Deputy Mikhail Degtyarev: biography, professional activity, interesting facts. Degtyarev Mikhail Vladimirovich Where does the deputy Mikhail Degtyarev receive

Member of the faction of the political party LDPR - the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia.

Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Physical Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth Affairs.

Mikhail Degtyarev was born on July 10, 1981 in the city of Samara. His parent, both successful doctors, but the young man did not continue the family dynasty, enrolling in the Samara International Aerospace Lyceum, which he graduated with a gold medal. From his youth he was fond of fencing, achieving high results in this sport: multiple champion of Samara and the Samara region, Master of Sports in fencing with swords.

In 2004 he graduated from the Samara State Aerospace University named after M.V. Academician S.P. Korolev, becoming an engineer of aircraft engines, and in 2005 - postgraduate study at the Department of Automatic Systems of Power Plants.

In his student years, Degtyarev was active in social activities. In 2001, he created and headed the regional branch of the youth movement "Walking Together". And two years later he became a member of the Youth Unity movement.

After graduating from the university, the young man planned to go to work at the factory, but his comrades-in-arms persuaded him to participate in the elections. In 2003, Degtyarev joined United Russia, then became a deputy of the Samara City Duma from the Oktyabrsky District, being an independent candidate.

He decided to leave United Russia in 2005 after meeting with LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky. According to Degtyarev himself, Zhirinovsky fascinated him. He came to Moscow and joined the party, six months later Zhirinovsky appointed him his assistant and head of the Samara branch. In 2007, from the LDPR, Degtyarev was elected to the Samara Provincial Duma.

In 2008 he defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of technical sciences. For a decade of scientific activity, he prepared and published 30 articles on technology and economics, received 4 patents for inventions in the aerospace field. In 2009, he entered the Moscow Institute of World Civilizations at the Faculty of Modern Law, graduating in 2012.

In December 2011, Mikhail Vladimirovich was elected to the State Duma of the sixth convocation on the party lists of the LDPR from the Samara region. He was Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Science and High Technologies. In February 2013, he became a member of the Board of Trustees of the Predtechensky Posad complex of the John the Baptist Bishop's Monastery, and on March 25, 2013, at the XXVI Congress of the Liberal Democratic Party, he was elected a member of the Supreme Council of the Party.

On December 12, 2013, by the Decree of the President of Russia, Mikhail Degtyarev was appointed to the Board of Trustees of the Russian Science Foundation for a period of 5 years, and on December 25, he was included in the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation on the Development of General Aviation. Since May 2014, he has been in charge of the LDPR campaign and propaganda unit and work with the media. Member of the Board of Trustees of the international round-the-world ocean flight. In 2015, he graduated from the Advanced Training Department of the Military Academy of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces.

In the elections on September 18, 2016, Degtyarev Mikhail Vladimirovich was elected a Deputy of the State Duma of the VII convocation as part of the federal list put forward by the political party "Liberal Democratic Party of Russia". Member of the faction of the political party LDPR - the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia. Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Physical Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth Affairs. The date of commencement of office is September 18, 2016.

Married. His wife Galina Viktorovna is the founder of the Samara store for expectant mothers LLC Puziko. Raises three sons. Since December 2011 he has been living with his family in Moscow.


Yaroslav Nilov

Deputy of the State Duma, Deputy Head of the LDPR faction, Chairman of the Duma Committee for Public Associations and Religious Organizations

I have known Mikhail Degtyarev for a long time at work, before being elected to the State Duma, he was a deputy of the Samara Regional Duma. Every time when we, as part of the delegation of the LDPR faction, headed by its leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky, came to the Samara region, Degtyarev always organized all the events well. Everything was always clearly and well planned. Then I remember him as an active, creative young man who came up with various new forms of propaganda.

He is a man of command, a man of his word.
He knows how to speak, knows how to speak, has intelligence.
He is Vice Chairman of the Science Committee. Master of sports in fencing.
He is a strong family man, he has very correct views on family values ​​and relationships: he brings up two children, lives with his wife.

If Degtyarev wins, he will be a modern, creative, commanding mayor. If elected, of course, there will be a new team of young and energetic people who are not burdened by all these Luzhkov ties. They think exclusively with modern methods - as it should, as it is possible and as it should be. We live in the age of the Internet, but today many people are still trying to count on the accounts - which, by definition, we simply cannot have in the Liberal Democratic Party.

December 24th, 2014

MIKHAIL DEGTYAREV: " A person holding a high state post is simply obliged to have certain preferences. He is obliged to receive a large salary, because he turns over billions and with a small salary there is a threat that this person may be involved in corruption. But if, according to the law, for officials of this rank we have the possibility of privatizing office or some kind of housing, there is nothing special about this, this is within the framework of the current law. May be, unethical but not illegal ."(

Degtyarev M.V. - Deputy of the Samara City Duma (2004-2007), deputy of the Samara Provincial Duma (2007-2011), deputy of the State Duma of the 6th convocation (since December 2011), President of the Samara Region Fencing Federation (FFSO), candidate for mayor of Moscow (2013) ).

Photos from and

Father - Degtyarev Vladimir Ivanovich, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, surgeon, obstetrician-gynecologist of the Samara Regional Cardiology Center. M. Degtyarev: "My father and I are similar and at the same time different: he is a very modest person, I am the opposite."

Mother - Degtyareva Svetlana Mikhailovna, a gastroenterologist of the highest category, now works in a private clinic. Her father, Mikhail Nikolayevich Kozlov, was the second secretary of the Ulyanovsk Regional Committee of the CPSU from 1962 to 1972 and the chairman of the People's Control Committee of the Ulyanovsk Region from 1972 to 1984.

From two to five years old, M. Degtyarev lived in Ulyanovsk with his grandfather. From the age of six he began to play tennis in Zagorodny Park. But he didn’t like it there, so at the age of seven he moved to the fencing section at the Lokomotiv stadium.

In 1994, parents with Mikhail went to Yemen for a year to work under a contract in a hospital. It was there, according to M. Degtyarev, that he learned English perfectly.

In the tenth grade, he moved to the Aerospace Lyceum.

In 1998 he graduated with honors from the Samara International Aerospace Lyceum. In 2004 he graduated from the Samara State Aerospace University, Faculty of Aircraft Engines (specialty "engineer"), and also received the specialty "manager" at the same university at the Faculty of Economics and Management in 2005 .

In 1999, he worked as a radio station agent, computer operator, travel agent, engineer at JSC Beeline-Samara, engineer at the ASEU SSAU department.

From 2001 to 2003 - Chairman of the Samara regional branch of the youth movement "Walking Together"

"At the institute, I was a participant and organizer of all kinds of events: festivals, rallies, congresses. My parents never prevented me from engaging in social activities. As an excellent student and activist, I was in good standing with the leadership of the university. I was not yet nineteen, the movement "Walking Together" appeared in my life. Vice-rector of the SSAU Gennady Alekseevich Reznichenko recommended my candidacy to the Moscow leaders of this movement. And they offered me the position of deputy chairman of the youth movement in the Samara region. "(http://degtyarev. info/publication/17/305/)

In September 2003, Mikhail Degtyarev joined the United Russia party and the Youth Unity movement.

From September 2003 to December 2005 - deputy head, head of the Samara branch of the Youth Unity youth movement of the United Russia party, member of the youth parliament at the Samara Provincial Duma, and in May 2004 was elected deputy chairman of the youth parliament.

In 2004, he was elected as a self-nominated deputy of the Samara City Duma from Oktyabrsky constituency No. 9.

In 2004, he became a post-graduate student of the Department of Automatic Systems of Power Plants of SSAU, and since 2008 he has moved to the status of an applicant for the degree of candidate of technical sciences. According to his autobiography, he has 25 scientific publications on engineering and economics, 3 invention patents, and is fluent in English.

In November 2005, the LDPR curator for the Volga region and State Duma deputy Yuri Kogan, who had a conflict with the coordinator of the Samara regional branch of the LDPR Viktor Chasovskikh, was intensively looking for a new candidate for the position of coordinator and offered this place, in particular, to Degtyarev. In December 2005, Degtyarev became a member of the Liberal Democratic Party, on February 17, the Supreme Council of the Liberal Democratic Party appointed him and. about. coordinator of the Samara regional branch of the LDPR. He also became an assistant to the deputy of the State Duma V. V. Zhirinovsky. On April 15, 2006, the conference of the Samara regional branch of the LDPR approved Degtyarev as the coordinator.

From an interview: "I think that making a career is not shameful, but completely normal. Especially in politics. Careerists are everywhere: in science, in the army, in medicine ... The soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad. Why me, young politician, all suddenly condemned? What is shameful that I made the transition from one party to another, and with a noticeable increase? "(

Against the background of their new leader (photo from

In October 2006, he took part in the election of the head of the city district of Samara.

On March 11, 2007, he was elected to the Samara Provincial Duma from the Liberal Democratic Party. Worked as deputy chairman of the committee on health, demography and social policy; and was also a member of the Committee on Culture, Sports and Youth Policy.

On October 23, 2009, he was elected President of the Samara Region Fencing Federation.
Photo from

Since 2009, he has been a member of the personnel reserve of the President of Russia.

On December 4, 2011, he was elected to the State Duma of the 6th convocation on the party lists of the LDPR from the Samara Region. Works as Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Science and High Technologies.

In 2012, he graduated from the Moscow Institute of World Civilizations with a degree in law. Apparently, having become a "lawyer of world civilizations" ...

Lawyer of world civilizations (photo from

In February 2013, he became a member of the Board of Trustees of the Predtechensky Posad complex of the John the Baptist Bishop's Monastery Compound.

On March 25, 2013, at the XXVI Congress of the Liberal Democratic Party, he was elected a member of the Supreme Council of the Party. Degtyarev reached the top of the political Olympus. /publication/17/305/)

The leader takes his deputies with their deputies to the sauna for a meeting on the situation in the Uighur Autonomous Region of China (photo from

Photos from and

In June 2013, the metropolitan branch of the LDPR party nominated Mikhail Degtyarev to participate in the election of the mayor of Moscow. From an interview: “I have been in politics since 2001, I went through fire, water and copper pipes. politics? There is nothing in this. Generally speaking, I am a fairly experienced fighter. "(

On December 12, 2013, he was appointed by agreement to the Board of Trustees of the Russian Science Foundation.

On December 25, 2013, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was included in the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation on the Development of General Aviation.

In May 2013, Mikhail Degtyarev proposed to ban the storage and circulation of US dollars in Russia, having prepared a corresponding bill. He explained the need to ban US dollars by concern for the money savings of Russians.

In July 2013, Degtyarev submitted to the State Duma a bill on two days of paid leave for women on critical days.

About the problems of critical days (photo from

Degtyarev advocates a ban on blood donation by homosexuals.

Married. Degtyareva's wife Galina Viktorovna (an economist by profession) is the founder of the Samara store for expectant mothers LLC Puziko. From an interview with M. Degtyarev: "I met her when I worked as an engineer at Beeline-Samara OJSC." I was 21, she was 18. We were friends for five years before we got married.There wasn’t enough time for a quick wedding: elections, elections, party building ... We got married in 2007 during the elections to the State Duma, and we didn’t have a honeymoon. "(
In order to get to know the girl in an original way, Mikhail Degtyarev, being the leader of the Samara "Walking Together", handed her the brochure "Putin's Message to the Federal Assembly" with a note.

He has two sons, Vasily and Peter. Since December 2011, he has been living with his family in Moscow. He traveled around Moscow in an Audi Q7 car (which is not indicated in the declarations).

M. Degtyarev is a member of the board of trustees of the international round-the-world ocean flight.

In 2014 he was awarded the Honorary Diploma of the President of the Russian Federation.

According to his official biography, he is a master of sports in fencing, a multiple champion of Samara and the Samara region, a prize-winner of all-Russian and international fencing competitions (data not confirmed).
Second coach of epee fencer Alena Komarova (sponsorship).

Hobbies - engineering ("homemade"), fishing, sports.

Income at the main place of work: 998,000 rubles.
Other income: Compensation for vacation - 118,825 rubles.
Total income for the reporting period: 1,116,825 rubles.

Income at the main place of work: 1,037,803.93 rubles.

Total income for the reporting period: RUB 1,157,803.93
Information about the property: Vehicles - passenger car (Nissan Qashqai). Purchasing basis: purchase agreement no. of 25.09.07. Type of ownership: personal. Place of registration: MREO Samara.
Water transport: boat Sea Ray 175. Basis for acquisition: purchase contract no. Type of ownership: personal. Place of registration: GIMS of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Samara Region
Information on funds held in accounts with banks and other credit institutions: Raiffeisenbank, type of account: current. Balance on the date of submission of the declaration (03/17/10): 17301.33 rubles.

Income at the main place of work: 862,531 rubles. 51 kop.
Other income: Compensation - 120,000 rubles.
Total income for the reporting period: 982,531 rubles.51 kopecks.
Information about the property: Vehicles - passenger car (Nissan Qashqai). Purchasing basis: purchase agreement no. of 25.09.07. Type of ownership: personal. Place of registration: MREO Samara.
Water transport: boat Sea Ray 175. Basis for acquisition: purchase contract no. Type of ownership: personal. Place of registration: GIMS GU Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Samara region.
Real estate objects in use: Apartment 80 sq.m., gratuitous use, actual provision

Income from the main place of work: 1,082,707 rubles. 39 kopecks. Spouse-0

Real estate objects in use: Apartment 80 sq.m., gratuitous use, actual provision

Income at the main place of work: 1999317 rubles. 51 kopecks. Spouse-15,910 rubles. 60 kopecks.
Information about the property: Water transport-Boat Sea Ray 175. Purchasing grounds: purchase contract no. Type of ownership: personal. Place of registration: GIMS GU Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Samara region.
Real estate objects in use: Apartment 120 sq.m., hiring for the term of office of a deputy of the State Duma, contract and Apartment 80 sq.m.

Income at the main place of work: 2477427 rubles. 72 kopecks. Spouse-177,755 rubles. 68 kopecks.
Information about the property: Water transport-Boat Sea Ray 175. Purchasing grounds: purchase contract no. Type of ownership: personal. Place of registration: GIMS GU Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Samara region.
Real estate objects in use: Apartment 120 sq.m., rent for the term of office of a deputy of the State Duma, contract and Apartment 80 sq.m., gratuitous use, actual provision.

P.S. In November 2014, after years of deliberation and processing of data from expert committees, LDPR faction deputy Mikhail Degtyarev proposed to fine for low-lying windows of cash desks and insufficient height of ATMs. The relevant bill has been submitted to the State Duma. The document fixes the norms for the location of cash windows in banks and other institutions, as well as cash withdrawal terminals. For non-compliance with the parameters, it is proposed to issue a warning or fine officials for 20-30 thousand rubles, and legal entities - for 50-100 thousand.

Degtyarev is one of the tallest members of the State Duma, his height is almost two meters.

Member of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the 7th convocation.

Elected as part of the federal list of candidates put forward by the Political Party "Liberal Democratic Party of Russia" (General federal part).

Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Physical Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth Affairs.

Member of the Presidium of the LDPR faction in the State Duma.

Curator of the block of agitation and propaganda and work with the media.

Graduated from the Samara State Aerospace University. Academician S.P. Korolev (Faculty of Aircraft Engines, Faculty of Economics and Management, according to the system of additional education of SSAU - translator in the field of professional communication).

Since 2008, he moved to the status of an applicant for the degree of candidate of technical sciences. For a decade of scientific activity, he prepared and published 30 articles on technology and economics, received 4 patents for inventions.

In 2009 he entered the Moscow Institute of World Civilizations at the Faculty of Modern Law (Jurisprudence).

He began his career as a radio station agent, computer operator, travel agent, engineer of JSC "Beeline-Samara", engineer of the ASEU department of SSAU.

In 2003 he became a member of the Youth Parliament under the Samara Provincial Duma, since 2004 - Deputy Chairman of the Youth Parliament under the Samara Provincial Duma.

In 2004, he was elected a deputy of the Samara City Duma from Oktyabrsky constituency No. 9 on an unreleased basis.

Since December 2005 - assistant to the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation V.V. Zhirinovsky for work in the Samara region.

In April 2006, he became the coordinator of the Samara regional branch of the LDPR.

On March 11, 2007, he was elected a deputy of the Samara Provincial Duma of the fourth convocation in the regional constituency from the Samara regional branch of the LDPR.

In March 2007, he was elected Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Health, Demography and Social Policy; and also included in the Committee on Culture, Sports and Youth Policy and the Commission on Deputy Ethics.

In 2009 included in the personnel reserve of the President of the Russian Federation (500 managerial personnel).

In 2011, he became a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the sixth convocation.

In February 2013, he joined the Board of Trustees of the Predtechensky Posad complex of the St. John the Baptist Bishop's Monastery Compound.

In March 2013, at the XXVI Congress of the LDPR, he was elected to the Supreme Council of the party.

By Decree of the President of Russia in December 2013, he was appointed to the Board of Trustees of the Russian Science Foundation for a period of 5 years.

On December 25, 2013, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was included in the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation on the Development of General Aviation.

Since May 2014, he has been in charge of the LDPR campaign and propaganda unit and work with the media.

Member of the Board of Trustees of the international round-the-world ocean flight.

In 2014 he was awarded the Honorary Diploma of the President of the Russian Federation.

Master of sports in fencing, multiple champion of Samara and the Samara region, winner of all-Russian and international fencing competitions.

Supervised regions:

Republic of Tatarstan

Samara Region

Republic of North Ossetia - Alania

The Republic of Ingushetia

Karachay-Cherkess Republic

The Republic of Dagestan

Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

Mikhail Degtyarev is a prominent figure representing the interests of the Liberal Democratic Party in the State Duma of the Russian Federation. As a member of the party, he has come a long way from a young initiator to a person holding important positions in the most sought-after political organizations. At the same time, throughout his life, this person obeyed only his own opinion, without making concessions.

Childhood, family and educational level of Mikhail Degtyarev

Mikhail Degtyarev was born July 10, 1981 in one of the districts of Kuibyshev (now called Samara) in a family of sought-after doctors. His father is a good surgeon, winner of several awards, Ph.D., as well as a very strong obstetrician-gynecologist, who has taken more than five tens of thousands of births during his work in this field. The mother is also a doctor. Due to the fact that his parents devoted a lot of time to work, little Mikhail lived for a long time in the village with his grandfather. In particular, he spent 3 years there when his parents went on a long working trip to the African state of Uganda.
Throughout his conscious life, Mikhail did not want to follow in the footsteps of his father and mother, and therefore he became a student of a famous local lyceum, which he managed to graduate with honors, as well as the Aerospace Institute, where he entered later, and where he received an engineering degree.

Political career of Mikhail Degtyarev

While still a student, Mikhail Degtyarev began to take a direct part in the social and political life of his university and other organizations, and in 2001 he headed the local division of a youth movement. After much persuasion from friends not to go to work as an engineer, in 2003 he decides to dedicate himself completely to politics, for which he joins the ranks of the ruling party, where a little later he becomes a deputy of the Samara Duma as an independent candidate.

In 2005, he nevertheless leaves the President's party after a personal conversation with the chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky. Degtyarev himself later admitted that he was delighted with the person of Zhirinovsky, and that is why he decided to move to Moscow, accepting Zhirinovsky's offer to join the party. After six months of activity, the leader of the LDPR appointed Mikhail his assistant and head of the regional branch of the party in the city of Samara, where Degtyarev managed to form a group of associates, with whom Mikhail works to this day.

Two years after joining the ranks of Zhirinovsky's party, Degtyarev became a deputy of the local provincial duma, and in 2011 became a full member of the State Duma of the 6th, in early 2012 - deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on research in the field of high technology. The following year, he becomes a participant in the election of the mayor of Moscow, where he manages to gain about 3% of the vote. In the same year, he was appointed an employee of the state commission in the specialty associated with his own education - aviation.

State Duma deputy from the LDPR faction Mikhail Degtyarev

In the spring of 2016, Mikhail Degtyarev is called a likely LDPR candidate for the presidency of the country two years later, when elections are scheduled. In the same year, he was re-elected as a deputy of the State Duma of the next convocation. In 2018, he again becomes a participant in the election of the head of Moscow, enlisting the support of the party leader and other local representatives of the LDPR, where he manages to gain a little less than 7% of the vote.

Degtyarev's initiatives

In 2012, Mikhail Degtyarev presents a bill providing for the payment of maternity capital at the birth of one child. Next year, an initiative on free access to wireless Internet on the territory of higher educational institutions for both teachers and students. In the spring, he proposes to withdraw American dollars from circulation in our country in order to support the domestic currency.

In 2014, he wants to establish “Sobriety Day” as a new national holiday, and already in 2015 he insists on a ban on the use of the Vodka brand by companies representing the interests of foreign business. In this matter, he is not satisfied with the fact that Russia cannot properly defend its rights to a brand that is associated specifically with our country. A year later, Mikhail Degtyarev, together with one of his associates, is the author of various kinds of laws providing for a state monopoly in the manufacture of alcoholic beverages, tobacco and sugar.
In 2017, Mikhail Degtyarev proposes to make Cosmonautics Day, which is celebrated in Russia on April 12, a day off, given the importance of this memorable date. In the same year, he proposes to create a new organization designed to replace rostism and increase the level of development of this important industry in Russia. In 2018, he proposes to change the address of the American embassy in Russia, ridiculing the foreign policy of the United States of America.

Personal life

Mikhail Degtyarev is married and has three children. To get acquainted with his future wife Galina Viktorovna, Degtyarev, being the leader of the Samara youth socio-political organization, sent the girl a note, designed as a message, where he put his own text. The wife is one of the owners of a store for pregnant women, located in Samara, "Puziko". As a means of transportation uses a four-wheel drive car Toyota. In 2017, the deputy earned about 5 million rubles, while owning an apartment of 169.7 m, a boat, and a Nissan car.

Current activity

Now Mikhail Degtyarev is a well-known deputy, participates in the daily life of the State Duma, and is also the president of the FFSO and is directly involved in the activities of the FHR.

In 2018, it is less and less common to meet young politicians capable of strong-willed decisions and adequate proposals. Mikhail Degtyarev is one of those people. He is young, but already has considerable experience in political activity. He is the initiator of many ideas aimed at improving life in Russian reality, and may soon become the successor of Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

In 1998 he graduated from the Samara International Aerospace Lyceum with honors, in 2004 he graduated from the Samara State Aerospace University, faculty of aircraft engines (specialty "engineer"), and also received the specialty "manager" at the same university at the faculty of economics and management in 2005 . In 2012, he completed his studies at the Moscow Institute of World Civilizations at the Faculty of Modern Law with a degree in law. Currently, he is a post-graduate student of the Department of Automatic Systems of Power Plants of the SSAU and is getting his third higher education at the Institute of World Civilizations (Moscow) with a degree in jurisprudence. He has 25 scientific publications on engineering and economics, 3 patents for inventions, and is fluent in English.