How to install plastic windows in a log cabin. How to install windows in a srub

Insert windows in a wooden house with your own hands today, without resorting to the services of professionals. Modern metal-plastic window systems allow you to give the facade a neat well-kept appearance. Installation of windows with energy-saving properties significantly reduces the level of energy consumption in a private house. Plastic window in a wooden house creates the necessary microclimate and comfort.

Features of the wooden house with PVC windows

Plastic windows are distinguished by their energy-saving properties, thanks to its design. In order for this quality to be fully implemented, the normal conditions for its ventilation should be created in a wooden house, otherwise unpleasant phenomena cannot be avoided.

In a wooden house with PVC windows, it is necessary to competently equip ventilation

If we talk about the wooden house just built, then its main feature is a natural shrinkage that takes some time. This is the basic condition that should be taken into account when installing windows in wooden houses to avoid situations when when shrinking the window design is deformed and will irrevocably fail.


Measuring measurements in a wooden house differs from measurements in homes from other materials. This is due to the fact that wood is capable of changing its parameters depending on environmental impacts. Scaping moisture, wood expands.

The gap between the window frame and the opening should have a minimum size, but sufficient, given the possible expansion of the opening during the swelling of the wood. Otherwise, the windows break is inevitable.

The gap between the frame and the opening is left taking into account the possible swelling of the wood

If the installation of a plastic window is to install in a wooden house of the old building and it is planned to leave an existing wooden frame, then at the stage of adoption of this decision, the frame should be examined on the subject of rotation and insect damage. The frame should be durable, because it will be the reason to which the window will be attached.

If the existing frame is unsuitable, then measurements are made in view of the presence in the future of this constructive element of the window. In the presence of slopes before measurements, they are removed, as the window opening in purity can be much larger.

Criteria for selecting a window system

The window system consists of several components, each of which performs its function and is important in its own way.

How to choose a glass window

The surface of the glass occupies the bulk of the window design area, so the larger percentage of heat loss occurs through it.

Modern double-glazed windows are characterized by the amount of inner air chambers filled with inert gas, which has a low thermal conductivity. Hence the name is a single-chamber or two-chamber.

Three-chamber glass windows thermal insulation features above

A two-chamber glass car consists of three glasses with a thickness of 0.4 cm mounted at a distance of 1.6 cm each. That is, a 1.6 cm indicator is the width of the air chamber.

Strengthen the ability of the glass surface to resist the heat loss allows you to apply to the windows of protective transparent or tinted layers. Toning is golden, silver, bronze, the color of a bottle blue or green glass.

How to choose a profile

By inserting windows in a wooden house with their own hands, it is important to accommodately approach the profile selection. Metal-plastic profile makes sash and window frame. It, like a glass, in its design has a number of cameras, which directly affects its thickness. The air located in the chambers of the profile has a low thermal conductivity coefficient. More cameras - higher energy efficiency. For example, a five-chamber profile with triple glazing is capable of performing a sound insulation function.

Each window design is equipped with a droplet for the assignment of the accumulated moisture, as well as a special chamber at the bottom of the profile, which contains silica gel - these are small yellow granules. This substance accumulates excess condensate, which can be formed on the glasses.

You can choose profile laminated under the tree

To the wooden wall with the PVC window looked harmoniously, the profile can be laminated. At the same time, a universal white color will also look good on the facade of a wooden house. Lamination profile can be under nut, cherry, oak or mahogany - these are the most common options. In case of lamination under natural wood, in the same performance, they produce a ticket and the windowsill, and the tump is chosen by brown.

How to choose accessories and seals

Furnitura is the element of the window system that should not only have a beautiful appearance, but also be durable and reliable. The internal mechanisms of the swivel-folding system are withstanding multiple loads. Therefore, they are made of high quality and durable material.

From the quality of accessories largely depends on the operation of windows

The sealer material for the plastic window must withstand the temperature differences and do not collapse over time.

Check products before installing

So that there are no problems and unexpected unpleasant surprises in the installation process, it is important to first check the readiness and completeness of the products that the manufacturer must put on the installation site. If the delivered products are revealed during visual inspection of obvious disadvantages, then it must be returned.

If the customer exports ready-made windows from the manufacturer's territory, then this test must be produced at the place of manufacture of products. As a rule, the company managers themselves propose to do this, so that the customer will be signed in the act of work performed in the fact that there are no complaints about the quality of products.

Measures of measurements are indicated in the measurement sheet

It is necessary to check the dimensions that are specified in the act, and for reliability, to verify them with dimensions in the measurement sheet. Its copy is given to the customer along with the contract, in which the maximum permissible deviations are sometimes prescribed. If the act is not satisfied, the act is not signed, and the product is given to the manufacturer to rework.

If everything is fine with the size, then the next step is to check the plane of the product - it should be smooth, without bends and deformations. The window system comes assembled, so it is important to check the mechanism of control of the sash. Then the integrity of the glass package and the density of the sealing elements inside are checked.

Installation of windows in a wooden house on an existing box

If the house is not new, then first it is necessary to dismantle old wooden windows, it is necessary to do it carefully, since some elements will completely fit for use in the sub-economy. When all the preparatory work was carried out, you can start the installation of the window. How to insert the windows in a modern wooden house with your own hands, will be told below.

To install windows during construction, the preparation of the opening will not need

First you need to remove the garbage from the window box and make it stripping. Next occurs the installation of the windows. The control over the horizontal location is performed using a level.

So that the windowsill did not "traveled" in the process of fastening, its end sides can be brought into the side racks where it is necessary to make the appropriate recesses. Mounting the windows is needed using self-samples. The window should be inserted by the decaying method, that is, it will be necessary to remove the sash and double-glazed windows.

Self-assembly on the wood is the fastening of the window frame to the box. It is important to control the vertical location of the window frame. It is located in the center of the opening in such a way that spaces for the mounting seam remained on both sides. Fix its immobility with bars or wedges.

Between the frame and opening, be sure to leave the gap, which is filled with the mounting foam

When filling the mounting seams, the seats are not removed until its full pouring. And after the foam is frozen, it is cut and covered with a solution or plastic lining to protect against direct sunlight, under which the material is destroyed.

When the frame is fixed, all the elements of the window system are installed in the reverse order.

Installing a window in a log house

In order to avoid troubles that may occur as a result of shrinkage, in the log house of the opening, it is necessary to carefully prepare. Installing windows in a brusade house occurs with an oblast or, in other words, a casing device.

Installing windows in a log house begins with the mounting of a casing or soup, which ensures the independence of the window system from the behavior of the walls of the house. Thus can be installed and wooden windows.

To install windows in Sirubi, first mounted the championship

There are two types of casing boxes during the construction of a chopped house. More often a method is found in which in the end parts of the logs in the opening, the grooves are performed in which the bars are placed in a similar size. Usually it is 50x50 mm. This method is used if necessary to insert a window from a tree.

For double-glazed windows, the second method is used: in the ends of the logs cut the ridge to which the boots with a groove are worn, inside which, as if on the guides, a log shrink will occur when drying.

The boat is the design of a vertical direction from a bar of 150x100 mm, having a length of more than a window size by an average of 5 cm.

Installation of windows in frame houses

Installing windows in a frame house with your own hands is carried out without installing the cluster, since the material of the frame of such a house is not subject to shrinkage.

Window installation circuit in a frame house

Installing windows in a modern wooden house occurs by mounting on the anchor plates that need to be purchased in advance if they are not included in the window. When installing, it is important not to forget to control the position of the window in the horizontal plane and vertical.

Plates are attached to the end parts of the frame in five places. One in the center from above and two on both sides of the edge of the frame of the frame at least 20-25 cm. The window is then installed in the opening, it is left below the foam gap, putting under the frame of the bars, and fix the frame to the scene. Side gaps are also fought.

Installing windows in a wooden house with your own hands should not cause difficulties in compliance with the technology of installation work and accounting for the specifics of the log house.

Thanks to its operational characteristics, PVC-material windows have gained particular popularity among the population. They are mounted in the buildings and structures, erected from concrete, brick, wood. Insert plastic windows in a wooden house need to perform certain rules.

Important Nuances of Montaja

Starting installation, you need to prepare an inventory that will be required: a construction level and a plumb, and also know how to insert a plastic window. Installation of the PVC window must be installed, strictly observing the placement in the level plane. This will ensure the correct operation of all elements, the sash will not spontaneously close-open.

The installation technology of the PVC window suggests its correct placement in the level plane.

By purchasing structures from plastic, you need to buy additionally special mounting attachments. Frames are fixed in the stitching of wood structures, applying screws and special attachments. Observing the technological process and correctly performing the installation of plastic windows in a wooden house, you are guaranteed to get window blocks that will serve for a long time.

Fastening the window frame is made using anchor plates

If you dismail the sash, the design will become much easier and it will be easier to move, but the mounting of metal-plastic windows in a wooden house alone is still not recommended. To pull out the sash, you need to remove the pins from the loops.

How to install PVC double-glazed

Installation of plastic windows in a wooden house with their own hands is made in stages:

  • preparatory measures before installation;
  • installing PVC windows;
  • control-checking location in space;
  • play foam.

To understand how to install plastic windows and in a wooden house, and from a bar or cut, consider each stage more.

Execution of preparatory work

First of all, you need to remove the exact dimensions, measuring the opening, and order a window structure from a proven manufacturer. For this, the company's representative, which is engaged in the manufacture of plastic frames, is most often invited. You can remove the size and independently. After that, they are determined with the color of the design and the completeness of the accessories necessary for the operation of the window.

When the manufacturer delivers products to the object, you need to perform the following steps:

  • if it is decided to replace the installed windows in the old wayplace, first of all, it is necessary to dismantle the design;
  • after that, the dust is clean, dirt and remove the garbage, which got into the opening from dismantling;
  • it is worth aligning the opening if its geometry is broken.

Having finished the preparation, insert a plastic window into a wooden house with your own hands.

Fastening the window design in the prepared opening

The first install the windowsill, it will be the base for the glass package, so it is necessary to put it strictly in terms of level (horizontally). For the strength of the fastening, there are livers on the boxes of the box about 8 mm in depth. Adjustment is carried out with the help of plastic plates or skimps. Fastening comes by self-drawing to the bottom of the box. When screwing down, it stands under the screw of the self-supest puck, it will exclude surface damage.

The windowsill install strictly horizontally

The next step will be the correct installation of the handle. A film that protects the designs should not be removed, it protects them from damage when the windows are installed. When mounting the handle you need to put horizontally. When they collected all the fittings, the installation of metal-plastic windows begins.

First you need to set the PVC frame in terms of level. The two-chamber bars put the frame and align horizontally using a water level. After that, go to the alignment vertically.

Having received the ideal parameters in the water level, fasten the frame by self-drawing to the scene, applying mounting mounts that were specifically bought in the store. It is important not to get a screw in the crest of a log where the opposite is installed.

Fasten the frame with the help of screws

After mounting the window element, we get 2-centimeter gaps around it for mounting foam.

Before applying the mounting foam, you need to hang out the sash so that the frame profile does not happen after the marking and did not damage the window. It is important to remember that it is possible to use foam only with a closed sash.

Control and marking design

After hanging out the sash, you need to check how the glass windows opens and closes. If the window that is open is half, does not close and does not move on, it means that the frame is considered to be true and the alignment is made correctly. By closing the sash, make foaming foam for mounting and leave for full fixation for a day.

Why is the plastic window for plastic windows in a brusade house?

To get high-quality PVC windows in a wooden house, it is necessary to strictly observe the features of the installation, that is, making installation to a special frame (base). The need for such a design is due to the characteristics of the structures of wood. Unlike the building from stone (concrete or brick), the wooden panel house is unstable for a long period.

The plane prevents the deformation of the frame when shrinking at home

The building will be sitting in the first five-year plan after its erection. At the same time, drying of the walls of up to 6 cm occurs. This important nuance must be considered when installing a plastic window in a frame house. It is clear that it is not necessary to insert a plastic window in a wooden house, it is impossible to create a design for the opening, which has a cluster name, also say - the opposite. Its direct purpose is to prevent the impact on the wall shrinkage of the walls, so the opposition:

  • strengthens the opening;
  • carries the load;
  • prevents shrinkage.

The stack looks like a box made of thick boards. The design in the side stand on the groove is attached, and the fasteners are not used. Over the opposite, the shrink compensation is left over a wooden house. There are several options for its installation:

  • the log is cut into the groove where the bar is stacked. In the last element of the mortgage bar, screws are screwed;
  • in the frames on the sides of the design, the grooves are cut out, from the end of the log in the opening, spikes drink;
  • in the end of the logs there is a groove, on the side racks of the box there is a spike.

Variants of the device Obcat

To get a high-quality design, you need to comply with the technology of plastic windows in a wooden house. To begin with, fold the crests of the insulation and fasten with its brackets or minor cloves. This stage is necessary to insulate the house and eliminate the screens. Then the lower placladin of the placade is then mounted, and the boards are stuffed on the ridges (side racks of the souls), the upper jumper is laid into the upper groove racks. After collecting the box neatly connect it with self-draws, it is important that they do not get into the log.

The slots that are visible in the opening after installing the cluster, you need to fill the packles or insulation. Then there is a standard installation of plastic windows in a frame house or litter.

The gaps close up with insulation or pacles

The compensation clearance is filled with flat horses, pre-wounded palaulies. When the walls are shrinking, they are gradually knocked out. To do this, remove the upper platband and, knocking down a half, put it back.

The final stage in the glazing of the structure of the tree

The finishing finish after installing PVC windows into logs is made in the same way as wooden, that is, after installing the frame design and insulation, platbands are made of wood. When ordering PVC windows in a wooden structure, it is worth seeking an option under the texture of the tree, this will allow them to harmoniously look at the background of the condensed structure.

Many PVC design manufacturers offer not only a classic white variant of the frames. You can order any shade that the customer wishes. Colored plastic frames will cost a little more expensive, but will become a more appropriate option for a home made of natural material.

When ordering, it is important to correctly make measurements of the opening and not mistaken in the width of the windowsill. An independent installation of the PVC window in a wooden house with the knowledge of all nuances is not such a complex process. Make it under power independently, without resorting to the help of expensive installer masters.

Wooden houses, baths, saunas and cottages have an important advantage - they are completely environmentally friendly, since they are made of natural material. Wooden log house - "alive", he "breathes", sitting down and aging, that is, lives his life. The house from a natural tree gives the circulation of air, in terms of the way, it clears it and gives healing properties, thanks to phytoncides and resinous substances of natural pine mass. The same features of buildings from a slightly treated wood create some difficulties. For example, when installing windows in a logging and doorways, as well as when finishing seeding walls, but when compliance with the installation technology, all these problems are solved.

What windows are suitable for wooden walls

Walls of houses from the array have the property to be in some movement. This is affected by the time of year, seasonal changes, air humidity and the environment - the log cabin swells or dissipates, sitting down. Some of the usual standards for the installation of windows and doors are acceptable for a log house, so there is a different design of the frame for the frame, known as the placade. It makes it possible to minimize the movement of wooden walls of houses, baths and other residential buildings from logs.

However, not everything is so difficult, since the main shrinkage goes the first 3 years - under its own weight, the space between the logs is condensed and the natural drying of wood occurs. Sometimes during this time, the loghouse sends a 10-15 cm, respectively, the window and doorway decreases. Therefore, it is natural that wooden windows are more suitable for a new structure from natural wood, and for older houses - plastic, then they will be less susceptible to excess pressure and deformation.

If the construction of the house is carried out more than one year, the stage behind the stage, then even an unprepared "live" wood during this time will take place, and the installation of windows in a tree from wood will not be problematic. In the extreme case, you can set temporary frames with a film that prevent the penetration of precipitation into the opening of the window. And through time in a wooden frame, you can put window frames with double double-glazed windows to protect against adverse weather factors. It can be a frame made of specially prepared dry wood, and from the familiar plastic for citizens.

Laminated under natural wood. Modern plastic windows will organically fit into the cutting of the log, increasing the thermal insulation of the house. The experience of installers from Finland testifies that the plastic window in a logberry or double wooden frames without problems are inserted into the scene, while you can combine different materials for window frames.

What is important to know about the installation technology

Today from the bar make prestigious two-storey houses of different types. They are built in ecostel in the traditions of the ancestors and on projects of modern architects and designers. Increasingly began to offer wooden houses and saunas according to the type of Finnish, also in the fashion stylization of country houses under the Russian Terem. No less interesting and large estates in Scandinavian style - from wood and glass. It does not matter, the pompous will be a structure or a small cottage with their own hands from the tree - the technology of mounting wooden windows in the Siruba is approximately the same.

Of course, wet wood is not very suitable for the construction of a wooden house wall. Finns are used for export houses only dried and specially prepared wood, and also develop special technology for homes that are quickly collected. According to the technology, the window boxes are not put in the log house, at least half a year after the assembly of the prepared structures, and in the "live" wood - even later. But in this case, some shrinkage is taken into account - not to leave the structure without windows.

The exposure time is required for shrinkage of the cut and the final formation of wooden walls, and after about a year, the log house will gain close to the maximum shrinkage parameters. However, it is impossible to accurately name the technical characteristics of the shrinkage (in a percentage ratio or in millimeters), as it all depends on the type of wood and the degree of its humidity.

Today there are several options for installing windows in a log house:

1. The most reliable method is to install a casing (placade), where the window is inserted. The placade is a solid rectangular design of an array to 40 mm thick, in which the bottom plank forms a windowsill, and platbands are attached to the ends. For a long time they were made from solid wood, giving the desired form where the grooves for the window box were formed. Today, the placade is made much more technological and looks more aesthetically, and the glue bar is on its manufacture. The finished tank design is quite expensive, so it is often used to use a more accessible window mounting technology into a log house, that is, the mounting to the cranial bars.

2. There is another option - the window frame is fixed directly to the bruster with special fasteners. Simple methods are used, most often, in the swords of the baths and saunas, and in residential buildings - more complex and reliable. Using the construction level, the window frame is exhibited in compliance with the distances and marked with a sealant. However, the method of installation with sealing into new walls of houses does not apply. The foam is recommended to apply in order to seal the lower part of the frame and the windowsill - this plane is less prone to deformation when the wooden window shrinkage in a litter.

3. Special (skull) staps inserted into the grooves are often used, which are freely moving in the ends of the window opening. This counteracts the jam when shrinking without the formation of cracks. Card planks are capable of sliding in the groove, thanks to the design, so the window will not test pressure during shrinkage. The difference between the method - in the attachment of the cluster to the cranial bar, and not in the opening directly.

Tip: Remember that after the primary shrinkage of a church, the sealing of wooden walls will continue for some time. With significant precipitation and in a climate with a large level of air humidity, the frame of the log house will continue to choose water, increasing the log house in volume. In the roast and arid summer, the tree gives moisture, giving a significant shrinkage. That is, natural changes in the size of the cut, for example, from pine will be noticeable to 5 cm, but this indicator varies depending on the time of the cut. Installation of windows on special technologies reduces the likelihood of skew, the bias of the base and jamming of the flaps and the decrease in heat loss.

Basic Terms of Use

1. Lock lunch makes it possible to prepare the installation of the window into the formed box, which minimizes the pressure of the cutting frame through the natural process of drying wood.

2. Properly manufactured chip cover prevents the shrinkage in the form of a shrinkage.

3. Above the frame should be a small gap, about 50 mm, and it is insulated with side gaps.

4. Simplified placade can be made of less thickness of about 20 mm, where the forming slopes will be attached, and the bottom board forms the windowsill.

5. The clusade is fixed with self-assembly on the cranial bar, and the gap is insulated under the platbands.

6. Planning from the outside looks quite compact and gently, and inside you can put another frame.

7. Competent use of the installation technology of the cluster allows you to counteract the depressurization of the window.

8. Fastening of external trimbers allows the use of synthetic seals, including rubber to eliminate moisture penetration into the window space.

9. If there are difficulties and questions - how to insert windows into a log house, it is recommended to refer to the specialists.

Main problems when installing doors and windows in Siruba

1. According to the experience of installing houses from natural wood, even the structure of a specially prepared and well-dried material in the 1st year will give a shrink to 5 cm. With steadily rainy weather, the house will scatter again. "Live" or unreasonable wood with a large percentage of moisture gives a much greater amplitude in a year.

2. Installation of windows or doors in a wooden chair is a technologically simple process, and specialists have no problems. However, difficulties and problems with a non-professional approach arise much later when the windows in the bath or in the house begin to breed due to pressure during the natural drying of the wood. That is, much worse when problems are evaporated during the operation of the building.

3. Increased air humidity may lead to the fact that the windows or window sashs are not open due to wood beveling with increased pressure of seating logs. Sometimes it is sufficient to stroke the adjacent planes of the flaps, and worse if the window cannot be discovered for the entire service life. It is for this that it is a small clearance in the platter or the correct sliding design - to avoid such trouble.

Tip: It is important to use a dry and high-quality bar, desirable from coniferous wood. Before drinking the window openings, it is important to strengthen the boards of its sides so as not to go.

Design for processing window opening

To perform work, chain chainsaw, nails, studs, timber, edged board, kitchen, plumb, and mounting foam.

1. On the cutting wall, the contours of the window (door) opening are placed using 4 planks. At the same time, it is important to correctly mark the lower part of the window - about 80 cm from the floor.

2. The boards are selected slightly more than the height of the opening to fasten the studs with the washers.

3. We do at the corners of the planned opening of the holes in the undisputed crowns, similarly in the mounting boards.

4. We note the level of the vertical and add on it the boards that connect with the logs with the hardware and tighten the boards.

5. Metal washers put under nuts to prevent the nuts into the boards, board the boards from both sides of the markup.

7. We proceed to the processing of solid logs and fasten the edges between themselves with jumpers.

8. We form a window block from jumpers and jambs in pairs, and outside the grooves for the spikes.

9. The window block is beginning to form from mounting of jambs, we combine jumpers with log grab.

10. To check straight angles, we use a square that can be formed before finalizing the block.

Tip: To dispel doubts, it is advisable to watch the video about the stack installation, and only then go to the installation.

Stepitary Mounting Mounting

Today there are several ways to install into the log cabin of window frames, but we will look at the simplest example.

To begin, it is necessary to visually represent in a cut, as the window looks like in SRUB - the window of installation circuit in the frame is shown in the figure below.

This is a casing with grooves, a gap under shrinkage with a seal, an outdoor and inner platband, a spike with a seal, a window with a tump, the lower interventical seal.

The opposite is done after the formation of the opening:

  • prepare the windows of 150x40 under the top of the window opening, it must be the width of the opening, on both ends, drink 2 rectangular cutouts under a pre-formed comb;
  • place the board on top of the bar of the faucet, consolidating with self-drawing;
  • the opening of 3-5 cm makes greater than the height of the inserted window, to fill the seal or the fudge from the bottom;
  • the gap between the log broom and the salary board in the window opening should be about 5 cm (under the shrink), which are filled with insulation;
  • when the window is inserted and enshrined, a platband is fastened to the chamber, so that the design has aesthetic appearance;
  • do not forget to check before installing the platbands and the final installation of both vertical lines of the window frame on the plumb and horizontal - by level, since it will be impossible to fix it;
  • it is necessary to impregnate with antiseptic all the wooden surfaces to counteract the destruction of wood.

The process of installing plastic windows in Siruba

The phased process of installing PVC windows looks about the same as in the example with natural wood:

  • we form the window through the opening;
  • install the championship;
  • complete the installation of the plastic window into the output by technology.

The optimal distance of the window sill from the floor is 80-90 cm, and if the design in the interior is planned to use the windowsill in the form of a tabletop, for example in the kitchen or in a teenager's room, then its design and installation is better to think better in advance.

Tip: Remember that a partial shrinkage is also characterized by wooden frames, and the PVC windows have a rigid and stable base - they cannot be placed in a fresh logged, and the opposite is necessary. It will give the opportunity to maintain enough autonomy of the glass unit from the cut, so the installation on the foam and without a kosyachka in this case is unacceptable!

Two types of obosity:

1. A simple design - in the end of the Owl, the groove 50x50 mm for the bar is formed (not suitable for installing the PVC window).

2. More reliable option when the comb on the end logs on the window openings is formed, to which in the future they put a bed with a groove, otherwise called "faucet", and here the movement will be provided on the guides without deformations. This design of a bar is 100x150 mm, which exceeds the window size by 5-6 cm, in the center of which 50x50 mm groove is selected, the boat is attached to the ridge.

Next, we collect the challenge from the board of 150x40, as described above, accordingly, drink the grooves in it, which dressed on the ridge - this is the upper part of the outline where we put the PVC window. Planks necessarily postpone the packles (in rolls) and secure the booster, and the top bar of the souls will fasten with self-drawing to the yoke.

After the straight corners are recovered, vertical and horizontal lines in the winds, the souls are decorated, switch to the installation of plastic windows. Follow the quality of fastening and tightness, so as not to break the thermal insulation of windows in a litter. All stages do according to the instructions attached to the PVC windows. When buying plastic windows, pay attention to the mount that are mounted in the end. The frame is exhibited by the level and mounted fasteners to the scene, do not forget about the place for the mounting foam under the windowsill. It remains to hang out the sash and put a ticket.

Tip: Please note how the window is screwed to the board - in no case to the ridge, otherwise the meaning of moving windows fastening is lost to counter the shrinkage.

Each reader site knows that no matter what material the windows are made, they help maintain heat in the house and emphasize the individuality of any housing. Therefore, the installation process should be taken with special attention. After all, even the most expensive and energy efficient window design loses all its advantages if it is wrong to install. In this article, our experts tell how the installation of windows in a wooden house, skewing and stone.

Wooden, stone and frame houses and country houses have a number of constructive features. As they affect the technology of installation of windows, they should be known about any developer.

From our article you will learn:

  • Where to prepare for the installation of the window structure begins;
  • What stages of work are preceded by the installation process;
  • What features should be known to install windows in wooden, frame and stone houses;
  • How to install a wooden window with your own hands - how different it is different from installing the plastic window;
  • How to protect mounting joints;
  • How to monitor the installation process.

Preliminary preparation

Despite the seeming simplicity, setting the windows of the house is a process that requires a serious and responsible approach. After all, the mounting quality directly affects the level of comfort in the house. That's where this process begins:

Anton Karyavkin Head of the Technical Center of Rehau, Moscow.

First of all, it is necessary to carefully prepare: familiarize yourself with the instructions and existing installation standards, acquire suitable tools.

The set of professional installer has about one hundred different "labor instruments". It is not necessary to have them all, but without a base kit, the installation of the translucent design will not be possible. It includes: a perforator, a screwdriver, a gun for foam, a chisel, hammer and screwdrivers.

When choosing tools, it should also be borne in mind that the installation of the window implies a wide range of additional work.

These include:

  • Plastering of slopes in stone buildings;
  • Device of seam and thermal insulation;
  • Installation of windowsill and additional components.

The main thing is what should be remembered - the installation technology directly depends on the material of the building walls.

Anatoly Gavrysh Head of the Design Bureau of the Company's Factory

The type of house significantly affects the window mounting procedure. In homes where there is a significant shrinkage (most often - in wooden), a casing floating box with compensation gaps is applied. In the other types of houses, the window installation has the same schemes.

Installing wooden windows in a frame house with your own hands.

Install wooden windows with your own hands

The developers believe that there is a big difference between the installation of PVC and the wooden window, but the experts do not agree with that.

Anatoly Gavrysh:

There is practically no difference between the installation of the plastic and the wooden window. A small difference lies only in different elements of fasteners.

Montage of the wooden window should be carried out more neatly. And in each case an individual approach is necessary.

Alexander KorpachevHead of the Mounting Department of Business-M

Even the windows in the same house may have its own characteristics. Therefore, in the work it is necessary to adhere to the recommendations of the guests, namely:

  • Mounting window seams - with vapor-permeable self-sewing ribbons;
  • Technical conditions, GOST R 52749-2007;
  • Installation seams of nodes and window blocks adjoins to wall penetches;
  • General specifications, GOST 30971-2002;
  • Window blocks - from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) profiles. GOST 30674-99.

In general, the installation consists of the following steps:

  • Preparation of the face;
  • Preparation of the window;
  • Installation;
  • Finishing work;
  • Finish finish.

Anatoly Gavrysh

I would like to dispel the illusions about the simplicity of installation of both plastic and. To spend it yourself, you definitely need certain skills and special equipment, since the correct installation is determined in how high-quality and how long the new window structures will serve.

If we talk in detail, the installation of both plastic and wooden windows are made as follows:

1. Window loops are cleaned of dust and dirt.

2. Windows are installed in the opening and are crushed into small plastic or wooden corners strictly in terms of level.

Corners are necessary for the formation of the lumen (stock) between the frame and the discovery. In the perimeter - between the window and the opening, it is recommended to lay a technological gap for a 20 mm wide width. At the bottom of the window - under the windowsill, it is recommended to lay a stock of 35 mm.

3. Construction is fixed.

Fixation is carried out using dowels or special mounting gear plates. If the window fastening the windows on the tapping screw is performed, then before that, the holes under the anchor are shown in the work. The number of fastening points depends on the size of the window and the average ranges from 40 to 70 cm. From the corners of the frame, it is necessary to lay an indent to 12 -15 cm.

4. The seams between the window design and the discoversion are made.

To save foam, if the gap exceeds 40 mm, it can be filled with insulation - polystyrene foam, etc.

5. Foam is closed by steam and waterproofing ribbons.

Steam barrier is pasted throughout the perimeter of the window structure from the inside (from the side of the room), and the waterproofing film - with an external one, from the street. After giving the ribbon, the protective strip is removed, and the stuffed seam is closed.

6. Dobly elements are installed outside the outside - ostels and platbands (if the installation occurs in wooden houses).

7. Adjusting accessories.

Features of installation of windows in a wooden, frame and stone house

Anton Karyavkin

Installing windows in buildings from a rounded timber is most difficult. This is due to the change in the design of wooden houses from the manufacturer to the manufacturer.

If the developers in the installation of windows in a wooden house use different breeds of wood, to predict the behavior of the material almost impossible - every time you have to study everything from scratch. The deformation of the login in such buildings can be large enough: from 8 to 15 cm. The house gives a shrinkage, so no window in such conditions can be maintained for a long time.

Right windows in a wooden house.

That's what we can do for protected designs from possible deformations caused by shrinkage walls, applying an old carpentry method:

Anton Karyavkin

The most responsible developers proceed to cutting the face in the brusade walls only in a year or even two after the construction of the house. During this time, all deformations can be traced, taking into account the characteristics of the material and the climatic characteristics of the region.

After the opening is cut, it makes the insert of the draft box, also known as the "sowing", or "placade", into which the window structure can then be laid.

Alexander Korpachev

In all wooden houses, when installing windows, it is necessary to use cliffs or souls - wooden box, leveling load on the frame.

Between the upper part of the window loop and the box, they usually leave a process of 30 to 70 mm. After installation, the stock is filled with insulation and closed on both sides by platbands.

Anton Karyavkin

The box is made of wooden bars with a thickness of 50-80 mm.

Despite the fact that the box effectively perceives the deformations of logs, the mounting joints in such a type of buildings still remain movable. It is important here to choose the correct installation foam - it should not collapse when the walls shrink. This correct foam is found on the market, but it is relatively expensive. Therefore, experts often replace it with other materials, mainly vegetable origin (panels). Of course, ribbon and coating materials needed to protect the mounting seams should also have a high class of deformation stability.

The gluing bar seats significantly less than the whole logs. As a result, the glue bar is deformed less than the usual log.

But you need to install the windows in the wooden house, everything is difficult.

How to lay a window in a frame house

In a frame house, wooden windows can be installed, but plastic are most often used. Control of installing any windows at all stages should be checked using a level or a plumb, and the deviation horizontally and vertically should not exceed 1.5 mm per meter.

Anton Karyavkin

The process of installing windows in a frame house is much easier than in a wooden. With the deformations of the window opening, they still have to face, but they are no longer so significant.

It is better to use anchor plates as fasteners. It is not recommended to install on construction screws: they fix the box, and the deformation of the tree, in turn, can cause damage to windows.

How to install a window in a skeleton house

It is important to remember that when installing the plastic window in the frame out of the room, you must wrap in the window opening. This is necessary in order to connect the circuit of vapor insulation windows with a room vapor barrier circuit.

Brick of different species, concrete, aerated concrete blocks are standard building materials. Methods in stone houses worked out for years. Fasteners are carried out with the help of dowels and building screws, the use of anchor plates is also allowed.

Anton Karyavkin

In some cases, the installation technology may influence design solutions that require the linear dimensions of structures and wind load in the region.

Protection of mounting joints and stages of monitoring

Regardless of the material of the walls, it is necessary to protect the mounting foam from ultraviolet radiation and atmospheric moisture. Otherwise, it will become loose and over time will lose its properties. Special insulating tapes and sealants are used to protect it. The latter are good in that it allows you to close any slots and irregularities, unlike the mounting tape that requires an ideally smooth surface without dust.

The window opening in a wooden house has always been one of the most complex construction nodes. With the appearance of PVC windows to problems caused by shrinkage processes, an extensive list of new restrictions and requirements associated with the universal design of metal-plastic profiles were added. In this connection, the installation of plastic windows in a wooden house should be made only after a thorough study of all the features of this technology.

Immediately emphasize that the principle of fastening PVC windows in principle differs from the methodology for the installation of classic wooden frames, therefore, even experienced masters who did not have practices in this area of \u200b\u200bconstruction work, it is desirable to explore the relevant documentation and technological advice from windows manufacturers.

You will find general information about the technology of installing plastic windows in our article, and today we will give step-by-step instructions for self-installation.

When preparing for self-installing plastic window, special attention should be paid to the preparation of instruments and materials. Given that in most cases the installation of windows in wooden houses is made in the exit mode (cottage, country house, etc.), the absence of one specific key or device can create considerable problems.

Consider the main groups of tools that are needed to correctly install the window design.


From a mechanical point of view, windows made of plastic have a not standard design, so the usual set of a home master will be clearly not enough.

Below is a list of mechanical tools required for efficient operation with PVC profile:

  • the hammer is iron and rubber (elastic combed applied to position the frame);
  • universal screwdriver;
  • set of hex keys;
  • handle for disassembling pins (with hex tip);
  • electric drill;
  • rolled along concrete and metal (diameters from 3 to 10 mm);
  • installation wedges and gaskets;
  • universal adjustment key;
  • measuring kit (roulette, square, construction level, plumb);
  • device for capturing double-glazed windows ("glass containers").

Please note that for cutting expansion profiles of ordinary hacksaws may not be enough, since some types of good products can be reinforced with metal. Cut this profile by a hand saw, of course, it is possible, but for each item will have to spend much more time.

Considering the above, the above list is not suitable to supplement the mechanized version of the saw (electrolovka or circular), as well as fixture devices (clamps).

Clampsin is desirable to take with wide capture, because they may need not only for fixing materials during cutting, but also to attach expansion profiles.


An integral part of the method of assembling metal-plastic windows is sealing using sealing tapes and polymerized substances.

When installing PVC profiles, you can use sprayers supplied with cylinders with mounting foam, but it is desirable to purchase a separate adaptation for professional work, which will significantly reduce the cost of consumables.

Separately, we emphasize that in addition to the installation of foam, silicone is often used when installing windows from polyvinyl chloride, to squeeze which of the tube without a special "gun" is extremely difficult.


Any polymeric sealant - and polyurethane foam is no exception - in the case of constant contact with the outer air and moisture, it is quite quickly destroyed. To slow down this process, the internal and outer surfaces of the installation gaps must be protected by waterproofing (installed on the inner surfaces, such protection is called "vaporizolation").

This can be done both with the help of specially tape and through the applying of special pastes (putty).

Depending on how the type of waterproofing is preferred, the basic list of tools must be added with scissors or a set of spatulas.

Preparation for installation

After the PVC window is bought and delivered, it is necessary to check the completeness and compliance of the real size of the parameters that were specified in the order.

Before starting a technical description of the works on self-installing windows, we list the main terms used to designate the elements of their design:

  • frame (power base window);
  • sash (moving part of the window);
  • double-glazed windows (1-2-3 chamber set of braids combined into a single block);
  • impost (internal partitions frame);
  • strapboard (snatching strips necessary for fixing double-glazed frames in frame or sash);
  • accessories (control and regulating window elements);
  • sun (decorative panel, closing cutler or inner plane of the cluster);
  • windowsill;
  • good (expanding profile used to adjust the geometric sizes of the window).


As practice shows, window handles and other auxiliary fittings are often lost during transportation.

If a mosquito net was present in the order - it is necessary to check the availability of fasteners for its installation.

In addition to completeness, the check of the window size and cliffs are inspected. The main verification criterion is simple - the installation gap should be no more than 2 cm (but not less than 5 mm!). It must be borne in mind that when the linear dimensions are compared with the above, the tolerances are multiplied by two. That is, if the internal width of the placade, for example, 200 cm, then the overall width of the frame should be no more than 200-2 * 2 \u003d 196 cm.

In cases where the window was bought with the calculation of the extension of good, measurements are made taking into account the mutual overlap of locks.

Next, it is necessary to pick up the fasteners brazen, the length of which should be such that with the complete screwing, they did not pierce the clution.

This requirement is relevant only for those cases when the installation of the window is performed with a profile drilling. However, it should be remembered that this method of installation is a spare and applies only in cases where the window is mounted in the opposite, consisting only from the mortgage bar.

The main way to fix PVC windows in the opening is the installation on the anchor plates, the purchase of which should also be included in the list of preparatory work.

Disassembly and preparation for installation

The next stage of preparation for installation is the disassembly of the factory supplied set. Despite the fact that the installation of the window can be made without dismantling the glass, we recommend using the option with a complete disassembly, since it is much easier to put and clarify the light frame than a massive and inconvenient to manipulation window block.

Below is a step-by-step instruction of the disassembly process and preparation:

  • remove the packaging and protective tape (from the inner surfaces of the tape can not be removed, but if you leave it from the outside, then after 1-2 months it will "prevent" to the frame);
  • extract double-glazed windows. To do this, it is necessary to extract from the strokes of the chap. Start from the bottom;
  • dismantle the frames, for which you will need to remove blocking pins (for this operation, a special key mentioned in the previous section) is designed;
  • remove the auxiliary accessories, otherwise, during the installation, it can be lost or damaged (plugs on drainage holes, covers on the loop, etc.).
  • if the window is installed in a reverse quarter - paste to the outer perimeter of the frame sealing psyl tape;
  • drill holes under bent or mount anchor plates (depending on the installation method).

Separately emphasize the following nuances:

  • when removing double-glazed windows, it should be noted the initial position of the left and right staps;
  • the lower edge of the glass packs must be installed on special gaskets - it is necessary to note their position;
  • capture glass panels is best done using a special device (it is also specified in the list of tools listed above);
  • handicapped with seized double-glazed windows should be extremely careful not to damage the edges (as well as avoid vertical storage).

Installation methods

There are two ways to install PVC windows with their own hands: with disassembling the window block and without that.

This difference is due to two factors: the window of fastening the window and the mass of the structure.

The first option is more versatile and allows the window mounting in any way.

The second method is used only in cases where the fixation of the window block in the opening is carried out using anchor plates. It is used for mounting deaf windows, or to massively install the window format in the T-shaped cluscle.

Obviously, the installation of the window without disassembly occurs an order of magnitude faster than with disassembly. However, in view of the fact that most of the metal-plastic window blocks assembled are considerable weight, only the first option is recommended for self-installation.

Installation of plastic windows

To correctly put the window itself, you should clearly understand the main rule of the installation operations of this type: the efficiency of the window depends not only on the quality of the glass unit, but also from the correct assembly of the entire design of the window block, which includes several auxiliary subsystems.

Under the "auxiliary subsystems" in this case are understood:

  • waterproofing;
  • additional seals;
  • sucks;
  • films;
  • platbands.

Special attention should be paid to the provision and protection of sealants. The figure of the right shows the basic placement scheme for the addition of additional seals.

Please note that the seal on the external perimeter of the window is installed only when mounting in a reverse quarter. If the window is mounted in a conventional T-shaped selection (which is the most common case), the role of such a sealer performs slopes.

Now consider step by step, how to install PVC windows in wooden houses.

Removing old windows

When disassembling windows in the houses from a bar and logs, special attention should be paid to the safety of the souls, as the manufacture of the new will cost NEW.

In cases where the previous installation was performed correctly, and the fastening of the frame was made using self-tapping screws, the dismantling sequence consists of all of the three operations: removal of fasteners, removal of the window block and sweeping the cluster from the remnants of the mounting foam.

Some problems may arise if the old window was britched by nails, for the extraction of which an additional tool is needed - nail-tooth.

It is important to take into account that, before putting a new window, it is necessary to conduct an audit of the casing. Namely: it is necessary to check the presence of cracks, chips, as well as the absence of signs of rotting or defeat by the wood. If any of the listed factors is detected, the opponent should be replaced with a new one.

It should be noted that about the replacement of the chains in the network you can find a lot of contradictory recommendations, among which there are those in which it is argued that when repairing old houses, the windows with a metal-plastic frame can be placed without sinks. We consider this approach incorrect, because even the old log house in seasonal moisture changes can create a displacement sufficient for jamming or even the destruction of the window.

Of all the types of wooden buildings, only in a frame house can not put a moving clutch, but even in this case, the installation of the window is made in the finished wooden frame.

Unlike stone houses, in wooden buildings, it is rarely a need for a "snap" repair space for installation, since the placade almost always provides a flat rectangular discount under fixing the new window.

The only exception may be the situation when it is necessary to insert a window, the dimensions of which are less than the previous one (the need for such a replacement often occurs when repairing the bath). In this case, the preparation of the internal loan is to build up the thickness of the plane plank.

Fitting frame

The most common mistake made when installing eurobas with their own hands is the wrong initial size.

Therefore, before starting to fix the window, you must make sure that it really corresponds to the installation work.

The frame fitting is performed simply - the supports of 1.5-2 cm with a thickness of 1.5-2 cm. Rama is installed on them, after which the visual assessment of the rest of the gaps is performed.

If in any part of the window they exceed 2.5 cm - it is necessary to think about the correction of the geometric dimensions of the frame using a problem.

Separately, we note one nuance - if the size of the gap between the frame and the casing is greater than 2 cm, but less than the minimum thickness of the extender of the extender, then the temptation arises to blew its foam without any sizes correction. Many do it, after which they can not understand why from the expensive window from the polyvirihloride so blows the cold.

It is important to remember: the mounting foam is not a full heat insulator, and in no case cannot perform a replacement window of the window profile.

Installing the window frame

After the compliance of the size of the frame and the loop is established, you can start main operations.

We will list them in stages:

  1. Initial positioning. It is performed in the same way as the fitting: the frame is installed on the centerpiece pegs, after which it is necessary to achieve a uniform thickness of the installation gap throughout the perimeter of the frame.
  2. Alignment of spatial position. For positioning in the vertical plane it is better to use a plumb, in a horizontal - construction level. Working fixation is performed using side and upper trim.
  3. After the accuracy of the installation is confirmed, fix the vertical points first, and only after the additional check - the side. As mentioned above, long screws or anchor plates may be fasteners.
  4. Immediately after completion of the fasteners, we recommend installing the removal, since after assembling the window, access to the corresponding mounting positions will be difficult (the present point is especially relevant for windows located on the second floor).
  5. Installing windows in workplaces.
  6. Installing double-glazed windows. Please note that the glass panel cannot be installed directly on the plastic of the sash (special gaskets must be saved when dismantle).
  7. Fixation of glass strokes (in reverse sequence).
  8. We close the sash and check the positioning again.
  9. We perform installation of fittings.

Recall once again to what you need to pay special attention at the stage of installation of the frame:

  • the position of the transverse line of the window - for wooden houses, it should pass exactly in the center of the cut;
  • the length of the fasteners (if the cross-cutting method is used) should not exceed the total thickness of the frame and plaque boards;
  • to secure external "tails" of anchor plates, use fasteners, the length of which is less than the thickness of the casing boards.

Swimming window

The next step is to fill the installation gap by mounting foam. Despite the seeming simplicity, this stage has several technical features at once:

  1. Mounting foam during polymerization is expanding and the effort created at the same time can deform the metal-plastic profile. Therefore, the bunting should be performed only on a fully assembled and closed window.
  2. If it is intended to use a belt version of waterproofing, it is much more convenient to immediately bind the zazon zone from the outside of the frame.
  3. To simplify the installation of vaporizolation, we recommend cutting the tape and fix it on the window frame.

Joining is made from the inside, after which the seam is immediately stuck in the steam barrier tape installed in advance.

Possible problems with improper installation of windows

Avoiding long arguments on the topic "What better to put the windows to ensure that the savings were truly economical," we formulate a simple rule: anyone, even the most expensive window, will not provide declared characteristics if it is incorrectly established.

Therefore, in addition to the exact following the recommendations specified above, you must avoid the following errors:

  • incorrect location of the window thickness. Consequence of error - freezing and condensate. For classic houses made of wood, the windows are installed in the midline. In cases where the house is covered with brick or lined with thermal insulation, it is recommended to pay for specialists to calculate the position of the window;
  • lack of seasonal adjustment. Consequence of error - violation of air exchange standards. In those windows where it is possible, the adjustment is performed using the slots supplied to the desired position.

The company "Master of Surba" takes orders for decoration, repair and restoration of log and bruschers, turn on the installation or replacement of windows. You can clarify the details of cooperation and order the check-out of the marker by contacting our specialists by any of the communication methods published on the page.