Registration of the entrance group to the cottage. Entrance groups for private houses, cottages, dachas

The entrance group in the cottage is not only protection from the weather and an obstacle against uninvited guests, noise, dirt and dust, but also a stylish, beautiful design element of the facade of a country house.

The entrance group includes doors, windows and all decorative and functional elements adjacent to them:

  • porch;
  • small playground or terrace;
  • columns;
  • stairs;
  • visors;
  • other designs that complement appearance.

The main requirements that the entrance group of a private house must meet can be identified in the following paragraphs:

  • the input group must be reliable during operation;
  • served for a long time (ideally decades);
  • kept warm and protected from bad weather;
  • ensure the safety of housing and prevent the entry of thieves and animals;
  • was quite stylish and beautiful.

As a rule, the profile for the entrance group is made of aluminum, steel or other metal. There are groups of wood or plastic. The metal entrance group in a private house has the most important advantage - it is resistant to physical influences. It also does not rust, scratch or wear off.

Aluminum allows you to make entrance groups various design and construction. And thanks to the glass, the design acquires lightness and airiness.

Plastic entrance groups also have their advantages. First of all, this is their cost, which is significantly lower than metal input groups. Another plus in favor of plastic is the variety of colors, which are currently very numerous. They calmly endure temperature fluctuations, but have a significant minus - insufficiently high strength.

The most common variant of such an entrance group is a metal-plastic door with a visor.

Wooden entrance groups are environmentally friendly, but they need constant processing and care, as they are highly susceptible to ultraviolet rays and moisture.

Depending on the method of opening the door, entrance groups can be classified into two types:

Swing - standard doors on fittings or hinges. Such doors are familiar to everyone, they open outward or inward. Due to the need to open the sash, there is a lot of free space in the room.

Sliding entrance groups - the door frame is fixed on two guides or rails from below and from above. The sashes automatically or manually move apart in opposite directions. An option can be a one-sided opening option.

Such a system saves space in the living room.

Depending on the design, the entrance group in a private house and cottage can be warm or cold. Most often, the choice is given in favor of the first option, since it allows you to keep the heat in the room, and is more suitable for a residential building.

The design and manufacture of a cold entrance group involves the use of an aluminum profile without a thermostat. The warm entrance has a thermostat, triplex or double-glazed windows, and in some cases even an increased number of doors.

Types of glass for entrance groups

For the construction of entrance groups in cottages, triplex, tempered glass, double-glazed windows and glass blocks are usually used.

In addition to the above glasses, they also use:

  • sunscreen,
  • energy saving,
  • Acrylic and matte
  • Optiwhite with increased light transmission,
  • stained glass.

Triplex is a very durable glass that perfectly protects against noise, cold, wind and other external influences. capable of withstanding the impact of a bullet from a firearm.

Tempered glass exposed heat treatment, when damaged, crumbles into small non-hazardous granules. Glass blocks are a good alternative to brickwork.

But the most affordable and installation speed is or. It serves as a good protection against heat, cold and noise.

Soft windows for the entrance to the cottage

Soft windows are made of polyvinyl chloride - film good quality and dense structure. These windows close openings summer arbors and verandas. But they are perfect for the entrance group.

This film is an alternative to PVC double-glazed windows, with which the customer often does not want to close the structure due to the fact that it will be a permanent structure, and this film in the form of soft windows is rolled up and looks quite aesthetically pleasing.

Polyvinyl chloride film is used year-round. It is also comfortable to use in summer period during rain, it protects well from the wind, and in winter, in November, you can close these openings with soft windows and do not use them until spring. The gazebo will be protected, in addition to rain, also from snow in winter.

Design and decoration of the entrance group

To emphasize the individuality of the cottage and make the entrance group more attractive, you can use different kinds stained-glass windows, sandblasting, artistic painting and other techniques.

Using stained-glass windows and lighting, you can achieve a wow effect that will 100% distinguish you from your neighbors, as well as play the role of lighting.

List of popular design techniques:

  • Tiffany stained glass is a stained glass window made of pieces of colored glass connected to each other with copper wire. Using this technique, you can create real masterpieces for decorating your entrance group. Such a stained-glass window will emphasize the individuality and viability of the owners of a private house.
  • Sandblasting is a technique in which glass is processed through a special stencil with a strong stream of air with grains of sand. With the help of this technique, you can create whole paintings made in different styles.
  • Fusing is an image of colored granules that are sintered together at high temperature. This technique is very expensive, but the result is worth the money.
  • Embossed glass is a quick and easy way to hide the interior space and decorate the entrance group at an affordable price.
  • Artistic painting allows you to decorate the entrance group with author's paintings. To do this, paints are used special composition, which after firing becomes stable in external influences. For additional protection and fixation, it can be varnished.

When decorating the entrance group in a country house, you can combine several techniques and additionally use engraving, glass bevelling, forged gratings and other additional tools.

Formation of the cost of the input group

As for the cost of entrance groups, it is difficult to say the final cost that the company implementing the project will ask for.

By analogy with the glazing of balconies, winter gardens and other structures, the price of entrance groups consists of the cost of measurement work, the cost of materials, production work, the salary of installers and transportation costs.

Also, the cost of entrance groups is affected by the glazing area, double-glazed windows, fittings, warm or cold aluminum and many other factors. So, a plastic entrance group will cost less than an aluminum entrance group due to cheaper material.

Estimated cost of the entrance group from the cold aluminum profile starts from 12 thousand rubles for square meter. The cost of the entrance group from a warm aluminum profile is from 15 thousand and more. Installation of the entrance group will cost about 1200 rubles per square meter.

In the construction industry, the term "input group" appeared relatively recently. The input group is considered to be various designs and decorative elements, which make up the composition that decorates the main entrance to the house. The entrance group is the first thing that guests will be able to appreciate when entering the house.

If you look at the photo, you can understand that the entrance groups in private houses can be presented in various ways.

The main options for entrance groups

The input group is usually represented by the following elements:

The entrance group should be combined in style with the architecture of a private house. The entrance door is an important element of the facade exposition. Today's market is able to offer entrance doors for every taste and wealth. They made from various materials and can be both metal, wooden, and made of tempered glass.

The design of entrance doors for a private house is able to satisfy any requirement of the client. You can install swing doors, single, double, sliding or combined. If the owner of the house wants to get a unique door in order to emphasize his individuality with it, then a door should be made to order.

Glazing of the entrance group is a win-win option. Framed with translucent walls, even the simplest and most unattractive design can give it a sophisticated look. For these purposes, you can use not only glass, but also acrylic or polycarbonate.

A porch with a staircase should be distinguished by its strength and beauty. In the photo you can see the original combination of the porch with the use of masonry and forged railings with an openwork pattern that complement it. Visor can be arbitrary size and close not only the porch itself, but also the stairs. It can be supplemented with elements of openwork forging. If the house has more than one floor, then you can use a balcony instead of a visor, placing it above the porch.

The style value of the entrance group is determined by the architecture of the house. Private house can be made in modern style, classical or ethnic. To determine the choice of the most suitable input group, you can view the photos that are presented a variety of options groups.

Examples of entrance groups in a private house

What is an entrance group

Forged entrance groups

Forged entrance groups deserve special attention. With the help of forged elements, you can create individual design porch, visor or design of the entrance group as a whole. Hand forged can be attributed to a certain type of art, which allows you to create amazing works of metal. Many workshops carry out a full production cycle - from project development to installation of finished structures.

This solution can be suitable for those who want to add personality to their project and make their home unique. Entrance group using forged metal structures may consist not only of a porch with railings and a canopy, but also include additions in the form of benches or street lamps.

The entrance group is an integral part of the architecture of any private house. The attractiveness of the entire structure, which affects the overall impression of the design of the house, will also depend on its thoughtfulness. The photographs of the forged entrance groups presented in the article allow you to clearly see the beauty of such a design.

In the form of a porch

The entrance group in a private house should not only demonstrate the hospitality of the owners, but also be distinguished by safety, convenience and comfort for those living in the house themselves. In the photographs, you can see several options for the porches, which show the entrance groups with an extraordinary, creative, but at the same time practical and rational approach.

The porch in a private house can vary in style, size and shape. May represent a variant of a closed porch using steps, or, conversely, have open view and be level with the ground. The photographs show the most good options, which can be modified to suit your own preferences or take any idea for building your home.

porch, by by and large, is a flat area with adjoining stairs. It has different technology construction in a private house and can be:

  • Embedded.
  • Included in the project of the foundation of the house.
  • Having its own foundation.
  • Made in the form of an extension after the completion of the main construction of a private house.
  • Made in the form of open steps from natural materials, for example, stone.

Porch ladder should be built with a certain slope, which should not exceed 45 degrees relative to the horizon. Stairs that are located above these indicators must have a ramp and be made in the form of an attached structure. The porch should stand out with the beauty of design, convenience for the owners and correspond to the main architectural design of the house.

Among the primary conditions in the construction of the porch, practicality and convenience can be distinguished. By regulatory documents the depth of the step, convenient for a person to walk, should have a depth of up to three hundred millimeters, and a height equal to one hundred and eighty millimeters. The dimensions of the tread should be 450 millimeters. For a comfortable passage of one person, the width of the stairs should be nine hundred millimeters, and for the safe passage of two people, these dimensions should be increased to 1450 millimeters. It should not be forgotten that in private construction the height of the fences is not subject to strict regulations.

The construction of the upper platform of the porch should be given Special attention. It should be below the level of the door threshold by fifty millimeters. This is due fire safety requirements. An indicator that is often neglected in practice refers to the depth of the site, which should be from the width door leaf one and a half sizes.

Upper the podium can have a different width and, as a rule, has restrictions associated with the territory of the site. The owners, if desired, can make a full-fledged terrace around the entire perimeter of the house.

Design features, size and shape of the porch

Application modern technologies in the construction of private houses, they allow the owners to realize any ideas and skillfully combine a porch of almost any shape with the architecture of the house. The porch can be in the form of a semicircle, rectangle, trapezoid, polyhedron, combine curved lines with sharp or smooth transitions.

A porch in the shape of a semicircle can perfectly smooth out all straight lines and corners, and also blends wonderfully with straight steps. As you can see in the photo, this combination indicates the hospitality of the owners, ensures the comfort of entering the house and looks very impressive. The material for construction can be stone, concrete or brick.

To give the house rigor and graphic, you can make a porch in the shape of a square or rectangle. Trapezoid steps able to balance the size of the house, therefore it is more expedient to make them expanded from below and decreasing in size towards the upper platform.

The porch can be relative to the size of the upper platform:

  • A large open area with railings that can serve as a terrace.
  • Without a fence, but using a canopy, the porch can serve as a patio where the owners can meet friends in warm time of the year.
  • When using a closed or glazed form of the porch, it can look like a veranda.
  • If there is no special need for building a porch, then you can limit yourself to a small extension to protect the house from dust and dirt.

The height and dimensions of the porch are often taken into account taking into account the climatic conditions of residence and the terrain. On uneven terrain with difficult terrain often used piles for construction to save on complex earthworks. In areas with a limited area for construction, they often place a porch along the facade of the house or make a reversal structure using several marches.

For narrow porches, the location of the stairs on the sides is often used. The justification for such structures lies in the lack of space for building a house. Such designs provide several people with comfortable walking on the porch.

In the construction of small and low porches, where a three-way passage is required, use a circular arrangement of steps relative to the main site. Entrance group with application for the porch of your own original idea, able to revive the architecture of the main structure.

For Finnish style houses often use the side extension of the porch located under the same roof as the house. Often a combination of this design with a terrace or veranda. Such construction is appropriate for small land plots where there is no opportunity for construction individual buildings.

Materials used in the construction of entrance groups

When designing a porch style for a private house, you should consider materials that will resonate with the design of the main house. You can use almost all materials for outdoor work, which will serve not only as a technical element of the extension, but also as a decorative decoration of the house.

For construction, you can use stone, brick, concrete, wood and forged structures with carvings. Sometimes it is possible to create an original architectural composition when using several styles and various materials for construction.

When designing the entrance group can be applied non-standard solutions and skillfully combine various materials, styles, and types of porches. This approach will add sophistication, comfort, coziness and individuality to the main structure.

There is an opinion that the facade of the house and its porch can say a lot about the owner. No need to go inside, just look at the porch and the building itself from the outside to tell about the taste of the owner, the ability to add zest to his building. What are the types of porches? What do you need to know to design it correctly? What materials will be needed to build a porch? You will find answers to these and many other questions in the article. Be sure to attach photos that will help visually consider those options that will delight your eye in your own yard.

The phrase "entrance groups" includes not only a porch, but also an entrance door, a visor, a ladder, a protection. Basic requirements for the design of the porch:

Types of porch structures

When the owner starts designing the porch, he must clearly understand design features. In construction, it is customary to classify three types of porch:

Varieties of a porch for a private house

Modern designers can offer a huge selection of porch projects, and each of them must be accompanied by a photo so that a person sees and appreciates the building in real conditions.

This option is considered the simplest, cheapest and most affordable. The group itself includes a metal-plastic door and a visor. There is no need to build stairs, there is no need to build a porch. The main highlight of this option will be a corner for landscaping. To make this entrance group look original, you need to choose the right color scheme facade of the house and doors with a visor.

If the house is made of brick, then you can install a regular white metal-plastic door. The plinth, painted in dark gray, is well combined with this. The visor can be made of polycarbonate by attaching it to the wall using forged mounts.

Entrance lobby with terrace

She can block the entrance from strong wind and rain, from the bright sun. As finishing materials can be used both natural and artificial materials. The main thing is that everything is in harmony with each other;

Entrance group made of wood

This view is built near country houses and small private houses. For its construction, you do not need to have a huge amount of knowledge and skills, and the cost of materials will also be minimal. The professionals advise open type the porch can be made massive steps that will give the building a peculiar zest. Massive wooden railings look beautiful. Such structures will give the house the appearance of an old Russian hut. But, despite all the beauty and originality, builders still recommend covering the wooden porch with a canopy. This will extend the service life. The canopy itself can be decorated with carvings, balusters. Wood goes well with forged elements.

Terraces look great from wood. It is not necessary to cover wooden terraces with glass, it is enough to build railings and side panels. beauty and originality wooden porch for a cottage or private house can confirm the photo.

Entrance group made of stone

This view is suitable for a massive brick house. But, as practice shows, a brick porch goes well with a wooden structure and other types of material. This option has become the most fundamental and durable. A stone porch can be of any shape. The steps are laid out of brick or reinforced concrete slabs, or artificial stone. To give originality, a kind of charm can forged elements, iron decorative ornaments. You can emphasize the integrity of the entrance group and the house with a massive canopy.

Entrance group decoration elements and architectural solutions

  • Entrance group with columns. This view is suitable for houses with several floors. It is the columns that can give the facade of the building splendor, emphasize the well-being of the owner. Such a porch is made of stone and brick. Marble, granite can be used.
  • glazed porch. It is mainly built in areas with long and cold winters to prevent cold air from entering the room directly. As for the creation of the project, then it is better to trust a professional, since this porch is much superior in its functionality to other types.
  • Entrance group made of polycarbonate. This type can be used in cottages or houses for seasonal living. Translucent polycarbonate sheets go well with modern minimalist buildings. If you want to decorate your porch, then you can add Forged Products various forms.
  • Fairy Entrance Group. If you have an extravagant fantasy, then you can build an entrance group non-standard look for your cottage. If your house is located near the forest, then you can give it the look of a fabulous hut. To do this, it is possible to make handrails and fences of the porch, platbands on the windows to make from the branches and roots of trees. The game with dark and light colors looks original. The covering for the entrance group, in such a house, should be a continuation of the roof, the whole structure should look harmonious and unified.

To give the entrance group a sense of solidity, you can use a combination natural stone and natural wood.

Basic requirements for the design of the porch

Before starting construction, it is necessary to draw up a project for the future porch, be sure to decide on the construction plan and necessary materials. Experts note that when designing a porch, you need to pay special attention to such nuances:

We create a porch: photo and video

What should be the doors in the entrance group

Doors are the center of the facade composition. Like it or not, the porch in a private house is the first thing that catches your eye. Doors should not only decorate the entire structure, but, first of all, be durable and protect the home from outsiders penetrating inside. Modern construction companies can offer several options for the front door: metal-plastic with and without double-glazed windows, aluminum sliding and hinged, wooden, steel. Depending on the size of the porch, you can use the following types of doors:

  • Swing. This is considered classic version. The door swings open. Basically, the front door opens outwards. Today building technology allow you to install a pendulum door that will open in any direction;
  • Sliding. Many experts argue that it is the sliding entrance groups of a private house, which consist of panoramic glass, that allow you to illusory connect with nature. This type is recommended to be installed in tambour rooms where there is limited space. Space saving is achieved due to the fact that the doors are moved to the side or along the wall;

Sliding type doors are represented by several types:

  • folding door. The design can either be folded in the form of a book, connected in turn.
  • Sliding. Doors move to one side along the wall.
  • telescopic. The principle of movement of the shutters resembles the assembly of a telescope.
  • Radius. This view is suitable for structures with a large space, as the doors move around the circumference.

Door appearance

It should be understood that the doors will not give the entrance group a real personality if they do not harmonize with the terrace, veranda and porch. You can give them a zest with the help of decoration. Glass doors of the entrance groups of private houses and cottages are decorated with:

  • Photo printing. Using special film or UV printer, any image is applied to the glass;
  • fusing. patterns on glass doors laid out with the help of multi-colored glass, subsequently the made drawing is baked in the oven;
  • Sandblasting. With the help of a special apparatus, the surface of the glass is processed and created matte coating for drawing a picture;
  • Engraving. Patterns are applied to glass mechanically or lasered, inscriptions can be made or small parts. You can give a special chic with the help of artistic painting combined with etching.

Entrance groups: arrangement options

When choosing a certain entrance group for your cottage or private house, it is worth remembering that its main task is functionality, and only then beauty and originality. As a conclusion, the entrance group in the cottage, the photos of which are presented, must combine such important qualities as reliability, long-term operation and a chic aesthetic appearance. By listening to the above recommendations, it is quite possible to make your cottage the envy of your neighbors.

has long been put on stream, and their varieties can be divided into several categories - according to the type of used door mechanisms.
Swing The simplest and most common version of the door mechanism in everyday life. The rotation of the sash is made by hinges cut into the frame. The door can only be opened in one direction.
pendulum Unlike the previous type, the pendulum-type door opens in both directions. The sash of the system is not blocked by the frame structure.
Sliding A variant widely used in railway passenger cars compartment type. The door opens by sliding away from the passage.
Telescopic As in the previous type of door mechanism, the movement of the wings occurs due to movement along the rail on the carriages. The difference lies in the fact that the leaves themselves are divided into segments that move in a bundle and slide one after the other when the door is opened.
semicircular The rail-carriage mechanism is somewhat modified, as are the door leaves. The rails and the doors themselves are arched, which gives the entrance group a radius shape. An elegant design solution, attractive to the inhabitants.
Revolver The flaps are fixed on the shaft, and the passage is opened due to physical impact on the flap or mechanical impact on the shaft. Perfect option for the input group, assuming a large throughput.
Tambour This design allows you to combine different types door mechanisms. It involves the space between the exit from the building and the entrance to the room. The tambour is used to reduce heat loss from the building to the outside.

Double-glazed windows in themselves are excellent heat insulators, which allows them to be used in any of the proposed design options.

We offer you to get acquainted with the variety of entrance groups from double-glazed windows by materials, application and type of door mechanism:

Material selection


Type selection

Materials for entrance groups from double-glazed windows

Entrance groups from double-glazed windows are made by our studio under the order. Are determined the right dimensions necessary components and others specifications products. The choice of materials used is somewhat limited - double-glazed windows are produced according to long-established GOST standards. In their manufacture, laminated glass is most often used - its heat-shielding characteristics are among the best among other types of glass sheet. It consists of a triplex of two or three glass sheets glued together with a special protective film. It is quite difficult to break such material, so the strength of the triplex makes it an excellent choice for arranging the entrance group. In addition, in emergency situations this species glass does not form sharp fragments - which is extremely important in practice. This helps to avoid injuries among visitors and workers. Others in the manufacture of double-glazed windows are used extremely rarely.

Rice. 2. Double-glazed windows for the entrance group do not differ in design from window

Double-glazed windows are made using plastic or metal (aluminum). These materials have proven themselves in construction and installation works, they function perfectly in any conditions with proper care. Do not forget that the profile for the entrance groups of double-glazed windows can perform various functions.

  • Metal-plastic. Modern and ergonomic material that does not require special care. Excellent thermal insulation combined with a large margin of safety help to make interior spaces warmer, significantly increasing the life of the entrance group compared to other construction technologies.
  • Aluminum. Relatively light and strong metal. Does not require special care, does not lend itself to corrosion and decay, and its low thermal insulation properties are more than offset by the use of double-glazed windows and heat-insulating materials in the design.

Double-glazed windows are most often fastened to an H-shaped metal profile with a metal thickness of at least 3 mm. You can learn about the procedure for designing and installing entrance groups from double-glazed windows below.

Installation of entrance groups from double-glazed windows

From double-glazed windows implies the following steps:

  • The working space should be cleared to concrete for the strength of the structure to be installed. It will be fastened at the bearing points directly into the concrete.
  • Installation door frame. First of all, vertical bearing "pillars" are mounted along the perimeter of the future entrance group. After their installation by welding, the profiles are fastened together by horizontal segments.
  • Anchor plates and bolts are required to fasten the double-glazed windows into the openings. It is necessary to mount windows and panels in the openings as evenly and accurately as possible, otherwise ugly gaps will be visible.
  • Filling the remaining gaps between panel and profile mounting foam. Excess foam is removed after it hardens.
  • When all windows and panels are installed, and their correct functioning is thoroughly checked, you can proceed with the installation of platbands to hide the profile.
  • Door installation. The gaps between the opening and the profile are carefully foamed, after which the excess foam is cut off in the same way, and platbands are attached to hide the profile.

The point about installing the door frame is not the only correct one. When using a revolving or pendulum door mechanism, the door installation technology will be somewhat different.

Advantages and disadvantages of double-glazed entrance groups

Like other types of entrance groups, entrance groups from double-glazed windows have their advantages and disadvantages. They need to be highlighted to help potential customers decide on the type of construction.

The advantages include:

  • excellent appearance of the materials used;
  • nai best performance according to the thermal insulation parameter;
  • the possibility of using decorating techniques;
  • long service life;
  • the ability to choose the material for the profile, allowing you to build exactly the entrance group that best meets the aesthetic requirements and design project.

Rice. 3. Slightly different in price, entrance groups with double-glazed windows have the best performance
energy savings compared to those where a single layer of glass is used

The downside of this design can only be considered a solid price. However, the costs are justified by the quality of work performed. Our studio gives a 100% guarantee of excellent results.

The cost of entrance groups from double-glazed windows

The cost of entrance groups from double-glazed windows varies depending on many factors, such as:

  • selected profile material and glass type;
  • hardware manufacturer;
  • number of valves;
  • use of parts of non-standard sizes;
  • the use of decorating techniques;
  • the size of the entrance group and the amount of materials spent;
  • door mechanism design.

It should also be taken into account that if the order will involve will grow a little. In any case, the costs will be quite significant, which, of course, is fully justified by the quality of workmanship and the materials used.

The term of production of entrance groups from double-glazed windows makes from 10 days.

Ordering entrance groups from double-glazed windows from our studio

Production and installation of entrance groups using absolutely any materials and types of glass is possible when placing an order in our studio. Any of the presented types of door mechanisms, a variety of configurations and bold design solutions- We will do everything as quickly and efficiently as possible. The convenience of using our entrance groups and their long trouble-free operation are guaranteed.


The exterior design of the entrance group to the cottage is reduced to the following main elements:

  • Door
  • rise in front of the door(veranda, terrace, porch)
  • elevation fencing
  • visor above the dais
  • staircase leading to the top(porch)

Entrance group of a country house

Sometimes the fencing of the entrance group in private house it can be continuous, and it (the entrance group) turns into a separate room - a canopy. In other cases, there is no elevation in front of the entrance and it is replaced by a high threshold that protects the interior of the house from flooding in case of heavy rain, snowmelt, etc.

Unlike shops, office buildings, etc., there is no internal infrastructure of the entrance group to the cottage, any vestibule behind the door. All luxury is limited to a rug: then the entrance hall, dressing room, corridor begins.

The design of the entrance group of a private house is the result of a projection of the tastes and wishes of its owner on the work of the architect. The purpose of this article is to help the owner of the building draw up a sketch of the entrance group for subsequent discussion with the designer. We will solve this problem by considering the typical elements listed above, offering one or another of their combinations.

Entrance door to the cottage

Door in Vacation home

This is, first of all, the center of the facade composition. At the customer's option - metal-plastic doors with single or double glazing, aluminum sliding and hinged, wooden, steel.

But all these products are sufficiently unified. The design of the entrance group to the house can give a real individuality to the building. Namely, the entourage of the terrace, porch, porch.

Glazing of the entrance group

glass entrance group

- a win-win move. Even the most ordinary veranda, framed by translucent walls, with a canopy made of transparent or colored polycarbonate or acrylic, makes an irresistible impression.

Of course, such beauty must be protected. The issue of anti-burglary and anti-vandal protection of private dwellings, especially country cottages, is very urgent. The grate on the entrance group will help protect the glazing from the actions of vandals.

The typical variant is a honeycomb structure made of aluminum strips, fastened together “edge to glass”. Such a lattice almost does not obstruct the view, but a thrown stone almost inevitably hits one of the ribs and does not reach the glass.

aluminum grille on front door

Lattices on entrance doors are also requested. Art workshops can offer you forged or filigree bronze castings (such a lattice is a fortune in itself). Large enterprises– welded structures made of steel bars, both hinged and sliding, on rollers, automatic, with remote control.

Impressively, especially in combination with stone masonry, wrought iron railings and stained glass windows will look impressive in the decoration of the entrance group of the cottage. Especially - if the foundation of the veranda is made in the form of a rotunda: this will immediately give the building a resemblance to a knight's castle.

Entrance groups for wooden houses

Entrance group to the cottage in rural style

Not so harmonious panoramic and stained glass windows look as part of the entrance group wooden house. And cottages in a folk, ethnic style are now gaining popularity. With wood paneling, clapboard; with architraves, ridges on the roof and other "soil" paraphernalia. Entrance groups to a country house of this type require a specific approach.

Perhaps a standard solution for decorating the entrance group to a country house “under the noble estate”: a set of wooden railings and balusters, steps made of massive boards, finished panel with openwork carving on wood for installation above the entrance. Such sets can be purchased at a hardware store or an art studio that deals with wooden structures.

To freedom - with a clear conscience, and to the cottage - with clean feet!

Gallery of photos of beautiful entrance groups of cottages

Beautiful grating of the entrance group Stone entrance group
Wooden entrance group with large area glazing Entrance group made of glass Entrance group in bright colors

Photo gallery of entrance groups of private houses

The entrance group of the building in the style of the Noble Nest .. The entrance group of the wooden building The entrance group in the form of a rotunda
The combination of the entrance group with the garage