Casting of old furniture self-adhesive film. How to Pliste Wall Cabinet: Furniture Restoration Ways

To transform the situation in the house, it is not necessary to buy at all new furniture. In this place you can update the old items by changing them appearanceFor example, you can finish the finish of the old cabinet. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to have some special knowledge and skills.

Give furniture the new kind You can with wallpaper. The only one should familiarize yourself with some nuances of work to fulfill its highest quality. Therefore, then we will look at how the closet is decorating with wallpaper.

Choice of wallpaper

The use of wallpaper is the simplest and at the same time a cheap way to decorate furniture. Possigible, material for this should be used quality, otherwise all work will be done in vain. As for the choice of color and texture, it all depends on the individual preferences and interior of the room.

If the walls are decorated in bright colors, it is desirable to pick up a wicked wallpaper brighter. In this case, the inner wall can be saved by material wall coating. If there is a drawing on the walls, the furniture is better to decorate one-time.

Often the furniture is covered by the same wallpaper as the walls or part as a special designer reception Interior design. Also, you can apply the canvas with a pattern for marble, wood or other material.

An interesting and unusual solution is to use photo wallpapers on the closet. Moreover, you can buy self-adhesive web, which will significantly simplify the pasting procedure. Of course, the choice of drawing in this case depends solely on your imagination.

When choosing a material, you should think about it operational qualities. It is desirable that he withstand wet cleaning, especially if you are going to update. Normal paper wallpaper It is not necessary to consider as an option, as they quickly come into disrepair if they are not covered with varnish.

If the furniture has defects, it is best to use the coating saturated color With small patterns or drawings.
This will allow to hide irregularities.

In the photo - the scenery of the cabinet wallpaper

Cabinet salary

Required tools and materials

To decorate with your own hands the wardrobe with the help of wallpaper, in addition to the coating itself, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Sandpaper;
  • Ruler and pencil;
  • Scissors;
  • Putty knife;
  • Tree primer;
  • Putty on a tree;
  • Brush for applying glue;
  • PVA glue.

So that the furniture really looked like a new one, it is necessary to replace it with accessories - handles, locks, etc.
Even if the price of the parts is relatively high, they still make sense.
For example, modern handles completely change perception even old furniture.


This work consists of several stages and begins with the preparation of the surface of the product to pasting.

It is performed in that order:

  • First of all, it is necessary to remove the entire old fittings from the cabinet, moldings, if they are available, dismantle the shelves, etc.
  • If the wardrobe is lacquered, then it is necessary to remove the layer of varnish. You can do this with the help of sandpaper. If there is a construction hairdryer, then it will be much faster with it.

In this case, the varnish is heated with a hairdryer and scrapes with a spatula. However, at shutdown, the surface will still have to sand to remove the surfaces of the coating.

If the furniture is not lacquered, it is enough just to give the surface of the mattness "walking" on it by sandpaper.

  • Then the surface must be cleaned of dust. To do this, you can wipe it with a wet sponge and dry.
  • Next, it is necessary to inspect the furniture on the subject of surface defects. All chips and cracks must be embedded with putty. If the chips or cracks are deep, then it will have to apply it in several layers.
  • After that, the sheplicated areas must be stuck in shallow emery paper.
  • In conclusion preparatory work You should apply primer and dry the surface.

On this preparation is completed, now you can save the cabinet with wallpaper.

Sticking wallpaper

Further instructions for decorating the cabinet wallpaper look like this:

  • Work should be started with the pattern of the cabinet parts on the canvas. To do this, you need to carefully measure all the items of the product and perform the relevant drawings.
  • Then the cloth must be carefully cut.
  • After all the details are ready, you can enclose the cabinet with wallpaper. To do this, the glue is applied to the surface and then the canvas are applied. The most important thing is to stick the material exactly.
  • Glued canvas need to smooth out.
  • When the product is completely saved, it is necessary to wait for the drying of the glue.
  • At shutdown, you need to install accessories and other product details..

When drying glue, it is necessary to exclude in the area of \u200b\u200bdrafts.
Otherwise, the finish can be corrupted.

On this cabinet decor with wallpaper completed. As practice shows, this technology allows you to achieve a much better result than when painting furniture. Especially if the work does not do a specialist.


Cable pasting with wallpaper requires primarily accuracy. However, as we found out, there is nothing difficult in this work. Therefore, to update in this way the furniture under the power of every homemade craftsman, the main thing - to choose qualitative material and comply with a certain sequence of actions.

From the video in this article you can find out more information regarding furniture finishing with wallpaper.

The person is designed so that he needs to periodically update the situation. If finance allow, this can be done by buying new furniture. But if you do such waste, the family budget does not allow such spending, then simply update the facade of the old headset with the help of a self-adhesive film.

With it, you can give furniture a new appearance and eliminate defects that appear during its operation.

Recently, self-adhesive film intended for various furniture, it is becoming increasingly popular.

To give furniture an unforgettable look, you need to choose a self-adhesive decorative film. Modern industry suggests various options of this material. From cheap polypropylene and polyethylene models, to practical polyvinyl chloride facing.

Each potential buyer can count on a variety of textures and colors.

It can be noted strength and durability, maximum safety in the use, a variety of designer options.

In addition to the material that makes up the basis of the film for furniture, you need to pay attention to the presence of a protective layer. In the kitchen, such a layer is important for protection against elevated temperature and high humidity. If the self-adhesive film is used for pasting children's cabinets and tables, then protective layer plays an important role.

It will help protect the furniture from the careless circulation of the child.

If direct sun rays fall on the headset, then you take it with a facing having a layer that protects against ultraviolet. Today you can purchase transparent models With such a layer.

He, without hiding facades, protects them from fading.

The presence of a protective layer adds this material additional cost. But, without it, it is impossible. If you are going to use the facing in the bathroom, then be sure to make sure of it high degree moisture resistance.

The coating can be matte or glossy, imitate various materials.

Casting items located near heaters, a stove and other similar devices, produced using a self-adhesive film based on a thermally stable polymer.

The modern range is distinguished by an amazing variety, so you will definitely find suitable option for yourself.

The decorative layer can be made under stone, ceramics, fabric and wood. "Wooden" cladding or material under marble is suitable for furniture. Recently, photographs are popular.

Especially if they use them for pasting cabinets.

In addition to the processing furniture, old doors, glasses and even walls are suitable for processing. The surfaces of the surface can be easily soaked.

Even not possessing moisture protection material easily transfers short-term contact with a wet sponge.

How to attach furniture by self-adhesive film

One of the advantages of this material is the ability to work with it yourself. No need to look for specialists and pay for the service. You yourself will easily handle this task.

You can successfully use a self-adhesive film film to protect the table, windowsill in any room, countertops and furniture in the kitchen.

Most. an important stage Processing facades is preliminary preparation Surfaces.

After cleaning the surface from contamination, it needs to be deguted. Thanks to this procedure, the appearance of folds can be avoided during the salary.

As a means for degreasing the surface, any detergent or alkaline solution is used.

After surface preparation, go to the cutting of the material. Sheets need to cut with a margin. So they are easier to stick to the surface. If you need to consider the pattern, then the stock is 2-3 cm. Without it, it will not be able to fit the drawing. Extra pieces are neatly cut off after pasting furniture.

For convenience, cutting the material on its reverse side, manufacturers print a centimeter scale (grid).

Stick the self-adhesive film will not be much labor.

If you could not exclude bubbles, they are easily removed by piercing cladding with a thin needle. After sticking the place of the puncture will not be visible.

Nuances that may appear when using self-adhesive film

Casting of smooth surfaces will not cause problems for those who first fabulous with such work. The complexity may occur when the corners are pasted. And here you can use cunning.

To make the corners of sheets easier to be hung, you need to take an ordinary manual hairdryer and heat the material.

Also causes complexity in humans, which is first faced with self-adhesive film, drawing up material sheets. In order not to form a slot, the sheets need to stick so that the next sheet overlap the previous one by 1.5 cm. Then we apply a ruler into the central part of the allowance along the entire length. And on it, with the help of a sharp knife, make an incision.

We remove the unnecessary strip. The joke will be perfect.

When working with this material, lighting is important. If it is not enough, it is easy not to notice small flams. They will be visible on a general background or with bright lighting.

With the help of the film, you can create unique interior and decorative solutions.

If you purchased a self-adhesive film, too quickly gluing to the surface, and with which it is difficult to work, use the powder or talc.

Sprinkle the surface with powder over the entire area and when fitting the sheets will not experience difficulties.

How to remove a self-adhesive film from furniture

Sometimes the problem becomes removal of old cladding from furniture. If the material is high quality, then it will not be very difficult to remove it. But, if you are not lucky, and it is removed very hard, then heat the surface. Take advantage of the same hair dryer.

War it with the material, and it will take off without any difficulty.

Adhesive tape- This is inexpensive modern materialwhich will help update the appearance of the furniture and protect it from moisture and ultraviolet. It is not difficult to stick. The main thing to do everything neatly and comply with the advice described in this article.

Now you know how you need a self-adhesive film to ennoble, protect furniture and various surfaces.

Video: how to stick the film on your own hands.

Often the need to refresh the interior, give former look old furniture or to improve the service life of new, protect the doors and window sills from influence external factors. An obstacle to the implementation of such desire can be a banal lack of time or finance.

Make repair and extend the life of the expensive to the heart of things cheaply and in the shortest possible time will allow the self-adhesive film for furniture, striking the breadth of the spectrum of application.

What is a self-adhesive film for furniture

Among the variety of materials opening access to the embodiment of daring design solutionsManufactured on the market shows an impressive range of films with adhesive base. For sale, the products of this category comes in the form of rolls of various widths.

The structure of any type of film is three layers. These are:

  • Facial;
  • Glue;
  • Protective.

Depending on the production of raw materials used in the manufacture of products, the surface layer can be made of:

  • Polymer film;
  • Metallized foil;
  • Paper.

The layer designed to fix the finishing material on the surfaces most often happens:

  • Rubber;
  • Acrylic.

The function of protecting the adhesive surface is implemented by applying siliconized paper removed directly during operation.

There are also different technologies Production polymeric material. Depending on the equipment used by manufacturers, the film sold in the market may relate to one of the types:

  • Calendered;
  • Pillage.

The latter is more convenient in work, more durable, capable of keeping the old species longer, opens more wide opportunities Applications. This is due to the inability of calendered films stretch when cooled, which implies their sticking only to smooth smooth surfaces.

The ability of injection materials to reach without the use of thermal processing opens access to the finishing of rough, having protrusions in the form of screws and riveting, corrugated surfaces. The absence of a shrinkage is also one of the benefits of injection films in front of calendered, which can "cringe" over time.

Advantages of application

  • Versatility;
  • Low cost;
  • Simplicity of fixation on the surface, the minimum of time for repairs, the lack of the need to hire the worker's brigade;
  • Ease of cleaning;
  • Resistance to moisture;
  • The abundance of textures and shades.

Common option for finishing the interior becomes.

Criteria for the choice of self-adhesive film

Wanting to purchase a film in order to refresh furniture, door, kitchen or other elements of the apartment, it is worth considering a number of product selection criteria. You need to take into account:

  • Film quality;
  • The state of the surfaces of surfaces in the future;
  • Probability of damage;
  • Aesthetics.


The first thing worth paying attention to the purchase is the quality of goods. The modern market is saturated with self-adhesive films for furniture made of polyethylene. The service life of the finishing layer from such a material leaves much to be desired, and preferred the product with a polymer layer, the choice is better to stop on PVC.

Additional protective layer of ultraviolet stabilization - important elementextending the life of the film. The cost of goods will be slightly expensive, but the funds spent with interest will pay off due to the ability of the material to resist the effects of sunlight.

Many models of this product are considered universal. However, assuming the trim of items located in the bathroom or in the kitchen, it is worth preferred by moisture-resistant film. Plots of walls near appliances in the form of a heater, boiler or slabs should be saved using thermally stable products.

Conditions of finished surfaces

The deformation of the old unstable furniture can lead to the appearance of breaks and peeling the film. Therefore, in order to refresh the subject of the family relic, which serves as faithfully for many years, it is advisable to use the material performed by the injection molding method. Apply the film of this configuration is also for sticking on the surface having protruding screws and rivets.

For stable, without roughness and protrusions, areas can be pasted with a film made of metallized foil. In areas having frequent contacts with other objects, in the children's room, this material is not used inexpedient. Otherwise, scratches and damage are inevitable.

Often, the owners of the old furniture arises a desire to give her new attractiveness. You can embody such a desire with the help of self-adhesive film. This is the most popular way to decorate a variety of interior items with already bored appearance. But most people do not know how to glue a self-adhesive film on the furniture. Therefore, they cannot implement their wonderful desires into reality.

Using self-keys, you can change the appearance of not only any item of the furniture headset, but input either interior doors, window sill, a variety of glass surfaces.

In this article, we will introduce some subtleties of the choice of self-adhesive film. With a number of its advantages. And also how to competently stick it on any surface. This information will give you the opportunity to give new life Different elements of the interior without special financial investments and physical costs.

Some advantages of its use

Self-adhesive decorative films have a number of explicit advantages over other types of finishing plates:

  • quite good versatility;
  • simplicity of fixation on various surfaces;
  • do not require the involvement of the team of specialists for its gluing;
  • provide the opportunity for the minimum time without problems replace randomly damaged area;
  • differ quite good resistant to high humidity and sharp fluctuations in the temperature regime;
  • provide a rich assortment of textured executions from imitation natural tree and marble to a variety of geometric and abstract patterns;
  • have an easily cleaned surface;
  • have a fairly low cost.

You can learn about the benefits in more detail from the video:

Several subtleties of self-keys

Before sticking a self-adhesive film to any element of the furniture headset or another subject of the interior should be taken into account a number of criteria for its choice. These include:

  • quality self-keys;
  • the current state of surfaces planned for pasting;
  • aesthetic attraction of self-adhesive film;
  • the possibility of accidental damage to the glued surface.

Tip: Such a film is perfect Material For restoration of both various elements of the furniture headset and other interior items. It is glued without problems on a variety of wood surfaces, ceramics, plastic, glass, plywood.

Options for its use

Before purchasing self-keys, it is desirable to decide on functional purpose The surface on which it is planned to stick. So the choice of design and the color of such a decorative film depends largely on this.

If you want to betray old furniture more attractive look, then on it, as a rule, glue multicolored pieces of self-tech or motley pictures.

And if it is necessary to update the protective layer on it, it is rational to use the film, the texture visually reminiscent of the structure of natural wood.

Planning the restoration of the furniture headset in the living room or the bedroom, it is desirable to pick up self-tech with the pattern, the most harmoniously suitable under common style Interior room.

Tip: Thanks to a light removal from the surface of the self-adhesive film, a variestic dirt and pretty good resistance to moisture fluctuations and temperature is in great demand for the design of the kitchen apron.

Standard furniture decorating technology with self-keys

After reading her advantages and subtleties of the selection, the question remains relevant to many - how to gently stick a self-adhesive film on a different surface.

Before glued film on the furniture, you must have the following:

  • conventional wooden line;
  • pencil;
  • standard scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • slice soft fabric either felt spatula.

Getting to work with self-keeper

For review S. technological process Consider, for example, how to enclose the cabinet.

This is one of the main stages of the whole process. So from the quality of its preparation largely depends on the resulting appearance. Therefore, the surface must be carefully cleaned from dust. From it you need to faithfully remove any contamination. If it has irregularities of a different nature, they are required using shallow emery paper to clean. As a result, the prepared surface should be perfectly smooth and clean.

More details can be found in the video:

At the next stage, the side wooden planes of the cabinet must be projected. To do this, you can use the usual stationery or wallpaper glue. Before applying it is desirable to dilute not large quantity water. Working mixture Must have milk concession. This will provide an opportunity to ensure a fairly good penetration of the prepared solution in wood structure Cabinet. And it will improve the adhesion of the decorative film with the base surface.

Preparation of self-keys

The process of cutting the self-adhesive film will facilitate a convenient scale applied to protective paper on the back of the self-keys. Its grid is made with gradation in 1 cm. Using a conventional line or meter, identify dimensions Peredaled surface.

Tip: If you do this work for the first time, it is desirable to add at least 1 cm to the resulting measurement results to the length and width. Since you can hardly manage to provide a fairly accurate match of the edges of the film and the decorated wall of the cabinet. On the already glued surface can be easily trimmed by a stationery knife protruding part of the film.

Applying self-keys on the surface

If you have to carry out such a procedure for the first time, before starting work, it is advisable to get acquainted with the recommendations for the implementation of this process. As a rule, manufacturers in an affordable form in the form of several pictures depicted on a protective paper layer explain its main stages.

To directly decorate the cabinet, the film gently separate in one of the corners small plot Self-keys from protective paper. The liberated portion of the film is gently glue to the angle of the wall of the cabinet. Now all the width of self-keys separate the paper layer for 1-2 cm. Slightly press the second edge decorative material adhesive surface to another cabinet wall angle.

Tip: If your surface has significant sizes, for example, more than 50 cm, it is desirable to gently "fix" the film in several places evenly distribute them along the entire width of the furniture wall.

Starting "fastenings" of self-keys preferably from the place where it was glued at first. Using a soft cloth or felt spatula, carefully press the self-adhesive film to the main surface. At the same time, make a hand light circular movements. If folds or small air bubbles appear on the glued plane, then gently "peel" the films and apply it again.

Important: The adhesive layer retains its properties within 2 hours.

By providing high-quality fixation of self-keys across the entire width of the wall, we begin to glue it in length. To do this, carefully separates the protective paper from the main decorating material by sections of 2-3 widths. And carrying out light circular movements by hand, gradually press the film to base surface. At the same time periodically verifying tolerance furniture wall He had a perfectly smooth and smooth plane.

After reading this information, we hope you have become clear how to glue a self-adhesive film on various surfaces.

In conclusion, we offer several advice on competent courtship for self-tech.

To remove the variekractic stains on it, it is enough to wipe it with water. Well, if the dirt failed to remove the first time, then you can use alcohol solution or different detergent Without "abrasive" inclusions. So they can damage the glued surface.

After repair work Often the finishing materials remain sorry to throw away. For example, wallpapers that are sold in large rolls, and. How to use them? You can enclose cabinets, bedside tables, doors, other furniture.

With this uncomplicated action, you will immediately kill two hares, use the remnants of finishing material and decorate the old one, seeing furniture. For such work, no special skills need, and how to do it now we will tell.

Bright accent in calm kitchen


You probably have already heard more than once that wallpaper decor various interior items. How many master classes have you seen on TV from designers of all the masters, because each of them considers to give the second life to some domestic object.

Do this most often with high-quality vinyl wallpaper or phlizelinov, since it is extremely difficult to work with paper options, and to get at least a satisfactory result is pretty much.

Therefore, if you have the wallpaper left before getting around the surrounding items, make sure the finishing material.

The choice of color and textures with us is as limited as we work with a residual material, but if you want to buy a new roll for these purposes, then repel from general design Rooms and your taste guidelines.

Decoration kitchen furniture Oboyami.

It is quite acceptable to get furniture in the room with cloths with the same pattern as on the walls. It will look for such an interior will be quite harmonious and holist. If you need to use another type of wallpaper, do not forget about the overall concept of the room design.

The use of simple design solutions will allow you to make a more harmonious interior. For example, if the room is finished in light colors, then for pasting cabinets to successfully use dark or bright options. If the walls in the room are paved with wallpaper with an ornament, then in order to avoid interior overload, the furniture is covered with monophonic canvases. Will look great interior decoration The cabinet made into the tone walls of the room.

A good option for making cabinets, this is an imitation of other finishing materials, wood, brick, leather, stone. Such vinyl wallpapers are often used for finishing. different rooms And they naturally remain. In addition, such canvases have a significant relief and repeating pattern, which will help to hide defects on the surface of the furniture.

Classic option Cabinet decoration

In building stores, you can find special photo wallpapers intended for pasting doors and cabinets. Usually this paper optionswhich depict nontrivial plots, less often banal imitation of wooden coating.

In fact, the wardrobe under the tree is easiest to be saved by a self-adhesive film, which is just produced in such colors. The German and Dutch film is more expensive and better, Chinese cheaper, but this film often departs the edges due to the highest quality adhesive composition.

Note that self-adhesive wallpapers can be monophonic, stained glass, if this option is arranged, use it.

If you are going to shit kitchen Cabinet or bedside table in the corridor, it is desirable that the wallpaper is moisture-resistant for wet cleaning. It is necessary to think about it in advance. Self-adhesive film has moisture-resistant qualities, like most vinyl wallpaper, But paper is weak.

The use of green and white colors fit into the interior

If you have only paper residues, in principle you can use them, but after pasting it will be necessary, which will give glossiness and protect the canvas from moisture.

We produce pasta

We collect the necessary materials

Before starting work, you need to take care of instruments and material. That's what you will come in handy:

  • schucker (sandpaper), appropriate nozzle on a drill or a grinder, to prepare the surface under pasting;
  • in some cases, construction hairdryer, but not necessarily;
  • measuring tools - line, roulette, corner;
  • tools for marking and marks - pencil, handle, marker;
  • tool for cutting - knife, scissors;
  • primer and spacure on wood preparatory work;
  • tools for applying compositions - roller, brush, spatula;
  • rags for smoothing and removing glue;
  • pVA glue.

Using a grinder for sowing surfaces

As you can see a list of sufficiently impressive. If you do not have any materials, buy them. By the way, if the fitness of your furniture was worn out, then it can be changed. For example, the handle, the new handle for the locker will not be expensive, but will add the color of your newly bined furniture.

Preparatory work

Before you take the furniture with wallpaper, you need to take care of the surface on which you will apply the material. It is necessary to make it suitable for such work, so we will produce the following manipulations:

Typical domestic kitchen cabinet after decorating
  • To make it easier to work with a closet or bedside table, it is necessary to disassemble it, remove all the fittings from it.
  • The next step should sand decorative surface, remove the entire layer of varnish from it. It is possible to do this with the help of a skin, which is quite laborious, it will be easier to put on a drill, a grinder or a screwdriver the corresponding nozzle and walk along the lacquer.

You can also remove the lacquer with the help of a construction dryer. For this, the surface is heated and the applied spatula is screamed. But in this case, without sanding can not do.

  • If the furniture from the wood massif and is not processed, it is recommended to go through the skin with a zero, to create some roughness.
  • In the next step, we remove all the dust from the skins, for which we use a wet cloth. We give furniture for some time to dry.
  • After examining the dried surface on the subject of defects, we make a decision whether it is necessary to put it. If cracks and notches are not so big, and the wallpaper is embossed, you can not do this. If defects are deep, you will have to level the surface with a putty, maybe even a few layers.
  • As you probably guessed, after drying the putty, the shpalian places should be processed, to steer them with the overall surface. It is done as emery paper.
  • Now the closet surface is practically ready, it remains only to predict it for the best hitch with wallpaper.

Conducting preparatory work will provide 80% of success, even if you can not beautifully stick the wallpaper from the first time, you will already have a base for further experiments.


Furniture pasting also takes place in several stages:

Work on furniture pasting wallpaper
  • First of all, it is worth making blanks from wallpaper remnants. For this, the subject is thoroughly measured and the dimensions are transferred to the wallpaper cloth. Some patterns are cut in accordance with the size of a closet or bedside table.
  • Next, the prepared surfaces are laundered. You can use wallpaper glue, but it is better to apply the construction PVA, it is better gluits materials. Apply the carved pieces on the closet surface must be carefully, try to immediately align the cloth. It is not so difficult to do, because the patterns have small dimensions.
  • It is recommended to stock up with a large number of dry rags or vessels, to smooth sheets and remove glue residues from them. A special clamping roller will help more densely.
  • After pasting the cabinet or other furniture with wallpaper, it is necessary to give some time with a drying glue, and then screw the accessories. Usually enough of several hours, but in the case of large-sized objects, it may also be necessary.

As with the standard shook wallpaper, try not to create indoors, there is some likelihood that the sheets are badly sticking.

Manifestation of fantasy in the kitchen interior

Actually, that's all the technology of decorating furniture items by wallpaper. Definitely after these manipulations, your wardrobe will look better, it is exactly more interesting than if you painted it.

You can enclose cabinets yourself, as you can see, there is nothing complicated here, it is enough to make a little effort, patience and accuracy. In addition, the restoration of such items with their own hands will give you confidence in their own forces and confirm the presence of designer abilities. Try, perhaps the world still does not know the name of the new, successful designer.