What culture can you plant potatoes with? Planting together - what vegetables can you plant with each other? With poor drainage

Planted everywhere. When planting, the choice of the site, the fertility of the soil, its condition, as well as the predecessors and nearby crops are important. What can you plant next to potatoes?

What crops are undesirable to grow next to potatoes?

When planning the planting of potatoes on the site, it is necessary to take into account the biological conformity of the plants. In this regard, the beds must be positioned so that the crops placed next to the potatoes are combined with each other. First of all, it is necessary to highlight the plants with which the potato does not get along. Suppressive effect on potatoes:

  • wild radish.

It is undesirable to plant potatoes next to apple trees, since when apples ripen, potato growth is inhibited. And potatoes, in turn, prevent the absorption of nitrogen and phosphorus by apple trees.

What crops do potatoes get along with?

They have a positive effect on potatoes planted nearby, beans and corn, as well as cabbage, eggplant, onions. Mixed planting of crops is also used, which helps to reduce diseases and increase yields when growing in one place for several seasons. The best partners in this case are bush beans, beans and spinach. If beans are planted between the rows of potatoes, the soil is enriched with nitrogen, and the culture is less affected by the Colorado potato beetle.

The best varieties of cabbage, combined with potato planting, include cauliflower and kohlrabi. Lettuce and radish are also paired with potatoes. Some gardeners note a good effect on horseradish potatoes, which can be planted in the corners of the garden.

Late potatoes grown together with peas give good results. Peas can be sown both in the aisles and in the holes with potato tubers. The peas are harvested early, and their roots are a kind of food for potatoes. Beans planted near potatoes have a similar effect. Their specific smell scares away insects, including the Colorado potato beetle.

When using mixed (compacted) crops, cabbage, radishes, onions can be added to the main crop - potatoes. The planting scheme is as follows - in early spring, radishes are sown on the sides of the arranged beds, in the middle - onions grown for feathers and early cabbage. After the radishes are removed, potatoes are planted. In June, early cabbage will be removed and potatoes will remain.

You can also use a joint planting of cauliflower, lettuce and late potatoes. When fieldwork begins, lettuce and cauliflower are planted. Potatoes are planted in due time for this crop. In early summer, lettuce and cauliflower will be harvested, while late potatoes will grow until fall.

If you plant early potatoes, alternating rows with sweet corn, you can expect good potato and corn yields in sufficiently fertilized soil. Planting onions, sorrel, dill, radishes in the aisles of potatoes, you can have fresh herbs all summer.

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Antonina Shelestnaya 04/10/2014 | 53888

Some plants that are planted nearby can oppress each other or, conversely, stimulate the growth and development of their neighbors. What plants can be planted nearby?


Grows well with most garden crops.
Do not plant along with the root.
Peculiarities: improves the taste and growth of garden crops, especially tomatoes and lettuce; repels mosquitoes.


Grows well with beets, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, catnip, corn, calendula, potatoes, strawberries.
Do not plant next to dill, garlic, leeks.
Peculiarities: potatoes and calendula planted next to beans scare off Mexican legume beetles; catnip repels midges.


Grows well next to strawberries and tomatoes.
Peculiarities: scares away tomato worms and improves the taste and growth of neighbors.


Grows well near broccoli, Brussels sprouts, beans, white cabbage and cauliflower, kohlrabi, onions, Swiss chard.
Do not plant next to field mustard, curly beans.

Broccoli and Brussels sprouts

Grow well near beets, buckwheat, calendula, carrots, chamomile, dill, hyssop, marigolds, marigolds, nasturtium, onions, rosemary, sage, thyme, wormwood.
Do not plant next to the strawberries.
Peculiarities: Marigolds planted next to broccoli and Brussels sprouts are good at repelling cabbage moths, and nasturtiums - aphids.

Cauliflower and cabbage

Grow well near broccoli, Brussels sprouts, celery, Swiss chard, spinach, tomatoes.
Do not plant next to the strawberries.
Peculiarities: planted nearby tomatoes and celery scare away cabbage caterpillars.


Grows well near cabbage, onions, early potatoes, leeks, lettuce, onions, peas, radishes, rosemary, sage, goat bark, wormwood.
Peculiarities: onions, leeks and wormwood planted next to each other repel the carrot fly.


Grows well near apple trees, berries, carrots, grapes, peas, roses, tomatoes.
Peculiarities: improves the palatability and growth of neighboring plants. Protects crops growing nearby from aphids.


Grows well near beans, cucumbers, early potatoes, melons, peas, pumpkins, soybeans.
Peculiarities: planted soybeans protect the corn from bed bugs.


Grow well near beans, cabbage, corn, early potatoes, radishes, sunflowers.
Do not plant next to late potatoes.
Peculiarities: radish planted nearby keeps cucumber pests.


Grows well near broccoli, Brussels sprouts, white cabbage and cauliflower, cucumbers, lettuce, onions.
Do not plant next to the carrots.
Peculiarities: improves palatability and improves the growth of cabbage plants.


Grows well about green beans, bell peppers, potatoes, tomatoes.
Peculiarities: green beans planted nearby scares off the Colorado potato beetle, which damages eggplants.


Grows well next to cabbage, fruit trees, roses, tomatoes.
Do not plant next to peas, beans.
Peculiarities: scares off aphids and Japanese beetle, as well as onion flies.

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Cultural compatibility

I will tell you what plants you can plant, you even need:

Potatoes tolerate proximity to radishes, garlic, spinach and cabbage;

Celery family crops / carrots, dill, parsley, etc. / can be combined with everything except your family. It is good to plant carrots with onions, since carrots scare away onion flies, and carrots scare off onions. That's how I plant: a row of onions, a row of carrots.

Incompatibility of some cultures

The Colorado potato beetle does not like the neighborhood with marigolds, coriander, nasturtium, tansy. And phytoncides of garlic and onions destroy the potato mushroom phytophthora.

Parsley - tomato

Melon - potatoes

The best neighbors for tomatoes

Kohlrabi is planted alongside peas, cucumbers, radishes, radishes, beets, celery, dill, beans and spinach.

In addition, peppers also prefer the warm but sultry atmosphere so prized by cucumbers and dislike drafts. In this case, be sure to keep in mind that these cultures are photophilous and do not withstand shading from cucumber lashes. Therefore, the most reasonable option would be to arrange the seedlings of peppers and eggplants on the sunny side, and place the cucumbers nearby, but at some distance.

To avoid mistakes when placing crops in our gardens, planting planning begins in a calm winter season. A schematic drawing of your garden plan on paper will help you correctly arrange the beds, taking into account the provision of sufficient light for each plant. For example, if you plan to plant cucumbers in the open field without tying up, the beds are best placed in a north-south direction. If you, as the professionals advise, are going to grow cucumbers on a trellis, then it is optimal to arrange the crops in the west-east direction. It is in this case that the low morning rays of the sun will be able to freely illuminate each plant, which cannot be achieved by arranging them in the classical way.

Cucumber beds, correct planting

Many, not knowing what to plant cucumbers with, are mistaken in their placement on the site. You cannot grow them next to potatoes. But it would be right to plant corn next to cucumbers. They will be able to trail along its stems, get protection from the strong sun. Dill and cilantro, calendula and peas, garlic and onions, spinach also have a beneficial effect on the growth and formation of the vegetable. They will protect cucumbers from bacterial rot and mites, and give crispness. They do not accept these vegetables of joint cultivation next to radishes and tomatoes, they do not tolerate some aromatic herbs.

It is believed that mixed plantings are a great option to save space on the site. But now vegetables are planted together not only for beauty and convenience. If you know what is planted with what, then you can significantly improve the taste of the fruit, protect the plant from pests, and accelerate growth. Also, seedlings do not require additional fertilizers and chemical treatments.

A pleasant neighborhood for eggplant

Plant ordinary garlic between the bushes of strawberries (strawberries), all sorts of harmful insects are afraid of it, so the strawberries will be protected by the garlic. (and also, in the place where you plan to plant strawberries, it is better to first plant potatoes - so that the soil is loosened, then, before winter, fertilize the soil well, and in spring you can plant strawberries. In the first year, do not expect a super-harvest, but in the second - all the neighbors will be jealous of you - 100%!)

Onions like to grow next to carrots;

Tips for the rational and convenient use of the site

I also plant flowers in the garden, they are decoration and also attract bees for pollination. There are especially many marigolds, since they also scare away harmful insects.


What can you not plant cucumbers with?

I was interested in this issue, as I wanted and want, good harvests every year.

Mint - potatoes

Pepper - eggplant, tomatoes

Thus, moving along the plate, and determining the desired positions in the crosshairs, you can determine the compatibility of certain garden crops when planting together.

We plan landing in advance

Which cultures get along well with each other, and which don't?

It has long been noticed that if you plant your favorite cucumbers next to corn crops, you can achieve an increase in yield of up to 20%! Corn barriers help to create a special microclimate on the ridge so beloved by cucumbers. When choosing a sealant for cucumber plantings, it is best to prefer tall varieties. In this case, you do not even have to spend extra money on a trellis, the role of which will be very successfully replaced by tall corn stalks. It is only necessary from time to time to direct the curly cucumber stalks in the right direction. Sunflower planted next to cucumbers can serve as a natural support. In addition to increasing the number of cucumbers, you, practically in the same area, can get a harvest of delicious, homemade seeds. But they are a source of essential fatty acids that our body needs so much.

Choosing a "neighbor" for cucumbers

The question of what is planted with what is very important for a positive harvest. Before you start gardening, you need to carefully study all the details of this case. Having the right information will help you avoid big trouble and plant diseases.

In garden science there is such a concept as "compatibility of cultures." It is analogous to the term symbiosis, which means the useful coexistence of several species. In the plant world, some plants categorically cannot get along together. And some, on the contrary, protect each other from pests or diseases with their smell, stimulate growth. There are a large number of crop compatibility tables, which talk about how to plant a garden, what to plant with. But all the data in them is very contradictory.


Cucumbers in the neighborhood want to see beets, beans and celery;

What should not be planted next to cucumbers

Only an allelopath will tell you exactly about this, this is a person who studies such a science as Allelopathy (the science of the properties of various plants to suppress the growth of others)

I planted everything as it should be. To be honest, I didn't really notice the difference. Previously, they planted everything as they liked and everything grew. Nevertheless, now, when I have my own site, I still adhere to the rules of plant compatibility. I plant not only those crops that can grow nearby, but also based on what kind of culture grew in this place last year, that is, I observe the crop rotation.

Dill - cabbage, cucumber

Dill - tomato, carrot

Also, pay attention to the fact that after the table there is a list of crops, the planting of which allows you to scare off various pests, which is important in modern conditions, when it is not always possible to create such greenhouse conditions that will not allow rodents and insects to reach the fruits of your labor. Spicy herbs can be planted next to tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers: dill, thyme, basil and others. The essential oils that these herbs secrete not only scare away pests from vegetables growing in the garden, but also have a good effect on the taste and quality of the fruit.


What do they plant with what?

An excellent relationship has also developed between cucumbers and various legumes. Several bushes of beans or peas are planted in lines next to cucumber crops or along the perimeter of a cucumber patch. By the way, all legumes belong to the class of nitrogen-fixing plants, feeding the soil with these essential elements. Therefore, having collected the crop, their stems should not be pulled out, it is enough just to cut them off, leaving the roots with nitrogen-containing nodules in the ground.


Some gardeners do not like planting eggplants because they find it difficult to grow them. The vegetable often does not bear fruit or simply dies. But if you know what to plant eggplant with, then the growing process may not be so difficult. It is necessary not to make some mistakes when planting and transplanting. Eggplants cannot be planted together with tomatoes, despite the fact that they are of the same family. You shouldn't even grow them nearby on the windowsill during the seedling period.

When a plant serves as a support, strengthens its tone and has a beneficial effect on various seedlings, it is called "dynamic". These are millennial and chamomile, dandelion and nettle, valerian. Helping plants include lettuce and spinach. They release nutrients into the soil to strengthen the root system. Marigolds with vegetable plants are also planted without fear. They have a piquant smell, with the help of which they repel the attacks of harmful insects. For vegetable crops, compatibility is the key to a good harvest. Therefore, you need to consider what is being planted with what, and learn some simple rules.

Yeah, they're tall. and strawberries need light

Cucumbers, carrots and turnips get along well with peas.


I know for sure that it is very good to plant next to: Pumpkin, Corn and Beans!

That is, two conditions must be met:

Radish, celery - salad

Cucumber - potatoes

It is noteworthy that even for mice there is a plant that they will not like. Such plants include lettuce, onions, rosemary, sage, tobacco, and wormwood.

It is very desirable to plant onions, garlic and tomatoes near berry bushes: they protect the roots of gooseberries, currants and raspberries from damage by various ground pests.

Cucumbers coexist quite well next to onions or garlic. They are indifferent (that is, indifferent) to various crucifers, such as various cabbages. But for radish and radish, the results are contradictory. Someone argues that the radish planted next to the cucumbers did not affect the harvest of green fruit in any way, and some, on the contrary, are sure of the negative impact of the radish sowing on the amount of cucumber ovary.

Eggplants with potatoes or thyme, peas or beans will get along well with each other. It is also worth noting that if tomatoes or hot peppers grew on the site in the previous season, then for eggplants this is not the best place to plant.

Corn develops positively and bears fruit next to cucumbers or beans. White cabbage accepts the neighborhood with beets, tomatoes, radishes and cucumbers. An excellent option would be a combination of carrots and onions, their smells to each other help to avoid the attacks of carrot and onion flies. Beets are combined with onions and lettuce, cabbage and beans.

I don't know about the fact that you can't plant something next to her, but you can and should have garlic. I stick a couple of pieces near each bush - from pests.


The table below shows which plants love each other and which are at enmity.

Pumpkin, with its large leaves, shades the soil and prevents weeds from growing ...

What to plant with what

I also try to plant marigolds around the site, as they are good guards against various pests and bacteria.

Beans - onions, garlic

For example, garlic scares away slugs. And aphids don't like radishes. Moles cannot tolerate garlic, marigolds and onions. Therefore, when arranging your garden, be sure to take into account the phased placement of all these garden crops, so that you can make the harvest better and more, and that later it would be easier for you to harvest it yourself. Of course, many things will come only with experience, and not after the first year of gardening, but gradually the garden and vegetable garden will take on the proper form.

Cucumbers can be planted next to tomatoes, cabbage, beans, peas and absolutely not with spinach, salad, early potatoes.

You can also plant calendula next to cucumbers. These bright, unpretentious flowers will not only decorate your garden with their orange baskets, but will also help to get a rather weighty increase in the yield, because they bloom simultaneously with cucumbers and attract pollinating insects. And the calendula itself, collected and dried according to all the rules, will help in the winter when drawing up medicinal decoctions and tinctures.

When planning your site for planting seedlings, it is advisable to know its size. Preliminary sketches can be done on paper. Determine which crops will grow in the beds. When sowing, it is worth considering the preferences of the plants. Some like a lot of light, while others like shadow. Crops that require abundant watering are best developed close to the water supply. Naturally, you need to take seriously the choice of neighborhood, which was discussed above. Do not forget that you will often have to go to some plants (for example, greens). It is good if they grow near the house. It is also worth considering the timing of planting and harvesting: after harvesting the early radish, you can plant tomato seedlings.

In no case should you plant any plants of the umbrella species next to the seedlings of vegetable crops, the only exception is carrots. If you plant seedlings of the same variety, which feeds on the same substances, then the soil will soon be depleted and it will not be able to fully develop.

Strawberries, blackberries and raspberries should not be planted side by side. They share a common pest, the raspberry-strawberry mite. Tulips are also included in this list, this mite loves them too.

Peas, onions and tomatoes are the best neighbors for carrots. The corn subsequently protects the pumpkin from the sun ...

If you plant onions and garlic in cucumbers, then the cucumbers receive protection from root rot and dysbiosis.

Potato - pumpkin, tomato

If we continue to list the crops, we can note that, for example, corn gets along well with lettuce, cucumbers and tomatoes. As for onions, they can be planted next to carrots, cucumbers, parsnips, tomatoes and beets. Carrots go well with peas, strawberries, cabbage, corn, onions, parsnips, tomatoes, radishes, radishes, lettuce and spinach.

Plant tomatoes next to cabbage, onions, asparagus, but away from tall plants. Beans and peas should not be planted next to onions and garlic.

You cannot plant cucumbers next to the "fragrant" bed on which you plant spicy herbs, since in this case they will not please you with good harvests. Therefore, planting basil, hyssop, cilantro, oregano will have to be formed in a different place.

Experienced gardeners have long known that plants planted nearby affect each other. This influence can be both positive enough and vice versa.

When planting, it is worth considering whether the plant is undersized or tall. After all, then one may not receive a sufficient amount of light, and the other, on the contrary. Do not plant nightshade crops nearby. If the Colorado potato beetle damages a potato, it will immediately spread to neighboring tomatoes or eggplants. Also, the same types of diseases will quickly spread to all seedlings or fruits. You can place several beds of onions or garlic near the tomatoes, and then they will not become infected with late blight. Tomatoes do not tolerate the proximity of kohlrabi and dill.


And you even need parsley, it scares away slugs.

Cucumbers do not get along with aromatic herbs and potatoes, but they go well with peas and cabbage. But cucumbers, beets, tomatoes and pumpkin are great friends of the radish.

Beans feed nitrogen into the soil ...

To protect apples and pears from scab, tomatoes with a high stem are planted next to

Will be useful

I searched on many sites, read more than one book and summed up the results.


There are special Tables of compatibility of garden crops, one of which we will now consider in detail in this answer.

Vegetable cultivation compatibility table. The compatibility of growing cucumbers is highlighted in blue.

Potatoes do not accept legumes, they fill the earth with nitrogen, which leads to the emergence of small vegetable fruits and tall tops. Cabbage is incompatible with parsley and peas and will not grow well enough with carrots and cucumbers, onions and radishes. I have wonderful parsley and onions growing next to strawberry beds. She also planted in different years: bush beans, cabbage, potatoes, melons, tomatoes, peppers, lettuce. Everything grew great!

If you plant marigolds, marigolds or nasturtium on the beds next to the potatoes, then the potatoes will not get sick with the nematode. Also, corn, beans and even eggplant will be a good neighbor for potatoes.

This is how the American Indians planted these three cultures together. What to plant after

Pumpkin, beans and corn are planted next to each other

For each other such cultures:

I always have at hand this diagram:

This table shows that peas are planted with kohlrabi, carrots, radishes, radishes, celery.


But if in the open ground such a positive or negative interaction of cultures is nevertheless somewhat smoothed out, then in a greenhouse, in a limited area, unwanted neighbors can significantly oppress each other, in the struggle for nutrients and sunlight. That is why, despite the lack of greenhouse areas, you cannot plant ardent antagonists nearby.

By properly planning compacted plantings, you can achieve a significant increase in yield.

When a crop is grown in the same place for several years, it leads to the depletion of the land. She loses her nutrients, the biological balance is disturbed. As a result, the growth of the plant slows down, its development worsens, and diseases appear more.

Just yesterday I read in the "Estate": so that there is no gray rot on the beds with strawberries and the weevil does not settle, onions are planted in the spring at the rate of 1 head per 4 bushes. So please do not offend the bow! Well, garlic is already a classic.

When there is not a lot of land on the site, but you want to plant everything, you have to think over what you can plant next to. For example, tomatoes grow well next to peppers, and eggplants with beans. Carrots can be planted with cabbage, beans and onions. In turn, onions with zucchini and pumpkin. But for potatoes, it will be a good environment if planted next to cabbage and corn.

This landing is called:

"Garden of the Three Sisters"

Nikolai Sosiura

Beans are planted next to cabbage, sugar beets, cucumbers

Onions - legumes, cabbage, carrots, cucumber, asparagus, tomato, dill, beets, eggplant, potatoes

  • Cannot be planted:
  • Cabbage is planted with carrots, tomatoes, radishes, radishes, celery, dill, beans and spinach.
  • The most common crops grown in greenhouses and greenhouses are undoubtedly cucumbers and tomatoes. But you can't plant them next to each other. Well, cucumbers of these representatives of nightshades do not like, as well as potatoes. Being near or near these plants, cucumbers wither, feel oppressed. And the agricultural technology of growing crops is very different. Cucumbers love humid air and frequent but limited watering. And the temperature for good fruiting they need is much higher than the "signor tomato", and therefore they cannot be planted together.
  • But often, at the time of spring sowing troubles, in a hurry to plant everything in the shortest possible time, some summer residents do not take this fact into account and plant their garden chaotically.

You also need to know what to plant tomatoes with, which neighborhood will have a beneficial effect on the outcome, and which one will only harm. It is best when celery, leeks, parsley, bird cherry will grow next to tomatoes. This will protect the tomatoes from pests.

It is possible to increase the productivity of vegetables and improve their taste thanks to correctly selected companion plants. When planning the joint placement of crops on the site, you need to know what is best to plant next to the potatoes. Proper distribution of plants will help to significantly save space on the site, improve the soil and stimulate the growth of garden crops.

Neighbors for potatoes

Potatoes usually occupy a significant portion of the cultivated land. This leaves enough space near the furrows that can be used effectively. When choosing neighbors for a vegetable, it is necessary to take into account the basic requirements for the growing conditions of each of the crops:

  • lighting;
  • watering;
  • top dressing;
  • soil composition.

The most important condition for joint landings is.

  • Legumes enrich the soil with oxygen and are considered the healthiest neighbors for potatoes. The seeds are planted at the same time. A potato is thrown into one hole along with a pea or bean. Joint planting eliminates damage to legumes during the hilling process. The legumes are harvested first, then the potatoes are dug out.
  • A similar effect is exerted on this vegetable by bush beans planted along the edge of potato furrows. In addition, this plant is capable of repelling various harmful insects.
  • The free space between the rows can be used to plant different types of cabbage. The neighborhood with cauliflower and kohlrabi is most favorable for potatoes.
  • It is convenient to use free plots of land next to potatoes for growing various greenery. During the summer season, you can get spinach leaves and all kinds of salad to the table. A good option is a joint planting with radishes.
  • the garlic planted next door can. And onions are capable of scaring off the Colorado potato beetle.
  • Carrots and beets planted nearby will not harm the nightshade family. They can be placed on the sides of the garden bed.
  • Potatoes grown in warm regions of the country will benefit from being close to crops such as corn and grapes.
  • Some gardeners use the free space next to the potatoes to grow courgettes and eggplants.
  • When planting in the same territory with vegetables, it must be remembered that the plant is actively growing and it is very difficult to remove it from the garden.
  • Once sown in a potato field, dill will yield a harvest every year - dill umbrellas can be used for conservation during the summer season.

Tomatoes and peppers are prone to the same diseases as potatoes. In addition, these crops are affected by the same pests. It is not recommended to place such plants nearby.

It is undesirable to arrange potato plantings in the immediate vicinity of apple and cherry trees. Sunflower and mountain ash are considered unsuitable neighbors for a vegetable.

Savior flowers

They will benefit when growing vegetables of the nightshade family and at the same time decorate the summer cottage with flower crops:

  • calendula will provide protection against the Colorado potato beetle;
  • marigolds will save you from a bear and a nematode;
  • tansy will scare off ants;
  • nasturtium will protect from whiteflies and whiteflies;
  • chamomile pyrethrum will protect against aphids and rodents.

The benefits of crop rotation for plants

Getting a good harvest depends not only on a well-planned neighborhood, but also on the observance of crop rotation. Plants that have been growing in one place for many years become more vulnerable to pests. When the same crop is planted every year, the soil is depleted. Potatoes actively consume phosphorus and potassium from the soil, therefore, when preparing a site for the next planting season, it is necessary to enrich the land with these microelements. The introduction of nitrogen fertilizers will not be superfluous.

In order for vegetables to receive a sufficient amount of nutrients from the ground, it is recommended to change the planting site every 2-3 years. Owners of small land plots can place garden crops in small ridges. The location should be planned so that the cultivation of vegetables alternates every year.

The plot on which the potatoes have been grown for 5 years, it is necessary to arrange a rest - to leave the land unseeded for the season. If this is not possible, then the soil is enriched by fertilizing or growing useful plants on the site.

Green manure plants

Planting green manure in the vacated potato beds improves soil fertility. Having sown crops such as, or rapeseed, later, when digging, they are embedded in the soil. In the process of decomposition, green plants enrich the earth with phosphorus and potassium.

  1. In the fall, after harvesting, it is recommended to sow mustard on the site. This will help to saturate the soil with nitrogen.
  2. On the beds freed from vegetables, many gardeners plant rye before winter to improve and enrich the land. In the spring, the site is plowed along with young green shoots.
  3. Phacelia can be planted throughout the season. Green spaces are buried in the ground no later than a week after the beginning of flowering. Thanks to this plant, the soil is enriched with the necessary nutrients.
  4. Oats planted after harvesting early potatoes are mowed in autumn. Before the next planting season, the garden is plowed up. An overripe plant saturates the soil with nutrients.
  5. The green mass of rape, sent to the soil, in the process of decomposition, provides as much minerals as mullein.

Under the influence of green manure, the earth becomes loose and light.

To speed up the process of converting green manure crops into organic fertilizer, green plants must be crushed and embedded in the soil.

What to plant after potatoes

To obtain good yields from a plot of land where vegetables of the Solanaceae family used to grow, various garden crops are planted in the enriched and restored soil in spring.

  1. It is good to alternate the annual planting of potatoes with zucchini, pumpkin and cabbage.
  2. You can arrange onion beds in the former potato area or grow salads, spinach or radishes.
  3. After nightshades, table beets will feel comfortable.
  4. A good harvest of turnips and radishes will grow.

Next to vegetables planted in potato beds, it is useful to plant, or, to improve the soil.

The annual change of garden crops on the same plot of land contributes to the restoration of useful trace elements in the soil.

It is not difficult to find suitable partners for potatoes and plan the placement of crops that are beneficial to each other in the same or adjacent beds. It is equally important to follow the rules of plant rotation to improve soil fertility. This will help save space on the site and get a rich harvest of vegetables.

Every summer resident should know what to plant beets with and which plants will give a good harvest next year when planting on a site where this crop previously grew. This will allow not only to get a high-quality harvest, but also to significantly increase the yield, as well as prevent the development of many diseases.

How to properly prepare the soil

The preparation of the planting area for sowing beets should begin in the autumn. At the stage of pre-sowing preparation and digging from the ridges, it is necessary to carefully remove all plant debris and apply organic fertilizers, the amount of which should correspond to the quality indicators of the soil. It is imperative to add full-fledged mineral fertilizers to the depleted soil., and with increased acidity, it is best to properly liming the soil.

Areas in which it is supposed to have ridges for growing beets should have good sunlight. Otherwise, the cultivated roots will not have the intense coloration characteristic of the species. If sowing is carried out before winter, then immediately before planting work, the soil must be thoroughly loosened with a rake, and, if necessary, dolomite flour must be introduced. Beets prefer light, organic-rich, slightly alkaline soils... A good result is given by the introduction of compost during the preparation of ridges for beets, applied at the rate of 3-5 kg ​​for each square meter of the planting area.

Landing features

In the spring, it is necessary to plant beets only after the soil has warmed up to optimal indicators, in the standard planting period, which will insure the garden crop from shooting and the formation of low-quality root crops. Quite often, domestic amateur vegetable growers use their own collected last year's seeds to grow beets. Before planting such seed material, it is required to undergo special pre-treatment, which will increase their germination rates and contribute to the destruction of pathogenic microflora.

Before sowing, the soil on the ridges must be thoroughly moistened. Planting rows 3-4 cm deep should be made with a distance of 20 cm. Prepared furrows should be shed with clean and settled, if possible warm water, which should be absorbed into the soil before sowing. Sowing of pre-prepared seed material into the furrows is carried out by the piece, rarely enough, which will provide the garden culture with sufficient space for growth and development.

Planting beets in the future should be weeded, watered, fed, thinned out, and prevented from diseases and pests in a timely manner. It is important to note that beets should be fed very carefully so as not to provoke the aging process of root crops and the appearance of tough fibers in the beet pulp. Irrigation measures should also be as balanced as possible.

What can you plant beets with?

Allelopathy, or a science that studies the influence of garden plants on each other and the possibility of growing them together, is very popular both in our country and among foreign vegetable growers. Joint planting is practiced in the conditions of home gardening quite often., which allows you to save usable area and get the maximum yield from a relatively small planting area.

When planning a joint planting, it is important to take into account the peculiarities of climatic conditions and natural factors, as well as the soil composition and illumination indicators of the area allocated for mixed cultivation. Correctly carried out combined planting of vegetable crops helps to improve the quality of growth and development of neighboring plants, and can also affect the taste and level of nutritional value of the crop.

As practice shows, next to table beets, such compatible garden crops as white and red cabbage, broccoli, lettuce, onions and garlic grow best. It is not recommended to plant corn or beans next to beets. It is also very important to isolate crops of different varieties of table beet or sugar beet, which will avoid over-pollination.

Crop rotation principles

Correctly carried out crop rotation or fruit change helps to exclude one-sided depletion of the garden soil. Plants are recommended to be returned to their original place of cultivation after about three to four years. After growing garden crops with a shallow root system, plants with deep roots are usually planted. In order to avoid one-sided soil depletion, garden crops should be alternated depending on the absorption of nutrients. With a simplified crop rotation, plantings of "tops" and "roots" alternate. Siderates have proven themselves very well.

According to the observations of experienced vegetable growers, the latter option is the most preferable, since it allows to improve soil fertility indicators in the shortest possible time and prepare the soil for growing beets, which is quite unpretentious to growing conditions as a garden crop, and adherence to simple rules of agricultural technology allows you to get tasty, juicy root crops and a very good harvest.