Custard gingerbread recipe at home. Custard dough for gingerbread and gingerbread house on honey - secrets of cooking gingerbread cooking home recipe

Gingerbread cooking recipes There is a great set.
This delicacy can be made from a custard and raw test. You can store the dough for months in the refrigerator or bake immediately.
The dough can be lean or paused. In the manufacture, you can use various flour of different grinding, butter, margarine and even sunflower oil. Also burning sugar, ordinary sugar, cane sugar, honey. Gingerbread dough can be done with eggs and without that.
Here you can turn around and apply your fantasy in the choice of gingerbread spirits - the mixtures of seasonings.

Gingerbread is a huge field for experiments. For example, in the color of gingerbread, using natural dyes - vegetables or berries, cocoa, coffee, chicory, chocolate and even tea. In the dough you can add vodka and brandy, poppy and zest, boiled condensed milk, raisins and nuts.
Also, the gingerbread can also be decorated! Whipped with sugar protein or sugar glaze, spray with seeds, marzipan, chocolate, poppies, nuts, marshmallow, marmalade. Or use a gingerboards. In this case, we will get a printed gingerbread.

We make gingerbread printed.


(at the rate of 25 pieces)
  • 225 grams of sugar sand
  • 115 ml of water
  • 120 g Money
  • 90 g of butter
  • 3 tablespoons cocoa
  • 0.5 kg of flour
  • 75 g of self-preparation baking powder
  • 2 eggs
  • spices to taste


We dissolve sugar in hot water. Do not bring the syrup to a boil, add oil and honey.
We remove from the fire, constantly stirring, add three spoons of flour, cocoa and spices.
Cool welding to room temperature, after which I introduce the eggs and the remaining flour with a breakdler.

The more flour is added, the steeper becomes the dough.
Gingerbread dough is very tight and requires male hands .... For whipping.

Being the dough 15 minutes, immediately proceed to baking.

Large test is very difficult to roll out. We cut the dough into 4 equal parts. We leave one part for rolling, we remove the rest in a saucepan under a wet towel.

Three parts are cleaned into the saucepan and wait for the queue.
You can also freeze them until the next time.

Roll over a piece of dough thick with a gingerbread. Usually it is about 0.90 cm. No need to sprinkle a board and dough flour or mount the rolling pin. The dough has enough flour that we put. Brunette flour can make gingerbread hard.

Metal shapes cut on the rolled dough gingerbread fragments. With these molds, you can cut the grooves for hand painting or use them for baking cookies.

Lubricate the giant grooves (board) with sunflower oil. It is necessary to monitor the board all the time is well missed, otherwise when removing the gingerbread the dough will rush.
We use for lubrication toothbrush. She gets well to all corners and simultaneously sulfates the board from the attractive dough.

We decide the gingerbread fragments in the excavation and thoroughly pierce them.

Gently remove the gingerbread from the shape on the cutting board, helping yourself with a knife.
Cut off the edge of the test of the dough, correct the gingerbread using the knife for this.
Sprinkle with flour through a sieve.
We transfer to the baking tray and put in the oven.

Gingerbread on the anti-fugthorn.

We bake 10 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. With a test thickness of 0.8-10 mm, it is necessary for so much time. Gingerbread in the process of baking practically does not change its color, just a little brighten.
Bicycle with a wooden stick, as we do it with piers or touch it with your finger and a knife is useless. Gingerbread will not tell me. He will just be ready in ten minutes.

We take out of the oven, we carry a knife with a bunch of a cutting board, we give to cool about 3-5 minutes and with a brush or napkin, remove the flour layer from the back side of the gingerbread.
I remove the rest of the flour with the opposition to wake up the nearest gingerbread bikes for the next party.

We give gibshings to breed a few hours. Gingerbread is essentially bread. In times, when spices have not yet been used in Russia, this is a treat and called honeybee. Like bread, the gingerbread also needs to gain taste and aroma.

Now you can decorate!

It seems to me that the gingerbread is such an amazing delicacy, with whom in the feast and in the world and in good people are not ashamed! I remember how once had long brought me a gift gingerbread - a trick from the Arkhangelsk province. How good was that there was a pity. Long admired him!

Bake Gingerbread for your family, for children and grandchildren, for loved ones, guests, friends of loved ones and distant, colleagues! Moreover, Soon Easter is a wonderful reason for the gift!

All nice appetite and good mood!

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Gingerbread dough with a welding method at home.

Ingredients in gingerbread dough with a welding

For the preparation of a gingerbread dough, products like flour, sugar and honey will be needed. For the flavoring of the gingerbread dough, they use a zest and such spices as cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cardamom, carnation, badyan, fragrant pepper, coriander, cumin. Prepare a gingerbread dough in two ways: knead the dough on the cold syrup () or hot syrup (custard ginfed dough). Custard of the dough can be prepared by the following recipe: 3 cups of flour

  • 1 cup of honey
  • 1/2 cup of sugar
  • 50 gr Cream oil
  • 1/2 Country Supply Soda
  • 1/2 C.L. Corn

In honey raw sugar.

Put creamy oil.

We prepare a water bath. In the pan we pour some water and bring to a boil. In it, we put a saucepan with honey, sugar and butter. Heat the mixture.

When the oil is mounted, add soda, cinnamon. Stir all. The foam mixture was removed almost to a boil from the fire.

Raw flour gradually and simultaneously stir.

From the gingerbread custard test can be prepared delicious and fragrant

At all times, Gingerbread users enjoyed special love and respect. They were preparing for celebrations, gave them as gifts, as a sign of love and respect. Today, gingerbreads are no longer as popular as 100 years ago, but, meanwhile, their cooking is quite simple. But how can I surprise everyone with such a wonderful dessert!

The first ginkers our ancestors began the oven in the 9th century from rye flour with berry juice and honey. However, it is known that the ancient Romans and Egyptians loved such delicacies and the Egyptians - for the first time spices, honey cakes were mentioned in writing sources in 350 BC! And already in our era, the gingerbread furnace was the first to begin the Belgians in the city of Dynan - today their recipes were transformed into the Christmas Gingerbread "Lebkuchen" who bake in Germany. In Russia, the technology of cooking this delicacy has become a little different. Originally gingerbread cookies with a large number of honey - up to 50% of the total weight of all ingredients, and called them "honey bread". Only from the 12th and 12th century, when Indian and oriental spices appeared on sale, which everywhere began to add to these products, they began to call them "gingerbread". Most often in Russia prepared ginkers with a crust of bitter orange, lemon, vanilla, mint, muscat, Tmin, Anis, ginger and even black pepper and Italian dill!

Gingerbreads were very loved by our ancestors - they were baked for holidays, gave each other as a sign of love and respect, and in particularly solemn cases they made them very beautiful, unusual shape, with various drawings and inscriptions. They became famous as the "gingerbread capitals" Tula, Vologda, Tver, Moscow and Arkhangelsk, and the Tula gingerbread on hearing in our country and today - there the art of their preparation is transmitted from generation to generation many centuries in a row.

Today, ginkers can hardly be called the most popular dessert, and the reason for such a tendency is that the gingerbread shops have long been not similar to those who have eaten in Russia until the 20th century, and homemade is decided to prepare far from every mistress. One day, cooking gingerbread at home, which is not so difficult to do, as it may seem at first glance, you will definitely look at this in a new way.

Dough for gingerbread, which can not be noted - the easiest in the cooking dough, which, besides, is very quickly baked.

We make dough for gingerbread

You can make dough for gingerbread in two ways: cava or raw (simpler). And divided it into 3 types: honey, sugar (without honey) and honey-sugar. Depending on how the dough will prepare, you need different amounts of ingredients. We will give examples for raw test, which is preparing faster and easier, but note that such ginkers dry faster than from the custard test.

How to cook dough for gingerbread

  • for honey test - 3 cups of flour, 3/4 cup of honey, 100 g of butter, 1 egg, ½ tsp. soda or 50-150 g sour cream, ¼ ch.l. crushed spices, ¼ glasses of water, kefir, prostruck or ryazhenka;
  • for sugar test - 3 cups of flour, 1.5 glasses of sugar, 100 g of butter, ½ tsp. Soda, 1 tsp. crushed spices, ¾ glasses of water, kefir, ryazhenki or sources;
  • for honey-sugar test - 3 cups of flour, 1 cup of sugar, ¼ cup of honey, 100 g of butter, 1 egg, ½ tsp. Soda / sour cream 50-150 g, ½ cl. crushed spices, ¼ ChL Water, kefir, prostrochashi or ryazhenka.

How to cook dough for gingerbread. Put honey, add softened oil, eggs, pour spices, mix all 1-2 minutes, add flour (mixed with soda and sifted), knead not too cool dough. In this case, you will get fragrant honey gingerbreads from the test, which we all love so much.

If you make gingerbread sugar, you first need to bring sugar with water in a saucepan, remove the foam, put the oil, mix, give the syrup to cool to room temperature. Too liquid syrup, you need to respect it so that it is glasses from a spoon "thick thread". Next to the cold syrup add spices, eggs, then a sacrificed flour with soda.

In the preparation of the gingerbread dough there are tricks:

  • If you make honey dough, do not use chemical bars (soda, etc.), if you add to the dough after cooling it thick sour cream fatness of at least 20% in the ratio of 1 kg flour 100-300 g sour cream (depending on the test consistency) , then the baking powder will not need: honey and sour cream will give fermentation and will be reached by a real gingerbread dough of special consistency;
  • For any gingerbread dough will be good to add 4 tbsp. Cognac, vodka or Roma (per 1 kg of flour) - this will give an additional loosening;
  • If you add soda to honey dough, sour cream-honey fermentation will not begin;
  • Kneading the ginfed dough is needed from 10 to 40 minutes before its complete homogeneity - the softness and magnificity of gingerbread depends on it;
  • Use better fruit sugar - fructose, not sucrose;
  • Do not knead too cool dough - it will not rise badly, and the gingerbreads will be hard and ugly, very soft dough will not work either - it will not keep the form, the optimal dough will not too stick to the hands and the table, plastic and well give in to molding.

Having done the dough, you need to immediately start the molding of gingerbread: the finished dough is rolled out and various figures are cut from the molds. The weight of finished gingerbread usually is 20-40 g. You need to spread them on a lubricated leaf, if the dough is soft and on a dry leaf, if the dough it turned out steep. Before baking, the gingerbread is cooked with egg yolks. Bake thin gingerbreads need 8-15 minutes in a heated to 220-240 degrees of the oven, and after baking them you need to rub a brush or a soft napkin. As a rule, ready gingerbread glazing (for glaze you need to beat eggs with sugar, or to respect the caramel honey, mixed with a small amount of juice of sour fruits or berries).

Such are traditional gingerbread cooking rules. Following these instructions, you can prepare real gingerbread, which will surprise you with your taste and amazing flavor.

Today, ginger and chocolate gingerbread gingerbreads are very popular. Consider the recipes for their preparation.

Recipe of gingerbread gingerbread

It will take: 550 g of flour, 170 g of Möday, 150 g of sugar powder, 130 g of butter, 100 g of sugar, 1 egg protein, 1 egg, 2 tsp. soda and ground ginger, 1.5 ppm Ground scented pepper, ground cinnamon and cloves.

How to make gingerbread gingerbread. In the pan, sugar, spices, add honey, bring to a boil, remove from the stove, pour soda and mix well. Add to foaming mass Egg, softened oil and sifted flour, knead the dough. On the puffed flour work surface roll the dough with a plate 0.5 cm thick, cut with gingerbread molds. Laying the gingerbread on the parchment of the parchment, bake 15-20 minutes in the oven preheated to 180 degrees. Get the gingerbread and give them a slightly cool, whirl whipped into a thick foam, add sugar powder, beat another 5 minutes to elasticity, shock in a confectionery syringe, decorate gingerbread gladers, give her to dry for 20-30 minutes.

Chocolate gingerbread recipe

It will take: 200 g sour cream, 100 g of butter, 2 eggs, 2 cups of flour, ½ cup of sugar, 4 tbsp. cocoa and water, 2 tbsp. Honey, 1 tsp. Basin, 1 pinch of salt, cinnamon.

How to cook chocolate gingerbreads. Share honey and oil in a saucepan, melt, remove from the plate, add 2 tbsp. flour, quickly mix. In a separate dish, beat eggs with sour cream, sugar, cocoa, salt and cinnamon (you can also add vanilla), pour the honey mixture, mix well, add a sifted with a bundle of flour, knead a slightly sticky plastic dough. A leaf for baking to lubricate with butter, dilute flour, to tear down small pieces from the dough, form gingerbread and lay out them on a sheet, if it is strongly sticky, lubricate it with vegetable oil. Bake chocolate gingerbread in a heated to 200 degrees of the oven for about 15 minutes. For glaze, mix water with sugar and cocoa, pecking 5 minutes on slow fire, to deceive with this glaze ready-made gingerbread.

Preparation of delicious gingerbread is a very creative process, depending on which spices you add, taste and fragrance of gingerbreads can change greatly, no wonder the recipes in the families of the hiking are transmitted from generation to generation. One day I prepare delicious homemade gingerbread, you love them forever!

Baked gingerbread on sugar test. It turned out very tasty! But in the process of cooking a number of questions arose:
1. There are no eggs in the list of products, and the phrase appears in the preparation description: eggs are added. I took one one by analogy with honey and sugar-honey test.
2. Sugar dough can be done on water, ryazhenka, kefir, etc. But it is necessary to start with the fact that we cook syrup. If, for example, I take a kefir, what then is the sequence of cooking?
3. The syrup is cooked, and then it is cool. But he when cooled will be sagged again. Or am I some kind of tricks of the syrup, so that he does not frozen?
I would also like to use this recipe, so I would be very grateful if I prompted the answers to my questions.

Thanks for the recipe

Thanks for the recipe

thank you like it did I liked it.

spasibo Za Retsepti.

Thanks for the recipes!

when I studied at school. They sold honeys. Brown. Oval and plastic. Very tasty. Stone pores I have not seen such. It would be interesting to get a recipe!

In my family, everyone loves gingerbread. I used to buy them in the store, but now I do it myself. Homemade gingerbreads do not go to comparison with the shop. They are obtained fragrant, soft and very tasty. This recipe for custard gingerbreads is very different from the classic recipe, but nevertheless, their wonderful taste from this did not suffer.


To prepare custard gingerbread we will need:

250 g of flour;
150 g of sugar;
100 g of honey;
30 g of butter;
1/3 glasses of water;
1/2 h. L. soda;
1/2 h. L. spices (I have ginger, cinnamon, carnation and nutmeg);
1 egg;
jumped for filling.
For glaze:
2-3 tbsp. l. water;
8 tbsp. l. Sugar powder.

Stages of preparation

In the saucepan, bring water and honey to boil. Remove the foam and cool the mass to the temperature of 80 degrees. Now add half flour, melted butter, egg, spices, soda and mix well.

Add the remaining flour and knead the elastic, soft dough.

The obtained gingerbreads lay out shut down onto a silicone rug or a baking sheet with a baking paper.

Bake custard ginkers in a preheated oven 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. Cooled gingerbread holish icing. To make glaze, mix the sugar powder and water, bring to a boil and cool.

Hey! My name is Natalia. I always loved to cook, I started from school times and with my mother's book "On Tasty and Healthy Food." My mother was an artist by profession and in life, and even a simple, uncomplicated dish was always very original decorated and served. I still remember how meat was served in the pots, the light was completely turned off, any alcoholic beverage poured into a baking sheet that could be settled and all these pots in the fire were taken out of the kitchen to guests to be universal surprise. This impressed! Therefore, my addiction to everything I was inherited from my parents. For me, the feeding of the dish is no less important than the dish itself, and it does not matter if it is something cooked on the rapid hand or this recipe requiring long-term preparation. I have long been living in Latin America for a long time in Latin America, in a country with an extraordinary climate where you can find the air temperature from +40 to -2 degrees, where there is snow, and the coast of two oceans - the Atlantic and quiet, where there is a jungle and alpine meadows, and beaches. Of course, such a variety could not not postpone the imprint on the Gastronomy of Colombia. There are a lot of seafood, meat and a variety of exotic fruits in the country; Gastronomic addictions of the local population are changing from the region to the region, well, from all this local flavor drawing inspiration. I cook a lot, I do not like monotoncy, so my kitchen is very different. I can not say which kitchen I like more, very much I love the Mediterranean food, and Russian, and local, and asian, I also love baking and shortbread dough ... Well, you understood everything that is tasty! If I try something new that I had to taste in the restaurant, I always try to first understand which seasonings there and the ingredients and if I really liked something to reproduce this in my kitchen and surprising my family and friends. Of course, a very important source of inspiration - Internet and different culinary books. But if the recipe does not have a beautiful photo, I will not even read it! In some hours, it began to share the acquired knowledge and skills in Instagram, (@vlasna) from that and took the camera. I think that any recipe must accompany a worthy picture, so that the viewer it was clear what lies in the plate and how it can be sued at all, and ideally, so that he also want to eat it!)) Well, I try to choose the recipes not difficult and not requiring recipes. Huge time spent. All as we love: # Prosperbravko. Recipes I have your own and proven over the years, well, if something is mutual from others, we usually rework a little under ourselves. He who is a lot and often cooks, I think I will understand me. Here I will be happy to share my experience with you, your favorite recipes. Cook for yourself and friends is so exciting! If someone has any questions, I will definitely answer, and of course I will be glad to see you on my instagram page @vlasna come in, I will be glad to communicate!