Fire door installation requirements, installation license. License to install fire doors License to install fire doors

Good day, my dear readers. Every day more and more subscribers and readers are added to my blog, and this suggests that you, just like me, are interested in everything related to life safety.

In today's article, I would like to raise such a topic as installing fire doors: Whether a license is required.

Indeed, in the modern market, in the field of providing installation services, many companies have appeared that offer their services. How to understand all this diversity and choose for yourself a really serious company that will cope with the task at 100?

What is a fire door and is it really effective? This question is of interest to many who are trying to ensure maximum protection of the building from fire.

This is a canvas that will reliably protect the room from the penetration of flames, both inward and outward. Of course, no door can completely stop the flame. But, depending on the type and classification, such products can contain the flame for quite a long time. Enough to call the fire department.

Withstanding high temperatures up to 60 minutes, it can be made not only from metal. A modern manufacturer today offers glass and wooden canvases filled with mineral wool, with excellent refractory properties. Except your direct destination, they provide and good sound insulation.

Of course, the high price does not allow them to be placed in every room, so they usually block openings leading to the stairs, utility rooms, and a warehouse.

Installing doors is a tricky business!

Don't even think about trying to install a fire door yourself. Firstly, this is a very difficult matter, and secondly, there are so many nuances and subtleties that only a specialist can deal with.

Remember to choose and purchase the highest quality and modern door is only 50% success. If it is installed incorrectly and there is even the slightest joint, a gap between the seams, its effectiveness can be reduced to almost zero.

Therefore, the choice of an organization that will deal with the installation and installation should be approached responsibly, so as not to pay again later for the installation of the same door, but by other specialists. Remember famous saying? About how many times the miser pays?

In addition, imagine what will happen if trouble happens and the door does not withstand the allotted time, will not be able to withstand the fire for as long as necessary.

Sad situation. Have you ever talked to an interrogating officer from the Ministry of Emergency Situations? And with the investigator from the prosecutor's office? I had to do this several times, an unpleasant occupation, I tell you.

Is a license required?

And now we come to the main question: should a company engaged in the installation of fire doors be licensed. The answer is definitely yes. According to Federal Law No. 123, such activities must be licensed. Yes, but this document is very difficult to obtain, long and expensive.

Often, contractors, wanting to significantly save on installation, turn to unlicensed companies. Of course, their services will cost significantly less than those of firms that had to go through 7 circles of the bureaucratic machine and pay a considerable amount for obtaining such a license.

That's just the same saying comes to mind here: "The miser pays twice." Think for yourself, is it worth saving on such a thing as protecting property and people's lives?

How to get a license?

The license is issued by the regional department of the EMERCOM of Russia.

But, before you get the coveted piece of paper, which will allow you to legally carry out activities, you need to go through a very long preparatory process.

  • A company that writes an application for a license must meet the basic requirements (have the equipment necessary for installation, employ qualified specialists).
  • An applicant who plans to conduct self-employed activities must have a specialized education and at least three years of continuous work experience in this industry.
  • Employees of the applicant company must take refresher courses at least once every 5 years.

What documents are needed to obtain a license?

If your company or you yourself meet all the above stated requirements, then you need to collect the following package of documents to obtain a license:

  • Certificate of entrepreneurial activity;
  • company charter;
  • Memorandum of association;
  • Lease contract;
  • Diploma of the employee, where the profile education is indicated;
  • Original and copies work books, which confirm three years of experience in this job;
  • Certificate from the place of work;
  • Certificate confirming the availability of the necessary professional equipment, materials;
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.

When all the documents are collected, you will need to pay the state fee.

From the moment specialists receive all the documents from you, within two calendar months (if the outcome is positive), you will be issued the coveted License for the right to install fire doors.

Here we have considered the legal side of the issue, but do not forget that a license is not just a permit for a company. This is evidence for customers who have applied to such a company, about the high professionalism of employees.

Be sure to require the company in which you order the installation to present a permit, otherwise refuse their services.

There is no need to compromise and persuasion from the series: “We have been on the market for 20 years and will perfectly cope with the task even without a license.”

High-quality installation is the safety of your life and reliable protection of property. And another nuance - in the event of a fire, the customer is relieved of all responsibility, because they will have the relevant documents confirming the installation of products by a licensed company.

I hope that in this article I have covered all the questions you are interested in regarding the licensing of companies involved in the installation of fire doors and was able to convince you that this is not only necessary, but also important. Subscribe to my blog, do not forget to leave comments and share your impressions.

In order to fully understand the procedure for obtaining a fire license for the installation of PD, for starters, we will have to deal with the law.

To date, there are three main documents in the field of licensing activities for the installation of fire doors, namely:

Federal Law No. 99 of 05/04/2011

About Licensing certain types activities” (hereinafter in the text we will use the abbreviation “FZ No. 99”).

Federal Law No. 99 refers to general requirements requirements for licensing certain types of goods and services, as well as what types of goods and services are subject to mandatory licensing. The law also provides a list of documents required to apply for a license.

According to paragraph 15, part 1, article 12, Federal Law No. 99, activities for installation (installation), repair and maintenance. maintenance of fire doors (including gates, hatches, curtains, screens and curtains) is subject to mandatory licensing.

Strictly speaking, Federal Law No. 99 does not specifically talk about, it says "installation activities, maintenance and repair of means of support fire safety buildings and structures".

But to find out what specific types of activities are meant, we need to refer to the following document.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2011 No. 1225

"On Licensing Activities for the Installation, Maintenance and Repair of Fire Safety Equipment for Buildings and Structures" (hereinafter referred to as the RF PP).

As the name implies, the document establishes the procedure for licensing installation, repair and maintenance activities. maintenance of various equipment in the field of fire safety, including fire doors.

In the appendix of this document, a specific list of works and services is provided that constitutes “activities for the installation, maintenance and repair of fire safety equipment for buildings and structures”, namely, paragraph 8 of the Appendix to the RF PP states - “installation, maintenance and repair of filling openings in fire barriers.

Accordingly, "filling openings in fire barriers" refers to fire doors, gates, hatches.

Among other licensed activities to ensure fire safety listed in the Government Decree, the following can be distinguished:

Repair, installation and maintenance activities:

  • fire extinguishing systems;
  • fire and fire alarm systems;
  • fire water supply systems;
  • smoke exhaust and smoke ventilation systems;
  • warning and evacuation systems in case of fire (fire alarm);
  • photoluminescent evacuation systems;
  • fire curtains and curtains;
  • primary fire extinguishing means;

As well as work on:

  • fire protection of materials, products and structures;
  • installation, repair, thermal insulation and cleaning of stoves, fireplaces, other heat generating installations and chimneys.

In addition, the RF GD lists the requirements for the applicant (applicant) to obtain a license. The RF PP also contains a list of a number of documents required to obtain a license to install fire doors.

More detailed information on the documents required for filing an application for a license and on the procedure (procedure) for obtaining a license is contained in the following regulatory act.

Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated May 28, 2012 No. 291

"On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters for the provision of public services for licensing activities for the installation, maintenance and repair of fire safety equipment for buildings and structures” (hereinafter referred to as the “Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations”).

The document describes in detail the procedure for providing a public service for licensing the installation of fire doors. It also provides full list documents required to obtain a license.

It is worth noting that the above list of documents in the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, in fact, completely duplicates Article 13 of the Federal Law No. 99, where this entire list is already indicated.

The procedure for obtaining a fire license of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Now that we've dealt with regulations(FZ No. 99, RF PP and order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations), you can go to the requirements and documents that must be presented to the applicant (applicant) to obtain the above-mentioned license.

Requirements for the applicant

According to the RF PP, the licensing requirements include:

  1. The presence of the applicant (applicant) for obtaining a license, necessary for the performance of work of equipment and tools, other technical means(including measuring tools and hardware).
    Let's clarify - regulations do not provide a specific list necessary equipment and tools for the installation of fire doors. Therefore, "equipment and tools" means, as a rule, standard equipment and tools for certain works in the field of fire safety.
    For example, to install fire doors, it will be a drill / hammer, level / plumb, nail puller, screwdrivers, tape measure, etc .;
  2. Availability in the state of the applicant for a license of qualified workers;
  3. Requirements for employees:
    • Employees must have employment contract with the license applicant;
    • Availability of employees vocational education on profile view works and services;
    • The minimum work experience (length of service) in the profile of half of the company's employees must be at least 3 years;
  4. In the event that a fire license for the installation of fire doors is applied for by individual entrepreneur(IP), the following requirements apply:
    • The individual entrepreneur has specialized professional education;
    • Minimum work experience in the profile - 3 years;
  5. Employees of the applicant or individual entrepreneur must improve their qualifications in the core type of activity at least once every 5 years.

Government duty

Today it amounts to 6000 rubles.

Required documents

The applicant (applicant) for obtaining a license must submit to the licensing authority (Ministry of Emergency Situations) a package of the following documents (their copies):

Notarized copies of:

  • OGRN certificates;
  • TIN certificate;
  • Articles of association;
  • Memorandum of association of the organization (if any);
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • Lease agreements for premises and equipment owned by the organization;

Copies of the following documents:

  • Certificate from the State authorities. statistics;
  • Decision / protocol for the establishment of the organization and the election of its head;
  • Documents on education (diplomas, certificates, etc.) of the head of the organization and all his employees;
  • Work books of the head and all employees of the organization;
  • Passport of the head of the company;
  • Payment document confirming payment of the state fee;
  • Details of the organization in full (including bank details).

Term for obtaining a license

It is 45 working days, or 2 calendar months - this is exactly the period specified in the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

To clarify a more complete package of documents, the applicant (applicant) for a license to install fire doors should contact the regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Or to an organization/company that specializes in assisting in issuing such licenses.

The recent tragedy that occurred in Kemerovo once again makes us think seriously about whether it is worth saving on safety in general and on fire safety in particular. "Winter Cherry" will forever remain in our hearts...

Naturally, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the prosecutor's office and other regulatory bodies began to actively check all shopping centers, cinemas and other crowded places for compliance with fire safety rules. And this means that not only security and fire alarm and the fire extinguishing system (if any) should work perfectly for you, but also fire escapes and emergency exits should be ready so that people can quickly and easily leave the building. And they must be not only certified and installed correctly, but also by a company that has a license from the Ministry of Emergency Situations to install such doors, and also provided you with all the necessary documents for the inspectors.

In principle, many companies are engaged in fire doors today, but not all of them are manufacturers ready to realize the door to your needs and dimensions. There are no problems with standard doors, but what if you need a door a little higher or wider? In such a situation, only the manufacturer can help, dealers and intermediaries rarely take on such tasks on their own. An important aspect is the certification of the manufacturer, which makes it possible to guarantee that its doors really comply with all the norms of the EI60 standard, i.e. can protect people from fire and smoke for up to 60 minutes in an isolated room. The same applies to, which today are gaining popularity in various fields.

The main purpose of refractory door structures- protection against the spread of fire. In buildings of increased danger, they must be installed on the entire interval of evacuation routes. Installation is only possible if there is a license for the installation of fire doors. When contacting a specialized company, you need to check the availability of the necessary documents allowing this species activities.

When asked whether a license is needed to install fire doors, the answer is definitely yes. You cannot install without a license document.

Fire protection structures must provide reliable protection human lives and tangible property. They are subject to the following requirements:

  • the presence of a refractory surface;
  • resistance to ignition of the aggregate;
  • defence from carbon monoxide and smoke;
  • soundproofing;
  • unhindered opening.

Compliance with all conditions will avoid negative consequences in emergency situations.

Licensed companies must carry out the installation of PDM. Only if there is a permit for installation, the door will be supplied in accordance with the requirements. Violation of the installation rules will entail the unreliability of the entire structure.

To be approved, a firm must have:

  • staff of professional staff;
  • specialized equipment.

If the company offering its services does not have a special permit, then you should not conclude a contract with them. Installation of doors without the appropriate documents is punishable by law.

Who is eligible for a permit? How to get a license?

According to legal acts, in order to pass the licensing procedure, the applicant must meet certain requirements:

  1. Availability of tools for installation. Basically, this is a basic set: screwdrivers, puncher, tape measure, level, nail puller, screwdriver.
  2. Qualified personnel with extensive experience;
  3. Labor contracts with personnel;
  4. Passage by installers of training in the features of the DMP installation;
  5. The work experience must be 3 years.

When applying to the authorities, an individual entrepreneur who wants to work independently must have:

  • specialized completed education;
  • more than 3 years of work experience.

It is mandatory for persons involved in the installation of fire doors to confirm their qualifications every 5 years.

In order to gain access to the installation of fire doors, you need a license from the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The executive body checks the integrity and compliance of the sample with the required parameters:

  • resistance to deformation;
  • creating a barrier to the penetration of fire into the protected area;
  • the absence of holes over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure;
  • reliable fixation of the canvas in the box;
  • permissible heating value of the door and fittings;
  • the ability to easily open the lock.

If the doors meet all the parameters, then for their installation it is necessary to check compliance with GOST 31173 of 2003. The following specifications must be met:

  1. The diameter of the anchors for fixing the structure is at least 0.1 cm. The allowable gap between them is not more than 70 cm.
  2. Installation is carried out strictly according to the level. The maximum permitted deviation is 0.015 cm. When profiles are located under different angle, the total deviation should be no more than 0.03 cm.
  3. The door frame is installed symmetrically to the vertical, located in the center of the opening. It is allowed to deviate the door to the side where the hinges will be located by 3 mm.
  4. The seams are being filled mounting foam for tightness.

Upon fulfillment of all conditions and collection necessary documentation installation activities can be carried out.

Documents for licensing

In order to submit an application form for obtaining a permit, the applicant must prepare documents. These include:

  • TIN certificate;
  • state registration number (OGRN);
  • memorandum of association of the company (if any);
  • extract from the register legal entities;
  • company charter;
  • concluded lease agreement for equipment and occupied space.

In addition, you must prepare copies of:

  • certificates from state statistics;
  • decisions on the formation of the organization;
  • Protocol on the appointment of a leading person;
  • educational diplomas of employees;
  • receipts for payment of state duty;
  • work books;
  • identity document of the head;
  • company bank details.

Term for obtaining a license

The application is considered within 2 months. After 45 working days, a license is issued or a refusal comes. Permits may not be issued for the following reasons:

  • the information provided in the application is unreliable;
  • the company does not meet the necessary requirements;
  • revocation of a license for similar activities in the past.

To clarify the list of required documents at the time of submission, the applicant must contact the Ministry of Emergency Situations directly. The procedure can be entrusted to a company that provides services for obtaining permits.

Responsibility of door installers

After installation of a fire-resistant door, it must be accepted by technical supervision and a fire safety inspector. To avoid problems, the customer should control the entire process.

The contractor must provide before starting work:

  • passport of the installed design;
  • certificate of compliance with all fire safety requirements;
  • installation license.

When handing over an object, it is required to check the presence of the following elements:

  • closer;
  • fire-retardant sealing foam, which has a characteristic pink color;
  • shield with complete information about DMP.

The correct installation of the door is checked by a number of actions:

  1. Open the door and let go. It should close smoothly due to the closer. If cotton is present, the structure will quickly fail.
  2. Check for gaps between door leaf and a box. It should be noted that the seal must fit tightly in the grooves.
  3. Inspect the door for paint quality. If there are gaps, corrosion can begin in their place.
  4. The tape, expanding under the influence of high temperatures, must be well glued around the entire perimeter.

After the check has been made, the act is signed and the object is put into operation.

Can licenses be revoked?

According to Federal Law No. 99 of 2011, the permit is issued indefinitely. If the performer violates the licensing rules, then the executive body cancels or suspends the current license.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations monitors the work of companies involved in the installation of fire doors. Periodic checks are carried out for control. The first trip is scheduled in a year, and then every 3 years. During the raid, check:

  • compliance with license requirements;
  • documentation;
  • availability of the necessary tools.

In addition, there are a number of reasons for unscheduled control:

  1. In case of violation, a period was given to correct the shortcomings and it is coming to an end.
  2. The Ministry of Emergency Situations received information from individuals or legal entities about the improper fulfillment of license requirements.
  3. Expiration of the suspension period.
  4. Application of the licensee for the elimination of deficiencies.
  5. Government order.

If violations are revealed, and the company has not corrected them within the appointed time, the performer is deprived of the license by a court decision. If the entrepreneur completes the installation of fire doors, he is obliged to notify the Ministry of Emergencies. Upon request, the license document is cancelled.

Installing refractory structures will protect property and protect people's lives. Turning to a company with a license for the installation of PDM, it guarantees reliability and compliance with the requirements fire safety. Strict state control over the actions of licensees will allow customers to be convinced of the professionalism of the company's employees.