Program of the LDPR party for the elections. The election program of the LDPR

The media compared the election programs of the parliamentary parties and highlighted the main theses with which the political forces will go to the elections to the State Duma. The corresponding infographic was published by Argumenty Nedeli on Thursday, July 7.

In particular, the materials say that the Communist Party of the Russian Federation offers voters "recipes tested by the 70-year history of the USSR", the Liberal Democratic Party - "the simplest solutions", "United Russia" (ER) - "maintaining the status quo", and "Fair Russia" ( SR) - "justice in the social sphere".

The publication cites the most significant points from the election programs of the parties. In particular, the communists intend to introduce state regulation of prices for essential goods, return to the system of universal free secondary and higher education, and also ensure "public accessibility and high quality of healthcare." Modernization of housing and communal services facilities and repair of the housing stock are envisaged. The materials do not state at what expense these initiatives are planned to be implemented, but it is specified that the value of tariffs should not exceed 10 percent of family income, and the capital repairs tax should be abolished. At the same time, according to the plans of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to introduce a state monopoly on alcohol, while "the economy should become science-intensive."

The central thesis of the LDPR program is "protection of the interests of Russians." The party insists on increasing the mother's capital to 500 thousand rubles, maintaining free medical care, insuring equity holders at the state expense, as well as a moratorium on overhaul fees. In the financial and economic sphere, the Liberal Democrats propose to introduce a ban on the export of foreign currency, establish a minimum wage of 20,000 rubles, and "gradually set the ruble against the dollar at 1:1."

The SR program, as the newspaper notes, "was formed on the basis of proposals from citizens and meets the real needs of society." The document provides for an increase in wages by establishing a minimum rate of 100 rubles per hour. The amount of the pension, in accordance with the Just Russia program, should be at least 60 percent of the salary. In addition, the Social Revolutionaries propose to ban the sale of debts to collectors and the activities of "usurious microfinance organizations." Among the financial and economic measures, a progressive tax scale is proposed, which provides for lower tax rates or their absence for low-income citizens and higher taxes for high-income recipients.

The election programs of the parliamentary parties were approved at their congresses at the end of June. Elections to the State Duma will be held on a single voting day - September 18, and will be held according to a mixed system: 225 candidates will be elected according to party lists, 225 - in single-mandate districts.

There are less than two months left before the presidential elections, the candidates are in a hurry to present their programs. On December 23, the 17th, pre-election congress of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation nominated a businessman, the head of the state farm named after Lenin, Pavel Grudinin, to participate in the elections. This was stated by Gennady Zyuganov. At the same time, the candidate is not a member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, but goes to the polls with a party program.

Also on Saturday, the program, compiled with the help of a number of experts, was presented by Ksenia Sobchak. The TV presenter is nominated for the presidency of the Russian Federation from the "Civil Initiative". Recall that the liberal party was founded by ex-Minister of Economy of the Russian Federation Andrei Nechaev in 2013.

Earlier, veterans of the Russian political scene, Grigory Yavlinsky and Vladimir Zhirinovsky, submitted the documents required for official registration as a candidate in the presidential election to the CEC.

  • RIA News

Both candidates also presented programs in which they outlined their own vision of the necessary reforms. So far, Vladimir Putin has not presented his election program, having announced his intention to run for a new presidential term in early December. Recall that Vladimir Putin is going to the 2018 elections not from the party, but as an independent candidate.

At the same time, the leader of A Just Russia, Sergei Mironov, has already stated that his party will not nominate its own candidate in the elections and will support the incumbent head of state.

“We are a socialist party, but over the past six months, the president’s three fundamental decisions are directly programmatic provisions of our party. He hears, we see the trend, ”TASS quoted Mironov as saying.

social paternalism

It should be noted that the modern Communist Party of the Russian Federation is ready to rethink the experience of the CPSU and draw conclusions from the mistakes made by the leadership of the Soviet Union. Criticism of the miscalculations of the CPSU is contained in the first part of the party program.

“The bureaucracy grew, the self-organization of the people was restrained, the public energy and the initiative of the workers decreased ... The bloody October 1993 was the shameful crown of these criminal acts - the shooting from tank guns of the House of Soviets in Moscow, the dispersal of the Congress of People's Deputies. These events served as a prologue to the creation of a bourgeois state and the establishment of a regime of national treason,” the party program says.

The Communists intend to correct the situation in three stages. First, the democratic power of the working people, headed by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, must be established in the country. It is specified that "the Communist Party of the Russian Federation will actively revive and develop direct democracy." The final stage should be the formation of socialist social relations and a socialist social system.

However, these are global plans of the party, which can only be discussed in the long term. The medium-term measures proposed by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation are given in the document "10 steps to a decent life." With this program, the party participated in the 2016 elections, and today theses have not lost their relevance.

Among the specific measures that can lead to the goals set are the nationalization of natural resources and strategic sectors of the national economy, state control of prices for essential goods.

“The government is obliged to regulate tariffs for electricity, fuel and transportation. These are the most important factors of economic development and social well-being of the citizens of the country,” the document says.

It should be noted that the programs of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the Liberal Democratic Party intersect on a number of points, for example, on the issue of introducing a progressive taxation scale. The Communists also advocate this measure.

“It is high time for the rich in Russia to fork out. We are ready to reduce the income tax for the poor, and cancel it for the most disadvantaged. These decisions are not only fair, but will add 4 trillion rubles to the country's budget," the 10 theses say.

Despite the ideological differences, the programs of the Communist Party and the Liberal Democratic Party are sustained in a similar tone, experts say.

Just like Zhirinovsky, the communists are calling for state funds that are currently stored abroad to be used for the development of the country. In addition, one of the first steps, according to the communists, should be Russia's refusal from membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO).

The program also touches upon the theme of the return of lost territories - the communists intend to promote the "voluntary reunification of the union state."

Experts note a great similarity in the positions of the candidates nominated by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the Liberal Democratic Party. According to the political scientist, deputy director of the Institute of History and Politics of the Moscow State Pedagogical University Vladimir Shapovalov, a rather paradoxical situation has developed: on the one hand, the LDPR has always positioned itself as an anti-communist party, and it arose on the wave of anti-communist sentiments. But, on the other hand, the Liberal Democratic Party, despite this, pays great attention to social issues.

“It is enough to recall the slogan of Vladimir Zhirinovsky, which has not lost its relevance today: “We are for the poor, we are for the Russians!” the expert recalled. - In fact, both the Liberal Democratic Party and the Communist Party are guided by the same electorate - people who are in opposition to the authorities, but who share patriotic ideas and are part of the "Crimean consensus."

Facing West

Unlike Pavel Grudinin, Grigory Yavlinsky is not the first to take part in presidential elections. On December 22, at the congress of the Yabloko party, the politician was again nominated as a candidate for the presidency of Russia.

The multi-page program published by Yavlinsky is called The Road to the Future.

However, the very first paragraphs of the document appeal more to foreign states than to the real interests of Russian citizens, experts say.

The first item on the list of priority tasks, without which "it is impossible to solve a single problem of Russia," is "the cessation of aggressive confrontation and war with Ukraine." It also proposes to recognize the annexation of Crimea to Russia as “illegal”, as well as “to stop inciting hatred towards Ukraine”.

With the second point of urgent measures - "a phased withdrawal of Russian troops from Syria" - Yavlinsky was a little late, because the corresponding decision was made by the Kremlin in early December.

Yavlinsky returns to the topic of international relations more than once in his program, suggesting that Russia abandon confrontation “with the entire civilized world,” primarily with the United States and the European Union. It follows from the program that it was Russia that allegedly initiated the confrontation with the West.

Grigory Yavlinsky proposes to improve the situation, in particular, by returning to "civilized" trade relations and returning "high-quality and fresh products from different countries" to Russian stores. Undoubtedly, such steps would please many foreign food exporters.

The Yabloko leader believes that the key condition for the development of the economy is strict respect for private property, as well as adherence to "generally accepted norms of state economic policy in a market economy." In particular, the candidate calls on the state to correlate its "information policy" with the foreign interests of Russian business. Also, much attention is paid to the housing problem and the problem of the development of single-industry towns.

The theme of historical continuity also did not go unnoticed by Yavlinsky. Only, unlike Zhirinovsky, he offers not reconciliation, but war. In particular, the politician intends to conduct a large-scale "decommunization" in Russia, following the example of countries such as Ukraine. To do this, in the event of Yavlinsky's victory in the elections, a special program "to correct Russian toponymy" will be created.

The politician is going to establish a kind of historical tribunal in order to assess "the violent seizure of power committed by the Bolsheviks in 1917-1918" at the state level. Based on the results of the “investigation”, it is planned to adopt a special constitutional act, in fact, deleting the Soviet period from Russian history.

“Clearly and unambiguously define that modern Russia is the legal successor of the Russian state before the October Revolution of 1917 and the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly,” says the election program of the presidential candidate from Yabloko.

According to experts, Grigory Yavlinsky does not count on victory today, with his statements and actions over the past decades, the politician has undermined the chances of leadership.

“Yavlinsky’s audience left him in 1999, when, with his “talented” speech, he reduced Yabloko’s electoral base from 24 to 16%, Kirill Koktysh, associate professor at the MGIMO Department of Political Theory of the Russian Foreign Ministry, recalled in an interview with RT. - He then offered to stop on the Terek at a time when the troops had already crossed the Terek for two weeks and moved on (we are talking about military operations in Chechnya. - RT). This offer was similar to the offer of surrender, which Chubais immediately took advantage of, building up the potential of the Union of Right Forces.

  • Grigory Yavlinsky after submitting documents to the CEC of Russia for the nomination of a candidate for the presidential elections in 2018
  • Anton Denisov/RIA Novosti

A similar point of view is shared by political scientist, deputy director of the Institute of History and Politics of Moscow State Pedagogical University Vladimir Shapovalov. As the expert noted, Grigory Yavlinsky had prioritized foreign policy issues both in the Yabloko program and in his public speeches.

“At the same time, it is clear that these ideas resonate with a very narrow audience, within the framework of statistical error,” Shapovalov added in an interview with RT. - Why does Yavlinsky promote these ideas so stubbornly and focuses on them? Most likely, he expects to consolidate this group of citizens around him, and in addition, to make it clear to the Western community that he is his main friend in Russia.”

Legalization of gay marriage and Stalin's ban

Ksenia Sobchak, who made public her election program, also addresses the topic of the Soviet past. Like Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Sobchak insists on the abolition of articles 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Extremism”) and 280 (“Public calls for extremist activity”). However, at the same time, the candidate proposes to “resolutely abandon totalitarian symbols”, in particular, we are talking about the need to bury Lenin and the prohibition of “justifying Stalin and the repressions of the 20-50s of the 20th century.” Ksenia Sobchak refers to democratic values. At the same time, according to recent polls conducted by the Levada Center, 46% of Russians have a positive attitude towards Joseph Stalin.

“Russia is an integral part of Europe geographically, historically and culturally. We must live in accordance with common European laws and values ​​- this is the path that will provide us with both independence and prosperity, ”Sobchak says in the program.

  • Ksenia Sobchak
  • Reuters

The Civil Initiative candidate echoes Hryhoriy Yavlinsky in calling for "an end to the hybrid war" in eastern Ukraine, as well as the return home of military personnel who are "in any status" abroad.

“It is necessary to stop the propaganda of war, the formation of an atmosphere of hatred and total confrontation in Russian society, the cultivation of the image of the enemy,” Sobchak clarifies. In addition, the candidate proposes to hold a second referendum on the ownership of the Crimean peninsula, agreeing on the procedure with Kyiv and the international community.

In domestic politics, Sobchak advocates a transition from a "super-presidential republic" to a "full-format parliamentary democracy."

Just like Yavlinsky, Sobchak advocates the abolition of the assignment of the status of "foreign agents" to foreign NGOs and media outlets.

To facilitate doing business in Russia, it is proposed to simplify "up to the abolition" of most safety regulations - fire and sanitary.

Also, among the measures to support entrepreneurship, the program indicates a reduction in the total rate of insurance payments for employers from 30 to 24%.

In the social sphere, Ksenia Sobchak proposes, in particular, to bring the average pension to 40% of the average wage in the country. It should be noted that at present, according to Rosstat, this figure is 33.9% of the average accrued salary in the country.

In order to overcome discrimination against women in the labor sphere, Sobchak intends in the medium term to necessarily share maternity leave between the father and mother of the child.

In addition, family law reforms are planned: it is proposed, in particular, to legalize the conclusion and termination of civil unions between citizens, regardless of their gender.

Although Ksenia Sobchak positions herself as a candidate "against all", in reality she will compete with Grigory Yavlinsky for that narrow layer of society that also advocates a revision of the Crimean referendum, Vladimir Shapovalov believes.

“There will be quite tough competition between them,” the expert added.

“We should not treat her like a beloved grandmother”

The current head of state has not yet presented his election program, but said during the annual press conference on December 12 that it "practically exists."

“I would not like to talk now about the election program, which I, like other candidates, will have, should have. I almost already have it. I repeat, now, probably, it is not the format when you can present it, ”Putin said, answering questions from journalists.

According to the press secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, the fact that Vladimir Putin continues to perform the duties of the head of state while participating in the election campaign leaves its mark.

Running in 2012, Putin presented a program of action, as a strategic goal, then a two-fold increase in labor productivity in the country over a ten-year period was announced. Also, attention in the program was paid to "protecting the foundations of morality", the development of regions, raising salaries in the public sector and a number of other important issues.

On December 23, 2017, Putin spoke at the 17th Congress of United Russia. According to experts, it is possible that some of the theses voiced by the head of state will be included in the official election program.

  • Dmitry Astakhov/RIA Novosti

In his speech, the transcript of which is posted on the Kremlin website, Putin touched on a whole range of tasks and problems. In particular, they discussed demography, the social sphere, the economy and international partnerships.

The head of state urged to continue the policy of liberalizing legislation and cutting off fuzzy, ambiguous legal norms used by unscrupulous law enforcement officers to put pressure on business.

The president paid the main attention to political interaction between the state and society - this topic was actively discussed even during the big press conference of the head of state.

The inertia of the political system can lead to the instant disintegration of the state, as happened in recent history, Putin said.

“Nothing undermines stability so much as indifference to one’s country and detachment from the needs of citizens, swagger and arrogance, no matter who they come from – from politicians, officials, business or from those who call themselves the elite,” the head of state said.

“I emphasize: this is exactly what, and not at all the fair demands of people to solve urgent problems,” the president added. Therefore, in his opinion, the state should treat a capable and responsible opposition with respect.

After all, a responsible, free civil society is "resistant to any attempts to destabilize" and "will never allow the country to be plunged into chaos," Putin said.

“Russia is a country with a thousand-year history. But we should not treat her like a beloved grandmother: give her medicine on time so that she doesn’t get sick, and stop there. Not at all! We must make Russia young, striving forward, and with each new generation it becomes like that, ”the president summed up.

According to Vladimir Shapovalov, although Vladimir Putin has not yet published an official election program, the idea of ​​what the main ideas will be contained in it has already been formed from the latest speeches of the head of state. As the expert explained, increased attention to the domestic political agenda is not accidental.

“For citizens of any country, presidential elections are primarily related to domestic political issues, despite the importance of foreign policy,” Shapovalov said. “In this sense, Vladimir Putin voiced a fairly clear position, the main message of which is that the president stands for the development of political discussion in society and a constructive dialogue.”

A similar point of view is shared by Kirill Koktysh. The expert explained that some of the theses uttered will indeed be included in Putin's election program.

Attention to the topic of establishing a dialogue between society, the state and the political opposition is also quite natural.

“We need to talk about such things, because a system without feedback, of course, sharply loses its viability. Therefore, steps to ensure that there is a connection between society and the state will most likely be taken - this is dictated by common sense, ”the expert summed up.

LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky and his colleagues in the Duma faction have unveiled a program with which the Liberal Democrats will go to the Duma elections. The party has seriously updated the list of transformations. There are also exotic proposals in a nostalgic spirit - for example, to replace the current anthem with "God Save the Tsar" and return to the administrative division of pre-revolutionary Russia.

According to the results of the September elections, the LDPR is going to renew the faction in the State Duma by 90 percent, Zhirinovsky said. This is much more serious than in previous years. At the same time, the party will "close" all 225 single-mandate constituencies with candidates, and among the candidates there will be "no figure skaters, directors, playwrights, but only ordinary citizens of Russia." Only those who have been members of the party for at least five years will be able to run.

Zhirinovsky, in addition, told reporters that most of the federal list sits in front of them - together with the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party, State Duma deputies Vadim Dengin, Yaroslav Nilov, Alexei Didenko, Mikhail Degtyarev, Sergey Karginov took part in the press conference. "Each deputy is assigned to the district. But there may be an option when a person will be in the federal part and in the district. Except for me, I will not go anywhere, my district is all of Russia," the politician emphasized.

By the elections, the Liberal Democrats have updated their program of reforms in the country. Among other things, the Liberal Democratic Party promises to achieve "in the coming years" an increase in the minimum wage to 20,000 rubles. At the same time, the maximum that Russians can earn is 200,000 rubles. The party considers it necessary, in addition, to write off debts to the state to pensioners and the poor, and exempt entrepreneurs from taxes for two years.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky described in detail where to get the money for the budget from. In his opinion, state corporations have inefficiently used funds in the accounts of all territories of the country. It is also proposed to replenish the state treasury by introducing a state monopoly on the production and trade in sugar, alcohol and tobacco. "This will add 30-40 percent to the budget. If you put things in order at the customs, it will give about 50-60 percent to the budget," the politician added. Another step is to nationalize heavy industry.

The non-economic part of the program provides for the return of royal symbols. The Liberal Democratic Party proposes as the state imperial flag - a black-yellow-white tricolor. And the anthem "God Save the Tsar", which, according to the party, better "expresses the desire of the Russian people for great achievements, faith in leadership and the national idea." “And the position of ‘President’ taken over from abroad should be renamed ‘Supreme Ruler’,” the LDPR insists. Continuing to feel nostalgic for the old days, the party members proposed returning to the administrative division of pre-revolutionary Russia: the country should have 30-40 provinces instead of 85 subjects of the Russian Federation, and in each province three million inhabitants.The accession of a small region to a large one will improve the situation of the population, Zhirinovsky assured.

Vadim Dengin voiced another proposal - to create a ministry of propaganda to control the broadcasting of TV channels. "Every day our citizens receive negative information, their mood deteriorates, and we constantly live in this negativity," the deputy specified.

Election programs of candidates for the presidency of the Russian Federation in 2018.

Russia is a rich country, but the vast majority of citizens are poor. 88% of the national wealth belongs to 0.1% of the population, the oligarchs and top officials. Inequality and injustice have become the basis of the system in Russia.

  • The oligarchs, whose fortune was made on the resale of raw materials and government contracts, as well as participants in the loans-for-shares auctions, must pay a large one-time tax that compensates for the injustice of privatization and the last years of the country's life. (A similar tax was successfully applied in the UK in 1997.)
  • Welfare for all will be raised only by economic growth, and it is impossible without a radical reduction in the bureaucracy that destroys business in Russia.
  • Sole proprietors with small incomes should be completely exempt from taxes, regulation and reporting.
  • In Russia, the minimum wage should be set at 25,000 rubles a month. The minimum pension must be higher than the subsistence level.
  • A radical debureaucratization of housing construction will lower housing prices. Subsidized mortgage rates will ensure that any family with two working adults will be able to get a mortgage at 3% per annum.

Ten points of our program is a new image of the future of the Motherland.

1. The people are the master of the country.

The wealth of Russia should serve the people, not a handful of oligarchs. We are for the nationalization of the oil and gas industries. This measure alone will increase treasury revenues by more than 3 trillion rubles.

The nationalization of key banks, the electric power industry, railways, communications systems, and military-industrial complex enterprises will make it possible to create a powerful public sector of the economy. This will reduce Russia's dependence on foreign capital. Today, the share of foreign companies in metallurgical production, railway and power engineering already exceeds 75 percent. The growth of foreign capital in the economy continues, despite the sanctions. In fact, this is colonial dependence.

Nationalization will give a planned character to the development of the country, expand its competitive opportunities in the world. The law "On strategic planning" at the initiative of the Communist Party has already been adopted. But this is only the first step. For the economy to work sustainably and efficiently, tactical and strategic planning must become the norm. To do this, an appropriate state body should be created.

2. Economically sovereign Russia.

Today the financial system of Russia is tightly connected with the centers of world capitalism. There is no real independence of the country. It's time to restore our economic sovereignty, to protect ourselves from the dictates of the dollar. The Central Bank of Russia needs to be removed from the influence of the US Federal Reserve System. It is obliged to serve the cause of the development of the domestic economy and social sphere.

State control over the banking system and foreign exchange operations will stop the wild outflow of capital abroad. In recent years, it has become a tool for ruining Russia and robbing citizens. For 10 years, the country has lost almost 40 trillion rubles - three annual budgets.

We are ready to resolve the issue of Russia's withdrawal from the WTO. During the four years of being in its composition, the country's budget was bled by 800 billion rubles. Indirect losses are estimated at 4 trillion. Russia does not need such a burden.

The new government will strengthen the economic sovereignty of the country through the development of small and medium-sized businesses, advanced forms of management. Our anti-crisis plan guarantees all-round support for people's and collective enterprises. Even in the current conditions, they demonstrate high efficiency and expand social protection measures for workers. Their example refutes the liberal myth about the advantages of private ownership of the means of production with its exploitation of wage labor.

3. Industry. The science. Technology.

Enough talk about import substitution. It is a shame for our country to take the 95th place in terms of economic development. It is a shame to have 16 percent of the manufacturing industry in the structure of GDP. Its share is to be raised to 70-80 percent. In the same Germany, this share is 83 percent.

Russia needs a powerful modern industry based on the latest discoveries and high technologies. Its most important branches should be: microelectronics, robotics, machine tool building. Only then will we survive in a world ruled by globalist predators. The persistence of the Communist Party allowed the adoption of the law "On Industrial Policy". It needs to really work.

The industrialization of the 21st century cannot be carried out without the revival of science. The pogrom at the Russian Academy of Sciences was a crime against the future of the country. It's time to stop the disastrous pseudo-reforms. Funding for research by domestic scientists will have to be increased significantly. The proportion of organizations that carry out innovative developments should be raised from today's 10 percent to 30 percent. It will be an investment in tomorrow.

4. A developed village is a prosperous and well-fed Russia.

The land of Russia is able to feed its population and another 500 million people with selected products. But half of the food today is imported from abroad, often of poor quality. Meanwhile, a third of Russian arable land is overgrown with weeds. Many agricultural sectors are in deep crisis.

The food situation threatens national security. It is time to turn the state towards the village. Russia will become well-fed and healthy if large-scale agricultural production and social infrastructure are revived in the countryside, seed production and livestock breeding are restored, and the spider webs of dealers who close access to markets for peasants are broken.

All this is feasible if two conditions are met. First, to allocate at least 10 percent of budget expenditures to support the agricultural industry. Secondly, to actively support farmers and peasant farmsteads, rely on large collective farms and cooperation. It has long been proven that such enterprises are more sustainable. They adapt much better to changes in the food market.

The Communist Party is ready to adopt new Land, Forest, Water Codes. We offer a set of measures to improve the environmental situation.

5. Credit resources - for the revival of the country.

The government's complaints about the lack of money are a primitive lie. Gold and foreign exchange reserves, funds from the National Welfare Fund and the Reserve Fund amount to 33 trillion rubles. For many years, Russia has been lending to its foreign rivals, feeding Texas and Kansas. It's time to use these funds for your own development.

Today, Russia is in 48th place in terms of the state of transport infrastructure. In terms of the quality of air and water transportation, we are in 87th and 82nd place, respectively. This is a disaster for our great country. That's where the investment is needed!

It is urgent to support the regions. Of the 85 regions, only 10 are donors. The rest are in debt. The total deficit of their budgets is about 2.5 trillion rubles. In 55 subjects of the Federation, the public debt exceeds half of the approved revenues. They are unable to fulfill social obligations. We must help the regions to look confidently into the future and develop. Communist Party - for the replacement of commercial loans with grants and subventions from the federal budget.

6. Control over prices and tariffs - accelerated development.

Food prices jumped more than 20 percent last year. At the same time, real incomes of the population fell sharply. In terms of living standards, Russia fell back to 91st place in the world. Our rating neighbors are Laos and Guatemala. You can't live like this! It is criminal to manage the economy in this way!

The state is obliged to control the prices of essential goods, fuel and medicines. The cost of housing and communal services should not exceed 10 percent of the family income.

The government is required to regulate tariffs for electricity, fuel and transportation. These are the most important factors of economic development and social well-being of the citizens of the country.

7. Taxes: fairness and efficiency.

An ugly system of taxation has been created in Russia. She serves moneybags and thieving officials. We propose to phase out the VAT. It leads to an increase in the cost of domestic products, deprives them of competitiveness and provokes inflation. It is no coincidence that such a tax did not exist in the USSR and does not exist in the United States.

In recent years, the property tax and the tax on settled land have increased many times over, and the notorious Platon system is being introduced. They hurt citizens, small businesses and agriculture. These charges should be canceled immediately.

Yes, the abolished taxes are losses for the budget. But they have something to compensate. The country needs a progressive personal income tax. It works effectively in the USA and China, in Germany and France, in many countries of the world. It is high time for the rich in Russia to fork out. We are ready to reduce the income tax for the poor, and cancel it for the most disadvantaged. These decisions are not only fair, but will add 4 trillion rubles to the country's budget.

A special area is the production and sale of alcohol-containing products. The state monopoly is simply necessary here. It will additionally give more than three trillion rubles to the country's budget, and protect thousands of citizens from poisoning.

In general, the country will have a development budget, not a survival budget.

8. People are the main value of the state.

The authorities cynically violate the Constitution, according to which Russia is a welfare state. In fact, an extremely dangerous split took place across the country. Ten percent of the population captured almost 90 percent of the national wealth. What is it paid for? The fact that some fatten, and most citizens barely make ends meet. There is an attack on their labor and pension rights, on education and health care.

People's patriotic forces will restore justice. We will stop the destructive "optimization" of the social sphere. The system of pre-school education will work again. Accessibility and high quality of secondary and higher education will be guaranteed. We will revive the system of vocational education and restore prestige to technical and pedagogical universities.

A law on "children of war" will be adopted immediately. People deprived of childhood by Hitler have every right to a special status, additional payments, free travel in urban and suburban transport, and annual medical examinations.

In a rich, large and cold country, the right to housing is the right to a normal life. The state is obliged to be responsible for the construction of social housing and the state of household infrastructure. Wild requisitions from the population for the overhaul of housing and common house needs will be abolished.

The authorities are obliged to raise the standard of living in the country. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation proposes to prohibit legislatively the adoption of decisions that exacerbate social inequality. 7 percent of GDP will go to science, education and healthcare. We guarantee young people a first job and other forms of support. Particular attention is given to children and mothers, the disabled and the elderly. We have the necessary package of laws ready.

9. Strong country - safe life.

In the last parliamentary elections, the CPRF insisted on a new foreign policy. Much has been done in this direction today. But the ring of NATO military bases around Russia is getting stronger, the sanctions and persecution of our compatriots are getting tougher.

We demanded to strengthen the country's defense capability and to stop the Serdyukov pogrom in the army. The authorities made a number of conclusions, but took under the protection of the minister-destroyer.

We advocated an accelerated rapprochement between Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. Since January 2015, the Eurasian Economic Union has been operating. But the omissions of the Russian authorities helped Bandera to reign in Kyiv.

Russia needs an authoritative, professional government of people's trust, which will strengthen national security, strengthen the country's position on the world stage, and guarantee its sovereignty. The combat readiness of the Armed Forces and the authority of military service must be substantially increased. Particular attention - information technology security. It is necessary to promote in every possible way the rapprochement of the fraternal peoples of the USSR, to expand cultural programs and to protect our compatriots abroad.

The state must serve the people. It is important to increase the efficiency of governance: to support the self-organization of the people, to strengthen control over the activities of officials, to include a mechanism for recalling deputies who violate election promises. The election of judges, members of the Federation Council and heads of local self-government should be in effect.

Corruption and crime are a threat to the security of the country and its citizens. Communist Party - for decisive measures to suppress them. Those guilty of major economic crimes should not only be in prison, but also answer with their property.

10. Country of high culture.

The multinational culture of the peoples of Russia is the foundation of its spiritual revival, its pride and historical heritage. Truly people's power will not allow people's souls to be burned out by anti-Sovietism, nationalism and Russophobia. It will protect citizens from immorality, vulgarity and cynicism.

It is necessary to create conditions when everyone will be able to preserve and multiply cultural achievements: writers and composers, cinema, higher educational institutions and state media. The authorities are obliged to surround museums, theaters, art galleries, philharmonic societies, houses of culture, libraries and archives with care. We will do everything so that the Russian hinterland ceases to be a cultural ghetto.

The spiritual and moral health of the nation must be combined with its physical development. Particular attention is paid to children's and youth creativity, physical education and sports. All-round support - to the talents of Russia.

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation is ready to take responsibility for the revival of our beloved Motherland.

We are right, we can!