Install the engine on a gasoline bike. Bicycle petrol engines: a new sense of speed

No bike accessory is as controversial and hard-nosed as the bike's gasoline engine, which turns the bike into a motorized vehicle. The reason is clear. Each option (whether it's a headlight, a generator, a horn, a rockring,) does not stop making a bicycle a bicycle, because they do not aim at the "shrine" - the use of only human muscle power. Who is for and against?

Arguments "against" are most often given by those cyclists who use the bike as a means of maintaining fitness and are themselves distinguished by endurance. Their bikes are lightweight, equipped with modern derailleurs and sprockets. They invest in aerodynamically favorable equipment and the purchase of flat-section bicycle spokes to reduce air resistance. The very idea of ​​an additional source of energy, especially such an “environmentally dirty” one as an internal combustion engine, seems blasphemous to them.

There is another section of cyclists who prioritize results of a different kind, who welcome the phenomenon of a gasoline engine on a bicycle. Go further than usual on a day off. Get to the cottage for the same time as by train, but three times cheaper. To be able to overcome such slides on which the heart jumps out, but you don’t want to go on foot. And, finally, the thirst for wandering: to look beyond the horizon is not like everyone else.

So, consider bicycle gasoline engines. Let's get straight to the terminology: "motorbike", "motorbike", "motorbike" - these are vehicles on which you can also pedal like on a regular bicycle, and the engine will exist as cargo on the trunk. If we are talking about a moped, then the bicycle pedals on it serve only for the “plant from the pusher”, and you won’t go far on the pedals alone.

About the disadvantages of a motorbike

  • The appearance of additional parts in the design (pulley, belt, piston group, spark plug, clutch, wiring) and an increase in vulnerability. But this has an indirect meaning, since simply, in the event of a breakdown, the bicycle becomes an ordinary bicycle. It is this point that turns from a disadvantage into an advantage: all other vehicles, even a scooter, need to be “led”, the car must be pulled or evacuated.
  • Some increase in the mass of the vehicle (on average, by 6-7 kg)
  • Driving at higher speeds is more dangerous. On average, a speed of 30-40 km / h is more traumatic.
  • It is required to carry in a backpack or in a gas tank a supply of fuel and oil for mixing.
  • The engine occupies the trunk, more often the rear one (in the photo - an example of the front layout), a tube is attached to the rear trunk, in which there is a container with 2 liters of fuel.
  • There is noise and exhaust when riding (violation of the sacred principle of bicycle environmental friendliness).
  • The incomprehensible situation around the motorbike and the traffic police (rights, responsibility - described below).

Benefits of a motorized bike

  • Three to four times faster speed with a slight increase in mass(average speed in urban conditions - 10-12 km / h), increases to 40-50 km / h.
  • The ability to use in serious, "long-range" trips. On a motorbike, a trip of a quarter of a thousand kilometers can be completed in a day and is accessible to everyone, this is a serious trump card for cyclists.
  • A modern engine starts “on the move”, so you can turn it on periodically, use it only on long climbs, saving energy. This is important in the case of old age, not very good physical shape, overweight.
  • The ability to "help" with the pedals, using both sources of energy - the motor and your strength.
  • Amazing efficiency, in comparison with a fairly high speed in urban traffic jams. For example, on Friday evening, cars in suburban areas create many kilometers of traffic jams. And a trip to the dacha, which is 38 kilometers from home, takes an hour and a half of time and 5 liters of fuel due to "gassing" in traffic jams. A motorbike will cope in an hour, and one liter of gasoline will go on the road (average consumption is 2.5 l \ 100 km). At the same time, the cost of fuel for a car is 150 rubles, a ticket for an electric train is 53 rubles (and it takes 20 minutes to walk from the station), and a motorbike will cost 30 rubles.

It was the last point that led to the enormous popularity of a bicycle with a motor in third world countries and in general in Asia, as well as in large metropolitan areas with difficulty in urban traffic. For example, in Shanghai in 1996 there were 370,000 motorbikes and 470,000 other motorized vehicles.

What are bicycle motors?

Two-stroke (F 50, Comet). The 1st photo shows the Comet motor manufactured in St. Petersburg. On the 2nd photo - a set of Chinese F50. Its cost is about 7500 rubles.

As for the F50 model, this is a Chinese analogue of the Soviet bicycle motor of the D-5 series, produced at the Krasny Oktyabr plant. Its disadvantages, perhaps, are as follows: it is rigidly fixed to the frame, for which you need to drill aluminum, and this reduces the strength of the frame.

At present, the quality of engines has increased, marriage is becoming less common, the bike “pulls” 40-50 km / h, and 1.5-1.7 liters of fuel are spent on this.

Four-stroke (Honda GX35, GXH50, power 2.5 hp).

Range of average technical characteristics of engines:

  • The volume of the combustion chamber is within 35-50 cubic meters. cm.
  • Power - 1.5-2 hp (recall that one metric horsepower is equal to 735 W, and a 2 hp engine is capable of lifting a load of 150 kg in 1 second by 1 meter, which is very decent).
  • The volume of the tank is from 0.6 to 1.2 liters (according to the data of the Comet engines). Homemade tank can be anything.
  • Fuel consumption is on average 1.5-2.5 l \ 100 km.

Motorbikes can be either on, which is also a reduction gear, or on a chain(below is a model based on the Honda GXH 50 engine). Only in this case, the pedals can no longer be turned: they simply do not exist. But this sample, according to the author, accelerates to 70 km / h, more precisely, 68.

But the motorbike with the motor "Spring - 20" has a chain drive with the ability to pedal.

The advantage of this scheme is a free trunk and a low center of gravity, and the disadvantage is an asymmetric load.

What parts, besides the engine, are included in the motor drive installation kit?

Consider the engine system with gasoline traction on the example of the Comet motorbike. The kit includes:

2. Clutch kit (in the photo - centrifugal). It consists of a cup, a drive shaft, pads, tension rollers, bushings, bolts.

3. Trunk (sometimes a regular one is also suitable, but it is better to purchase from a kit).

4. An engine is installed on the trunk using a suspension.

5. Throttle handle system (throttle).

6. Driven pulley. Mounted on the wheel, front or rear, depending on the layout.

7. Drive pulley that transmits torque from the main shaft.

8. Armstarter system (manual engine start).

In addition to the named main elements, the package includes various fasteners, assembly instructions.

Motorbike and traffic police. A Few Important Facts

  1. Now (from 04/09/2014) rights are required for any vehicles. In this case, category M.
  2. So far, driving schools do not undertake to train for this category. Firstly, driving schools make great money by teaching "B". Secondly, there are no commentary and training documents explaining what regulations apply to gasoline engines for bicycles.
  3. If you have rights (of any category), then category M is automatically assigned to the owner.
  4. Registration with the traffic police is not required, but if you do not seize your car license, you will receive a fine of 800 rubles. True, it is not clear how it will be issued (without documents), probably the vehicle will be confiscated. Although the inspectors do not contact scooters, and even more so with motorbikes, since it is a pleasure to leave the inspectors along the park and forest path.
  5. If you on a motorbike (with a category B license) run into, for example, an open car door and cause an accident, you may be deprived of the rights to the car (which you have), and since OSAGO for motorbikes has not been developed, you will pay out of your own pocket. There are four options: do not get into an accident, avoid calling the traffic police, hide the presence of rights or just run away. I choose the first item.

In conclusion, I would like to say that almost all bicycles on which engines are installed are designed to ride three times slower, and the mileage on them per unit of time is three times that of a simple bicycle. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the maintenance of the engine and its drive, but also to the bicycle. The most common problems are:

  • increased tire wear;
  • play of the rear wheel hub;
  • loosening of many connections on screws and nuts due to increased vibration. It is necessary to put "self-locking" nuts.

You can fully experience the ride on a motorbike here.

The idea to put an engine on a bicycle appeared a long time ago: it was implemented in a moped. However, a moped is still a separate mode of transport, which differs from a bicycle in greater complexity, weight and price. In a time when cycling is more popular than ever, and modern technology has reached a high level, cyclists and engineers have returned to the old idea: to create an engine for a bicycle. Demand immediately responded to the offer. And now the market is filled with various bicycle engines: removable and stationary, gasoline, gas and electric. Let's take a brief look at each of them.

Bicycle Gasoline Engine

The market now offers a wide variety of such engines. As a rule, these are air-cooled single-cylinder two-stroke engines with power from one to four horsepower. The main difference between them is the way they are mounted on the bike. Here are some examples of the most popular units.

1. Engine for a bicycle mounted on a frame, having a displacement of up to 50 cubic centimeters and a drive to the front sprocket. Its power is about one and a half horsepower, and the possible maximum speed does not exceed 30 km / h. The advantages of this solution are low price, low fuel consumption (1 liter per 100 km), the ability to use a bicycle gearshift and work with pedals. The disadvantages were a lot of noise and low power when driving uphill.

2. Engine (for a bicycle) "Comet". This is a ready-to-install kit to be placed over the wheel that will be driven. Usually it is placed on the rear trunk, and accordingly, the rear wheel remains leading, but it is also possible to install it in front. Such engines are available in power from one to two horsepower and can accelerate the bike up to 50 km / h. The undoubted advantages of "Kometa" are compactness and the ability to quickly dismantle. But it is twice as expensive as a frame engine and does not look very “presentable”.

3. Yamaha engine. This is the best gasoline engine. The power of the Japanese manufacturer's units can reach four horsepower, which is more than enough for a bicycle. Also the best in comparison with the samples described above are the technical characteristics and external design of Yamaha engines.

4. Engines made in China. In China, a lot of different units are produced, which do not radically differ from the above. The only Chinese "know-how" is the use of gas as a fuel.

Should you put an electric motor on a bike?

The electric motor has many significant advantages. It does not make noise, has excellent throttle response, does not need gasoline, and is therefore environmentally friendly. The only but big drawback of any electric motor is the small capacity of the batteries and the need to charge them for hours. However, they are enough for a trip of 50 km. For longer cycling trips, batteries with a large capacity are used, as well as dynamos driven by pedals or one of the bicycle wheels. Of course, the electric motor for a bicycle is our future, but it will only become real when batteries with a sufficiently large capacity or the ability to charge quickly are invented.

Using a bicycle for transportation has a number of obvious advantages. It is inexpensive, environmentally friendly, allows you to maintain good physical shape. With him, any trip turns into a pleasant walk. The daily route from home to work and back brings only pleasure, because the bike allows you to avoid traffic jams during peak hours and eliminates the need to storm crowded subway cars or bus salons.

But if your office is located at the other end of the city, the relief of which is continuous ups and downs, then an easy walk turns into hard work, and every meter you walk reminds you of the torments of the first Christians. When you finally get to work, you feel tired and exhausted. Your body needs rest, and you still have a whole day of work ahead of you. The prospect of having to travel all the way in the opposite direction in the evening does not help to cheer up either. If, in addition, there is no opportunity to take a shower, then the persistent smell of sweat will accompany you all day.

What to do if you don’t want to part with the bike, but it’s also somehow not easy to look for a job closer to home? In this case, you can buy a bike with a motor or install the engine on an existing one. The industrially manufactured version does not require modifications, but is quite expensive and often has a not very attractive design. To reduce the cost, manufacturers use cheap hyten components and frames in these bicycles. As a result, such a bike weighs more than 20 kg, and if the engine fails for any reason, it will be very difficult to move around with the help of pedals.

Apollo electric bikes

A homemade bike with a motor is devoid of these shortcomings. In the past, such machines were rather clumsy and used mainly by teenagers, but now the market offers a wide range of solutions with which you can turn an ordinary bike into a high-tech vehicle with your own hands. Such an alteration does not require any serious technical knowledge, so you should opt for this option.

Bicycle engines

Before starting work, you should decide on the type of power unit that you are going to use. The choice should be guided by criteria such as weight and the preferred type of fuel used. There are only two main types, so you won’t have to rack your brains much:

  • Internal combustion engine (ICE). For a long time, a gasoline motor remained the only possible solution available for installation on a bicycle. Most often, these were converted chainsaws and lawn mowers. Now finding a suitable small-sized engine is not difficult.
  • Electric motor. More recently, he was a clear outsider, but the emergence of compact high-capacity batteries allowed him to push the gasoline engine into the background.

Gas engine

The use of an internal combustion engine makes it easy to develop significant speed, and this circumstance often becomes a decisive factor when choosing a power plant. However, do not forget that the bike is still the same bike, and its nodes are not designed for such high loads. It is necessary to constantly monitor its technical condition, otherwise it may simply fall apart at the most inopportune moment.

Typically, a gasoline engine is mounted on the trunk or attached to the frame. In both cases, some form of transmission will be required to communicate torque from the engine to the wheel, which increases the complexity and weight of the design. Do not forget about the weight of the engine itself, as well as the fuel supply that you have to carry with you. If the motor fails, riding such a bike with the help of pedals alone will be a very difficult task.

Chainsaw powered bike

The use of gasoline as a fuel kills the very idea of ​​an inexpensive and environmentally friendly form of transport. During a walk, instead of birds singing, you will hear only the crackle of the engine, and if you decide, then your apartment will always smell like a gas station.

Another aspect that requires close attention is not the technical, but the legal side of the issue. In many countries, the use of bicycles equipped with an internal combustion engine requires registration and a license of the appropriate category.

The combination of all these circumstances makes it possible to safely exclude a gasoline engine from consideration. Indeed, why once again “reinvent the wheel” (or motorcycle), if the market is already full of affordable scooters and mopeds. Therefore, it is worth leaving the internal combustion engine aside and moving on to the consideration of the second option, which is now a priority.

Electric bycicle

Although the idea of ​​making a bicycle with an electric drive appeared at the end of the 19th century, the level of development of electrical engineering did not allow it to be fully used in practice. In the early 90s of the last century, there was a surge of interest in such devices. Since then, the bike has taken a strong position among urban modes of transport, and its popularity is only growing every year.

E-bike in Estonia

To convert a bicycle, you will need an electric motor, a battery, a controller, as well as control devices. All this can be easily purchased in the store or online. However, before installing, you should decide which type of drive is better to put on the bike.

First of all, an engine with a friction gear should be excluded from consideration, since its low reliability and insufficient efficiency do not allow achieving any acceptable results when using it. There are two options left: outboard motor and wheel motor, and both have their pros and cons.

Outboard motor

Outboard bicycle motors have a number of advantages. They are supplied in the form of a ready-made kit, the installation of which does not cause any difficulties with your own hands; motors are easily mounted on the frame or directly on the carriage, have small dimensions and weight. There are also options for an electric motor integrated into the carriage assembly. Many of them allow you to shift gears using your existing bike transmission. The design of some engines includes the option of energy recovery, which significantly saves battery power. The power of such electric motors ranges from 250 to 2 thousand W, which makes it possible to develop a fairly decent speed.

Standard outboard motor

But this solution, in addition to numerous advantages, has one huge drawback - a high price, comparable in size to the cost of a factory electric bike. If you add here the cost of purchasing a battery, controller and other spare parts, then the benefit of this option becomes completely unobvious.

Cheap transport turns into very expensive, and not everyone agrees to go for such costs.

BOFEILI bicycle engine

An alternative to the factory kit can be the assembly of the power unit from available spare parts. Often, engines from various household appliances or power tools are used for these purposes. Installing such a motor with your own hands can be a non-trivial task, especially for people who do not have the skills of a mechanic. Some of the problems have already been mentioned when considering the gasoline engine. Firstly, these are increased loads on the bicycle nodes caused by increased speed. Secondly, the need to use a belt or chain drive, which complicates the design and increases the weight.

Homemade transmission

It is difficult to advise something specific to those who have decided to take on such a project on their own, since each case is individual and depends on many factors. Only a few general considerations can be made.

  • First you need to choose an engine that is suitable in terms of power and dimensions. If it should only help pedaling and reduce physical exertion, then a small motor with a power of 200-250 watts will do. If you are aiming for high speeds, then you will have to look for a model with 350 W and higher.
  • Then you need to carefully consider the engine mount, choose a suitable place for it, correctly calculate the transmission parameters, the length of the chain or belt. Use already known, well-proven solutions. This will save you from serious mistakes, save time and money.
  • Do not get carried away and try to make a revolution in technology. For some people, the process of technical creativity is important. They spend a lot of time constantly reworking and improving things. It can be said with almost one hundred percent certainty that their assembly, assembled from the most incredible components, will never be completed. Such “Frankensteins” are doomed to spend their whole lives in the garage, and if they leave it for testing, they don’t go far and for long, they immediately break down and return to the workshop for revision and improvement.
  • Pay special attention to the strength of the structure. Your health depends on it, especially if you are going to put a powerful engine.

Bicycle wheel motor

The most popular and affordable type of electric motor for a bicycle is a wheel motor. This device is devoid of many of the disadvantages inherent in outboard motors. It is a DC motor mounted directly on the hub. Its power varies over a wide range, which makes it easy to choose the version that suits your needs. It is much cheaper and practically does not change the appearance of the bike. Installation of the motor wheel does not take much time, and anyone who can read the instructions can easily cope with it, and for the rest there are a large number of drawings and videos illustrating the process in detail.

Kit with unspoked motor-wheel

As a rule, the manufacturer offers two types of delivery: an unspoked motor and a finished wheel with spokes and a double rim. The first option allows you to insert the engine into an existing wheel, and the second is completely ready for use, only a tire with a chamber is missing. Typically, the kit also includes a controller, throttle and brake levers, connecting wires, fasteners and a charger. The battery usually has to be purchased separately.

Bicycle with a motor-wheel mounted in front

When choosing a motor wheel, you should pay attention to the correspondence between the dimensions of its sleeve and the distance between the fork legs or frame feathers. If its length is longer, then they will have to be moved apart, which is highly undesirable.

The transformation of a simple bike into an electric one usually takes only half an hour. The wheel motor is easy to install both front and rear. You can use two engines at once and end up with an all-wheel drive bike. Next, the controller is connected, the battery is fixed to the frame or seat tube, the throttle and brake handles are placed on the handlebars. Then all these components are connected using wires. Each of them has an individual connector, so it is impossible to make a mistake. That's all, you can get on the bike and go.

Within the framework of one article, it is difficult to answer all the questions that may arise during the process of installing an engine on your favorite bike. Each of these conversion options has its own advantages and disadvantages. It can only be noted that in terms of such parameters as price and ease of installation, the undisputed leader is the motor-wheel. Put a little diligence and ingenuity, and you will certainly succeed. In the end, you are not building a time machine, but just a bicycle with a motor.

A bicycle with a motor combines many advantages. This is a new generation device, which is a very high-tech mode of transport today. All this makes it possible to achieve that the technique is able to provide its consumer with many different possibilities. If you want to become the owner of a bicycle hybrid, you need to be prepared for the fact that such a miracle costs much more than ordinary bicycles. Sometimes their price even exceeds the mark of 150,000 rubles.

Homemade bike with a motor

Therefore, many today prefer to make a homemade bicycle equipped with a motor. Of course, this will have to spend a lot of effort, but it will be possible to save some amount of money.

Advantages of a motorized bicycle

The motorbike combines a lot of advantages. Equipped with a motor that, when properly connected, can operate almost silently. In addition, the device runs on electricity (current can be created using a trimmer). This in turn guarantees that nothing will spoil the movement on the road.

Due to the fact that the device runs on current, it is quite economical, because electricity is much cheaper than gasoline. Its price is almost 7 times less.

You can charge the device using a regular outlet. Moreover, if suddenly charging is completely over, this does not mean that you will have to go further on foot. After that, the bike equipped with a motor turns into a regular bike. Movement on it is possible by pedaling.

Maneuverability and compactness

A motorbike has a huge advantage in urban traffic jams. Thanks to its compact size and maneuverability, it can be used to get out of almost any traffic jam that has developed on the road.

Accelerates to fairly high speeds. Therefore, using such a bike equipped with a motor, you can reach your destination in a matter of minutes.

You can easily store it at home. The motor can be easily removed, so the parts can even be stored separately.

Ease of maintenance

The maintenance of such equipment is simple and convenient, since you do not need to spend your time filling up gasoline, maintaining filters, cleaning the trimmer, etc.

Spare parts are on sale, so if any of the parts breaks down, you can always find and buy it.

However, there are also petrol models, which in some areas have their own specific advantages. You can buy them anywhere where motorcycles are sold. But to make such a device with your own hands is also quite possible.

We make the device ourselves

Not everyone can buy a motorbike, the price of which is very high. Therefore, many are interested in how you can make this type of transport with your own hands. Naturally, to start this process, you must have at least minimal knowledge in this area. In addition, first of all, you need to buy all the necessary parts that will be needed in the process.

I option: buy a motor-wheel

Of course, you can buy a special motor-wheel, which is already equipped with all the necessary parts. However, its price can hit the pocket hard, so there is another option, which we will look at a little later.

Together with the wheel, a controller, a throttle handle, a brake handle and a charger, a Pas system are sold in the kit. The controller is needed to convert the direct current coming from the battery into alternating current. The Pas system activates the motor while pedaling.

Brake levers help the device brake quickly and efficiently.


When installing the motor-wheel with your own hands, you should perform such actions in strict order. Turn the bike upside down, then remove the rear wheel that was installed on the bike from the factory. When installing a new wheel, you need to pay attention to the fact that the bundle with all the wires is on the left side of the bike. Otherwise, the wheel may rotate in the opposite direction, which cannot guarantee the safety of the bike rider.

After the wheel is fully installed, you will still need to install the batteries to the frame, as well as the controller. It is very important to perform additional insulation by wrapping it, for example, with a plastic bag.

Connect all other equipment. Mandatory condition: connection to the battery must be made using a 20A fuse.

The bike with the motor is ready.

Option II: a bike with a chainsaw motor

This option is only possible if there is a broken chainsaw with a running engine. The fact is that in order to buy a new chainsaw, you will have to spend a lot of money, since its price fluctuates within 20,000 rubles.

Any bicycle can be used, the main thing is that it is in good condition. A chainsaw with a 1.5 hp engine is quite suitable for a bicycle. The engine is mounted above the frame with a clamp, which you can buy at any hardware store.

You can fix the sleeve with special washers and screws.

To install the gas lever, it is necessary to install a special cable that will connect the motorbike lever to the engine from the chainsaw.

Using a regular trimmer can replace the controller, but a fuse is necessary anyway.

In conclusion

Thus, it will be possible to get a great bike, the price of which will not hit your pocket. On this type of transport it will be possible to move anywhere: even in a large metropolis, even on rural roads. This is an indispensable transport for trips to the country house or apiary, a great option with which you can organize a long-awaited fishing trip. The low price is mainly due to the fact that all actions with the installation of parts are carried out independently.

This bike is also very manoeuvrable. It will bring a lot of pleasure to lovers, although there are drawbacks. The fact is that from now on you will have to be afraid of yard dogs, who absolutely cannot stand the sound made by a motorbike.

Engine, today it has become much easier to do this. At the moment, there are already ready-made solutions for such improvements, for example, you can buy a ready-made kit and it only remains to install it on a bicycle. Everything, after that the “great” will turn into a small moped capable of traveling up to 50 km / h, or even more.

Such transport is beneficial for those who often travel to the country, fishing, to the village, to the garage, if it is far away. On such a bike-moped, fuel consumption will be minimal, probably there is no other such vehicle that would consume even less fuel. In addition, even if you run out of gas, you can reach your destination in a classic way, using the pedals.

Another plus of this technique is that it does not require a driver's license, because in fact it is still a bicycle, because you can turn on the engine only outside the city.

Specifically, in this article we will talk about how you can install a chainsaw engine on a bicycle. Many people had unnecessary motors from chainsaws lying around in the garage, or even old chainsaws in general. Even for this purpose, a motor from a lawn mower is perfect.

Materials and tools for homemade:

1. First of all, you need an engine. The more powerful it is, the faster the bike will go. On average, today there are chainsaws with a capacity of 1.5-2 horsepower, this power is quite enough to drive a bicycle moped at a speed of about 30-40 km / h.
2. Capacity for creating a gas tank. It is best, of course, that it be made of metal, so it will be safer. But plastic containers can also be used.
4. Bicycle cable and throttle control for throttle control.
5. Wires and switch to connect the engine ignition.
6. Bolts, nuts, elements for creating a bracket with which the engine will be attached to the frame.
7. Pulleys, belts, chains and other elements due to which the bicycle wheel will be connected to the engine.

The process of equipping a bicycle with a gasoline engine:

Step one. Decide on the type of motion transfer
Perhaps the most difficult thing in this homemade product is to transfer movement from the motor to the wheel. Here it is important to correctly calculate the gear ratio. If the gear ratio is small, the motor simply may not pull such a load and the bike will not go. If the gear ratio is too high, the bike will go very slowly, and the engine, running at high speeds, will overheat.

You can calculate the gear ratio using the example of one of the authors who managed to assemble a similar technique. With an engine power of 1.78 horsepower and 12,500 rpm, he used a gear ratio of 1:26. The Homelite CSP3314 model was used as a chainsaw.

The easiest way to transfer the movement from the pulley to the wheel is directly from the motor, that is, according to the same principle as the dynamo works. If you approach the process more professionally, then the rear wheel is equipped with an additional sprocket or pulley, and then it is connected to the engine using a belt or chain. Of course, it is best to use a belt drive, since the chain can fly off with such homemade products, and indeed it is not safe at all.

Step two. Clutch
Clutch is also a very important element in this type of transport. There are two options here on how to do it. The chainsaw already has a centrifugal-type clutch, that is, it is a clutch that automatically engages at a certain speed. So the wheel can simply be connected to this clutch, this is the easiest option.

Some more DIYers do not use the saw clutch, but connect it to a bicycle ratchet. Such a system works very simply, after accelerating and releasing gas, the bicycle rolls by inertia, while the ratchet is not interconnected with the wheel. That is, having “gazonov” once, you can then roll in a straight line at idle for a very long time.

Step three. Installing the gas tank and connecting the control system

The gas tank can be installed right next to the engine, but for safety it is best to place it on the frame. But in this case, you need a hose that needs to be stretched along the frame to the engine.

As for the ignition, everything is simple here, you need to stretch the ignition wire from the engine, and make a switch on the handle so that the engine can be turned off if necessary.

Also, to control the engine, you need to make a throttle stick, you can borrow it from mountain bikes (buy it ready). You need to remove the latch from the handle so that it moves smoothly, and then connect the cable to the carburetor throttle.