Myths about creativity, which were not terrible, but still poisoning our life. Do you need a life of a creative person? Not a creative person

Interesting .... Creative people are talented personalities who love to benefit and do the surrounding good. They like freedom, so any restrictions will be perceived by them as infringement of rights. Many believe that creative people are alone, unhappy and do not live long. Fortunately, this is not always the case. Talent is given to man by God, you just need to miss the moment and start developing my abilities on time.

It is worth noting that among the priests there are really many unfortunate people, since their creativity is not always understandable. As a rule, at the average human brain activity occurs at a certain framework, and everything that goes beyond the framework is perceived as something unnatural and abnormal. According to this reason, creative people are very difficult to survive in this cruel world in which so many stable stereotypes are so many stable stereotypes. And reluctance to evolve. Neurobiology confirms that talented personalities think and act differently.Thinking creative people literally created in order to think unique, not as the majority. However, such a gift of nature can significantly complicate life and strain relations with others. If you are familiar with the creative person, probably, you have repeatedly arose that he lives in some completely different world. In most cases, an attempt to understand such a person is just as hopeless as an attempt to change it. In order to be able to adapt to such a person, you need to learn to look at the world by my eyes.

Talent Liaza

It should be noted that creative people are excellent lied. A number of experiments showed that such individuals are located to more intricate and complex lies. In addition, they themselves can easily calculate the deceiver. One of the manifestations of creativity is the unacceptability of existing templates and breaking the established stereotypes. Talented people quite easily perceive the neetics of their own behavior, as well as calmly relate to similar actions around.

High degree of distrust

The gifted person is inclined not to trust even close people. Despite the fact that it quickly recognizes a lie, suspicious attitude towards others is also a distinctive feature of the talent. And it is not surprising, because to make a new discovery, you need to learn to look at a different angle for elementary things. That is why the talented personality is questionable, because to create something new much easier from scratch.


In the course of various experiments it was found that modesty is not a lot of talented people. Many of them, as a rule, are proud of their abilities and skillfully use them, which allows themselves to fill themselves an exorbitantly high price. In addition, a gifted person seeks to show how impressive it is and how much he knows how to worry.


Often, talented people fall into depressive states. Many such geniuses have various phobias: some are afraid to get sick with incurable illness, others are terribly to die young, others are fainted at the form of a spider or cockroach. Psychologists of many countries tried to find out if the depression is true of talent. After studying the data obtained from the psychiatric clinic, they found that creative personalities develop severe forms of mental illness. In addition, it was proved that not only talent, but also such disorders can be inherited.

It's hard to believe

Even if a person is confident in his power, over time he begins to ask questions: "Is I good enough? Do I do it right? " Creative people constantly compare their work with the creations of other masters and do not notice their own shine, which can be obvious to all the others. In this regard, it is often observed creative wags when a person simply lowers his hands, thinking that all his previous ideas were in vain and meaningless. At such a moment it is very important that a faithful friend was located nearby, who would help the master to survive this difficult period.

Time to dream

Creative people are dreamers, it helps them in work. Many of us noticed that the best ideas come to us when we mentally transfer away from reality. Neurobiologists have proven that through imagination, brain processes are included, which are closely related to creativity and fantasy.

Dependence on time

Most great masters admit that they created the best work or at night or at dawn. For example, V. Nabokov took a feather at 6 am, as soon as he woke up, and Frank Lloyd Wright had a habit of 3 o'clock at night to work for work and after a few hours to go back to bed. As a rule, people with great creative potential rarely adhere to the standard day routine.


To work as much as much as possible for creativity, you need to learn to constructively use privacy. For this, many talents overcome their fear of loneliness. Often creative workers and artists surrounding perceive as single, although they are in fact they are not. Such a striving for solitude can be an important point in creating better works.

Overcoming life obstacles

Many cultural works saw the light as a result of the experience of their Creator of heartbreaking pain and strong emotions. Often, various problems become a catalyst that helps create unique and outstanding masterpieces. Psychology gave this phenomenon the scientific name - post-traumatic growth. The researchers found out that a strong shock helps a person to succeed in one affair, as well as discover new opportunities.

Search for new impressions

Many creative people are constantly in finding new emotions and impressions. Unfortunately, some of them to achieve such an effect are resorted to the help of alcohol and drugs. It should be noted that the talented person is always open to new knowledge, it is intellectual and inquisitive. The transition from one emotional state to another is a kind of engine for research and knowledge of two worlds, internal and external.

Beauty will save the world!

Creative people are usually distinguished by the excellent taste, so they constantly try to surround themselves with beautiful things. It may be not only details of clothing, but also elements of the interior, paintings, books, decorations. According to the results of some studies, it was revealed that singers and musicians demonstrate increased susceptibility and sensitivity to artistic beauty.

Connection of points

Creative personalities are able to find the possibility where others simply do not notice it. Many famous writers and artists believe that creativity is the ability to connect the points that an ordinary person would not have guessed to connect in such a sequence. If you ask the genius, as he combined these things, he will feel embarrassed, because he will not have an answer to this question. The fact that for others is difficult for a creative person is not difficult.

Many managers fear to take into the team of creative people - they are stopped by prejudices. In any stereotype there is some truth, but should not be based on prejudices when selecting employees. If you are taking stereotypes for truth, at least at the subconscious level, it undermines productive cooperation and prevents you from efficiently manage the team.

Myth 1st. Creative people want full freedom

Among the managers there is an opinion that creative people want to remove all restrictions and work in the conditions of absolute freedom. Such a representation is concluded because creative people often oppose too hard framework and reluctantly move in the direction with which they disagree. But this does not mean that creative people are waiting from the head of the complete destruction of any restrictions.

In fact, creative people need borders from which they will be able to repel. Full freedom does not help the creative process. Often creative people complain that they lack a predictable external environment for work. They need clearly defined boundaries and certain resources. Only in such conditions creative people will be able to focus on what they get better.

Of course, if you impose too much restrictions on them, they will choose freedom even to harm themselves. So, organizing work with creative people, observe the balance and do not fall into extremes.

Myth 2nd. Creative people do not worry the result

Another common myth - creative people are not interested in the result. Many managers think that creative people just want to work on steep original ideas that help them pump creative skills. But this is not true. Most people with the highest creative potential are real professionals who are interested in. They understand the pattern: the more profit they will bring the company, the more work will be obtained in the future and will be able to make a payment for the mortgage in time.

But at the same time, creative people will not tolerate the dignity on the material side of the question that prematurely kills creative opportunities. Of course, you can quickly choose the easiest and obvious solution and immediately go to its implementation - from the point of view of efficient use of resources, such a prospect looks tempting. But, taking a similar solution, the head signs in the inability to attract the best ideas and motivate employees to invest in the project - all this undermines the morale of the team. Over time, this approach leads to professional burnout of employees and increased frames of frames, which is very expensive to company.

Myth 3rd. Creative people have no analytical abilities

Sometimes at meetings, the leaders are given to understand their creative subordinate the following: "Concentrate that everything is beautiful, and I will take care of the strategy." Of course, they do not talk about it literally, but there are just such a message. And they do it in vain.

In fact, people with outstanding creative abilities often have excellent analytical skills that are needed in the creative process. Creative thinking involves the analysis of many aspects of the problem at the same time, in contrast to linear thinking, which many strategists adhere to. As a result, creative analysis often leads to discoveries and insights that other people missed.

It is with the help of sudden insights and non-standard ideas creative people who can make a huge contribution to the development of the company. So bring them to the discussion of strategic issues - in the interests of the organization.

Myth 4th. Creative people lovers or unsure

It is important to spend a clear line between the actions and features of the character. In response to changes in an important project or during a complex conversation, many creative people really get up in a pose and show their "I". Others, on the contrary, closes and need regular external confirmations that they are on the right track.

But this does not mean that creative people deliberately complicate the situation. Many of them simply use previously learned react models for unhealthy trends in the organization. They behave just for the sake of self-defense. By their behavior, they are trying to report that they lack something in your company.

Myth 5th. Creative people frivolous

Here is another common misconception of people with high creative potential. The managers are afraid that creative people will throw the current project as soon as the horizon will appear a more interesting option. They will work with zeal until they lose interest. And then it will begin to lean from work to make the idea that they actually like it.

In fact, many creative people responsibly belong to their craft. Their real problem is distracted. Creative people are more susceptible to external stimuli and easier establish links between them, so it is difficult for them not to get off the way. But do not hurry to write this feature into disadvantages.

The insight of creative people and their ability to see regularities can be used for the benefit of the company, but your role is very important as a manager in this process. You must constantly remind creative employees about the values \u200b\u200bof the company, about the problems that you are trying to solve everything together and on the existing limitations in the project. In this case, the team will well understand the working conditions and are less distracted.

Of course, we drew a picture with large strokes. Are there creative people who want complete freedom? Sure. Are there any unbalanced people among them and unable to concentrate? Still would. Are there creative people with hypertrophied ego? Ask!

But if you cling to such stereotypes, then just hurt yourself. Do not allow prejudices to live and multiply in your organization. Fight for your team, protect it and remember that every creative professional is unique.

Neurobiology draws a complex picture of creative potential. Scientists now understand that the nature of creativity is much more complicated than the differences in the right-or left-sided orientation of the brain (left hemisphere \u003d rational and analytical, right \u003d creative and emotional). In fact, creativity, as believed to be associated with a number of cognitive processes, nerve impulses and emotions, and we still do not have a complete idea of \u200b\u200bhow creative mind works.

From a psychological point of view, creative types of personality with difficulty can be determined. They are complex, paradoxical and, as a rule, avoid routines. And this is not just a stereotype of the "tortured artist". Studies have shown that creativity involves the interaction of many character traits, behavior and social influences in one person.

« In fact, creative people are heavier to know themselves, because they are more difficult than non-macatic"," Said Huffington Post Scott Barry Kaufman, a psychologist from the University of New York, who spent the years of study of the creative potential. " What is the most paradox in the creative person ... these people have a more chaotic mind».

There is no "typical" portrait of a creative person, but there are characteristic features in the behavior of creative people. Here are 18 points that are peculiar to them.

They dream

Creative personalities are dreamers, despite the fact that their school teachers may have said that it was a waste of time.
Kaufman and psychologist Rebecca L. Macmillan, she co-author of a document called " Positive creative dreaminess", Believe that the wandering of the mind can help in the process "Creative incubation" And, of course, many of the experience know that the best ideas visit us when we mentally we are completely different.

Neurobiologists have discovered that the imagination includes the same brain processes that are associated with fantasy and creativity.

They all notice

A creative person sees opportunities everywhere and constantly absorbs information that becomes food for creative expression. How often Henry James quote, the writer is the one from whom "Nothing eludes".

Joan Didion always wore a notebook with him and said that she recorded observations of people and events that, ultimately, help her better understand the difficulties and contradictions of his own mind.

They have their work hours

Many great masters admit that they create their best works either very early in the morning or late in the evening. Vladimir Nabokov began to write immediately after he woke up at 6 or 7 am, and Frank Lloyd Wright took a habit of waking up at 3 or 4 am and worked for a few hours before going back to bed. People with high creative potential do not adhere to the standard routine of the day.

They find time for privacy

« To be open to creativity, you need to have the ability to constructive privacy. It is necessary to overcome the fear of loneliness "- wrote an American existential psychologist Rollo May.

Artists and creatives are often stereotypically perceived as a single, although in fact they can not be them. Privacy can be the key to creating the best works. Kaufman binds it with imagination - we must give you time to just dream.

« You need to contact the inner voice to be able to express. It is difficult to hear your inner creative voice if you ... not in contact with yourself and do not reflect on yourself ", "he says.

They "digest" life obstacles

Many of the most religious stories and songs of all times were created under the influence of heartbreaking pain. Often the problems became a catalyst for creating outstanding works. In psychology, it is called post-traumatic growth, which suggests that people are able to use their burdens and early life injuries for substantial creative growth. The researchers found that injury can help a person succeed in interpersonal relationships, in satisfaction with life, in the growth of spirituality, personal power and in the opening of new opportunities.

They are in finding new impressions

Creative people love to experience new impressions, sensations and state of mind, and this is an important predetermining factor for creative results.

« Openness of new experiences is the strongest predictor of creative achievements."," Says Kaufman. " There are many different interrelated aspects: intellectual curiosity, search for acute sensations, openness for emotions and imagination. And all together is an engine for knowledge and research of the world, both internal and external ".

They failed

Resistance - practically necessary quality for creative success, Kaufman says. Failure often lies a creative person, at least several times, but creative people are at least successful - they learn not to embracing about this.

"Creative people fail, and truly good tolerate it often"- Posted in Forbes Stephen Kotler in an excerpt about the creative genius of Einstein.

They ask important questions.

Creative people are inevitably inquisitive. They tend to prefer to explore life and even when they grow up, retain the interest of the discoverer. Through active conversations or individual mental thinking of creatives, looking at the world, constantly ask themselves a lot of questions.

They watch people

Natural observation and interest in the life of other people sometimes helps generate the best of ideas.

« Marseille Prost spent almost all his life, watching people, he recorded his comments, and it found a way out in his books ", "says Kaufman. "For many writers, observation of people is very important ...".

They risk

Partly creative activity requires riskiness, and many successful creative personalities have to risk in various aspects of life.

« There is a deep and meaningful connection between risk and creativity and it is often overlooked."," Writes Stephen Kotler to Forbes. " Creativity is an act of creating something from nothing. It requires the publication that first existed only in the imagination. Such an occupation is not for timid. Spent wasted time, stained reputation, in vain, spent money - ... it's all the side effects when creativity goes awry».

They are all in life are considered as an opportunity for self-expression

Nietzsche believed that life and peace should be considered as a work of art. Creative personals are constantly looking for opportunities for self-expression in everyday life.

« Creative expression is self-expression. Creative potential is nothing but a private expression of your needs, desires and uniqueness ", "says Kaufman.

They follow their true passion

Creative people tend to have internal motivation. This means that they act, guided by some internal desire, and not by the desire for external remuneration or recognition.

Psychologists say that creative people are excited by breathtaking activities, and this is a sign of internal motivation. Studies show that simple reflections on their own reasons to activities can be quite stimulating to increase creative potential.

They go beyond the boundaries of their own mind

Kaufman argues that the ability to dream is still necessary in order to help us go beyond the usual vision and explore other ways of thinking that can be an important asset for creativity.

« Dreamy develops to let us release the present"," Says Kaufman. " The brain network associated with diversity is a brain network associated with the theory of mind. I like to call it a "imagination network" - it allows you to present yourself in the future, and also to imagine other people's thoughts ".

They lose a sense of time

Creative personals can find that when they write, dance, draw or somehow self-expressing, they turn out to be " in a stream"Who helps them to create at the highest level. This is a mental state when a person goes beyond conscious thought to achieve the state of increased concentration and tranquility. Then it is practically not subject to either internal nor external stimuli, which can interfere with its activities.

You find yourself " in a stream", When you do what you really like, from what you feel good.

They surround themselves with beauty

Creators tend to have excellent taste and love to be in a beautiful environment.

The study recently published in the magazine "Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, And The Arts", showed that musicians, including music teachers and soloists, demonstrate high sensitivity and susceptibility to artistic beauty.

Why some people create masterpieces: paintings, music, clothing, technical innovations, and others are able to only use it? Where does inspiration come from and is it originally seen that the person is creative or is it possible to gradually develop? Let's try to find answers to these questions and figure out the secrets of those who can create.

When we come to an art exhibition or attend the theater, Opera, we can answer with accuracy - this is a sample of creativity. The same examples can be found in the library or cinema. Novels, movies, poetry - all these are also samples of what a person can create a non-standard approach. However, work for creative people, whatever it, always has one result - the emergence of something new. Such results are simple things that surround us in everyday life: light bulb, computer, television, furniture.

Creativity is a process during which material and spiritual values \u200b\u200bare being created. Of course, the conveyor production is not part of this, but each thing once was the first, unique, completely new. As a result, we can conclude: everything around us - initially it was to create a creative person in the process of his work.

Sometimes as a result of such activities, the author receives a product, a product that no one except him can repeat. Most often this applies to spiritual values: paintings, literature, music. Therefore, it can be concluded that there are not only special conditions for creativity, but also the personal qualities of the creator.

Process description

In essence, no creative person ever thought about how he managed to achieve a particular result. What had to survive in this sometimes a very long period of creation? What stages needed to overcome? This question was puzzled by a psychologist from Britain at the end of the 20th century - Graham Wallace. As a result of its activities, he allocated the main items of the creative process:

  • preparation;
  • incubation;
  • insight;
  • check.

The first item is one of the longest stages. It includes the entire period of study. A person who has previously had no experience in a particular area cannot create something unique and valuable. First you have to learn. It can be mathematics, letter, drawing, design. The entire preceding experience becomes the basis. After that, an idea appears, a goal or a task that needs to be solved, relying on the knowledge gained earlier.

The second paragraph is the moment of deregistration. When long-term work or searches do not give a positive result, you have to discard everything to the side, forget. But this does not mean that our consciousness also forgets about everything. We can say that the idea remains to live and develop in the depths of our soul or mind.

And once comes insight. All the possibilities of creative people are opening, and the truth comes out. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to achieve the goal. Not every task we can. The last item includes diagnostics and analysis of the result.

The character of a creative man

For many decades, scientists and ordinary people are trying to better understand not only the process itself, but also to explore the special qualities of the creators. Man is of great interest. As experience shows, usually representatives of this type are characterized by high activity, expressive behavior and cause contradictory reviews of others.

In essence, no model developed by psychologists is not an accurate pattern. For example, such a feature like neuroticism, often inherent in people who create spiritual values. Scientists, inventors are distinguished by a stable psyche, equilibrium.

Every person, creative or not, is unique, something in us echoes, and something completely does not coincide.

There are several character traits that are more inherent in such personalities:



    not too friendly attitude towards others.

    The latter is caused, perhaps due to the fact that people with think otherwise. It seems to them that they do not understand them, condemn or do not accept those they are.

    Main differences

    If there is a very creative person in your acquaintances, then you will definitely understand it. Such personalities are often twisted in the clouds. They are real dreamers, even the most delusional idea seems to be reality for them. In addition, they look at the world as under a microscope, noting the details in nature, architecture, behavior.

    Many of the famous people who created masterpieces did not have the usual working day. There are no conventions for them, and the process of creativity occurs at a convenient time. Someone chooses an early morning, someone has a potential wakes up only with sunset. Such people do not often appear in public, most of the time they spend alone. In a calm and familiar atmosphere, it seems easier. At the same time, their desire for a new one constantly pushes in search.

    These are strong, patient and risky personalities. No failure is able to break the faith in success.

    Modern research

    Previously, the opinions of scientists converged on the fact that man is either born creative or not. Today, this myth is completely dispelled, and with confidence it can be said that the talents are available to everyone. And in any period of your life.

    The main qualities of a creative person, if desired and perseverance, can be developed. In the only case, it is impossible to achieve a positive result, this is when the person personally does not want to make changes to his life.

    Modern studies led to the conclusion that intelligent abilities increase if combined the logic and creative approach. In the first case, the left hemisphere is connected to work, in the second - right. Activating as many brain departments as possible, you can achieve greater results.

    Work for creative personality

    After graduating from school in front of graduates, the question arises: where to do? Everyone chooses the path that seems to him more interesting and understandable, at the end of which a goal or result is visible. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to realize the potential in us.

    What do you think the most suitable work for creative people? The answer is simple: anyone! Whatever you do: referring to household or designing space stations - everywhere you can exercise resourcefulness and ingenuity, create and amaze.

    The only thing that can really interfere with this process is a third-party intervention. Many managers independently deprive their employees aspire to adopt independent decisions.

    A good boss will support gusts for development and creativity, of course, if it does not interfere with the main process.


    Let's think why the nature of a creative person is so difficult to clearly analyze and structuring. Most likely, it is associated with a number of paradoxical traits that are inherent in such people.

    First, all of them are intellectuals, perfectly savvy knowledge, while naive as children. Secondly, despite the excellent fantasy, they are well versed in the device of this world and see everything clearly. Openness and communicative qualities are only external manifestations. Creativity is very often hiding in the depths of the person. Such people think a lot, lead their own monologue.

    Interestingly, creating something new, they can be said, some dissonance contributes to the current course of life. At the same time, everyone is insanely conservative, their habits are often becoming more important.

    Genius and creativity

    If a person as a result of his activity created something impressive, what struck the surrounding, changed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe world, he conquers true recognition. Such people are called geniuses. Of course, for them the creation, creativity is life.

    But not always even the most creative people achieve the results that can change the world. But sometimes they themselves do not seek. For them, creativity is primarily the opportunity to be happy now, in the place where are located.

    It is not necessary to be a genius to express yourself. Even the smallest results will be able to make you more confident, positive and joyful.


    Creativity helps people open their soul, throw out feelings or create something new. Each can develop creativity, most importantly, so that there is a great desire and a positive attitude.

    It is necessary to get rid of conventions, look at the world with other eyes, perhaps try yourself in something new.

    Remember - creative potential is similar to the muscles. It must be regularly stimulated, swing, develop. It is necessary to put in front of them different targets and not give up if it did not come out the first time. Then at some point they will be surprised how the life has changed dramatically, and you will begin to realize that they also introduced something necessary and new to the world.

Factrum It became interesting that there are such non-standard thinking people, and with the help of scientists we set some of their features.

1. Creative personalities constantly vita in the clouds

If you watch them in a noisy company, where everyone communicate and having fun, they will sit in the corner of the room, to write something, draw something to think about something. In school, such children can be seen in the geometry lesson, until Maria Ivanovna explains the theorem of Pythagora. They often go to themselves, forgetting everything in the world, and it is precisely in such moments in their heads that brilliant thoughts are born.

2. They are good observers, and they are not bad to analyze what is happening around

The source of new ideas for them can serve anything: landscapes, buildings, elements of clothing or decor. Cooking for some trifle, such people will create a masterpiece, turn the word into a whole story.

3. The routine of the day does not exist

Waking up at 7, dine at noon, half a day at 16, dinner at 19 and fall to fall into 22 - exactly not the lot of creative personalities. They will work when they want, go, if the case is subject to (and they can also forget about it), and they will sleep on anything and as you like - at least in a writing desk.

4. They adore privacy

Many are afraid of loneliness, but not only creative creatures. For them, this is a way to hide from the aggression of the surrounding world, from the formalities reigning in society. Left alone with me, knowing that no one disturbs and won't drive them to Muse, creative personalities can safely enjoy the present.

5. They always want to experience something new

Routine - What is it? Creative people have never been filed about it. One-day rhythm of life - "Work - House - Sleep" - the worst thing that can happen to them. They need adrenaline, need movement, new emotions.

6. They are not afraid to risk

To come up with something new, sometimes you need to make unexpected actions, put everything on the card. Whatever it concerned: work, personal life. It is impossible to create something unusual, without risk.

7. For them, failures and misses are huge motivation.

Life, as we know, in a black and white strip. For incredible success, a grand failure may follow. All ingenious inventors and artists someday have doubts, mistaken. But if others would abstain the case halfway, without seeing intelligible results, creative people will not be so easy. Of course, persistence is characteristic not only for non-standard thinking personalities, but for the latter this quality is very important.

8. They do what they inspire them

The most important thing for creative people is to do what really likes. It does not need any recognition. And they will not come up with something from under the stick either. Freedom to create all new and new, work is better and better - in this happiness.

9. Creative identities often put themselves in place of others.

After all, it is so interesting - to know someone else's philosophy, look at the world from another point of view. For a moment to start thinking as another person is a great way to speak, as well as learn to understand others.

10. They notice all

These people have the ability to connect parts into a single whole. They see that they do not see the rest, and use their observations to better understand the essence of one or another phenomenon.

Without such people, the world would be more boring and dreary. Creative personalities encourage us to develop, change us for the better. It is 100% different to say that they are 100% different from the "Non-Maker", incorrectly - they just have a desire to create something new. And the originality and try to invent the fallen acquired can be and necessary for everyone.