling surface is a building event to which high demands are initially imposed. This is due to the peculiarities of the materials used and the fact that in most cases the homeowner who decides to make the ceiling lifting on its own, the experience and availability of specialized tools will be required. Regardless of the type of materials used, the ceiling cladding technology is generally similar and implies the arrangement of the frame and its subsequent cladding. However, the materials used in the process of finishing the ceilings are different, and their choice is determined by the peculiarities of one or another finish method. Despite the fact that the holding of finishing measures using most methods requires certain skills of a specialist in this field, there are also those embodimed by everyone, including beginners, and the most common of them - the ceiling of the ceiling by clapboard. It is widely used in construction sites, being a material material in the process of conducting both external and internal finishing works. The World Wide Web offers many information on this topic, however, this article, being the most complete and structured, will answer the question as effect as efficiently: "How to shelter the ceiling with clapboard?".

Ceiling of lining: main varieties of material

Despite the fact that the construction market provides the consumer freedom of choice among the diversity of low-cost polymeric materials for finishing the premises that conquered the confidence of developers, today there are a lot of true connoisseurs of natural wood. The commitment of masters to the use of this material is due to its aesthetic characteristics, environmental safety and ease of use, and about the unique wood aroma in a room where the ceiling is covered with clapboard, literally of this word, legends. In addition, heat-insulating characteristics of wood allow you to create indoors where the ceiling is covered with clapboard, create a balanced microclimatic situation.

Wooden lining: material specificity

The lining is a facing board, the specifics of which lies in the puzzle of the fixation system. In the last century, it was used only to cover the wagons, and what was obtained by its name, subsequently, becoming the material, universally used both for the external and interior decoration of the premises. In the postwar years, being one of the most budget options, the lining was the only accessible finishing material. Over the past decades, the lining not only has not lost its own popularity, but also has established itself as a reliable facing material. Subsequently, together with the emergence of new technologies for the manufacture of lining, its scope expanded significantly.

The production of the lining is a multi-step process, including the manufacture of a edged board with its subsequent industrial drying, applying groove-comb compounds, thorough grinding of material surfaces and, finally, sorting finished products. These features of production causes the advantages of the material, such as the possibility of obtaining a solid compound of panels without gaps, an attractive appearance, in connection with which the material does not need additional processing, and its decorative characteristics are significantly higher than the operational.

There are various classifications of natural lining, which implies the separation of the lining in accordance with the set of features. Among them and the quality of the finished product, the type of wood used for the production of lining, and the scope of its use, and other, no less actual parameters. Consider in more detail the most common classifications.

Ceiling of lining photo

For the manufacture of lining, the following wood varieties are used:

  • Noble breeds of wood, among whom oak and ash deserve special attention;
  • Soft breeds - among them Alder and Lipa;
  • Universal breeds - fir and pine (at the same time the thickness of the profile is 12.0 x 25.0 mm, the width is 90.0 x 150.0 mm and length to 6 m).

In accordance with the scope of use, several varieties of lining are also distinguished:

  • "Eurovantia" is a type of lining, more often exported to European countries and characterized by a smooth facial surface and the presence of an in-depth puzzle system;
  • "American" is a type of lining, using which, you can simulate the laying of the Vansel, popular in America;
  • "Lining-panel" - a variety of material, the appearance of which has obvious similarities with a timber;
  • Block Hauz is a profile that has external similarities with a rounded timber.

Another classification of wooden panels implies their separation depending on the quality:

  • "Extra" - panels included in this category are characterized by high quality, lack of dark spots and bitch, which causes the highest value of the material;
  • Category "A" - On the surface of the panels included in this group, small bones can be found, which significantly affects the price of this material and makes it available for most buyers;
  • Category "B" - mid-quality panels most suitable for finishing work in the country, balcony or recreation center;
  • Category "C" - low-grade panels, the surface of which is characterized by a large number of dark spots and bitch.

Important! Among the variety of wooden panels, specialists are recommended to give preference to products made of cedar, aspen or linden. However, not only wooden, but also plastic panels can be used to cover the ceiling.

Plastic panels: brief description

The traditional classification of plastic panels involves their separation into seamless panels and panels with a selected seam, as a result of the use of which the ceiling surface is characterized by an appearance similar to the wooden coating.

Important! Unlike wooden lining, plastic panels do not need additional processing, which must be carried out before or after finishing the ceiling with clapboard. This is due to the initial practicality of plastic lining and a variety of its colors, allowing you to choose a plastic lining, imitating a wooden surface.

  • Seamless plastic liningit is characterized by the presence of a hidden puzzle system, which makes it possible to make practically imperceptible seams after mounting the ceiling coating. Also during the production of seamless lining the manufacturer makes a bet on a decrease amount of joints between panels, increasing their width, which is five times higher than the width of traditional panels;
  • Plastic lining with highlighted seam It has external similarities with wooden clapboard, differing from it by the fact that, unlike the latter, it does not need additional processing.

Important! By prefering with plastic lining, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the main features of PVC panels:

  • Despite the fact that the plastic panels are designed to conceal the existing irregularities of the surface of the surface, in connection with which they are easily bent, excessive voltage that is constantly affecting the panel can lead to cracks. The damaged panel is not suitable for restoration;
  • Plastic moisture resistant panels, but ultraviolet radiation, which is constantly affecting the material, can lead to its fading.

MDF panels: specific use

There is another kind of lining - MDF panels, which are the lining produced from the fiberboard. At the heart of the production of this species is the method of pressing wood fiber, followed by impressing the material with the necessary form and installation of the puzzle system. If the size and form of MDF panels are generally standard, then the color scheme has practically no restrictions. The principle of the surface of the surface using this material is similar to that when using wooden lining. Due to the fact that one of the disadvantages of MDF panels is low moisture resistance, and the constant impact of moisture can cause their deformation and collapse, the lining of this type can only be used in rooms characterized by low humidity level, and not suitable for arrangement of mounted ceilings in Bathroom or in the kitchen.

  • Wooden lining is a universal material that combines practically with any, relevant today, finishing materials. As for the finish of country houses, saunas and baths, in this case the lining is the material of the selection for finishing events. The owners of apartments have wooden lining also on a good account, it is used to decorate balconies and loggias, as well as for partial or complete decoration of the kitchen or living room.
  • If you seriously think about using a tree when finishing the room and, in particular, the ceiling, familiarize yourself with this article, where it will be considered how to mount the cladding on the ceiling so that it is not only reliable, but also stylish and harmoniously;
  • The ceiling, covered with wooden clap, must organically fit into a holistic interior concept, combining not only with floors and furniture, but also with home textiles. Especially relevant This advice will be in the event that you are planning to issue an interior in a classic or rustic style;
  • To the surface of the ceiling, covered with clapped, was not monotonous, the installation of the rivers is recommended in different directions, which will contribute to the creation of a certain picture on the ceiling. To increase the decorative effect of the created effect, you can use railings or decorative beams of another color;
  • Suspended ceiling is the perfect option for the living room. For its installation, you can use not only a long board, but also ready-made modules. The panels used to mount the suspended ceiling in the living room can be decorated with carvings, painting or glass stained glass windows - through the use of modern technologies, manufacturers offer a lot of options.

What if you purchased wooden lining?

After you purchased wooden lining, specialists do not recommend immediately to the installation of the ceiling. Communication with this, we advise you to get acquainted with the following advice on the preservation of the original quality of the material:

  • First of all, it is necessary to free the acquired lining from the packaging;
  • Next panels are neatly folded on a flat surface, better if it is wooden boards;
  • Before starting the installation of the ceiling, leave the time required for the complete drying of the lining. It is important to know that the lining must be dried as much as possible, which will have a positive effect on their quality. Drying panels must be carried out in the room where installation is planned.

Important! Experts do not recommend hurrying with the installation of the clapboard on the ceiling and give it to try finally. The most optimal time for the full drying of the lining is considered the time interval of three months, however, if you cannot wait too long, the timing can be compressed up to several weeks.

  • The importance of this Council should not be underestimated, since ideally the humidity of the room, where the installation will be carried out, and the humidity of the panels must coincide. Otherwise, non-compliance with these recommendations may result in panel deformation. In this sense, the practicality of MDF panels and plastic panels is much higher, as they do not need a pre-dry. To carry out the installation of plastic clapboard on the ceiling, it is enough to leave for two or three days in a heated room, where work will be carried out and boldly begin the implementation of installation measures.

Calculation of the amount of material. Required tools

  • The calculation of the required amount of material - the event is simple, but quite painstaking, and its execution must be carried out at the proper level. Experts advise to acquire material with some reserve so that there are no unpleasant surprises in the process of work.
  • First, decide on the fastening direction of the items, then display it in the drawing. He will become your faithful assistant with the right definition and calculation of the required amount of material;
  • If the area of \u200b\u200byour room is calculated according to the circuit of 2.5 x 3.3 m, acquire a material with a length of 3 m and fastening the width of 2.5 m, producing a briefing material by 50 cm, which will go on waste. If you choose another accommodation, you will have to dotach part of the item, which will be noticeable at the end of the installation;
  • In the process of accounting, the width of the configuration is important to remember the groove on the edge of each detail.

In order to make the ceiling of the clap with your own hands, you will need the next set of tools:

  • Drill, screwdriver and perforator;
  • Hacksaw, as well as scissors for metal;
  • A hammer;
  • Roulette;
  • Construction corner and construction level;

For the manufacture of a wooden frame, prepare the timber, the thickness of which is calculated based on the characteristics of the selected design, but its cross section should not be less than 20 mm. In the case of installing additional insulation, its thickness must be added to the thickness of the bar.

Important! In the case of installation of additional insulation, the material must also be taken with a reserve. During the installation process, it should not be overly pressing the insulation - its fastening should be carried out freely, without an additional clamp, since in the case of rigid fastening there will be a loss of the insulation of its properties.

If you plan to install a ceiling made of wooden lining on a metal profile, be prepared for the fact that costs will increase. In addition to basic material, additional elements will be required:

  • UD profile, the fastening of which is carried out around the perimeter of the entire room;
  • CD profile performing the framework of the framework of the frame;
  • Crabs, which are a cruciform mount and P-shaped fasteners;
  • Saws.

Important!Despite the fact that some masters prefer to fasten the wall paneling with a stapler or nails, motivating this speed of the method. However, this fastener is considered not reliable enough, in connection with which experts recommend using proven self-tapping screws.

Ceiling liner with cladding: Step-by-step instructions

Installation of ceiling frame

In the process of mounting the frame, it is important not to hurry and comply with all the recommendations, since in case of disrupting the location of the elements, the geometry of the entire design will violate, which will be subsequently impossible to correct.

In accordance with the instructions, primarily find the lowest angle in the room and, adding the height of the timber and the thickness of the lining, put a mark on this place and transfer it to other planes indoors. To facilitate the execution of this task, it is recommended to use a hydraulic level;

The resulting marks connect the caproove thread and beat the resulting level on the walls indoors.

Important! If in the process of mounting the frame you use a tree, make it pre-processing with an antiseptic that will protect the material from the formation of mold and rot. This work is recommended to perform in advance, since the material must dry. The processing method, as well as its timing, is indicated by the manufacturer of the antiseptic composition on the package.

To ensure the fastening of the clapboard on the ceiling, prepare a flat base surface on which the cladding will be fastened.

To do this, on the perimeter, fasten the straightar bars with a cross section of 40 x 40 mm, carrying out constant monitoring of water level;

To adjust them, use wooden plates of various thicknesses that need to be put in places of fixing bars to the carrier ceiling panels;

After you make screwing all screws, a solid base is formed on the ceiling, which is limited to the surface of the bars;

If you are dealing with concrete overlap before fixing the lining, follow the following activities:

Set a dowel 8 x 40 mm, for which it is necessary using a carbide drill, drill a hole with a depth of 40-50 mm and insert a dowel. Next, using a drill with a diameter of 5 mm, drill the bars in the places of installation of the dowels;

Using the cord, take away the line on the ceiling, along which the intermediate bars of the crates will be fastened, which should be located at a distance of 0.6 mm from each other.

Important! Due to the fact that even at the stage of installation of the facing surface, there remains the likelihood of an error that leads to the disorder of flatness and the occurrence of noticeable irregularities, it is recommended to use a fishing line, stretched along the marked lines. This will allow you to refuse to use the construction level.

To install the inside of the crate, you will need an assistant who will hold the bars as close as possible to the stretched fishing racks and, in the event of the need to put the adjusting plates. At this time you will drill and fasten the bars.

Important! If you are faced with the need for additional insulation, install block and rolled insulating materials between the crates of the crates, on top of which you need to pull the pair-protective film that prevents the contact of the crate with moisture.

Ceiling cover with cladding: how to fix facing material

  • The next stage is the ceiling cladding in a wooden house.
  • This stage does not represent special difficulties, but despite this you will need an assistant. If you use long panels, it is a prerequisite.
  • Take the first panel and putting it tightly to the wall, secure;
  • The next panel is inserted into the groove to the previous one and fastened at the location of the crate;
  • If installing holes for lamps and pipes are planned, they are drilled in the course of operation, which makes it possible to eliminate the likelihood of errors;
  • If in the process of plating the ceiling with clapboard in a wooden house, you will be able to make fasteners at the site of getting the ridge in the groove, you will get a really harmonious ceiling coating, hiding the screws of the screws;
  • If you make a ceiling cover with plastic panels, all the necessary holes must be drilled in advance, eliminating the risk of surface damage.

Important!Make sure that all communications and wiring are not damaged, since the removal of the surface is extremely undesirable. Use those that are produced from stainless materials, which will avoid the appearance of rust divorces.

Important! In the process of work, consider the temperature and humidity of the room where installation will be carried out. In the case of temperatures below + 10 degrees and high humidity, it is recommended to postpone the installation of the installation activities.

The abundance on the market for various building materials allows owners of apartments and houses to repair the ceiling in accordance with modern trends and fashion. Stretch and suspended designs of ceilings have become very common. However, the ordinary wooden lining is more attractive for lovers of rustic style and natural materials. In this article we will tell you how to put the ceiling with clapboard, pick up suitable materials and assemble the crate. To all those who decide to equip the ceiling with wooden lining, it is worth being ready for the fact that this process will require large investments of labor, time and patience.

We select lining for the ceiling

More recently, if it came to the ceiling lining, they meant the wooden curly planks. However, at present, the construction market offers several varieties of lining. Based on the purpose of the premises, the material opportunities and preferences of the buyer, you can choose one or another material.

Material for making lining can be:

  • wood;
  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • mDF plates.

It is worth staying in more detail on each of the materials.

Wooden lining

In case of finishing the ceiling with wooden lining, the natural rustic room of the room is preserved. Wood lining applied in the premises of any destination and is absolutely safe for human health. Depending on the type of wood, the price of this building material varies. Most often, the lining makes from alder, cedar, fir, oak, aspen, larchs and other tree breeds.

Pine is distinguished by antiseptic properties, since rich in resins. These substances turn the formation of mold on the surface of the lining. In addition, the pine itself is considered a fairly smooth tree, with a small number of bitch, which makes it ideal for creating lining.

The lining of coniferous varieties of wood is considered almost universal, in contrast to hardwood, which are used mainly indoors. However, any wood susceptible to humidity, so it must be impregnated with special means and ensure air access so that it is ventilated.

Depending on the quality of wood distinguish 4 types of lining:

  1. Higher class (extra). Such a board appearance looks perfectly, it does not have chips, dents or cracks. The price of such a material is very high because it is made by splicing. With high humidity, this material begins to crack, so in raw materials this lining does not apply.
  2. Class A. The presence of small bitch is allowed, but any other defects do not happen on such material. As a rule, it is this category of lining that most consumers choose.
  3. Class B. On the surface of the board can come across small defects. Although in residential premises such a lining is usually not used, it is suitable for the sheaving of balconies and country cottages.
  4. Class C. This is the material of the lowest variety, on which there is a large number of bitch and defects.

Characteristics Wallowing from MDF

In the appearance of the ceiling of the MDF clapboard reminds wooden laminate, although this material is essentially a plate of pressed sawdust. Such material is very sensitive to moisture. With the slightest contact with water, he begins to swell, losing his appearance and initial quality.

It is worth noting that the MDF lining is used more often for the walls than for ceilings. It allows you to organize various decorative elements and diversify the interior. In addition, the material is characterized by high thermo- and noise insulation qualities.

If desired, you can combine MDF classes with different colors and texture. Installation of such a material does not represent complexity.

Features of lining from polyvinyl chloride

The ceiling cover with PVC clapboard is an excellent option, since the material is very convenient in circulation and easy to install. However, it is worth remembering that PVC straps are fragile, they are very easy to damage.

Distinguish two types of PVC lining:

  • with seams;
  • seamless.

Seamless lining allows you to create a practically solid, a smooth surface on which the seams between individual straps will be almost invisible. If you want to create a surface resembling the Euro woman, you should use the panels with seams.

One of the main benefits of the polyvinyl chloride panel is that they are resistant to a wet environment. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to avoid entering such a straight sunlight on such a ceiling, because under ultraviolet the lining will start to lose the original colors.

Thus, the plastic (PVC) panels will be optimal options for trimming the ceiling, as well as wooden planks.

Calculation of materials

Before sheeing the ceiling by clapboard in a wooden house, it is worth taking care of the purchase of a sufficient amount of material so that in the process of work it was not necessary to make interruptions for the purchase. The standard dimensions of one board of the lining are 15 cm in width, 600 cm in length and 1.2-2.5 cm in thickness. These are the requirements of GOST 8242-88.

For the interior decoration of the premises, panels are less than 1.6 cm thick, and for external - from 1.8 cm and more. To decide on the number of boards for decoration of the ceiling by EuroND, it is necessary to calculate the area 1 of the plank and compare it with the total area of \u200b\u200bthe surface. Thus, if we took a panel of 9.5 cm wide and 6 m long, its total area will be 0.57 m 2.

Suppose that the total ceiling area in the room is 9 m 2. Then it will take 9 ÷ 0.57 \u003d 17.3≈18 boards for operation. This is the minimum number of panels, since the width of the canvase will be reduced in connection with the features of the molding installation. It is attached to the ridge in the groove.

Quality control material

After you have decided on a variety, coloring, as well as the number of lining and delivered it to the place of work, you need to check its quality. On the horizontal level surface, decompose all panels and check how much they correspond to the declared characteristics. Sometimes inside the package, unscrupulous sellers place defective samples to avoid losses due to their rejection. Of course, it is advisable to pay attention to this in the process of buying in the store.

The next step, if you plan to work with wooden clap, lies in its drying. PVC and MDF panels do not need this manipulation. So that the wooden lining mounted on the ceiling is not deformed, it must be carefully dried on the horizontal surface. The minimum drying term is 2 weeks, but a longer interval is allowed. If you do not want, in a short time, the wooden ceiling lining has lost its presentable appearance, it is impossible to disappear.

Preparation of instruments and materials

To install the cladding on the ceiling as quickly as possible, it is worth pre-prepare all the tools that may be needed during the work:

  • perforator with a brown, cross section of 6-7 mm (if working with concrete ceiling), or a shock drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • electric logs or hacksaw (tools are suitable for any type of lining);
  • level;
  • roulette.

In order to sew the ceiling with clapboard, it will be necessary to purchase a number of auxiliary materials.

Since the lining is attached to the frame, that is, the crate, it is necessary to choose the type of material for it:

  1. Wooden rails - they are best suited for fixing any type of lining, because it is easier to work with them and more convenient, and their cost is much lower than metal products.
  2. Metal shap metal profiles. It is usually used to fasten the plasterboard sheets.

It is worth noting that to work in premises with high humidity it is recommended to choose the steel version of the crate and PVC lining, since they are not deformed under the influence of moisture, unlike wood.

For a wooden frame, you will need:

  • rake 4 × 4 cm at the calculation of the surface area;
  • wooden or plastic wedges for frame;
  • brackets;
  • saws.

For metal crates, it is necessary to purchase:

  • steel profiles;
  • fasteners;
  • suspension;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • anchors.

By mounting the clapboard on the ceiling, you can begin after purchasing materials and thorough drying of wood.

Pre-work with the ceiling

It is very important before making a ceiling of the clapboard, to prepare it correctly. First, from the surface of the ceiling, you must remove the layer of old plaster and clean the surface from the dirt so that it can be as smaller.

Next, proceed to the markup of the ceiling for the frame. It should be decided on the direction of the lining bands. In the process of further laying the clapboard on the ceiling, it is advisable to place it so that the end joints can as small as possible.

Since wooden elements are exposed not only to the effects of moisture, but also mold, before installing them it is necessary to cover with an antiseptic agent.

In private houses, the ceiling is pre-insulated. The heat insulation layer is paved between the profile racks mounted with an indent of 50-60 cm. If it comes to the apartment, then additional thermal insulation is not needed.

Next, we find the level for fastening the crate. Deciding with the direction of the regions, we perform markup on the ceiling. Please note that the lining is recorded perpendicular to the bars of the crates. Optionally, it can be placed at right angles to the walls or diagonally.

The ceiling is fixed by holding brackets with equal intervals between them. Then on the brackets laid wooden rails, aligning them with small clins.

So that the ceilings from the Euro-making are beautiful, the crate must be mounted very carefully and perfectly smoothly.

The maximum step between the fasteners is 50 cm. If eurry card is used, then the step should be shorted.

From how carefully you will react to the preliminary preparation of the ceiling, its final appearance and durability depends.

Fastening clap

Installation of lining on the ceiling with your own hands is not something too complicated, it can not even with inexperienced performers. True, it is advisable to work with the clapboard together to make it easier to fix the long-length panels.

We begin to mount the clad on the ceiling with your own hands perpendicular to the crate from the wall. The first board is tightly fixed with a spike against the wall. Using the level, adjust the position of the board, and then fix it. For laying the lining, you can use both small nails and curvators. In those rooms where the ceiling design from the lining should be perfect, use the beammers, and ordinary carnations are suitable in the rest of the rooms.

Then take the next board and insert it with a spike in the groove of the previous one. At the points of contact with the panel with the crate firmly fix the board. All other wall panels fix on the crates in the same way.

The opposite wall has the latest bar of the lining, it may be necessary to trim. In this regard, it is advisable to have it in a place where it will be the least noticeable. When working with plastic panels, it is better to use the manual hacksaw, and the wooden lining and MDF panel is easier to cut the electric bike.

Any holes for the output of the wiring or installation of the lighting devices are best done directly at the time of the mounting of the lining so as not to spoil it.

If in order to sew the ceiling with your own hands, you use nails, then you must pre-cut their caps. At the end of the work of the holes from nails open wax.

The finishing stage of the ceiling of the ceiling from the lining will be fastening the plinths around the perimeter of the room. These decorative elements will give the ceiling completion and hide the slots along the edges. Usually the wooden lining is opened with varnish, and the plinth is a vast coloring and varnish. If you wish such a ceiling, you can paint.

We give a few useful tips that you may come in handy:

  1. Before we see the European ceiling, it is desirable to check how good the wiring and other communications passing under the ceiling. If in the future for repair will have to dismantle the lining, it can be damaged.
  2. The ceiling covering in contact places with electrical pipelines should be isolated in order to avoid fire.
  3. When working with wooden panels, it is desirable to use such fasteners that will not rust. For PVC panels, the fastening type is not fundamental.
  4. The ceiling trim is performed in a dry room at a temperature not lower than 10.

Ceiling Cost Ceiling

The final cost of repairing the ceiling will largely depend on the price of materials. In turn, the price of lining fluctuates depending on the variety and rock tree, the length of the board, as well as production technology.

Depending on these factors, the lining is pricely divided into several categories:

  1. The most expensive is the lining of soft hardwood wood. Their processing is carried out in accordance with Eurostandards.
  2. The average price category enters solid hardware lining.
  3. Lining from wood coniferous breed is the most cheap.

In addition, if you want to equip a two-level ceiling from the lining, you may have to invite a specialist for whose services also need to pay.

How to care for the ceiling

If we are talking about lining of wood, it is subject to mandatory treatment with antiseptic impregnation and primer compositions that slow down the destruction of wood, prevent the development of fungus and rotting. When choosing a specific tool, pay attention to its color, which must match the desired result.

As an option, wooden panels can be covered with special oil, put the lacquer or paint in your choice. The processing option depends only on the wishes of the owner.

In order for the ceiling longer to retain his presentable appearance, it is advisable to periodically wash dust from it. If just a damp cloth for cleaning is not enough, you can use special household means, which are sold in large quantities in supermarkets.

Construction works that include ceiling lining are very demanding. All this is due to the fact that special building materials are required, and from one who has gathered to do this work skill, time and experience. It does not matter exactly what type of facing will be used, it always implies the creation of a frame and its subsequent finish. The range of the material is large enough, and it is from this choice that will depend on how it is the way the finish will have to use. The Internet offers enough instructions about this, and we will try to figure out in more detail.

What is lining? This is a facing board, the peculiarity of which is a special method of fixation, namely Puzogres. If you return to last century, then you can find out that this method was used only to cover the wagons. That is why she received its specific name. Currently, classes are used both to cover the external area and internal. Previously, this method of finishing the premises was considered the most budgetary. After many years, this material has not lost its popularity and has established itself as a reliable facing material. Since nowadays there are enough new technologies for the manufacture of this material, the ways to use it expanded.

Creating clap, it is a long and complex process that includes the creation of a edged board, drying, creating a puzzle compound, grinding and sorting. All these actions help get a durable material that has an attractive view.

There are many classes classifications, share them according to certain features. These include quality, wood type, the sphere in which it will be used.

In order to make the lining in the basic cases, the following materials are used:

  • Noble wood. Special wrench uses oak or ash;
  • Breeds that relate to mild. It may be linden or alder;
  • Universal materials. This category includes pine and fir.

Given the ability of these materials, create the following types of lining:

  1. Eurovanda. This species is most often exported to Europe. Such lining is inherent in a smooth surface and an in-depth puzzle system;
  2. Lining-panel. Such a type resembles the appearance of the bar;
  3. American. Thanks to such a lining, you can create an imitation of laying with the overtrown, which is widespread in America;
  4. Block house. Type similar to a denied timber.

Ceiling, covered with clay: Selection of panels

If you pay attention to the building materials market, it can be understood that it will be ready to provide a variety of materials for finishing the ceiling. These include polymeric materials that have at the moment have deserved confidence among developers. But today there are not so many people who would have given their preference for a tree with an environmental property, aesthetic party and ease of operation. It is worth mentioning that this material has a unique wood fragrance, which when sheeling the ceiling is able to create a balanced microclimatic situation.

However, the following materials are most often preferred:

  • Plastic;
  • MDF panels;

As for plastic panels, they are separated for seamless and with a selected seam. And the first and second form is characterized by certain results that affect the appearance of the ceiling at the end of work.

It is important to know that the plastic panels do not need additional processing unlike wooden panels.

That is why these materials are most often preferred. In addition, their practicality is also in a large range of color gamut. If there is a desire to create a imitation of a tree, then the plastic panel can help even in this matter.

MDF panels also belong to one of the varieties of lining. They are made of DVP material. The manufacturer refers to the pressing of wood fibers.

The size of such panels is mainly standard, and the color spectrum is very wide.

The disadvantage of such panels can be assumed that it is possible to install them only in those rooms that do not have increased levels of humidity. They are suitable for all rooms, except for the bathroom, kitchen, balcony. So do not have to be installed in the bath.

If you decide to sew a wooden clapboard, then you will be able to need some useful recommendations on the material and working with it.


  • Wooden lining, this is a universal material that is able to combine absolutely with any finishing material and is used mainly at the cottage in a wooden house.
  • If it was decided to install wooden lining with your own hands, then you need to get acquainted with the video or photo, which will show how to make sure that it is not only reliable, but also correct.
  • In order for the ceiling not to take a monotonous species, experts recommend to sew the surface in different directions. In order for the decorative liner to be more original, you can use beams or racks of opposing colors.

The ceiling liner is a great option for installation in the hall. Not only long boards, but also holistic panels, which include threads, painting or glass stained glass can be used for installation. Taking into account modern technologies, manufacturers can offer a large number of options.

What to see the ceiling in the country except lining

Finishing materials are usually chosen based on the principle - saving and practicality. In order to sow ceilings in the rooms, most often acquire certain materials.


  • Panels;
  • Wallpaper;
  • Foam ceiling plates.

The LKM is most often used to design a cottage ceiling as protection against negative factors.

As for the wallpaper, it is necessary to give preference to the assortment of flieslinic or glasscloth wallpapers with the presence of a textured surface. Such materials will allow creating a beautiful and neat ceiling.

Panels can be purchased in construction stores, they can be of different thickness and textures. There is no such building material for such a large assortment.

Plates for the ceiling of foam, it is one of the best ways that will allow you to quickly apply the ceiling. They are not only convenient for work, but pillars for staining. Polyfoam can be quickly and easily cut by a stationery knife, and you can attach it with universal glue.

How to shelter the ceiling with your own hands (video)

How to choose the right trim? This article revealed all major aspects of work with the material. Everything else depends on the preparation and professionalism of the master. Well, as for independent work, before starting, it is best to consult with experts and view lessons. Adhering to all recommendations, you can get the perfect interior.

Details: Ceiling cover with clapboard (photo examples)