Facing materials for facades of houses: types and prices. What to see the house outside cheaper? The better to separate the facade

Often the finished house requires finishing. Either the outdated walls of the building must be updated, warming them and putting them with other building materials. At the same time, 90% of developers in all cases wish to save the budget and choose inexpensive facade material. That is why we will analyze in the article, the cheaper to see the house outside and at the same time get a beautiful decorative effect.

Important: When choosing a facade material for cladding at home, it is worth considering the difference in the linear expansion of the wall material and the material selected for cladding. If this aspect does not take into account, then under the influence of temperature differences of the wall of the house and the casing will be expanded each in its own way. As a result, cracks can be formed outside or inside the cottage.

Before cheap to separate the walls of the cottage, it is worth take into account some moments:

  • So, choosing a facing material for the house, it is worth considering not only the cost of the trim, but also the price of all components to perform work. In addition, if the facing will perform the wizards to order, then the price should be added here.
  • The trim is better to spend at home in a dry and warm season. So the material will grab most as much as possible, and its structure itself will not be impaired by exposure to moisture.
  • It is desirable to warm the house under the lining to reduce the sound permeability of the material and strengthen the energy efficiency of the finished cottage. Mineral wool, penplex or polystyrene are used as insulation.
  • All building materials are desirable to acquire from a proven provider, which can provide quality certificates for all purchased goods. Thus, it will be possible to avoid possible marriage and subsequent idle in operation.

IMPORTANT: Choosing, than to see the house outside cheap and beautiful, give preference to non-combustible materials.

Facade plaster

The most fiscal option for the outdoor view of the house acquired an attractiveness. In addition to the fact that the facade plaster plays the role of decorative finish, since it is most often a textured, such a building mixture has a number of other benefits, such as:

  • The thermal insulation function allows you to additionally protect the walls of the house from the exposure to cold;
  • Soundproofing characteristics of plasters for the facade also have proven themselves from a positive side;
  • In addition, plastering mixtures have a positive effect on the safety of wall material, protecting blocks or bricks from destruction, burnout, swelling, etc.

For external work, the world of building materials offers such types of plaster:

  • Silicone. The most expensive type of texture plaster. But at the same time, with minimal costs for the acquisition of the mixture (in comparison with other finishing materials), it is possible to get strong walls of the house at the output. The effect is achieved due to silicone resins added to the construction plaster mixture. In addition, due to such an additive, silicone plaster does not pass and does not absorb water, and also does not lose its shade under the influence of ultraviolet.
  • Mineral. This type of building mixture is made on the basis of cement and sand. Such a mixture is resistant to burnout, the effects of temperature differences, mechanical loads. However, more often mineral plaster is used in industrial construction.
  • Acrylic plaster. It has acrylic in its composition, which allows you to get a protective film on the surface of the dried facade after plastering. Thus, the lined house is not afraid of dirt, moisture, dust and garbage. In addition, the acrylic construction mixture does not fade in the sun. The only minus of such a cladding is its weak vapor permeability.
  • Decorative. Differs from the rest of the finished tint. That is, in the store you can choose the final shade of the mixture and plastering the house in a single tone, according to the intended design.

Important: For walls from aerated concrete, the plaster specially intended for such blocks should be purchased. It allows you to align visible irregularities and defects and protect the walls from the effects of moisture and temperature differences.

Facade paint.

Another of the budget options designed to separate the walls of the old house. Let's say we have an old brick house that lost your gloss. But at the same time the walls are still quite strong. In this case, you can use paint as a facade "update". Such a material is a building mixture, which includes a structuring filler. The thickness of such paint is 10 mm, which allows you to form a protective and simultaneous decorative barrier on the walls of the cottage.

The peculiarity of such facade paint is that it can be applied even to an unprepared surface without prior closeup of cracks and chips. Due to its structure, the facade paint will be blocked all irregularities. In addition, the coloring mixture is able to "breathe", which has a beneficial effect on both stone / block walls and wooden.


Such a trimming material occupies one of the leading positions in the construction market. And competitiveness is due not only to an acceptable value of the material, but also by technical characteristics. Siding is thin long panels 150x500 mm, having a perforated edge in its design for simplified installation of material to a frame. The second edge of the panels has a light ledge that allows you to cover the fastening sites of the underlying elements. Thus, the sheath takes the integrity and attractiveness.

Siding is popular also because it has a wide color gamut. And more precisely, it is made in various versions - under the tree, marble, stone, brick, etc. Thus, you can give the house any kind in accordance with the intended design.

There are several types of siding according to the type of material from which it is manufactured:

  • PVC Siding. This is a cellular panels that have low weight. Thanks to such a hollow structure, siding panels are not only as a decorative sheat, but also additionally insulate the walls of the house. Such material does not rot, not afraid of water, resistant to burning and rotting.
  • Metality. Thin panels made of steel, zinc or aluminum. Have a thickness of 5 mm. Simple in installation, resistant to negative impacts atmospheric precipitation and corrosion. You can sow so much material without resorting to the help of professionals.
  • Wooden siding. Natural material, which is characterized by increased ecological, attractiveness and low thermal conductivity. However, while the panels of wood cannot resist moisture. And even if careful treatment of panels with antiseptics and varnishes, the tree has a smaller service life than metal or PVC.
  • Fibro-cement siding. The material is made from a mixture of cement and polymer fibers. The result is strong and stable material to various negative factors.

Important: Siding can be mounted on top of the system ventilated facade. The material does not interfere with air microcirculation.


To cover the house in the style of Country, you can use a edged or unedged board. The first option is a lumber with perfectly smooth faces. The second type of blackboard is a lamella, separated from an unprepared and non-unleashed log. As a result, the bark remains on the ends of the boards, Lob and Sokhlia. Such trimming material is used to clamp the walls with a Christmas tree or a mustache. The panels are placed one to one in the bottom upward. The covering with proper care will serve 15-20 years. Then the boards will need to change. Although for a small country house, this option is perfect. After all, the tree keeps warm, ensures the walls of breathing, and it looks just beautiful.

If you want to use a tree as a cladding, but in such a way that the house can be rich, you can use a block house. These are the same wooden panels, but having a convex side. That is, imitates the log. The cover of the house by a block house looks colorfully and expensive at low value of the material.

Tip: If there is a desire to save even more, you can buy siding under a block house.

Decorative tile

Often, clinker tiles are used for cladding at home. It can imitate bricks, stone, etc., make such a material from a mixture of water, clay and glaze. As a result, it turns out an environmentally friendly material of low weight. Therefore, the facing of the house tile does not require the strengthening of the foundation. The tile interacts perfectly with the sun, water, low and high temperatures. And to the fire such material is completely inert. Tile laying can be performed independently, observing all the principles of laying. Thus, the budget finishes will be released.

House covering panels

You can bind the house with light PVC panels. Such material is also inexpensive and attractive. The finish can be performed in the form of natural stone, marble, brick, wood, etc. Panels have low weight, and therefore are easy to install. With the help of such facing plates, you can perform a beautiful decorative finish of the entire cottage. And the panels can be combined, separating the base and corners of the house under the stone, and the walls - by performing under a tree or simply by placing in a homogeneous shade.

Remember, the house, separated by correctly selected materials, not only gets a new appearance, but also gets a longer service life.

Reading time ≈ 14 minutes

The final stage of the construction of the house is the facade cladding, and here many owners get an important question - what material is better and cheaper to purchase? Ideally, the choice of material for the outer decoration should occur even at the design stage of the house. Today, the market for finishing materials presents a huge range, therefore everyone can choose the option to taste and its wallet. However, in the process of choice it is worth considering several important factors: the facing material should look aesthetic, improve the exterior of the house, to harmonize with the territory. Secondly, it should reliably protect the design from the adverse effects of the medium, have high sound and thermal insulation properties. Thirdly, the choice of finishing should proceed from the type of building of the building.

The option of combined cladding at home.


One of the most common, inexpensive, simple materials for outdoor building building is decorative plaster. The composition of various modern plasters is very different, and consequently, the properties and type of the surface obtained will also be varied.

Pluses of finishing material:

  • aesthetics;
  • painting in any color;
  • resistance to moisture, precipitation. At the same time, excessive moisture inside the building can freely pass through the coating outward;
  • resistance to temperature differences, ultraviolet;
  • high sound and thermal insulation;
  • simplicity of application;
  • suitable for any material of the building wall;
  • most types of plaster have a low price.

However, if the application of decorative plaster was produced with a violation of technology, the following problems may appear: cracking, peeling and appearing spots on the surface. To reduce the risk of such problems, entrust plastering the responsible and experienced master.

There are many stucco compositions that allow you to get a different surface and appearance. Consider them in more detail.

Mineral Plaster

As can be seen from the name, this material has a mineral foundation that consists of marble (granite), lime, portland cement. It has a porous structure. Thanks to the components, mineral plaster has very high operational properties:

  1. Strength, wear resistance (with proper application and competent combination of building materials, plaster will serve at least 15 years).
  2. High thermal insulation properties.
  3. Parry permeability (moisture can go out, and the walls of the building "breathe").
  4. Resistance to heat and frost, daily temperature differences.
  5. Resistance to aggressive detergent.
  6. Fire resistance.

Various colors of mineral plaster.

When installing it is worth considering that mineral plaster grasps very quickly - for 15 minutes, because all work with it should be carried out quickly and into one stage, otherwise the surface will be a curve, wavy. The specified feature of plaster can be used in their favor - all work on applying will be done as soon as possible, but for this you need to hire a competent person.

Mineral plaster is not suitable for the facing of the newly erected buildings, because when shrinking can give cracks.

Acrylic plaster

It is produced on an aqueous acrylic basis. Main advantages:

  1. Elasticity (i.e., the material is suitable for the facing of new buildings).
  2. Wear resistance and durability (up to 18-20 years).
  3. Parry permeability and ability to "breathe" walls.
  4. Resistance to the development of fungi, mold.
  5. Wide color range.
  6. The compositions are sold immediately ready to apply.

However, there are some shortcomings:

  1. The highest cost compared to the mineral composition.
  2. Flammable, and accordingly, the impossibility of using with some materials (for example, mineral wool).
  3. Fast drying.
  4. Attraction of dust and the need for regular washing.

The texture and variants of the colors of acrylic plaster.

Silicate plaster

Another high-quality type of facade plaster is silicate. The basis of the composition is silicate glass, because the material has such operational properties:

  1. Large service life (up to 30 years).
  2. Resistance to moisture, ultraviolet, other adverse external influences.
  3. Elasticity (absence of cracks during the shrinkage of the building).
  4. Minimal pollution and simplicity of purification.

However, if you have a question: what material is better and cheaper to choose to facade the facade of the house, then the silicate plaster will not be the best solution due to its high cost. Also a small color palette, the speed of drying, the need to apply special primer. It should be borne in mind that silicate plaster is combined not with all insulation.

House lined with silicate plaster.

Silicone plaster

Also very high quality, durable facing material, which has almost no minuses. Created on the basis of silicone resins, therefore has unique performance: durability, strength, resistance to the effect of the medium, the possibility of use with any insulation and construction materials, minimal inclination to pollution and simplicity of cleaning. In addition, silicone plaster is easy to apply.

The only drawback of the material that stops many from the purchase is a high price.

Elasticity of silicone coating.


By right, siding can be called the leader in the facing materials market. It has gained such extreme popularity thanks to low cost, simplicity of finishing, modern and stylish appearance. Siding is called narrow panels from a different material length from 2 to 6 m, which are attached to each other using the "Christmas tree" profile.

Siding allows in a short time and at minimum cash costs not only to bind a new building, but also renovating the old building.

Main advantages:

  1. Durability (the coating will serve at least 50 years).
  2. Aesthetic appearance.
  3. Simplicity and speed of installation.
  4. Easy to care (washing), no need for additional painting.
  5. Huge selection of siding materials, as well as color solutions.
  6. Resistance to injury to insects, fungi, mold, microorganisms.
  7. Easy, flexibility of material.
  8. Resistance to temperature differences, moisture, ultraviolet.

Country house lined with siding.

At the same time, it is worth considering the disadvantages of this type of cladding (many minuses depend on the specific siding material):

  1. Synthetic and non-environmental material.
  2. Felicness (for example, vinyl siding flammifies very easily, with burning it highlights the caustic smoke, it is difficult to steal).
  3. Fragility at low temperatures (vinyl siding).
  4. Metal siding is subject to deformations when contacting (for example, it can be brought, and it will not work off the initial look).

Siding can be manufactured from such materials:

  1. Wood. It is made of pressed wood fibers with the addition of binding materials. Not in demand due to the cost, short-life, susceptibility to moisture.
  2. Aluminum / steel. Used to finish social and industrial buildings due to strength and fire safety. It is manufactured in any shades. However, it is rare for finishing private houses due to high cost.
  3. Cement. The basis of the material is cement and cellulose. Due to fire resistance, it is used mainly for finishing industrial and public buildings. Not widespread in the finishing of private houses due to high weight, limited color range, price and complex installation.
  4. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC).

The vinyl siding is the undisputed leader of the shopping, because we consider it in more detail.


And all types of siding is the most budgetary, has a large range of colors, besides, it can mimic the texture of a tree, other materials. It has all the advantages of siding. But before you decide on the purchase, consider the disadvantages of the material:

  1. Low heat insulation.
  2. The difficulty of replacing the panel in case of damage.
  3. A high linear extension coefficient (it is rather not minus, but a feature that is worth considering when installing).

Vinyl siding for the facade of the building.

Polyvinyl chloride also produces base siding. It differs from the vinyl thickened wall of the panels (up to 3.5 mm). This material is an ideal solution for facing the lower floors of buildings.

Application of baseline siding for lining a residential building.

When choosing vinyl siding, pay attention to the components in the composition and color-thanks to the presence of titanium dioxide (TiO2) material acquires fury to burn apart.

And since this is a white substance, then all the colors with its addition have gentle, pastel, soft tones. Therefore, from buying a saturated suding, an unnatural shade is better to refuse - a high risk stumble upon a low-quality coating that will soon burn out in the sun.

Facade brick

For facing works, a special brick is applied, which is called facade, facing or facial. Depending on the composition, the appearance and properties of the brick are different, but by common features for this facing material can be called:

  • strength and stability;
  • a large selection of textures, colors, forms;
  • aesthetic appearance.

Different types of bricks for facade works.

Bricks for cladding can be such species:

  • clinker;
  • ceramic;
  • silicate;
  • hyper pressed.

Consider all sorts in more detail.


It is made of shale refractory clays, it is born at high temperatures, as a result, it acquires the highest refractory, frost and moisture resistance, strength.

Main advantages:

  1. Resistance to mechanical damage.
  2. Wear resistance.
  3. Resistance to temperature drops, ultraviolet, moisture, aggressive substances.
  4. Beautiful appearance.
  5. Ecology.
  6. Easy to care (periodic washing facade).

Dark shade clinker brick for facing facade.

Given its operational characteristics, clinker brick is the best way to facing the house. However, the lack of material can be called cost, high weight and difficult installation. Alternatively should look at clinker tiles, which has similar parameters, but is distinguished by a small thickness.


It is made of clay by firing at high temperatures. It has the same advantages as the clinker brick, but it is cheaper. It may have a classic brick surface (matte / smooth), mimic the stone, be a coated icing of various shades.

The disadvantage is high water absorption (up to 10%), as a result of which it may reduce the stability of the material to frost.

Ceramic brick classical shade.

Hypersed brick

Unlike the two previous varieties, the manufacture of this material does not apply high-temperature firing. Yes, and the clay with sand is not used in the composition. Hypersed brick is molded under high pressure from cement, limestone, dyes and other additives.

Pluses of facing material:

  1. Strength and durability.
  2. A large range of colors.
  3. The ideal geometric shape of each product.
  4. Easy work and installation.

Contrary to such high operational qualities, the brick has shortcomings: thermal conductivity, high weight and color change over time.

Various shades of hypersed bricks.


For the manufacture uses sand and cement. This type of brick is the fiscal basis, but the least popular due to low external characteristics. It is distinguished by durability, good geometric shape of products, sound insulation qualities, however, there are quite a few minuses of this brick:

  1. Low thermal insulation indicators.
  2. High water absorption.
  3. Low rates of frost resistance.
  4. Large weight.

The house with a facing of silicate brick looks very aesthetic, however, the data is applied now more and less.

A rock

With this finishing material, no others will be able to compete in durability, strength, decorative properties. May be natural and artificial.

Natural stone

Natural stone is a very expensive pleasure, because if you decide which material is better and cheaper to buy for facing the facade of the house, then this option is definitely not suitable. However, the natural stone can be facing not fully the entire area, but to use it as a decor or for focusing.

Obviously, the natural stone is shown excellent resistance to moisture, ultraviolet, low and high temperatures. Even after decades, it does not lose a beautiful appearance, does not require repair and care. However, besides the high price of its purchase stops a large weight of the material.

Types of stones used for exterior finish:

  • granite;
  • dolomite;
  • sandstone;
  • slate;
  • dolomite;
  • marble;
  • quartzite;
  • travertine;
  • gabbro.

Facing from natural stone gives the house high costs and elitism, harmoniously looks at large houses of complex design and architecture.

Inserts made of natural stone in the facing of the house.

Fake diamond

Alternative to Natural is an artificial stone. Externally, two species are not enough (as can be seen in the photo), but the cost of an artificial analogue is much cheaper, besides, it has a lower weight. It has similar characteristics with natural stone.

Even in the case of buying an artificial stone, its cost will be much higher than the price of a similar amount of other finishing materials for the facade.

Also, take into account the service life - this is if a natural stone will serve you for decades, but the decorative analog for finishing the facade will serve about 20 years.

Mature of shades, textures and forms of artificial stone.

Facing tile

Also very common material, which are separated by outer walls of the building. Allows you to restore the old building, as well as transform and even insulate a new building.

Tiles for facing:

  • ceramic;
  • concrete;
  • clinker;
  • agglomerate;
  • terracotta;
  • ceramographic.

For the facing of private houses, the first three species are often used, the rest are used in the facades of public build buildings.

Ceramic tile

Comable facing material with a pleasant decorative species and high operating performance. Pluses of choosing ceramic tiles:

  1. Low water absorption.
  2. Resistance to high and low temperatures.
  3. Mechanical strength.
  4. Large selection of shades, textures, the ability to realize many designer ideas.
  5. Minimal dust pollution and mud.

Ceramic tile is in the middle price range in the facing materials market. Its disadvantages can be called very low vapor permeability (i.e. the walls of the building will not be able to "breathe"), as well as a relatively large weight.

The manifold shades of ceramic tiles.

Concrete tile

It is successfully used to finish both residential buildings and office buildings, commercial premises. It is made on the basis of quartz sand, a portrait, various additive components. The advantages of the material:

  1. A large selection of shades (painted can be both a concrete mix and finished laid tiles). So, you can choose a tile with imitation of granite, marble, malachite, amber, overflow, monophonic.
  2. The possibility of cheap to separate the building.
  3. Wear resistance, durability, reliability.
  4. The ability to use for the restoration of the old building.

This material is not devoid of flaws: large modules of concrete tile can only be mounted in a dry way (for small modules is suitable and dry, and wet method). Concrete tile is undesirable to use in the regions with strong frosty winter.

The base lined with concrete tiles.

Clinker tile

Earlier, we have already considered cladding with clinker bricks. The clinker tile according to the characteristics and properties is no different from the brick, but it has a smaller weight. In terms of frost resistance and strength, clinker tiles are ahead of porcelain stoneware and marble.

The facade of the building can be issued for every taste if used clinker tiles as decorative inserts.

Facade clinker tiles look very aesthetic and winning.

Sandwich panels

Sandwich panels are high-tech, modern, high-quality designs for finishing the facade of the building. Used mainly for cladding industrial and commercial buildings, but can also use for the lining of a residential building. Consist of several layers: heat insulating heartburns, covered between two metal profiles. Glue is used for fastening, and the metal sheet is covered with a protective film. As a core can be used:

  • polyurethane foam;
  • mineral wool on basalt basis;
  • polystyrene foam.

The structure of the sandwich panels.

Sandwich panels have high performance characteristics:

  1. Resistance to biological factors;
  2. Heat-, sound insulation.
  3. Low index of moisture absorption.
  4. Mechanical strength.
  5. Easy installation and panels.
  6. Constancy of material properties after time.
  7. Aesthetic and modern appearance.

The only and very significant disadvantage of this material is the high cost.

Modern style house lined with sandwich panels.

Options of facade structures

The choice of facing material should be based not only on the characteristics of the material directly, but also on which the building is built and how these materials can be combined.

Classification of facade structures:

The design of the wet facade.

Using our overview of the facade materials, you can make the right choice and decide which material is better and cheaper to use for facing the facade of the house.

You can learn more about finishing facade materials from the video:

On the question of how to separate the facade of the house, irresponsible is impossible. The fact is that this part of the design solves many important tasks:

  • Protects the walls from the negative effect of atmospheric precipitation;
  • Provides protection of the house from the heat in the summer;
  • In winter, the facade provides comfort;
  • In addition, it is this part of the structure that protects tenants from street noise.

Will your finish of the facade with all these functions - here much depends on what technologies and materials are used.

Stone House Facade Finish

If your home is made of stone, it is time to deal with the better to separate the facade. What is worth using:

  • Brick;
  • Stucco;
  • Maybe a stone?

If you know features Each of the above materials will easier make a choice.

  1. Decorative brick;
  2. Vinyl siding;
  3. A rock.

Wooden facades Also do not lose their popularity, here are in demand such options as:

  • Baked facade board;
  • Half-timbered;
  • "American".

Such a variety of finishes is due not only to the fact that wall structures need decoration - An important task is also: protection of material of walls from negative impacts from the outside.

Most popular materials for facade works

Let's talk about what the facade finish is usually not executed:

  1. Here you can mark the slagoblock;
  2. Ordinary brick;
  3. Gypsum bloks and foam blocks;
  4. Aerated concrete.
The above materials are chosen not often, as they have or low decorative characteristics, or have poor resistance against wind, temperature drops, precipitation.

Even a reliable and high-quality silicate brick, which is characterized by a spectacular, attractive appearance, is used to arrange the facade not often, since it is inferior in many indicators to its facing analogue.

So, what materials are used most often, to separate the facade in the field of suburban construction?

Block house

Block House is one of the varieties of the lining, the facial surface of the material is very naturally imitates log-rounded log. Blockchaus is safe in environmental terms, is beneficial in terms of savings.

Separating the facade of the house by blockhaus (or a timber imitation) is better like this:

  • Wooden double doom is performed;
  • The first is needed so that the insulation can be paved;
  • The second creates the necessary ventilated clearance and serves the main for the installation of the cladding;
  • Ventilation is needed not only wood, but also mineral wool;
  • Moreover, each panel is usually treated from the inside;
  • It is necessary to protect against harmful insects and from rotting;
  • Outside the blockchaus panel also accepted to process;
  • So provide protection against precipitation.

Wet facade - what a feature

Thanks to a sufficiently moderate value, wonderful decorative and operational indicators, wet facades today are a fairly popular finish method.

The wet facade is often used today in order to complete the finish of walls possessing low vapor permeability.

  1. Plates of amplifier (such as extruded polystyrene foam, foam) is taken to be attached to a special adhesive solution.
  2. In addition, they are mandatory fixed with the help of a dowel
  3. Reinforcing mesh mounted from fiberglass
  4. It is thrown by mortar
So do in order to prevent the appearance of junctions in those places where the insulation plates are connected to each other.
  • The top layer is rubbed;
  • When he is completely dry, a special facade plaster is put on it;
  • After this material is ground, paints paints that are designed for external work.

This method has one drawback - you have to perform "wet" work. That is, if you think than to separate the facade of the house and stopped at this option, consider seasonal restrictions.

Siding for facades

The term "siding" came to us from the English language. Translate to Russian This seems to be like "Outdoor Cleaning". This material today occupies a leading position in the housing home-building.

How to separate the facade of the house, if not siding? This material is mounted very easily, work is performed quickly. In other words, it is difficult to find something more profitable for facade cladding.

How to install:

  1. To start need a doomer (that is - carrying frame);
  2. It can be arranged from different materials: someone will choose a wooden bar;
  3. Another person will stop on a metal profile;
  4. Polyfoam, the thickness of which is not less than 20 mm, is ideal as insulation;
  5. If you are going for insulation to use mineral wool, be sure to provide the necessary air gap;
  6. This is due to the fact that Minvat is able to absorb the atmospheric moisture.

Vinyl siding for finishing facade

What is good vinyl siding for facing the facade? Here everything is simple: this material will give your building an aesthetic, finished look.

Vinyl siding - the material is not very expensive, while quite elastic and durable. Before using - weigh all the pros and cons, taking into account firefighters and environmental considerations.

In addition, before buying the material, find out everything on the operational parameters of the products of the manufacturer, the products of which are going to acquire.

Why it is necessary:

  • There have been cases of warping, swelling on vinyl siding
  • The appearance of cracks is noted
  • If products are not high quality, it can have increased fragility in winter
  • There are uneven burnout spots in the summer season.

Thus, you should make sure that you have chosen vinyl siding for finishing the facade will really cope with its task. After all, it is not, the result of the work will be noticeable to everyone.

In addition, it is known that the siding of the Polish brand Royal (like a joint venture of Belgium and the Russian Federation - Tecos) for two years of use slightly burns out from the south. In general, it is not quite critical, but pay attention to such. If we talk about mechanical characteristics, then there are no complaints at all.

Siding from Fibrocement

Not so long ago, not many know about such a material - because of the enormous popularity of vinyl siding. But consumers in the Russian Federation decided to pay attention to the facade finish, which is based on cement.

This finishing material is tested by time, for the first time it began to use it in the European countries a hundred years ago. It is distinguished by strength, safe from the point of view of fire safety, fibro-cement siding is not afraid of biological corrosion and moisture impact.

If you find information that siding from Fibroter today is not in demand in private construction and is not safe to human health - know: this information is obsolete. Indeed, once a long time for the manufacture of such material was used asbestos - a substance, harmful to people, but today this situation is completely excluded.

Instead of asbestos, in our time, only environmentally friendly cellulose is used in our time.

Cement siding It looks great, moreover, after installing it, you can paint - thanks to this capabilities, the owner of a country house can get somehow shade. Which is also characteristic, certain material producers issue a solid warranty for cement siding - in some cases the stated service life is 50 years.

Steel siding for facades

The material of steel is relatively expensive, while often it is necessary to spend money on different anti-corrosion products - therefore steel siding for the facade is not often used, especially if you need to separate the private structure.

At the same time, many owners choose the metal material, since it is more solid.

In principle, steel siding can be separated a house - it is welcomed from the point of view of fire safety, so that fire hazardous objects from such a finish will only benefit.

Canadian "Wooden" Siding

If we talk about what the facade of the house can be separated, Canadian siding cannot be accessed. This Wooden Material, that is, is an environmentally friendly, aesthetic, in a special presentation it does not need.

And now more details:

  1. Despite all its positive properties, such an excellent coating inherits all the cons of wood;
  2. Consequently, the service life of such siding is relatively small;
  3. It is expensive, it is elastic to a lesser extent (in contrast to analogues);
  4. When installing from the builder, accuracy is required;
  5. The hosts during the operation of Canadian siding should timely take care of such susceptible and "capricious" material.

Thermopanels (thermal insulation facade panels)

This material is young enough, but has already managed to conquer confidence:

  • It is used both for insulation and for the decorative trim of the facade
  • Widely used in Europe and in the Russian Federation
  • This was made possible thanks to the newest, the hardest requirements of SNiP of February 23, 2003 - the section "Thermal protection of buildings".

What are the thermopanels:

  1. This is light, but very durable material;
  2. Manufactured on the basis of polyurethane foam, extrusion polystyrene foam or foam, which provides impressive heat capacity;
  3. The technology assumes the possibility of creating a monolithic single layer, which will perform the function of the thermos (coolness will be maintained in summer, heat - in winter);
  4. Thermopanels for finishing the facade can be attached to various surfaces (foam concrete and fuel-concrete blocks, wood, concrete, glass adhesive sheets, brick).

Plasters used to finish facades

Pay attention to the following options - they are often chosen, to separate the facade of the house :

Ordinary plaster

This decision can be called traditional, so the popularity of plaster is deserved. Due to the fact that there are a lot of modern technologies for finishing the facade, the owner of a private house is always a choice - how to achieve high-quality relief on the walls.

What can I say about plaster?

  • The main limitation here is the complexity;
  • To put the stucco with an amateur at all is not just - here you need a qualified work;
  • Attempts to mechanize the process were, but did not give special success;
  • Thus, the plaster on the facade is applied by "Dedov's" ways - only with minor additions.

Polymer (acrylic) plaster

This material falls on sale in the form of a completely finished mixture. It has a water-dispersive basis (it is not required to be checked, that is, you can not be afraid of erroneous dosages when cooking).

  1. The mixture is easily kernel - that is, the choice of color is not limited
  2. In the presence of strength;
  3. Elasticity;
  4. Plaster has high resistance against different popsies of nature.


  • Parry permeability - low;
  • It is not recommended to use on those facades where cotton insulation was used.


  • The cost is moderate (if compared with silicate and silicone plasters), but higher than that of mineral;
  • Durability is 50 years;
  • Frost resistance: 50 cycles.

Lime-cement (mineral plaster)

This material can be called very durable, while it is the cheapest. Through years, the hardness of the coating will only increase - it is also highly appreciated. Mineral plaster differs in high pH reagent, has resistant against the occurrence of biological corrosion.

The choice of colors from manufacturers is not very big if you want to use a wide color gamut - it is better to look at another finishing material. Usually do this: they apply white mineral plaster, and then additionally - silicate facade paint.


  1. Elasticity is low;
  2. Adhesion to the base is low;


  • Durability is more than thirty years;
  • The cost is acceptable to any family;
  • The frost resistance rate is 75 cycles.

Silicone plaster

If you think about it to separate the facade of the house, and came to the conclusion that it is worth using silicone plaster, that's what you should know about this material:

  1. Its base is silicone modified resin;
  2. An acrylate organic binder is also added to the composition;
  3. Also include pigments and mineral fillers;
  4. If the budget allows, such plaster can be called the most successful choice for finishing the facade.
Silicone Plaster - the most expensive among all existing. The durability of the material is more than sixty years. The frost resistance rate is 60 cycles.

By the way, the facade paints are also accepted to divide on different types. (as well as plaster):

  • There are acrylic paints for facades;
  • Silicate;
  • Silicone.

Silicate plaster

Thanks to this material, a durable, durable coating.

  1. Silicate plaster based on liquid glass is manufactured;
  2. Due to this, high vapor permeability is ensured;
  3. This indicator is much higher than that of acrylic and mineral plasters;
  4. In addition, in the presence of resistance against biological corrosion.

You can safely apply silicate plaster on any mineral bases. It is characterized by neutral electrostaticity - dirt and dust are not attracted.
  • Among the disadvantages: a small color range.

Other finishing materials

If you still have not decided for yourself than to separate the facade of the house, we bring to your attention another series suitable and affordable materials today.

Porcelain stoneware (tile)

This material for finishing facades (and not only) is artificial, but at the same time it has high performance indicators. Once the tile was used mainly for the arrangement of the floors - today the situation has changed - the porcelain stoneware is actively used to cover the walls of different architectural structures.

Many specialists believe that porcelain stoneware is the perfect material for plating ventilated facades.

Facing brick

Facing ceramic brick has different advantages:

  • High mechanical strength;
  • Resistance against wind, water, ultraviolet;
  • Excellent reaction to temperature differences.

However, certain disadvantages There are even this material:

  1. Low thermal insulation level;
  2. A fairly large mass;
  3. High price.
It is because of the above disadvantages. Recently, the facing brick is given its position as a material for finishing facades.

To the thickness of your brick wall corresponding to the SNiP - including, the requirements for protection against heat loss, it should be 800-900 mm! And this is quite expensive, in addition, in this case the building will require a serious foundation. However, if we are talking about a low-rise structure, such a wall will have a slightly excessive strength.

In extreme cases, applied welding masonry:

  • Between facing material and ordinary bricks create a gap;
  • Fill it with heat insulator;
  • This approach to the case contributes to a decrease in the total thickness of the wall one and a half times;
  • This indicator is reduced to two, if applied warm facade systems.

Ventilated suspended facade

This method can be called the most common for those walls that have high vapor permeability.

The essence here is what: form the carrier frame, which provides the clearance required for circulation, between the facing and insulation.

The function of the insulation perfectly performs mineral wool - It is often used for this.

I.e, the process of arrangement of the ventilated suspension facade looks like this:

  1. The wall of the brackets is installed on the wall;
  2. They must be made of metal profile;
  3. The height of the brackets should be such that it can be possible to place the insulating material without any problems;
  4. In addition, there is a vapor-permeable membrane;
  5. Do not forget also about the arrangement of the gap of the corresponding thickness.

Mineral wool mats should be strengthened!

  • This is done with glue;
  • Sometimes an umbrella plastic dowel is used for additional strength;
  • The membrane is stacked from above - it is whether it prevents the destruction of the material;
  • But due to such a system, the pair of water weathered without any problems;
  • Metal profiles are installed on the brackets;
  • It is they who act as a support for the subsequent installation of the facing of the ventilated facade.

The cladding itself can be somehow - there will be any wrestling or sheet material here - even though the composite panels, at least a professional flooring, are even installed a porcelain stoneware.

Use one or another option is only for you. The main thing is to remember: the use of any of the materials involves its features:

  1. In terms of step;
  2. By fastening method;
  3. According to the material of the root;
  4. Composite panels, for example, should be attached solely on aluminum profiles.

We offer you a cognitive video: how to install the suspended ventilated facade with your own hands. This lesson will surely give an answer to many urgent questions about whether to separate the facade.

Fake diamond

This type of finish is chosen because the surface acquires a more decorative appearance. The fact is that the artificial stone externally fully meets its natural analogue.

But the material created by a person weighs much less (somewhere one and a half times), finishing work with it is easier - any collection offers to buyers different additional elements for cladding. So you can make anything, including:

  1. Joints;
  2. Corners;
  3. Doorks;
  4. Window Pieces.

That is, installation works are simplified as much as possible..

In processing, artificial stone is very militant, in addition, it is distinguished by strength, is environmentally friendly (which is also highly appreciated lately).

Installation without problems is made on any basis.

But remember: this finish is afraid of moisture. So, in those places where natural moisture is a lot, the surface decorated with artificial stone should be additionally processed - for this there are various hydrophobic solutions.

Output: How to separate the facade of the house - the question is very important. After all, the finish is needed not only in order to further strengthen the external walls of your home. The high-quality installation of the finishing material extends the life of the entire structure, significantly decorates the plot - it is really created something very beautiful, original. Random passerby can easily conclude about the tenants of one or another home - just look at the finish of the facade.

The range of building stores is so great that the eyes simply scatter. Therefore, asking for what facing materials is suitable for exterior walls, it is better to study it first at home on the couch. And only after that go for the purchase.

After all, it is necessary to take into account not only the cost of finishing, but what should be the basis of how much the material will serve and how to take care of it, and many more nuances. Today we will talk to finishing materials for the facade.

Before choosing cladding materials for exterior walls, you have to decide which type of facade you want to do. By the finishing method distinguish:

  1. - Here it is necessary to use building mixtures in the form of plaster or adhesive composition for fastening materials. The disadvantage of this method is the need to adapt under the weather conditions.
  2. Dry facade - In this case, fastening elements (nails, screws, dowels, kleimers and other) are used to fix cladding. Depending on the temperature and humidity of the environment here is not.

There is another classification of facades, by the presence of a ventilated clearance:

  • non-ventilated - between the outer decoration and insulation, or the wall of the house, the gap does not leave;
  • ventilated - the presence of a gap necessarily. A small distance will circulate air between cladding and insulation. This removes the excess moisture, which always protrude out through the walls, and therefore, a comfortable microclimate is preserved inside the house. In addition, such a design is capable of extending the service life of both the materials used, so the structure as a whole.

For each of the types of facades, a certain series of facing is suitable. Therefore, after it was decided with the method of finishing, proceed to the choice of materials.

Varieties of facing, finishes

The range of building stores and markets is really huge. Each material has distinctive features and is not suitable for all reasons. Therefore, choosing an option for yourself, consider:

  1. Compatibility with the base.
  2. Material service life.
  3. Resistance to external negative actions (temperature differences, mechanical, chemical and biological effects, ultraviolet).
  4. Simplicity and speed of installation.
  5. Method of care.
  6. Aesthetics of appearance.
  7. The cost of products and the cost of performing work, if the wrapper will perform employees.

If you adhere to such criteria, then the result will not only please long years, but also in the house will become warmer and more comfortable.

Natural stone and imitation

A natural and artificial stone can be chosen as a finishing material for the outer walls of the house. The finish emphasizes the style and taste of the owner of the house. Both options possess excellent technical characteristics:

  • durability;
  • resistance of temperature jumps;
  • excellent moisture barrier;
  • resistant to ultraviolet;
  • rodents, fungi and mold can not damage the material;
  • it is difficult to damage mechanically;
  • environmentally friendly material, both natural and artificial.

But there are several differences in these two options. Natural stone is very expensive, and the weight has a big one. Therefore, not every new structure will be able to withstand this load. Therefore, natural stone is either replaced with artificial analogue, which is much easier and a little cheaper. Or combine with other types of finishes, for example, plaster.

Different materials and installation method. Natural stone, for example, a seven, in most cases glued to the facade. But for such a finish, the Master must have extensive experience in working correctly and high qualityly to put all the details.

Artificial stone can be mounted both on glue and using mechanical fasteners, by type of ventilated facade. Most often analogue is produced in the form of plates, therefore it is much easier to work with them.


One of the most popular options for finishing the facade is a facing brick. This material also has its own varieties. So, the attention of buyers provide:

  • silicate;
  • hyper pressed;
  • clinker;
  • ceramic brick.

Each of these options has its own distinctive characteristics. But some benefits will be common to all options:

  1. Duration of service.
  2. Stability in front of any negative effects.
  3. Heat and sound insulation properties.
  4. A variety of colors and textures. There are glossy options, and textured.
  5. The ability to purchase bricks of different shapes.

Spreads the picture only the cost of materials and the complexity of the construction of facing. The newcomer can not work with the task. The master knows the features of the styling of bricks. To that, the finish is performed long enough, even if it works, a professional brigade.


This option is also one of the popular and long-known ways to finish the facade. Now there are already ready-made compositions with which it is much easier and faster to work, because it is not necessary to measure a certain amount of each component.

There are also plaster and according to the composition therefore, you can find the appropriate option for a wooden house, and for the base of the foam block. In composition, plastering mixtures are:

  • mineral;
  • silicate;
  • acrylic;
  • silicone.

If you correctly prepare the surface and perform all actions, the plastered facade has the following properties:

  1. It is insulated and isolated from outsided outdoor noise.
  2. Pushes moisture.
  3. It looks attractive, and using the factory option is also original.
  4. Masks couples from interior.
  5. Sufficiently durable and can withstand small mechanical loads.
  6. Resistant to environmental differences.

Watching can be performed with your own hands. Although newbies will take a little longer than a professional. The cost of different compositions varies in the available ranges, because everyone will find an option for itself. But if all the work is incorrect, then the following problems will arise:

  • manifestation of spots on the facade;
  • peeling;
  • the occurrence of cracks.

Therefore, before starting work, read the instructions that the manufacturer indicates the package or read the Internet literature. If you are unsure in your abilities, trust the master.


This is one of the modern popular facing materials. The cost of such a lining is low. The material is quick and easy to mounted, it is light and attractive. Therefore, it can be applied to the update and old cottage or garage. But for residential buildings, siding is also good.

Installed panels on the frame of the ventilated facade. Depending on the material from which siding is made distinguish between several options:

  1. Metal.
  2. Wooden - under the log, bar or board ().
  3. Vinyl.
  4. Cement.


This category of finishing materials is distinguished by a large variety than, for example, brick or plaster. Moreover, if in previous versions there were approximately the same characteristics. In this case, the materials are very distinguished by the structure and properties. Because we consider each panel separately

Metal with polymer coating

Such panels are made of galvanized steel sheets, therefore have a small weight, and therefore suitable for the reconstruction of the facades of old buildings. Metal panels are installed according to the type of the ventilated facade, therefore there will always be a place for the heat insulating material.

Manufacturers create different variations of panels. The color of the details is also diverse. There are imitation under wood and stone, which increases the popularity of the material. True, most often used metal panels for cladding:

  • car wash and gas stations;
  • office and administrative buildings;
  • industrial buildings.

Vinyl finishing panels

In private construction for facing the facade, the vinyl siding is chosen. This option has a number of benefits:

  1. Small weight.
  2. Large selection of colors. But professional masters recommend choosing pastel and bright shades. Since under the influence of ultraviolet, even the highest quality siding is losing color over time. On the panels of light shades, this is not so noticeable.
  3. Simplicity and speed of installation.
  4. Easy care. The panels are cleaned with running water or even rain.
  5. Affordable price.

But with siding, everything is not so simple. Although it is installed quickly, you must adhere to all recommendations. Vinyl panels possess such a disadvantage as a change in linear dimensions under the influence of both high and low temperatures. Therefore, when fixing, the details of the fasteners are not fixed close, but leave the gap of 1-2 mm.

Two-layer thermopanels

This option combines two necessary attributes for the facade finish:

  1. Insulation - to preserve the necessary temperature in the room at home.
  2. Finishing material - to update and decorate the facade.

The two components are firmly glued together, therefore there is no need to first create a thermal insulation layer, and then fix cladding. This significantly speeds up the process of the face of the facade.

Different materials are used as a decorative layer. Therefore, you can choose the facing of any color and texture. The imitation of natural stone or wood is suitable to lovers of naturalness, and those who can choose a brickwork.

The panels are fixed directly on the facade with the help of glue for external work with an additional mechanical fastening. With the installation process even a beginner to cope. Moreover, to install thermopanels at any time of the year.

Facade Facing Sandwich Panel

It can be said that this is the option of finishing a variety of thermopanels. Difference of the sandwich panels is the presence of two rigid layers, between which the insulation is located. All design elements glued together. For this use hot pressing. The benefits of panels include:

  • heat and sound insulation;
  • resistance to high humidity;
  • low weight, both separate items and the whole design;
  • speed mounting;
  • unpretentious facade care;
  • fire safety.

Fibro cement facade panels

A finish based on a cement mortar is similar to plaster. It is added to cellulose or fiberglass, which is called Fiber. Because the panels acquired the name fibro-cement. Although the number of fibers are small than only 10%, but this is enough so that the panels have become rigid enough.

The indisputable advantages of fibrotent panels include:

  1. Environmental purity.
  2. Strength.
  3. Water-repellent properties.
  4. Fire safety.
  5. Mounting speed, since the panels are produced large.
  6. Small cladding due to cellulose fibers.

Manufacturers create options with grooves at the edges in order for the facade to be monolithic. And also there is, and the usual panels. Mono Mount the frame method.

Decorative tile

For facing facades produce tiles. It is characterized by dimensions, material that was used for its creation and texture. The front tile from the panels differs only by sizes. In the rest, that is, the technical characteristics, the tile duplicates.

The ceramic tile fully has the same properties as ceramic brick, only to create a finish there is no need to build an additional wall or strengthen the foundation. The tile is easily glued outside on the walls and protects the design from negative impacts.

Most recently, the so-called flexible tile appeared on sale. This finish option is easily adapted to the corners of the mill. There is no need to buy special angular details that can stand more expensive. The element is simply bezed under the desired angle and that's it.

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Competently completed finish of the facade of the private house fully meets the basic requirements. It protects the walls from external influences, insulates the house, is a magnificent decorative decoration. In today's Material, we will present the most common options for the external finishing of the house, photos that allow to evaluate the decorative features of different materials, and a comparative analysis of the cost of various coatings.

Harmonious selection of decoration enlist the appearance of the house

The main requirements for the finishing of the facade surfaces are governed by the Code of Rules 71.13330.2017. Based on this document, it is prescribed to fix cladding plates requiring adhesive layer, apply materials in the form of mastic or glue C1 (on the lower floors) and C2 (above the first floor).

If the finishing of the house outside is done with natural stone, then the plates are first washed and dried. For artificial materials, additional moisturizing is required. With a plate of a plate, over 900 cm², the adhesive solution is required to be applied both on the wall and on the outbreak surface of the material. When using artificial plates or natural stone with a thickness above 12 mm, fasteners are installed.

Article on the topic:

Wooden siding

The predecessor of all other types of similar finishes wooden siding has not lost its popularity. For the manufacture of modern products, pressing the wood pulp mixture is carried out when heated, which makes the panels durable. Additives add additives to improve performance. Pre-raw material is cleared of impurities and resins harmful to health, which makes wooden siding with environmentally friendly material. Coating from it, thanks to the natural structure, looks comfortable and naturally.

Among the disadvantages, there is a need to periodically process the compositions that protect against fire, the formation of mold and releasing insects. Also wooden cladding requires painting, as it periodically burns out in the sun. It is not recommended to sow wooden siding wall of private houses from foamed material or fiberglass.

Metal Siding

If you compare metal siding with analogues, then it is the most resistant to natural impact, has a service life of 30 years and more. The material is durable, well withstands the shock load, does not become fragile when heated and cooling. All pollution is easily flushed with a jet of water from the hose. Metal siding is resistant to rotting, it will not be able to damage rodents and insects. This material is fire-resistant, does not mow if there is a number of open flame. Under the influence of sun rays does not fade.

The disadvantages include the possibility of rust due to the impact of moisture, higher cost. For cutting requires a special knife, and the installation will not be able to spend without professional skills. When fastening the facing, the installation is mandatory.

Sandwich panels

Due to the three-layer structure, which includes a metal or polymer shell, located on both sides, and the insulation between them, the sandwich panels have wonderful thermal insulation qualities. The role of the insulation is used, or polyurethane foam.

This is a worthy material for finishing the facades of private houses, the positive characteristics of which is quick installation, low weight, good noise insulation, environmental safety. An important factor is the cost available. After the correct installation on the frame (wooden or metallic) sandwich panel perfectly serve for a long time.

The disadvantage can be the possibility of freezing joints if the installation was performed with violations.

Ventilated facades

Multicomponent ventilated facades protect the walls with a decrease in temperature and extend their life. They are a system with the presence of special gaps that ensure the ventilation of the insulation. For the frame, it is recommended to use galvanized or aluminum profiles.

The advantages of ventilated facades is a long service life that is the minimum of 50 years. In winter, they are well saved heat, are non-combustible and environmentally friendly. At temperature drops, cracks are not formed on the surface. Attract uncomplicated editing techniques that can be carried out at any time. If necessary, facing is easily dismantled.

The disadvantaged facade is the possibility of condensate between the wall and the insulation, if the installation was illiterately. From this wall begins to freeze, and moisture is formed, which reduces the service life.

Modern facing of the facade of the house, which material is better - comparing options

The variety of options for finishing facades of houses with modern materials complicates the choice, so it is important to previously analyze their range and decide on priority criteria.

Title materialKey advantagesdisadvantages





Aesthetic appearance

Breathable coating

The possibility of obtaining damage from mechanical impacts
A rock:




Environmental Safety

High resistance to external influences

High price

Need to hold mounting skills

Facing brick:



Hyper pressed;




High Decorative Qualities

Reliable foundation is needed

Thorough docking

CeramographicMagnificent strength

Resistance to any atmospheric influences


Significant weight

High price

Ceramic facade tileGood decorative qualities, strength

Low price

The need for careful preparation of the foundation

Need to own the skills of laying

Fragility material

Decorative siding:


Wooden (larch);


Light mounting

Low price

Good decor

Some species have a brief operational period

Weak resistance to ultraviolet

Sandwich panelsEnvironmental Safety

Fast mounting

Good noise insulation


Can freeze joints
Ventilated facadeProlonged operational time

High thermal insulation

Affordable installation

Can be formed in condensate gaps

Even a brief review analysis allows you to make certain conclusions. More information can be found in the article in descriptions dedicated to specific types of facing varieties.

Harmonious Combined Facade Finish

If there are difficulties, what material to separate all parts of the structure, you can pick up different types of finishes, hamonary combining them. What a similar exclusive facade of private houses looks like, the photos placed below will demonstrate in various angles.

An additional decor can serve an insertion from another type of material. More often occurs such a reception at in order to ensure reliable protection of the foundation and basement.

You can select different materials for the combined finish. It is important not to create a varnish, performing the harmonious location of individual elements. The result becomes an exclusive design style that attracts attention originality and demonstrating artistic abilities and taste of owners.

Price overview for facade materials for outdoor finishing

Deciding than to strip the house outside Impasso and beautifully, the prices of the most popular facing materials should be analyzed.

Title materialPrice per m², rub.Cost of work turnkey taking into account insulation for m², rub.
Mineral350−750 ˃850
Acrylic1600−1905 ˃2100
Silicate2600-2615 ˃3100
Silicone2406−3900 ˃3500
A rock
Natural1400−2750 ˃7340
Artificial550-2350 ˃4550
Facing brick
Clinker1250−2650 ˃2600
Ceramic400-800 ˃1400.
Hyperpressed665-1250 ˃1700
Silicate280-350 ˃1000
Ceramographic630-1850 ˃3680.
Ceramic facade tile958-2350 ˃1700
Decorative siding
Vinyl185 ˃750
Wooden (larch)590-1950 ˃2000
Metal450-600 ˃1550
Sandwich panels600-1800 ˃3100
Ventilated facade1150-1500 ˃650

Among the improved varieties of a new generation cladding should be noted the thermopanels of the facade Russian production, the price of which varies from 2050 to 7000 rubles. per m2. Such a material is a gas-filled plastic with a decorative surface of mineral crumbs or various tile color and texture.

The choice of a suitable type of finishing for your own home is a serious work that requires a comprehensive analysis of many factors. We will be interested in your experience, express your opinion, share tips and recommendations, ask questions in the comments.
