Conspiracies for female beauty and attractiveness. A conspiracy for the beauty of the face, body or hair: how to protect attractiveness Magic spell for beauty

Surely there is not a single woman in the world who does not dream of preserving the wondrous beauty of youth until old age. Yes, and offending men is somehow not good. Many take care of themselves, beloved, that coquettes before the assembly. But not every person understands this very serious matter. They think more and more about creams and other “magic remedies”, but they don’t even suspect about magical methods. Nevertheless, a conspiracy to beauty can help preserve an extraordinary youth. Don't believe? Let's understand how it works.

Magic or energy?

Often people dismiss magical methods of influencing appearance, considering them frivolous. They believe that a conspiracy to beauty will not bring any sense. This is not some kind of tool made using the latest technology, but just a few words. Only they are extraordinary. This should be understood. The vibrations of the voice, born at a certain time or in special conditions, create an energy flow that attracts what is desired into life. This is how almost all folk magic is built. A person pronounces a conspiracy, for example. It affects his aura in a certain way. Then the "magician" himself changes his behavior, worldview, which leads to the achievement of the goal. This is how the beauty conspiracy is made. The one who pronounces it does not act on the skin, but directs the energy inside. His thoughts gradually change to more optimistic ones. And from this, the appearance becomes attractive, not to mention health.

How to read a plot

In order for everything to work out, it is necessary to know not only the text, but also some features of the use of "cosmetic" magic. They are simple. A conspiracy for beauty and attractiveness is read with complete confidence in its effectiveness. The slightest doubt will lead, at best, to the absence of any effect. Inner confidence is important here, and magic begins with it.

The effectiveness of the conspiracy also depends on the strength of the "wizard". It can be corrected. It is recommended to fast before the start of the “procedures”, both physical (in food) and spiritual. You should ensure that your emotional plan becomes generally positive. Throw away evil and envious thoughts, forget them. Unpleasant emotions to exclude, and so on. From this, the forces of the "magician" are growing by leaps and bounds. In this case, it will be faster to bring beauty. The plot must be pronounced quietly, but clearly. Words must be filled. Remember how you read poetry as a child, when every sound was important, even exciting. So it is necessary to read the conspiracy, perceiving it with the soul.

goal setting

You will say that it is already clear that cosmetic magic is used to improve appearance? But the goal is not just smooth skin and glowing eyes. She is in another. Some people want to impress their gentlemen at first sight, others dream of a spouse, others need to get an interesting job, and so on. This is exactly what purpose is. For cosmetic magic, it is important that a person strives for good. For example, the desire to recapture a boyfriend from a friend will not always bring beauty. It might even ruin your face.

Before reading the conspiracy to beauty, "inspect" your personal goal. This is not for reporting, but for self-defense purposes. Ideally, magical advice helps someone who wants to increase the total amount of love in the world. In our case, we need to strive to please ourselves and those around us with our appearance. Such goal-setting will surely resonate with the Higher Forces.

Full moon conspiracies for beauty

Many beginner "magicians" inattentively read wise recommendations. From this come the disappointments caused by the lack of effect from the rituals. It is important to understand that the recommendations most often indicate at what time to read the conspiracy for beauty and youth. The full moon is the time when magic is most accessible to ordinary people. It is believed that during this period the "wall" between the worlds is the most current, fragile. Therefore, the forces better hear the requests addressed to them, more willingly come to the rescue. The full moon is the time when all living things are energized. Many people feel this, react with insomnia or increased emotionality. It's just that the energy is seething in the veins, demanding an outlet. It is worth taking advantage of this "natural phenomenon".

How to read a plot on a full moon

Be sure to look at the Queen of the Night when you begin to "tell". It is necessary to feel a connection with her, to be filled with her strength. And the words are: “Light of the moon, pour on your face and hands, on a slender body, on your hair and in your eyes, like holy dew! So that the soul is filled with unearthly beauty, so that the skin turns white, the heart becomes kinder, so that the eyes shine, as if from a passionate caress! To be slim and flexible, to enchant my smile! Amen!". You need to speak three times. To increase efficiency, it is recommended to put a glass of water in the moonlight. Read the words above it. And then leave it for the whole night under the influence of the Queen of the Night. In the morning, when you get up, drink this magical moisture.

Conspiracy for the beauty of the face

The attractiveness of appearance can be "created" almost daily. Grandmothers recommend talking water for washing. They say that such moisture is literally

works wonders! Type in a container (basin or jug) of clean water. Say three times: “I got up, crossed myself, bowed three times, and went to the forest that stands obliquely. There, a magical spring beats, a terrible toad lives in it. She preserves beauty, distributes it to those who wish. I'll call her a friend, a wonderful frog. He will become kinder, he will grow bolder, he will measure beauty to me at once! I will wash myself with that water, wipe myself with the clear sun, clothe myself with the blue sky, and pray to the Lord. So that young beauty and health are bestowed with love! Amen!". Rinse your face with this water seven times, but do not wipe it. Let the skin "get drunk" to the full. Repeat every day.

How to get rid of skin imperfections

Water is spoken not only for a radiant face. If there are minor flaws, then

you can use a special ritual. It is held daily in the evenings. Only water is needed not from a tap, but from a spring. In extreme cases, thawed, from the freezer. It is poured into a glass, two candles are lit on the sides and such a conspiracy is read: “Voditsa, sister of the earth, daughter of heaven, do not sit me down by night. Wash your face, take away pimples (wrinkles, spots, and so on, whatever you need). Run into the ground and take indecent! Bury her deep so that she does not return before the deadline. The sun fell down, so as not to break out of the ground! Amen!". Wash your face with water and collect the leftovers in a bowl. Go and splash "over the porch" (into the ground). Do not wipe your face, wait for it to dry itself. This ritual can be done "on the whole body." They speak a bucket of water, then pour it over, standing in a basin. Then they are thrown onto the ground.

Prayer for beauty

This ritual is performed on a birthday. You need to get up before dawn, meet the sun. As it begins to appear, turn to face him and say: “Lord, light up the waters so that I can wash myself, touch the sun’s rays that will warm, bless the sky that will wear! Lord, bless Thy Servant (name) for a young, long, prosperous life, for bright beauty, for all people. So that the flowers smile, people rejoice and admire! Amen!". This prayer should be read once. Then go to the morning service, put a candle in front of the icon of the guardian angel.

Ritual for attraction

Many are interested in the strongest beauty conspiracy. The next rite is just that.

You will need an ordinary cactus or other plant with thorns. It should be placed in the east corner of the room. Every day, early in the morning, visit your magical assistant and say these words: “Greetings to you, prickly old man, mighty malice! Please, bowing down, do not be angry with me! Direct the thorns on the face so that it begins to glow, use your strength so that my beauty is born! Bless youth and health, so that life is filled with love! Amen!". You need to start communicating with a cactus on Friday. The ritual is carried out for a week. Then you can stop for a while and repeat again. Watch your magic cactus, don't forget to take care of it. His strength will pass to you, your face will become younger. As long as it feels good, your beauty will shine for everyone to enjoy. And if it blooms, expect a pleasant turn in life.

In this article:

Every woman wants to be attractive, it is important for her to be paid attention to, complimented, admired. For many centuries, female beauty has been of great importance, beauty has been the subject of real worship, and later - the subject of creative inspiration. Women, for their attractiveness, were dedicated to songs and poems, they painted pictures and made sculptures from them. But today, appearance is no less important, it still rules the world.

In the age of high technology, women have tremendous opportunities to be beautiful. Thousands of varieties of cosmetics, various beauty salons, fitness centers, and even plastic surgery stand guard over female beauty. They will help not only to emphasize the advantages of appearance, but can also significantly change this very appearance. Today everything is in the hands of a woman.

Magic and female attractiveness

But not everything is so clear. Unfortunately or fortunately, there is no clear relationship between a woman's happiness and her attractiveness. Haven't you heard stories that even the most beautiful are often lonely, and maybe this is your problem?

You like yourself, and everyone tells you that you are very attractive, but you still haven’t found simple female happiness? It's simple, it's about energy, about spiritual attraction.

These methods will never be superfluous, a huge number of women have experienced their positive impact on energy

A conspiracy or magic rite for attractiveness can have different goals. The first version of the ritual is aimed at increasing your sexual energy, opening the female chakras and attracting the attention of men in this way. The second version of the ritual for attractiveness helps to physically improve the appearance of the performer, improve the skin, remove wrinkles and much more.

Ritual for the growing moon

This magical ritual is aimed at improving the skin of the face. The ceremony must be carried out during the period of the growing moon or during the new moon, which symbolizes rebirth and a new beginning. The female performer should be dressed in a long white dress, no trousers and jeans are out of the question, you need to emphasize your femininity.

We take a teaspoon of aloe juice and half a spoon of fresh honey. We mix the ingredients in a clay or crystal bowl until we get a homogeneous mass. Now you need to wash your face in pure spring water and apply the resulting mixture on it. During this, it is necessary to read the words of the conspiracy seven times:

“You, prickly flower, yes you, sweet honey, remove old age from my face, strengthen my feminine beauty, so that all the young girls envy me, the servant of God (name), and the good fellows all licked me. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen".

After pronouncing the last lines, you need to wash your face seven times with clean warm water, saying:

“Like water on the face, so beauty on the face, like water from the face, and old age forever from my face.”

This rite must be performed at night, on the moon, for seven days.

Ritual for the attractiveness of the physical and spiritual

This magical ritual has a rich history, it has been used by women and girls since time immemorial, and in many families it was passed from mouth to mouth from the older generation to the younger. The beauty of the ceremony lies in the fact that it is very versatile, with its help you can eliminate flaws in your appearance, as well as get rid of spiritual problems that prevent a woman from gaining the attention of men, becoming charming and desirable.

The entire ritual must take place in a state of rest and silence.

The plot used in this ritual must be recited on your own thing that you use constantly, it is best if it is an object with which you improve your appearance, for example, a comb or a small mirror.

After the ceremony, in order for the spell to work, the charmed thing must always be kept next to you.

But do not forget about a simple rule that applies to all magical actions without exception: no one should see or hold the charmed thing in their hands, except for the performer.

Conspiracy words:

“My treasure is a treasure, my treasure is a love pledge. I will put you in a dungeon, but I will talk you into a beautiful maiden. Angel in the name, Archangel in the name, pull the suitors to the servant of God (name). I will be beautiful, I will be ruddy, I will be desirable to men, but like grass is spicy. Let the fellows grieve for me, let them yearn, grieve. In the world they remember me, in a feast. On the ground, yes on the water, remember me everywhere. I will be bright for them, like the light of the sun, clear, like the face of the moon, warm, like a soft wave. I will be among all the girls, but there is only one such woman. My words are strong, my desires are true. No one can knock down my conspiracy, do not whisper, do not find stronger words to scold. As people believe in God and bow to their mother church, so everyone will love, desire and respect me. Everyone will meet me with a smile on their lips, but they will see me off with their eyes for a long time. My word is true, as I said, so be it. Amen".

Ritual to attract the attention of the opposite sex

This rite is similar to the previous ritual in terms of effectiveness, it also affects both the physical and spiritual levels and is a universal remedy if you want to feel desired and attractive.

Take a new mirror or one that only you use.

The ritual must be performed after midnight. Before this, take a bath or go to the shower, but during the ritual, your hair should already be completely dry. We put a small mirror on the table and place burning church candles on both sides. You need to sit right in front of the installed mirror, comb your hair with a wooden comb and pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“Beyond the sea-ocean, there is an ancient island - Buyan. On that island, a strong tower stands, made of black stone, icy stone, eternal, indestructible. In that tower there is a dark dungeon, a cold dungeon. There is no light in that dungeon. And there sits a beautiful girl. That dungeon is guarded by three fierce dogs, three gray beasts, with burning eyes, with sharp claws. Those dogs of beauty do not let the white light come out, but show their unwritten beauty to people. First dog, you hear me, cool down, calm down. The second dog, and you hear me, go to eternal sleep. And the third dog hear me, but run away as soon as possible. How do the animals leave? So the girl will come into the light of God. Through the night, through the day, through the ocean and the sea, through the dope and the flame, and through the spelled mirror. Get down, beauty, on the hair of the servant of God (name), give her your youth, your beauty, your strong strength. Now the servant of God (name) will be sweet to everyone, good to everyone, desirable to everyone. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After reading the last words, you need to quickly turn the mirror over and put it on the table with its reflective side. Now blow out the candles, first the one on the left, then the right one. Before. How to go to bed, you need to put the comb used in the ritual under your pillow and do not get it out for the next seven days. Until the end of this week, you can’t look in the mirror, on which he slandered the words of the conspiracy.

Magic rite with a ring

To attract the attention of the opposite sex, you need to buy a ring made of any metal, the main thing is that it be with a small red stone. The ring must be wrapped in a silk scarf and left in a dark place in the room for one week. During this period, no one should find the ring used, otherwise the rite will be very unsuccessful.

After a week, you need to hold the ring in your right hand and read the words of the conspiracy on it:

“Go, good fellows, to an honest holiday, to a clean holiday, to the feast of Christ. Just as the Orthodox people admire the icon of the Mother of God, so they will admire me, the servant of God (name). May I be more beautiful than the sun, more desirable than other maidens, and women. I will be dearer to them than all gold and silver. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen".

Every woman believes that there is no limit to perfection. In order to achieve their ideal, ladies are ready to spend incredible money on cosmetologists, go under the surgeon's knife and experiment with another miraculous remedy to preserve youth. But our grandmothers were well versed in other ways that allowed them to be beautiful and attractive until old age. Most often, they resorted to the help of ancient magic and used a conspiracy to attract. If you want to check its effectiveness, then our article will be very useful to you.

Types of conspiracies

Our ancestors knew that with the help of magic, almost any problem can be solved. Therefore, they turned to her in emergency cases, casting spells at night and using charmed herbs. Naturally, the most popular was love magic, which included more than one conspiracy for beauty and attractiveness.

Interestingly, modern magicians consider every woman to be the bearer of this ancient knowledge, which can awaken if necessary. Therefore, absolutely any girl can make a conspiracy for attractiveness, and subject to certain rules, it will be very strong and effective.

But, having decided to perform the ceremony, a woman must understand that they have a different focus on beauty. Some work to get rid of some imperfections and change the girl on a physical level. She can easily lose weight, get rid of acne, or suddenly grow luxurious thick curls in a couple of months. But besides this, there is a special kind of magic - a conspiracy to female attractiveness. Thanks to him, changes take place on and a woman suddenly becomes very attractive and attractive to members of the opposite sex. She may even have changed something in her, but men will never let her pass without a compliment. Such magic is extremely complex, but it is it that is recognized as very effective and long-lasting.

In our article we will talk about all types of magic aimed at increasing female attractiveness.

Conditions for the effectiveness of conspiracies

Before turning to magic, it is worth remembering first of all that each rite requires the fulfillment of certain conditions. Otherwise, it will not be effective or will have the opposite effect. For most rituals, the rules for conducting are identical:

  • You need to believe in what you say and do. It is known that self-confidence significantly increases the effectiveness of actions.
  • It is necessary to pronounce a conspiracy on attractiveness alone, fully concentrating on your words.
  • Attractiveness enhancement magic only works when the moon is full. This time is considered feminine and most suitable for rituals.
  • A woman pronouncing a conspiracy should be calm and positive. If you are upset, offended or very tired with something, then you should refuse the ceremony or reschedule it for another day.

Of course, these rules may seem very simple to many. But in fact, they contain a deep meaning, on which the result of your manipulations directly depends.

Paying for beauty

Every woman wants to find a really strong conspiracy for beauty and attractiveness, because it will allow solving numerous problems at a time. But do not forget that for any magical interference in your life, sooner or later there comes a retribution. Even the most experienced magicians will never tell you what you will have to pay for your newfound beauty. But that time will definitely come.

It is believed that if you find a very strong conspiracy to attract, then the retribution for it will be serious. You can lose beauty for a long time, suddenly gain weight or part with your loved one, attracted by your feminine energy, enhanced by the rite. How long the period of reckoning will last is unknown. Neither magicians nor those who constantly work with conspiracies know this.

Therefore, think carefully before deciding on a magical ritual. Haven't changed your mind yet? And do you really want to find beauty with the help of ancient rites? If so, then our following information will help you.

Conspiracy for cosmetics

The easiest way to enhance your attractiveness is to talk about the cosmetics that you use on a daily basis. To do this, wait for the full moon and put any cosmetics on the table. This should be done only after sunset, when the night luminary has already risen high into the starry sky. You can speak several means at the same time or one that you use most often.

Having made all the preparations, say the following words: “I will get up and go to the icy lake. I will ask for blessings and scoop up some water. There is no gold, silver, or black horse more expensive than this water. There is beauty in my handful, but from my body-face. "I will wash myself with that water, I will become more beautiful than any girl. My beauty will grow, exalt, make me happy every day. I will not make plans for the future, I will lock the words and lose the key. No one can find it, my beauty will not be disturbed. Amen." After pronouncing the words, cosmetics must be removed and used as usual. You will notice the effect of the ceremony after the first application.

Full moon conspiracies for beauty and attractiveness

By pronouncing magic words, the fair sex can not only remove some visible flaws, but also completely change the program that is embedded in her physiology. By creating such a conspiracy for attractiveness, women can literally create an installation according to which their body itself will begin to work on gaining and maintaining beauty. You will notice that you have become leaner, younger and feel much better than before. This ceremony is done on the full moon.

At twelve o'clock at night, the girl should take a glass of clean water and a few large grains of salt. It is necessary to pronounce the cherished words in a whisper and facing the window: “Water-water, beauty-beauty. I ask you, I pray, I beg you. Make me (name) more beautiful day by day, my skin is smoother. Queen Moon, let me be like this alone. White-faced, cheerful, sweet, kind.

Then pour salt into a glass and leave it on the window. After waking up in the morning, you need to drink a sip of water, saying the following words: "You are in me, and beauty is on me. I get drunk - I do not kill myself, I am surprised every new day."

Take a sip every morning until the water runs out. After that, the magic will begin to work. This ritual is considered very effective.

Rituals to strengthen female energy

We have already said that there is a category of rituals that are aimed at enhancing female attractiveness on a mental level. A similar plot for attractiveness is read before going to bed after taking a shower. are clean and loose hair. Before pronouncing the words, it is necessary to stand in front of the mirror in such a way as to be reflected in it completely. You need to say the following: “I will get up with a blessing, I will go out after baptism. At the door, at the gate, where I will turn my back to the east, face to the west, yes I will say - I will ask you to look at me, admire, look, do not look enough. I will increase my beauty, I will fix I will exalt."

After the spoken words, a woman can no longer think about her shortcomings and imperfections, because from that moment she will not have to suffer from male inattention.

Rituals for attraction, acting on the physical and mental level

If you want to become more beautiful and at the same time use the most effective conspiracy to attract, on the full moon you need to conduct a ritual designed to use all the forces of your body. It will require some preparation. You will need simple items:

  • mirror;
  • two church candles;
  • wooden comb.

Before the conspiracy, the girl must wash off all the negativity with water. After drying the hair and body, you can proceed to the ceremony. After twelve o'clock at night, put the mirror on the table and light two candles on either side of it. Combing your hair, slowly and clearly pronounce the words: “Beyond the distant lands, beyond the deep oceans, there is a lonely island - it is far from all people. On a high rock there is a tower without windows, with walls deaf, dark and difficult. fierce beasts. They are afraid that the good fellow will like it. I will calm down those animals, take the beauty away. I will give her freedom, but I beg - I beg. Be kind to me, descend on my braids, so that I become sweet to everyone. May I become desirable, young and strong. Your beauty comes to me, inspires me. "

Immediately after this, the mirror must be turned over and not looked into it for a week. The candles are blown out, starting from the left, and the comb is placed under the pillow for seven days. After this time, the girl should actively use both the comb and the charmed mirror.

Rite of attraction for males

If you are tormented by the indifference of the surrounding men, then a conspiracy to attract on the ring will help you. For this purpose, any new jewelry inlaid with red stone will do. The ring must be wrapped in a silk cloth and hidden for seven days from prying eyes. After that, the decoration is taken in the right hand and the words are pronounced: “Good fellows come to my house, look at my beauty. I will be more beautiful, sweeter and more desirable to you. the sun is clear, the warmth of spring. Amen."

The ring must always be worn on the body. You can hide it on a long chain under your clothes or put it on your finger.

Conspiracy on milk

Milk in many cultures was considered an extraordinary drink, so it is not surprising that it was often used in beauty rituals. This ritual has been known since time immemorial, but for its implementation it is necessary to take only the present

The following words are said above the glass: “Fresh milk, fresh and young, make me beautiful and desirable.

After saying three times, you need to drink the liquid, and wash your face with the rest. This ritual can be repeated once a week. You will notice the result immediately, but it will take about a month to consolidate it.

Vanga's conspiracy

What are women most afraid of? Of course, old age. Her arrival is noticeable by the wrinkles on her face, which can spoil the impression of the most beautiful woman. Vanga advised the ladies to perform a ritual to get rid of wrinkles with water.

On a glass of liquid at sunrise, a woman must say twelve times a short conspiracy: "I do not let old age, I do not let go of beauty." Wash with this water. You need to perform such a ritual for seven days in a row.

The return of lost beauty

It happens that for some reason a woman loses her beauty and attractiveness. You can return it with the help of a conspiracy. You will need:

  • key or ;
  • Cup;
  • three wax candles;
  • a new sky-colored scarf;
  • grains of coarse salt.

On the full moon, you need to tie a scarf around your hair, light candles and place them near the glass. Throw salt into it and, uttering the words, start pouring water: “Water-vodka is not good for thirst, give beauty, take away nausea. Give me back mine, take someone else’s. Make me young, beautiful, stately and desirable. not like anyone." After that, immediately put out the candles and go to bed.

At dawn, you need to drink seven sips of water, crossing yourself with your right hand. The rest of the water must be poured onto yourself. Do not come into contact with water anymore, you can’t wash yourself either.


Conspiracies have been used by our ancestors for hundreds of years, so there is no doubt about their effectiveness. In our article, we have collected for you only the most effective rituals that will surely help you achieve what you want.

A conspiracy to become very beautiful and attractive to all people - men and women is very old and before it was known only to the supreme witches and sorcerers. Time has passed and magical books containing conspiracies and magical rites suggesting beauty, attractiveness and grooming became the property of all. People quickly realized the profitability of magic with which you can very quickly get what you need. Money, health, love and beauty are the main areas of magic available to everyone, and any person who wishes is able to independently perform the ceremony and cast a spell, because there is nothing complicated about it! Today, conspiracies will not tell you about the magic of beauty and reveal an old and very effective conspiracy that brings beauty and after reading a spell that makes you beautiful and attractive, you will instantly transform, people will begin to reach out to you with magical power, wanting to enter the circle of your communication.

Straightaway after reading the conspiracy to beauty, your life will change completely - you will become a constant object of attention of others, strangers on the street will pay attention to you and try to make acquaintances ... If you are ready to be in the spotlight, this conspiracy is exactly what you need to become very beautiful and charming. A conspiracy read on water will help you become beautiful and well-groomed . You need to wash your face with charmed water every morning, so it’s not in vain that people say “beauty requires sacrifice”, in this case, time for daily reading of the conspiracy. Yes, be prepared for the fact that every day you will have to pour a mug of water in the evening and read conspiracy for beauty leave the charmed vessel on the windowsill so that in the morning you can complete the ritual and wash yourself with charmed water. Now that you know the whole ritual of white magic that makes a person attractive and makes him more beautiful, you can read a conspiracy to beauty :

From a soft bed to a clear lake,

With parental blessing
I will draw water from the heavenly well.
That vodushka is more expensive than gold rings,
Miles of stone chambers, silver cups.
And the water is beauty.

I will wash my white face in it and I will seem to young fellows,

Old old men, old men, decrepit old women,

Young girls, old widows

More beautiful than the sun of a red, clear month, a ray of the morning.

My beauty would seem to everyone and everyone at any hour,

Every minute and every day,
She would fall on their hearts and eyes.


© Copyright: Maginya

  • I think every woman wants to become beautiful and attractive, and this conspiracy for magical beauty can be used without fear of consequences - this is harmless white magic without any consequences other than magical beauty and attractiveness. A conspiracy for beauty must be read in the forest, and before the ceremony, you need not to eat lethal food for three days (meat, poultry, fish, eggs, caviar - only vegetable). Arriving in the forest, find a deciduous female tree (birch, linden, alder...) that has dry leaves (the best time to beautify yourself is autumn, but such trees are found at any time of the year). To enhance the attractiveness, stand under the selected tree and say a conspiracy to beauty and youth in your voice:

  • A conspiracy for large breasts should be read if you want to enlarge your breasts with the help of magic, after a conspiracy for breast growth, the volume will not exceed 2 sizes, and the chest will tighten and become beautiful and elastic. If you have small breasts and there is a need to increase the size of your breasts without surgery by a couple of sizes, conspiracies will not tell the old magical rite for breast augmentation, but you need to read a strong conspiracy for breast growth at home. To perform the magic ritual, wait for the growing moon and, taking a bra that you will no longer wear, stand with your heels in its cups and say the words of the conspiracy:

  • A special and very old conspiracy designed for hair growth will help accelerate hair growth. In Russia, girls have always used the magic of beauty and performed various ceremonies, rituals and spells with the reading of conspiracies suggesting magical beauty and attractiveness. A conspiracy for hair growth was especially popular, because a strong and long braid has always been in fashion. If there is a need to grow hair very quickly, giving it strength and volume, then this conspiracy that is read on the hair is perfect for this purpose. It is better to read a conspiracy for hair growth on a full moon or only on a growing moon, when lunar magic is more conducive to the growth and health of hair on the head of any person. With the help of this conspiracy, you can achieve excellent density and get crazy hair growth after just 1 magical rite. For a conspiracy to accelerate hair growth, you need 3 yolks from pockmarked chicken eggs (speckled eggs). Put the yolks in a bowl and whisk them with a whisk, say a plot for hair growth:

  • Women and girls continue to read conspiracies to enhance their attractiveness to men and bring beauty and youth to themselves. And what kind of conspiracy will help bring beauty and youth to oneself, the conspiracies will now tell. Buy an inexpensive ring and wear it on the ring finger of your left hand without taking it off for three days, and on the 4th day, when you go outside to a deserted place, remove the ring and bury it so that no one sees, saying a conspiracy to beauty and youth over this place, which enhances your attractiveness to everyone men:

  • From spots and pimples, it is customary for people to read a conspiracy on a clean face, which in a week will cleanse the face of blackheads, blackheads and red pimples, making the skin on the face clean, soft and beautiful without any traces of the former problematic skin. The strongest conspiracy for the beauty of the face should be read on a specially prepared decoction that needs 7 days to wipe the skin on the face 2 times a day, only in this case the ritual for beauty will make the skin of the face clean and beautiful and once and for all cleanse the face of acne, acne and black dots. Ready? The magical rite begins with the preparation of a potion - for this, a decoction should be steamed in a thermos for 25 grams of parsley leaves and dandelion, add a pinch of baking soda and pour a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour in a thermos. After an hour, pour the resulting potion into a transparent vessel and wait for the moon to enter the sky, go to the window and look through the vessel at the moon, say a conspiracy to clean skin:

Every person wants to be beautiful and attractive, especially a woman. She is able to captivate the views of men and cause envy in women. To be beautiful, young ladies spend a huge amount of time in beauty salons, spending considerable financial savings on their needs. However, every girl can become the owner of delicate skin of the face and hands without visiting expensive salons. Ancient recipes, rituals and conspiracies of our ancestors will help to cope with the most complex and unsolvable problems. After all, it is worth remembering that in the distant past, women could maintain beauty and attractiveness without cosmetology. Thanks to white magic, they possessed impeccable beauty and a peculiar charm.

Every girl can become the owner of delicate skin of the face and hands without visiting expensive salons.

Types of rituals

A conspiracy to beauty and youth can be of various types. It all depends on the target direction of the person and the subject matter of the ritual, as well as on the participant in the ceremony himself. Conspiracies for beauty can be directed to:

  • to save from wrinkles or skin pigmentation;
  • on attractiveness;
  • to restore elasticity and firmness of the face and hands.

Concerning the conspiracies associated with objective things, they are made for a slender posture and figure of a person, for the shine and splendor of hair, for healthy nails and teeth.

Regarding the target direction of the ceremony, it is performed in order to preserve beauty, restore youth, attractiveness, and get rid of shortcomings. The range of magical rites for beauty and attractiveness is quite wide and varied. Each woman has the right to choose for herself what she likes best and is best suited. Also, the conspiracies of the healer Vanga can be attributed to a separate niche of magical rites. Among the female audience, these rituals and recipes associated with prayers and creams are very popular. Since the white magic of beauty has always attracted the attention of the beautiful half of humanity.

Effective conspiracy with water

This beauty conspiracy must be performed every morning for thirty days, after a break for two weeks and repeated again. It would be ideal to turn the ritual into a daily hobby and do it constantly. Waking up early in the morning, draw water into the basin, read the Our Father three times, and then the prayer:

“The angels who descended from heaven drank the living water and left it to me, and it turned from simple to living, healing. Having washed herself with it, I will become beautiful and young, for a sweetheart I will become pretty, for people beloved. Amen".

The water conspiracy should be performed every morning for 30 days

Read the plot once, then wash your face and hands with charmed water. Reading magic words daily, soon all men will pay attention to you and look with admiration. However, it is worth remembering that no need to stop using creams. Witchcraft cannot replace cosmetic accessories.

Conspiracy for daily cream

This conspiracy for youth is read on the cream that you use daily. After regular use, the skin will be elastic and tender, wrinkles can be forgotten forever. To make the skin shine with beauty and health, whisper over a container of cream at twelve o'clock in the afternoon:

“White swans, you are slender and beautiful, be my helpers. Charge my cream with your energy and strength. To make my face shine with beauty and freshness. My wrinkles disappeared, and my eyes began to shine with delight and joy. Amen".

After reading the prayer, the cream is ready for use. When you apply the product on your face, constantly think about your beauty and youth.

The main conspiracy to always be attractive

A conspiracy to attractiveness will help you to be the most beautiful, young and charming for many years. Our ancestors used this rite and passed it down for generations. Thanks to the conspiracy, a woman completely changes, she becomes attractive, and capable of making any man crazy. White magic can not only change the appearance, but also overcome the spiritual difficulties of the young lady.

Where does the conspiracy to become beautiful begin? This will require subject things that are used regularly. It can be: a comb, mirror, cosmetic pencil, cream or toilet water. For the outcome of the ritual to be positive, spend it on the young moon. It is the night sun that will restore beauty in the best possible way.

Thanks to the conspiracy, a woman completely changes, she becomes attractive

After twelve o'clock at night, take a personal item and say:

“My luck is in my hands, it will bring me only happiness, and will act only as a talisman, protecting me from bad weather. Give the beauty and tenderness of the sunset, chic hair and youthful skin. My talisman is my protection from old age and bad weather. Amen".

Read the words several times, and be sure to believe in the power of magic. Always carry the charmed item with you, do not tell anyone that you performed the ceremony. Before going to bed, always say a plot to see the changes in a few days. Any person who was nearby will admire your attractive appearance.

Cream conspiracy to be attractive

Every person dreams of a cream that can give eternal youth, but, alas, such a masterpiece has not yet been invented. However, a charmed cream will help fight wrinkles and premature aging. This ritual is performed before sunrise, in the early morning. You need to buy a new cream, sit in front of a mirror, carefully look at your face, apply the cream and whisper the magic words:

“I am the most attractive. Let wrinkles leave my face and hands, and old age leave my soul. Like a dove I want to be young, cheerful and cheerful, like a swan I want to be graceful and beautiful. Mother nature, help me not to lose my appearance, bestow protection and youth. Amen".

Then, every evening, apply the product on the face, mentally asking the Lord for help. After fourteen days, the conspiracy to become attractive will work. Your acquired attractiveness will not go unnoticed by men. This conspiracy has the same effective power as Vanga's white magic.

A simple conspiracy from the soothsayer Vanga

There is no such person in the world who has not heard about the Bulgarian healer Vanga. Her recipes and magical rites are known throughout the world. Here is one of the effective conspiracies of white magic from Vanga on female beauty.

Bulgarian healer Vanga

The rite is quite simple, get two candles in the temple and use a large mirror. After midnight, place the candles on the sides of the mirror miracle, take off all your clothes, remaining in the Eve costume, say three times:

“The servant of God (name) stood before you, put beauty on me, I will go to the open field to the golden throne and turn to the angel. I pray, I am baptized, I trust in you. Amen".

Vanga's conspiracy is endowed with tremendous power and has a quick and effective result. You will be liked not only by men, but also by yourself.

Vanga's conspiracy in the bath, for beauty and attractiveness

Vanga left this rite behind all women who arrive at the age of forty. It is at this time that external changes in the skin and figure of a woman begin. But you also want to please yourself and others. Vanga was a person with an open soul and a pure heart, so her prayers will definitely help all the girls.

Get a linden broom, put it on the table, sit on a chair and say:

“I cast out old age, remove infirmity, but I welcome beauty. Let the rough hands become beautiful, the weary feet become soft and smooth, the tormented body become young, beautiful and smooth. Let my eyes sparkle, my hair shine with light, my body will become young and flexible and desirable for everyone. Amen".

On the advice of Vanga, you need to sit on a shelf, hitting the body with a broom, read several times:

“I drive away sickness and old age, I welcome beauty and youth.”

A conspiracy in the bath will remove all negative energy

This procedure will remove all negative energy. After the prayer is said, it is necessary to wash seven times with cool water. Attention, it is important not to shout so that the positive energy does not leave you. When you get out of the bath, put on a beautiful outfit and use cosmetics, mentally imagining your attractiveness and youth. According to Vanga's advice, get rid of the broom so that all adversity and old age remain on the leaves of a linden broom. Interest from the male side is provided, from this moment everyone around you will like your appearance.

Vanga's conspiracies have colossal power energy, you just need to pronounce correctly and conduct the ceremony. To do this, you need to learn the magic words by heart and all male attention will be focused on you.

Magic full moon bath

This ritual for youth and beauty is suitable for the summer period. When the sun sets and the moon reflects in the river, you need to go into the pond. On this day, there must be a full moon so that the reverse result of the conspiracy for a person does not follow. Entering the water, admire your reflection and say:

“Moon you are beautiful and omnipotent, endow my body with beauty and youth. Take away all old age and sickness. Amen.

For the result to be effective, you can not wipe yourself with a towel, the water must dry on its own.

Man dreams of eternal youth and beauty. With the help of the above magical rites, conspiracies and prayers, it is not difficult to achieve the desired result. Believe in magical power, it will help you always stay in good shape!

It is very important for a person who reads conspiracies for beauty and attractiveness to be extremely attentive. He must understand the meaning of every word. Saying them, ponder, try to feel their rhythm. Every cell of your body must come into contact with the magic words, go in unison with them. For the result to be stunning, you need to do everything right and not miss even the smallest part.