Fibro-cement panels for outdoor decoration houses. Fibro cement panels for outdoor finishing at home: Apply fibro-cement facade panels for independent wall cladding according to the instructions

The facade finish is not only a business card of the house, but the protection of its walls from moisture, cold and other unwanted impacts. Therefore, to choose a material in this case, it is necessary to approach as responsiblely as possible. Want to get a beautiful and durable outdoor wall decoration without overpayment? Then the fibro-cement panel for facades is your choice. Here you will be able to familiarize yourself with what it is for the material, as it is produced, what happens and how to work with it.

Fibro-cement panels - what is it, the advantages and technical characteristics of the material

Fibro cement panels are a finishing material of artificial origin, produced in the form of plates or siding. It consists of 85-90% cement and 10-15% mineral additives and fibers - cellulose or synthetic fibers. The latter component of the material plays the role of the reinforcing component that gives fibro-cement panels to bend strength. Outside, they have an atmospheric coating that imitates brick or stone masonry. Also, the composition of fibro-cement panels include hydropobicators - additives, simultaneously protecting the material from absorbing moisture and allowing it to "breathe", output the small particles of water and not torsion.

Plates and siding from Fibercement were created at the beginning of the last century as an alternative to plaster. The new material was supposed to exceed it on many operational characteristics and be simple in production / installation.

Read more with the advantages of fibrotent panels can be found below.

  1. Ease. Plates and siding from the cement and fiber composite has a very small mass. This feature of the material will significantly simplify the carriage, carrying and installation. In addition, the total mass of the finish is less, respectively, the load on the bearing walls of the house is reduced.
  2. Non-hatching. Fibrocement is not subject to fire and is an obstacle on the way at the fire.
  3. Resistance of fibro-cement panels to ultraviolet radiation - The material will not survive after many years spent under the rays of the Sun, and will not lose its original appearance.

  4. High impact strength and bending strength - These characteristics of fibrotent panels are largely due to the fact that the composition includes cellulose or synthetic fibers that play the role of the reinforcing lattice.
  5. Low hygroscopicity- due to hydrophobizers, fibro-cement plates do not absorb water from outside or from the inside. But at the same time, as mentioned above, the material has satisfactory parameters of vapor permeability and "breathe".
  6. Durability- At the expense of the three properties presented above, fibro-cement plates are able to serve as a facade finish from 25 to 50 years, depending on the conditions and manufacturer. For material with a relatively small value, this is a very good indicator.

  7. Environmental purity- Fibro cement plates do not contain components harmful to humans. Working with the material, you may not be afraid of any evaporation and other negative impacts.
  8. Frost resistance- Fiber cement finish can withstand a large number of frost cycles without losslessness. This material is quite suitable for the exterior trim of houses in places with a harsh climate.
  9. Good heat and noise insulating properties, especially when combined with the insulation of mineral wool.

  10. Easy installation -working with fibric cement plates is an order of magnitude easier than with plaster. If you have some set of tools and source, the installation of such a finish can be made independently.
  11. Ability to install under negative temperatures- Unlike plaster, with fibrotent plates you can work during cold weather.
  12. Universality- Siding and Panels from Fibercement are presented with dozens of variants that differ in size, price and appearance. Mimitate a variety of materials and fit both for a private house and for the urban office building.

On a note! The controversial point relating to fibrotent panels is that some of the builders and owners of country houses consider this material not too beautiful and inferior in their appearance plaster or natural stone.

Now consider the technical characteristics of the trim from cement and fibers. The main parameters of the material are shown in the table.

Table. Fibro cement panels for facades - specifications.

Technical specificationsValue
Density, g / cm3From 1.5
Mass of a separate decoration element, kg / m2From 16 to 26
Bending strength, MPa20 or more
Shock viscosity, kj / m2From 2.
Moisture absorption,% by weightFrom 7 to 20
The thickness of the individual element, mmFrom 6 to 35
Length of a separate element, mm1200, 1500, 1800, 2400, 3000, 3600
Width of a separate element, mm190, 455, 910, 1200, 1500

Selecting the fibro-cement panels for the facade, make sure that they are made in accordance with GOST 8747-88 or DIN EN 12467.

GOST 8747-88. Products asbestos-cement leafy. A download file (click on the link to open the PDF file in a new window).

Prices for popular fibro-cement wall panels

How to produce fibro-cement panels

We will get acquainted with the example of Fiber-cement panels of the Latonit brand with the technological process of producing this finishing material.

Step 1. Together mix cement, sand, cellulose and other components of the finishing material.

Cement is one of the components

Step 2. The resulting mixture enters the molding compartment and rolls up to the time that there is still a raw layer of a certain thickness.

Step 3. The length of the length and width of the raw rolling fibrocement on the sheets of certain sizes is performed.

Step 4. Fibrcecement sheets thus obtained are stacked.

Step 5. Mixed plates come to the press, where they are exposed to high pressure. Due to this, excessive moisture is leaving the fibrcecement, the density and strength of the finishing material increases.

Step 6. Past press fibroplites are sent to the thermal magazine processing chamber. There the material passes through the accelerated hardening process.

Step 8. Fully hardened fibro-cement panels pass through grinding and painting.

Important! Often, a rather complex coating is applied to the surface of the panels from fibrocement, imitating a real stone or brickwork.

Step 9. The technological process of manufacturing fiber cement plates with chopping, packaging and departure of the material to the warehouse is completed.

Varieties and basic manufacturers of fibrotent panels

In its appearance, fibro-cement panels can be divided into the following groups.

Important! Some of the fibro-cement panels are produced unpainted - this stage of the facade finishes The owner of the house must be done independently. On the one hand, it will allow you to choose the color that you for any reason have not found in the manufacturer's catalog. But at the same time you will need the costs of strength and time to apply paint. It is also worth noting that the cost of such unpainted fibro-cement panels is 10-20% lower than a fully finished material.

The durability and appearance of fibro-cement panels for the facade directly depend on those who produced them and on what equipment, as well as with what kind of thorough the manufacturer followed technological processes. In total, it is possible to allocate eight manufacturers who are considered leaders in this area in the construction market in the CIS. You can familiarize yourself with them from the table below.

Table. The fiber cement panel for the facade is the main manufacturers and trademarks.


Japanese firm, which is one of the pioneers in the production of fibrotent panels. Many years of experience allowed them to bring the technological process and the quality of the material manufactured to the best indicators.

Another manufacturer of fibro-cement finishes from Japan. The company pays great attention to the quality of the cement used and mineral fillers.

Developing manufacturer from Russia. Constantly increasing production turnover, expands model line of fiber cement plates. For their manufacture, the most modern equipment from Europe is used.


Finnish manufacturer of fibrotent finish. Releases plates of the average price segment, very high quality and especially persistent in cold weather.

A large range and high quality provided by strict tracking for the technological process and the compliance of products to the main standards.


Products of this company can be found almost everywhere - representatives are in dozens of cities throughout the CIS.

Danish manufacturer, one of the leaders in the production of asbestos cement plates. It is known for its quality, in anything not inferior to Japanese counterparts.

This firm specializes in fibro-cement panels, fixed with rivets. Most often, this product is used to finish the facades of public buildings and offices.

Not every homeowner allows his financial condition to reflect the house by stone tiles or decorative bricks. It is not only in the cost of materials, but also in difficulty, high cost of installation. For insulation and giving the house more aesthetic species there are special front panels. Read more detail.

How to cut, drill and store fibro-cement panels

Before starting to install fibro-cement panels on the facade of the building, consider some features of working with them - cutting, drilling and storage. Let's start with the cutting of panels, which can be necessary when working with corners, slopes and space under the roof of the cottage.

Step 1. There is a line of cutting a fibro-cement panel. She herself places on a flat surface face down. The panel is placed soft material that protects it from the appearance of scratches.

Step 2. A cutting tool is prepared. It is best for this to use a circular saw. In this case, a product with a guide bus, automatic feed and dustproof - with the help of these fixtures is achieved neat and fast incision of the fibro-cement panel. The circular saw disc should be located in such a way that in its lowest point to pass 5 mm below the sheet of finishing material.

Step 3. The disk saw turns on and the cutting process begins. Its disk passes along the entire length of the fibro-cement panel. Then the sliced \u200b\u200bpart of the fibro-cement panel is separated from the main sheet.

Prices for the popular range of circular saws

A circular saw

Step 4. The surface near the cutting of the fibro-cement panel is rubbed from the dust cutting dust during the cutting process.

Drilling of fibro-cement panels should not cause any problems with you. The main thing is to follow several conditions.

  1. Use only special drills with an appropriate sharpening angle.
  2. Do not drill several panels at the same time - only one.
  3. From the edges of the fibro-cement panel it is necessary to make indents. They depend on the specific characteristics of each sheet and must be specified in the instructions or description supplied with the material.
  4. After completing the drilling process, the panel around the hole must be cleaned of dust from both sides. For this, a dry napkin with microfiber is used.

In each house there are engineering communications, in some cases they come out outside not underground, but above it. In such a situation, there is a need to cut in fibro-cement panels of round holes. You can get acquainted with the process in the photo below.

Store fibro-cement panels in a dry room and strictly in a horizontal position. To put the plates on the ends undesirable - they will deform. Under the stacks of fibro-cement panels must be supposed to put pallets or wooden bars.


Installation of fibro-cement panels - Step-by-step instructions

Imagine step-by-step instructions, where the process of installing fibro-cement panels on the facade of the house is sequentially set.

Step 1. Installation of fibro-cement panels begins with the preparation of the wall. It is cleared of remnants of old finishing, dust and dirt. If the house is composed of brick or foam blocks - get rid of excess cement mortar between them. Then, with the help of the level and lighthouses, determine how smooth wall is whether there are any defects that need to be considered in the future.

Step 2. A marking on the installation of the brackets to which the framework of the fibro-cement panels will be mounted. The interval between the brackets vertically and the horizontal is selected, based on the project and the material used.

Step 3. According to the marks made at the previous stage, holes are performed for anchor fasteners. Their depth is chosen, based on the material of the wall and mass of fibro-cement panels, which will be finished.

Prices for popular perforator models


Step 4. The brackets for the frame of fibro-cement finish are assembled, mounted on the wall using anchor bolts. Then the length of their working part is adjustable on the plumbs, which were made in the first step. This parameter depends on the thickness of the alleged layer of the insulation.

Step 5. According to the principles set out in the previous operation, the installation of all brackets on the wall is made.

Step 6. The mineral wool layer is placed on the main wall. Under the brackets in the case of the material creates slosses. Fixation is made using plate dowels scored over the entire surface of each single mineral wool plate. In this case, the insulation is stacked with the overlap of vertical joints like brickwork. This is necessary to increase the thermal insulation properties of the layer and exclusion of "cold bridges".

Step 7. A vertical frame profile is fixed on the brackets. Their final connection is performed using rivets.

Step 8. By the same principle, the remaining vertical profiles are established. Their connection is made with each other with the tire and rivets, as shown in the illustration below. Between the jacket vertical profiles, it is necessary to leave a small gap to compensate for the thermal expansion of the metal.

Step 9. Drill in fibro-cement panels holes for fasteners and install it on vertical profiles. Align the product horizontally using a level.

Step 10. Fibro-cement panels are fixed on the frame by twisting the screws in the corners.

Step 11. Some screws for fixing fibro-cement panels for the facade are not enough - it is necessary to add them to the sleds installed in the vertical profile. They are adjusted for the appropriate panel details.

Step 12. On the side, another panel is joined. Its fixation occurs on the same principle - first the screws at the corners, then the fitted sludge. But at the same time, a small gap is withstanding between adjacent panels, designed to compensate for an increase in facade finishes for one or another reasons and prevent its warping.

Step 14. Separately, the decoration of the slopes. There are two options here. In the first case, the slopes are closed with metal painted products, in the second - cuts of fibro-cement panels. Shakes on the corners are processed by sealant.

After that, finishing with fibro-cement panels of the facade of the house can be considered successfully completed.

In modern, professional construction, special attention is paid to the outside of buildings. In addition to performing all functions, directly related to the functional quality of the building, namely the protection against the impact of a variety of weather phenomena and high-quality heat insulation, the walls of the house must have an attractive appearance. The unique facade of the building is able to emphasize the welfare of the owners and become a central element of the local area.

The construction market of finishing facade materials is quite diverse. A variety of facade panels are particularly popular in this field of use, which are very convenient and are able to provide a huge selection of texture options and color palette. One of the types of such panels are fibrotent plates that are massively produced in both domestic and foreign factories.

What makes a fibro-cement plate

Facade system with fiber cement stove, fastening method: Facade nipper

In essence, the fibrotent cooker is a layer of plaster, which you just need to attach to the facade. This material consists of 90% of the usual plaster, which introduced special reinforcing ingredients, which are designed to make durability and geometric maintenance of plates.

The base, or the so-called fiber, consists of cellulose, fibers and plastics. Thanks to the introduction of these materials, the panel becomes more rigid to bend and crumble less. Granulated plastic contributes to the latest factor.

The first production of this material was recorded in Japan. The architectural features of this culture are known for the whole world with houses. Which are built on the basis of lightweight framework technologies. Such buildings needed to apply high-quality cladding, which can perform all the necessary features on isolation and decorate the appearance of the walls.

7 components of ventfassada with fibrotent stove

Advantages of fiber cement plates panels

The advantage of this material is a fairly long service life, which is more than 20 years. The cement surface is practically not exposed to moisture and sharp temperature differences.

Studies have shown that the stove data is able to withstand more than 100 winter cycles.
Fibro-cement plates are resistant to the effects of ultraviolet rays and practically do not absorb moisture.

They remain resistant to corrosion even in the most favorable conditions for this phenomenon. This material is made of environmentally friendly components that do not even have the slightest negative impact on human health.

This material based on cement plaster has excellent insulating properties. The internal structure of fiber and cellulose is an excellent heat insulator, and the cement solution is known for its excellent indicators on the excavation of the premises. Such panels are perfectly coping with the functional component of the tasks put forward before them.

Environmentally friendly panels Rospan

With this material, you can transfer a wide variety of textures of both natural and artificial materials. The color gamut material is also very extensive. This is achieved primarily due to the unique coating, which is treated with this surface. The way of painting allows you to qualityly maintain the brightness and contrast of the palette, although completely excluding the effect of burnout is not recommended. Panels from fibric cement plates have the ability to self-cleaning due to natural precipitation. All nanile dust and soot easily ished with rain.

Another feature, which is more likely to manufacturers than the material itself is a different weight of fibric cement plates. The fact is that the formula in which the material is given the maximum rigidity, with minimal weight, each manufacturer is significantly different. This factor can make substantial sound and confusion, since it is possible to name the exact weight of the facing facade material if you exactly know who his manufacturer will be known.

Important: Another undoubted advantage of this material is its full fire safety. Material based on cement is absolutely non-flag.

By installing such panels, you can be calm, as self-burning or melting material is completely excluded.

Disadvantages of material

Example of the lining of the country house by Japanese panels

The main disadvantages of fibrotent panels include an increase in the cost when panel staining. Here the buyer has two options. Either buy material with factory painting, which has a cost above 10% of the base. Either engage in staining on their own.

Another possible negative factor can be called moisture absorption of this material. These panels can absorb up to 10% water. It is worth noting that the manufacturers are struggling in every possible way with this negative phenomenon. To do this, apply a protective film and make the material more porous, so that the moisture could not only be absorbed, but also freely evaporate from the material structure. The deformation of the plate, due to moisture, can reach two percent, but this does not affect the strength and structure of the panel.

The size of standard fibro-cement panels 3.3 to 0.47m. Installation of this material alone is almost impossible, a poet for self finish will most likely need a subdume. Another disadvantage that causes many disputes in the construction world may become the appearance of the material.

Many designers believe that this material is inferior to the aesthetic indicators of natural materials for facing buildings and other analogues among the facade panels. It is worth noting that this question is quite controversial and to answer unambiguously on it. It all depends on your personal preferences and features of a particular building.

Technology of mounting facade fibrotent panels

Installing this material is largely reminding the installation of siding. There are two methods for installing this material on the walls.

  1. The first is installed directly on the wall of the house. At the same time, there is practically no preliminary preparation.
  2. The second option is to arrange the so-called breathable facades. This method involves the installation of the crate, and the installation of panels is not tight to the wall, as a result of which the wall surface is ventilated.

When installing panels, special attention should be paid to the insulation of the joint seams between the plates, which is performed using silicone. A well-sealed surface allows you to achieve an effect of no less from what you get with the help of a layer of plaster similar thickness.

Professional manufactures installation using power tools

Panels are made of two types. This may be an option with a thickness of the panel in 18 mm, when the plates are equipped with a special metal plate for mounting on the wall, or a thinner material 14 mm. The latter is mounted on the wall with special hexagon screws. Such screws are tightened tightly, since the fibement panels do not have a linear expansion coefficient. At the same time, it is not necessary to drag the screw, so that the plate itself has not cracked.

Setting the panel data can be smoothed some wall and irregular defects. This is possible due to the plasticity of the material that is able to absorb all defects.

The cutting of this material requires a very serious approach. For the product of data of manipulations, you will need a specialized power tool.

Video: Laying and layout of fibro-cement panels

The architect gives a plan (drawing at home, as he should look). For the house, in the example, two types of panels and styles will be converged at home finishing. We start from the second floor of the facade to determine the layout. Then when moving around the building, all horizontal lines will reach the corners. Look more in a video clip.

Approximate cost of a square meter

Many factors can affect the value of the material. First of all, this is the type of the data of the front panels. Naturally, thicker panels, and even plus to all are equipped with special fasteners will cost much more expensive. Prices can also vary from external panel covering and painting it. Some companies are introduced into the package package, the entire required assortment of attachments and coloring substances needed after installation.

In addition, it is also necessary to take into account the composition of the fiber, which can be different, depending on the formula for the successful composition of each particular manufacturer. Naturally, the marketing policy of each of the companies has its price differences.

Currently, the price of one m2 of the fibric cement plate is from 400 to 600 rubles. If you consider that this material does not require the strengthening of the foundation and the plug-in brick, quickly mounted and is able to stop for quite a long time, the benefit is obvious.

Japanese manufacturers

Country The progenitor of this material naturally has many companies producing fibro-cement panels. The qualitative indicators of this building material manufactured in the Middle Kingdom is very high, which naturally affects the cost of products.

Japanese manufacturers - Nitich and Kmew (Kay Em Yu)

Among the most popular manufacturers would like to allocate two, whose names are known throughout the world precisely thanks to the high-quality production of this material. TM Nichiha and "KMEW"The composition of the world-famous concern "Panasoni" occupy leadership positions for the production of this product both in their homeland and around the world.

Video: Standard Nichiha Panel Installation Instructions (Nichiha)

In this video, an example of the installation of fiber-cement plates of dry mounting on metal subsystems with bellows at home with a wooden frame was considered. Video translated into Russian, duration of about 15 minutes.

Video: Instructions for finishing the house by fibro-cement panels KMEW by the method of ventilated hinged facade

Horizontal mounting method Kmew front panel to metallic substructure using metal fasteners. A space that is used to pass the air remains between the wall and panels. Such a system contributes to the removal of moisture from the wall, prevents the penetration of rainwater, providing protection against moisture and creates a barrier from the thermal effect.

Russian firms manufacturers

The market of building materials of Russia has recently been actively developing. It could not but affect such a popular appearance of finishing facade materials as fibrotent plates. As a result, the quality of the produced products was significantly increased, which is increasingly approaching the reference production of Japanese neighbors.

A vivid example of this development is LTM and Rospan. Their products evolve the day by day and in quality is increasingly approaching world leaders of production.

Other popular brands

Do not discount from accounts and representatives of other countries. For example, China Malaysia and Taiwan, also do not want to graze the rear in the industry. In confirmation of the fact that companies of these countries have a significant weight in the global production of finishing materials, is the popular Chinese Fair for construction and finishing, which is regularly held for more than decades.

It is this event that takes great popularity to all global manufacturers of fibrotental plates. Here are representatives of the countries of the whole world. The fact that the exhibition takes place in Beijing is a vivid confirmation that this product in this country is at a priority place and is actively developing.

Traditional facade finishing technologies associated with the use of plaster solutions cannot be recognized perfect. Even with the most thorough work, they suffer significant disadvantages.

First, you need to carefully prepare the surface, given the condition and absorb the properties of the material of the carrier wall.

Secondly, in winter, the wet finish process is not possible. Thirdly, the thin sheath of plaster, even a reinforced with a grid, quickly loses its appearance. It cracks and pecks from the wall during wetting and freezing.

With the following disadvantages, developers had to put up until the fibro-cement panels were created for outdoor finish at home. The country of origin is considered to be Japan.

Pragmatic islanders argued something like this:

  • It is necessary to create a finish that does not have chemical contact with the wall material (will not fall off and poured).
  • It must be dense, but at the same time flexible enough to avoid cracking.
  • Facing is obliged to be durable and maximum resistant to the external environment.
  • Flavoring and toxicity is excluded.
  • The design of the sheet material should ensure simple installation.

The first component for the new composition was found without problems. They became cement. It is durable, resistant to moisture, frost and heat. In order for the thin layer of the frozen solution, the cellulose fiber was introduced into it. It performed the role of microarmatura, perceiving deformation and boiling plasticity.

The new material pleased the creators of an extremely high textured diversity. Until the capture of the cement-cellulose composition, you can give any shape (under a tree, under a brick or wild stone). The color gamut of the new material varies in a wide range by adding dyes resistant to the raw materials.

As you know, the hardened cement solution actively absorbs water. For this reason, fibrotent facade panels at the final stage of production are covered with a protective layer of varnish or silicone.

Main characteristics, sizes

Technical parameters of fibrotent panels rations GOST 8747-88.

This material does not have too much:

  • density not lower than 1.5 g / cm3;
  • frost resistance of at least 100 cycles (40-50 years of operation);
  • water absorption should not exceed 20% of the mass of the slab;
  • bending strength not lower than 24 MPa;
  • shock viscosity - not less than 2 kJ / m2;
  • middle weight 1m2 from 16 to 24 kg.

Compared to a wavy asbotic slate, fibrotent panels are better resisting bending efforts (24 MPa vs. 16 MPa). This means that they can withstand intense winds and point blows of the middle force.

In the construction market panels are represented in a wide dimensional range. Japanese production products can be attributed to the category of fibro-cement siding. These plates are long enough (1820 and 3030 mm). They have a small width of 455 mm and thickness - from 12 to 18 mm.

From domestic and European panels sizes (mm) others:

  • 770x1200;
  • 306x1590;
  • 455x1593;
  • 1190x1560;
  • 1220x2440;
  • 190x3600;
  • 1200x1500;
  • 1220x2520;
  • 1220x3050;
  • 3000x1500;
  • 3600x1500.

The thickness of the Russian-made panels is from 6 to 16 mm.

In addition to sizes, fibrotent plates are distinguished by the shape of the docking edge. Those of those who are mounted on the cleaner plates, long sides have protrusions. They provide a dense fit of cladding on the frame.

The fiber cement plate for the facade can be painted at the factory or go to the consumer without painting. In the second case, it is caused by the object after the installation is completed.

Reviews of fibrotent plates

Let's just say that this type of finish is ideal for the device of the ventilated facade - design, which is beneficial from the point of energy saving and protect the bearing walls.

High strength, non-combustibility, durability and small weight of the fibro-cement composite as it is impossible to suit the difficult conditions of operation of the external cladding. Therefore, the nature of the reviews about this material is mostly positive. Installation of the protective screen from fibro-cement plates is easy and performed at high speed.

The only condition that must be observed at the selection stage is the orientation on proven manufacturers who provide a quality guarantee for their products.


The easiest option of fastening fibro-cement plates is on the carrier frame of planed wooden bars with a cross section of 5x5 cm attached to the wall with a dowel. They are mounted with such a calculation so that the stakes of the plates occurred on the frame rack. The step of the wooden crate must be at least 60 cm.

Installation of the fibric cement plate is performed using stainless steel screws. They are screwed into the frame through the holes drilled in the plates. The depth of installing the screws in the panel should be such that their caps can be hidden using color-sealant colored paste. It is purchased with facing material.

Since the panels from the fibro-cement composition are sufficiently solid, then their cutting should be done using a grinder with a carbide disk. After completion of the joints, the stoves are treated with a sealant to exclude moisture in the space between the facing and the wall.

On the wooden frame, the plates can be put not only on the self-tapping screw, but also on steel plates-beammers. In this case, you need to use a plate with milled edges that create a hidden seam. To increase the tightness of the joints to the vertical racks of the crates fasten a special suture bar or closed the wooden bar from above the sealing ribbon.

Installation of fiber cement siding

A more complex option is a ventilated facade with fiber-cement panels. In this case, you have to do two wooden or metal crates. The first is attached to the wall of the house horizontally. The space between the bars put a slab insulation from Minvati. Then it is closed with a vapor insulation film and the second frame in the vertical direction is already mounted, fixing its racks to the horizontal brushes of the crate.

This installation technology allows you to create between insulation and fibro-cement stove air gap. Through it, water vapor is dismissed into the atmosphere, penetrating the premises through the walls of the building. The mounting of the plates to the crate in this case is also performed using self-tapping screws. Screw them in the slab you need not closer than 3 centimeters from its edge so as the edge will not break. Before installing the facing at the corners and around the openings, the docking profiles are set, covering the ends of the plates and starting strips.

Professional installation of fibro-cement panels involves the use of a metal frame. Steel brackets are fixed before it is installed. Then on the plate dowels, the hard insulation is mounted and the horizontal carrier profile is fixed on the brackets.

After that, the vertical lamp is placed and panel mounting begins. It is carried out in a hidden way using plates-bembols, equipped with hooks for fixing the edges of adjacent plates.

All seams between the plates after the installation is thoroughly embarked in a sealant.

Approximate prices, famous manufacturers

The creators of fibro-cement panels are the Japanese, so their companies ranked dominant positions on the market. They offer high-quality material, the cost of which cannot be called low. Two brands received the greatest fame: Kmew (Kay Em Yu) and Nichiha (Nichiha). The estimated average cost of 1M2 Japanese panels for 2017-2018 is 1600 rubles.

Another famous brand in Russia is the Belgian company Eternit (Siding - Cedral, Plates - Equitone). Prices for siding from fibroter of this manufacturer are balanced in the average price category and amount to 900-1800 rubles / m2., The price of plates starts from 2500 rubles / m2.

From Russian manufacturers of fibrotental plates and siding, you can note the company ROSPAN, CRESPAN, and LATONIT. With a sufficiently high level of quality, their goods are significantly cheaper than Japanese. The average cost of products mentioned domestic firms is 800 rubles / m2.

Nowadays, a variety of materials are used to finish facades, especially since they are presented in a large assortment in the construction market. Fibro cement panels for outdoor decoration are one of the newly emerging facing types, which is becoming increasingly popular among the owners of housing.

The most common facade finish until recently was, more often - on a cement basis, however, they have a number of significant drawbacks that are trying to eliminate manufacturers, equipping the developed compositions with various modified additives. Another direction of development in this direction and was the emergence of fibro-cement finishing panels.

What is fibro-cement facade panels

The main advantages of fibro-cement facing before the traditional plaster

Plaster formulations, despite their continuous technological improvement, still have a number of general negative features. Here you can attribute the following:

  • Under the plastering layer, the wall must be carefully prepared, with the obligatory properties of the material from which the building is built.
  • The repair and finishing of the facade with plaster solutions is impossible or very difficult to carry out at low temperatures, as they are kneaded on the water.
  • The plaster can be applied not too thick layer, and even if it is reinforced by its reinforcement grid, then due to the temperature differences and under the influence of the impact of natural factors, it can be laid out and crack. In addition, the thin layer of material is not able to create at least minimal heat insulation for the walls of the house.

Therefore, at one time, fibrotent panels were developed on the basis of the same cement in Japan, in which all the positive properties of the main material were preserved, as well as various nuances, characteristic of the "classic" plastering layers, were preserved.

  • Panels do not have direct contact with the wall, which means that they can be installed on the surface derived from any material. The main thing is that it has a certain strength.
  • Fibro-cement plates, thanks to the components that are part of them, have a certain flexibility and resistance to bending and squeezing loads, which almost completely eliminates their cracking.
  • Facing walls with panels is much easier than applying a plaster solution, its distribution and smoothing to perfect evenness.
  • To properly the cement-sandy mixture, you need to have enough high skills. The panel can be installed each owner independently, having studied the technology of their installation.

Production of fibro-cement panels

Any modern building composite material passes a complex technological production process for which special equipment is used. The conveyor complex for the manufacture of fibro-cement panels includes a compartment for processing cellulose, mixers, molding and drying cycle. Further, the slab blanks pass the stages of applying protective and coloring layers. To understand how this facing material is manufactured, you can briefly consider this process in stages:

  • As a reinforcing material in the manufacture of fibrotent panels, cellulose fibers (fib) are used that pass complex processing. Cellulose is separated on separate fibers, is repeatedly washed with water and sent to a special sump, and from there comes to the next department where the solution is kneaded.
  • The first step in the preparation of the plates for the plates is all ingredients included in their composition (cement, cellulose, synthetic fibers, sand, additives, facilitating panels) are mixed into a homogeneous mass in dry form in a special drum. Next, water is added to the resulting mass, after which the mixing continues until the formation of a homogeneous mixture.

  • The finished mass is fed to the next department, which is an extruder mixer. From it under high pressure, constituting 650 H / cm², through a special nozzle of a certain configuration, the formed textural fibroten panels are squeezed. After this stage, the material "rests" 6 ÷ 8 hours, while gaining strength.
  • Further, the panels enter a special autoclave, which produces their heat treatment with high temperatures, constituting 170 ÷ 175 degrees and under pressure 10 atmospheres. Due to this process, the formation of calcium hydraulicate, which gives the panels from superposition characteristics.
  • The next step, the dried plates go to the workshop, where protective processing is produced - impregnating by moisture-repellent compositions and anti-static masters, then special paints are applied on them. After their grazing, the panels are coated with photoseramic or hydrophilic ceramic substances forming the molecular oxygen film on the surface. This layer protects the panel from dust and dirt, and also due to it the facade is self-purified during the rain or during the washed of pollution from the hose. In addition, this coating prevents burning out and sweeping the decorative layer.

A hydrophobic primer is applied to the back of the panels, so the plates are protected from both the outer and the inner side.

The main characteristics of fibro-cement panels

The physico-technical and operational characteristics of fibrotent panels produced by different companies can vary somewhat, but mostly the formulation of a mixture of manufacturing is identical. It includes the above components mentioned in the following percentage: cement 85 ÷ 90% of the total mass, and 10 ÷ 15% is mineral additives, fillers and cellulose fiber. Different manufacturers use their addition ingredients, but always make up the solution in such a way as to lead the characteristics of the materials to the standards set for this type.

So, instead of cellulose, fiberglass can be used in the mixture. Almost all Japanese firms necessarily include quartz sand in their composition, which improves the characteristics of the facing material.

Fibro-cement panels have the following qualities, ideally suitable for the facade decoration of buildings built in different climatic regions.

  • Facing material is absolutely not a fuel, so it will become a kind of protection of the walls of the house.
  • There is a resistance to ultraviolet radiation, that is, the finish retains its initial view of the entire operational period.
  • The small weight of the panels greatly simplifies their installation.
  • Low hygroscopicity - panels do not absorb moisture.
  • Inertia to corrosion or erosion of the concrete slab.
  • Heat- and sound insulation properties help to a certain extent to protect the house from heat loss and external noise
  • High strokeness and strength makes the finishing material durable.
  • Material - racks to temperature drops, in the number sharp, with a large amplitude.
  • The decoration does not particularly take the walls, so the load on the foundation increases not so much.
  • Installation of cladding can be made at any temperatures.
  • The material is environmentally friendly, therefore does not allocate harmful evaporation.
  • Aesthetic form of finishes is able to give any walls accuracy, respectability, conceived design of the facade.

Prices for fiber cement panels

fibro cement panels

It is worth saying that some models of fibro-cement panels are produced without a protective and decorative coating. They have not only a lower price, but also a number of flaws, and they can be attributed to them:

  • Considerable hygroscopicity in some varieties.
  • Linear deformation of plates up to 2% - but this is not such a big problem, since it does not lead to the destruction of the material.
  • The need for independent painting panels will increase the finishing price by about 10%. Therefore, it is best to acquire ready-made options that do not require refinement. Moreover, their price is not very different after the acquisition of paint and pay painting works, and sometimes even can exceed the value of a material that does not require staining. For example, if the unpainted version of some types costs from $ 20 per 1m², the price of high-quality products with a decorative coating is about $ 22 per 1m².

The technical characteristics of fibrotent panels with protective coatings are focused on GOST 8747-88, as well as on European standards DIN EN 12467, and must be maintained in the following parameters:

  • The density of the plates material is not less than 1.5 g / cm³.
  • The tensile strength of the bending is 21.5 MPa and more.
  • Moisture absorption - from 7%, but not more than 20% of the total mass.
  • Category of flammability - NG.
  • Frost resistance - 100 and more cycles (approximately 45 ÷ 50 years).
  • Shock viscosity - from 2 kJ / m².
  • The weight of the finishing plate depends on the thickness and density of the material. On average, it is 16 ÷ 24 kg / m².

Learn about the thermal insulation plates of the new generation, from the new article on our portal -

Forms, Reliefs, Coloring and Dimensions of Panels

The assortment of construction stores features plates with various textured patterns, as well as in a wide range of sizes. In addition, the panels may have different forms, so the facade cladding is significantly different. It can be a smooth surface, simulate one or other brick or stone masonry, or even cladding board by type of siding.

The variety of colors of fibro-cement plates amazes - they are so much that it will be difficult to stop at any one of them. Panels have deep rich pastel shades, which gives the structure aesthetic appearance. They can be selected for any selected designer style of the facade and the color solving of the roof.

It is impossible not to mention separately and on a special coating of mineral crumbs, which is applied to moisture-resistant and frost-resistant compuined compositions that make panels more resistant to mechanical loads, as well as to the effects of natural factors.

The dimensional range is also large enough. It is important here to note that manufacturers of different countries make panels of the OPs own standards, not particularly dragging together. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase the entire volume of the material immediately, which is necessary for the structure of the structure, so as not to get into the embarrassing situation when the facing panels are over, and there is no longer this type in the store

  • Plate thickness can vary from 6 to 35 mm.
  • Length and width:

Products of Japanese companies mainly have a size of 910 × 3030, 455 × 3030 and 455 × 1818 mm.

Standard parameters of Russian manufacturers panels are 1200 × 1500, 1200 × 2400, 3000 × 1500 and 3600 × 1500 mm. "Siding boards" are manufactured in a format of 3600 × 200, 3000 × 200, 3300 × 470 mm, but other lengths of the length and width of the panels are possible.

Standard sizes of European products are quite numerous: it is 1200 × 770, 1590 × 306, 1593 × 455, 3600 × 190, 1500 × 1200, 1560 × 1190, 2440 × 1220, 2520 × 1220, 3000 × 1500, 3050 × 1220, 3600 × 1500 mm

Application areas of fibrotent panels

This type of cladding has been known for several decades, but in our areas it has been widely used relatively recently. Initially, consumers were "embarrassed" high rates, but after the fibro-cement panels began to make Russian manufacturers and the price of this facing material decreased significantly.

Due to its high physico-technical and aesthetic characteristics, the plates are increasingly used for the following purposes:

  • As a windproof and additional heat insulating layer for capital walls of the structure.
  • As an aligning coating and decorative design of the surfaces of new houses and during the reconstruction of old buildings.
  • The finish of prefabricated and frame houses, as the material has all the necessary qualities for this.
  • Using panels when adjusting ventilated facades.
  • The material is suitable and used both for residential low-rise buildings and for industrial and office buildings.

Basic manufacturers of fibro-cement panels

Today, there are quite many companies producing producers engaged in the manufacture of fiber-cement facade and baseboards. Therefore, before you stop at one of the models, it is recommended to consider several options, as they can differ significantly, despite the fact that the price of them will be about the same.

In addition to quality, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the manufacturer of panels are produced by the accessories and fastening elements that must be included with the facing material. Perhaps this factor will slightly increase the price of the panel, but it is not necessary to look for suitable parts, without which it is impossible to achieve the desired accurate face of the facade.

So, on the modern construction market, the fibrotent panels of the following companies producers are most popular: "Nichiha" and "Kmew" (Japan); "LTM", "Rospane", "Craspan" and "Latonit" (Russia); "Eternit" (Belgium).

Products of Russian manufacturers

Table of physico-technical characteristics of fibrotent facade plates of some domestic manufacturers who have won recognition from Russian buyers:

Water absorption, no more,%10 ÷ 16.20 20 18
Expansion from moisture, no more, mm / m2 2 1.8 2
Porosity,%25 23 23 22
Frost resistance (cycles)50 100 150 150
Density, kg / m31500 1650 1500 1650
A combustion groupG1.G1.G1.G1.
1200 1200 5.5 1400
1400 1300 7.5 1500
Bending strength, MPa18 ÷ 25.17 ÷ 26.24 16 ÷ 26.
0.3 0.25 0.2 0.6
Thickness (mm)6, 8, 10 6, 8, 10 7, 8, 10, 14, 18 8, 9, 11, 16
Width (mm)306, 455 1195 1190, 1220 200
Length (mm)1200, 1590, 3000 and 36002500, 2780, 2800, 3050, 3100 1560, 2400 1800, 3000, 3600
Mass (kg / m²)16 ÷ 18.6 mm - 15.7;
8 mm - 19.0;
10 mm - 22.6.
8 mm - 10.58 mm - 10.5;
9 mm - 13.5;
11 mm - 18;
16 mm - 16 ÷ 19
Availability of fittingsCorner elements.NotAttachments under the installation of panels.

And now - some information specifically by manufacturers.

Fibro-cement panels "Rospan"

The company producing construction materials under the Rospan brand has been operating on the market for 20 years and manufactures fibrotent siding, which enjoys very high demand for

Size of the materials of this manufacturer are presented in the table above. And then you need to clarify some also important nuances:

  • Siding "ROSPAN" is equipped with a three-layer coating, which provides reliable protection and material itself, and its decorative finishes from any external influences. The panels are coated with two layers of acrylic facade paint of the Finnish manufacturer, and then a transparent silicone layer.
  • The depth of the relief pattern of siding can be 3 ÷ 4 mm and ideally imitates a natural stone or wood texture.
  • The material is designed to preserve its functional qualities at temperatures from -40 to +55 degrees and maximum air humidity 95%.

Prices for Siding "Rospan"

siding Rospan

  • The variety of colors and reliefs of fiber-cement siding allows you to choose an ideal option for the design of the facade and be unrecognizable to transform the appearance of the building.

Fibro cement platesLTM

TD LTM LLC has been manufacturing facing panels from Fibrcecement since 2008. The manufacture of plates is carried out on modern high-tech equipment, so products have high quality at an affordable price.

The panels have a reliable coating, which perfectly opposes external aggressive impacts, such as ultraviolet rays, moisture, wind and various contamination.

The company manufactures four types of panels, from which you can choose the desired, depending on the operational directions of the structure and from its regional location:

  • Moisture-resistant panels AQUA class is used to decorate walls of buildings designed for high humidity, such as baths, swimming pools, car wash, showers, as well as some wellness centers in which water procedures are conducted.
  • Facade panels To which the Models "CEMBOARD HD", "Cemcolour", "Natura", "Cemstone" and others with high strength and density. This material has a special acrylic colorful protective coating capable of making finishing with wear-resistant and inert to external influence.
  • Windproof panels they have an average density and are excellent for finishing high-rise buildings, or buildings located in windy regions, for example, in seaside zones. These plates are more designed to protect the walls from purging and noise from the outside.
  • Fire resistant panels low density is designed for cladding buildings to which the increased requirements of fire safety are presented. These buildings include multi-tiered car parks, business and shopping centers, as well as any buildings designed for a large cluster of people.

The table below shows the average indicators of the facade facing material.

The color range of the panels of this manufacturer is wide enough, but these are inappropriate, pastel shades, on which the view rests. They give the structure respectability and relative rigor.

Craspan panels

Kraspan has been operating since 1999 and manufactures different materials for the design of facades, one of which is fibrotent panels. In addition to them, the manufacturer has developed and elements of subsystems to which cladding plates are fixed.

The development of "Craffa", developed in production, includes the following subsystems, significantly simplifying installation work:

  • The L-shaped subsystem has a unique manufacturability that accelerates the facing installation by using adjustable moving elements having a size of 110, 115 and 210 mm, selected depending on the thickness of the insulation matte and the irregularities of the wall.

  • The U-shaped system "Craffang" is designed to ensure the strength of the structure, due to the four rigors. It is possible to adjust the curvature of the wall by adjusting the suspension brackets in a step of 5 mm.

The use of fibro-cement panels in the complex with the mentioned subsystems allows you to correct any geometry of the walls of the facade, eliminating all irregularities, and without additional preparatory work on leveling surfaces.

Prices for fibro-cement panels "Craspan"

fibro cement panels of Craspan

In addition, a wide range of shade solutions allows you to implement any designer ideas about the design of the facade of the house.

Fibro cement plates "Clepless" are perfectly opposed to electromagnetic and ultraviolet radiation, and with properly, high-quality installation is capable of preserving the walls of the structure and ensure its long-term operation without repairs.

Find out what option to choose from our new article on our portal.

Fibro-cement plates "Latonite"

OJSC LATO produces fibrotent plates from 2013, but despite the very modest experience, many builders have already managed to evaluate the quality of products of this manufacturer.

Latonite panels are manufactured in different versions:

  • Pressed painted plates Used to finish interiors and facades. Facing will last long time, as the plates have high technical characteristics.
  • Pressed unpainted panels Used only to finish the facade of the house, as they have low thermal conductivity, resistance to weathering influences and mechanical effects. However, this option of panels requires additional paintwork treatment.
  • Unpainted and unfolded finishing panels Used only for facing the inner walls of the premises. They are manufactured according to standard sizes and to order. The material has high strength and resistance to mechanical effects, but also require staining.
  • Fiber cement facade siding - This is the material of the new generation, which is designed for facing the facade. Siding "boards" have high strength and reliably protect the capital wall from moisture and ultraviolet radiation.

The facade panels "Latonite" are produced not only in pastel shades, but also in a more juicy color scheme, which will make the facade of the house bright and beautiful, when looking at which the mood will inevitably rise. In addition, the manufacturer provides the service of selecting and staining panels in the color selected by the catalog.

With a fairly high level of quality plates and siding of Russian manufacturers, the price of domestic products is significantly lower than imported analogs, and on average, 800 rubles per m² in 2016.

Products of leading foreign manufacturers

The table of the physico-technical and operational characteristics of fibro-cement panels from the most popular foreign manufacturers companies that represent their products on the Russian construction market:

The main physico-technical and operational characteristics"Nichiha" (Japan)"KMEW" (Japan)"Eternit", "Equitone" panels and siding "Cedral" (Belgium - Germany)
Water absorption,%, no more3 20 20
Expansion from moisture, mm / m, no more1.55 1.75 1.5 ÷ 1.75
Porosity,%22 23 23
Frost resistance (cycles)150 150 150
Density, kg / m31400 1300 1650
A combustion groupG1.G1.G1.
Elasticity module along the fibers, N / mm²1400 1300 5.5
Elasticity Module across fibers, N / mm²1500 1500 7.5
Bending strength, MPa24 24 24
W / m × ºС thermal conductivity coefficient0.32 0.25 0.25
Thickness (mm)14, 16, 18, 21, 25, 35 14, 16, 18 8, 10, 12
Width (mm)455 and 910.455 190, 1250
Length (mm)1818 and 3030.3030 2550, 3100, 3600
Weight (kg / m²)14 mm - 16.5;
16 mm - 18.9.
14 mm - 13 ÷ 15;
16 mm - 15 ÷ 16.
8 mm - 14.9;
12 mm - 23.2.
Availability of fittings and challengesMetal and fibrotenal corner.
Start and finishing strips.

Corrective paint, flow and kleimers.
Starting, corner, final and dividing plank.
Corrective paint and klyamimers.

Plates from Fibrocement "Nichiha"

Nichiha was formed in 1956, but in Russia she opened its representation only in 2012, and in a short time it has already deserved quite great popularity.

The panels of this manufacturer have a multilayer coating, which perfectly protects their surface from any external influence, so the material is called weatherproof.

The Nichiha panel gives the walls excellent sound insulation, comparable to double double glazing, so the house will be securely protected from extraneous noise.

Plates are resistant to ultraviolet radiation, so the finish is practically not faded.

The technologists and designers of Nichiha have also provided for the production of additional elements that decorate the external and internal corners of the structure. Such fair profiles produce from fibrcement, as well as metal or plastic.

Decorative angular lining designed to connect the front panels on external corners and ensuring the tightness of the facing. This element is able to hide the errors made at the design of the angle. This part is made of fiberglass and fasten with fibrotent panels with self-tapping screws.

Metal corner it is also used to make an angle, but this inset will differ from the main finish with texture and color.

Fibro-cement angular element orders or purchased with the main material, as they must have the same relief and color.

When installing angular elements, you need to install additional details of the crate.

The price of this manufacturer in 2016 for m² begins from 1575 rubles, and may vary depending on the region.

Panel "Kmew"

"KMEW" is one of the leading companies in Japan, which supplies its unrivaled products by many countries of the world for over 30 years.

The panels are made from an ultra-resistant cement, and have several layers of protective coatings - it is painted with different shades, as well as an outer layer of ceramic spraying, which protects the applied decor from the penetration of ultraviolet rays.

During the existence of the company, a very large number of embossed drawings were developed, imitating various materials - this is a "wild" stone, brick or stone masonry and tile of different shapes. The coating of the material has a pronounced self-cleaning property, so it is easy for trim.

The disadvantage of this material can be called a long delivery, as not all panel varieties are presented on the Russian market, and some of the options selected by the catalog are delivered from Japan to a specified period that can be about two months.

The price per m² of the panels of this manufacturer in 2018 on average is 1,800 rubles.

Video: quickly and reliably - finishing the facade of the house by Japanese fibrotent panels

Products of "Eternit"

More than the age-old experience in the field of building materials - Eternit Company

"Eternit" is a Belgian company with more than a century of experience in the production of building materials. The panels of various forms are manufactured at the factories in Germany and Belgium, and then enter the warehouses of many countries of the world. From fibroten finishes, the company manufactures the "Equitone" panel and CEDRAL siding.

CEDRAL has 32 standard colors that are given in the color card, the main colors can have different shades that are executed on the order.

The material is equipped with two layers of coating - it is colorful and protective, well, the back of the panels is also covered with waterproof compositions that do not allow penetration into the moisture and appearance of erosion.

Siding from fibrobeton in appearance resembles the usual painted boards, and even has a certain amount of qualities characteristic of wood. Moreover, in some of its properties, he surpasses wood, such as its ingright, resistance to moisture and to the appearance of fungal formations.

The manufacturer gives a guarantee of preserving the original color of the finish for 10 years or more, since the external coating reliably protects the colorful composition from ultraviolet rays.

Equitone (Natura) have the same physical characteristics as siding, and as a wide range of colors, from light pastel to saturated deep shades, but the other size and shape.

The average prices in Russia on CEDRAL siding in 2016 ranges from 900 to 1800 rubles per m², on the plates "Equitone" - from 2500 rubles.

In addition to the above-mentioned companies, other manufacturers from countries such as Malaysia, China and Taiwan appear on the market, which may have a lower price. But still, buying an external finish for the house, it is recommended to give preference to those products that are checked for long exploitation and thereby gained popularity in consumers in various parts of the world.

Find out from our new article with step-by-step instructions and video.

Features of mounting fibrotent panels

General principles of fixing fiber cement facing

The fixing of fibro-cement panels on the surfaces of the walls of the house, as is the installation of any facing materials, has a number of specific features that you need to obtain information before starting finishing works.

IllustrationPossible options and installation features
The first thing that must be taken into account when installing the plates is that the facing can be fixed directly to the wall with the help of self-tapping screws, or to the skeleton frame installed on the facade side of the wall of the house.
As in one and other embodiment, special scaimeters are used for the installation of this material, through which the screws are screwed into the elements of the crate or into the wall.
Fibro-cement boards are fixed with kleimers to each rack of the crate, that is, in a step of 600 mm horizontally, and in the strengthening of the building, in the tombie, in the corners of the building or in the fields of adjustment to window and doorways - even more often.
The option of fastening the panels to the crate is selected to facilitate installation work, creating an air layer between the capital wall and facing, as well as for the formation of the necessary space for the installation of certain insulation materials.
Although the fastening of fibro-cement panels to the wall or frame without using brackets is not particularly recommended, in some cases without the use of this method it does not work out. For example, if fibro-cement boards require fixation in areas where it is simply impossible to establish brackets on them.
In this case, in the panel, the through hole is drilled through which the screws will be screwed. Its cap is taken to the plate material at 1 ÷ 1.5 mm.
After completing the installation of the facing, the holes are neatly embarrassed by the plaster moisture-resistant mixture or pasta-sealant, which is selected in the color of the panels or often even goes with them in the kit.
Several differs installation of fiber-cement siding, mounted at an angle, the top of the upper boards to the lower, according to the type "Christmas tree" or "shipboard".
Siding is fixed only on the upper side of the panel to each of the shell racks.
When docking the boards in length, it is necessary to save the gap in 2 mm between them - it is necessary to compensate for the linear thermal expansion of the material while increasing the ambient temperature.
Hats of self-tapping screws, screwed up at the top of the siding panels, overlapped with the boards fixed above.
Another option to fasten the plates to the wall is a framework, that is, a metal framework is recorded on the crate or wall, in the grooves of which fibro-cement panels are installed and fisted.
In this case, not only the surface of the plates, but also the planks of the frames themselves will be visible.
The approximate scheme of this installation is presented in the figure.
Installation of crates is made using a wooden bar or a metal galvanized profile.
Horizontal framework elements consisting of timber must have a cross-section of 50 × 30 mm, they are installed on a wall with a pitch of 600 mm. To fix them, anchor attachments mounted in a step of 600 mm are used.
The vertical racks of the crates usually have an exemplary size in a section of 40 × 70 mm and are fixed on each of the horizontal elements with two screws. The distance between the vertical bars is also 600 mm.
These parameters are advisable to adhere to also because the overwhelming majority of insulation are manufactured precisely with such dimensions, and therefore, their laying will be easier and with a minimum amount of waste.
Sometimes facing the facade of fibro-cement plates or boards is carried out from the breakfast and before the adjuncing to the eaves, without the separation of the base.
In this case, the framework for fastening the panel finish is made shared.
If it is planned to endure the base for the formation of space to which the insulation will be installed or falling down, you can equip such a frame as shown in the illustration.
After fixing the plates on the base part of the wall, the entire space between the stoves and the capital wall is recommended, fill the medium fraction with a grainzite. This material is not only an excellent insulation, but also an indispensable protection against rodents, which bypass it.
In some cases, not to resort to plastering of built walls, the gap between them and the facing layer can be filled with cement mortar mixed with polystyrene foam crumbs or polyurethane foam.
Filling the clearance of the insulation mixture is performed in series, as the finishing panels are fixed.
Whatever installation method is chosen, starts work from the bottom of the wall or from the breakfast, provided that it is planned to bind the same material and the building base.
If the plates have to cut, configuring them to each other, then the sleeps necessarily need to cry acrylic paint, which often comes with a finishing material. The paint not only disguises the slice of the plate, which may differ in color, but will be a good protection for the end part of the penetration of moisture and from the effects of other negative factors.
Upon completion of the installation of panels on the base part of the wall, above it, immediately around the perimeter of the entire structure, a metal tump with a dropper is fixed.
The tide under the facing plates can have different designs, but the simplest and easily fixed option is the element fixed on the wall.
Next, when installing wall panels, their lower cladding will be hidden.
To carefully fasten the panels around the windows, special separation planks are fixed on the crate.
Upon completion of the installation of panels around window or doorways, it is recommended to close the gaps formed by their perimeter, a special decorative corner, which will enjoy the cladding.
If there are wide slides around around the window, which also accounted for fibro-cement panels, so that the joint between the frame and finishing material was also neat, a special starting profile is fixed to the box of the window, the stoves are installed.
If necessary, the gaps before installing the cladding plates are laid sealant.
On the inner and external corners of the house, with the goal of masking the joints of the corners of the panels, special fittings are also installed - corners or separation planks. These elements will be presented below, with a more detailed description of the installation work.

Installation work on installing fibrotent panels « KMEW »

The company produces both the stoves themselves and all the fittings necessary for them and fixing the fittings, as well as sealants and paints for waterproofing and disguise the screws of screws and junctions between the plates.

The design of the facing of the insulated facade of fibric cement plates should be well ventilated. Therefore, forming a framework, it is necessary to provide ventilation lumets for circulation of air flow. When performing installation work, an individual approach to each individual structure is required, taking into account its architectural features. But in any case, there is an unacceptable violation of the installation of the facade design with an external finish from fibric cement plates, otherwise under the influence of moisture and temperature drops, the facing material can be unnecessarily spoiled with time.

IllustrationNuances that need to be considered when installing fibrotent panels
The manufacturer does not recommend without particular need to fix the facade fibro-cement panels directly to a metal or wooden frame, flashing them through self-draws and nails.
If gaps and gaps are formed between the elements of the design during installation, they must be sealing with a sealant, otherwise water will fall in them.
When the moisture temperature decreases, turn into out, which partially destroys the plates. As a result, some panels will have to be dismantled and replaced with new on time.
The ventilation lumen between the fibro-cement panel and the layer of the insulation (or the wall of the building) should be protected from the wind and moisture of a solid vapor-permeable membrane.
You can not install the panels on the starting bar of the online approach, since the slots in which the non-evapatory moisture will accumulate, resulting in the mold.
The fungus spreads rapidly and therefore quickly reaches the insulation or capital walls of the house.
Therefore, between the starting profile and the lower edge of the first row panels, it is necessary to form a ventilation gap of 10 ÷ 15 mm wide.
Mounting panels with uneven bumps should be avoided.
The manufacturer recommends fixing the panel of the symmetrically central vertical axis of the facade. It will be possible only when applying the separation plank.
It is not recommended to install the panels on the inclined roof parapet. It is best for this purpose to use special roofing materials.
Fibro cement plates, with all their hardness, are still not designed for this type of load.

To work successfully, it is necessary to know all the technological nuances of mounting the KMEW panels, which the manufacturer recommends considering the manufacturer.

So, the facing of the facade wall is carried out in the following order:

IllustrationBrief description of the operation
The first step is mounted frame of crates on the capital wall of the facade.
This part of the design can be made of a wooden bar treated with antiseptic compositions, or a metal galvanized profile.
KMEW manufactures special profiles for the formation of a frame, which are suitable for considerable panels.
The thickness of the metal from which the frame profiles are manufactured can be from 1.6 to 2.3 mm.
The vertical timber or the guide of the metal profile in the KMEW system is fixed in a step of no more than 606 mm from each other - this will be given the optimal clearance for laying mineral wool insulation blocks.
If necessary, the racks can be pulled from the wall to the distance, which depends on the thickness of the insulation, provided if it is provided for the thermal insulation of the walls of the building.
If the wall is high enough, then the vertical elements every 1000 ÷ 1200 mm in height are amplified with horizontal crossbones from the same material.
If the insulation layer is mounted, the thermal insulation mats are installed between the elements of the crate and are fixed to the capital wall using special fasteners with a wide hat, the so-called "fungi", which reliably fit the material to the surface.
It is very important to ensure that when installing various structural elements, the error was not more than 2 mm.
That is, when docking parts, their shift or gaps are allowed not more than the specified value, but it is impossible to exceed, as this will affect the reliability of the fastening of the fibro-cement panels.
In the KMEW system, all necessary fasteners are provided, including for docking vertical and horizontal profiles.
When marking and installing guides, their correspondence of vertical and horizontal is constantly monitored using a construction level or a laser plane builder.
After the racks of the crates are installed, the starting plank is made to the lower horizontal profile or bruus, which simultaneously becomes a sampling for the base part of the wall.
The fasteners are screwed into 400 ÷ 600 mm in increments.
If the wall of the facade has a rather large length, you will have to use two starting planks (sometimes more).
They are combined by the mustache, which should be at least 50 mm. At the same time, the lower edge of one and the top edge of another plank unfold and trimmed as shown in the illustration.
It is very important to correctly form an external and inner corner from the starting plank when it turns it to the next wall.
Having measured the desired size of the bar and the place of the cutout, it is placed on it and is discharged using a marker a fairly complex configuration of the removable area, which is cut with scissors for metal.
In order not to spoil the profile, you can practice on a cardboard "substitute", drawing up the template, cutting and folding the angle.
Applying this method of registration of corner areas of the structure, one can achieve that the angle will be completely protected from moisture penetration.
After fixing the starting plank throughout the perimeter of the structure, thermally insulating mats are stacked between the framework stands, if they are provided for the project.
Next, you can proceed to the floorproofing membrane flooring on top of the frame and insulation.
It is very important to consolidate this material correctly, since the integrity of the capital walls will depend on this, the durability of the thermal insulation layer and, it became, to preserve heat in the house.
The installation of the membrane begins on the bottom of the frame structure, and its lower edge should close half the vertical part of the starting plank, to which it is fixed on moisture-resistant and frost-resistant bilateral tape.
On the upper edge, the canvas is glued to the frame racks on the same adhesive two-sided tape.
Here it should also be noted that the following, the upper web of the membrane is laid on the latter on the lower per 90 ÷ 100 mm.
It is convenient that the distance is noted on the KMEW branded membranes with a barcode on the upper and lower edge of the canvas.
Installation of the membrane is made to the right left, and if its web has to be combined horizontally, then they are mounted on a distance that is provided between the frame racks, that is, the edges of each of the combined canvases must be fixed on two racks.
It is very important, the flooring of the membrane, preserving its integrity at the corners of the structure.
I.e. Not fixed on each wall a separate canvas, and fixing it on one side of the building, then wrapped over the angle on the second wall.
Around the window and doorways are most convenient to fix the membrane on the same double-sided waterproof tape.
It is glued around the perimeter of the openings, starting from the lower horizontal side.
The scotch is then fixed on the sides of the opening, and last time - at the top edge.
Before sticking the membrane, the upper protective substrate is removed from the tape, and then the edge of the canvas is tightly pressed against the adhesive strip.
After the entire surface of the walls is tightened with a vapor-permeable windproof membrane, you can proceed to the preparation of the installation of fibro-cement panels.
Their cutting is convenient to produce a manual circular saw with a special disk, and it is better that the tool is connected to the dust collection.
A metal line is installed on the panel, in which the edge of the saw platform will be dripped, and the cut is made according to the drawn line.
Performing this work, it is necessary to protect the respiratory tract from cement dust with a respirator, and the eyes - special glasses.
When marking and cutting the panels are stacked by the front side down.
If you cut on the front side, the edge of the cut is often formed irregularities and bursavar.
After the preparation of facing material to the installation, a long starting fastening bracket is fixed, which is fixed from above the starting plank.
The lower edge of this profile must coincide with the bottom edge of the membrane.
Since this planka is designed to create an ideal horizontal location of the panels, it is strictly exhibited by the construction level.
The fixation of this element is made by self-testers, which are screwed through the bracket, membrane and starting bar into the horizontally located frame profile.
The bracket has below the perforated holes, which will provide high-quality facade ventilation.
The attachment of this element is carried out in increasing no more than 606 mm.
Next, the installation of external fibro-cement corners are made, which are purchased in the complex with plates.
The bottom of the decorative angular element is installed in the fixed long bracket.
The top edge of the corner is fastened from two sides to special brackets - klyamimers, which are screwed by self-drawing to the corner frame of the frame.
Next, the next corner is set as follows and are attached by the same principle.
When the entire corner area of \u200b\u200bthe facing will be collected in the height of the structure, the separation planks are recorded along the edges of its edges.
They will be located at the junction of panels and angular elements, and are designed to prevent their displacement during installation and during operation.
Next, the first fibro-cement panel is installed.
It is mounted so that the protrusion on the back of the panel entered the groove of the starting bracket.
The top side of the panel is fixed on the vertical racks of the crate using special brackets - kleimers for flat plates.
Fastening is carried out with a self-tapping screw for each frame rack.
On the mounting brackets there are several holes through which these elements can be screwed to the racks. However, the optimal option will fix it to the frame through the hole located in the middle.
On the vertical joints of the panels, a separation plan is installed, preventing the panels offset relative to each other from a single vertical plane.
The separation plank is fixed on both sides to the vertical frame stands.
The fixation is made in a step at a height of no more than 600 mm.
Invalid installation of panels without a separation plank in vertical joints, since without it it is impossible to maintain the same seam size over the entire height of the joint.
In this regard, the displacement of the panels can occur, which will make the facing extremely non-accurate.
The size of the seam formed by the separation bar is 10 mm.
If there is in the architectural structure of the structure of the inner corners, they need to consolidate a special internal drainage corner in them.
He will protect this area of \u200b\u200bthe facade from the penetration and accumulation of moisture, and therefore from the formation of mold.
In addition, it will give the junction of the panels on the inner corner due accuracy.
Next, with one of the parties, the corner is installed on top of the corner, which is also fixed on the frame racks using mounting cracks.
Then, a one-sided dividing plank is fixed into the angle, which will close the corner gap between the stoves and retain its size over the entire height of the angle.
The next step, on the other side of the separation plank, the second panel forming an internal angle is mounted.
Thus, the entire corner node is obtained neat and protected from moisture penetration.
In the areas of the facade, where to fasten the panels, it is problematic to use brackets, for example, under window and other openings, special gaskets are used, which will be spaced items.
Their thickness should be equal to the distance between the waterproofing membrane and the facing panels.
The spacer pads will keep the panel at the desired distance from the wall, at the level of the upper surface of the separation plank.
Here the mounting panels is carried out through the panel and gasket, to frame racks that are mounted more often in this place.
The screw of the screw is removed in the surface of the panel to a depth of 0.5 ÷ 1 mm.
Installation of panels to side sides of window or doorways is made on pre-enshrined one-sided dividing strips.
At the top cornese edge of the facade, the final plank is fixed.
Its width is selected taking into account the thickness of the panel, so the facing must enter the slots of the plank.
In this profile, ventilating holes are also provided, so air flows entering under lining through the perforation of the lower fastener brackets will freely exit through the final bar.
On this illustration, it is well shown how a facing fibrotent panel must be installed in the final bar.
In order for the final panel to be tightly fixed to the vertical elements of the crate, and there were no free lumes in the fastening site between them, spacer pads are also installed.
To secure the panel through the gasket to the vertical rack, a white-length of 60 mm is used.
Fastening is made on the top edge of the panel, with an indent from the edge of 70 mm.
All hats of self-tapping screws are gently close in moisture-resistant sealant for outdoor work.
It is purchased together with the finishing material, and has the same color as fibro-cement panels.
If white sealant is bought, then after grazing the place of application is covered with paint.
After all installation is completed, it is necessary to close the sealant of the vertical stove dock.
For this, the protruding surfaces of the separation plank are cleaned with a soft brush.
The next step on the edge of the knocked plates is glued with a protective tape (greater tape). It is necessary to ensure that silicone does not get on the surface of the panels.
And then this limit strip is covered with a special primer to create better adhesion materials.
Further, Silicone is neatly applied to the seam prepared and primed by primer.
Its layer must completely close the surface of the separation plank, and speak a little from the surface.
After applying silicone composition, while it is not dry, it is smoothed by a rubber or special flexible spatula.
Moreover, by conducting a tool on the seam, it is necessary to ensure that the working surface of the spatula is captured and 7 ÷ 8 mm of facing plates from each side.
When driving a spatula on the surface of the plates, their relief will be formed on silicone sealant. Thus, after a complete burden, the sealant seam will be almost imperceptible.
If the seams are painted with white sealant, then waiting until it dries, the seam is also painted with appropriate paint.
The protective tape can be removed immediately, and if staining is planned, then after grazing the paint.
As a result, the facade will be covered with a neat seamless decorative coating, indistinguishable from embossed plaster.
In addition, fibro-cement plates will become excellent protection for capital walls from moisture and wind.

To bring the details of the fibro-cement panels of all known brands with all the technological nuances on the scale of one publication - it is simply no possibility, since different models have its own specifics and their own regulatory indicators. In any case, it should be relying on the installation instructions that must be attached to the acquired batch of material.

Ten not less, the overall feature of any high-quality fibro-cement panels are that this is modern material with which you can quickly separate the facade of any building. Facing is obtained durable, reliable, and, importantly, extremely beautiful. And as it was seen from the shown step-by-step instructions, the majority of the master houses can cope with the task of independent installation of such facades.

Why fibro-cement panels won such popularity In the construction market? If you compare them with any other facing material, we will see many advantages thanks to which they are so in demand.

The advantages of fibrotent panels:

We produce fibro-cement panels painted and textured High quality, we give a guarantee up to 15 years on the coating, offer low prices, carry out shipment throughout Russia. We make free calculation of materials for outdoor finishing with fibrotent panels, Let's give free consultations and installation instructions of the facade.

The composition of fibrotental plates: Panelsconsist of cement 90% and the remaining 10% are cellulose fiber and mineral supplements that make plates durable and light. All components of the components are absolutely harmless to health.

Fibro cement panelsmolded under high pressure, which provides very high density and durability. The finished sheets of fiber cement are ground and painted on modern, high-tech, imported equipment using Finnish-production acrylic paint.

Panel coverage protects it From the temperature differences of the environment from +60 to -80 degrees and various climatic influences.

Prices for fiber cement panels for exterior decoration

Fibro cement panels are either, with decorative coating or natural stone crumb.

We offer minimal prices for facade panels - from 533 rubles / m2, all prices depend on the volume and we make additional discounts.

Photo of facade panels

Description and coating of facade panels

Standard dimensions of facade panels

Price in rubles. with VAT (depends on volume)

Fibro cement panel thickness 6 mm. 1200*1500*6 from 533 rubles. m2.

Fibroplita smooth coated "Premium", Thickness 6 mm. 1200*1500*6, from 557 rubles. m2.
Fibropanel smooth covered with the coated "Standard", thickness 8 mm. from 645 rubles. m2.

Facade panel smooth covered, coated "Premium", thickness 8 mm. 1200 * 1500 * 8, 1500 * 3000 * 8, 1500 * 3600 * 8 mm from 665 rubles. m2.

Fibro cement panel smooth-wide, additionally observed, coated "Standard", thickness 8 mm. 1200 * 1500 * 8, 1500 * 3000 * 8, 1500 * 3600 * 8 mm from 760 rubles. m2.

Fibroplita smooth-wide, additionally observed, coated "Premium" ( Antivandal), thickness 8 mm. 1200 * 1500 * 8, 1500 * 3000 * 8, 1500 * 3600 * 8 mm from 780 rubles. m2.

Fibro cement panelsmooth covered, coated "Standard", Thickness 10 mm. 1500 * 3000 * 10 mm from 870 rubles. m2.
Fibro cement platesmooth covered, coated "Premium" (anti-vandal), thickness 10 mm. 1500 * 3000 * 10 mm from 890 rubles. m2.
Fibro-cement siding structural 200 * 3000 * 8 mm from 830 rubles. m2.

Prices for facade fibro-cementpanels with textured coating

Fibro cement panel with decorative coating Mosaic, sponge, spray from 705 rubles. m2.

Fibro cement panel with decorative coating Flock chips 1200 * 1500 * 8 mm, 1500 * 3000 * 8 mm from 705 rubles. m2.

Fibro cement panel with decorative coating Shagreen 1200 * 1500 * 8 mm, 1500 * 3000 * 8 mm from 705 rubles. m2.

Fibro cement panel coated Koroed, oak bark 1200 * 1500 * 8 mm, 1500 * 3000 * 8 mm from 705 rubles. m2.

Fibro cement panel with genuine stone crumb 1200 * 1500 * 8 mm, 1500 * 3000 * 8 mm from 755 rubles. m2.
Attention! The markup for sawing is not polished fibro-cement plate in the size of the customer - 75 rubles per 1 m2
Attention! The markup for sawing the polished fibro-cement plate in the size of the customer - 90 rubles per 1 m2

Description of the coating of smooth-painted facade fibrotent panels:

  • Fibro cement panels coated Standard Color
  • This is a standard fibro-cement plate, the base of the plate has dimensions of 1500 * 1200 mm., 1500 * 3000 mm, 1500 * 3600 mm. and a thickness of 6mm., 8 mm., or 10 mm.
  • It may be additionally polished with the standard basis, it gives the fibrotent panel perfect evenness and smoothness. It is painted in any color on various color solutions directories on your choice.except metallic colors.
  • Such panels have been used for the exterior decoration of buildings for many years. have proven to be the best way.
  • They have set of all the necessary accompanying documentation and technical assessment.
  • Fibro-cement panels with premium coating
  • These are fibro-cement plates with special anti-vandal coatings, the base of the plate has dimensions of 1500 * 1200 mm., 1500 * 3000 mm, 1500 * 3600 mm. and a thickness of 6mm., 8 mm., or 10 mm.
  • They are more wear-resistant and stable The temperature differences, possess high vapor permeability and weather resistance.
  • It is painted in any color on various catalogs of color solutions to your choice, except metallic colors, have all the necessary accompanying documents.
  • Anti-vandal coating can be matte or glossyFor individual requests, we also make a coating half-one.
  • Video - Checking coating for anti-vandality .

Facade panels thick 8 and 10 mm. Used for buildings or cladding of houses, and fibro-cement plates with a thickness of 6 mm. Used for interior decorations.

Plates on the facade are attached to a metal design () on technology.

Outdoor decoration with fibrotent panels - installation features

Fibro cement facade panels mounted on the wall of the building With the help of a metal crate -. Depending on the features of your building there are 3 types of facade systems for finishing the facade fibrocement:

  • with help horizontal vertical facade Designs.
  • Facing on a lightweight scheme, with vertical facade system.
  • Building decorationwith the design of the facade crate, which is attached to the overlap between the floors.

Each of these systems has its own features of technology. which can be viewed in. If necessary, we can send you fastening nodes in DWG format, for design.

Types of facade plates for finishing facade:

Facade panels based on a fiber-cement or asbestos-cement sheet, smooth-wide or textured, as well as panels with natural stone crumb.

How will panels be located on the wall of the facade, is determined when the design work and the preparation of design and estimate documentation is carried out. If the panels are not standard sizes, then they must be cut before assembling or order from the manufacturer of the plates of the desired size. The sawing of the panels must be performed only from the wrong, back side.

Cutting panels are made on the cutting table, which should ensure the geometric accuracy of the work, using special equipment.

The markup of the facade plate on the object occurs, according to the working drawings. Any processing is made from the back of the plate. For cutting it is more convenient to use a round saw with a diamond disk. The size of the panels during trimming should be at least 3 cm.

Installation of profiles. With a horizontal vertical scheme, First, the horizontal doom is made, which levels the geometry of the building and forms a horizontal framework, on which the vertical guides are installed on, and the painted are already installed on them.

With a vertical installation scheme Only one type of profile is used - T-shaped guide, so such a system is called lightweight. The profile is vertically mounted directly to the carrier bracket.

For Special reinforced brackets and profiles are used, since the distance between the ceilings is always not small, more than 3 meters. You may need even additional tests on anchor fastener to select the optimal reliable anchor.

They are attached to vertical profiles, in each attachment scheme it is different, with steel galvanized or stainless steel rivets with an extended board or painted in the color of the screws of screws.

Between the stove and metal guides EPDM (60 and 36 mm. Width) tape is laid on a vertical profile.

When installing panels, between the plates are mounted. The planks are made of galvanized steel and painted in the color of the slab according to the RAL catalog. They are three species: a plank of a horizontal seam, a vertical seam strip, an external or outer corner plank.

Calculation of facade elements for finishing with fibrotent panels

For finishing with facade panels You can order for free or download ready-made examples.