Rogers winter preparation pruning. Rogersia planting and care in the open field varieties and types of photos with the name

In this article, we'll talk about Rogers, namely planting and caring for this beautiful flower in open ground.

The plant differs from the rest in its exoticism. However, in comparison with other "exotics" it is not at all whimsical in care, therefore it is not difficult to grow this garden culture. Read about all the nuances below.

Description and features of the plant

Rogers - perennial originally from China. It is named after the American admiral of the Navy - John Rogers. The story goes that it was he who discovered the flower during a famous Chinese expedition.

The culture belongs to the saxifrage family, the dicotyledonous class. Counts herbaceous plant that easily endures any weather conditions. The genus has about seven species.

Rogersia prefers moist soil. In nature, it grows on the banks of rivers, streams and near other bodies of water, and also in forests with damp soil.

If we talk about the appearance of the plant, then it looks powerful, has large dissected leaves. Any variety grows large with lush inflorescences at the top. Each bush grows over time, and flower spikes reach a height of 1.5 m.

Each inflorescence consists of small flowers, which can be:

  • yellow;
  • cream;
  • pink;
  • white.

The scent of flowers is very specific. Rogersia blooms in summer, around June, and continues to delight the eye until the end of August. After flowering, the inflorescence itself does not lose appearance and retains its shape for some time.

Types and varieties

Horse chestnut rogers

Rogersia varieties differ in the shape, leaves and shades of the plant itself. Consider several well-known types:

  1. Horse chestnut rogers grows up to 1.5 m in height. Leaves and stems are green. The leaf reaches 55 cm in diameter and is dissected into several leaves. It has fine pubescence. The flowers are small, light pink or yellowish in color. The inflorescence is large, up to 35 cm in height.
  2. Feathery rogers reaches 1.2 m in bloom. The leaves are pinnate 50 cm long and up to 40 cm wide. Pink inflorescences bloom in July. Famous varieties:
  • Hercules;
  • Bronze Peacock;
  • Wings Chocolate;
  • Superba.

Elderberry Rogers

  1. Columnar or podophyllum Rogers together with its flower reaches 1.4 m in height. Has finger-like leaves, 50 cm in diameter. Flowers beige colour bloom in the middle of summer. The best varieties:
  • Emerald;
  • Rotlaub;
  • Brownlaub.
  1. Rogersia elderflower very similar to elderberry, which is why it got its name. It differs from other species in a pleasant aroma. 125 cm high with pink or white... The most common variety of this species is Red Skin.


All species of this exotic plant reproduce vegetatively and with the help of seeds. Before the breeding procedure, the climatic conditions of the region must be taken into account.

If a decision is made to grow a flower from seed, it is important to remember that this is a rather lengthy process. A young bush will bloom only after 5 years.

The flower is pollinated quite easily, and the two varieties can mix with each other. Therefore, it is recommended to plant bushes of different varieties away from each other.

Things to remember when planting seeds:

  • temper them;
  • after landing, stick to temperature regime+15 degrees;
  • seated in separate cups with a growth of 10 cm;
  • do not forget to fertilize the seedlings;
  • expose to fresh air in summer;
  • plant in the ground in the fall.

The second breeding method is dividing the bush into several parts. A very common and simple option. With this action, the plant can not only be propagated, but also rejuvenated. The procedure is no different from dividing other perennials. The division of the rhizome must be carried out in the fall. For this:

  1. The root is divided into 2-3 parts and each is placed in a separate container with earth.
  2. The box or container where the flower was planted is placed in a room with a temperature of +15 degrees for 120 days.
  3. It is imperative to maintain a moderate soil moisture.
  4. You can transplant it into open ground in the spring.

The method of grafting is also used in practice. To do this, you need to take the leaves and place them in water with a special solution for rapid growth(for example, root). When the roots appear, you need to plant the seedlings in a container with soil. After the roots get stronger, you can transplant the flower into open ground.

Diseases and pests

The biggest plus ornamental plant Rogersia is a very low percentage of infection with various infections.

The only thing that can happen is root and leaf decay.

To avoid such situations, the plant is treated with a fungicide solution for preventive purposes, the affected shoots are removed.

Outdoor planting and care

You need to understand that the flower needs soil preparation before planting, as well as good care.

  1. The first thing to consider when planting is the quality of the seedlings. It is imperative to choose undamaged plants, without dry, rotten or darkened leaves.
  2. Next, they choose a landing site. You need to think in advance about how the sun's rays do not constantly fall on the flowers. It is better to choose a shaded area without large drafts. Can be planted near a fountain or pond, as the plant loves moisture. But there should not be constant stagnation of water.
  3. There should be enough space as the oriental beauty grows quickly.
  4. The soil loves loose, well-dug, light and moist. The land must be fertilized with useful trace elements.

How to prepare the soil and plant a flower? Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Dig up the soil, remove all weeds and debris.
  2. Fertilize the soil:
  • peat;
  • humus;
  • deciduous soil.

Important to remember: in a hot period, do not forget to water. Loosen the soil around and remove debris. Fertilize periodically. Top dressing can be purchased at a specialty store.

  1. Stir until smooth. Dig holes that are slightly larger than the root.
  2. Place stones or crushed bricks at the bottom of the hole for drainage. Sprinkle with soil.
  3. Place the seedling vertically in the hole and cover it with soil, lightly tamping it around.
  4. Then pour abundantly and mulch around.

In landscape design

Having decorated your garden, pond, flower garden or yard, deciduous plant Rogers, you can effectively emphasize the beauty garden plot... This flower stands out especially against the background of artificial reservoirs.

Rogersia is combined with fern, bergenia, bells.

It will look great on a flower bed, it will serve as a good addition to a rocky garden.

Note: It is better not to plant small flowers near it, as large leaves can block the access of the sun. The peculiarity of the flower is that the leaves change color from green to dark red closer to autumn.

Keeping Rogers alive in good conditions you can get a beautiful flowering of an oriental plant. It is advisable to take into account all the features of the flower so that it is as comfortable as possible in the garden.

For more information on Rogers, see the following video:

Exotic plants unusual kind, which many gardeners want to see on their site, are often capricious and too demanding on the conditions of detention to become a worthy decoration suburban area... You can take the word of the seller from the garden center that any bush will delight its owner abundant flowering many years, and get some kind of expensive plant. But it often happens that it turns out to be too capricious and does not bloom at all. If you want to plant something unusual on the site in order to surprise your neighbors, but at the same time do not take too much care of the plant, you can purchase a horse chestnut roger. This plant, judging by the name, looks like a horse chestnut, but it is not a tree, but a shrub.

Rogersia horse chestnut: description of the plant

Rogersia belongs to the saxifrage family. It is decorative and is often used for landscaping European parks, but in Russia it is not yet widespread enough. But it is quite possible that it will soon gain popularity due to its unusual and very decorative appearance. During the flowering period of Rogersia horse-chestnut, the inflorescence of this plant vaguely resembles how a chestnut blooms, but the buds themselves are smaller, white, collected in a panicle.

Perennial features

Peduncle height can reach 1.5 m. It appears in early July and continues to bloom for about a month. The leaves are feathery, beautiful, with a rich green hue. They are located on long petioles growing from the rhizome. In autumn, the leaf plates take on a luscious bronze hue, but may change color to purple or crimson rogersia leaves. Planting and leaving is not difficult. The main positive quality of this plant - its undemandingness to growing conditions and care. Of course, it has its own characteristics, but it is convenient to grow it in damp and shady areas, where the bush feels good and grows well. The soils of this perennial like light and nutritious. Loam is best.

The use of Rogers in landscape design

The plant is associated with Asian countries, humid forests along river valleys and mountain slopes, but at the same time it strongly resembles the familiar horse chestnut. It's all about the dissected leaves, covered with deep veins. Rogersia horse chestnut grows on the shores of water bodies, therefore prefers wet conditions. It is advisable to plant it in shady areas, protected from cold winds.

Rogers' companions in and on the alpine slides can be tall plants, then you get a single foliage surface of various shapes and textures. A motley mixture of shrubs and other shade-tolerant perennials looks beautiful. The plant is used for decoration not only in single plantings, but also in group compositions. It goes well with hosts, badan, different colors and ferns.

The height of the Rogers cones-chestnut bush can reach 1.5 m. This should be taken into account when creating compositions with other plants. In width, the bush grows about half a meter, one leaf in favorable conditions can reach the same size. The plant looks good in stone and is able to decorate a large alpine slide and rockery. You can plant Rogers as a single plant in the shade of trees or on the lawn next to your home. Then this exotic plant definitely will not go unnoticed by neighbors.

Rogers: planting and grooming outdoors

The shrub prefers nutritious soil. When planting in a hole, add a mixture of compost, peat and humus. The soil should be loose, light and rich in minerals. Having chosen a place and having prepared a landing pit, you can proceed to planting a Rogers cones-chestnut-leaved. The root system is not buried too deep. The depth should not exceed 5 cm. The plant is covered with soil and immediately mulched. Mulch helps to retain moisture and keep the rhizome from drying out. The bush develops quickly and will have a decorative appearance in two years. If the planting was carried out correctly, the plant can stay in one place for decades, and this only benefits it.

Growing Rogers

When the planting is finished and the care of Rogers in the open field begins as for an adult plant, you need to take time to water the plant regularly, especially in summer period... No more special care the bush is not needed. In the fall, when the growing season is over, the plant is cut at the root. Cultivation of Rogers horse chestnut in winter period does not require special attention gardener. The bush is cold-hardy enough and does not need additional shelter for the winter. It easily tolerates frosts down to -25 ° C. You can cover the ground around the plant with dry foliage, peat chips or other covering material. But the piece of the stem left after trimming the shoots must be left free.

Top dressing of the bush

The first feeding of Rogers cones-chestnut leaves is introduced in the spring. For this, a nitrogen-containing organic fertilizer is used. The bush reacts well to the introduction of nutrients, blooms more abundantly and actively grows foliage. In the summer they feed him at the root phosphorus-potassium fertilizer... It is important that copper, magnesium, zinc and sulfur are present in complex fertilizers for Rogers. When the plant fades, the inflorescences are removed so as not to spoil the decorative appearance. If desired, it can be transplanted to another place, but, being constantly on one site, it becomes more attractive every year and more and more pleases the eye of its owners.

Reproduction of Rogers

The easiest way to propagate a shrub is a vegetative way. The most commonly used division of the bush. This is a simple process with no major problems. When dividing the bush, you immediately get a full flowering plant... The procedure is carried out in spring or autumn: the rhizome is dug up and divided into several parts. Then the divisions are seated on pre-prepared areas. You can plant Rogers in a group of several plants, but then the distance between them should be at least 15 cm.

Another option is to use parts of the rhizome to propagate the bush, cutting it into pieces about 10 cm in size.It is better to harvest them late autumn when the green part of the plant has already died out. Pieces of rhizome are placed in distribution boxes 5-7 cm deep and covered with soil or sand. Containers should be kept cool for 4 months. You need to make sure that this place does not freeze. Optimum temperature for reproduction by pieces of rhizomes: +5 ... +10 ºС. For this purpose, a cellar or basement is suitable. The soil must be periodically moistened so that the roots do not dry out. In the spring, sprouts will appear, then they can first be transplanted into peat pots, and when the blowjob is the threat of frost and the soil warms up, plant on permanent place.

In the summer, Rogers is propagated using leafy cuttings with a "heel". This option is more time consuming than dividing the bush and takes more time. The stems are placed in a container with soil, covered with foil and placed in a place protected from direct sunlight. The cuttings are regularly moistened and ventilated.

Features of seed reproduction

Rogers can be propagated by seed, but this method is practically not used for a number of reasons:

  1. Seeds do not germinate well.
  2. Seedlings grow very slowly.
  3. If pollinated different varieties, the seedling will not receive the varietal characteristics of the mother plant.
  4. Varietal traits are practically not transmitted, even if the seeds are collected from plants that have been pollinated by the same variety.

This type of plant propagation is useful only for very enthusiastic and patient gardeners for whom varieties do not matter. For others, dividing the bush is best.

Rogers diseases and pests

The plant is very unpretentious and practically not damaged by pests and diseases, if it grows in conditions suitable for it. The only thing that she can get sick is fungal infections. They arise due to mistakes in care, when the soil is swamped or when abundant watering, after prolonged drying of the root system. It is very important to water the Rogers properly throughout the growing season. Then she won't get sick. The substrate in which the bush grows also matters. If the soil is airy, loose and rich nutrients, the bush grows strong, beautiful and has a strong immune system. For the prevention of fungal diseases, it is advisable to periodically spray the crown with a fungicide solution.

(Rodgersia) is a magnificent large herbaceous perennial of the Saxifragaceae family. It got its name thanks to Admiral John Roger who discovered it in Japan. It can grow in one place for many years, growing and becoming more spectacular, like. Rogersia has very beautiful embossed leaves on strong stalks and high paniculate peduncles resembling inflorescences.

Location, soil

Rogersia prefers shade and moisture, but does not like stagnant water. The place should be sheltered from the wind, preferably in a light shade or.

The soil should be light, moisture-absorbing loamy with an acidity of 5-6.5 pH (slightly acidic or neutral). Since Rogeria has lived in one place for many years, the soil should be filled with complex fertilizer when planting 80-100 g per m². Recommended composition: garden clay soil, peat, compost (humus), sand in the ratio: 1: 1: 1: 1. Mix everything well (it is more convenient in a wheelbarrow).

In Rogers, the root collar (who does not know what it is, take a look at "") is practically on the surface, it cannot be buried. At 0 ° C, the aerial part of the plant dies off, so spring return frosts are destructive for Rogers. If the buds freeze, then Rogers will not bloom this year. If it is known that there will be frosts on the soil, then it is recommended to throw a piece of covering material over the place where Rogersia grows.


Rogers, purchased in a container, are planted in a prepared place as it grew in a pot. Before planting, it is recommended to soak the pot in any growth stimulator (humate, etc.) or simply in water for 15-30 minutes, since it is not clear how the soil in the pot is saturated. The soil around the planted plant should be mulched to help maintain moisture and prevent weeds from growing.

If Rogers is bought by a rhizome, then it must be soaked before planting in any stimulant for a period of 2 to 6 hours. The rhizome is planted in a prepared place, filling it 3-5 cm with prepared soil. The soil from above is also mulched.


Rogers does not require special care: watering dry weather and periodic renewal. If it does not have enough moisture, then the edges of the leaves can dry out (a brown edging appears), which spoils the decorative effect.

In early spring, the jacket is cleaned of last year's leaves and stalks, cutting them off almost at the ground. They can be left in the same place, rotted, spilled on top with a solution and sprinkled with new mulch.

If the soil was filled with a complex granular fertilizer, then the first two years do not need to feed the plant. In the future, it is enough in the spring or autumn to embed in the soil or sprinkle 30-40 g of any mineral fertilizer... From organic fertilizers I recommend feeding any once every two weeks until the beginning of August.


Seeds... All Rogers are pollinated different types and varieties must be planted on great distance from each other if you plan to collect seeds. However, this is a very long breeding method. The seeds are sown freshly harvested in containers, which are covered with lutrasil. Containers are added drop-in for the winter in the garden for natural stratification. But the seeds germinate very poorly, and the seedlings develop slowly, you need constant attention. They can be planted in a permanent place only after two years, and they will bloom for about 4 years. If the seeds are purchased or stale, then it is better to spend before planting.

Sections of rhizomes... Pieces of rhizomes are cut off in the fall and planted in containers, which are dropped in the garden for the winter, covered with lutrasil. You can plant it in a permanent place in a year.

By dividing the bush... In spring or autumn (September), the cuttings with clearly visible buds are planted immediately on a prepared place, observing the distance between the plants of 15-20 cm. Rogers' jackets look decent already in the second year.

Application in landscape design

At the feet of Rogers, small perennials will look great:, tenacious, ozhiks, sedges. Rogers can be safely planted in trunk circles trees, because it has a superficial creeping rhizome.

Varieties and types

All Rogers are alike. The tallest rogersia horse chestnut(R.aesculifolia), can be up to 2 m when blooming. Greenish pubescent leaves up to 0.5 m on long petioles are very beautiful - finger-separated, resemble chestnut leaves. In the spring, when young leaves appear, they have a bronze tint with a beautiful embossed venation. This rogers blooms with fragrant white or pinkish panicles on strong peduncles.

Rogers "Chocolate wings"

Rogers has a feathery(P.pinnata) the largest leaves up to 1 m long. They are glossy, wrinkled, pinnate, on strong petioles. The leaves when blooming with a bronze tint, and then turn dark green. Her inflorescences 30-70 cm consist of pink, red, white or yellowish-white flowers. It dissolves a little later than other species. She has different varieties and hybrids:

« Alba"- a variety with bright green leaves and white or yellowish-white inflorescences.

« Elegans"- a variety with a pale pink flowers and green leaves.

« Borodin"Is an interspecific hybrid with dark green leaves and pure white flowers.

« Fireworks"-Leaves in dissolution with a bronze tint, then dark green. Inflorescences are cherry-red-pink.

« Superba"- the leaves in the dissolution are purple-bronze, blooms with bright pink inflorescences.

« Chocolate wings"- the most demanded variety today with a very beautiful leaves; brown-chocolate in spring, then the foliage becomes green, red and bronze, and in the fall it turns brown again. The flowers are light pink in dissolution, and then gradually turn red-pink.

« Maurice mason"- spring leaves with a bronze tint, reddish flowers.

« Elegans"- green leaves, pink-cream flowers.

« Die schone"- dark bronze leaves, dark pink flowers.

« Ideal"- dark green leaves with a thin reddish rim, red inflorescences.

« Hercules"- a plant with large dark green leaves with a bronze tint in dissolution, blooms with pink panicles.

Rogersia centipede, podophyllum(R. podophylla) or Japanese (R. japonica) grows rather quickly, not demanding on moisture. Its height during flowering is up to 1.5 m. Palm-shaped glossy green leaves with brown pubescence at a young age have a bronze tint. It blooms with creamy green panicles.

Famous varieties:

« Rotlaub"(" Red Leaf ") - this variety retains the chocolate tint of the foliage the longest.

« Big mama" - most large variety, the leaves are dark green.

« Smaragd» (« Emerald") - a variety with emerald leaves serrated along the edge.

« Pagode"- a variety with green leaves on purple-red petioles, in autumn the leaves acquire a bronze tint. The variety is distinguished by abundant flowering, inflorescences are loose pyramidal panicles with white flowers.

The varieties " Braunlaub" and " Bronceblad»Young leaves in spring have a dark bronze tint.

Least often found in our gardens rogeria elderflower(R. sambucifolia). It is a bush up to 90 cm with pinnately dissected dark green leaves. In places where the sun hits the elderberry rogeria, its leaves acquire a reddish-bronze tint. Blooms with white or pink drooping panicles.

The most famous varieties:

« Red skin"(" Rothaut ") - a variety with young reddish-brown leaves and dirty white flowers.

« Kupferschein"- this variety has young copper-green leaves that grow dark green. The flowers are creamy white.

50 shades of green. This is what a garden looks like when it is inhabited by many green-leaved "tenants". But even here, huge leaves stand out against the general background.

Small flowers of this decorative herbaceous perennial are collected in large paniculate inflorescences. However, the plant attracts gardeners not with flowers, but rather with its large beautiful leaves, unpretentiousness and the desire to always be in the shade.

The homeland of Rogers is the mountainous regions of Asia, where it grows along the banks of rivers and lakes. But this does not mean that a sprawling herbaceous perennial will not take root in your gardens. Plant it in, and Rogersia will soon delight you with large, beautiful leaves. This plant is undemanding to "living conditions", with good care it feels good on any, except for light and dry ones. But in order for the bush to grow beautiful and spreading, and a little later to please you with flowers, plant Rogers in nutrient-rich soil in corners protected from the wind.

Foliage effect

Different types of rogers differ from each other in shape, color and structure of the leaves.

1. Have Rogers Elderberry(Rodgersia sambucifolia) they are finger-dissected, resembling elderberry leaves. Hence the name of the species.

2. Rogers feathery(Rodgersia pinnata) differs from other species in more elongated leaves.

3. Rogers horse chestnut(Rodgersia aesculofolia) lives up to its name, as its leaves are similar to those of the leaves horse chestnut.

4. Rogersia centipede(Rodgersia podophylla) is the most different from other species: its leaves are serrated along the edge, and at the ends, as it were, cut off.

Rogersia podophylla (Rodgersia podophylla)

5. Have Rogers Nepalese(Rodgersia nepalensis) the leaves on the leaf petiole are “planted” at a great distance from each other.

Rogersia nepalensis

Rogersia flowers also look very cute and have a pleasant aroma. In mid-summer, white or pink-red fluffy paniculate inflorescences on long peduncles sway gracefully in the wind. Rogersia usually blooms for 20-30 days.

The most popular types are R. horse chestnut(Rodgersia aesculifolia), R. Henrici(Rodgersia henricii) and R. feathery(Rodgersia pinnata).

  1. Bush height rogers horse chestnut- 80-100 cm, its peduncles with white or slightly pinkish inflorescences reach 1.2 m. Young leaves are green, with a noticeable bronze tint, resembling a chestnut leaf in shape.
  2. Rogersia Henrici just below, in summer, its leaves are the brightest green of all Rogers. The shade of the inflorescences - from cream to pale pink, depending on the composition of the soil and weather. This Rogersia proved to be the most sun-resistant.
  3. Rogers feathery no more than 60 cm in height. Leaves are similar in structure to leaves, flowers are creamy with a white or pinkish tinge.
These, as well as other lesser known types of Rogers, can be used in both single and group plantings. Only in both cases, you need to immediately allocate more space for the plant, because it grows strongly. Rogers is also resistant to and, so it won't give you much of a hassle. Only too intense sunlight, drought, or too much can harm this plant.

1. Left: ‘Die Stolze’ Rogersia pinnate with beautiful coral-pink inflorescences blooms from mid-June to July. The bush reaches 120 cm in height. This variety is considered to be sun tolerant. On right: ‘Cherry Blush’ differs in large textured leaves, which turn bronze in spring and autumn. Inflorescences are pink. This variety is considered the most sun-resistant.

Left: Rogersia pinnate, Die Stolze. Right: Variety "Cherry Blush"

2. Young leaves of 'Rotlaub' attracted by color, at a "young" age has a reddish tint, later the leaves turn green. Creamy white inflorescences appear in May - June. The plant reaches 110 cm.

Rogersia centipede "Rotlaub"

3. Have a variety ‘Rothaut’ Rogers Elderberry dark red stems, beautiful leaves and showy light pink flowers that bloom in early June and last until July. Grows up to 140 cm.

Rogersia elderberry "Rothaut"

Play of colors: the reddish leaves of ‘Rotlaub’ Rogersia podophylla (Rodgersia podophylla) are in perfect harmony with, and.

Play of colors: the reddish leaves of Rodgersia podophylla (Rotlaub) are in perfect harmony with hydrangea, ornamental onions and heuchera

Preparing for winter

So that, in the harsh snowless winters of Rogers, the buds of renewal are not damaged, in the fall, after cutting the leaves, the plant must be sprinkled with a small layer or fallen tree foliage. Less prone to frost are varieties that germinate late, such as 'Die Schone', 'Die Stolze', 'Die Anmutige', 'Spitzentanzerin' or 'White Feathers'. Returning spring frosts can also harm the leaves of the plant and the rudiments of inflorescences. To prevent this from happening, in the spring on the eve of a cold snap, the bushes need, for example, non-woven material.

Meet your relatives!

The decorative-leaved beauties of the saxifrage family also include such plants as thyroid(Darmera peltata) and astilboides lamellar(Astilboides tabularis). The first reaches 1 m in height, and its peduncles are 50 cm, prefers wet areas and grows well right at the edge of the reservoir. Flowers bloom even before the leaves appear.

Astilboides lamellar leaves are openwork, serrated along the edges. This plant reaches a height of 1 m and grows well in partial shade, in moist, nutrient-rich soil. White inflorescences, as well as thyroid darmera, rise above large leaves.

Photo: Mein schoner Garten magazine archive, Flora Press / Visions, StaudenaSrtnerei Gaissmaver, Annette Timmermann, MSG / 31 / A, Inhters / M. Staffler, Marion Nickig.
Production: A. Doll / M. Lietzau.

While Rogers ( Rodgersia) is not one of the common cultures, but its popularity is growing every year. She is named after D. Rogers (American admiral), who brought her out of China, where about 9 plant species grow. Unpretentious, frost-resistant Rogers, planting and caring for it does not require excessive effort.

What does Rogers look like?

The perennial attracted the attention of flower growers due to its monumentality and decorativeness. It grows up to a height of 1.5 m, is famous for its large beautiful leaves (length up to 50 centimeters) on long petioles, which, when blossoming, first turn purple-brown. Then they gradually turn green, and by autumn, depending on the variety, they are colored in different shades: purple, reddish, bronze, golden. Small fragrant flowers (white, cream, pink) are collected in large paniculate inflorescences. Flowering (in middle lane does not happen every year) lasts about a month, after its completion, the leaves begin to grow rapidly.

Where to plant?

When choosing a place, you should consider:

  • Places open to the sun are not suitable, Rogers grows well in partial shade, protected from cold winds, prefers fertile soil.
  • Curtains grow rapidly, every year they occupy everything large area and can oppress nearby plants. Therefore, Rogers initially need to allocate a larger place.
  • Suitable for planting around bodies of water. These moisture-loving plants need regular watering, but at close proximity groundwater rotting of the root system and death is possible. In this case, a good drainage is required at the selected place.
  • Different species, when planted close, can be pollinated, so they need to be placed at a considerable distance from each other.
  • In the spring, with late frosts, Rogers may die. If it is not possible to be in the garden twice a day to shelter the sissy in case of possible frost, it is better to plant it in a place where the snow melts last. The plants will grow back later and may be saved.

Rogersia horse chestnut (Rodgersia aesculifolia)
Rogersia elder (R. sambucifolia)
Rogersia feathery 'Fireworks' (Rodgersia Pinnata)

How to plant Rogers?

On a well-chosen site, it can grow for more than 10 years, delighting with its decorative view... But if necessary, the bushes can be divided in spring or autumn and planted in a new location. It is advisable to add compost, a couple of handfuls of ash and sand to the soil.

The method of dividing the rhizome is also used. In the fall, the rhizome is cut into 10 centimeters long pieces and placed in boxes to a depth of about 7 centimeters. Within 4 months, the boxes (the soil must be moistened) should be kept in a room where the temperature is maintained from +5 to +10 degrees. Sprouted plants are transplanted into peat pots, and after the onset of real heat - into open ground.

Seed propagation

In amateur gardening, the method is not often used: seed germination is not high, plants bloom only for 3-4 years. Seeds (freshly harvested) are planted in planting containers and left outside to undergo natural stratification. In the spring, the seedlings are transplanted into the school. For a permanent place, young plants are determined for 3 years.

How much care does Rogers need?

  • In the spring, you need to remove old leaves, feed the plants with organic matter and mulch the soil under the plants to conserve moisture. Like others moisture-loving plants, Rogersia, with a lack of moisture, stops growing, the leaves dry out.
  • During spring frosts it is advisable to cover with a non-woven material.
  • The rhizome of the plant is close to the soil surface and it happens that it is exposed. In this case, it is necessary to cover it with fertile soil.
  • After the end of flowering, it is required to cut the peduncles, and during the whole summer season remove dry stems that have lost their decorative effect, and in the fall - cut off all shoots.
  • Rogersia is practically not afraid of pests and gets sick (rot, rust fungus) very rarely. If this happens, the affected shoots should be removed, and the plant itself should be sprayed on dry leaves with a solution of any suitable fungicide for prophylaxis.
  • Waiting for frost in the absence of snow cover root system the plants are covered with humus or dry leaves. But Rogers' feathery shelter requires a more reliable one.

Rogersia in Landscaping

It is used for planting in shady gardens. Looks good against the background of bells, host, ferns, astilbe. Looks good near junipers, magnolia, thuja, other deciduous and coniferous shrubs or dwarf trees. Rogers can be planted next to woodlands or daffodils, it is suitable for both solitary planting and for decorating flower beds, rocky gardens, large rockeries. Often this large, beautiful-leaved plant is planted along the edges of paths, the banks of natural and artificial reservoirs.

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