Meet the ldpr road train in sevastopol and balaclava. Meet the LDPR road train in Sevastopol and Balaclava Brief program of the LDPR road train stay

On December 17, 2017, on the square of the city park near the Palace of Culture "Yauza", public events were held under the general name "LDPR Road Train", organized by the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, headed by a well-known politician, State Duma deputy Vladimir Zhirinovsky. The popular action includes the distribution of gifts and books from party representatives, the collection of appeals from Russian citizens, which will be sent to LDPR lawyers and the State Duma.

A sufficient number of citizens gathered at the event, trustees from Vladimir Zhirinovsky performed on stage, held various competitions for the assembled citizens, while giving gifts to the winners. In addition, a concert of the popular pop group Na-Na was scheduled for the evening at the Yauza Palace of Culture, invitation cards were handed out right on the street.

Songs from the concert of the group "Na-Na" are on the channel "Stanislav Iskhakov"

https://www. youtube. com/

As is known from the words of proxies of presidential candidate Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the main purpose of this action is to study the problems of Russian citizens in different regions of our country. Also, it is quite logical that in this way the Chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party conducts a covert election campaign among the population. Representatives from the LDPR party urged the audience to come to the presidential elections in Russia in March 2018 without fail and use their ballot in order to avoid theft of votes and other falsification of the voting results.

date and time
holding rallies-concerts in Sevastopol and Balaklava:

May 1 - Balaklava, pl. May 1 - from 17.00 to 22.00
May 6 - Sevastopol, pl. Svobody (KIC, Korchagin St., 1) - 17.00 to 22.00

Brief program of the stay of the LDPR Road Train

"DANCE FLASH MOB" The dance group, following as part of the road train, conducts interactive with the audience, teaches dances and makes a massive dance battle.
"MEET THE STANDARDS OF THE TRP" Those who wish are invited to pass a part of the prescribed TRP standards. Participants are weighed, and they pass the TRP standards. All those who successfully pass the standards are awarded the badge "I passed the TRP standards with the Liberal Democratic Party."
"MEETING WITH A SPORTS STAR" Along the route, well-known athletes, friends of the Liberal Democratic Party, come to the cities, who, together with the hosts, hold the reception of the TRP standards, take selfies with the residents of the city - the audience of the concert. Spectators will be able to take part in Races on branded scooters.
"DRAWING ON ASPHALT". All interested children and teenagers can draw a picture on the theme of the Liberal Democratic Party.
"FAMILY RELAY". The winners in each round will receive prizes.
«HOLIDAY CONCERT". Concert of famous artists, confidants of the Liberal Democratic Party - Alexei Goman and Katya Lel.
And also: throughout the program, a desk for receiving citizens' appeals to Vladimir Zhirinovsky will work. "RECEPTION OF APPEALS".

- The format of direct campaigning in the form of a festive campaigning meeting with the participation of famous artists was not chosen by chance. People are tired of political speeches from the stands. And in this regard, our leader Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky immediately supported the idea of ​​holding bright, unforgettable meetings that give people, first of all, positive emotions and good mood,” said Ilya Zhuravlev, coordinator of the Sevastopol city branch of the LDPR, deputy of the Legislative Assembly.

Today an LDPR road train arrived in Kovrov. Even so: an LDPR propaganda road train. He stopped at Freedom Square. There were a lot of people and a lot of freebies. And today the legendary group "Na-Na" is coming.

The release was as follows: “The motorcade will include a technical team with equipment, an animation team, performing artists. It is planned to hold sports, concert and entertainment programs in each city.” And they didn't cheat.

Freebie is good. Here and free mittens, gloves, socks, T-shirts, caps, mittens, buckwheat, sugar, tea, newspapers and magazines.

Naturally, everything is under the LDPR logo.

And here is the same bus that runs around the cities of Russia. In Kovrov - for the first time.

More and more Kovrovites appear on the square. Basically, these are pensioners and children from a nearby school. From the conversations it is clear that they came to the noise, and then everything is free: “beauty”.

More than five tents. And everyone has long queues.

True, one tent is still empty. This is the so-called help tent "Reception of citizens' appeals". If something worries the city, then the residents of Kovrov in writing could “surrender” their complaints to the LDPR activists. And, as they say, the hosts of the program, Vladislav Voronin and Alexei Losikhin: “Everything will be sent to Moscow to the lawyers of the Liberal Democratic Party. All issues will be resolved."

The entertainment program mostly consisted of contests, drawings and, again, gifts: umbrellas, mugs from Vladimir Volfovich, aprons, deodorants, everything like that. In general, this is not the first time Zhirinovsky has practiced this before the elections.

The evening will continue in the Lenin Palace of Culture with a concert by the NA-NA group. It will run from 17:30 to 21:00. Entrance by invitation cards. Almost everyone who was on the square today received these invitations. They say that there were cases when the Liberal Democratic Party was allowed to go to a campaign concert just like that.