Dimensions of doors according to GOST in residential buildings. What does GOST know about standard door sizes? What you need to focus on

An important component of a market economy is state regulation of production. This is a quality assurance that obliges you to produce products that match the price. Consumers are the first to benefit from government and sanitary standards by avoiding cheating unscrupulous sellers.

Today, any door, regardless of material and price category, must comply with standards, that is, have a certain strength and durability, so as not to fall apart at one fine moment. Such doors are created from safe materials in standardized dimensions, according to certified production technology.

GOSTs and SNiPs regulate not only the production and installation of fire and security doors, but also ordinary entrance and interior, balcony blocks and even locks. These legal norms are state, developed in the USSR or already in the Russian Federation, and international, that is, adopted by the CIS countries, making it possible to assume that doors produced in some former socialist republics will be of the same quality as Russian ones.

Wooden doors

GOST 475-78 Wooden doors. General specifications

This standard applies to wooden doors for residential, public, industrial and auxiliary buildings and structures. After classifying doors by their types and purpose, there is a list of permissible requirements for the number and depth of cracks, knots, wormholes. These requirements will not allow knots to fall out of your door or that an unfinished door changes its shape. Wood defects are described in GOST 2140, which also applies to doors.

GOST 6629-88 Wooden internal doors for residential and public buildings. Types and construction

This standard complements GOST 475-78 and applies to wooden internal doors for residential and public buildings, as well as for administrative and auxiliary buildings and premises of enterprises in various sectors of the national economy. After the classification of doors by type, there is a description of the structures and the scheme of options for the door leaf and frames.

GOST 14624-84 Wooden doors for industrial buildings. Types, design and dimensions

This interstate standard applies to wooden internal and external doors for industrial buildings of industrial and agricultural enterprises. After classifying doors by type, there are numerous structural drawings that are understandable only to specialists. Then the requirements for structures, dimensions of doorways in the walls, methods of installing protective fences for external doors are indicated. The standard was introduced in 1985, but in some respects it has not lost its relevance to this day.

GOST 24698-81 Wooden exterior doors for residential and public buildings

This standard came into force in 1984 and still applies to wooden exterior swing doors for residential and public buildings, as well as for ancillary buildings and premises of enterprises. Such doors are subdivided into entrance and vestibule doors, service doors, hatches and manholes and have higher quality requirements in comparison with the internal ones. It also contains the requirements for the design and tables of overall dimensions, shapes and sizes, schemes of frame and panel doors.

Aluminum doors

GOST 23747-88 Aluminum alloy doors. General specifications

This GOST was introduced in 1989, when the economy was still planned, and applies to doors made of aluminum alloys. It reflects the technical requirements, requirements for materials and components, completeness, labeling and packaging, acceptance, control methods, transportation and storage.

Steel doors

GOST 31173-2003 Steel door blocks. Technical conditions

This standard is also interstate and was adopted in 2003 and applies to steel door blocks with installed locking devices. It contains terms, classifications and conventions, technical design requirements, numerous drawings that are understandable only to specialists.

Doors from PVC profiles

GOST 30970-2002 Door blocks made of PVC profiles. Technical conditions

This interstate standard was adopted in 2002 and applies to plastic balcony doors, the correct name of which sounds like "door blocks made of PVC profiles". After the classification and symbols in the standard, technical requirements for the structure are given, numerous examples of architectural drawings, narthex assemblies are given. Limit deviations, characteristics and requirements are also given.

Adjustment of locks and latches

GOST 5089-2003 Locks and latches for doors. Technical conditions

This standard is international and applies to mortise and surface locks with various security mechanisms, cylinder mechanisms and latches for doors and various materials used in residential, public and industrial buildings. This is a newer standard (2003) and applies to lock manufacturers rather than doors. However, it sets out the requirements for the products that can be installed on the door.

Here is the classification of locks and latches, cylinder mechanisms, and technical requirements for them. On the one hand, what difference does it make if a lock is standardized or not, if it works well? However, how convenient it is when there are a limited number of types of mechanisms, when they can be replaced with a similar one, the same replacement of the larva in the cylinder lock would be impossible if all firms installed their own unique locks.

Technical requirements oblige manufacturers of locking mechanisms to create a quality product, and door manufacturers to install good certified locks and latches on their products.

Door finishing

GOST 8904-2014 Hard fiber boards with paint and varnish coating. Technical conditions

This interstate standard applies to hard fiber boards and medium density boards with a paint coating applied to their front surfaces. Determines the types and sizes of slabs, establishes technical requirements, describes defects. It also contains safety and environmental regulations, acceptance rules, test methods, packaging, labeling, transportation and storage.

GOST 2977-82 Sliced ​​veneer

This interstate standard applies to planed veneer used as facing material. Here the concept of veneer, its types, defects and their admissibility, acceptance rules, test methods, packaging, labeling, transportation and storage are described.

GOST 9590-76. Laminated decorative plastic

It is applied to decorative laminated paper sheets obtained by pressing special types of paper impregnated with synthetic thermosetting binders. Here are indicated the brands and sizes of plastic, technical requirements, describe the defects and indicate their admissibility, physical and mechanical properties of the plastic, as well as the rules of acceptance, methods of testing, packaging, labeling, transportation and storage.

GOST 24944-81 Decorative finishing PVC film. Technical conditions

Applies to decorative PVC finishing film without an adhesive layer and with an adhesive layer on the back, protected with special paper. Establishes types, sizes, technical requirements for decorative films, physical and mechanical properties, as well as acceptance rules, test methods, packaging, labeling, transportation and storage.

Balcony doors and windows

GOST 24700-81 Wooden windows and balcony doors with double-glazed windows for residential and public buildings. Types, design and dimensions

The standard was introduced in 1984 and governs the production of double-glazed wooden windows and balcony doors. At that time, plastic windows were not yet widespread, and there were no enterprises specializing in glazing balconies. The types, sizes and brands are followed by the overall dimensions of windows and doors. It can be assumed that now their variety is somewhat wider. However, the design requirements are still valid, despite modern technology.

GOST 26601-85 Wooden windows and balcony doors for low-rise residential buildings. Types, design and dimensions

GOST 1986 regulates the production and installation of double and triple glazed wooden windows and balcony doors intended for residential buildings no more than two storeys high. These interstate requirements for heat transfer, air permeability, noise absorption and light transmission are still relevant today, but with modern technologies it is easier to follow them than 30 years ago. After the classification and design requirements, there are diagrams and various specifications that are understandable only to specialists.

GOST 26602.1-99 Window and door blocks. Methods for determining resistance to heat transfer

This standard is interstate and came into force in 2000. Establishes methods for determining the resistance to heat transfer of window and door glazed units and their elements. With the help of this GOST, checks are made for the compliance of window and door blocks with quality requirements, such activities are usually carried out by inspection institutions in the course of the activities of enterprises or in court, if the consumer does not agree that the product he has purchased meets state requirements.

GOST 26602.3-99 Window and door blocks. Method for determining sound insulation

This GOST of the same 2000 supplements the previous one and also serves to conduct product quality checks. The terminology is followed by a list of test equipment followed by a description of the test methods.

GOST 27936-88 Wooden-aluminum balcony windows and doors for public buildings. Types and construction

The standard has been in effect since 1990 and defines the types of bindings, fixes symbols, gives dimensions and design requirements. Most of this GOST is occupied by tables and drawings, which are usually needed only by specialists.

Security doors

GOST 51224-98 Security bank doors and hatches

The 2003 standard applies to bank security doors and hatches. It provides definitions, classifications, basic dimensions, general technical requirements and safety requirements.

GOST R 51072-97 Safety doors. General technical requirements and test methods for burglary resistance and bullet resistance

This GOST came out in 1997 and establishes the requirements and methods for testing doors, applies to security doors. Includes definitions, requirements, test methods.

Test of non-fire resistance of building structures

GOST 30247.0-94 Building structures. Fire resistance test methods. General requirements

The 1994 interstate standard regulates the general requirements for methods of testing building structures and elements of engineering systems for fire resistance. It contains bench equipment, temperature formulas, tests and fire resistance limits of structures.

Fire safety

SNiP 21-01-97 Fire safety of buildings and structures

Sanitary norms and rules for fire safety of buildings and structures from 1998 also contain rules applicable to doors. This applies to emergency exits: the width and direction of the door opening, the distance from doors to other objects, and so on.

Many norms were created more than 30 years ago, but they are still in force. They are revised and supplemented depending on the development of production technologies, while maintaining the basic rules, since most of the modern housing was built in the Soviet years according to old standards.

Sections of the article:

Carrying out major repairs in a house or apartment in most cases ends with the installation of new interior doors. However, it is at this stage that the greatest difficulties often arise. The reason for this is the dimensions of the doorway, which often have a lot of errors in the form of the curvature of the walls and the discrepancy between the GOST and the dimensions of the interior doors. Therefore, for the successful completion of the replacement of door structures, it is worthwhile to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of GOST and the permissible changes in the dimensions of the openings.

Standard dimensions

It is quite important to distinguish between them by functional accessory to determine the appropriate dimensions of the doorway. The size of the opening leading to the technological premises by the type of bathrooms may have slightly smaller dimensions than for ordinary interior doors.

Typical dimensions of interior doors.
  • Height;
  • Width.

The thickness or depth of the passage largely depends on the material of the walls and construction conditions, therefore they are not significant indicators.


The height of the doorway for bathrooms can be from 1.9 to 2 m. The same applies to the bathroom. Kitchen aisles in most cases have a height of 2 m.For other rooms, the norm is a value of 2 - 2.1 m.According to calculations, this is enough for comfortable movement of people with an average height of 1.7 m.

However, passages with a height of 2.2 - 2.3 m are often found. Such dimensions are explained by the ratio with the height of the ceilings. In most apartments, where the distance from the floor to the ceiling is no more than 2.6 - 2.8 m, the best option is a standard size of 2.1 m.

The main condition that justifies an increase in the standard height of doorways is the need to move large pieces of furniture.


According to GOST, the standard width of a doorway intended for the installation of an interior door, when using single-leaf structures, has an average size of 0.7 to 0.8 m. Such parameters are justified by average statistical data on the dimensions of an adult.

At the same time, the permissible width of the passageways for bathrooms and toilets can be from 0.55 to 0.6 m. The use of double-leaf doors for living rooms and bedrooms allows an increase in the width of the doorway to 1.2 m.

Custom dimensions

Currently, non-standard sizes of doorways are found much more often than those prescribed in GOST. This trend is due to the desire to bring more functionality and convenience to the house, as well as highlight the individuality of the created interior style.

Most often, redevelopment lends itself to the width of the doorway in living rooms. In this case, the increase in parameters is carried out by more than 1.5 times. So, in an effort to add the feeling of a large space, often instead of the usual single-leaf swing door of 0.7 m, the dimensions of the opening increase to 1.6 m and a double-leaf door is installed.

Due to the presence of large furniture and with sufficient dimensions of the rooms, as well as, if desired, to give the room a visual expansion of the space, the opening for the interior door can be expanded and have dimensions up to 1 m.In this case, both a wide swing door and sliding door systems with one or with two flaps.

However, there are frequent cases of redevelopment of interior aisles by reducing their width. Such actions are also permissible. But for any changes in the existing passages between rooms in the direction of their narrowing, it is necessary to rely on the requirements of evacuation and fire safety. The main condition for meeting these requirements is the unimpeded movement of people in emergency situations.

Arched doorways

Arches can be attributed to certain types of doorways. This gradation is due to the peculiarities of their designs. In the absence of the door leaf itself, the width and height of the openings can expand significantly. The main condition for redevelopment is to change the walls, which are not load-bearing structures.

However, even for arches, there are some engineering restrictions that directly depend on the type of arched structure.

Types of structures

Arches are conventionally divided in their form into the following types:

  • Rectangular;
  • Classic;
  • Ellipsoidal;
  • Round;
  • Half arch;
  • Eastern;
  • Asymmetric.

The size of the opening of a rectangular arch in most cases is almost identical to the dimensions of the passage for a standard interior door in height and averages 2 -2.1 m. The classical design implies a sufficiently large radius of curvature of the arch, therefore, the passage in the wall in height most often reaches 2, 2 - 2.3 m. In this case, the width in most cases does not undergo changes and is standard 0.8 m.

Despite some narrowing of the rounding of the ellipsoidal arch, the parameters of the doorway for its installation change significantly. So, the width is about 1 m, while the height of the passage can reach almost to the ceiling and have a maximum allowable value of 2.5 m. Such drastic changes are necessary, since with standard dimensions, a passage of such a shape will look ridiculous.

Round structures, like ellipsoidal ones, require significant wall modifications. The minimum width with such an arched opening is 0.9 m, and the height, due to the large radius, also approaches the maximum technologically permitted value of 2.5 m.

The semi-arch and the opening of the eastern type in most cases do not require changing the width of the passage at standard values ​​of 80 cm. But asymmetric structures can have the maximum allowable parameters of width and height.

Features of calculating the dimensions of the doorway

When choosing doors, it is very important to correctly calculate the dimensions of the opening. Thus, the installation of the structure can be greatly facilitated. Precisely selected height, as well as the width of the product, allows you not to alter the opening for the interior door.

It is important to remember that shrinkage must be taken into account when calculating in newly built buildings. The timing of such processes directly depends on the materials from which the walls are made. Wooden buildings lend themselves to the greatest changes. At the same time, ordinary glued beams can be reduced to 2 cm for each meter of height. The logs settle down to 15 cm per 1 m.

The installation of different types of door structures can significantly affect the width of the aisle. A sliding compartment door requires a margin of about 10 cm. The roto door, due to the complexity of the mechanism, also requires an additional niche that reduces the width of the opening to accommodate fasteners.

The finishing work carried out in the rooms can also significantly affect the size of the doorway. So, laying a simple, not insulated linoleum takes about 1 cm of height. Laminate flooring reduces this figure by 2 cm.In the case of laying tiles or porcelain stoneware slabs on the floor, the height of the doorway will decrease by 3 - 5 cm. Underfloor heating can take an additional 7 - 10 cm.

If you decide to replace the old installed door block with a new, beautiful and modern design, make sure that the product is made in accordance with GOST. Many people believe that the size for door products is taken at random, under the opening in the wall, but this is not the case. All interior doors are made in accordance with GOST 6629-88, which includes common standards for the width of interior doors. During installation, you should first study GOST for installing interior doors.

Before choosing a new door, carefully calculate the internal dimensions of the opening in the wall, since its parameters play an important role in the choice of the canvas. Depending on what plan the door product is, the standards for the width may differ. But this is not scary, since these nuances are provided for in the GOST.

Standard sizes according to GOST

When measurements are taken of the internal space of the opening, then according to GOST several dimensions are taken into account at once. The height, width of the opening, its thickness, as well as the weight of the future structure are taken into account. The dimensions of the hole in the wall will be larger than the parameters of the finished door, since the entire interior structure is placed in it together with the door frame. If, nevertheless, the internal dimensions turned out to be larger than the already purchased product, then in order to make the final leveling of the walls, use a brick, but do not forget about the weight of the product. Before installing the box, thoroughly prepare the wall surface and remove any loose elements.

One of the main and, as a rule, the first thing to install structural elements is the box. According to GOST, the box has the same internal dimensions as the canvas itself, but they will be wider in width by exactly the thickness of the gap. If the box is not provided with a technological gap, then the door will be difficult to open and close. In some cases, one width of the strips is not enough, therefore, according to GOST, in order to increase free space, addons are used.

The door next to the box is installed directly. It becomes a highlight in the new design. A door and a box made in accordance with GOST will bring unique decorated elements into the room. Since the sizes vary in different directions, consider the main parameters that affect them:

  • the width of the door is the first and most important dimension. According to GOST, a standard door leaf for an interior design has a width of 70 and 80 cm.In small-sized apartments, in order to save free space, doors with a leaf width of 60 cm are often made, but they are mainly installed in a bathroom or toilet. For entrance doors, the width according to GOST is 90 and 100 cm, so that it is possible to carry large-sized furniture or equipment into the opening;
  • product height. Since most of the apartments were built in the Soviet Union, the dimensions of the doorways in them remained standard, and vary from 190 to 210 cm.The average indicator according to GOST is a canvas height of 200 cm.It is important not to forget about the future flooring and, accordingly , leave the necessary clearance for this. Otherwise, the door will cling to the floor;
  • door leaf thickness. This is a minor parameter, since it is rarely taken into account when choosing a particular door model. Thickness affects the sound insulation and weight of the structure. This indicator, like the width, is reflected in the GOST.

Read also:- width, height of the canvas and the opening

Double-leaf interior doors

If the room has large dimensions, then swing double-leaf wooden doors will look amazing. For such products, the use of two canvases is provided, made according to the standard and GOST, the dimensions of which depend directly on the version of the door and opening model.

According to GOST, for such door structures the width of the opening is 120-150 cm. Thanks to these dimensions, it becomes possible to install a double door that meets the needs of consumers. If the opening is small, but you want to install a spectacular door, then you can make one sash smaller. This design is very functional.

A small canvas can be made deaf, GOST is not prohibited, or with the possibility of opening in rare cases, for example, to bring a sofa or other large-sized things into the house. The width of such a web according to GOST standard is equal to half or a third of a normal product. The second part acts as a full-fledged door leaf. When using two identical sashes, the opening increases several times in width, which makes it easier for a large number of visitors to pass.

As for single doors, the standard for the height of this option ranges from 200-210 cm. When there are large ceilings in the house, their height is increased to create an effective visualization by including a special insert. Its installation gives the doors a luxurious appearance and facilitates the work of the leaves. It is not uncommon for this kind of door products to be found in the mansions of wealthy people.

Individual offers

Interior door products made according to the standard and GOST have found application in houses and apartments of an old century-old building. But in some modern projects it is necessary to deviate from such a standard. Thanks to the manufacture of door products according to individual orders and proposals, new design solutions can be installed. Often a wall constructed of plasterboard is used to increase or decrease the door frame. A door of various widths and shapes is attached to it, the main thing is not to overdo it with the weight of the product. Since a drywall wall does not have the same strength as a concrete wall, the sashes are chosen with a lower weight or from a different material. The most ideal replacement for swing doors in this case would be the installation of sliding systems.

Since in this case the door works are not made according to the usual standard and GOSTs, then pay attention to their changing parameters. These include the height and width of the door.

It is only desirable to increase the height in such products, especially in houses and apartments with high ceilings. This size of door leaves visually increases the passage by several times.

To change the width, there is only one condition - this is an even distribution of the load on the door frame. If it is necessary to increase the opening by more than 2 m, care should be taken to install a special support. It acts as a lintel between the door leaves. If the internal dimensions do not allow you to roam freely, then you can reduce them to 55-60 cm, while simultaneously lightening the entire structure.

Door frame dimensions

After the final selection of the door structure, the remaining elements are determined. Since it is the box that serves as the basis for the construction of the canvas, it will be important to correctly calculate its dimensional part.

Starting from GOST, you can increase the height of the box with the door by 15 cm. The door width can also be increased in both directions, but we must not forget about the gap from the box to the wall. Here the rate is 10 mm. It is necessary for the reliable installation of the loot. The door leaf is made smaller than the frame by a few centimeters, so that during operation it does not rub on the floor. When installing new interior doors, the thickness of the sash must match the thickness of the door frame. When installing interior doors, adhere to SNiP and GOST installation standards.

If the interior doors are made and installed in accordance with the requirements of GOST, then for a long time they will delight the owners with their individual appearance and excellent characteristics.

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During construction or renovation, especially related to the redevelopment of premises, the question is usually about the required dimensions of doorways intended for the installation of interior doors. What are the standard sizes of doorways, what are the standard sizes of the door leaf, door block (leaf together with the frame), how to correctly determine the required width and height - this will be discussed below. In addition, we will consider cases in which it is undesirable to be guided by the recommendations of GOST, and it is very likely that your case is one of them.

What standard regulates the dimensions of interior doors

Dimensions of interior doors are set by GOST 6629-88 "Wooden interior doors for residential and public buildings." This standard, of course, is very outdated in general, but at the same time, most of the manufacturers of interroom, at least in terms of size, comply with it. The same standard determines the requirements for the dimensions of doorways, and most of those built in the late Soviet period comply with this standard. Earlier development is another matter, but this is a separate topic for conversation.

Most manufacturers still comply with GOST 6629-88 in the production of interior doors

What are the standard door sizes defined by GOST

There are two possible height sizes for all door leaves:

  • 2000 mm;
  • 2300 mm.

And the corresponding dimensions of the door block (door leaf + frame):

  • 2071 mm;
  • 2371 mm;

The following possible dimensions are set for the width of the door leaf:

  • 600 mm;
  • 700 mm;
  • 800 mm;
  • 900 mm;
  • 1100 mm;

And the corresponding widths of the door blocks (door leaf + frame):

  • 670 mm;
  • 770 mm;
  • 870 mm;
  • 970 mm;
  • 1170 mm.

Attention! It should be noted that if the dimensions of door leaves according to GOST are observed by almost all manufacturers of interior doors, then with boxes the situation is somewhat different.

Due to the fact that since the adoption of the GOST, many new materials and technical solutions have appeared in this area, the dimensions of door blocks from different manufacturers can differ by up to several centimeters.

Measurement of the doorway before installing the door

For example: GOST defines the standard size of the leaf 600x2000 mm, and the door block for such a leaf is 670x2071 mm. The doors made of MDF, which are quite widespread today, equipped with a folding door frame made of MDF, have a door leaf size of 600x2000 mm, and the size of the door block is 650x2050 mm. At the same time, less often, but door blocks are found and larger than prescribed by GOST, dimensions, for example 680x2070 mm, with the same standard door leaf 600x2000 mm.

What are the standard sizes of doorways

GOST 6629-88 sets the following standard dimensions for doorways:

  • Heights - 2100 mm or 2400 mm;
  • Widths - 710 mm, 810 mm, 910 mm, 1010 mm, 1210 mm.

For example, according to GOST, a 800x2000 mm door leaf assembled with a door frame should have an installation size of 870x2071 mm, and the doorway for this door should be 910x2100 mm in size.

Attention! As you can see from the above, if you make a doorway in accordance with GOST, and you acquire a door, as in the previous example, with a door block size of 850x2055 mm, you will encounter problems when installing it: such an opening is large for securely fixing this door block in it.

Measurement diagram of the door and door frame

Here it should be borne in mind that GOST was drawn up at a time when foam was not used when installing doors, and is designed for the installation of doors by the "wet method", when the gaps between the wall and the door frame were filled with plaster. By itself, this method completely discredited itself - the consequences of such an installation are still remembered, when in a completely new apartment from the first days not a single interior door closed normally: under the influence of moisture from the plaster, the wooden door frames were twisting even before the start of operation.

Advice. Doorways must be made 20mm less in width and 30mm less in height than recommended by GOST.

If, after the formation of the opening for installing the doors, you plan to make a screed and lay the floors, the height of the opening must be increased by an amount equal to the height to which the floor level will subsequently rise.

Let's consider two cases separately:

  1. When you need to pick up doors to an existing doorway;
  2. When you are going to form an opening and you need to decide on its dimensions.

In the first case, it is important to consider the following: no matter how you would like to act differently, you need to decide on the choice of the door before the stage of finishing the walls and. This is necessary because, as mentioned above, the dimensions of door blocks from various door manufacturers may have significant deviations from the standard ones, and if it is necessary to take measures to expand or, conversely, narrow the doorway, this must be done before finishing work. But you can install the doors after.

A correctly installed door will delight owners for many years.

In both cases, we check the tables below, and in the first case we select the size closest to the existing one and bring the existing opening to this size (expand or reduce, respectively), and in case # 2 we form the opening in size from the tables.

And for double doors:

The height of the openings for 2000 mm canvases should be 2060-2070 mm, for 2300 mm canvases - 2360-2370 mm.

Attention! The height of the openings is indicated for the option of installing an interior door without a threshold. If you need a threshold, then the height of the opening must be correspondingly increased by the height of the threshold.

We hope that the information provided on standard door sizes will protect you from the standard error sizes that are so often the result of lack of awareness.

Video: Measurement of interior doors

Doorways are indispensable elements of any room, and how convenient it is to enter the room and move large objects depends on their size. With a few exceptions, the premises also have window openings, the dimensions of which should provide the necessary level of natural light and fresh air. The dimensions of doors and doorways, as well as windows, are regulated by standards (GOST), as well as building codes and regulations (SNiP).

This avoids confusion in the design and construction to create normal conditions for the operation of residential, industrial and public buildings and structures. The size of the doorway is selected based on the convenience of the passage of people, as well as in accordance with the intensity of movement in and out of the room. There are criteria by which the typical sizes of windows are determined.

Sizes of openings for interior doors and a standard doorway of an entrance door

When talking about a standard doorway, the size of the door leaf must also be taken into account. These are interrelated parameters that affect the convenience of entering and exiting a room. In accordance with GOST 6629-80, the width of the opening is taken from 670 to 1872 mm, and the door leaf from 600 to 1802 mm. At the same time, blind doors have a slightly smaller width than glazed ones. The height of the openings can be 2071 and 2371 mm, and for the canvas this value is 2000 and 2300 mm, respectively.

There is a dependency that is taken into account when choosing conventional swing doors. First, the final dimensions of the door opening are determined, the dimensions of which are 70-80 mm larger than the canvas. Based on this ratio, the door is selected. The height and width of interior doors in accordance with existing standards and requirements is less than the entrance doors. This is due to the need to ensure a freer passage and transport of bulky items.

The dimensions of the opening for sliding doors are regulated by the same standard, while the door leaf has slightly different dimensions. Unlike conventional doors, sliding doors are 50-60 mm larger than the corresponding opening parameter. This is due to the fact that in this case the canvas moves parallel to the wall and must completely block the entrance to the room.

Standard sizes of window openings: how is the width and height of the window opening determined?

For window openings, the dimensions are regulated by GOST 11214-86. This standard also determines the dimensions of balcony doors. In accordance with it, the width of the windows can be from 870 to 2670 mm, and the height from 1160 to 2060 mm. The size of these parameters is influenced by the area of ​​the room, the required level of illumination, as well as the architectural features of the building in general and the room in particular. As a rule, the area of ​​the window is chosen in proportion to the area of ​​the room, as well as the size of the whole house.

The size of the opening affects the glazing scheme of the window, the number of sashes and transoms. GOST 11214-86 also determines the dimensions of doors for access to a balcony or loggia. Balcony doors have a standard height of 2755 mm, but depending on the number of leaves and the characteristics of the leaf, they can be 870, 1170 and 1778 mm wide.

Windows are one of the important components that influence the architectural appearance of a building, and therefore they are chosen in such a way that they look organically and proportionally on its facades. Standard window dimensions are used for all typical solutions, although in individual projects it is allowed to use other sizes that allow you to highlight the original architectural solution.

And a little more about GOSTs

What are the standard window sizes used in residential buildings?

Today the standard sizes of windows are set by GOST 11214-86 and GOST 23166-99 "Wooden windows and balcony doors with double glazing for residential and public buildings". It clearly indicates the technical requirements for structures, types, types, markings and standard sizes of windows and window openings in residential buildings. According to GOST, the standard size of windows is influenced by the dimensions of the opening, the material from which the window is made, and its type. Therefore, standardization was carried out in all directions and the norms for the dimensions of the opening and windows were determined for heights of 60, 90, 120, 135, 150, 180 cm, and widths, 60, 90, 100, 120, 150, 180. For example, GOSTs offer such sizes: 560х870 (opening 610х910); 560х1170 (opening 610х1210); 860x870; 860x1170; 860x1320; 860x1470; 1160x870 (1170, 1320, 1470); 1460x (1170, 1320, 1470).

What door sizes can be used in residential areas?

In GOST 6629-88 it is indicated that the minimum width of an internal blind door is 670 mm, while the door leaf is 600 mm, and for glass - 740 mm. As practice shows, this is not always enough for a comfortable stay. It is worth remembering that it may be necessary to bring in furniture through the opening, and therefore it is advisable to increase the dimensions of the opening. Thus, for the bedroom and other living rooms, the dimensions of the doors must be at least 90 cm, and the clearance must be at least 80 cm, and for the bathroom, the dimensions of the doors according to GOST can be used.

Balcony Door Standards

The width of a standard balcony door depends on the type of building. For example, the standard width of a balcony door for structures of the Khrushchev era was 680 mm. At the moment, there are no strict SNIPs (building codes and regulations) that establish certain minimum standards for a balcony door. Therefore, one should proceed from the technical possibilities. For example, the minimum sash width of a plastic balcony door is 450 mm, but if you install such a structure, then it will be problematic to go through it. Therefore, an opening with a width of 610 mm is considered the best option. The figure shows various options for installing a balcony door in residential premises.

The width of the window opening at design time. What should be considered?

During the design of the future house, it is necessary to pay attention to the width of the window opening, its height, the geographical position of the house and the side the window will face. First of all, the opening area must ensure the normal light transmission capacity of the window unit, sunlight must enter the room for 2.5 hours under continuous lighting, and the ratio of the room area to the window area must be at least 1: 8. After the calculation of the area has been made, it is necessary to select the dimensions of the opening. It is best to turn to GOST 11214-86 and use standard sizes for country houses, since non-standard values ​​will lead to additional costs and problems.

Standard sizes of windows in a panel house. How to take measurements?

The standard sizes of windows in a panel house have long been known. For example, if a house is of the P-49 series, then the typical window dimensions are 1310 by 1520 mm, if P-46, then 1470 by 1420 mm. But very often the builders made mistakes, and even in the same house the windows can differ in size among themselves. That is why it is worth making accurate measurements. To do this, you will need a tape measure and a metal ruler. With a tape measure, we measure the width and height of the window, and push the ruler under the slope and measure its depth. Thus, the sum of the width of the window and the depth of the slope on both sides is the width of the opening. Then you need to check the diagonals, and if they are the same, you can start calculating the size of the window. As a rule, 2-4 cm are subtracted from the width of the opening. As for the height, we subtract 2 cm from the height of the window from above, and the height of the profile strip under the window sill from below.

How to choose the size of your front door?

In order to choose the right size of the entrance door, you need to know the size of the opening, then you can use the tabular values ​​of the door and doorway sizes and choose the right option for yourself. If the size of the entrance door differs from the standard values, then you will have to use a two-leaf or half-leaf entrance door. It must also be remembered that a door that opens outward not only saves space in the hallway, but is also safer.

Dimensions of doorways. What do you need to remember?

When choosing door and window openings, certain subtleties must be remembered. First of all, I would like to note that it is best to design door and window sizes that meet the standards. There is a misconception that more is better. The larger the connector, the heavier the structure will be, and this becomes a problem, especially in a draft. Also, very often fittings fail. As for the window, here, too, the main thing is not to overdo it, since huge windows in small rooms create feelings of discomfort and insecurity. When calculating the dimensions, do not forget to take into account the mounting gap and the material of the box, since the thickness depends on it.

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