How to plant ready-made petunia seedlings. How to grow petunia seedlings from seeds at home

Flowers of different shapes and colors are delightful, and many growers strive to grow this plant on their own.

When to sow petunias for seedlings?

For an inexperienced gardener, it is important to correctly determine the timing of sowing a flower for seedlings. The timing of the desired flowering of the plant determines when to plant the petunia seeds. To get an abundantly flowering plant already in May-June, seeds for seedlings must be sown at the end of February - the first decade of March. If the sowing dates are earlier, seedlings will be needed.

For sowing, use the soil prepared since the fall. The soil mixture consists of humus, garden soil and sand, taken in a ratio of 1: 1: 2. It is poured into containers in which petunia will grow, and left to freeze. A few days before sowing petunias, containers are brought into the house for thawing. Before sowing, the soil is additionally disinfected from pests and pathogenic flora.

Choosing seeds

Good seedlings will only work if high quality seeds were used when planting. An adult plant must meet all the characteristics of a particular variety. That is, the flower must have the size and color characteristic of the given variety, be somewhat resistant to growing conditions, etc.

You can plant petunia with two types of seeds:

  1. coated;
  2. clean.

The casing offers a number of advantages: the seeds are protected from damage and disease, and they are easier to sow into the soil. Pure seeds, devoid of a shell, are much cheaper and if the petunia is sown correctly, germination will be high. Marking allows you to recognize the variety of flowers.

Correct sowing of petunia - from "A" to "Z"

The prepared soil must be moistened, after which petunia seeds are sown on it. It is not necessary to sprinkle the sown material with soil; it is enough to lightly press down on it.

The question may arise: how to sow petunia evenly, because the seeds are very small? The task is simplified if you mix seeds with sand in a ratio of 1: 5. Immediately after sowing, the soil is spilled with a solution of Previcur (0.1%) to protect the sprouts from fungus. In order not to wash out small seeds, you need to disinfect the soil by watering through a fine strainer.

Until the emergence of seedlings, containers with plantings are covered with glass or a piece of polycarbonate. Water the soil, if necessary, using a spray bottle.

The first shoots appear on the 5th day. Dense plantings need to be thinned out, for which extra seedlings are plucked out.

For the normal growth of petunia seedlings, a temperature of 20-22 degrees is required. With the emergence of petunia shoots, the shelter is removed and the containers are transferred to a room where the temperature does not exceed 18 degrees.

If the petunia is sown correctly and optimal conditions for the growth of seedlings are created, after 3 weeks the grown seedlings can be dived.

Seedlings in flower pots 3 weeks after the first transplant. The diameter of the pot should be 8-10 cm; a substrate rich in micro and macro elements is used as soil. The transplanted plants are taken out in a room with a temperature of 20 degrees during the day and 18 at night, then the temperature must be lowered by another 4 degrees.

Sowing in granules?

Many are sold in granules. How to sow petunia correctly in this case?
In a box with soil, you need to cut shallow grooves, shed them well and put strips cut from paper napkins. Seeds in granules are gently spread on damp strips. They won't get lost as they stick securely to damp paper. As with sowing with clean seeds, you do not need to sprinkle the granules with soil. Crops must be spilled through a spray bottle, the boxes are covered with foil and left in a warm place until shoots appear.

The germination period of petunias in granules is slightly longer - 10-20 days when supplemented with a fluorescent lamp. It is important that the emerging seedlings immediately receive enough light to prevent them from stretching.

With the formation of the first true leaf, the crops of petunia are aired, the film is removed and the temperature is lowered to 16 degrees. When the third leaf appears, the seedlings are thinned out, planting excess plants. You need to know how to properly plant and care for petunia. Waterlogging of the soil in plantings should not be allowed - watering is carried out every 3 days, as the soil slightly dries out. This mode stimulates the development of the root system, and the seedlings are more viable. The grown plants are pinched, because of which the petunia begins to branch. If the petunia is sown early, the apical part can be rooted.

What we will talk about? And here's what ... The main character is a petunia plant, planting and care. Let's see the photos, admire ... After all, it is the leader among the most popular garden flowers. It is rich in its multicolor, harmoniously combined in plantings with other summer flowers. Petunia is a real decoration of our flower beds, balconies, summer cottages. The lush flowering of this bright plant continues throughout the season, but in addition to its beauty, it is famous for the fact that it is not difficult to plant and grow it.

Photo of petunia, it looks great, even if there are other flowers in the flowerbed:

This lovely garden flower comes in many varieties. Its color shades are varied and the shapes are bizarre. Most often, petunia is divided into two varieties - bush and ampelous. Shrub we most often arrange flower beds or plant it in pots. This variety is unpretentious, sown in early spring - March-April.

Petunia photo in pots on the street, photo

Ampelnaya is a flower "waterfall". It is more suitable for hanging or forming garden compositions. Windows, balconies, pergolas are also suitable for decorating with such plants. These varieties need to be sown before the bush species, around the beginning of February.

Correct seedling of petunia - how to grow

Petunia photo shoots

Most varieties of petunias are quite unpretentious. Even if with the onset of warmth (March-April) you sow seeds in the open field, ensure regular watering, it will grow and bloom. But if you want to get lush, well-groomed bushes, then you have to try a little, "conjure" over a small seed.

Methods for planting petunia seeds:

  1. The easiest option is to plant in a shallow container or box. The seeds are not dosed (by eye). The most important rule is not to deepen.
  2. The use of peat tablets gives excellent results in growing seedlings - it is very convenient and practical. Pre-soak each tablet, place one pelleted seed or 2-3 ordinary seeds there. does not require a subsequent dive. With this method of planting, the bushes (along with the tablets) are subsequently transplanted.
  3. Seedling cassettes are also convenient, growing with their help does not involve picking seedlings. Thus, each seed is placed in an individual cell (20 or 50 ml), and after 20-30 days it is transplanted into a pot, where the petunia can grow before the first flowers appear.
  4. Sowing seeds in the snow is also practiced. A layer of ordinary clean street snow is laid on top of the soil, and seeds are poured on top. When the snow melts, it is absorbed, automatically pulling the seeds to the ground (to the required depth).

Whichever method is sowing, seedlings need the correct temperature regime (+ 23 ... - + 25 ° С), cover with a film, timely watering.

Usually, petunia seeds are sown taking into account the cultivar group (20th of March) in order to get flowering bushes by the beginning of summer. If you want to see flowering earlier, then it is better to start sowing in late January - early February.

A nutritious, loose soil with good water-holding properties is suitable for it. Strongly acidic or alkaline potting mixes should be avoided.

Against the background of the narrative about the details of growing petunias, it is still worth mentioning the possibility of acquiring ready-made seedlings. Cases are different: someone simply does not have enough time to deal with this process, but they really want to have a fragrant flower.

For such cases, petunia seedlings are sold, which can be bought at the market, store, floristic center, even an online store.

Petunia, care and cultivation

At the first time after sowing (the first 7-10 days), the seeds will not be prevented by regular spraying with a weakly borne solution of potassium permanganate. After this period, with the appearance of the first sprouts that have hatched, top dressing can be introduced. At the very beginning, it is advisable to use foliar means - irrigation with mineral compositions. If the situation requires it, then 1 or 2 times you can apply a plant growth stimulator, such as "Epin-Extra".

Seedlings should be provided with sufficient moisture, but do not overdo it, as excessive moisture provokes disease. If the sprouts are oversaturated with moisture, it is necessary to stop irrigation with water. At the same time, it is necessary to moisten the soil only by watering along the walls of the containers so that the water is in minimal contact with the plants.

Seedlings after picking

When the sprouts acquire a couple of full sheets, start diving. For this, the seedlings are planted one bush at a time in special containers or disposable 200 gram cups (very convenient). The cups are filled with the same nutrient soil that was used for seeding. After planting, the bushes are watered, covered for 1-2 days with some non-woven material (for example, Spunbond).

At the first time after plowing for petunia, moderate soil moisture, periodic loosening is important. If seedlings need feeding, then it can be done 7-10 days after picking (1 time per week).

Before planting petunia bushes for a permanent place of residence, take care of its hardening. To do this, pots with seedlings must be periodically taken out into the cold (but not freezing), providing an influx of fresh air.

Planting petunias in open ground

It's time to dive

This flower loves fertile loamy soils. If you add compost or humus before planting in the place of the flower bed, then the petunia will bloom more actively and more luxuriantly. Make sure that the place for the plants is well lit by the sun. Most often, the bushes are planted around the 20th of April (in the Kuban), after the frosts are left behind.

For planting, the seedlings need to be watered well so that they can be conveniently removed from the pot. Plant together with a lump of soil on a flower bed. The step between the bushes should be about 30-40 cm. Then the plants are watered and mulched again (the next day).

Planting seedlings

Follow-up care for petunia includes:

  • regular watering,
  • loosening the soil,
  • getting rid of weeds.

However, the most important factor is feeding with complex and organic fertilizers, which must be introduced 8 days after planting. Potassium supplements should be made every 10 days. We advise you to continue them until August inclusive. You can also use organic fertilizers, such as humus fertilizers.

Registration of a summer cottage or yard of a house with the help of a petunia, photo

The richness of colors and varieties allows you to create incredible combinations of shades, various designs. Multicolor flower beds, flower cascades, fragments of trees equipped for flower beds, even car tires are a field of activity, a source of inspiration for a summer resident.

Petunia goes well with flowers that complement each other in flower bed arrangements (see first photo). For these purposes, you need to choose the same non-capricious, sun-loving plants (for example, snapdragon, salvia, calendula, levkoi). When decorating a summer cottage with petunias, one should not forget about sunny places, since in the shady zones it simply cannot gain strength, fully bloom. Well-lit, slightly shaded areas are ideal for this plant.

Some design options:

Already in itself, ampelous petunia is a decoration, how many pieces to plant in pots - determines the size of the container, for example, 4-5 bushes with a diameter of 20-30 cm.With the onset of spring, shopping centers begin to sell pots 22 cm in diameter, in which 3 bushes are comfortably located ...

Flower bed

Despite all the subtleties, nuances, it is not difficult to grow, plant petunia - it is quite within the power of any novice florist. Attention to seedlings, appropriate care will bear fruit. If you at least once grow a lush, fragrant beauty from a small seed, you will never refuse her presence at your dacha.

Where to plant petunia in the garden, photo

Do not forget to feed with fertilizers on time, water this amazing flower - it will delight you with its flowering until the very cold weather.

In wildlife, there are more than 25 species of petunias. The most popular among florists are hybrids. They grow a bright flower in city parks, in the country, on a loggia or balcony. The flower is not picky and grows well both in a flower bed and in the form of a pot culture.

Flower lovers appreciate petunias for their abundant flowering, which lasts from the beginning of summer and ends only after the first autumn frosts. These unpretentious plants are grown in all climatic zones. They tolerate drought well, love light and can grow in poor soils.

Petunia is a genus of annual and perennial herbaceous plants from the Solanaceae family. The height of representatives of this genus can vary from 10 cm to 1 meter. The ornamental culture is native to South America, where it grows in the tropical regions of Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia and Uruguay.

Data on the number of petunia species existing in nature are not unambiguous, according to some sources there are about 15, according to others - up to 40. The first cultivated plants from the genus of petunias appeared in the 18th century. The main characteristics of these plants:

  • stem erect or creeping with shoots of 2.3 orders;
  • pubescence is present on the shoots;
  • the color of the shoots is green, the shape is round;
  • leaves have different sizes and shapes, alternate, have pubescence;
  • flowers have a double perianth, which consists of a corolla and a calyx;
  • flowers of two types are double and simple;
  • the fruit has the shape of a bivalve box, which splits open when the seeds ripen;
  • seed size is small.

There is no consensus among gardeners about the classification of petunias. Usually, this type of ornamental plants is divided according to the following characteristics:

  • bush shape;
  • the size of the flower and the type of flowering.

By the shape of the bush

Depending on the shape of the bush, varieties of petunias are distinguished: bush, cascading, ampelous. Consider what are bush types of petunias. They are undersized, compact, with erect shoots up to 30 cm long and tall species with spreading shoots from 50 to 75 cm long. Varieties and bush-type hybrids do not need to be formed. To simulate the growth of side shoots, you just need to pinch the growing point.

The ampel group of petunias combines plants with long shoots from 50 to 150 cm long. They are characterized by:

  • fast growth of shoots;
  • long and abundant flowering;
  • resistance to adverse weather conditions.

Ampel varieties of petunias look good in hanging pots. Landscape designers use this kind of flower with thin, long lashes for vertical landscaping. They practice planting ampelous petunias in the ground to obtain bright floral carpets.

Cascading petunias have thicker shoots, the length of which is shorter than that of the ampelous varieties. They grow to the top, they go down only when they reach a certain length. Varieties and hybrids of cascading petunias are used to decorate loggias and balconies. Their seedlings are planted in boxes, pots, pots.

By flower size and flowering type

All petunias are divided into two groups by flower size:

  • P. small-flowered;
  • P. large-flowered;
  • P. blooming profusely;
  • P. multiflorous.

The Milliflora group of small-flowered petunias combines plants with a flower diameter of 2.5 to 3 cm. This species is distinguished by abundant flowering, rain does not affect their decorative effect. Bushes are formed from numerous branched shoots up to 0.9 m long and erect stems not exceeding 25 cm in height.

Florists use varieties when creating flower arrangements:


Large-flowered forms do not tolerate difficult weather conditions. The flowers of these forms are very decorative, but the number of flowers on the bushes is less than that of small-flowered species. The large-flowered group of petunias - Grandiflora - is popular among flower growers.

Reference! Large-flowered varieties do not tolerate bad weather, therefore they are used to decorate balconies, terraces, verandas.

It combines low-growing varieties with a stem height of 25 to 35 cm and tall ones with a shoot length of 50 to 70 cm. Flowers are large in different shapes: simple funnel-shaped, double. The diameter of the flowers can range from 8 to 13 cm. The flower petals have solid, wavy or corrugated edges.

Popular variety series of large-flowered petunias:

Blooming profusely

Floribunda is a group of hybrids and cultivars that brings together abundantly flowering petunias. The height of erect, branched shoots is from 25 to 45 cm. The flowers are simple, funnel-shaped or double, with a diameter of 6 to 10 cm. This type of petunias is used for decorative design of flower beds and borders. Popular varieties of petunia Floribunda:


The multiflora group of multiflora petunias consists of dwarf, compact plants, abundantly strewn with flowers. The height of the bushes does not exceed 25 cm. The shape of the flowers is different - from simple to double, the diameter of which does not exceed 5 cm. The flowering of multi-flowered petunias is early and long-lasting. Plants of this group are used when decorating flower beds, balconies, and grown indoors on window sills.

Varieties common among flower growers:

When to plant petunia seeds for seedlings

Depends on when they plan to bloom. If you need to get a flowering plant in late spring, then you need to sow seeds for seedlings in January. For summer flowering, sowing begins in mid-February and continues until the third decade of March.

To get full seedlings, you need at least 3 months. begin to sow earlier than other varieties, as it takes longer to form long shoots.

Novice growers may be confused by the very small size of the seeds. You need certain skills to work with them. There are pelleted seeds on sale. They are easier to sow and the shell protects the seeds from all sorts of infections, in addition, it contains nutrients. Petunia seeds remain viable for 4 years.

Experienced gardeners have long determined the composition of the soil that is most suitable for growing petunia seedlings. Soils are suitable for her:

  • sandy loam;
  • loamy;
  • clayey-sandy.

Many growers practice mixing several types of purchased soil. Since it is believed that one type of soil may not be suitable for petunias, and a mixture of soils from 2-3 producers will be optimal in structure and fertility.

The pH level of the soil is important, the decorativeness of the flower depends on it. For petunias, neutral soil (pH 5.5 to 7.0) or slightly acidic (pH 5.5 to 6.5) is suitable. Determining the pH level is not difficult; litmus paper is sold for this purpose.

If the soil in the garden is acidic, lime it or add humic fertilizers, organic matter or nitrates. You can reduce acidity by adding sandy loam or sod land. Peat is added to highly alkaline soil, and to moderately alkaline compost or sphagnum. The structure of heavy, clayey soil is corrected by the addition of peat and sand.

As for the seedling soil, many growers prefer to germinate seeds in peat tablets. Those who use the land for sowing carry out a number of measures to decontaminate it:

  • to protect against diseases, spill with a pink solution of potassium permanganate, you need to water it at least a week before planting;
  • the second option for disinfection is 1 hour in an oven preheated to 150 ° C.

For those who want to compose the soil on their own, advice from flower growers can help, who recommend the following options for soil mixtures for seedlings:

  • clay 30% and 70% peat;
  • peat 1 part, sand 1 part, loam 2 parts;
  • peat 1 part, loam 1 part.

For petunias, you can use both high and low peat. Instead of loam, you can add perlite or spruce bark. For 1 liter of soil, it is worth adding 1 tsp of dolomite flour to normalize acidity.

Not everyone knows how to properly sow small petunia seeds. The main thing to remember is that the seeds are sown on the surface and are not sprinkled with earth or humus. Small seeds are not visible on the surface of the earth, it is difficult to sow.

The process will go much easier if a layer of snow is poured over the ground. On a white background, the seeds are easy to distribute at the desired distance from each other. You can hook them with a toothpick. After all the seeds are laid out, the planting containers must be tightened with cling film, put in a warm place.

Lighting should be diffused, as direct sunlight can destroy delicate seedlings. Before sprouting, you can forget about petunia, since the moisture reserve from the melted snow is quite enough for germinating seeds.

Seedling care

It's hard to imagine how to take care of her. Any wrong step can destroy delicate plants. Failures happen with novice florists, experienced florists rarely fail, because they know exactly what petunias need at every stage of development.

But it is necessary and often enough. Drying out of the topsoil leads to its death. For accurate watering at the root, growers use various devices:

  • syringes;
  • small enemas;
  • screw the piece of a ballpoint pen into the cap of a plastic bottle.

At first, water is often and little by little, so that the surface of the earth is constantly wet. As the seedlings grow, the frequency of watering decreases, but the volume increases.

Light is needed for the normal development of seedlings. For the first two weeks, it can be illuminated for almost 24 hours. When sowing seeds in March, such long-term illumination is not needed. It is enough to provide seedlings with 12 hour daylight hours.

For supplementary lighting of petunia seedlings, lamps are used:

  • gas discharge;
  • luminescent;
  • LED.

You can turn on the lamp in the morning at 7 o'clock, and turn it off in the evening at 9 o'clock. This lighting will be sufficient for growing strong seedlings.


From the moment the seeds are sown until the first shoots of petunias appear, the temperature in the room is maintained around 25 ° C. As the seedlings grow, after picking them into separate cups, you need to gradually reduce the air temperature in the room to 18 ° C, and even better - to 16 ° C.

This is not an obligatory procedure if the plants are planted in separate cups. When sowing into a general container, picking is necessary, since it promotes the formation of the root system first, and then the aerial part of the flower.

Transplanting (picking) petunia seedlings can be carried out several times. First time in the phase of 3-4 true leaves. In time, this is about 2 weeks after germination. With the help of a pick, they regulate the planting density of seedlings. You can dive into a larger box or into separate cups with a diameter of 6 to 8 cm.

In order not to damage the delicate roots of small seedlings, the soil must be well watered before picking. Some growers, when transplanting seedlings, disinfect the roots, lower them for a few seconds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. After transplanting, the seedlings need to be watered, the earth after watering will stick tightly to the roots.

After that, the plant has new growth points, the active formation of new shoots begins. The flowering period is postponed, but the largest flowers are formed precisely on the lateral stems.

Pinching is carried out in several stages. The first time the crown is pinched at the seedlings after the appearance of 5 leaves. This procedure is called pinching and is performed using nail scissors.

After a month, you can pinch the already formed side shoots. It is allowed to form bushes throughout the season, if it is necessary to maintain the decorative effect of the plant. Elite varieties rarely need to be formed. Simple varieties of petunias need pinching and pinching of lateral shoots.

In order for the seedlings to develop well, you can add to the soil:

  • Epin;
  • Uniflor;
  • Powder;
  • Perlite;
  • Hydrogel.

Epin stimulates growth. Perlite loosens the soil. Uniflor supplies plants with trace elements. It is difficult to acquire powder, it is silt, which increases the germination of seeds. The hydrogel helps control moisture levels in the soil and improves seed germination.

The stock of nutrients in the soil will be enough for the first time. The growing seedlings need to be fed with a nitrogen-containing fertilizer, the time for the first feeding occurs 2-3 weeks after the emergence of shoots. The next feeding should be done in 2 weeks. The fertilizer should be dominated by potassium and phosphorus.

Different ways of growing

It will take 90 days to grow a full-fledged petunia seedling. Each grower has its own proven growing method:

  • sowing in a box (pots) filled with soil;
  • using peat tablets;
  • on toilet paper.

You can buy peat tablets at any supermarket. The seeding procedure is simple:

  • the tablets are first soaked in water;
  • after they increase in size, they are placed in a box (container) with sides of at least 4 cm;
  • the seeds are placed in the indentations on the tablet;
  • the box is covered with foil.

Shoots appear in a week. Before they appear, the tablets must be moistened.

To decorate a balcony or loggia, petunias are sown directly into a pot or pots. The success of a lush bloom will depend on the correct potting mix. For decorativeness, petunias of various types (bush, ampelous) are planted in one container and supplemented with other flowers: alissum, lobelia. To maintain the soil in the pots in a moist state, a hydrogel or vermiculite is added to the soil.

Transplanting petunia seedlings to a permanent place is not difficult. The soil must be prepared and treated with a fungicide in advance, preferably in the fall. A good time for transplanting will be a cloudy day or not a hot evening.

Transferring plants must be done carefully, without damaging the root system. Straighten the roots, avoiding bends. It is good to water the earth after transplantation. Water should not get on the leaves. To maintain constant soil moisture, use mulch:

  • decorative bark;
  • sawdust;
  • peat;
  • humus.

Summer petunia care

Petunia is grown in pot culture or soil. Summer care depends on the growing method. Petunia growing in the ground does not require frequent watering, it is enough to water the flowers well once a week. Petunias growing in pots need frequent watering. On hot days, potted flowers can be watered twice a day, morning and evening.

Top dressing begins a week after transplanting the flower to a permanent place. Use standard complex fertilizers for flowering plants. Flowers in the ground are fed once every two weeks, potted petunias are fertilized once every 7 days.

Petunias respond well to fertilizers with a high potassium content. Feeding can be carried out throughout the summer season until the end of flowering. It is recommended to alternate mineral fertilizers with organic ones. Faded flowers should be removed, especially for ampelous varieties and petunias grown in pots and containers.

Experienced flower growers achieve lush flowering from their favorites. Beginning florists can do this too. The tricks are simple:

  • pinching of the central stem of seedlings;
  • pinching the tops of the lateral shoots;
  • regular watering;
  • removal of wilted flowers;
  • feeding.

Top dressing is a key condition for lush flowering, without fertilization, the shoots will be thin, and the flowering is not plentiful.

Petunia can suffer from viral diseases. Viruses of cucumber and tobacco mosaic are dangerous for her. Symptoms of the cucumber mosaic:

  • stunted appearance;
  • small flowers;
  • yellow spots on the leaves;
  • the leaves take on an irregular shape.

When the tobacco mosaic virus is infected, the plant shrinks, the edges of the leaf plates curl upward and become covered with necrotic spots. Dots or streaks of white or gray are visible on the flower petals. Plants infected with viruses are destroyed.

From insects, aphids attack petunia. Symptoms:

  • young shoots turn yellow, deformed;
  • it is easy to see adult aphids on the leaves;
  • ants scurry around the infected bush.

It is not worth delaying the treatment of an infected flower. Any grower should have insecticides: Aktara, Fufanon, Karate. Several treatments and the bush will look healthy.

Problems of growing petunias

When growing petunias, beginners have many problems, both serious and not so. All errors are associated with incorrect selection of the soil mixture and violations of the conditions for keeping seedlings.

Yellow leaves on petunia seedlings may indicate a lack of iron. You can get rid of chlorosis from a flower with the help of iron chelate. Florists prefer to use Ferovit, a liquid form of iron chelate. To restore a healthy look to the plants, 4 treatments are enough.

Feeding is carried out once every 5 days. Fertilizers are applied both under the root and by spraying on the leaf. A greater effect is achieved by alternating root and foliar dressings. Petunia responds well to potassium monophosphate.

Twisted petunia leaves are a sign of poor care for a young plant. The reasons can be different:

  • waterlogging of the soil;
  • overdrying the soil;
  • dry air;
  • increased acidity of the soil;
  • excess nitrogen;
  • lack of phosphorus;
  • lack of sunlight;
  • viral disease or pest infestation.

To eliminate the cause of poor growth, you can change the place of residence of the seedlings, transfer to the south or southwest window. Alternatively, install a lamp for additional illumination of seedlings.

Another reason for the stunted growth of the plant is the insufficient volume of the pot. The roots have filled the entire volume and they have nowhere else to develop. This reason is eliminated by transferring the plant to a new container with a larger volume. After transplanting, the flower can be treated with a growth stimulant.

How to grow petunia seedlings at home: video

How to form petunias? Do I need to pinch? Which petunia to choose when buying? video

Petunia will not require much effort from you during cultivation. All measures for her care can be performed by any novice florist. This beautiful flower needs: systematic watering, timely fertilization and good lighting throughout the day.

Petunia seedlings regularly appear on sale by the beginning of the summer season. However, the cost of these bushes is quite high, so it is much more economical to grow them yourself for mass planting. Compliance with the best sowing dates in a suitable soil, maintaining the required light, temperature and humidity conditions when growing seedlings guarantees friendly shoots and high-quality seedlings.

From germination of seeds to the formation of the first buds of heat-loving petunia, it takes 2-2.5 months. According to this deadline, sowing spend in February-March, to get by May - early June, when the threat of frost passes, strong seedlings with abundant buds and first flowers, suitable for planting in the open ground of the middle zone.

According to the lunar calendar, in 2016, the successful and unsuccessful dates for planting petunias for seedlings are distributed as follows:

How to plant petunias for seedlings

Preparing the soil

The soil for planting seeds for seedlings should be loose, nutritious, air and moisture permeable, with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction.

A universal soil mixture from a store is suitable, into which, for additional loosening, it is useful to add well-washed river sand, vermiculite or perlite.

You can also make one of the following formulations:

  • two parts of peat, sod land and humus with one part of sand;
  • two parts of peat and one part of garden land, as well as sand;
  • two pieces of sand with one piece of garden soil and one piece of humus.

IMPORTANT: Before use, soil substrates are disinfected. For this, the soil is treated with thoroughly dissolved potassium permanganate (3 grams per bucket of water) and antifungal agents. Freezing the soil and heating it in a steam bath or microwave oven are also used.

Some growers add a hydrogel soaked in water or in a fertilizer solution with an enhanced potassium component to the seedling soil mixture - for example, the Kemira complex.

ATTENTION: For landing expensive and rare varieties petunias are preferable to use nutritious peat tablets that provide the most comfortable environment for germinating seeds.

Choose an average size with a diameter of 3-4 cm, two hours before use, fill it with warm water and keep it until it swells completely. In this case, the height of the flat peat "washer" increases by 7 times. If necessary, water is added, and not absorbed, drained.

Choosing a container for growing petunias

For sowing, not too deep containers are used, which will be conveniently covered with glass or transparent polyethylene. In this case, the coating should not touch the ground surface. Transparent plastic food containers with lids are also used.

All planting containers must have drainage holes.

Before planting, containers are treated with a saturated solution of potassium permanganate.

IMPORTANT: A drainage layer of crushed expanded clay or the largest fraction of sand must be placed at the bottom of the tank.

Choosing seeds for seedlings

To get the plants that best match the descriptions and photographs, it is best to choose seeds of one variety, and not their mixtures and purchase seed at verified reliable suppliers.

Good reputation in the domestic market use following manufacturers:

  • "SeDec";
  • "Aelita";
  • "Gavrish";
  • "Search";
  • "Russian vegetable garden".

Supplied the seeds can be like ordinary and granular- enclosed in a soluble hard shell of fertilizers and growth stimulants.

Sowing technology of petunia

Petunia produces very small seeds. To achieve an even distribution of the seed over the soil surface, they mixed with fine sand and scattered on wet ground.

Apply also sowing in the snow... A snow layer 1-1.5 cm thick is placed on the soil. On such a white background, it is better to notice how evenly small dark seeds are scattered, and after the snow melts they end up on the surface of a well-moistened soil.

In addition, armed with fine tweezers or sharp toothpicks, tiny seeds can be carefully place one by one on a wet soil surface manually.

Granular seeds sowing is much more convenient, since they are larger in size due to the shell covering them. Such seeds in a "cocoon" of useful additives when planting should spray abundantly so that the layer of fertilizers and growth stimulants is well soaked and dissolved.

In prepared peat tablets seeds are laid out one at a time available on them special grooves... Granular seed is especially suitable for this.

ATTENTION: With any method of placing seeds on the surface of the substrate, they do not sprinkle anything on top to facilitate the growth of small seedlings and provide the maximum access of light necessary for germination.

The seeded containers are covered with glass or transparent polyethylene and kept at the optimum temperature for germination. from 23 to 25 ° C.

IMPORTANT: If the temperature drops below 20 degrees, seedlings may not appear at all. When heated above 25 degrees, the seedlings are weak and elongated.

The seeded containers periodically ventilate, maintain soil moisture systematic spraying once or twice a day and remove condensate from the inner surface of a glass or polyethylene coating. In the first days after sowing, it is useful to moisten the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Seedlings appear within one to two weeks... Some seeds may take up to a month to germinate, but the resulting seedlings have a very low viability.

Petunia seedlings care

Sprouted petunias accustom to open air, removing the coating for 5-10 minutes a day and gradually increasing this period.

IMPORTANT: February seedlings must be supplemented with additional illumination.

February seedlings must illuminate

Provide discreet optimal watering water at room temperature to prevent drying out of the earth or stagnation of excess moisture. A particular danger for delicate seedlings is the combination of waterlogging with low temperatures. In this case, the seedlings are damaged by the "black leg". On the leaves irrigation water also should not fall.

The earth carefully loosen, avoiding the formation of a superficial crust.

Temperature maintain at the level 18-20 degrees, at night, a decrease of up to 15 ° C is allowed.

Young plants at the multi-leaf stage dive- seated in small separate containers with a diameter of 6-8 cm, deepening to the first pair of true leaves... This planting depth stimulates the formation of a branched root system and prevents the appearance of a "black leg". Excessively long roots when diving are carefully pinched. The cut plants are shaded for several days with paper caps or lutrasil, protecting at first from an excess of bright light.

According to the lunar calendar of 2016, the following dates are best for picking:

  • February 20 and 21;
  • 6, 18 and 19 March;
  • April 15, 16, 20, 21.

Seedlings in tablets transplanted together with the peat ball, without deepening them: the soil in the planting container should be flush with the surface of the tablet.

Foliar dressing by spraying the foliage with a nutrient solution, you can start at the stage of three to four leaves. In this case, it is useful to alternate growth stimulants and nitrogen-containing fertilizers. Then the grown plants are fed through the root system. complex mixture for flowering plants every 10 days.

Intensely growing shoots pinch after the fourth to fifth sheet.

If the roots of a rapidly developing seedling are completely entwined with an earthen ball in a container, young petunias should be transplanted in a larger container and slightly lower the temperature of the content.

Two weeks before planting in open ground, the plants are hardened, gradually accustoming them to a regime of low temperatures and daily fluctuations in heat.

Timely sowing of petunias and optimal care of seedlings, taking into account the peculiarities of plant development, ensures the formation of viable seedlings, blooming profusely in the middle lane throughout the summer months.

Video - How to properly plant petunia seeds for seedlings

The beautiful plant belongs to the nightshade family, its homeland is South America. The flowers are like the trumpet of a gramophone. She is a favorite with landscaping gardeners and one of the most grown plant. Planting takes place through seedlings, this will allow you to monitor the timing of flowering. Planting and caring for petunias in the open field does not require special gardening knowledge as it might seem at the beginning. The most novice gardener can engage in its cultivation, but a carpet of blooming petunias will look fascinating on the site.

Outdoor planting

Actually grown as a 50cm high annual plant. Petunia varieties are divided into small and large-flowered varieties differing in flowering time. To plant petunias in open ground, you need to choose a sunny area so that the night cold passes and warm nights are established. She loves the warmth of the sun, but the direct hit of the sun on the petals of the plant spoils the external attractiveness of the plant. The plant breaks down from gusts of wind, therefore, it is planted in places covering it from it. Suitable soil for petunias is loamy or sandy loam.

The existing soil can be corrected:

  • Poor soil - it is fertilized with the help of introduced humus or compost;
  • Unstructured soil - sand mixed with peat is introduced;
  • Sour soil - improve with lime.

The good quality of the plant is that it can tolerate dry soil, but it is better if the soil is moisture-absorbing, structural and loose soil is the most suitable option for growing petunias. The timing of planting bushes in open ground depends on weather conditions with rain and wind, this should not be done. If warm weather is observed at the end of May, then you can safely plant, and cold-resistant hybrids are planted even earlier.

For landscape design, different varieties are selected and planted in a planned order, making distances of 20 cm and 30 cm between them for large ampel varieties.

Preparation of planting material

It is possible to grow a plant with seedlings, planting seeds in February. Before planting, the soil is prepared and sterilized; for seed germination, the soil must be drainage and not acidic. You do not need special devices for this, it is enough to place the soil in the microwave for 10 minutes.

If ready-made seedlings are planted, then a pot or a special meter box for such plants is taken and no more than three bushes are planted, do not worry, the petunia will grow quickly. So they are planted so that the powerful root system of the plant does not muffle other weaker bushes. By following the correct planting instructions, the plant will take root better and faster.

How to plant petunia in open ground

Before planting, they choose a place where it will grow, having decided on it, they start planting:

  • It is better to plant petunias in the morning and in good weather;
  • Take the bush together with a lump of soil;
  • Planted to a depth of half a palm, about ten centimeters;
  • Large varieties of plants are planted at a distance of 30 cm from each other;
  • After planting, the flowers are watered with nitrogen fertilizer.

It is necessary to monitor the seedlings, diseases, especially the "black leg", easily appear on them, in order to minimize the manifestation of diseases, the soil should not be waterlogged and too dry. Spraying of seedlings is carried out with a solution of potassium permanganate, this will prevent the spread of the disease. The first shoots of seedlings appear on the 14th day. Transplant seedlings are done when there are four leaves on it.

You can also plant petunia seeds. In late spring, with well-established weather, the seeds are laid out in open ground and watered. They grow slower than seedlings, are sensitive to watering and fertilization. If they have taken root, then at the end of June you can see a flowering plant.

Petunia will bloom until early October. If the seeds are grown in a pot, then you need to cover it with glass or cling film.

To grow plants in pots and containers, you need special soil:

  • Sod land;
  • Sheet;
  • Peat;
  • Sand.

Expanded clay or perlite is added to inter-soil looseness. You can also buy land at a flower shop.


Petunia loves grooming and in return pleases the eye with its abundant flowering. Having made the first pick of the seedlings and when the first leaves appear, the plant must be fed. To do this, use:

  • For petunia to grow well, you need nitrogen;
  • For buds - phosphorus and potassium.
  • Foliar dressing is carried out with fertilizers with microelements;
  • For a beautiful look, petunias need iron;
  • The plant is also very fond of potassium monophosphate.

They also use mullein for fertilization, which was infused before. The plant has not whimsical watering requirements, it is drought-resistant, can tolerate high humidity for a long time, and stops flowering with heavy rainfall. Resistant to cold weather, top dressing is done every 20 days. With proper care, the plant does not get sick, so it is advisable not to overdo it with watering and feeding. The plant needs to be weeded periodically, so the plant is cleared of weeds and gains access to air. In inclement weather, pots, pots are brought into the room so that the plants are not damaged.

Tip: In order for the plant to be healthy, you need to check it periodically. Scan for pests and diseases. Spray the entire plant with special substances from below and above, separate damaged and faded flowers.


In the classification of the plant, 7 groups are distinguished:

  1. Grandiflora;
  2. Grandiflora Superbissima;
  3. Grandflora fimbriata;
  4. Grandiflora captivity;
  5. Multiflora;
  6. Multiflora captivity;
  7. Nana compact.

Despite the "royal" names, petunias are rather unpretentious. Their height ranges from 40-60 cm, the diameter of the flower is from 7-12 cm. Various colors, flowers are double-velvety, wavy.

It is not for nothing that petunia has always been in demand by gardeners. Not paying special attention to the plant gives the owners a long and lush flowering until the very cold weather. Try to plant this miracle on your plot or balcony in the spring.

  • It is advisable to grow bushes of the same growth and development in the same container;
  • It is not recommended to combine plants with different flowering periods;
  • Plant the same type of bushes in one pot;
  • Do not repot the plant too often;
  • It is possible to combine four types of petunias;
  • It is necessary to plant flowers in a hanging planter in a symmetrical order;
  • I place larger seedlings in the middle of the pot, and undersized species along the edges;

For designer performance, it is better to use white pots or planters, as the variety of plant colors will attract even more attention. Planting petunias in open ground and leaving is not a very difficult task that takes a little time.