Recipes of the dishes of the Soviet USSR. USSR kitchen: Favorite Soviet women dishes (11 photos)

This part of the Soviet menu has always been the focus. What, in general, is quite explained. The not too rich table of our fellow citizens made them consider all the rest of the dishes only as a prelude to the main thing - hot. That is why, becoming apotheosis of the Soviet table, hot dishes have absorbed into themselves and all the features of our culinary XX century.

The critical moment was the famous "Book of Tasty and Healthy Food", from 1939 to 1990 regularly published by millions of chairs. She significantly expanded the set of dishes recommended by the Soviet reader. Next to the porridge, pancakes and compotes were the recipes of stuffed carp in sour cream, fried veal, all kinds of cream oil sauces. The recommended preparation technique was complicated: it was assumed that the Soviet hostess would not only boil and fry, but also bake, and stew. The list of the most common and popular Soviet hot dishes are quite predictable: meat dishes based on minced or shallow cutting, since a large piece of good meat was an infrequent guest in Soviet tables; Chicken or pork as the most affordable meat products; Retooth garnish in the form of potatoes or pasta, plus a thick joy, - as a way to increase the calorieness of the Kushan, while maintaining its taste.
Perhaps the classic example of this trend can serve Pasta Pasta - one of the most significant and common Soviet daily dishes. It is a kind of chopper-cutting and for a caring housewife, and for the very lazy odor, and for most catering enterprises. Everything is simple: the broth cook and boiled meat, skipping through the meat grinder, mix with pasta or vermicelline. You can, of course, do not be lazy and failed the onion on the sunflower oil, and if it is so much more tastier on the creamy.

Meatballs with Macaronami
Another classic Soviet hot - cutlets and meatballs. Probably how many owners, so many family recipes. But as for the canteens, restaurants, the production of semi-finished products - everything is strictly, according to the "recipe collection ...", no amateurant. Cutlets, bokings, schnitzels, bifshes, zrazy and meatballs - all this dishes, first of all, from chopped meat, minced meat. Cutlers and bokings - minced meat and the same, the difference in the shape - the oval cutlet, the shiny, pointed from one end; Boktok - round, reptile. Adding white storm bread, closed in water, is strictly regulated. Fry in sugar breading. Who remembers the cutlet in the dining room cost 11 kopecks!

Cutlets were different - from tables for 11 kopecks to "Pozharsky" in the restaurant
The same minced meal, oval, is flattened, but a little larger and roasted without panning - Bifstex. The schnitzel chinned is preparing from beef, with the addition of slices of scuffing, roasted without breading. It sounded in the menu: "Schnitzel natural chopped", served with sauce, cost 23 kopecks. Zrazy - mince with all sorts of filling inside: eggs, buckwheat porridge, mushrooms, and just fried onions. Meatballs - minced meals with the addition of bread or rice, roasted and then stewed in sauce (tomato, sour cream, red). And, of course, the cutlets are lamb, pork, birds, fish and vegetable.
In addition to the kitlet, probably the best thing to be cooked from the meat grinding in a meat grinder is the cabbage, our Russian cabbage rolls in the cabbage leaves. Someone boils the cabbage kochan entirely, and someone first disassembles it to the leaves. Some prefer to extinguish in sour cream, while others in a fried and fruit tomato. As they say, taste and color ... We have our own technology at home. The main thing in it is to buy the right cabbage, the grade of "glory" or close to it.

Cabshots are good from cabbage grade "Glory"
It seems that only the mysterious Russian soul could produce such a dish as lazy cabbage rolls. Meanwhile, despite not an inspirational name, it is quite an independent, tasty and vitamin dish. Plus you do not need to suffer with cabbage sheets, and the cabbage variety is not important.
Dumplings. Yes, here it is a visual illustration of the evolution of Soviet cuisine. In the "book about tasty and healthy food" 1939 about them - only two short recipes: broth with dumplings and dumplings in oil (placed at the end of the "flour dishes" section). Another case "Cooking" in 1955. Here are already dozens of mention: Moskovskaya, Siberian, Uzbek, in oil with cheese, in omelet, in tomato sauce, baked, fried. And they already appear both as hot snacks, and as products from the dough, and as dishes of national cuisines.

True, sometimes all the difference between recipes is reduced to a simple phrase: "Moscow dumplings are preparing the same as Siberian dumplings, but only the test take less, and minced me more." But be that as it may, dumplings are a sign dish of our kitchen, which made a brilliant "career" with the USSR. Naturally, one of the factors of popularity became ready-made frozen dumplings, the production of which was adjusted by the food industry. What is it easier - boiled water, satisfied and poured the whole pack, 5 minutes, and ready. The skills need a little: to defrost, so as not to fall into a lump, calculate the amount of water, do not digest.
This dish of students and bachelors has become the end of the existence of the USSR truly national. Disputes about what a minced meal was made for them were an indispensable part of the meal, giving grounds for the most fantastic assumptions. However, home cooking also did not lag behind. We remember the stories, as the whole family in the 1960s they prepared for reception of guests 200-250 dumplings. As the grandfather personally checked the salinity of the minced meal and the consistency of the test. And then he competed with the son-in-law, who will eat more on the dispute. This dish is especially popular in private cuisine when such a form for their preparation appeared in business stores. She really faced the process of modeling, allowing you to prepare a batch of 37 dumplings in 5-7 minutes. It was worth only once to try, as they say, "feel the difference".

Once - and 37 dumplings are ready!
Although they spoke about semi-finished products, it is appropriate here to remember and the main of them are sausages. Established in the early 1930s, their mass production produced a real revolution in the nutrition system, including home. Moreover, at the time, along with we are familiar with weaving sausages today, their canned counterparts were produced. In the dining rooms, sausages were served with both green peas and with a "complex" garnish: a stewed cabbage and potato mashed potatoes were put on the plate. On the water cooked on the water, with a distribution, we necessarily splashed a teaspoon of melted butter. But what the reconstruction of this Soviet dish turned out from us:

Sausages with stewed cabbage under the beer "Zhigulevskoe"
Now, perhaps, it is time to move from minced meat to natural meat. Goulash, Azu, meat in sweet-sweet sauce, befstrogen, meat in French. This list, of course, can be continued, but in general, the disubs are understood. Meat, subjected to long term processing (extinguishing). Alternative to them were supposed to represent a variety of schnitzels and bifhtesses. This natural meat was also present in the menu of canteens and restaurants, but they took it with a certain caution. Due to the fact that pieces were often very tough.
They were adjacent to Rumps, Langaets, Escalopians, who were supposed to differ from each other alleged difference - from which part of the carca a piece was cut off. In fact, it seems, no one followed this. Guess what is branched under the thick layer of acidic superstars, simply did not seem to be possible. There could also be anything to do anything about any degrees of the roasher, even the words did not know these - Medium, Medium Rare, Well Done. In the most famous Soviet restaurants no one would ask you how to fry meat. They applied the same tasteless, rigid cow meat, which for many years before slaughter it was properly a record pot of milk.
For the better differed of chop cutlets, of which the relative edacy was knocked out with hammers. Here, by the way, chops from a piece of veal or pork, which was successfully purchased from a familiar butcher or on the market, successfully prepared at home kitchen. Probably, it was the only way to prepare a natural piece of meat at home. Therefore, it is not surprising that the main dishes of both at home and in the urban, there were erupical sliced \u200b\u200bpieces of meat with various sauces, in common people called soot.
For dining and restaurants, it was much more convenient - finely chopped are preparing faster, they are easier and the sauce is not visible, what kind of pieces actually fell into a plate. The first meat dish in popularity is undoubtedly walking. A simple, simple, not requiring a high-quality, dear piece of clippings. Even today in his recipe, there is no particular need to make some adjustments.

Meat in sour-sweet sauce is not an accident to get acquainted with taste, but a favorite dish on the Soviet tables. And so well-fitful practically in any family that many considered him with their "family" recipe regardless of nationality. In fact, this is, of course, a recipe from the Jewish (Ashkenazian) national cuisine. Which left a significant mark in the Soviet gastronomy.

Meat in sour sweet sauce
And here is another representative of the Soviet multinational cuisine. Azu in Tatar was an indispensable part of the menu of our catering. Yes, and in home cooking - it was a frequent guest. By the way, here is an amazing fact. Despite such popularity, this dish did not appear on the pages of the CVP (even in late editions), and in the "cooking", it was simply mentioned as "Azu" without any Tatar roots.

Another famous dish - Beefroganov. It was born, of course, not at the USSR. The roots of it obviously leave even at the end of the XVIII century. But the first mentions in Russian Cookbooks on Beef Stroganovsky refer to the 1870s. So in the Soviet times, this Kushan enjoyed equal success and in our country, and abroad. And the posturevolutionary Russian emigration finally separated him worldwide. At the same time, this is some kind of "Soviet" dish. It is difficult to say what is the secret of his success. First, relative ease of preparation, a small set of products, light technology. Secondly, expressive taste. Thirdly, the lack of tough prescriptions - the cutting is easily replaced by the fire, sour cream - on cream, tomatoes - on the South Sauce.
But back to meat dishes. Here it is a corona dish of Soviet feasts - french meat. Honestly, no French people will come to the head of the fancy thought to heat treatment mayonnaise, as a rule, prepared by each mistress as a sauce to finished dishes. The traditional French method of cooking is Greaten - involves forming a golden crust on the surface. Recipes are a lot of recipes, with different products, including with slices of meat, potatoes and onions. But they are baked, of course, not with mayonnaise (these are our Soviet fantasies), and with Beshamel sauce, or just with cream.

French meat
It is impossible not to mention the sub-products that were much cheaper than meat in Soviet times. Light, kidney, liver, heart - Liver. In fried or stew, they were a beautiful filling for pies. Language - and this is already a delicacy! - It was not easy. The screeful of the tongue, served with a hot potato mashed potatoes, or just his cold slice on the sandwich is and now remains with high-quality daily food, and a good treat for a feast. But our best memories are about the liver. Today, this is not complaining of this product. But the slices of high-quality fresh beef liver, roasted with a bow on a butter - what can be tastier!
Returning to the topic of the "Soviet and Multinational", we cannot pass by the memories of two dishes. One of them, of course, Uzbek pilaf. Another "sharp national" dish is already from chicken. You already had probably guessed what we were talking about. Indeed, Georgian food habits, probably, have won the hearts of Soviet people forever. Chickens at the USSR were different. Domestic - more often with heads, legs and groats (liver, heart, stomach and neck). The head and paws of the birds, carelessly wrapped in a square of gray paper, sticking out effectively from the accident, predicting the prospect of fragrant soup or chahokhbil. Imported - Hungarian or French, were respected at the time of broiler. They, too, were with all the calculations, neatly wrapped in a separate, embedded package.
Imported birds most often took about the reserve and waited for their o'clock in the freezer to the nearest holiday, "they were prepared fate to become a delicacy grilled in the oven. The most "advanced" way was to fry a chicken on a bottle, unwinding the carcass by mayonnaise. So, of course, the famous chicken of tobacco. Hit resort cooking. One of the favorite positions in the restaurant kitchen menu. By the way, it was associated with its technological simplicity. After all, for example, the Kiev cauldron of the 6th category of the Soviet standards could prepare only 60 pieces per shift. And chicken - three thousand.

At sunset of socialism, for some reason, it became fashionable to argue "tobacco" or "tapak". Supporters of the latest version referred to the Georgian title of the taps of the tap, from which the dishes should be supposed to happen. While argued, the correct chickens simply disappeared from the sale, replaced by complete brute, but tasteless broilers. So for some time the discussion acquired a strictly theoretical character.
Of course, this is not a complete overview of the hot dishes of Soviet cuisine. Each of the readers will certainly be able to add at least a dozen more people who loved the evacuations from childhood. But our task was not to make the Encyclopedia of Soviet food. We just wanted to awaken your memories, recreate an unforgettable atmosphere of the left era.

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What do you put?
- Salad or roast beef?
- Salad ... and roast beef.
"Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath"

In recent years, we are increasingly forget about our history. With the appearance of a variety of products from all over the world on our shelves, from New Year's tables disappeared from the childhood dishes, and instead they came no less tasty, but still without history dishes and products. And I decided, and not to return to our past and do not arrange the evening memories. To be honest, the New Year's table of the Soviet Union was not as interesting, and the dishes were present on it, from which the ears do not pull out. Sometimes it even takes me such nostalgia that, no matter how much the rods did not give yourself, not to cook, still every year I am preparing Salad Olivier, the famous herring under the fur coat. But not only these dishes prepared our moms and grandmothers. By the way, mostly New Year's treat consisted of those products that were issued in the famous tables of orders and those that could be grabbed by defeating kilometer traffic jams. Many and do not remember what it is. So the mandatory attributes of the New Year's menu were: Champagne Soviet, stick smoked sausage, bank of red caviar, bank Sprot, Bank of Peas, Candy Candy "Assorted" or "Cherry in Liker", Bottle of Wheat Vodka, Kalmarov Bank in C / s. My grandfather got a more advanced portion of delicacies, which included canned pineapples or peaches, a black caviar pot and fruit, as a rule, tangerines or oranges, were ducks or geese, and so mostly chicken. From these products, the grandmother was preparing all sorts of dishes, which and now in my memory cause tender feelings and fragrances from childhood.

What was usually served on the table in the New Year. Like now - salads, snacks, jelly and bay. The jelly put cooking in two days to grab better. I loved the jelly of pork legs and beef - he always got so tasty and fragrant. In the morning, from the balcony, they got a big, liters for 20 saucepan. Then the pork and beef legs were sent to it, meat with a bone, approximately half, or a little more. Then the whole thing was flooded with cold water, and the grandfather put the pan on the stove. When the water boiled, filmed a foam, onions and carrots, peppers and laurels were added and cooked hours until 7 pm, and even longer. And Solished grandmother, the student is always exactly an hour before the removal. Then all this brew was cooled to room temperature, bones were pulled out of the broth (as we waited for them with my brother, sometimes even fought!) With meat and vegetables. After the whole pulp was filmed, my grandmother sat her to cut her - very finely, checking the bones. I remember the hands and lips became such sticky and fat that ate was broken from the knife. At this time, the grandfather cut garlic - a lot and very carefully. The meat was laid out according to the molds, covered with garlic from above and flooded with a leaky broth. And all this beauty went to the refrigerator. Be sure to, on the sample, they did a small mold, which in the morning was allowed to try everything, the rest is for a holiday.

On the day of the holiday in the morning, cooking in the kitchen began - cooking vegetables on salads, and the dough kneading on the pies. By the way, for me pies - the chief attribute of the new year. They were done with us with three fillings - with rice and egg - for business, with cabbage and jam for me. I remember how I came to the kitchen, and my grandmother had already stood at the table, all in flour and kneading the dough. Then they trusted me to follow him, so as not to convince. Now, when I am writing these memories, it becomes ridiculous, of course, and then I thought it was very important and could not bring close toes, so it was clearly once in half an hour ran into the kitchen to check. The grandmother had its own, proven recipe for a yeast dough for pies. For 1 kg of flour, she took 1 egg, 50 g of yeast, 2 cups of milk, 50 g of melted butter, salt and sugar to taste. The dough always has a light and air. Then we sat for the laying. Grandma rolled out, cut the mugs, laid out the stuffing, and I swashed it and endured them onto the board. We never baked pies, but only fry.

What am I all about myself, yes of myself. For the new year in families, it was customary to prepare all the most delicious and beloved. First of all, snacks were put on the table. The table setting began at about 23 hours. Among the snacks in the first place was Ikra, or rather, to say sandwiches with caviar. Usually it was bought in advance, sometimes "by Blatu" or from under the floors and kept for a long time, before the holiday. Then she was cut - meat and cheese. Although it is difficult for cutting to be called - usually slices of boiled and smoked sausage were laid on the plate. Mom still necessarily baked buoyenin, such a pink and certainly with a fat and garlic. Then, all sorts of pickles were opened - tomatoes, Hungarian cucumbers and if lucky - mushrooms. We specially traveled for them to the store, located opposite the Temple of the Mother of God "Inadequate Joy" in Marina Grove, was still selling spilled birch juice. By the way, fresh tomatoes and vegetables at the time, in winter, there was no in Moscow. But there was a self-made sauerkraut. Salads exhibited on the table. As a rule, it was a salad of the capital, herring under the fur coat, a squid salad with an egg and a green bow, a salad with a liver and sometimes mimosa salad, and sometimes the pink salmon was replaced by another fish, for example, saury. And necessarily, neatly open a jar of sprat, and certainly on a small saucer. In the USSR, the sprats were a measure of well-being, and even at least they were cheaply, they still had to be managed to get. We bought them in the Ocean store on the Peace Avenue, if anyone remembers, he will understand me. In the same place, the excellent herring was sold, which was cut on fillets, filled with oil and vinegar, sprinkled with rings onions and put on the table. For the hot, as in many other families, there was a solid baked chicken. Many baked pork or fish, to whom, that managed to grab in the store. Then all this magnificence ended in a large dish surrounded by baked potatoes or mashed potatoes. Of course, there was a vase with tangerines and persimm, and Nazuzochka is smaller with canned pineapple or peaches. Champagne and vodka (or brandy) for adults, and favorite lemonade "Pinocchun" or "Tarkhun" for children are exhibited. The finished cakes were a deficit, so basically accounted for a furnace. Although there were cases when the Kiev or Flight Cake appeared on the table. But most of all I loved the cake "potato" or "rocket" who were sold in our neighboring ice cream. And at home mom baked "anthill". That's it seems to be all I remember. Of course, all New Year holidays have their own smell, taste and color. I have it orange, with the aroma of homemade pies and the taste of the children's lemonade!

Today we can reproduce many recipes from the Soviet menu. I suggest you, your version of New Year's Soviet dishes!

To the recipes of the USSR era, many are negligurated. What could you cook if there were no butter on the store shelves? But without Hamon, Dor Blue and Marzipanov, Soviet women created real masterpieces. Here are just the most popular of them.

Salad "Olivier"

The Soviet version of the salad was very different from the pre-revolutionary one. It was so "based on" that it is quite possible to call the parody. Neither you are rumbers, nor a payzny caviar, nor crayfish ...

The Soviet, usual, the option was invented in the restaurant "Moscow" in the capital immediately after the revolution. It disappeared from it all the most delicious, and Ryabchikov was generally replaced with boiled chicken. And during the time of the special "rampant" of developed socialism, many hostesses generally abandoned the bird, replacing it with boiled sausage. Oddly enough, it was in this form that the salad became known for almost the whole world. In Europe, it is now called "Russian salad", which, in general, is fair.

How to cook. Everything is very simple. To begin with, dried potatoes, meat, eggs, got out of a barrel or cans of salt cucumbers, brought onions from the cellar and opened the jar of green peas. Now the most vigorous remained: everyone has laid cubes, except the peas, of course. Mayonnaise, salt, pepper, and the last magical effect: stirred. For a normal basin, the salad is enough meat, as much potatoes, ten eggs, five cucumbers, two bulbs and peas jars.

How to make tastier. First, mayonnaise can be done with olive oil itself, and not buy in the store. Secondly, it is not forbidden to add a shrimp and shrimp to all this. For happiness, you need three hundred grams, do not spare.

Salad "Shuba"

There is a very beautiful revolutionary legend. Say, during the Civil War, the non-indifferent Komsomol members came up with the proletarian salad sh. The most simple ingredients went to the salad, without any bourgeois excesses.

Believe in this story or not - everyone's personal matter. The popular "fur coil" was after the war, and the Soviet cooking can be proud of her - this is an absolutely unique dish, which immediately became popular. But, unlike Olivier, in the world he is known exclusively as "this extravagant Russian salad with herring", or "Oh God, why do they do that."

How to cook. The recipe variations are many, but all of them combines one: need boiled beets. In the usual list, in addition to it, there is a boiled potato, carrot and a herd. Vegetarian version with naval cabbage will endure not everyone. Vegetables were drunk, got cold, cleaned, crushed or grated. The herring was also crushed, vegetable oil was added. The whole essence of the salad is that the products laid the layers and each of them from the soul was missing by mayonnaise. The first was a herring, then carrots, potatoes and beets. Ideal proportions: each vegetable in the salad should be as much as the herded "foundation".

How to make tastier. Do not spare mayonnaise - Salad loves him. Now quite often, besides traditional ingredients, onions and egg are added. None nor another "fur coat" will definitely spoil. Gourmets use salty red fish instead of herring, but it will agree, somehow not in proletarian.

Salad "Passenger"

Another invention of Soviet chefs. Unique, although not so popular. Most hosters met him thanks to the culinary books of the seventies and were still very surprised: why is it called "passenger"? Mayonnaise somehow does not imply long storage, they do not take salads in the campaign, it does not harm it quickly.

There is a version that in the sixties this dish actively promoted in restaurant wagons. In addition to the memories of individual railway workers, there was failed to find this.

How to cook. In the salad, there are only three main products, plus the constant refueling - mayonnaise. They made it from the beef liver, which was first frying with large pieces, and then cut with straw. Salted cucumbers were cut into the same way. Onions, chick-walled half rings, pass. Then all this was stirred, shed, pumped and added magic "Provence". There are as many onions and few less cucumbers in half a lodge.

How to make tastier. The combination of products is almost perfect, it is unlikely that someone will be able to achieve the best. However, some owners at the request of nervous husbands reduce the number of onions. Step doubtful.

Soup "Student"

In the Soviet culinary book, this recipe does not meet, but any student who studied then, perfectly remembers him. And even in several versions - depending on the available products and financial capabilities.

Modern Russian sites and communities dedicated to cooking, for some reason, hard require the use of broth in the recipe. Of course, the "student" looks like French cheese soups, but there was no special broth about some special broth. All meat Nava provided exclusively sausages.

How to cook. As usual, everything starts with potato cleaning (0.5 kg). In a completely hopeless situation, it was replaced by Macarona, but it was not so tasty. Also required grams of three hundred sausages, carrots, bulbs and two melted cheered. The simplest grocery set, which could easily be bought without using communication. When the water boiled, the small onions and carrots threw there. Sausages were also crushed, usually cut into a circle - it's easier. At the very end, the turn of the melted cheese.

How to make tastier. This is where the present space for fantasy. Students to enrich taste and from the hopelessness of what have not been added: from Bulgarian pepper to Omlin. And the taste of this did not lose.

Pea soup

The history of the pea soup has several millennia. Mention of him is in ancient Greece, Rome, medieval treatises. In Russia, he is also known for quite a long time and is mentioned even in "Domostroy".

In the USSR, they prepared it from dry pea or special briquettes with a semi-finished product. Thanks to the cheapness, he was especially loved in workers and student canteens. The "Musical Soup" houses were also periodically prepared, but the dish was not at all festive.

How to cook. An option with a briquette is useless: the cooking method is painted on the wrapper. If it was made of dry peas, he was pre-soaked for 6-8 hours. Onions, carrots, any smoked or lard and laughed. Be sure to clean some potatoes, literally two or three things. Her together with peas was drunk to half-preparation, then everything was added from the frying pan. When the soup was ready, croutons were thrown into the plate. With 250 grams of pea, 200 grams of meat, one carrot, bulb and 0.6 liters of water.

How to make tastier. It is not necessary to stop at one sort of smoked. Soup with two or even three types of meat will be much better.

Pasta Falls

Soviet interpretation of Italian pasta. The exact history of the appearance of this dish is unknown. In the culinary books it appeared in the sixties, but the mention of him was before. Most likely, this is a classic "folk creativity", which had to do with the souls and professionals of the cooking. Pasta Falls were offered in dining rooms of almost all institutions and especially often in sanatoriums, boarding houses and pionerolergers. Their administration simply adored this recipe: to understand how much meat really put it, it was almost impossible. The minced stirred with the vermicelline and did not use tomatoes, as they do in modern recipes.

How to cook. Ingenious in its simplicity. It has only three products: meat minced meat, one bulb and pasta actually. No complex manipulations were also required. Polkulous minced meal freshed until the oil was ready, the onions were added and kept on fire until he darkens. Perchil and Soli. In parallel, dried the same number of vermicelli. Then the water was drained and mince was added directly from the frying pan. Be sure to be thoroughly mixed.

How to make tastier. Add something to this perfection is to move away from the initial plan and approach what is being prepared in Italy. Well, okay, cheese or greens will not be superfluous.

Potato with stew

It is impossible to repeat this recipe now. The problem is in stew. That that is sold in stores, is not at all suitable in quality. There is almost no meat there, only some strange "colder". You can put out meat yourself, but it does not get quite the taste, absolutely not Soviet. Why this happens - this is a big mystery. It remains only to nostalgic and cost the current stew. But it is worth buying only the products of the highest grade: the rest is too doubtful.

How to cook. Probably, everyone already guessed: Soviet cuisine bribed it with his simplicity. And this time everything is also elementary. Potatoes were cleaned, sliced \u200b\u200bwith large pieces and put boiled. Browned to half-preparation, dried stews. Right all the contents of the bank. The Internet is distributed on the Internet, in which the "white fat" is offered to remove and throw away. Just say, this is blasphemy, for this one must be translated into a lifetime launch menu.

How to make tastier. This recipe tried to improve many women. The easiest way is to add canned green peas. And you can still chop and fry a little onion and carrots. In general, space for delicious creativity.

Kytlet in Kiev

The prototype of the "de-Volyai" cutlets of French origin. The difference is only one and insignificant, if frankly. The French inside their own sauce, usually creamy with mushrooms. Soviet citizens were not engaged in such gentlemen: there was enough small piece of butter and green. Initially, the Cotelet in Kiev was pleased with only foreigners in the Intourist system, but from restaurants for selected luxury moved to Soviet cuisines.

How to cook. Perhaps this is the most complicated dish in terms of cooking in our review. Let it be misleading the simple name of the "cutlet" - no mince was used for cooking, but chopped from chicken fillet. And for the filling, smallly shinched the greens and stirred it with butter, which was delivered straight from the freezer. The resulting mixture was laid out on the berton and wrapped so that a neat oval cutlet was turned out. Then it was collected in the egg and breadcrumbs and put on a preheated frying pan. They roasted on both sides until the crust appeared. The final stage is ten minutes in the oven.

How to make tastier. In no way. Attempts to add mushrooms or cheese will inevitably turn it into the Kotlet "De-Volley".


The invention is not Soviet, but it was in the USSR that she fell into each house. In Russia, it began to be prepared in the 19th century, but exclusively in noble families. For a simple people, the semolina cereal was too expensive. But the Soviet authorities, removing the food industry from scratch, launched its mass production, and milling plants literally poured into the groove shops. All the stores would be fine - in schools and pioneer camps, it was given almost every morning. And nobody girlfriends, of course, did not stirred ... Yes, this porridge turned into a terrible dream of Soviet children.

How to cook. "Cooking" call this process is ashamed. The milk was poured into the pan, waited for it until it boils, and then a little bit fell asleep. On the half-liter of milk only 3 tablespoons of cereals. Sugar and pinch salts added slowly. This stage occupied 5-10 minutes. At the end threw a piece of butter and stirred thoroughly again.

How to make tastier. The manna porridge is better perceived as a "base" of a sweet dish. There you can add fresh and canned fruits, candied fruits, nuts, chocolate and just jam.

Napoleon cake"

The most popular cake of those times. At the same time, he was not sold in stores and were not served in restaurants, it was exclusively "homemade production." Each hostess had their own recipe and their secret, although they were all very similar.

This cake came to Russia from Europe and, despite the name, most likely, from the Italian city of Naples. In the USSR, he especially often began to be prepared in the eighties, when the deficit became simply depressing - the so-called "Napoleons on poverty", where the cream was made from a melted ice cream.

How to cook. Preparing cakes from puff pastry. It was believed that the thinner they were obtained and the more they were used, the steeper, but the main secret of taste is still a cream. In the USSR used custard. For him, it was put on a slow fire and a half liters of milk, pass the yolks (8 pcs.), Sugar (400 g) and a bag of vanilla sugar, then 100 grams of flour were added. All this should be added to the boiled milk by that time. They again brought to a boil and stirred until the cream thickens. They thoroughly missed the cakes and put in the refrigerator. For the dough itself, three hundred grams of cream oil, 600 grams of flour, half a tablespoon of vinegar, a little salt, an incomplete glass of water and two eggs.

How to make tastier. To spoil the classic cake is easier than to improve, but also for "Napoleon" you can give several tips. For example, three spoons of brandy can be added to the dough, and in cream butter cream.

Lazy Slander

200 g cabbage
1 Lukovitsa
1/2 Art. Rice
200 g of boiled meat
1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil

Rice soak in warm water for 15 to 20 minutes. Onions pass to transparency. Add the chopped cabbage and stew under the cover of 10 minutes on medium heat, periodically stirring. Then add fig. Pour hot water (or broth) so far to cover rice, stew another 10 minutes. Add minced meat minced meat. For tenderness, you can add chopped eggs.

Potato casserole with meat

500 g potatoes
2 eggs
60 g of butter
60 g sour cream
300 g meat
2 Lukovitsy

Potatoes purify, drunk, drain the decoction, dried and knead the brush. In potato mashed potatoes, add eggs, oil, sour cream, salt, pepper, mix everything and whip the mixer. Meat drunk in salted water, skip through a meat grinder. Onions we clean, cut into small cubes and fry in a pan with oil. We add scrolled meat, salt, pepper and fry until ready. On a lubricated oil, the baking sheet lay out half of the potatoes, scroll and lay out a smooth layer of minced meat. Cover the second half of the potatoes, spread, apply the drawing to the shovel. The baking sheet with casserole put in the oven preheated to 180 * degrees and bake until golden color. Cut the finished potato casserole with meat on the portion and serve on a table with sour cream or sauce.

Goulash with gravy

0.5 kg of meat (beef, pork, chicken, turkey)
1 Lukovitsa
1 carrot (can be without it)
1 tbsp. l. flour
1 tsp. Tomato paste
1 tbsp. l. sour cream (I have without it)
1 laurel sheet
Salt to taste

Cut the meat into small pieces, slightly fry (you can not fry, and immediately add a little boiling water into meat) and put out with a bow and grated carrots in your own juice on the messenger fire, slightly poured into the pan. Oil.
Then add a small amount of water. Well, let's say, a glass of water is picked. Stew until the meat is ready. The meat should be slightly covered with broth. 10 minutes before the readiness of meat, salt to taste, put 1 bay leaf and you can 3 pcs. pepper peas.
Meat is different. Therefore, cooking time can also be different. But usually about an hour, no less (if it is beef or pork, not chicken). Readiness is checked with a knife or fork. Then dilute in 1/2 art. Warm water - 1 tsp. Tomato Pacitue, 1 Art. l. flour and 1 tbsp. l. Sour cream (can be without it, I do without). Mix well in the glass so that there are no lumps. I always do this for a fork. Continuously stirring the goulash, pour the mixture there.
Goulash in front of the eyes will be thick. Extinguish a little, 5 minutes - 10 minutes. Meat is ready.
If the water is swapped when stewed, you can add it. And if suddenly the goulash turned out to be too thick, then you can also dilute with boiling boiling to the desired density. You can make it 10 - 15 minutes before the end of the extinguishing meat add grated or thin sliced \u200b\u200bsalty cucumber. It will give the dish piquancy.
On the garnish of pasta or potato mashed potatoes.

Meators in sauce

0.5 kg of stuffing
1/2 Art. Rice
1 Lukovitsa Middle
1 egg
Salt to taste

1 tbsp. l. sour cream
1 tbsp. l. flour
1 tsp. Tomato paste
1.5 tbsp. water

Rice boil to half-preparation. Onions finely cut, mix with minced meat. Add salt to taste. Mix everything very well. To form small meblers. Combine them in flour. Stay on a well-heated with vegetable oil, the pan is not very closely close to each other, fry on one side 3-5 minutes. Gently turn over and fry on the other side. Pour boiling water to about half the level of meatballs, add salts and leave to steal. Flour to dry in a frying pan, add sour cream and tomato paste, mix and dissolve the remaining water. Add sauce to meatballs and check on salt. Cover the lid and stew 10 - 15 minutes on medium heat.


5 eggs
250 ml of milk
1/2 h. L. Sololi.
butter cream (for lubrication form)

In a deep bowl, pour milk. Add eggs and salt. Well stir, not whipping !!! The shape is well lubricated with butter. Pour the resulting egg-milk mixture into the form.
Fill out no more than 2/3, as the omelet will rise. And put in the oven preheated to 200 ° C for 30 minutes.
The first 15 - 20 minutes do not open the oven. Ready omelet cut on portions. To the hot omelet lay out a piece of butter.

Curd cassement for GOST

For one child's portion:
135 g of cottage cheese
10 - 12 g of mankey or flour
15 g of sugar
4 g eggs
5 g margarine
5 g of Suharai
5 g sour cream

Mass of the finished casserole - 150 g
Sour cream - 30 g

The rubbed cottage cheese is mixed with flour or pre-brewed in water (10 ml per serving) and cooled semolina, eggs, sugar and salt. The prepared mass is layered by a layer of 3-4 cm on a lubricated fat and rubbed shape. The surface of the mass is spilled and lubricated with sour cream, baked in the roast cabinet 20-30 minutes. Before forming on the surface of a ruddy crust. On vacation, cut the casserole on pieces of a square or rectangular shape and water sour cream.

Fish casserole

300 g fish fillet
1/2 Art. milk
1 tsp. flour
1 tsp. butter

Fish fillet boil into slightly salted water. Warding time 5 - 7 minutes after boiling. While the fish boils will prepare dairy sauce. Recipe here. Baking shape lubricate with butter and lay a small layer boiled, grinding fork, fish. Add an egg to milk sauce and mix well for a fork or a wedge. Halong the fish layer obtained by the sauce, after which it is one more layer of flossing fish and pour the dairy sauce from above. Top fish sprinkle with breadcrumbs and send to a hot oven to be baked at 180 ° C. Bakeing time in different ovens fluctuates from about 15 to 25 minutes. Finished fish casserole can be an independent dish for dinner. And you can serve it with porridge or vegetables.

Potato stewed with meat

1 kg beef
1.5 - 2 kg of potatoes
2 major bulbies
3 Carrots
3 tbsp. l. Tomato paste (optional)

The meat is cut by pieces of 2 - 3 cm, having raised to free it from fat, films and tendons.
Onions clean and cut half rings.
Potatoes clean and cut a little larger than meat.
In the Kazan, or a saucepan with thick walls heated several tablespoons of sunflower or olive oil. Heat to the haze.
We throw meat and fry it on a big fire. Nothing terrible if the meat begins to let juice and it will steal. If the meat sticks to the bottom or the walls of the cauldron, do not worry, as it will be fried, so it will disappear. How to fuck - do it, and after all the meat brings, throw onions, mix again, reduce the fire and extinguish minutes 15 minutes. If there are not many liquids, the fraction is a bit of the broth or if there is no broth - the driver.
While the meat-onion stew, cut the carrot with semicircles, and fry it on vegetable oil.
As the color changed - in the cauldron, and the carrot in the pan is potatoes.
Potatoes try to fry from all sides to a light golden crust. We throw in Kazan, Solim, Pepperm, mix. If there is not enough fluid to pour so that the potatoes are almost covered with water. Cover the lid and on a small fire for 40 - 50 minutes.
15 minutes before the end, throw three laurels, generously shrinking Khmeli-Sunnels, or any spice that you like and for piquancy the floor of a teaspoon of red pepper.
Mix gently, cover with a lid and give the remaining 15 minutes to remove on low heat. We close the lid and leave another 10 -15 minutes, it is impregnated.

Souffle liver

Salt to taste
milk for soaking bread
butter creamy, for lubrication
1 bulb small
2 pieces of white bread
500 g beef liver

We take the liver, rinse it and drunk almost until readiness. I had a small piece, I cooked 30 minutes (after boiling). The liver is removed from the water, we wash everything unnecessary and let it cool.
Machine pieces of baton in milk.
Clean the bow.
Scroll through the cooled and sliced \u200b\u200bliver through the meat grinder, the same we are done with a bow and twisted bread.
In general, in the garden prepare this souffle without a bow, but I used to add it to enrich taste.
Solim and mix everything thoroughly. If the minced is dry, you can add milk. You can add butter to be eager, I personally do not add it.
We lay out everything in a lubricated oil form. We put in the oven and bake at a temperature of 180 - 200 ° C until the top is shut down (somewhere 15 - 20 minutes). The top of the finished souffle is lubricated with butter.
My baby loves this souffle with a sauce.
Fry onions on medium heat under the cover, periodically stirring, 15 minutes. Take 2 tbsp. l. sour cream and 2 h. l. Tomato paste, connect in a deep bowl, add 1 tbsp. l. flour. Everything is thoroughly mixed, add water somewhere 300 ml, mix everything again and pour it into the bow, stirring. I bring on fire to thickening. Sauce is ready. From above, you can put a piece of butter, so that the film does not form.