Geranium oil properties and use in sports. DMAA reviews

  • Geranium comes from Greece. In translation, its name means "stork".
  • The English breeder George Tradescan was the first to develop a variety of royal geraniums.
  • According to legend, it was this type of plant that saved the king from insomnia.
  • The ladies of the court made decorations from geranium flowers for their outfits, the gentlemen, in turn, prevented him from rolling back the sleeves for fragrance.

Now geranium is experiencing a rebirth. The plant has found wide application in medicine, sports, cosmetology. Miraculous properties are explained by the fact that the leaves of the flower contain a large amount of essential oils. But after all, not only leaves are useful, but also the roots of geraniums. They are used to prepare decoctions and tinctures used in diseases of the stomach and intestines.

A houseplant can disinfect indoor air. As an antibacterial agent, geranium can eliminate germs. The flower also refreshes and fills the rooms in the house with a light rose scent, which also has a calming effect on the human nervous system (for more details about the dangers and benefits of geraniums in the house, see).

With the addition of geranium ether, fresheners are made on their own. The flower has a repellent effect for mosquitoes, moths, flies.

Geranium is used in medicine:

  1. Regulates the internal work of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Stimulates blood flow.
  3. It is wound healing, antibacterial property.
  4. Copes with headaches. Helps with migraines.
  5. Used as an antipyretic.
  6. Prevents the appearance of edema.
  7. Reduces blood pressure.
  8. Used to maintain immunity.
  9. Helps with toothache and earache (you can find out more about whether geranium can be used for earache).
  10. It is used for gynecological diseases, menstrual irregularities.
  11. Improves mood, aromatherapy is useful in times of depression.

In cosmetology, geranium also plays an important role. On the basis of essential oil, masks are made for combination, oily and problem skin (you can find out more about where else geranium oil can come in handy). The use of these funds reduce the secretion of subcutaneous fat, and the antibacterial properties of the plant prevent the appearance of acne. The skin becomes smooth and toned.

Decoctions of geranium leaves and flowers help reduce hair loss, strengthening hair follicles, compaction of their structure.

Geranium has a number of useful properties, so in sports, or rather, in sports nutrition, it is also used. Physical activity is often associated with muscle strain, wounds and abrasions, and thanks to the analgesic and antiseptic properties of the flower, it heals faster and faster.

According to its properties, geranium is quite similar to caffeine, affecting the human nervous system. People involved in sports use it as a dietary supplement. Advantages of the tool:

  • concentration of memory and attention;
  • increased endurance;
  • increase in physical activity;
  • lowering the pain threshold;
  • stimulation of muscle growth;
  • fat burning.

Athletes who use products with geranium extract become stronger and more resilient. Weightlifters can lift more weight, athletes can run faster, jump faster, and even students can be more diligent and focused.

Important. Geranium extract affects the body up to ten times more than caffeine. At the same time, it does not contain toxic substances and is absolutely safe for human health.

While on a sports diet, geranium extract can be taken a couple of times a day. However, during the competition, the use is strictly prohibited. It is necessary to clearly distinguish between training and the competitive process, because doping control is unlikely to pass.

You can find out more about what geranium extract is, its properties and side effects, and whether it is prohibited in Russia.

Tablets - fat burners for athletes

Fat burners are a group of drugs for sports nutrition. The purpose of this product is to reduce body weight. Such supplements are used by bodybuilders, people with lipodystrophy to get the coveted cubes on the stomach. Fat burners really accelerate the process of weight loss, while significantly increasing the growth of muscle mass.

The spectrum of action of such additives is quite wide, which explains the large assortment on the market. Fat burners are also distinguished by gender: for women and for men.

For the right choice of fat burners, it is important to carefully read the composition. They may include:

  1. caffeine and its substitutes;
  2. geranium;
  3. green tea;
  4. tyrosine and its derivatives;
  5. omega-3 acids.

The principle of action of all these substances is to activate the nervous system, reduce appetite, diuretic effect.

Among the products for training, pre-workout or, as it is also called, geranium pre-workout is considered the most popular. Such complexes contain the organic component 1,3-dimethylamylamine, which is obtained from oil and geranium stems. This substance has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system.

A pre-workout complex based on geranium is a powerful boost of energy for an athlete, a kind of stimulation. However, it is important to use the drug with care. Half an hour before playing sports, you should drink 2-3 tablespoons. And at the very beginning of using the remedy, it is better to take ½ of the standard serving, look at the condition and evaluate it. Are there any side effects described in the instructions for the drug.

Disadvantages of these geranium pre-workouts:

Most popular pre-workouts:

  1. Mesomorph APS Nutrition.
  2. Black Annis Gold Star.
  3. Krank 3D Pitchblack.
  4. Arez by Intel Pharma.
  5. WTF Labz Fucking Jack.

They can be bought in online stores on the websites of manufacturers, official suppliers, in pharmacies and sports nutrition stores. The price of such drugs ranges from 15,000 to 3,000 rubles.

DMAA training complex

Undoubtedly, geranium is often used in the manufacture of complex preparations. One of them is DMAA, which has a scandalous reputation. This drug is banned in many countries, but in Russia it can be purchased quite legally. The average cost is 2 thousand rubles.

In the course of research, it turned out that DMAA is a mild stimulant and is recommended for people with an active lifestyle.

The main characteristics of the drug:

  • Energetic, increases energy endurance during training.
  • Fat burner.
  • Raises the mood.
  • Reduces appetite.
  • Stimulant, bioadditive helps to concentrate attention, increase the threshold of the body's capabilities.

Side effects:

  1. mild nausea;
  2. bad sleep;
  3. dizziness;
  4. tachycardia;
  5. shiver.

To date, complexes with geraniums are prohibited for professional athletes. However, manufacturers improved the old formula of the drug by removing some components, but this did not affect the quality.

Training complexes are generally safe for athletes who do not have health problems. However, regular use of stimulants can lead to exhaustion of the central nervous system and a decrease in athletic performance.

Geranium is, of course, a healing plant with a lot of useful ones. But everything must be consumed in moderation, strictly according to the instructions, observing the indicated dosage. And then get the long-awaited results.

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Geranium in sports nutrition - as a powerful tool for increasing endurance and fat burning.

What is DMAA geranium extract), and which sports nutrition products contain this substance. Properties geraniums and benefits for athletes, how do preparations based on it work? Pre-workout complexes and fat burners, which include DMAA.

DMAA ( dimethylamylamine) is an organic compound that is traditionally produced from geraniums. Recently, the substance began to be extracted artificially in the laboratory. DMAA ( geranium) has a powerful stimulating effect that can make it especially valuable for bodybuilders, and its ability to function as a thermogenic fat burner makes it an indispensable assistant in the fight against subcutaneous fat.

  1. What is dmaa or geranium.
  2. DMAA and bodybuilding.
  3. In what sports nutrition is dmaa found?
  4. Conclusion.

What is DMAA or Geranium

DMAA is known to function as a fat burner and can be greatly enhanced when combined with other ingredients such as caffeine. Some studies show that the combined powers of DMAA and caffeine can increase metabolic rate by up to 35%.

Sports nutrition with dmaa (geranium) can buy in our sports nutrition store.

Fat burning supplements provide a means to start burning fat faster than other organic compounds in the energy group, and are powerful in fighting belly fat and releasing energy, even in cases where other products do not provide the desired effect. In the case of DMAA, the effect is achieved by stimulating the central nervous system in such a way as to set off an internal chain reaction.

DMAA is a linear chain of 7 carbon, aliphatic amines with structural similarity to amphetamine, methamphetamine. DMAA also shares structural similarities with Propylhexedrine, a stimulant and nasodilator.

Important! Drugs that contain DMAA have some side effects, and athletes with a predisposition to high blood pressure, such sports supplements are not recommended. The maximum daily dose of DMAA should not exceed 40-60 mg.

DMAA and bodybuilding

Like any stimulant, DMAA can be beneficial when taken prior to a workout session because the extra energy it provides can allow the user to achieve greater workout intensity.

That's why many pre-workouts include DMAA in their ingredient list.

What sports nutrition contains dmaa

Commonly found in pre-workout sports nutrition supplements, it provides sustained energy production, increases muscle mass, and improves performance in the gym and in competition across many sports.

The list of ingredients of this type of sports nutrition is impressive, they also contain:

  • beta-alanine - to increase physical activity and increase endurance, also for quick energy recovery;
  • creatine nitrate;
  • arginine, ornithine and citrulline - these amino acids are precursors of nitric oxide (NO), the gas responsible for vasodilation that improves blood circulation in the muscles involved in training.
  • tyrosine;
  • caffeine;
  • DMAA - gives a lot of energy and endurance, especially when combined in a synergistic effect.

Recently, dmaa is often used in fat burning complexes. The substance has a pronounced effect, reduces weight due to an increase in body temperature, suppresses appetite and improves mood.

DMAA - as an assistant in achieving high sports results

DMAA is a neurological stimulant that delivers the energy boost you need for your workout, similar to caffeine and other classic stimulants, but much more powerful.

Dimethylamylamine is the best choice for serious workouts.

It was originally used as a vasoconstrictor for the common cold. Today, dimethylamylamine is marketed as a dietary supplement used in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ( ADHD). But it is also useful for weight loss, and improving performance in athletes aimed at building muscle mass.


You can take supplements containing DMAA to improve your workout performance. Geranium in sports nutrition will help achieve several goals at once, whether it is an increase in muscle mass, or an increase in endurance and rapid recovery.

Do you want to achieve fast results when gaining mass and increasing strength? If yes, then sports supplements with geranium content will help you with this, which you will find in a large assortment on. We will help you improve your fitness!

Hello everyone! DMAA or 1,3-DimethylAmylAmine is known for being amphetamine-like, psychoactive, and generally used by many people. It was introduced to the market for athletes, turned out to be too powerful both in terms of effects and side effects - it was banned by the anti-doping committee. At the moment, the substance, one might say, is half legal, since there is no longer a sports nutrition store in sports nutrition stores, it is disqualified for it at competitions.

Therefore, this supplement is also of interest for the purpose of pumping the brain. The brain will work noticeably faster, which is extremely useful in certain situations.

A bit of history

Like any self-respecting psychostimulant, the path of DMAA did not begin with the use to stimulate the psyche, but with ... the fight against nasal congestion. The medicine constricted blood vessels, increased blood pressure and caused headaches - they were removed from production.

In the mid-2000s, ephedrine, a powerful stimulant and fat burner, was banned in the states. Companies urgently began to look for a replacement. And around 2006, DMAA as we know it now hit the market. But then cases of serious health problems and even deaths began to flicker, in fairness it should be said that other substances were also involved, but the fact is the fact. Relatively recently, sports nutrition manufacturers began to refuse DMAA + a ban by the anti-doping committee.

How does it workDMAA

The exact mechanism of action of DMAA has not been elucidated, however, some data are quite accurate, and they relate to the action on adrenaline and. These are the 2 most stressful hormones in our body, their main difference lies in the fact that when norepinephrine is produced, a person independently drives himself into a stressful state, for example, he learns to swim if he does not know how, and with adrenaline, a person is more likely to accidentally end up in the water.

DMAA acts as a reuptake inhibitor for these hormones. In human nature, in order to save money, if some resources are produced too much, the body either destroys these resources into useful elements, or “takes away” the excess. That is, if norepinephrine is produced, but the body does not need such an amount, it “chooses” it from circulation, creating a kind of reserves. But DMAA partially prohibits the body, inhibits the reuptake of norepinephrine.

DMAA increases heart rate and blood pressure. Because of this, hyperventilation of the lungs can occur, when there is too much oxygen, it binds to hemoglobin and circulates endlessly through the blood, resulting in paradoxical oxygen starvation. It seems that there is a lot of oxygen, but it does not enter the cells. It is extremely harmful when used for a long time.

Increased dosages of DMAA (more than 70 mg) can cause euphoria, which appears 2-3 hours after ingestion and lasts 5-7 hours. But strangely, euphoria is accompanied by drowsiness. This is due to excessive oppression of the blood vessels and hyperventilation of the lungs. However, after that it will feel like a hangover.


This supplement should not be abused, and even more so, it should not be mixed with serious stimulants in large dosages and with alcohol. There were deaths from cerebral hemorrhage. Specifically, several soldiers died in the US Army who had DMAA in their blood, for reference, their army is voluntary, and everyone is not taken into it in a row, as a rule, people go with good physical fitness. There was also a fatal case in New Zealand when a man overdid alcohol, caffeine and DMAA. There were other cases among athletes.

It is clear that everything also depends on the health of each person, and you never know if he had a predisposition to a stroke, maybe he stuffed himself with something before DMAA, which undermined his body. Athletes - professionals are generally "chemically" to the fullest. This is what we don't know yet about people who simply harmed their health without killing themselves.

Speaking of athletes, at competitions, and indeed at almost any blood donation, you can test positive for amphetamines. False positive, then prove it's a sports store supplement.


So, the main contraindications for taking DMAA:

  1. High blood pressure, conditionally, above 120-125 if you are under 30 years old.
  2. Rapid heartbeat, tachycardia. The pulse at rest is above 75-80 beats per minute.

If these indicators are too high for you, then it will be better to correct by training the heart. Not to take stimulants, but in general, for good health. After all, the heart has its own resource, and it is one thing when it beats 60 beats per minute, another - 90. At the same time, 20 years of life will seem to one heart in 20 years, to another in 30.

Side effects of DMAA: headache, nervousness and tremor.

The course of taking DMAA has not been established. Best optional, no more than 1-2 times a week. Dosage 20-50 mg! Do not increase, there will be no more stimulation, rather, on the contrary.

Effects of DMAA:

- Stimulation. More precisely, noradrenaline stimulation, it differs, say, from. About the effects of norepinephrine in more detail was in the article. In short, it will be difficult to sit still. When engaging in intellectual activity, the brain will work faster, but not better. And one foot will definitely jump or a pen will spin in the hand.

- Euphoria, at dosages of more than 50-70 mg, but also with a hangover.

- More strength and energy. Such a state, when it seems to be cool, from vasoconstriction, but at the same time energy, cold sweat.


DMAA's best helper is another stimulant, for example. But, in this case, the dosage should be reduced to the conditional 100-150 mg of caffeine and 20-30 mg of DMAA. You can try with //enerion. Dosages are also reduced.

Concerning sedatives

- Works through norepinephrine and, to a lesser extent, through adrenaline. Inhibits their reuptake.

- Effects: cold in the body, due to vasoconstriction, but there is stimulation. It is hard to sit still, the brain works faster, but with low efficiency.

- Dosage 20-50 mg, optional, certainly not every day.

- Can be combined with caffeine and other stimulants, but we reduce the dosage.

We have started selling DMAA!

Direct energy in a useful direction! Good luck!

The nutrition of professional athletes involves the inclusion in the diet of a variety of additives, sometimes even those that are classified as prohibited. One of the most popular and sought after is the DMMA stimulant - geranium extract. Despite the huge number of positive qualities, this drug has a number of features, so you should be especially careful and carefully read all the nuances even before you start using it.

General information about DMMA

Dietary supplement DMMA has many other names - methylhexanamine, geranamine, geranium extract, dimethylpentlamine. The main active ingredient is 1,3-dimethylamylamine, an organic compound extracted from geranium oil by steam distillation of the leaves and stem of the plant. It has been established that this substance promotes active fat burning, as well as a set of muscle mass. Compared to caffeine, geranium DMMA extract is several times more powerful, but its effect on the body is milder.

Under the influence of the main active substance, norepinephrine is intensively produced in the body, and the hormone dopamine is also released, which provides the following positive effects:

  • stimulation of the central nervous system;
  • improvement of mood (and, accordingly, "fighting" mood);
  • improvement of blood circulation in the brain;
  • loss of appetite;
  • elimination of pain in the muscles;
  • memory improvement;
  • fat burning and active muscle building;
  • removal of excess fluid from the body, removal of puffiness.

Important! Since 2014, the Russian Anti-Doping Agency, equating geranium extract with doping, has included it in the list of prohibited additives. The taboo on its use has also been introduced in other countries - the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Australia.

That is, after using this supplement, there is no chance of passing a doping control. But this does not mean at all that it cannot be taken by people who are not related to sports.

Why take geranium extract?

The use of a biologically active additive has the following goals:

  1. Stimulation of attention, physical strength, speed, ability to concentrate. This allows you to make sports training more productive by increasing endurance. This property of DMMA was also appreciated by some students preparing for serious exams.
  2. Increasing the intensity of energy production.
  3. Increased metabolism and, as a result, active weight loss. At the same time, you should not rely on dietary supplements as an independent remedy - its effectiveness in losing weight will be noticeable only if you follow the rules of a healthy diet and regular physical activity.
  4. Improving the results of bodybuilders. Geranium extract has vasoconstrictive properties, and also slightly increases blood pressure, without changing the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle. This helps to make less physical effort, but at the same time stimulate muscle hypertrophy and their subsequent growth, while temporarily restricting blood flow.

Dosage and Precautions

Geranium extract in sports nutrition is recommended to be taken in courses, periodically stopping its use. The daily dosage is from 25 to 75 mg. This amount of the drug is taken half an hour before the start of the workout, but if necessary, the daily rate can be divided into several doses. The action of the dietary supplement is observed for two to three hours, and with minimal physical exertion - much longer.

To avoid unwanted and sometimes life-threatening conditions, do not use geranium extract in parallel with other food supplements or energy drinks. Joint intake of DMMA and significantly increases the risk of internal hemorrhages, heart attacks, strokes.

Remember! It is highly undesirable to use this food supplement for people with pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Adverse reactions

Uncontrolled and excessive use of the supplement can lead to:

  • lethargy;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • sleep disorders;
  • muscle tremor;
  • excessive stimulation of the central nervous system;
  • increased sweating;
  • bouts of nausea;
  • tachycardia;
  • increased blood pressure (up to the development of a stroke).

The cost of the drug

As a rule, products based on geranium extract are produced by foreign companies, so their price is quite high - from 1.5 to 2.5 thousand rubles. You can buy dietary supplements in sports stores or via the Internet. DMMA enters the shelves of domestic points of sale under the following names:

  • OxyElite;
  • Oxylite powder;
  • Lipo-6 Black;
  • Hemo Rage Black;
  • Cyroshock;
  • NeuroCore;
  • Neurocore;
  • Jack3D;
  • HydroxyStim;
  • mesomorph.

Be careful! If it was decided to take this drug, then you should not give in to the temptation and buy DMMA at a very low price, since in this case there is a high probability of acquiring a fake, the effect of which on the body can be completely unpredictable.

Now many American sports nutrition manufacturers are excluding geranium or 1,3-Dimethylamylamine from their products. This is due to the fact that the US Food and Drug Administration (hereinafter referred to as the FDA) sent warning letters to companies that produce geranium supplements. As recommended FDA, geranium oil cannot be used in a dietary supplement, because manufacturers have not provided data that it is completely safe for the human body.

"Letters of happiness" from the FDA received 10 major manufacturers of sports nutrition, whose products contain geranium. List of these products: Jack3d , OxyELITE Pro , Nutrex Lipo-6 Black products, Nutrex Hemo-Rage Black, iSatori PWR, Muscletech NeuroCore, Muscletech HydroxyStim, Farenheit Nutrition Lean EFX, Muscle Warfare Napalm, SNI Nitric Blast, BIORhythm SSIN Juice, MuscleMeds Code Red. SEI MethylHex 4.2, and Gaspari Nurtrition Spirodex . The FDA has given 15 days to respond to these companies before the geranium is finally banned.

Such categorical actions by the FDA are most likely caused by an incident in the US military, where two US military personnel, aged 22 and 32, died during training. According to official data, the cause of death was irreversible damage to the heart muscle. Doctors suggest that the main culprit was dimethylamylamine (Dimethylamylamine, DMAA), which was part of the drugs Jack3d and OxyELITE Pro, it was they who were used by the military. Therefore, in addition to the biologically active additives mentioned above, in stores on the territory of American military bases, a ban was introduced on the sale of any preparations containing this substance.

It should be noted that geranium is already banned in many countries and is included in the list of banned drugs by the World Anti-Doping Agency. If the FDA also bans the use of geranium in sports supplements, it will most likely set the stage for a worldwide ban on DMAA (geranium or 1,3-dimethylamylamine).

Many manufacturers have already removed geranium from their pre-workout formulas, such as MuscleTech's "pre-workout" Neurocore, which is no longer geranium-free in the new formula.

Also the largest online sports nutrition store in USA- has already removed the "culprits" from its showcase - Jack3d and OxyELITE Pro.

It is worth noting that Jack3d is one of the most popular pre-workout complexes in the USA, during its sales, Jack3d has been tried and appreciated by millions of athletes around the world and there have been no mass reviews of negative health effects, the case of US military personnel, almost the only officially documented case in the world.

All about geranium

Taking the leaves of perennial geraniums by means of steam distillation, geranium essential oil is obtained. The aroma of the oil is oily, warm floral, slightly reminiscent of the aroma of a rose. The essential oil is light and colorless in color. Geranium treats inflammation of the ear, nose and throat, which is why it was called the “ear-nose-throat doctor” in the old days.

Geranium essential oil is a real antidepressant. It increases physical and even mental activity. Relieves a person of feelings of inferiority. Geranium oil restores the skin after getting burns, various kinds of frostbite. They can treat rashes and dry eczema.

The oil has a property that normalizes microcirculation in the heart, blood pressure. It is used as a strong pain reliever. Essential oil is also used to eliminate neuritis, radicular syndrome and neuralgia.

Geranium - oil for women! this is true, because this oil normalizes the hormonal process in the body, helps with premenstrual syndrome, relieves pain during menstruation. The oil also relieves depression. The same oil is used for inflammation of the mammary glands.

Geranium oil should not be used for more than 14-20 days. Never use on an empty stomach!

Treatment of otitis media with geraniums

Otitis in both adults and children will help cure geraniums. To do this, take 5-10 grams of geranium leaves, and knead them into a soft gruel. Now here we add 40-60 grams of flour (rye or oatmeal) and 1 tablespoon of amphora alcohol. Next, you need to knead the steep dough, roll it up with a roller and wrap it around the ear from the outside. And inside the ear you need to drip 1 or 2 drops of geranium juice. Next, the ear should be covered with compress paper and insulated with cotton wool. At night, do not forget to secure the ear with a bandage. And after 3-4 such easy procedures, you will forget about the sore ear.

Geranium diseases

Rarely, but still, geranium suffers from brown spotting and powdery mildew. So that the plant does not suffer from powdery mildew, it must be cut off after the flowering period (due to this, the new shoots will be stronger than the old ones). If the plant is sick with brown spotting, then you need to cut off the diseased leaves and burn them. Fungal diseases do not have a strong effect on the state of the plant itself.

Geranium treatment

Due to its enormous healing abilities, geranium is very often used in folk medicine. An infusion of the leaves of the plant helps with sore throat. A geranium compress is applied for osteochondrosis and sciatica. Geranium helps to cope with the disease of the gastrointestinal tract and heart.

A decoction of herbs and geranium roots. He prepares easily. We take 1 tablespoon of dried geranium mixture and pour 200 ml of boiling water and put on fire for 5 minutes. Then we cool everything and filter. The resulting volume of the broth must be brought to the original volume by adding boiling water. Take 1-2 tablespoons at the time of meals 3 times a day. This decoction is taken for inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

Geranium juice for cataracts. If the cataract is at the initial stage, then geranium will help here. To do this, you just need to drip 1 drop of geranium juice into the corner of your eye every day. This juice will preserve and also improve vision for many years to come. With suppuration and clouding of the eyes, this juice will also come to the rescue.

Honey water with geranium. With inflammation of the eyelids with this water, you need to wash your eyes early in the morning and in the evening. Its very simple. To do this, take 10 pieces of geranium leaves and grind them. Next, take a glass of water and pour the leaves, add 1 teaspoon of honey to them. We mix everything well and leave it overnight on a full moon, so that the light from the moon is on the glass. We drink this water with inflamed eyelids.

Geranium contraindications

Pregnant women should not take geranium, in whatever form it is. If there are chronic diseases, then it is also forbidden to take geranium. Geranium is contraindicated for the elderly.