Loft style house. Loft-style house: a creative mess for creatives

Industrial interiors, otherwise known as industrial interiors, are characterized by simplicity, minimalism and present the house to us almost raw. This makes them economical and very spacious. Such rooms are characterized by unplastered walls, it can be just brick or concrete, visible plumbing elements, open spaces free from dividing walls. The interior of a private house in an industrial style, where we have big square for the realization of our fantasies, and many solutions can be partially implemented already at the construction stage. What features a loft is characterized by and how to implement them in practice - this article is devoted to these issues.

The main features of the loft

The aforementioned crude design didn't come out of nowhere. The interior design of a loft house reminds us of the premises of the era of the industrial revolution. The easiest way to organize such an atmosphere in a private country house with high ceilings and large-format windows, but it can also be installed in an apartment or in a more modest home. Just a few interior design tricks can help you with this task. The main features of the style are as follows:

  1. Large open space... It is important to remember one thing: neither furniture nor walls play first violin here, but only space. The premises must be large and open, therefore, to implement such a solution in the apartment, some walls or doorways will have to be demolished. It is advisable to provide elements of an industrial style in a country house even at the construction stage.
  2. Having a raw harsh finish- these traits will provide brick, concrete, open pipes and other elements.
  3. Minimalism- the lack of a large number of accessories and ornaments, the severity of the forms.
  4. Industrial furniture and decor elements - all furniture and decorations should be strict, functional and practical.

Loft style in the interior of a country house - photo of the living room, kitchen

Country house loft under construction and finishing

If you want to equip a country house or loft-style apartment, then it is better to think about it at the stage of construction or finishing. Here, first of all, you need to provide for the organization open space, if possible, you need to get rid of most of the walls and expand the doorways. Thus, a large surface area will be divided only in terms of its intended use. This large space will have separate areas for the bedroom, living room, dining room or kitchen.

At this stage, you should also pay attention to the gender. Great idea is to choose flooring made of wood. Raw concrete, although very typical of an industrial setting, can be very cold for living spaces. Alternatively, you can finish the floor with tiles that imitate concrete or even iron, and install a warm floor under the tiles. Such a solution will be practical, but it is worth considering that in the summer we will not turn on the warm floor, so the floors in warm time the years will be cold.

What materials are typical?

A fashionable country house must have characteristic materials in decoration, for example:

  • glass;
  • wood;
  • metal;
  • unplastered brick;
  • unfinished concrete walls.

With this interior design, you don't have to worry about how to hide the pipes. Moreover, they must be highlighted.

Interior of a loft-style house - photo

Of course, you should always remember about safety. All exposed cables must be protected, for example with a corrugation.

Wood and metal are everywhere. Nice decoration there will be an iron staircase with strict straight shapes.

No forged items with flowers and monograms, only restrained straight forms. These stairs can also be twisted and spiral in modern design.

Industrial furniture and decorations

The industrial interior is dominated by designer furniture, as well as industrial decor components that add uniqueness to the home and create a special climate.

A combination of industrial and natural materials is an unusual solution that nevertheless creates a kind of balance inside the house. Spacious sofas and armchairs upholstered in natural-colored fabrics perfectly complement appearance living room.

Tastefully selected gear and accessories can look like decoration or theater props. You can also take it one step further and use it in interior design wooden pipes, rods.

Furniture that has a long history or one that looks worn out will look good here. She emphasizes individuality. Remember also that its size should be as large as possible, since furniture, small in size, located in a country house with large rooms, will give the impression of being miniature.

Windows and their design

In most loft interiors in fashion magazines, you will see huge, unadorned windows. This option can be afforded in a private country house, surrounded by a garden and hidden from the prying eyes of strangers.

However, we do not always have such an opportunity and often, even in a private house, the windows overlook the street or neighboring houses. If you don't want your neighbors to see your every move, then you should choose industrial blinds or roman blinds for window decoration. They will let in a lot of light.

Color palette

In this interior color finishing materials dictates to some extent color palette... Despite this, it may be tempting to enter bright accents in a dark and toned interior, among which all shades of gray prevail. In this home, they can be used without fear, as the typical tall windows of this style provide ample light. High ceilings, discreet decorations, cool colors and large spaces are hallmarks of industrial design.

A combination of black and white is also typical. it classic combination Works well not only in an industrial living room, but also in a kitchen where you can pick, for example, black tables and countertops and match them with white tiles. White painted brick, pipes painted with white paint will create both a background and stylish decor.

An interesting solution can be original ceiling... You can just paint it gray, like in the photo above. A unique atmosphere guaranteed!

An industrial interior needs colors that can visually enlarge the space, as well as give a feeling of coolness and neutrality - so shades of pure white and gray... In order to gently break them, you should use additions in shades of turquoise (patina and platinum) or dark red (brick and rust).


Industrial interiors can contain elements from other styles, however, it is important that all the components are consistent with each other. Mixing various elements requires intuition. If you are unsure, it is best not to experiment in this direction.

Tall plants

Would you like to know how to enrich an industrial interior and make it a little warmer? Instead of putting little jewelry all over the place, it is better to opt for one distinct accent. Perfectly fulfill this role tall plants... Natural elements enliven the room, filling it with coziness.

Good photos on the Internet! And what about the residents of a single room, they also want to live in a luxurious spacious loft? In spite of skeptics, we will prove that a small loft-style apartment is not absurd, but reality. We will also show that the loft style is ideal when the budget for renovation is very small.

Because interior style is a way of life and the atmosphere of a home. Not the footage.

Many believe that the loft style is suitable only for apartments, the maximum for a country house, they say, a loft is a huge industrial space, and to recreate it for 40 square meters unreal, which means there is nothing to write about.

But the designers disagree - and they do an excellent job with small-sized projects in the loft style. The trouble is that residents of small apartments often don’t even have money for a designer. So, excuse me, dear designers, we will style our house like a loft with our own hands.

Loft-style design - why is it so

The fact is that the loft style is not so much an architectural format as a mood, a way of life. It all began with the fact that in the 1940s land in New York rose greatly in price, and industrialists had to move their factories and factories away from the big city. But the buildings remained.

The well-to-do people refused to move into the empty workshops, but the contingent is simpler, and especially creative people, the huge premises were quite suitable - and inexpensively, and an art studio-house in finished form... Because a little tidying up, arranging art objects and a few chairs - and here's a bohemian salon for exhibitions and performances, you can still live. So the loft style ceased to be an architectural indicator and turned into a way of thinking.

And this is the whole loft: this is asceticism, contentment with little, endless creative flight and refusal of luxury (although a chic velvet sofa in the background old plaster looks great).

Do you understand? For a real loft style, five-meter ceilings are not so much important as the spirit of freedom. Is not Brick wall and pipes under the ceiling, and a creative eclectic interior, unthinkable without objects of contemporary art in all its manifestations.

Even designers do not understand this line, but now you know: first of all, you need a creative interior, and secondly, an industrial one.

What should be the interior of a loft-style apartment

So, what should you change during the renovation so that you feel the same mood of an American loft in the apartment?

1. Bring the spirit of the plant to the (crossed out) loft interior

But you will have to start by looking for those very elements of the "abandoned factory". Because if initially industrial premises were turned into residential premises, then you, the owner typical apartment, you will have to do the opposite, make an industrial object out of an apartment.

Here you will need to think: what in your apartment is similar to the view of a plant? It turns out that a whole system was once hidden under the drywall. water pipes, under plaster load-bearing walls you can find an old red brick, and cast iron batteries, it is worth removing the decorative flap and painting them brighter, situations are ideal. So we look under the laminate, wondering what we have there for false ceiling... Bare concrete? Gorgeous - let's leave! True, it would be better to fill the floors with a special non-dusting mixture, but on concrete ceiling even metal suspensions may not need to be removed.

Many such "finds" will be found already during the repair process. Write down all observations in a notebook so that you can use them later when compiling a project yourself.

2. Work with surfaces. Top 3 textures for a loft according to Loggia

Materials and surfaces in a loft interior play a huge role. And if the walls of your Khrushchev are made of shingles, it doesn't matter, brick and concrete can be perfectly imitated with the same textured plasters.

Italian manufacturer decorative coatings Loggia recommends choosing textures that combine luxury and rough industrial processing. It is the loft style that allows you to use, say, a coating "like concrete" on one wall, and on the other - Venetian plaster or a velvet-like texture - all in one room! We recommend the following materials.

  • Kymera is a unique coating not just with a rust effect, but a natural oxidized metal that even has magnetic properties.
  • Marmo Romano - allows you to create a deep texture.
  • Diamond - natural metal effect.

After all, the task of a loft is to give one room a variety of functions (as if the former workshop became both a kitchen, an office, and a living room at the same time), and it is better to separate functional zones, if possible, not by partitions, but by different design of walls and floors. In this sense decorative plasters which became in last years more accessible, allow the soul to unfold. Brickwork, concrete blocks, peeling plaster, noble surfaces of silk or marble - plasters can do anything. Unless the wood in the loft should be used natural, even if your master knows how to perfectly imitate wood with plaster.

Of course, we are far from a classic loft with spacious premises, but maybe even in your apartment the layout can be changed? Talk to an architect you know or show the apartment plan on a professional forum - it may very well be that, for example, the living room can be combined with the kitchen or the partitions between the rooms can be made of glass. Here is the treasured space for you.

Even if it is impossible in your case to move the walls, the feeling of a large space will suffice. Light color walls, not too high furniture - there are enough tips on the Internet, even we wrote an article about expanding the space. Having thought about the loft, it's time to think over the storage systems, and choose the best hidden ones.

And also the windows: you are unlikely to be able to drastically enlarge them, but it costs nothing to remove traditional curtains - there will be an order of magnitude more "air". If you have to hide from neighbors, choose laconic roller blinds or something similar. But do not even think about changing the windows to plastic ones, you will kill the style - you can quite tolerably restore and insulate old wooden ones, and after a successful contrasting staining, they can become an interior decoration.

4. Remove excess

The loft does not tolerate the piling up of unnecessary things. Many attributes of coziness will have to be taken out of the house: give the carpets to the student neighbors, the rugs with which each chair was covered - to the grandmother, and in order not to offend, ask for her old bookcase in return.

For comfort and home atmosphere in the loft there are objects of art, unusual furniture and the trappings of romance.

By the way, for renovating an apartment in a new building, the loft style is generally a salvation. At the same time, you can save a lot: the walls do not have to be plastered, and the floors are ideally leveled. The ceilings can also be left rough, and even the wiring does not have to be hidden in the walls, saving on their removal. But in order not to overdo it, choose only one or two surfaces that you leave intact, the interior should remain residential and welcoming.

5. More style, more creativity!

To design a loft-style apartment yourself, you need to be really free. Here you can safely combine Buddha figurines and modern painting with an ironic colorful armchair, a magnificent crystal chandelier with cheap plastic furniture - the loft calls for a mix of styles and eras.

The main thing is not to confuse freedom with bad taste: in order not to miscalculate, focus on a mixture of industrial style with minimalism, high-tech elements and old retro things, furniture from the past and, if possible, real antiques. And again, you can't do without art objects.

To transform small apartment into a cozy loft, and even with your own hands, is a very adventurous task. But look at the photo finished projects- even a tiny studio in Khimki can be transformed into a unique Manhattan dwelling.

Jul 6, 2017 Sergey

Today it is the variability of various style solutions... Freedom in the organization of residential and non-residential premises, the lack of fashion for certain areas makes it possible to realize any flight of imagination, as well as the arrangement of apartments and houses in accordance with their own taste preferences. The loft style won recognition among lovers of unusual design ideas.


Decorating an apartment or house in the loft style means emphasizing your originality and knowledge of current design trends. Design specialists often offer this interior direction to people who are prone to individuality and self-expression, as well as who do not like congestion in the design of premises. The sense of space is one of the features of this popular destination.

The loft style developed at the beginning of the 20th century, when the cost of land increased sharply in the center of New York. Due to this industrial buildings plants and factories began to be transferred to the outskirts of the city, and the old ones were converted into housing. The premises were divided into zones, equipped with a kitchen, toilet and bathroom.

Thus, the first apartments were industrial buildings converted into housing (loft in translation from English - "attic"). Hence - asceticism and urbanization in modern design loft interiors.

Initially, the loft style was used to decorate premises like studio apartments and did not imply division into rooms and zones. In this regard, it was not possible to decorate the house in the loft style. Over time, this direction has gone beyond its once stable boundaries. And more and more often it was possible to meet country houses and loft-style cottages.

Distinctive features of loft-style premises

The premises, decorated in the tradition of loft design, cannot be confused with any other stylistic trend. These design solutions are distinguished by special characteristics that are not inherent in any other interior:

  • a combination of refined, sophisticated shapes with rough ones;
  • maximum space;
  • the presence of hidden pipes;
  • brickwork or decor that imitates it;
  • wooden beams and massive pillars;
  • rough finishing of walls and ceilings (often imitating plaster, without subsequent painting).

Eclecticism is another of the features of the loft. Mixing different styles distinguishes this direction from others. For example, a loft-style home interior can be organized by combining pieces of furniture from different design directions.

Finishing facilities

Loft renovation is necessarily carried out with the maintenance of an industrial, urbanistic focus.

Indoor walls decorated with brickwork or rough plaster are normal when creating an interior in this style solution.

The loft-style ceiling is often decorated wooden beams creating an attic atmosphere. Such elements can be complemented by massive pillars, which give the room a special, incomparable comfort. The characteristic plank floor is a sure sign of this original architectural solution. The loft-style ceiling can be decorated not only in the living room, but also in other living areas of the house.

And if you see that the facade of the building is decorated with a lot of glass and plastic, there is rough brickwork and there are no bright colors, then you can be sure that this is a loft-style house.

Loft furniture in the interior

A characteristic feature of the interior design in the loft style is the combination of furniture of various design trends. Bold decisions give the interior even more originality.

In the loft bedroom, a combination of an absolutely classic wardrobe with an ultramodern bed will look appropriate. Antique pieces of furniture are in perfect harmony with fashion accessories here.

Both country houses and city apartments in the center of the metropolis can be equipped with rough, authentic furniture - for example, wooden benches, chairs and stools. An expensive leather can easily sit next to such items. Similar solutions are not prohibited by the rules of organizing a loft interior.

The abundance of open shelves and niches is a characteristic feature of the loft-style interior.

Accessories and decoration of premises in the loft style

A loft-style house must be equipped with an ultramodern household appliances. Plasma TV in the living room, fashionable built-in appliances in the kitchen are an indispensable condition for organizing premises in this design direction.

Luxurious chandeliers, familiar vases and figurines will look out of place in a loft interior, so it is better to exclude them from the list of accessories.

Walls can be decorated with urban posters, black and white photographs and cutting edge paintings. Abstract and avant-garde painting will look good.

The combination of contrasting finishing elements - metal and wood, leather and glass - will harmoniously fit into the loft interior.

Such interiors are interesting in that when they are designed, it is allowed to use original design solutions... Any creative flight of thought can be realized here.

So, projects of loft-style houses sometimes offer future owners to place baths right next to beds in bedrooms, use completely glass walls, combine kitchens, bedrooms and living rooms into a single room, and others. unusual options... Originality is what is emphasized in this design direction.

Decorating a house or apartment with these trends can seem like a very daring move. But if you are creative, creative person and want to equip your living space boldly, extravagantly, but at the same time cozy and stylish, then, without a doubt, this democratic style should be preferred.

Having bought a one-room studio apartment in a new building, a Minsk dweller named Andrei could not resist the temptation to create an interior in the now fashionable loft style. The crisis made adjustments to his plans: he had to abandon the services of professionals, look for places where building materials are cheaper, and even make furniture and lamps with his own hands. The eyes were afraid, but the hands did. It turned out stylish and unusual, but they managed to save about $ 7.5 thousand in equivalent ...

A couple of years ago I bought a "odnushka" at the construction stage. The completion date of the house was postponed by as much as a year and a half, which, however, did not greatly upset me, since with the onset of the next crisis, it became even more difficult to earn money to finish the apartment. But, having on hand the layout and some experience in design, I began to design the interior and, at the same time, earn on the budget of the upcoming event.

Divided the corridor - it turned out to be a bedroom

I can't remember how, but I wanted to make an apartment in the loft style. I studied photos of interiors on design websites for a long time. I noticed for myself what I like and what I don’t. The loft assumes large space, high ceilings and floor-to-ceiling windows. Unfortunately, high ceilings and floor-to-ceiling windows are not about my new building. And there is not so much room in the "odnushka". To compensate for these shortcomings, I had to add elements scandinavian style- for example, a lot white expanding the space.

One interesting desire was the ability to have separate bedroom v one-room apartment... Originally thought to fence off the bed glass partitions, but this sleeping place still ate up a lot of space. The exit was found unexpectedly. The area of ​​the corridor in the apartment was comparable to separate room... Competently dividing it, it was possible to obtain a separate small room for the bedroom and still a fairly spacious corridor. Since I am an engineer by training, I started drawing 2D and then 3D interior design projects. Ultimately, the project began to look like this:

Of course, this project is in progress. finishing works has undergone some changes. But I already roughly understood what I needed, and began to think about where to get it and what to save on.

Looking ahead, I will say that I bought all materials, tools and so on from importers or manufacturers and, as a rule, even at wholesale prices. When you compare this to the prices in the market, your hair stands on end. Some sellers have mark-ups of up to 300%! I, of course, understand that everyone wants to eat, but this is already arrogance. In some markets, it seemed to me that we have no competition at all. If there are 5-10 points of sale, for example, Armatura faucets, then all these stores belong to one owner. Accordingly, he sets the price he wants.

Only on materials alone, bought not in the first place I came across, I managed to save about $ 2.5 thousand in equivalent. Of course, these savings were worth the time and effort. But the result was pleasing.

When the apartment was completed, it was possible to start finishing. Initially, I did not plan to do something myself. I think everyone should mind their own business. If you are a builder, then you have to build, if you are a travel agent, you should organize rest for people. But the situation in a crisis is such that the builder begins to think: "I'll buy the tickets myself and go to rest as a savage." As a result, the travel agent, having not received earnings, thinks about how to make the repairs on his own. Such a vicious circle turns out.

Hiring craftsmen - multiplying all estimates by two?

Having made an estimate of the work and having estimated that the money earned during the completion of the construction of the house should be enough, I proceeded to the finishing with the involvement of builders. I started, of course, with the layout of the plumbing and the bathroom as a whole. Upon completion of these works, I realized that all estimates can be safely multiplied by at least two. In practice, builders will find what to do and what to take more money... Moreover, in my case, this happened after the work was done. From that moment I realized that no one would do better than myself (both financially and in terms of quality). Fortunately, I was able to afford to take a vacation for two months.

The electrical wiring was helped by friends who are associated with electrical work... I wanted to think over everything thoroughly so that there would be enough outlets when different options the location of furniture, and about the light at the design stage, I had a lot of ideas. As a result, I got more than 60 points, which is a lot for a "odnushka". A mistake can be called the fact that I decided to partially leave the native wiring. It turned out to be unprofitable in terms of time and effort. The cables in the wall were cut several times, since a completely different location was indicated on the diagrams received from the developer.

The savings in electrician work were approximately $ 500 at market average prices.

The next step was wall decoration. According to the project, all walls from floor to ceiling were to be laid out decorative stone under the natural brick. Analysis of prices in the service market determined average cost brick laying works at $ 20 per meter. A significant item of expenditure, since the area of ​​the walls is 90 "squares".

All the craftsmen described this work as extremely difficult due to the jointing. As it turned out later, this is not true. I didn’t rush right off the bat: the stone was too expensive to screw everything up. He invited familiar builders, and they laid the first batch of stone. And I watched them and studied the technology. It looks nothing complicated. In the future, I decided to continue laying on my own. I want to note that earlier construction works I didn’t study, except that I was making something from wood. Having bought the missing tool (a mixer attachment and a pair of spatulas), he set to work. At first, the eyes were afraid, but the hands did.

I paid $ 70 for all the components for this chandelier. Many acquaintances looked and said that they would do this with ease. In response, I just smiled. Now I already have experience, but during the manufacturing process I did not know how to implement some points, I was looking for solutions. Yes, and I hung it up, I remember, until five in the morning. I fixed it, she worked for 15 minutes and began to shorten. Then for two days I figured out what was the matter. I didn’t whitewash separately, but as soon as I put the three segments together, I started. Until I completely rebuilt it, it did not work.

In the dining area, I made a chandelier in a more loft style: metal carcass, wood, metal mesh, linen sacking. The chandelier was suspended on a metal cable with height adjustment. I installed four conventional LED bulbs in it. I haven’t even seen such chandeliers on sale, so I’m at a loss to say how much it might cost. The components cost about $ 17.

It appeared in America at the beginning of the 20th century, and today it is popular all over the world. The fact is that this style has its own undeniable advantages... Let's find out which ones.

Loft style house interior

This style was formed through the use of industrial premises (factories, manufactories and warehouses) under creative studios where their owners lived. Previously, such housing was cheap, and it was often purchased by artists, actors and other bohemians. But also ordinary private house can be decorated in a loft style. To do this, it is necessary to adhere to its basic principles - the maximum freedom and light and the minimum of partitions. This implies great panoramic windows, free layout, simple, functional furniture and even a somewhat ascetic atmosphere. In such a studio apartment, you can see the natural brickwork or its imitation, nothing closed pipes heating. Used as wall decoration ordinary plaster and the floor can be plank. Besides, characteristic feature loft is a mixture of styles - the so-called eclecticism. Here, an old English cabinet with curved legs can coexist with a glass or metal table from high-tech style.

House facade decoration

They are also decorated in a loft style. This is due to the fact that in most cities of our country there is simply no such category of real estate as a loft, which does not diminish the desire of many people to have such housing. Therefore, the owners of suburban brick and even wooden houses often they decorate in the loft style not only the interior decoration, but also the facade.

It's quite simple: brutal wall decoration, a gray or brown roof, a lot of glass and plastic will create the necessary atmosphere of inner freedom, which is so typical for loft-style houses.