Attached topic to what the chicken eggs is shot. Interpretation by quantity

Egg in a dream is a symbol of the planet and all living things. Therefore, the dream of the rubbish egg warns about the threat of life on earth due to the concentration of a large number of weapons from unworthy people who are ready to destroy our planet without pity. Egg in a dream - to a threat from space, which can comprehend our planet, for example, in the form of a meteorite hail. If you eat the egg in a dream - it means that people should be understood that a person must be grateful to God for the urgent bread, which he sends him. Cooking in a dream Egg - to difficult for earth, when the heat will come, the rivers and the sea will be dried, many plants and animals will die, and the remaining alive and the person will have to change and adapt to new living conditions.

What is the dreams of eggs - by Miller's dream book

A man who finds a nest with eggs in a dream will certainly be rich and happy in family life; A woman is such a dream promises frequent hobbies. There are eggs in a dream - to the alarms. See in a dream broken fresh eggs - to the generous gift of fate and respect for others; Merched eggs - to loss of property and failures in affairs, basket with eggs - to participate in profitable business operations. Finding the eggs in the forest of birds - to the possible receipt of inheritance from distant relatives.

What dreams of eggs - in the dream book Freud

Woman sleep about chicken eggs is promoting a meeting with a man having a grand male dignity. If a man sees such a dream, he can see it, for example, in a public bath or with other harmless circumstances. To see broken eggs in a dream - to offend someone, carelessly looking at him or sprawling in his address, and thus aggravate his complexes. So that this does not happen, try to be restrained.

Painting in a dream Easter eggs - to the need to revive your intimate life, making new sensations into it.

What dreams of eggs - by the dream of Nostradamus

According to Nostradamus, the egg in a dream is a symbol of the revival, the origin of a new life. Watch in a dream for hatching from the egg of some creature - to the fact that in reality you will witness the emergence of a new life. If such a dream sees a young pregnant woman - it means that her childbirth will be successful. An unusual egg found in a dream, promises find in the real life of the egg of a large extraordinary animal. Team in a dream is an egg - to committing you to make a crime. To see how the egg breaks someone else - it means that it is soon witnessing a cruel murder.

What dreams of eggs - by esoteric dreamy

See in a dream egg - to replenish in the family; Many eggs - to the troubles associated with children. Broken eggs seen in a dream, stuff infertility or unsuccessful pregnancy. Easter eggs foreshadow the joy of children and their respect.

What dreams of eggs - in the dream dream book

To see one or two eggs in a dream - to guests; Many eggs - to success in affairs. Smash in a dream eggs or see broken - to loss.

What dreams of eggs - by Dream Hasse

Seen in the sleep of eggs promise profits, adding in the family, prosperity and joy.

Why the eggs are shot - by the dream of Meneghetti

According to Meneghetti, the egg as an element is a positive symbol and indicates in a dream to normal erotic needs. When the egg in the dream is considered not as food, it has a negative meaning and promises unpleasant events.

What dreams of eggs - in French dream book

See in a dream of the eggs of white color - to the execution of desires; Red - to the emergence of circumstances capable of harming you. Clean and fresh eggs in a dream promise good news. To see in a dream a basket filled with eggs - to participate in reality in an enterprise that will not bring good luck or profits. Sleep about broken eggs - to sorrow.

What dreams of chicken eggs in the dream of Grishina

Chicken eggs, oddly enough, dreams of gifts and pleasant surprises. To the fact that soon you will get a huge number of opportunities. You can see long forgotten friends if the eggs are painted in multicolored paints.

If in a dream you see how the eggs are the eggs - in reality you will become neglected by your merit. You can start going to work without enthusiasm, increasingly remain alone. And all because you do not have joy because of all that is happening in your life. But joy is not taken from nowhere. She herself appears in man, grows in it.

What dreams of chicken eggs for the dream of Ezop

In the dream interpretation of Ezop, if in a dream you see chicken eggs - get ready for troubles about loved ones. They will need your support and will need you like never. You will still get to notice how you download close and just can not exist without them. Try not to focus on this attention and allow yourself more likely to be in the company of your favorite people.

If in a dream of eggs you buy on the market - you are waiting for new opportunities, but try to realize them and do not miss them. Since you have not valued lately all that you were sent by destiny.

Dreams are a special world in which everyone receives not only answers to questions, but also many new riddles and secrets.

To reveal them worth expressing a dream and understand what it tells about. What dreams a lot of eggs?

It is worth understanding.

What dreams a lot of eggs - the main interpretation

It is worth noting that the egg is an ancient symbol used by our ancestors. He meant the birth of life, the beginning. For many nations, the shape of the eggs was associated with the highest spiritual start. His peak is the highest mind, the foundation is a man.

That is why in many esoteric currents there is an application of objects having an egg shape in rituals. So, if you want to get wealth in the house and well-being - you should buy a jade egg and arrange it in the eastern part of the house, then with the sunrise your prosperity will increase.

If you in a dream will dream how you break the egg - It is worthwhile to fear financial losses and quarrels with close and native people. If the woman is pregnant and she will dream, as she breaks a lot of eggs - then she will most likely lose the baby, and in the future will try to get pregnant again, but in vain.

If woman will dream that she found a lot of eggs in Lukshka "She can soon become a mom." If you dreamed that you want to shift the eggs, but they break them down - your hopes for profit and prosperity will also break. It is worth analyzing it now, what you were wrong and try to preview the negative consequences of making incorrect solutions.

If you see only an empty shell from eggs, then you are on the right path of spiritual growth and updates. All the old left behind, everything died. It's time for you to safely go ahead and no longer be afraid of the future. Your past no longer authorizes you, you yourself master.

if you dreamed eggs raw usual size - You will soon buy something very important to you. If the eggs are huge - such a dream says that you do not dispose of your destiny. You are actually led by other people and depends on their opinions.

If a you dream boiled eggs - In fact, intrigue and conspiracies are wearing you, you should be more attentive. If you see how the eggs are clogged for a very long time - you should also carefully look at your surrounding, since you have not noticed for a long time what happened in your eyes.

If you dreams of many boiled eggs and all of them are insanely delicious - All obstacles on your way will dispel, you just have to want it. If you eat eggs, and they are bitter - the same bitter will be your tears due to the fact that you have been offended by a close person. If you see how from eggs are going to hatch the chicks - you will find high income and for women who are pregnant - light and good childbirth.

What dreams a lot of eggs on small vellis dream book

Why can you dreamed a lot of eggs:

Many eggs dream of profits, crop;

If all the eggs are clean and integer - you are waiting for good;

If the eggs and at all in the nest are not to avoid quarrels;

If the eggs are painted - the quarrel breaks out between the household;

Red eggs - to pleasant news;

Break eggs to illness, to death;

There are eggs - to temperature, heat;

See only yolks from eggs to disappointment.

If a man dares, how he feeds his chosen eggs, then soon they should expect replenishment. If a woman dares how she feeds her lover eggs - she should be fear of treason.

What dreams a lot of eggs for Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book says that if you find a nest with eggs in a dream - you will soon become unpretentiously rich and very successful. You only need to wait for this time. Unmarried woman such a dream can promise frequent romantic meetings. If you eat eggs in a dream and everything is not enough for you and there is little - anxiety and fears will settle in your house. If you in a dream you see exactly the broken and fresh eggs - fate will be generous to you.

If the eggs were fresh and suddenly rubbed - It is worth expecting a trick from your good friends and even close friends. If you see a whole basket with eggs - you are trying to participate in a large project according to your own will, and it will bring you a huge profit. If you find eggs in the forest - you will soon leave the father's house and go very far away.

If you disassemble eggs in a dream and stained - You will suffer from tracks of enemies and ill-wishers. If you collect white eggs - you are waiting for profit and prosperity. If you eat in a dream of eggs slowly - you will be confident and as a result of all your actions. If you eat eggs very quickly and nervously - you are very sick, you will be struck by irreparable damage.

What dreams a lot of eggs from Freud's dream book

Freuda's dream book says that the egg in a dream personifies the male beginning and see a lot of eggs in a dream, especially if it dreams of a girl - such a dream means many options to start a new intimate relationship. At the same time, it is not necessary to count on a long relationship, most likely the partners will be satisfied with each other and cease communication.

If a woman dares how she eats eggs, and they have a sweet taste - She will receive great pleasure from intimate relationships. If the eggs will seem bitter to it - such a dream can mean breaking relationships.

What should be done if you dream a lot of broken eggs? It is worth avoiding quarrels. They will be empty and hurt the soul of each of the partners. In order to avoid them, it is obligatory to revise the attitude towards each other. Perhaps the partners do not appreciate their relationships and feelings. They need to think about what will happen if they lose these relationships. Are they ready to this.

If a man dictates like his beloved eats eggs - They should be waiting for offspring. If a man is not ready to become a father - he needs to make a maximum effort so that unplanned pregnancy does not occur. If a man dares, as another man feeds his beloved eggs with her novel on the side, and she is already ready to finish those relationships that she had with the current partner.

What dreams a lot of eggs for other dreams

In idiom dream book It is said that:

Sitting eggs - you will expect an important event, event;

If you throw someone by rotten eggs - you will protest against the point of view of another person;

If you take care of the eggs before the appearance of chickens - in reality you will be worn with a problem that will be petty.

In female dream book It is said what a lot of eggs dream is to the benefit. If you ate a lot of eggs in a dream - anxiety settles in your home, you should be more prudent. If you are dreaming fresh, but broken eggs - you should expect gifts of fate, you will get what I have long been dreamed of. If in a dream you detect a huge amount of eggs in one nest - you awaiting wealth and happy marriage. A huge basket with eggs - to wonderful events in life and acquisitions. Merched eggs will take off to losses.

In the dream of Medea It is said that the eggs will shoot as a sign of the origin of the idea, the new undertak of the person who illustrates the life of a person and will give a lot of new and mysterious. If you dream, chicks are hatched from eggs - you should expect a new period in life. Everything will be spontaneously and unexpected. If in a dream you press the eggs - you should be afraid of external pressure and guidance with the situation from the outside. Smash a lot of eggs - to the protracted lane of troubles and misfortunes. If you dream about the shell from the egg - your hopes are not destined to come true.

In spring dream book It is said that the appearance of a set of eggs symbolizes the arrival of the long-awaited guest to the house. It is also worth seeking to be a dream, in which you are not only fresh eggs, but also hatched chicks. Such a dream says that you should pay more attention to the full and equal distribution of free time. It is impossible to send it only to the decision of household issues, your native people also need attention.

If you hold the eggs in your sleep in your hands, and they sharply become gold - you can realize a lot of ideas that before that moment seemed absolutely absurd. They will not only bring you fame and honor, but also good profits.

If you dreamed how the baby breaks the eggs - you should be more attentive to the needs of your relatives - you can lose them if you remain as indifferent to their problems.

It is worth carefully extracting the whole dream, not losing and the slightest details. Sometimes it decides everything and allows a person to determine the further path of its development.

Eggs in cooking are important. But why dream eggs? No matter what eggs you saw in your nightsmen: chicken, goose or other. It is precisely the scenery of dreams and his details himself. Dream Intercoms are paying much attention to the interpretation of this image.

Merched eggs

  • To see spoiled eggs in a dream - an unfavorable symbol. This image is enhanced if you felt an unpleasant smell from them. This dream marks deception and betrayal. Even now the closest people can build a goat behind your back. Perhaps they will be able to substitute you, because of this you lose work and go to deep depression;
  • Eat the nestless eggs. You should take care of the protection of your financial savings, because the period will begin when the loss of money is very high, and the accumulation of definite protection. Do not invest in doubtful financial projects. It is also worth taking care of the health in the family.

Cracked shell

  • The cracked egg shell marks the dream of a problem and disappointment, which will be associated with a career and on a personal front. For lovers, the unfavorable period will begin. There will be serious conflicts and misunderstandings. Free from the relationship will still not be able to find their soul mate for a long time. It is also worth being extremely attentive at work, since there is a high probability that even the smallest error will lead to serious consequences;
  • Buy eggs with a broken shell. You yourself will be blamed in our troubles, as they went to an unjustified risk of their own accord. Altars advise several times to think about how to decide on a desperate step. This image is enhanced if you have seen that the eggs are broken, but still decided to buy.

Types of Yaitz

  • Large and fresh goose eggs - to money. All your work will be generously rewarded, you seem to fly over the career staircase. There is also a possibility of unexpected enrichment. You can win the lottery or get a major inheritance. Dream Intercoms recommend correctly dispose of this gift for fate, and not to spend all the money on unnecessary things. But also a high probability to get into the most epicenter of some conflict, where your reputation will stand on the horse. It is necessary to defend its point of view to the latter, but not to descend to insults and transitions to the person. Only so you can "get out dry out of the water";
  • Quail testicles will take off to unexpected cash costs: buying household appliances, gift and other. Interpreters advise not to regret their money, because they will be spent not just like that. And costs will quickly pay off;
  • Chicken eggs. You will soon have to survive a forced long crossing. Perhaps it will be a long business trip, or you have to care for a sick relative. Such a trip will not bring much benefits and pleasant memories;
  • Ostrich eggs symbolize your fears that interfere with the implementation of plans. It is worth discarding fears and doubts, otherwise you have to survive frustration due to missed opportunities;
  • Anti-eggs. This strange image marks the dream that he will soon receive a promising offer for work or easy part-time job with a worthy payment. Dream Interpretations are recommended to properly dispose of the money obtained;
  • Snake eggs marked the appearance on the horizon of serious competitors. Perhaps your close friends will be joined to the side of your enemies;
  • Spider eggs. Dream intercoms recommend a dream not to descend to the spread of dirty woven and rumors. Such actions can turn against the sleeper.

Use when cooking

  • Fry scrambled eggs. You will survive a lot of losses in a short period of time. These will be financial losses, and you will betray friends. But if you managed to taste fried eggs, it means that you will gain many new friends, and you will receive a tempting offer for work;
  • Swim eggs. You can achieve our goals, and your enemies and enemies will be forced to recognize their defeat. Single people will be able to find happiness with a loved one, and the couples in love will strengthen their relationships away from domestic problems;
  • Drink a raw egg. Such an image marks big disappointment of a dream.

Easter eggs

Easter eggs in a dream - a symbol of great joy and great achievements. All works and efforts will finally give their fruits. For a dream, a favorable period will begin. It is worth using it to implement your plans.

Eggs in a dream - the interpretation of authoritative snorkers

Interpretation of the image of Miller's dream book

  • Eating eggs in a dream - you will come across difficulties and barriers in the near future. If you save a positive attitude, serious consequences will be avoided;
  • The fierce testicles are an unfavorable symbol. You will come across cash losses and betrayal of loved ones;
  • Accidentally find eggs. This image marks an unexpected profit.

Dream Vangu

Eggs in a dream is a symbol of the domestic state of the dream. If in Night Gresses you saw the fierce eggs, it means that you will have to face a serious illness. Fresh eggs marvel success in affairs. Since the dreams are full of vital energy, it will overcome all difficulties without any problems.

Interpretation of a dream on the extent of Freud

  • Fresh eggs in a dream. Lonely people commemorate the meeting with the second half. This connection will be strong and long;
  • Broken eggs - you have a lot of complexes. It greatly prevents you from life.

What dreams egg

Dream Miller

Find in a dream nest with eggs - foreshadows wealth and happy marital marriage. Women this dream promises frequent hobbies.

There are eggs in a dream - means that unusual anxieties will settle in your home.

To see broken fresh eggs - a sign that fate is ready to generously to bestow you. The sublime mind and the high sense of justice will make you the favorite of many people.

Merched eggs - loss of ownership and decline in affairs. Basket with eggs means that you will participate in profitable business operations.

Find in the forest of bird eggs - means possible inheritance from distant relatives.

What dreams egg

Dream of Freud.

To see chicken eggs - you will find acquaintance with the male representative, which will surprise you with the volume of your male dignity. If we saw such a dream - a man, you should not be afraid of some homosexual claims: it is quite possible that the surprise, about which we just told you, is waiting for you in a public bath or, let's say, the detox.

If you are shooting broken eggs, it means that you can somehow careless look or a word to offend some kind of compact person. Even if you really want to express everything "boiled", better silent.

There is an egg in a dream - to close relationships with someone from your surrounding who so far you have known only from the formal side, for example, as a colleague.

Painting Easter eggs - you need to refer to your intimate life in a new way. Every time you only repeat what was before, without making any changes, and the feeling of the "raisin" leaves your sex. It's not so difficult to correct the situation - to embellish the situation, create something unusual. Include romantic music, lower the curtains so that no one can take you away from each other, from your world for two; Arrange the marriage bed on the floor, on the balcony or, say, in a foam bath.

What dreams egg

Dream Vangu

Egg in a dream - personifies the world, planet, all living things that surrounds you.

The fierce egg in a dream - foreshadows the threat of life on earth due to the fact that all the more advanced types of weapons are invented, the means of destroying the living, from which there is no salvation and who are in the hands of unworthy people who can destroy all the living and destroy human civilization.

If in a dream you break the egg - this means that the planet threatens the danger from the space. Perhaps, in a very distant future, a meteorite degrees will fall on Earth, which will split the planet on the part, and all living victims will die.

There is an egg - such a dream says that all living things exist, devouring the living, and it was, and so it will be. But the person must thank you for the fact that he sends him a lot as food, and do not forget that he is obliged to everything.

Cooking an egg - such a dream says that the time will come when it is very hot on Earth, and will begin to dry the rivers and the sea, and the plants and animals will die, and the person will begin to change to survive in an unbearable pecle.

What dreams egg

Dream Khasse

Eggs - profit, growth in the family, contentment and joy.

What dreams egg

Family dream book

The nest-glowed nest with eggs - foreshadows wealth and happy marriage. Woman after such sleep often behaves too frivolous.

If in a dream you ate an egg - you can live in your house, associated with something unusual.

Seeing broken fresh eggs - know that fate is ready to generously award you. You will love and respect for the extraordinary mind and a high sense of justice.

Merched eggs - dream of loss of property and decline in affairs.

The greeted basket with eggs - the foresight of what you will participate in favorable business operations.

Bird eggs found in the forest - to receive inheritance from distant relatives.

What dreams egg

Dmitry Dream and Winter Dream

Eggs in a dream - usually call you to caution.

To see in his dream chicken eggs - a sign that your business will go well if you show proper care and you will not take risky steps.

A good sleep, in which you see that the chicken demolished the egg - this dream foreshadows you.

If the egg in your dream sinted the rooster - such a dream promises profit from victory in some controversial matter.

Merched eggs - a sign of disappointment. After such sleep, you should not blindly trust seductive offers - they can turn into large losses.

Boiled or fried eggs - foreshadow some difficulties and disputes in your home.

Broken eggs - mean that your incessant can cause damage to you.

Find in the sleep of eggs of forest birds - a sign of unexpected profits. But if these eggs are spotted, you will be overcome some doubts.

What dreams egg

Newest dream book Ivanova

See several eggs - the presence of pronounced extrasensory abilities (prophetic sleep).

There is an egg skeyka - some important thing will not bring to the end, for which they suffer; Disease until the end does not cure.

Golden egg - awakening desire - will be fulfilled.

What dreams egg

Spring dream book

Eggs - a new person in the family will appear or an unexpected guest will come.

Egg - to the news from which everyone will pay.

What dreams egg

Summer Dream

See a small egg - to the unexpected arrival of your child to you.

What dreams egg

Autumn dream book

Eggs - you will reach you about someone's pregnancy.

Egg - to a small income.

What dreams egg

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Sleep with a broken egg - foreshadows a sad event, which, however, will be wrapped unexpectedly a positive side.

Prepare scrambled eggs - to visit guests.

Boiled eggs - align the lack of success, not justifying attached funds and spent effort.

See sleep with bird eggs in the nest - predicts an unexpected find or a large purchase.

Egg with two and more yolks - a symbol of well-being, viability and life success.

Many egg shells - to a quick marriage or adding in the family.

What dreams egg

Sonner Simon Kananita

Eggs - someone will appear, profit, joy.

What dreams egg

Dream "Fedorovskaya

To see a chicken egg - to great losses.

If you dreamed that you broke a chicken egg - you will have trouble, but you will not suffer large losses.

There is a chicken egg - to the loss of all its savings.

If you dreamed that you were roasted fried eggs from chicken eggs or used an egg for cooking some dishes - know, a secret enemy is ready to strike your back at any moment.

You dreamed that you were cooked a chicken egg - know, you have a secret enemy, and this is a woman.

If you dreamed that someone from your relatives or acquaintances presented to you a chicken egg in a gift - know that soon on this person will be hitting the unfortunate that the edge of his wing will come to you.

Buy chicken egg - unhability of your fault.

You lost or presented to someone's egg - the troubles that had to fell on you, overtake this person.

If you dreamed that you were stolen egg - beware, a dog can bite you.

What dreams egg

Esoteric dream book

Egg see - to the birth of children.

Many eggs are hassle associated with children.

Easter eggs - joy of children, respect and help.

Broken - to infertility, unsuccessful pregnancy.

What dreams egg

Dream of a modern woman

There are eggs in a dream - to unusual alarms in your home.

If the broken fresh eggs are shot - this is a sign that fate will soon generously give you. You will become a favorite of many people thanks to the elevated mind and the high sense of justice.

Find in a dream nest with eggs - to wealth and happy marriage. It is possible to get an inheritance from distant relatives.

Women such a dream - foreshadowing frequent hobbies.

Basket with eggs - means you will participate in favorable business operations.

Merched eggs - foreshadow the loss of property and decline in affairs.

What dreams egg

Dream Azara

Eggs - a new person in the family or an unexpected guest.

Eggs painted - innocent fun.

What dreams egg

Dream Dream Eugene Tsvetkov

Egg One, two - Waiting for the guests; a lot - success; beat or see broken - loss.

Too much - endless cares of petty.

What dreams egg

Modern dream book

Find in a dream nest with eggs - the prediction of family happiness, wealth and many children.

Women this dream - promises numerous love hobbies.

There are eggs - expect in the house of unusual concerned.

See fresh broken eggs - the head of the fact that fate will be favorable to you and give you generous gifts. You will love and respect for the exalted soul and the commitment of justice.

See the fierce eggs - the foresight of the loss of property and moral fall.

See basket with eggs - sign of profitable commercial deals.

Sleep, in which you see bird eggs - promises you to get an inheritance from distant relatives or high profits from successful commercial affairs.

What dreams egg

Eastern Dream

Eggs - starring to the arrival of guests.

What dreams egg

School Schiller Dream

profit, family growth, contentment and joy.

What dreams egg

Dream Interpretation Catherine Great

Egg - You see an egg in the nest - a dream promises you a happy family life, wealth. You seem to find a fresh chicken egg in Seine - fate will react favorably; Your exacerbate sense of justice will raise your authority. You dream of a rotten egg - you lose some of the property; Losses will not be too painful. You seem to eat a dish from eggs - everything will be alarmed in your house.

What dreams egg

Noble dream book N.Grishina

Egg or eggs - not yet realized, but those who are no longer dependent on your will of the investigation of your actions or thoughts.

See them, find - wealth, profit.

Buy - misfortune.

Cook - gossip.

Distribute is a danger to life, especially for pregnant women.

Break - a crime, murder.

There is - sadness.

There is a lot of either arrange - worsening health, great harm.

Black, frightening appearance eggs - evil fruits.

Motley, dirty eggs - the consciousness that the results of your actions are unlikely to be so good as I would like.

A huge, monstrous, size of the house - the future does not depend on your will.

See a lot of big - go in the footsteps of other people's work.

Many empty shells are some completion / end of a certain period of life.

Collect bird eggs - your desire to return to the beginning of life, do everything in a new way.

Such an egg - become dependent, fucking, to issue thoughts for your other people's thoughts.

Fires - unexpectedly for you significant consequences of your actions.

Falling from the sky or floating eggs in water - flour conscience.

What dreams egg

Dream Stranger

Eggs - symbol of creation, occurrence, unrealized human potential. From it, the chick hatches, which means the birth, the implementation, the embodiment of the creative idea, the plan, idea.

Throw eggs - collapse, expose. Many - care; broken - loss, collapse of all plans; abortion.

What dreams egg

Akulina healer dream book

You dreamed of eggs to what these eggs are to see eggs in a dream - someone unexpected will appear. If the eggs were rotten, then wait for an unpleasant guest. Imagine that all the eggs that you dreamed are fresh and tasty. If the eggs are rotten, you throw them out or change it on fresh. You make the scrambled eggs and treat the person who really would like to see their guest.

What dreams egg

Dream Kopalinsky

Broken egg - gossip, bad luck; Red egg - abundance; whole egg - good news;

What dreams egg

Icelandic dreamy

Eggs to see - to special sorrow; Egg to own - to profits.

What dreams egg

Star Sonnik

You dreamed egg - money, profit, success supported 2 house.

What dreams egg

Creative dream book

You dreamed of an egg to what it is 1. Egg is a symbol of unrealized potential. Therefore, to see in a dream, an egg means that we have not yet brought to the light, they have not moved to the level of conscious our natural capabilities. Eating an egg shows the need to take certain aspects of novelty before we can more fully explore various ways of life. 2. We have a sense of a miracle associated with a miracle of life, and understanding that much need to give up before we can enjoy life on a complete coil. We may need to wait before we attempt to learn something new. 3. It is believed that the principle of life and the focus of all things is contained in the cosmic egg. Therefore, from a spiritual point of view, an egg represents the domestic potential and the desire to be perfect.

What dreams egg

English Dream

You dreamed of an egg - a thing almost magic; This is a small womb, which contains the potential for a new life. What dreams sleep: a dream where you eat eggs, may indicate the desire to experience new sensations, or perhaps the desire to start your own child. Broken eggs mean the loss of hope or the creation of victims in order to improve their life or the life of others.

What dreams egg

Large dream book

Eggs - one, two - waiting for guests; a lot - success; beat or see broken - loss.

What dreams egg

Dream Interpretation Kolden Medea

Eggs - Egg symbolizes the origin of the idea that will soon hatch. Seeing the already hatched chick foreshadows a new calm period of life. Many eggs are anxiety, the uncertainty of the situation. Break egg - misfortune. To see the shell - unfulfilled hopes.

What dreams egg

Russian dream book

What does the egg mean in the house, the beginning of a new period of life, new undertakings.

What dreams egg

Jewish dream book

You dreamed of eggs - there is scrambled eggs or omelet - to pleasant experiences. There is scrambled eggs - there will be unpleasant and long-term clarification of relationships. Bring eggs - to a complete rupture of relationships. To boil eggs. For a woman - to the rapid achievement of the desired result. For a man - to mockery and insults. There are eggs sick - to uncertainty and doubts. There are steep eggs - to luck. To see the eggshell on the floor - you suddenly discover that we have just recently undergoed a big threat. In Ukraine, see eggs in a dream - to a quarrel.

What dreams egg

Female dream book

What does it mean to see eggs in a dream - there are eggs in a dream - to unusual alarms in your home. If the broken fresh eggs are shot - this is a sign that fate will soon generously give you. You will become a favorite of many people thanks to the elevated mind and the high sense of justice. Find in a dream nest with eggs - to wealth and happy marriage. It is possible to get an inheritance from distant relatives. Women such a dream foreshadows frequent hobbies. Basket with eggs means that you will participate in profitable business operations. Merched eggs foreshadow the loss of property and decline in affairs.

What dreams egg

Magic dream book

What do the eggs mean in a dream - break - loss of trust. A cup or basket with eggs is a success in financial matters, wild bird eggs (quailing, etc.) - profits, generous gift or inheritance from distant relatives. Painting eggs to Easter - a favorable sign. Colored multicolored eggs - anticipation of a generous holiday. One big egg - to add in the family. For women, sleep with a crushed egg means unwanted pregnancy. To see a decorative egg - to profits due to unexpected inflation.

What dreams egg

Dream interpretation housewife

Egg - potential. Hatching from the egg - birth; childhood; There are eggs - to show your creative abilities; rotten eggs - decay in affairs; Basket or tray with eggs - favorable business operations; great abilities; Broken eggs - failure.

What dreams egg

Dream Dashka

(Freud, a symbol of men's sexuality), in some cases the egg symbolizes immortality. In the usual interpretation, it means prosperity, profit or something empty. There is an egg in a dream, it means that I will give much attention to empty and unnecessary. Break the egg, it means that with your careless actions, you can harm yourself. The dream in which you are waiting for, when, finally, chickens will hatch out from eggs, means you are too passionate about the case, which is not relevant for you. You are trying to break and clean the eggshell, you impose a case in which you will try to deceive and introduce into cash.

What dreams egg

Dream Cleopatry

It is well known that the egg is a symbol of the birth of life, has the strength of revival and updates.

If in a dream you eat an egg - this means that in reality you pay too much attention to your empty and unnecessary cause.

The dream in which you dropped and broke the egg, means that you can destroy your own happiness with your careless actions.

To see broken egg shells in a dream - a sign of what you need to do your health.

To see in a dream, as you collect eggs in the nests, means that there will be significant changes for the better in your life.

If you saw in a dream, how you yourself are sitting on the eggs, then someone from people close to you will need your attention and help.

A dream in which you treat someone a dish of eggs, indicates that a person will appear in your life who will turn all your life.

To see in a dream rotten eggs - a bad sign.

To see a two-stalky egg in a dream means a dual situation.

To dream of a huge mountain of eggs - to well-being.

The dream in which you saw how the snake devour eggs, means evil and illness.

To see in a dream, like a pike raises eggs - a sign that you are too passionate about your fantasies that replace you with real life.

The dream in which you are waiting for, when the chicken is finally hatching from the egg, means that you are too passionate about what has long been in the past.

If in a dream you are trying to break and clean the egg shell - I will have to be careful. You will try to deceive and introduce into significant cash spending.

What dreams egg

Psychotherapeutic dream book

Yolk is - failure.

What dreams egg

Dream Maya.

Good denied you dreamed that you eat an egg, then very soon someone falls in love with you. To find out who it is, we carry a rubber ball during the week.

Bad denied you dreamed that you paint the egg (for example, prepare for Easter), in the near future you will be disappointed in the former lifestyle. So that it does not lead to fatal consequences, eat a raw quail egg.

What dreams egg

Dream of winged phrases

Eggs - "Sit down on eggs" - waiting with a certain goal. "Throw down rotten eggs" is a noticement, protest against the leader who declared itself, the speaker. "Energy Egg" (Cocoon). "To wear like a chicken with an egg" - small-human care, troubles. "Give on the eggs" (life. People. Express. - on a particularly vulnerable place). "To demolish the Golden Egg" - a brilliant thought, a source of enrichment. "Located in the shell of his ideas and views" - limited, isolation, narrow horizon.

What dreams egg

Italian dream book Meneghetti

Represent a nutritious positive element; The image may also indicate positive erotic needs. But if the image does not apply to food, it is negative, since the egg is a stereotypical designation of the shell, which can be born something alien.

What dreams egg

Dream Svuvalova

Most likely, you are afraid of your past, you are afraid that some of your unacceptable deeds will be revealed (it will be visible what is hidden under a smooth white shell - your impeccable appearance).

What dreams egg

Idiom dream book

"Sit down, sit on eggs" - waiting with a certain goal; "Throw down rotten eggs" - Nisperification, protest against the leader who has declared itself, the speaker; "Energy Egg" - Cocoon; "To rush like a chicken with an egg" - small-emitting worries, troubles; "Give on the eggs" - according to a particularly vulnerable place; "To demolish the Golden Egg" - a brilliant thought, a source of enrichment; "Located in the shell of his ideas and views" - limited, isolation, narrow horizon.

What dreams egg

Dream of Past

Eggs - Most likely, you fear for your past, you are afraid that some of your unacceptable deeds will be revealed (it will be visible what is hidden under a smooth white shell - your immaculate appearance).

What dreams egg

Italian psychoanalytic dream book A.Berti

Egg - the symbol is rather negative, since the egg is "something" in the shell. The secret, unknown, an unexpected being, which is hidden from direct perception. The floor of the shell may be anything: something alien for a person, separate from him, a certain other life, which can affect the life of the subject, his behavior, development, self-adequation or a threatening hazard. In addition to this interpretation, the sexual interpretation of this image is allowed, since the egg symbolizes the male genitals due to its form.

What dreams egg

Dream interpretation relationship

If you are shot chicken eggs - this means that your new partner will surprise you the size of your male dignity.

Broken eggs - dreaming of what you can offend a person with her careless word. It is better to keep silent in such a situation.

What dreams egg

Online dream book

The egg is a sign that soon you will be squeezed by a new idea.

Fir eggs - you will be very alarmed.

By dreams, a broken egg - says that you will be the bale of fate.

Loading - you will need money and attention.

See the swollen eggs - the foresight of the loss of property and moral

Warely boiled - your efforts will be in vain, you will not be able to find the reason to refresh the result.

According to the dream, a big egg - promises you with great happiness, you will be lucky in everything, the highest strength will save you from any adversity and will help to achieve everything you wish, the main thing is to listen to your inner voice and go for your guiding star without causing Lukovo.

If a chicken egg is a warning that all our thoughts are materialized, so in everything that we are going to blame, only we ourselves also symbolize some new opportunities and prospects.

Quail eggs in a dream - it is suggested that your intuition is much stronger than most people, develop this gift and use in good faith.

In a dream, you saw Eggs Estrays - you should more responsibly refer to the problem of a loved one, do not go about his whims and do not be afraid to be sharp, otherwise you will not help him, but only aggravate the problem.

If you dreamed of snake eggs - this is a warning that your enemies are somewhere near and represent potential danger to you.

The dream in which you saw white eggs - foreshadow the prosperous embodiment of the conceived and so desired already in the very near future.

If you have dreamed of broken eggs - in your house there may be not the easiest times, worsen material well-being, and on the background of this and the emotional atmosphere.

Having dreamed of an ordinary fresh raw egg - this is a faithful sign that your family has a new member, or you will become much richer financially.

If it is atypically large - you are no longer a master of your own position, and in many ways you have to be reckoned with the opinion of third parties.

If you have dreamed of boiled eggs - someone dismisses any unilent rumors about you, it can deliver you a lot of trouble, so try to stop them on the root.

See that it is welded sick

Dream Interpretation interprets a rotten egg - as a warning about problems at work, which will entail complications of a financial nature and misunderstanding within the family, and most likely the reason for this will be the betrayal of those with whom you are doing your affairs.

If they are black

If easter eggs in the Easter eggs, deserted - it promises you an adventure of a romantic nature, someone will deprive you peace.

Seen in a dream a lot of eggs - you are waiting for well-being in everything, create a strong and happy family, and at the same time build a successful career.

If in a dream you collect eggs - you are dissatisfied with the current state of affairs, and you want to fix everything, it seems possible only by starting all Syznov.

You get them just from bird nest

At the same time you understand that they are crushed

I dreamed that you buy eggs - perhaps now you are in despair because of the inability to embody the desired and need to live under someone's pointed.

If in a dream you were able to find eggs - you are waiting for prosperity and success in financial affairs, as well as a prosperous family life.

You dreamed of golden eggs - this is an incredible luck sign, you will have a unique opportunity, which is very important to notice and use to maximize.

If the black egg is in a dream, it means that you have an enemy who plot something unkinds against you, be careful in order to reflect their blow.

If you have dreamed of cracked eggs or eggs that crashed - this is a warning that you need to be extremely careful in everything that concerns material values, due to the slightest oversight, you can lose a major amount of money.

If you smashed them

If in a dream you dreamed of an egg with two yolks - it is for what you will live in sufficiency, your home will become a complete bowl, reach all its ambitious purposes.

Clean the eggs in a dream is a warning that you can become a victim of scammers, so you should be extremely careful, otherwise material damage will be very large.

I dreamed that you decided to paint eggs to the holiday - this is a sign that you should bring something new to your intimate life, become more skillful lovers, while not needed to change anything, add only a few spicy parts.

If men's eggs have a dream about your psychological and physical readiness to get their own offspring.

What dreams egg

Universal dream book

If in a dream you see the egg, the most obvious value that the sleep is fertility. We all left the egg, fertilized with sperm. The symbol of fertility and resurrection is the Easter egg.

If in a dream you are sitting on the eggs and wait when someone gets out of them - it means you have to do a great job to achieve the goal.

If in a dream you go on the eggshell - it means you should be more sensitive.

In a dream, you or someone else breaks the shell - it symbolizes the formation of personality and independence. Perhaps also, such a dream says that you will incite you to do something that you do not want to do, or go somewhere where you do not want to go.

Egg in your dream is welded screwed or sick? In the first case, in a dream, your desire is expressed to be more resistant and unequivocally determine its position. Also such a dream - it can say that you have passed literally fire and water and harden your character.

If the egg is liquid inside - it means you do not have enough softness in life. Perhaps you yourself want to be softer or waiting for this from other people.

If in a dream your face or face of another person is smeared in the egg - it means in real life you are in a difficult situation.

What dreams egg

American dream book

Eggs - integrity. New life and new potential.

What dreams egg

Vintage English Dream Interpretation

Drawing eggs - mean speeding successes in trade and love.

If the eggs are a lot - the dream foreshadows a happy marital, good children and well-being for many years. You can safely hope to get a better place in service, it will soon be yours.

If the eggs are rotten - the dream foreshadows you to the cunning of treacherous friends or the hypocrisy of incorrect beloved.

If in a dream you are happy to eat eggs - it means you are waiting for pleasure and considerable joy ahead.

What dreams egg

Female dream book

The egg is an oldest symbol that means the beginning, source, the basis.

A dream in which the egg appears - means that a period of quest and acquisitions began in your life. Try to make sure that the success does not turn your head, and the material would not damage the spiritual one.

What dreams egg

Dream Interpretation Martyn Zadaee

Eggs are - loss; They put them under the zeal - profit; And to remove them - trouble.

What dreams egg

Medieval dream book Daniel

Prepare chicken eggs - to wealth.

See eggs or spread them - to empty words.

White eggs see to wealth.

What dreams egg

Russian dream book

Fry or digging eggs - to losses; Many - to guests or gifts; smash - the misfortune of a loved one; In the nest - love adventures; Lubricants - cash loss.

What dreams egg

Russian dream book

In some cases, the egg - symbolizes immortality. In the usual interpretation, it means prosperity, profit or something empty.

There is an egg in a dream - it means that in reality you pay a lot of attention to empty and unnecessary.

Break the egg - it means that with its careless actions, you can harm yourself.

The dream in which you are waiting for, when, finally, chickens will hatch from eggs - means you are too passionate about the case, which is not relevant for you.

You are trying to break and clean the eggshell - you impose a case in which you will try to deceive and introduce into cash.

What dreams egg

Altercore 1829.

Eggs see - there is a sign of profit and benefit; crushing the eggs - means a quarrel with someone from home, annoyance and displeasure; Eggs crushed to go - mean the persecution of enemies; White eggs collect - means profit; Eggs are moderately - marks calm and contentment; There are them without any measure - foreshadows and illness.

Yolk egg march marks benefits and success.

What dreams egg

Psychoanalytic dream book V.Sammukhalova

Egg - symbol of men's genital organs. Potential life, which should be initially fertilized from the outside; Dark substance (matter), which should be permeated with the light conscious before the birth of the new. Easter and Sunday. Archetype of the likely individual. The secret essence in which it is inseparable, good and evil.

What dreams egg

Dream Sheremeinskaya

Egg is the whole totality of affairs and intentions.

The egg is randomly breaking, or it rubbed - bad.

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Gustav Hindman Miller

dreamed eggs dreams

Find in a dream nest with eggs - foreshadows wealth and happy marital marriage. Women this dream promises frequent hobbies.

There are eggs in a dream - means that unusual anxieties will settle in your home.

To see broken fresh eggs - a sign that fate is ready to generously to bestow you. The sublime mind and the high sense of justice will make you the favorite of many people.

Merched eggs - loss of ownership and decline in affairs.

Basket with eggs means that you will participate in profitable business operations.

Find in the forest of bird eggs - means possible inheritance from distant relatives.

Evgeny Tsvetkov

interpretation of dreams Eggs Dream

One, two - the expectation of the guests; a lot - success; beat or see broken - loss.

Sigmund Freud

sleep value egg dream

Eggs, as part of male genitals, symbolize the desire to have a child.

Culinary dream book

why dream eggs dream book

Eggs in a dream are foreshadowed in any new business. Eggs that you eat in a dream, they say that you have good health.

Modern dream book

see in a dream

Find in a dream nest with eggs - the prediction of family happiness, wealth and many children. Women enlisted numerous love hobbies.

There are eggs - expect in the house of unusual concerned.

See fresh broken eggs - the head of the fact that fate will be favorable to you and give you generous gifts. You will love and respect for the exalted soul and the commitment of justice.

See the fierce eggs - the foresight of the loss of property and moral fall.

See basket with eggs - sign of profitable commercial deals.

Sleep, in which you see bird eggs, promises you getting an inheritance from distant relatives or high profits from successful commercial affairs.

Sigmund Freud

sleep value egg dream

The egg is a symbol of female genital organs. Most often, such dreams are associated with the desire to have a child. Many eggs symbolize your dream of a big and friendly family (if only such a sleep is caused by a sense of strong hunger).

A rotten egg symbolizes health problems or complications during pregnancy. Boiled egg talks about your frivolousness in matters of continuing.

Broken egg or scrambled eggs symbolize your concerns about the child's institution. Often these fears concern sex restrictions on pregnancy.

Intimate dream book

sleep value egg dream

To see chicken eggs - you will find acquaintance with the male representative, which will surprise you with the volume of your male dignity. If we saw such a dream - a man, you should not be afraid of some homosexual claims: it is quite possible that the surprise, about which we just told you, is waiting for you in a public bath or, let's say, the detox.

If you are shooting broken eggs, it means that you can somehow careless look or a word to offend some kind of compact person. Even if you really want to express all the boiled, better silent.

There is an egg in a dream - to close relationships with someone from your surrounding who so far you have known only from the formal side, for example, as a colleague.

Painting Easter eggs - you need to refer to your intimate life in a new way. Every time you only repeat what was before, without making any changes, and the feeling of the raisin leaves your sex. It's not so difficult to correct the situation - to embellish the situation, create something unusual. Include romantic music, lower the curtains so that no one can take you away from each other, from your world for two; Arrange the marriage bed on the floor, on the balcony or, say, in a foam bath.

Michelle Nostradamus

The egg symbolizes the birth of a new life, revival. Watch in a dream by how from the egg is hatching any creature - a sign that soon you will witness the appearance of a living being on Earth. Young pregnant woman such a dream prophesies successful childbirth.

Find a large unusual egg in a dream - means that a large extraordinary animal egg will be found in the future. Perhaps it will be an egg for long dinosaurs. If you dreamed that you broke the egg, then this dream would proper that you commit a crime. Perhaps deprive the life of any living being.

If an egg breaks someone, then in the future you will become an invalid witness to the cruel murder.

Predicter Vanga.

dreamed the egg dream book

Egg in a dream personifies the world, the planet, all the living that surrounds you. The fierce egg in a dream foreshadows the threat of life on earth due to the fact that all the more advanced types of weapons are invented, the means of destroying the living, from which there is no salvation and who are in the hands of unworthy people who can destroy all the living and destroy human civilization.

If in a dream you break the egg, then this means that the planet threatens the danger from space. Perhaps, in a very distant future, a meteorite degrees will fall on Earth, which will split the planet on the part, and all living victims will die.

There is an egg - such a dream says that all living things exist, devouring the living, and it was, and so it will be. But a person must thank God for the fact that he sends him a lot as food, and not to forget that he is obliged to everything.

Cooking an egg - such a dream says that the time will come when it is very hot on Earth, and will begin to dry the rivers and the sea, and the plants and animals will die, and the person will begin to change to survive in an unbearable pecle.

Esoteric dream book

what does it mean if the dream is dreaming

To see - to the birth of children. Many eggs are hassle associated with children. Easter eggs - joy of children, respect and help. Broken - to infertility, unsuccessful pregnancy.