How to shelter the wall with boards under ancient. Tree on the wall with your own hands: a photo, how does the wall under the tree and the process of wall decoration laminate

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Finishing board as original decoration of your home

In the history of our country, a finishing board for walls, and both outdoor and internal, used for a very long time. In this review we will talk about what is a decorative board for wall decoration, and in which design directions it is in demand today.

Wooden board for finishing - what it is

The genuine motto of the modern world can be called the slogan - "Let's go back to the wild, but it will not forget to grab all the benefits and convenience of civilization with you". And although in its pure form, this task is practically not fulfilled, in the design of the walls of the board, it became one of the symbols of naturalness in the interior. Of course, there is here as its advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages and disadvantages of wooden finishes

  • Naturally, the first thing about the "pipe" advertising and speak absolutely all designers, it is an ecological purity and naturalness of wood. Lowing polishing furniture and facing plates made on the basis of wood is certainly good. But agree, the finishing of the unedged board in its view is much closer to the wild;
  • Wood, of course, not a stone and not concrete, but still such a cladding is quite high strength. Plus, the board is elastic and where the stone breaks down, and the plaster crackles, nothing will be with the board;

  • The house, decorated with wood, is not only beautiful and prestigious, but also warm. By itself, such a cladding has a rather low level of thermal conductivity;
  • The front board for outdoor decoration at home, being a porous and elastic material has always been considered an excellent soundproofer;
  • Wooden finish has a fairly wide range of colors. Now you can choose your breed of wood for any design, even the notorious is not abruptly dull plugs. And thanks to modern impregnation and simulatory, the facade and internal facing can be decorated to be decorated to their taste;

  • Beautiful, natural look and flour of creativity at the birth of a new design is, of course, interesting things. But there is another important point, to mount this facing with your own hands under the power to any home master.

You can believe the word, the installation instructions for the wall board is mastered for half an hour. There are 3 types of fastening of the board: jack, braziness and spike-groove system. And all these types are extremely simple in mastering.

Like any finishing material, the wooden board is not deprived of its drawbacks. Although it depends here much on how to watch these disadvantages:

  • Many critics "nod" on the high cost of such a finish. Of course, if you finish a house or a cottage from the inside, for example, an oak parquet board, then the price will be released.

According to his own experience, I can say that the decoration of the bath with an unedged board of such rocks like pine and linden is quite accessible to a simple manual, even taking into account the cost of protective impregnations.

  • The tree is well lit and from this, you can not get anywhere. Now many flames are available (firepressure impregnations), but, first of all, it is chemistry, and secondly, the antipyrenes only reduce the flammability of the material;
  • And one more negative moment in which I fully support critics is the need for periodic prophylaxis. Especially when it comes to finishing the unedged board from the outside and facing with a tree of wet premises. In this case the protective coating on the wood will need to be updated every few years.

We will deal with terminology

The board is made to call wooden products in which the width of the plank is 2 or more than its thickness. If the bar does not comply with this requirement, it is already a bar or a bar (the bar has the size of the sides in the section to 100 mm, and the bar is 100 and more than millimeters).

  • The edged board is the most common building material. In this case, the product is processed from all four sides. Moreover, processing should be made in the technical way, cutting, planing or grinding;

  • Unedged board with a technical way to be processed only from two broad sides. Simply put, the "wild" log is taken and blooms on the sawmaker in the same plane. As a result, the edge of such slats remains not processed, often even with the bark;

  • The so-called observation or porridge is a log cuts around the edges. In essence, in such placas, only one plane, on the reverse side they are not processed. Such a forest was always considered woodworking waste, it could only be used in inconspicuous places, for example, to arrange roofing pie;

Modern designers found this material a different application and create original panels from the norbal.

  • There are also such specific terms as a windshield, a terrace and shipboard. But they are no longer due to the type of processing, but rather from purpose:
  1. So the area for the front board was always considered the zone of transition from the walls of the house to the roof, in some cases it was called the material used for the manufacture of carved platforms and frontones;

  1. The shipboard is pretty thick, a good sharp plank, originally intended for finishing the outer sides and decks of ships. Luxurious, beautiful texture and the highest quality surface treatment made this expensive material one of the most popular not only in construction, but also in design;

  1. The terrace board is in principle, the same as the ship, how can I understand from the name it was intended for paving floors on open terraces. Although there is no expensive wood here. Therefore, to separate the balcony with a terrace board or bind it the facade will cost cheaper than ship.

Types of finishing board

We now turn to the most popular types of material. And if you take in a percentage, then, of course, the queen here can be considered the lining. These planks received their name at the beginning of the twentieth century, when they were swaying railway cars from the inside.

A distinctive feature of this popular material is the compound on the principle of spike-grooves. In the overwhelming majority of cases, such a cladding is mounted on a frame of wooden bars.

The varieties of lining there are many, although imitation and block house are considered the most commonly deserved. Everything is clear with the imitation of a bar, and under the outlandish name, the block house hides the planks that copy the type of the rounded log.

Now many are trying to highlight a block house in a separate niche. I was specially interested in this issue and I can assure you, a block house is one of the types of lining.

Planks can have different sizes and targeted for outdoor or interior decoration, but all attempts to highlight a block house in an independent type of finish is just a marketing stroke.

Exactly the same as "Eurovantia". It differs from usual only strictly fixed sizes. As well as the mandatory presence of compensatory propuls from the back side.

The modern parquet board is also joined on the principle of spike-groove, but here you get perfectly even and durable coating. Previously, this material was made of solid, well dried and impregnated with the protective compositions of the array.

Now the parquet board is glued out of several slats. And some negligent manufacturers generally make it from thick plywood.

The so-called plaquen or slacking board is exclusively decorating, finishing material. If you understand in the history of origin, the plaquen can be safely called the grandfather of modern lining.

The fact is that initially the wagons were lined with smooth horses, and only a little later, the joint-groin joints appeared on these horses. But the planks, as a habit, continued to call the clapboard.

The term slacking board was again invented by good marketers. After all, it was necessary to somehow call smooth outrageous planms without spikes and grooves, but with the facial side shot on the front side.

The internal decoration of the walls planking board can be performed both online and brass. But on the facade, most often the plaquen is mounted only by braziness. Moreover, the planks are stuck horizontally so that the rain can quietly strip on them. Such a type of wooden tile.

The chamfer from the front side of the planking board can be both rounded and having smooth corners. But remember, if you decide somewhere to mount the plaque jack somewhere, there should be a couple of millimeters between the planks (on the thickness of the match). It is necessary to compensate for the expansion of wood with temperature fluctuations and humidity.

Wood breeds from which they produce a finishing board

It is no secret that in addition to beauty, natural wood also has a beneficial effect on human health. Personally, I have never heard anyone to be allergic to a particular tree of wood. The table below I outlined the main characteristics of the most popular breeds in the domestic market.

Characteristics and average finishing wood
Breed of wood General characteristics average price
Determined wood
Linden It has a light color and a smooth homogeneous texture. It is practically not heated, so it is often used as a budget option to finish the wage in the bath. From 700 rubles / m²
Alder Alder is appreciated as an antiseptic. Its fragrance is able to kill pathogenic microorganisms in the room and prevent the appearance of mold and fungus. From 900 rubles / m²
Oak Refers to elite rocks and has unique strength. The color scheme of different oak breeds can range from light with a golden tint, to dark with burgundy splashes. From 3000 rubles / m²
Ash Clean and light wood with original texture. For strength, the ash is not far away from oak, so it is quite complicated in processing. From 1500 rubles / m²
Aspen Ospen has an original color and texture. Its, as well as the Lipa, is often used for facing Parims. It is also valued for the fact that it practically does not rot, which means it does not require aggressive impregnation to protect. From 1200 rubles / m²
Coniferous wood
Larch Larch has a number of advantages. Its beautiful color and the texture will not be confused with anything, it is not susceptible to rotting, has high strength and is characterized by good elasticity. This is the most shipboard about which I said above. From 750 rubles / m²
Cedar This pearl of Siberia is valued almost the same as larch. Although it is inferior to larch in strength and resistance to an aggressive environment. From 550 rubles / m²
Pine and spruce From the point of view of the finish of pine and spruce are almost equal. Their indisputable advantages are easy processing, affordable cost and beauty. From 350 rubles / m²

Subtleties of wooden wall design

If you already talk about design as such, you agree, the lining on the role of the original finish is not suitable. This material firmly secured the association with balconies, garages and baths.

I mean something exclusive, then there is no other and preferably for an acceptable price. And here it is better for us to work with a cutting board, an unedged board and a hill. As a last resort, you can use old boards and parquet board.

But with old boards you need to be very neat, otherwise instead of originality, it is possible to get littered.

Where better to put accents

The wall decoration will look only if it is dosed. In other words, you should not sew the whole house with the same material, so the exclusive will not achieve.

A wooden panel should rush at once at the entrance, which means that it needs to be associated with other details of the interior. For interior decoration with wood in the house there are 4 suitable places:

  1. In the bedroom, natural wall decoration will be appropriate in a widespread bed. It can only be a fragment covering the headboard and side bedside tables or completely the whole wall;

  1. Wooden background will be perfectly contrasted with a wide plasma TV. So you can organically combine the naturalness of wildlife with technocratic blesses of civilization;

  1. Your favorite sofa, in front of which you watch your whole family, watch the TV in the living room, will also greatly be harmonized with natural wood. Especially if this sofa is covered with genuine leather. But keep in mind, here you need to choose something one. Or decorate the wall behind the TV, or for the sofa, otherwise the raisin is lost;

  1. In the kitchen, even if it has solid sizes, there are also 2 walls on which a wooden finish will look good. This is a work area, that is, a kitchen apron and everything around him. And a dining table only if this table adjoins the wall.

Although these are all classic options. No one bothers you to create. For example, I have an unedged board at home, in which there is an aquarium and a cell with birds. Still add a little living room lien and you get a wildlife corner in your own home.

Styles with which the tree harmonizes

In general, the design it is believed that the tree can be written absolutely to any style. Even high-tech with its black and white paints, strict forms and radiance of nickel-plated parts, it is quite loyal to a natural tree. True, it is better to use glossy and laminated surfaces, the unedged board here will be someone else.

Eco-directions, in addition to the already traditional temper, in the spirit of "back to the sources", includes Asian, in particular the Japanese style. Although in Asia, rough forms are not welcome, all items must be qualitatively processed.

The so-called country direction includes a lot of different branches. It is American, English, Scandinavian styles, Rustic and, in essence, all ethnic trees. Here it is just possible to arbitrarily combine the chalkboard with rough processing.

Separately there is French Provence and Mediterranean. They are welcomed by the design of chopped outdoor boards. In addition, glossy impractions will be appropriate in Italian themes, but without fanaticism.

If you want to issue an interior in retro style, it is not necessary to all stake up with aged or old boards. Of course, the brushed tree with a dedicated texture and light cracks does not hurt, but I repeat once again, you should not get carried away.

  • The board can be attached to the crate or glued to the wall. Adhesives now enough, but usually used "liquid nails". If you decide to glue the material, then the wall will have to be perfectly aligned;

  • One-photon facing, even from elite species of wood, no one no one will surprise. Do not be afraid to experiment with different colors, and better with different rocks of the tree, it will give your wall an extra volume;
  • The layout of the vertical, horizontal and diagonal layout laying is excellent. Fragments can be inserted even a classic parquet Christmas tree;

  • Golden oak can be diluted with a pink chalkboard of Karelian birch or rich burgundy engines of cherries;
  • My advice to you, for interior decorations, as little as possible, use synthetic varnishes and paints, and better give up them at all. Wood will look good and long will not lose color if it is covered with flax oil once a year. In order to preserve the aroma for a long time, for example, natural needles, it is necessary to insist this hive on linen oil for 2 weeks;

  • So that your designer masterpiece has fallen out of the general ensemble, it is desirable that the lead color of the wall repeated in some details of the interior;
  • If the wall is one-photon with polished or laminated coating, it is possible to revive it with accessories, decorative shelves with statuette, light bulbs, pictures, and so on;
  • The decoration of the walls of the board in the nursery is a separate topic. First, I do not recommend you to plant the planks on glue, whatever it is high-quality, your child can choose these planks. Secondly, something durable and smooth, for example, a parquet board will be appropriate for the nursery. Unedged board or horn here is better not to use, the child can be bored or drove the off -landic.


Today is another post at your request.

"We recently bought an apartment in which a large kitchen-living room with a tree from the floor to the ceiling. And here I do not know how to present it. What colors are combined with a tree (except for the white one), what kind of kitchen pick up all the kitchen is not merged into one thing Which textile pick up and in general ..
It would be nice to see a selection dedicated to the houses, trimmed by wood. "

I think that this topic is interesting not only to my wife, as the tree is the most common building material in Russia. Wood is environmentally friendly and durable, it is warm material that can be very attractive. Perhaps the only minus is a prevalence. Classic lining, timber, board are often used because it is "cheap and angry." This may affect the perception of the design of the house even if the decoration was chosen consciously for other reasons (at least the Moscow region feature). Therefore, I dedicated the topic of today's discord.

Different breeds of wood are used for decoration: oak, apple tree, nut, pine, birch, exotic breeds. He can give the appearance of the zebrano, wenge, the rosewandra, the pitched oak, and if you wish to paint. You probably know that choosing a pine, you choose and its texture - along with bitch and possible eyes. This will have to be taken into account in the further interior design.

In the trim, everything is important: from breed and textures to color, size and shape of panels. At the same time, it is not necessary to adhere to one.

Here is a vivid example of combining different textures, colors and wood forms:

The tree can be processed in different ways: covered with a veil, varnish, decorative protective coating, painted, artificially aged, you can make a typical pattern with it or use threads ...

I will start with simple.

Rustic or country interior:

Tree texture can determine style. So, if all the walls (a, perhaps, the ceiling) are decorated with classic lining, I propose to forget the standard country's interior design solution - "I was blinded from what was" (in other words, from the brought unnecessary in the apartment).

A tree is a self-sufficient background that should not overload. It can be repaid: natural materials (leather, woven furniture, stone), add homogeneous textiles (similar textures) and dilute something bright (floral prints, bright colors).


The logs look brutally and noble. In this interior, there will be good massive wooden furniture, wrought furniture and accessories.

Aged tree:

A tree that looks old, acquires noness. He can forgive Shcherbinki and cracks.

Choose tree:

A few years ago, there was a cooking passion for the smoky tree. It looks really great.
For such an interior, you can choose furniture and accessories in the classic style.

Painted tree:

If you are tired of the color of the tree, it can be painted just like wooden furniture.

Such an interior can be issued in the country style.

Modern interior:

Smooth, neatly fitted to each other boards can become an excellent background for modern interior. I would say that for such an interior you need more space.

Ideally, bright furniture, both white, creamy and gray and even salad.


Wooden walls can be highlighted, painting part of the walls.

Wooden walls are perfectly combined with stone and bricks:

Color solutions

When choosing the color of furniture and textiles, you will have to take into account the shade of wood that you have chosen. From the shades I recommend choosing natural. Several combinations that seem to me most successful below.

White, creamy, cream. The light interior looks easier and calmer. And even the animal skins here does not look awesome:


Red - strong color. And at the same time, its shades are suitable for most shades of wood.

If the interior, where many red is used, not many ...

that interiors where accents are arranged by this color, like most:

Green is also very natural color. The most natural will be - the use of decorative plants:

Green can be chosen as an accent color when the rest interior in a relaxed color scheme:

And combine with red:

Gray, Iscin-black, gray-blue - Natural shades of stone:

Choose style and make your apartment or house complete and individual.

Walls are the most important element of any residential premises. That is why they should be given the closest attention, when decorating residential premises.

In a new review, we actually spell about how it is better to bring the walls in order and what exactly is worth hanging on them.

1. Glowing stickers

Glowing stickers and drawings.
The crucial stickers in the form of the moon, stars or letters will become an interesting decoration of the walls of the children. However, you can go and more complex track, having painted the wall with original drawings using fluorescent paints of different colors.

2. Wall inscriptions

Wall decorated with text.
Easily and originally transformed a monophonic wall will help motivating inscription, favorite quotation, lyrics or even the head of the favorite book. You can implement such an idea with the help of special stickers, the assortment of which is quite wide or apply text on the wall itself, using paints or ink.

3. Paper hearts

Composition from paper hearts.
Refresh the monophonic wall and bring romance to the notch room, the composition of paper hearts glued to the wall will help.

4. Patterns for stencil

Painted walls with stencil.
Faceless monophonic wallpapers can be decorated with original patterns applied to the walls using the stencil and the paint cans of the desired color.

5. Original painting

Unusual painting of walls.
The original painting of walls, resembling a mysterious mountain landscape, made in shades of one spectrum. Of course, work on such painting will require perfection and time however, the result is worth it.

6. Scotch and pictures

Snapshots framed by scotch frames.
Color Scotch will help create the illusion of the original frames for photos and posters attached to the wall. Such an idea is perfect for the design of the working area or a teenager room.

7. Volumetric pictures

Volumetric pictures of paper.
It is possible to revive and decorate the walls of a nursery with the help of beautiful volumetric patterns made of colored paper and glued to the wall using glue or bilateral tape. Moreover, the process of creating the original decor is so simple that children can be attracted to this process.

8. Instrument painting

Stylish wall texture.
With the help of texture paint, the shade combined with the already existing color of the walls, and the usual broom, belties or rigid brush can create the effect of the original texture.

9. Geometric Print.

Geometrical print.
Transform a faceless monophonic wall will help a stylish geometric print, created with a tape or adhesive tape and paint contrasting.

10. Books

Decor of walls with the help of old books.
Old books can be used to create an unusually attractive and stylish decor capable of refreshing and hide the existing flaws on the walls.

11. Colorful flowers

Corrugated paper flowers.
From corrugated paper of different colors, you can make magnificent large flowers that will become an exquisite decoration of walls of any room. You can make several flowers or to decorate the whole wall with buds.

12. Leopard Print

Leopard print on the wall.
Leopard print is a fairly simple and spectacular pattern for wall decoration. In order for the drawing to look carefully better to pre-apply a pencil sketch on the wall or use the stencils.

13. Parquet boards

Wall decor with parquet boards.
Pre-stripped and painted parquet boards remaining from the old flooring can be used for the decor of one of the walls of the bedroom or living room.

A fashionable reception becomes the interior design of not quite traditional materials, which today is very much. Increasingly, the owners of housing turn to a traditional environmentally friendly tree.

The aged dining table will give the room sophistication and noble view.

Make from it furniture, floors, overlap. Often the masters use such a way of applying wood, as a finish under ancient. This gives furniture and all the dwelling is noble and refined.

How to form wood

Tools for wedding tools: Protective face mask, Bulgarian, sandpaper, iron brush.

Artificially can be wooded in various ways. The developing method is very common. Brushed wood is used as ceiling beams, like floor covering, for the manufacture and decoration of furniture. It is possible to imitate wood under the antiquity with your own hands right at home. It is only necessary to remember that not all breeds are amenable to this processing. Braching technology is not applicable to maple and beech, for cherries and teak, for pear and some other breeds. Perfectly processing larch, pine, nut, oak and ash.

Braching is made as follows:

  1. The wood surface is treated with a rigid brush with metal bristles.
  2. Softer layers in the composition are deformed and removed.
  3. Wood-treated wood with varnish.

With the help of a thin drill, you can create the effect of damage to worms.

The processed material can be used to make parts of furniture, inlets and interior doors, for plating walls in the sauna or in the bath. You can continue processing by creating a patina effect. During the process of patination, part of the wood pore is covered by versions of various colors. The dye layer is applied to the wood surface and immediately erased with a rag. As a result, the tree acquires a light background, on which dark pores are distinguished. Patin needs to protect the layer of varnish.

Artificially aged wood is perfectly combined with metal decorations obtained by the cold and hot forged method, it looks solid, emphasizes the sophistication of the aesthetic tastes of the owners. The facades of houses, decorated under the old days, are rushed immediately in the fact that the manor resembles the structure of the past and last century.

The veil is necessary to give the base dark tree.

To create a house in retro style, you must perform the following rules:

  1. Use finishing materials of past years or their modern counterparts.
  2. All decor details must be performed in a single style.
  3. This style should be subordinated windows, roofing, fences and yard buildings.
  4. The roof is desirable to do copper or very reminiscent copper. This is very expensive, but durable material, over time, getting a greenish tint.
  5. You can use modern metal tile, coated with a polymer layer imitating copper.
  6. The internal environment will perfectly complement the imitation of the carrier ceiling beams of the brushed tree.
  7. Doors can be decorated with natural veneer under ancient.

Back to the category

You may be interested: How to glue wallpaper in the corners?

Wood formation with paint

Artistic, the compiled furniture is ideal for the kitchen in the country style.

It is possible to form a tree by applying paints to its surface. For this:

  1. Apply paint to the surface with a brush with a long pile.
  2. In some places it is necessary to press the brush stronger to achieve the effect of scuffs.
  3. A sponge, cloth, dry brushed surface to obtain more pronounced stains of rubbing.
  4. After drying, the paint surface need to be covered with wax and graze to shine.

The desired paint for processing wood under the antique is sold in the containers of 4-5 liters. It is often used to process wooden facades and for interior decoration. Paint does not contain harmful substances in its composition, does not burn.

It is the opinion that the constantly expanding range of finishing materials should gradually exhibit and eliminate outdated options, but in reality everything happens. Traditional solutions are modified under the influence of modern requirements and appear to buyers in a completely different light. The most indicative example should lead wood. What, it would seem, the usual material, but over time not only did not lose, but also harden his position.

To date, the interior decoration with the use of wood is considered an extremely stylish version of the design, since the tree is not only aesthetic, but also an eco-friendly material. Some people mistakenly believe that the only available option is the walls of the walls. In fact, there are a large number of alternative paths that will be mentioned below.

Today, the construction market offers a large number of boards of different types: facade, decks ,. The last option enjoys the greatest popularity. Real estate is due to several reasons.

Benefits of material

  1. It is quite easy to manufacture, because for production uses a variety of various wood species: from ash, maple, beech, larch to cherries, cherries and pears.
  2. A wide range of shades allows you to choose the appropriate option for each interior. You can buy wood of a light shade, and you can find the material of deep dark color.
  3. Each of the above-mentioned wood species belongs to high-quality rocks and is characterized by excellent performance.
  4. Parquet boards as finishing material for walls look well in the interior.
  5. The price availability of parquet boards allows you to arrange a large room without significant financial costs.
  6. You can additionally "decorate" wood using special sampling and wax impregnations. They not only prolong the material's operational period, but also change the appearance for the better.

Prices for various types of parquet board

Parquet board

Competent surfaces of the surface with array boards allows you to get a spectacular interior that will be a reason for the envy of all friends. The use of special impregnations made on the basis of wax and oils, give the places a view resembling velvet. In addition, these funds allow you to create a film that repulsive water on the surface of the boards, which prevents the development of fungus and mold.

Some owners of apartments seek to make their housing original and something even extravagant. So if you are tired of boring decisions, then pay attention to the block house, that is, the board, the cross section of which imitates the rolling log known in the village scenery. With the help of this material, you can achieve the house of this "rural" interior.

In order for the design to look even more effectively, it is recommended to resort to this method as an artificial "batch" of the tree. For this, the method of "brash" is most often used, that is, the processing of the material with a wire brush. In the process of wood processing, fibers are removed from it, which creates an interesting relief. After that, the material is painted and, without giving the paint to dry, remove it.


  • simple pencil;
  • line;
  • silicone;
  • screwdriver;
  • screws;
  • glue;
  • laminate linging bar;
  • electrolovik;
  • a hammer;
  • moldings;
  • molds.

Laminate on glue

This method is presented the simplest and does not require additional skills. To facilitate the task, it is recommended to collect shields from purchased panels in advance. It should be densely smear the "sides" of the glue panels and glue the items so that full-fledged shields are. It is them that we have to fix on the surface of the wall. It is important that it was prepared in advance. Not excess will be marked.

The only thing that should be remembered for a successful result: work should start from the lower left corner. It is recommended to remove the platbands that are then installed on the old place.

Laminate on the crate

Stage 1. We carry out the necessary measurements, we calculate the number of laminate, as well as the number of moldings and other parts that will be needed for fastening.

Stage 2. Using a ruler and pencil, we apply to the surface of the wall markup.

Stage 3. Remove from doors and windows windows.

Stage 4. Mount the crate, that is, the frame. It is done quite simply - the wooden bars are taken and are attached perpendicular to the floor, but in parallel to each other at a distance of 40 cm.

Stage 5. We begin to install the material, as it was already indicated above, from the bottom angle of the left side of the room.

Stage 6. In the corners you cut the wood with a hacksaw or electric jigsaw
Stage 7. We have a stack in a checker order.

Stage 8. Processing the locations of the joints using silicone.

Stage 9. Latch Castles.

The laying technology on the wall is indeed very simple and will not cause any difficulty.

Prices for various types of laminate

Wooden wallpapers are an alternative to finishing from real wood. A paper base is used as the basis, and a special wood veneer is applied to it. Material is sold in rolls.

The cost depends on many factors, but the main criterion is the price of raw materials.

The process of wooden wallpapers on the wall surface is a little different from the technology of applying ordinary wallpaper. Only the result differs, since in the end we get a wall that looks like it was separated by a tree.

One of the most unusual and popular options for designing interiors today is considered to be decoration. The transverse slice of a small thickness trunk is used as the main decorative element. This method of finishing is so popular that by now the manufacturers have already begun to produce wallpaper and tiles that imitate such a drawing. Decorate the walls in the room very simple.

First of all, you should decide what area you want to occupy transverse cuts. Specialists are not recommended to zealous, because the unusual type of finishing on a large scale can only spoil the interior. The optimal option is one wall, the best that is located at the head of the bed.

It is necessary to paint it into a calm color, and then with the help of a special high-quality glue to apply logs. They can be attached close to each other or come up with an interesting fragmentary pattern. It all depends on the fantasy of the performer.

The most popular view of the surface of the walls with panels is considered a Christmas pattern. For its implementation, you will need such tools such as transportation, hacksaw, adhesive tape (double-sided), casing and pencil.

The finishing process consists of several key steps:

  • payment;
  • markup;
  • cutting planks;
  • fastening.

Consider each of them in more detail.

Step 1. We make a paper on a piece of paper how the finished wall should look like. It is very important to pay attention to the accuracy of measurements. This is an extremely responsible stage, so it is not necessary to approach him to negotiously.

Step 2. Clearly in the middle of the walls are carried out with a simple pencil, a smooth vertical line. It will serve as a border for proper laying of panels.

Step 3. Preparing the panels. This means that we take them and cut off at an angle of 90 degrees in such a way that one edge turns out to be oblique. One half of the boards should be cut from the right angle, the other is from the left side.

Step 4. Take a double-sided sticky tape and fix it on the panels. It is important that on each bar there are three longitudinal stripes of the tape.

Step 5. First of all, secrets are medium elements. This will take assistant. Apply the slats with oblique angles, focusing on the battle line. It is important to trace so that there are no cracks between them.

Step 6. Fix panels on the wall. To do this, remove the protective film from the elements and tightly press the plank to the surface.

Step 7.

This option is most often used for bedrooms, however, as an experiment, you can try it in the kitchen. Do not be afraid to trust your taste and implement fantasies. In addition, the tree is the material that will make it easy to implement creative ideas.

Prices for popular finishing wall panels

Wall panels

Video - tree on the wall do it yourself

Video - wall decoration with wood: variety of options