Combined construction of houses: projects. House made of stone and wood Standard projects of combined houses to buy

The combined house is indeed an achievement in terms of construction. A solid base and a stylish extension.

If you have already looked at some of the combined house designs and you liked them, it's time to talk about them a little closer.

What are the advantages of a combined house:

  1. He is really very strong.
  2. Fire safety increased (1st floor is a kitchen, boiler room and utility room)
  3. More economical than their counterparts made of the same type of "heavy" materials (due to less weight and, accordingly, savings on the foundation)

A bit about technology

Such houses are divided into several types.

For example, you can look at the combined stone and wood houses designed by the company DomaSV. They contain a collection of classically European style, adapted to Russian climatic conditions. Such a house will last for many years and it will not be necessary to worry about it in terms of major repairs. Reliability and long service life, proven in more than one country.

Or here's a great one combined houses made of foam blocks and wood, this is the development of our domestic manufacturers. Lighter and more cost effective. As a design, it is not inferior to its foreign brothers.

Briefly about the types of combinations:

  1. Stone - Profiled timber
  2. Stone - rounded log
  3. Stone - Glued laminated timber
  4. Stone - Classic timber

Well, all this can be repeated with foam concrete blocks, in any sequence.

The best for your home

Firm DomaSV is constantly developing in terms of improving the quality of construction of stone houses. This applies to all aspects of it.

We produce the best materials ourselves and have triple quality control.

We develop our specialists both technically and in practice.

Cooperation only with trusted banks that have proven themselves over the years.

And we always fulfill our obligations.

And it is thanks only to the complex of these measures that we can say with confidence. If you are thinking of building combined turnkey house, our company is guaranteed to provide you with the highest quality.

Construction Guarantees

People not very closely associated with construction often worry, but will this or that option suit me? Yes, not all types of houses can be built if there are factors that are often hidden from the face of an inexperienced person. And what to do?

Of course, turn to professionals, because construction of combined turnkey houses this is our profile and many completed projects are proof of this. Construction is often a significant amount of money, and to make sure that they do not go to waste, we will give you guarantees.

  • All estimates are transparent and understandable. (You see where your money is being spent)
  • Warranty period of five years minimum. (Confidence that on all issues 100% help)
  • Additional tips for home use. (We work for quality and will gladly share our experience with you)

Individual approach to everyone

You have already viewed our combined houses photo and description? Didn't find what you need or want to change something?

No problem, in the firm DomaSV there are excellent designers who can satisfy the most demanding of customers.

Over the years, we have commissioned hundreds of houses. And this experience allows us to offer you a truly high-quality work or a ready-made house kit, based on your needs and taking into account the possibilities.

And of course, everyone should work according to their profile. We know everything about construction of combined houses and are ready to prove it in practice.

Houses made of stone and wood appeared a long time ago. Currently, such houses are becoming more and more popular in.

- this is usually where the first floor is brick or stone, and the second floor is wooden.

The project of a two-story house made of stone and wood

To build it, use or. Each floor has its own distinctive features. They can be characterized as follows:

  1. First floor. It is characterized as a practical building. It is quite strong and stable, well suited for placing a bathroom, kitchen in it.
  2. Second floor. Very warm and comfortable floor, ideal for living. Very well suited for the location in it of bedrooms, an office.

Wood and stone - their description and properties

Both types of these building materials have their advantages and disadvantages:

The combination of these two materials solves many practical problems, and also helps to compensate for the disadvantages of one material, while emphasizing the advantages of the other.

Advantages and disadvantages of combined houses

Houses built of wood in combination with brick, like all other buildings and structures, have both their pluses and minuses. The advantages of a combined house include the following indicators:

The disadvantages of combined buildings include such a significant minus as the different service life of wood and stone. The wooden walls are habitable for half a century. If the walls were built from shields or in the form of a frame, then their service life will be significantly reduced.

Therefore, after a certain period of time, the moment still comes when the first brick floor is still strong and reliable, and the second wooden floor is already in need of repair.

In order to extend the life of a tree, it is necessary for construction to choose only high-quality, well-dried and. And also it is necessary to think over the drainage system from the walls. At each stage of construction, monitor the tightness of all sections on the racks and beams of the building.

The strength of bricks and the natural beauty of wood are the main criteria that make a person choose these materials for centuries. And if you combine them, you can generally get an unexpected result in terms of aesthetics.

Which option should be preferred: the first floor is brick, the second is wooden - or simply, as shown above, use wood to make architectural elements?

And in general, what projects of combined brick and wood houses can be adopted by those who decide to build a house with their own hands? You will learn about this, and much more, from the material presented by us.

How to combine wood and brick

Both wood and brick, with equal success, can play the role of both constructive and finishing material - therefore, they are easy to combine. If we talk about the building as such, it can be called combined, when at least two walling technologies are used in the construction process.

Note! Since wood has less strength than brick, they are often combined like this: 1st floor is brick, 2nd floor is wooden - the house looks very interesting, especially if any architectural style is sustained in its design.

In addition to the fact that such combinations decorate the facade very much, they also make it possible to really save the construction budget. The use of lighter material at the upper level allows to reduce the load on the foundation.

And then, the second floor can be built not only from heavy timber or logs - there are other alternatives.

Frame walls for the second floor

One of them can be considered frame technology. Its essence lies in the construction of a wooden frame, which serves as the basis for creating a multi-layer structure of thick insulation, protective rolled membranes, inner and outer skins.

As a result, light and very warm walls are obtained:

  • It should be said that outside the wooden frame is sheathed with moisture-resistant plywood or OSB boards. These materials are also related to wood, as they are its derivatives. In the process of finishing, they are often painted, performing contrasting decorative stitching with wooden or composite slats, which makes it possible to implement the “half-timbered” design, which you see in the photo below.

  • If the price is crucial for you, then keep in mind that the construction of the second floor using frame technology provides maximum savings. You can, of course, use it to build the whole house, but along with undeniable advantages, there are many disadvantages. The insulation embedded in the structure has a limited service life - after a couple of decades, the casing has to be dismantled in order to replace it.
  • The beam from which the frame is assembled is also, no matter how you process it, but it rots over time. Therefore, in terms of service life, frame houses cannot compete with the durability of brick buildings. Add here the increased fire hazard and attractiveness for insects and rodents - and you will understand that it is better to build the first floor of the house from brick.

  • The layout in such houses is usually carried out as follows. Downstairs there are common areas: entrance hall, kitchen and dining room, living room. Guest rooms are also often located on the first floor. At the upper level, they plan bedrooms, children's rooms, equip a working area: an office or a workshop. Bathrooms in a two-story house are usually made both below and above.
  • By the way, in the designed low-rise buildings, the frame can be provided not from wood, but from metal, which will allow introducing elements of brickwork not only below, but also on the second floor. In such projects, panoramic glazing is often present, which makes such combinations even more interesting.

  • The concepts of many architectural styles: hi-tech, techno, minimalism - do not involve the use of wood at all. That is why in such houses there are no wooden windows and traditional frame roofs constructed from wooden rafters. Their design is based on various combinations of materials such as concrete, metal, glass.

Brick, if present, is only as a structural material, the surface of which is lined or plastered. If wood is used, it is only for partial finishing, a variant of which you can see in the example below.

Well, to each his own, and tastes differ! Next, you will be offered instructions for the installation of wooden structures, without which it is impossible to build an ordinary private house.

Wooden structures for a brick house

A brick wall is an excellent solid foundation for building a second floor of wood. By and large, there is not much difference whether to make a full-fledged second floor, or build on an attic.

The difference between them lies only in the height of the walls, and the absence of a beam ceiling in the attic.

Connecting brick and wood between floors

Since the entire upper part of the house is made of wood, which means it has a relatively small weight, the armored belt between floors can be omitted. In general, the decision to install armored belts on walls in low-rise construction is made depending on the bearing capacity of the wall material and the type of floor.

Note! By itself, the brick has the necessary strength to withstand even the weight of reinforced concrete slabs - the main thing is that the thickness of the masonry is correctly calculated for this. Moreover, it is brick, along with concrete, that is often used for the construction of armored belts on walls made of foam and gas blocks. So, you don’t have to worry about this, even if the walls of the second floor are built from a fairly heavy beam or log.


  • If the ceiling is beamed, then an additional reinforcing row in the form of a steel mesh should be provided along the upper row of brickwork. Under the slab, which creates additional loads, it will be necessary to lay several rows of interconnected reinforcing bars along the walls, as shown in the photo above.
  • But we think that if you decide to build the second floor from wood, you are unlikely to want to complicate the work and mount concrete slabs. In any case, in order to install the structural elements of wooden walls on brick walls, anchor bolts must be embedded in the masonry to allow mechanical fastening.

Strips of roofing material are strung on the studs, which will serve as a waterproofing layer between the perimeter of the brickwork and the lower crown of the timber or log wall. If the second floor is being built using frame technology, the beams of the lower trim will be similarly mounted on the brick wall. To clearly understand this process, the video in this article will allow.

Ceilings and floors

Before talking about how to make a wooden floor in a brick house, you need to decide on the design of the floors. The process of laying a frame-type flooring, which is a wooden floor, is simplified as much as possible on a wooden beamed ceiling.

In this case, the boardwalk is part of a multilayer floor structure. But first, of course, it needs to be mounted correctly - and we will try to briefly talk about how this is done.

First of all, it is necessary to pay close attention to the quality of the timber, which will carry considerable loads:

  • Firstly, it should be softwood, which works best for bending.
  • Secondly, it is better if it is a planed, well-dried beam, the length of which should completely cover the run - the distance between opposite load-bearing walls.

  • Since the walls of the first floor are built of brick, the installation of floor beams is carried out in the same way as in all brick houses. Their length depends on the chosen method of fastening: if these are special metal consoles, then it is equal to the length of the run.
  • When the ends of the beams are laid in specially provided nests in the wall, the necessary margin must also be taken into account: 12-15 cm from each end. The only thing that should not be forgotten is that wood should not come into direct contact with metal or brickwork anywhere.
  • Therefore, the ends of the beams are wrapped with protective material, without tightly closing the ends, and, if necessary, shock-absorbing pads are installed under them. To prevent the appearance of cold bridges, the free space of the recesses into which the ends of the beams will wind up is filled with insulation.

  • As for metal fasteners, it must be stainless - otherwise, its corrosion will provoke the process of decay in the thickness of the wood. The design of the attic floor is similar to the interfloor version. Only the beams are fastened to a wooden wall in a slightly different way, and their cross section may be smaller - in any case, if the attic is non-residential.
  • Since the space between the beams is then filled with insulation, the step of the floor elements is selected based on the width of the material, but usually does not exceed 60 cm. The beams can, of course, have a square section, for example: 150 * 150 mm, but this size is used mainly when they want to use them in the design of the ceiling.
  • The most economical in terms of wood consumption is the option with a section of 50 * 150, or even 50 * 180 mm - that is, in fact, this is a thick board installed on the edge. You can see an approximate scheme for assembling a beam ceiling in the picture above. Here, the insulation is laid on the boards with which the ceiling of the lower room is hemmed.

  • But there is another version as well. Small-section cranial bars are mounted to the sides of the beams, on which wooden shields or plywood are laid. This approach gives more opportunities for decorating the ceiling of the lower room - for example: you can install a stretch or suspended ceiling there.
  • A vapor barrier membrane is mounted on top of the beams, which simultaneously plays the role of a shock-absorbing layer. Then, as a rule, in the transverse direction, a counter-lattice is stuffed - it will serve as the basis for installing the floor covering. If you want to make not a boardwalk, but, for example, lay a roll covering: linoleum, carpet, or build a warm floor system into the “pie”, then you first have to mount a subfloor made of plywood or chipboard.

  • According to a very similar scenario, the filling of frame walls is also carried out. If the second floor of your house will be built using this technology, then along the upper perimeter of the walls, as well as from below, horizontal piping of the racks will be mounted. By the way, the strapping beam here will play the role of a Mauerlat, which serves as the basis for the roof truss system.
  • By the way, regardless of the design of walls or ceilings, it is always constructed from wood. In addition, few people would think of installing plastic joinery in the openings of wooden walls - so here you can’t do without wood. The technology for installing wooden windows in a brick house does not differ much from the process of installing them on log or frame walls, and instructions on this topic are easy to find.

And yet, you can make a balcony out of wood, and shutters, decorate the porch beautifully, build a terrace at the entrance, put a capital canopy or an elegant pergola.

There are a lot of options for using wood in home design: both exterior and interior - and for those who love and know how to work with it, there is a wide field for creativity. It remains only to put your talents into practice, and then for many years to admire the fruits of your labor and enjoy the energy of the tree.

Modern houses are distinguished by a variety of architectural styles and provide an extensive field of activity for unusual design solutions. Now low-rise houses and cottages are very popular. For those who strive for exclusivity and sophistication in the construction of their home, there is an excellent solution - a combined type house.

The history of the chalet

The combined stone house combines environmental friendliness, durability and individuality. They can combine wood and stone, timber and brick. They are very practical, and sometimes even cost-effective.

Combined buildings have been used for a very long time. Their ancestors are the houses of the Alpine shepherds or the so-called chalets. These buildings had a stone bottom, and superstructures and terraces were made of lighter materials or wood. Now such buildings are firmly entrenched in our lives.

The advantage and advantages of combined buildings

Projects of combined houses built from mixed materials are very practical. Their advantage over other housing options exceeds all expectations. Usually the lower part of the combined house is built of stone and is considered fireproof. It is, above all, excellent fire protection.

In this part, premises are designed that need reliable protection against fires: a kitchen, a garage, a sauna, a bathhouse, and household premises such as a laundry room or a boiler room are located. In addition, stone and wood are environmentally friendly building materials and have high strength, which ensures the durability of the building.

Another advantage of a combined type building is heat saving. The lower floor, made of brick, will keep cool even in hot weather, in winter the heat is maintained by the heating system. The upper tier of the building is made of wood and, according to the laws of physics, will always remain warm, even in the absence of heating, since wood perfectly retains heat, and it usually goes up.

But the main advantage of such buildings is their low cost, because the materials used for construction can be purchased in your region and you can do without delivery from other areas, which significantly reduces their cost, and construction does not require the involvement of special equipment and the time for their commissioning is significantly reduced.

In addition to all these advantages, the combination diversifies the architecture, allows for free planning and an individual solution in the decoration of facades and interiors.

The choice of material for construction

In the construction of combined houses, stones of natural origin can be used, but their cost will be very high. To reduce the cost of construction estimates, foam blocks, bricks are usually used during the construction of the first floor, or monolithic concrete is poured, since it is this tier that will bear the main load.

In the construction of the second floor, lighter material is usually used - natural timber of coniferous trees or aspen. Most often, to reduce the cost, they build a house from a combined beam. It is not inferior in design and quality to buildings made of natural material.

Thanks to a special manufacturing technology, a building made of this material will last even longer than that of natural wood.

Combination of materials in construction

Brick and wood equally play the role of a finishing material, so they can be easily combined. Building a house from a combined brick may not require additional facade finishing, since the wood-brick combinations themselves look attractive, the main thing is to choose the right architectural style.

It is not necessary to design a building according to the scheme: the first floor is stone, the second is wood. It is possible to provide for the frame of the second floor not from wood, but from metal, then in the construction of the second floor there will be masonry elements or panoramic glazing, which will give the cottage a more interesting architectural option.

If the combined house provides for three levels, then it is most reliable to complete it according to the project: the basement is a concrete monolith; the first is a brick, and the second is a tree, timber or metal frame, followed by display glazing.

Finishing the combined facade

The combined building does not have a specific style in the design of the facade. When choosing a building project, it is important to decide on its finish. This may be a design in the same style, which will remove the external difference between the first and second floors.

Options for such a finish can be different: masonry with facing bricks, paneling or decorative plaster. An alternative design option can be a combined facade of the house. This is the difference in finishing for the lower and upper parts of the house.

The first floor can be faced with brick, natural or decorative stone, ceramic tiles. If the second floor is made of timber, then it can be left in its original form, simply varnished, or it can be lined with clapboard or wall panels.

Disadvantages of combined houses and project selection

Having made a choice for yourself in favor of a combined building, its disadvantages must also be taken into account. We must not forget that the stone will last longer than wood and the service life of the first and second tiers is not the same. Therefore, when choosing a material, you need to carefully study the technologies used to make it, make a choice in favor of high-quality wood, and to assemble the frame, it is better to contact specialists.

It is also required to pay attention to the correct connection of communications in order to avoid moisture getting on the wooden base and the quality of sealing of all wooden structures.

Before undertaking the construction of a house, it is important to decide on its external architecture, make a choice of design and design of the building itself. To do this, you can contact construction companies, study photos of combined houses, get advice from an experienced designer, and then the dream of a two-story cottage will become a reality.

Photos of combined houses

The desire to have their own country house forces many residents of the metropolis to invest fabulous sums in the construction. And the more intricate the project of the cottage is, the greater the financing of the construction should be. At the same time, the price of a finished house to a large extent depends on the material used for construction. And since stone is mainly used for the installation of houses in Russia, the cottage translates into a pretty penny. However, there is a very productive method of saving family money on building their own nest - cozy and durable houses made of stone and wood. So, as a result of a combination of materials, it will be possible to save on the installation of the entire structure.

Types of combined houses

The use of diverse building materials in the construction of houses has been known to history since the 15th century. And the main harmonious combination was the combination of stone and wood. Such a tandem allows you to make a powerful load-bearing plinth (or first floor) and mount an already lightweight version of the second floor or attic made of wood above it. The most popular examples of such combinations are:

  • Half-timbered houses. They originate from Eastern Europe and Scandinavia. The construction of such buildings is based on a wooden frame, which is filled with a natural stone block. Or this same timber frame is mounted on a pre-arranged stone lower floor. The house acquires the outlines of reliability, massiveness and fortress.
  • Chalet houses. They are also known as hunter's houses. These buildings came to architecture from the mountainous Alps, where shepherds and hunters equipped their homes in order to hide from the changeable weather of the mountains. Snow or unexpected winds, rain or hot sun - all this could overtake the shepherd in the mountains at any moment. It was as a refuge that strong chalet cottages were built, which were based on a strong stone (basement) floor and a wooden attic, sheltered from snow and wind by a sloping roof. Such a house made of wood and stone today has become a special style of architectural direction.

Important: the main rule when combining materials in a building is the installation of a lighter floor over a heavier one. And even if the house will have three floors, the bearing capacity of building materials should decrease from bottom to top. For example, a concrete basement, then the first floor of blocks or bricks, the third floor is exclusively wooden.

Types of material combinations

The construction of combined buildings is similar to the work of a sculptor. Here you can interpret in such a way that the finished cottage turned out to be unlike any of the neighboring ones. In this case, most often the developer uses the following types of combinations:

  • Monolithic reinforced concrete and log rounded. Here, coarser hand-cut chopped round timber can be used. Note that a reliable reinforced concrete level acts as a basement semi-basement floor. It is subsequently sheathed on the outside with clinker tiles or simply plastered. The use of a reinforced concrete monolith in the form of a basement floor is relevant on non-porous soils with a low level of groundwater.
  • The combination of a brick ground floor with a lighter and more even beam. In this case, either a strip reinforced concrete foundation or a monolithic slab is mounted under the house. It all depends on the type of soil on the site and the level of groundwater on it. It is worth noting that brick and timber, which have a perfectly even shape, create an original tandem for mounting a house in the style of half-timbered construction.
  • You can also mount a three-story house from combined materials. Here, combined houses made of foam blocks and wood on top of a monolithic basement level are relevant. At the same time, the house will acquire its final appearance, thanks to the exterior finish of the stone floors chosen by the developer. The tree will speak for itself.
  • And there is also a cheaper combination of materials from a bar or log on the first floor and a frame-shield structure on the second. But this technology is used for small cottages and, if desired, save a lot.

Important: in any of the cases of installing a stone first level, the fire safety of the finished house increases several times. Since it is in the basement (lower) level of the house that all utility and utility rooms are located, such as a kitchen, garage, boiler room, workshop, fireplace room, etc.

The advantages of houses made of combined material

The construction of a combined house has a number of advantages in comparison with the installation of a homogeneous cottage. Especially if it was originally planned to mount the whole stone house. So, the main positive aspects of such a building are:

  • Significant savings in the construction budget. Moreover, funds are saved not only due to the cost of diverse materials - stone and wood. The estimate is melting before our eyes as a result of the fact that houses made of bricks or blocks and timber end up with a smaller mass than a completely stone building. As a result, a lightweight type of foundation can be mounted under such a house. But it is the basis that most often costs about 30-40% of the total construction budget. In addition, it will be possible to save money on hiring workers for the installation of the cottage. That is, the payment to masons will be less than if they built a completely stone house. Yes, and renting special equipment for the installation of a combined house is cheaper.
  • Wide architectural possibilities. Most often, for the construction of combined houses, non-standard projects of combined houses made of brick and wood are used. Here, the extensions of the left or right wing of the house may predominate as a territory for the utility room. At the same time, this area of ​​the cottage is also reliably sheltered from precipitation by a sloping roof, like any other part of the house. You can also hide from prying eyes all the utility rooms in the basement, and leave only the cozy and comfort-breathing rooms of the first floor and the attic for the guests to see. Stained-glass windows, an attic balcony under the roof or a spacious terrace from the eastern part of the cottage are used as the entourage of the house.
  • It is also worth noting that you can move into a combined house immediately, but using only the first or basement floor. Since the stone is not subject to natural shrinkage, the interior finishing of the lower level can be carried out immediately after construction is completed. The upper wooden level must be given time to shrink and only after that begin internal work.
  • The heat capacity of a combined house will be several times higher than that of a house made entirely of stone. After all, the tree perfectly holds heat, which means that the heating of the first floor is of high quality, and the optimum temperature of the second level can also be ensured. Hence, by the way, and savings on the maintenance of the finished house.
  • In addition, the stone lower floor is more resistant to seasonal changes in the ground, which means that it will ensure a longer service life of the finished cottage.
  • In addition, it is the wooden part of the combined stone-wood house that provides optimal microcirculation throughout the entire room. After all, the tree breathes constantly, regardless of temperature changes outside and inside the building.

However, the combined cottage has one significant disadvantage - this is the difference in the service life of building materials. So, a stone is able to provide a house with a life of 100 years or more. While the upper level of the cottage, made of timber or logs, will require repair in 30-40 years. However, such a nuance can also be interpreted as a positive moment - there is a chance to re-plan the attic level to meet the needs of a larger family. That is, both children and grandchildren can be provided with a separate spacious room in a cozy strong house.

The nuances of the construction of a combined structure

In order to correctly combine two types of building materials into a single and strong monolithic structure, several basic requirements must be observed:

  • So, you need to combine wood with stone using special steel pins built into the masonry. At the same time, the stone surface in front of the installation of wooden crowns must be waterproofed.
  • The tree, in turn, is necessarily treated with antiseptics and flame retardants before laying in order to increase its fire safety and resistance to decay.
  • The stone part of the house is finished with plaster or cladding. And the decorative design of the wooden level, if necessary, is performed using lining. Although wood is an independent and harmonious building material.

Design features of combined buildings

In order for a house made of aerated concrete (brick, foam concrete or reinforced concrete monolith) to become a real haven for the whole family, several nuances must be taken into account during its construction (at the design stage):

  • So, in the lower part of the cottage, all utility, household and public premises are usually located. If the house has only two levels, then rest rooms such as a billiard room, a fireplace room, and a living room are also arranged here. At the same level, but away from the "noisy" rooms, you can arrange an office. If the house is supposed to have a basement level, then it is here that all household rooms are arranged. On the ground floor there is a kitchen, a dining room, a fireplace and an office. And already in the attic they design all the rooms for sleeping. Here you can also place a nursery.
  • An excellent solution is offered by such house projects, where on the ground floor they arrange a room for a family business. It can be a workshop or atelier, a small shop or office. Autumn is convenient to work with a family, without leaving home and without wasting time on the road to the workplace.

Tip: but in this case, you should make sure that all household members have a separate entrance to the house, hidden from prying eyes. It is better if it is a courtyard hidden by a fence. Such a combined house project is a great option for a large family.