Geranium powder in sports nutrition. DMAA, geranium, geranamina - controversial fat burner and powerful stimulant

It is a powerful neurological stimulant and an organic compound claimed to have been obtained by distilling geranium leaves and stems. Today, more and more they say that it is synthesized artificially and by no means from a plant. It is similar in structure to amphetamines, and in the analysis of urine when detected, it is classified as a dope, and sometimes as a drug.

Attention! Such a drug significantly increases concentration, provides a quick and strong burst of energy. Used in strength sports. However, it was originally bred as a remedy for nasal congestion.

Since 2011, DMAA has been banned in different countries of the world: Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. Even in the United States, where this substance was first obtained, they started talking about its insecurity. In Russia, although it was considered a stimulant, it was of a “soft” type, i.e. not as much affecting the body as the same caffeine.

However, by 2014, the substance was banned in Russia by the Russian Anti-Doping Agency. Since 2009, its use has been banned by WADA.

You can read about how geranium is used in sports nutrition.


Dimethylamylamine has the following properties:

  • Removes puffiness.
  • Improves mood.
  • Improves memory.
  • Burns fat.
  • Stimulates the activity of the central nervous system.
  • Helps build muscle mass.
  • Pain reliever.
  • Reduces appetite.
  • Has a vasoconstrictive effect.
  • Improves blood supply to the brain.

Most of these actions are due to the fact that the substance promotes the production of norepinephrine, one of the adrenal hormones. In addition, geranium extract stimulates the release of dopamine. Both have a powerful effect on the central nervous system. Do not use DMAA with alcohol. This can lead to heart attacks and stroke.

Important! Geranium extract absorbs through the gastrointestinal tract, and through the blood affects the nervous system.

Now you have learned about the properties of geranium extract. And from we offer to find out what properties geranium has in general.

This dietary supplement is used:

Remember that in professional sports, geranium extract is regarded as doping!

Where and how much can you buy?

You can buy DMAA in online sports nutrition stores and pharmacies. Sold in capsules in dosages: 100, 60 and 50 mg. Most often, geranium extract is a foreign-made drug, so the price for it is especially high. The price ranges from 1500 to 2500 rubles, depending on the store. You can get to the action, and buy the drug for 1000 rubles. For a lower cost, you can run into a fake.

DMAA is found in the following types of sports nutrition:

  1. Cyroshock.
  2. Jack3D.
  3. mesomorph.
  4. Neurocore.
  5. Oxylite powder.
  6. Hemo Rage Black.

Advice! If you use geranium extract as a dietary supplement, then it should be used cyclically, periodically stopping the use. Strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions for dosage and method of use. Otherwise, side effects cannot be avoided. Geranium extract cannot be used more than 1-2 times a day.

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(Smoke Out), Remedies for bad habits

People who in the past few years have had the opportunity to experiment with stronger przedtreningowymi preparations and accelerate fat burning supplements have probably stumbled upon a component often described on the label of geranium extract, geranamina extract, geranium, DMAA or 1,3 Dimethylamylamine often. In these hidden names, all one substance is metyloheksanamina, which is actually a stimulant of the nervous system and a thermogenic. Unfortunately, there are relatively few expert studies on action, dosage, and possible side effects, so I think this article will be of interest to a large number of recipients.

DMAA - innocent bad start

Metyloheksaminy The story is rather inconspicuous. Several decades ago, Eli Lilly & Co. patented and started preparing Forthan® in the form of drops and sprays applied topically, which included had to reduce nasal congestion. In fact, for many years there has been no indication that the active ingredient of this formulation, which metyloheksamina will enter the dietary supplement market for athletes. Only at the turn of 2005 and 2006, when based on a study conducted by the Chinese found that DMAA can purchase plant materials approved for use as food ingredients, Patrick Arnold introduced a formulation containing the aforementioned component, called geranamine .

Since then, those containing geraniums have enjoyed a growing success in the US, and some time since the summer also in Europe - including Poland and have been accepted with great enthusiasm, especially by those who seek uncompromising solutions, for which they were basically understandable. pragmatically efficient. Unfortunately, knowledge about the possible adverse effects associated with the use of DMAA, the risk of overdose, and even the mechanism of action of this substance is still rather limited.


The mechanism of action of thermogenic and metyloheksamine excitation is not entirely clear. It most likely blocks the reuptake of the important neurotransmitter norepinephrine in a way that resembles the NRI group of drugs used in the treatment of neurological disorders such as narcolepsy and ADHD. The active ingredients block the action of a specific norepinephrine transporter, bringing about an increase in its extracellular concentration, which leads to stimulation of the central nervous system, dramatically improving concentration and alertness, increasing energy levels, increasing exercise tolerance, and - accelerating metabolism and severe heat.

In other words, DMAA works great as both a stimulant and a fat burner, especially when combined with caffeine and other substances to stimulate the nervous system and enhance the phenomenon of thermogenesis (although it must be admitted here that ephedrine and johimbinie are clearly inferior in this respect). Unfortunately, this measure is not without flaws, some of which can prove to be not only inconvenient, but downright dangerous.

Doses and in combination with other substances

In order to improve concentration, mixing, exercise tolerance, or severity of thermogenesis, doses are usually in the range of 20–100 mg per day, but rarely exceed 50 mg in a single serving, especially since this substance is commonly used with caffeine (100 - 300 mg), which enhances and complements its activity. Geranium is much better suited for this occasion (e.g. only on training days, just before training), with regular and frequent consumption, a decrease in the effectiveness of supplements and the severity of adverse reactions can be quickly observed. People who take geranium more write down clear mental forms discounts and sometimes almost depression.

In pre-workout formulas, DMAA is commonly associated with caffeine, arginine (usually in the form of AAKG), citrulline and BCAAs and creatine. The fat burner substance is present in combination with extracts from green and black tea, mate, bitter orange, black pepper and pepper, as well as the already mentioned caffeine. The doses of the individual components are varied, the amount of geranium is usually in the range of 20 - 50mg per serving.

Side effects and risk of overdose

DMAA Since the mechanism of action is similar to the group of drugs, NRI, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the effects may be similar in both cases. So what can we expect? Bonuses such as depressed mood, irritability, and anxiety are not only likely, but often reported by people who use products containing DMAA. In the first dose, a state of near euphoria does often appear, but after repeated attempts there is a clear decrease in mental form. The use of metyloheksaminy has also been associated with increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, insomnia, and - most depressing - decreased libido.

About how much will be an overdose of the same geranaminę really have to take a large dose (usually an amount exceeding 200 mg), while in the case of combining it with other stimulants, drugs and illegal, affecting the nervous system dramatically increases the risk.Especially dangerous, seems to be concomitant with DMAA or ephedrine or yohimbine with Clenbuterol. It is difficult to say what effects may result from combining a substance with alcohol, Internet forums can be read with quite severe KAC-in after this type of experimentation. Hemorrhagic stroke reported in the medical literature following DMAA use. Total will be the fact that excesses can lead to loss of health, and in extreme cases, even life.


Launched nutritional supplements at the turn of 2005 and 2006 was a substance called geranaminą to be a legal and safe alternative to outlawed ephedrine. Over the next few years, enjoying growing popularity among athletes and physically active people. To time. In 2010, DMAA was recognized by the World Anti-Doping Agency as a doping substance and banned its use in competitive sports. In 2012, the withdrawal of dietary supplements containing it, both in the US and Europe. Today, this measure can get even at auction and niche stores, due to its accessibility rules, and will gradually decrease. Those interested in using DMAA should remember that this is not a toy and it also poses a risk of side effects and - in the case of athletes - slipping into doping controls...

The nutrition of professional athletes involves the inclusion in the diet of a variety of additives, sometimes even those that are classified as prohibited. One of the most popular and sought after is the DMMA stimulant - geranium extract. Despite the huge number of positive qualities, this drug has a number of features, so you should be especially careful and carefully read all the nuances even before you start using it.

General information about DMMA

Dietary supplement DMMA has many other names - methylhexanamine, geranamine, geranium extract, dimethylpentlamine. The main active ingredient is 1,3-dimethylamylamine, an organic compound extracted from geranium oil by steam distillation of the leaves and stem of the plant. It has been established that this substance promotes active fat burning, as well as a set of muscle mass. Compared to caffeine, geranium DMMA extract is several times more powerful, but its effect on the body is milder.

Under the influence of the main active substance, norepinephrine is intensively produced in the body, and the hormone dopamine is also released, which provides the following positive effects:

  • stimulation of the central nervous system;
  • improvement of mood (and, accordingly, "fighting" mood);
  • improvement of blood circulation in the brain;
  • loss of appetite;
  • elimination of pain in the muscles;
  • memory improvement;
  • fat burning and active muscle building;
  • removal of excess fluid from the body, removal of puffiness.

Important! Since 2014, the Russian Anti-Doping Agency, equating geranium extract with doping, has included it in the list of prohibited additives. The taboo on its use has also been introduced in other countries - the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Australia.

That is, after using this supplement, there is no chance of passing a doping control. But this does not mean at all that it cannot be taken by people who are not related to sports.

Why take geranium extract?

The use of a biologically active additive has the following goals:

  1. Stimulation of attention, physical strength, speed, ability to concentrate. This allows you to make sports training more productive by increasing endurance. This property of DMMA was also appreciated by some students preparing for serious exams.
  2. Increasing the intensity of energy production.
  3. Increased metabolism and, as a result, active weight loss. At the same time, you should not rely on dietary supplements as an independent remedy - its effectiveness in losing weight will be noticeable only if you follow the rules of a healthy diet and regular physical activity.
  4. Improving the results of bodybuilders. Geranium extract has vasoconstrictive properties, and also slightly increases blood pressure, without changing the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle. This helps to make less physical effort, but at the same time stimulate muscle hypertrophy and their subsequent growth, while temporarily restricting blood flow.

Dosage and Precautions

Geranium extract in sports nutrition is recommended to be taken in courses, periodically stopping its use. The daily dosage is from 25 to 75 mg. This amount of the drug is taken half an hour before the start of the workout, but if necessary, the daily rate can be divided into several doses. The action of the dietary supplement is observed for two to three hours, and with minimal physical exertion - much longer.

To avoid unwanted and sometimes life-threatening conditions, do not use geranium extract in parallel with other food supplements or energy drinks. Joint intake of DMMA and significantly increases the risk of internal hemorrhages, heart attacks, strokes.

Remember! It is highly undesirable to use this food supplement for people with pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Adverse reactions

Uncontrolled and excessive use of the supplement can lead to:

  • lethargy;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • sleep disorders;
  • muscle tremor;
  • excessive stimulation of the central nervous system;
  • increased sweating;
  • bouts of nausea;
  • tachycardia;
  • increased blood pressure (up to the development of a stroke).

The cost of the drug

As a rule, products based on geranium extract are produced by foreign companies, so their price is quite high - from 1.5 to 2.5 thousand rubles. You can buy dietary supplements in sports stores or via the Internet. DMMA enters the shelves of domestic points of sale under the following names:

  • OxyElite;
  • Oxylite powder;
  • Lipo-6 Black;
  • Hemo Rage Black;
  • Cyroshock;
  • NeuroCore;
  • Neurocore;
  • Jack3D;
  • HydroxyStim;
  • mesomorph.

Be careful! If it was decided to take this drug, then you should not give in to the temptation and buy DMMA at a very low price, since in this case there is a high probability of acquiring a fake, the effect of which on the body can be completely unpredictable.

DMAA, or 1,3-dimethylamylamine, is a monoamine, an organic compound that aids in mass gain and fat burning. It has different names: geranamine, methylhexanamine, dimethylpentlamine, geranium extract. This substance is 4-10 times stronger than caffeine, therefore it is widely used in sports supplements.

In the course of research, it was found that DMAA has a similar effect to ephedrine, but several times weaker, it belongs to mild stimulants. The drug is widely used by people leading an active lifestyle, it is not recommended for people who have problems with the cardiovascular system.

The drug is used to increase the threshold of the body's capabilities - the strength and endurance of athletes. After taking the remedy, attention and concentration improve. DMAA as a dietary supplement has gained incredible popularity in bodybuilding as a pre-workout supplement, and it can also be used in preparation for exams.

  • Power engineer.

DMAA, due to its action on the body, increases the energy intensity during the training process.

  • Fat burner.

The substance is also used as a weight loss drug. Especially when combined with caffeine, it burns fat and reduces appetite. In the course of studies, it was found that the drug accelerates fat burning compared to placebo by 170%, and metabolism - by 35%.

  • Supplement in bodybuilding.

1,3-dimethylamylamine increases blood pressure without changing heart rate. Blood flow restriction helps stimulate muscle hypertrophy at lower training intensity.

1,3-dimethylamylamine is a stimulant derived from geranium oil, which is produced by steam distillation of the stem and leaves of the plant. The substance stimulates the central nervous system and is contained in the geranium Pelargonium Graveolens, which grows in China.

Methylhexanamine was first released in the 1940s under the name Forthane by Eli Lilly & Co. Since 2006, it has been produced under the name "geranamine" by Proviant Technologies.

It was unclear whether 1,3-dimethylamylamine was actually derived from geraniums or if synthetics were used. However, manufacturers of fat burners indicate that geranamine is derived from a plant.

For the study, the methods of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography with high-resolution mass spectrometry were used. During it, it turned out that geranium oil does not contain geranamine, respectively, sports supplements include synthetic DMAA.

DMAA (geranium - the plant from which it is derived) is excellent as a pre-workout supplement, as it has the property of increasing energy flow to the muscles. It is also able to reduce sensitivity to pain and increase motivation and endurance, thanks to which you can train more intensively.

DMAA increases blood pressure, restricts blood flow without altering heart rate, which helps improve muscle growth.

Another reason to use geranium extract is its fat burning properties, it is thermogenic and increases metabolism. Studies have shown that DMAA, when combined with caffeine and similar substances, increases metabolism by 35%.

Caffeinated DMAAs are present in many pre-workouts and energy drinks, as you can see in any sports nutrition store.

Geranium extract has recently been surrounded by various controversies about safety and side effects, but studies show that if used in dosages recommended by manufacturers, it is practically safe. If you abuse any product and, in addition, have contraindications for taking, then any drug will be dangerous. Those who use DMAA as directed report that it is completely safe and has no negative effects on the body.

With an overdose of DMAA in its pure form, headache and nausea may occur, and when combined with alcohol, cerebral hemorrhage.

The structure of geranium is similar to amphetamine, so it is worth taking this fact into account when taking a drug test, as it may turn out positive.

A common side effect can be lethargy a couple of hours after taking geranium extract.

Possible side effects include insomnia, sweating, and dry mouth, which can be avoided by supplementing with L-theanine or sulbutiamine.

In pre-workout complexes, geranium extract is present in a daily dosage of 25-75 mg. You can break the dose into several doses, but generally take it 30 minutes before the start of the workout. The action of the drug lasts up to several hours, and in the absence of energy costs - longer.

1,3-dimethylamylamine is not desirable to combine with other CNS stimulants.

There are always doubts about the legality of products to improve performance during stress. Geranium is banned in Australia, Canada, UK, New Zealand, but is legal in Russia. The US FDA banned the inclusion of the drug in dietary supplements, so some manufacturers have stopped using it since 2012. There are a few preparations left that contain the old version of geranium and the new AMP Citrate analogue, which is not prohibited.

Geranium extract is similar in action to doping drugs, so its use was banned in sports, and the agent was added to the list of prohibited drugs.

Arriving at a sports nutrition store, you can find approved drugs with similar compositions on the shelves - Jack3d, Primaforce 1,3-dimethylamylamine, OxyElite, NeuroCore, HydroxyStim, Lipo-6 Black.

About the extract of geranium, the reviews of athletes are positive. Everyone notes an increase in energy, a surge of strength, an increase in concentration. Therefore, if you need to improve the quality of your workouts, then you can use geranium extract, observing the required dosage. All kinds of supplements have always helped to achieve better results in sports training.

At one time, Geranium in sports nutrition made a lot of noise in the market. This substance was capable of many things: it gave incredible performance, increased concentration and mood, increased fat burning rates and suppressed appetite. This plant, the extract of which was added to pre-workout complexes, has become a real discovery for athletes. However, today he does not have a very good reputation.

As many people know, Geranium was banned for use in sports nutrition, but after a while the question of its legalization again arose. Let's try to figure it out and still return it to its former glory.

When Geranium had just begun to be introduced into sports nutrition, few people knew about its amazing properties. Later, as soon as the manufacturers realized what they were losing, its extract began to be used more and more actively as the basis of pre-workouts and fat burners. Geranium sports nutrition has become a new milestone in the history of bodybuilding and a real discovery.

The real sensation was made by OxyElite and Jack3D. Surely, many experienced athletes have long been known with these supplements, and some even managed to try them. Now they can also be found on store shelves, but without the same Geranium.

So what happened? How did it happen that after such a rapid rise, the popularity of Geranium suddenly sank to the very bottom? Everything is quite simple and the story is known to many, but not everyone knows the truth.

It all started with the fact that against the backdrop of popularity and effectiveness, these sports supplements began to be used in the US Army. Military personnel used OxyElite and Jack3D pre-workouts constantly to be more efficient and in full combat readiness in order to be able to prove their power at the right time.

But the competitive spirit of the Americans and the desire to show others their strength (even within their country and their environment) played a cruel joke, the consequences of which had to be raked by everyone. In the spirit of “but you feel bad,” the military competed in the ability to drink a whole can of powerful contents and not fall. It turned out to drink (although not everyone), but not everyone managed to get up after this.

Two fighters of the glorious American army immediately submitted 45 servings of Jack3D. Against the background of the general workload, strenuous activities and lack of sleep, it is not surprising that these two soldiers ended up fatal. Then came the real hype in the press in the style of "a popular type of sports nutrition kills!".

After that, the FDA began its investigation and required manufacturers to prove the safety of these drugs. The data was provided, but for some reason the FDA found it insufficient and a decision was made to ban the production of Geranium supplements. Even a well-founded claim of safety and justification of the deaths of military personnel by their own stupidity was not enough to stop all this.

An interesting detail was the fact that the ban spread only on the production of such a sports nutrition. The implementation of geranium additives continued and still continues. Thus, the FDA, probably, conditionally understood the safety of the drug, but if there was a real threat to health, then it would definitely be removed from sale.

This was followed by arrests as well. Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals and its owner owner got more. After such an incident, the organization hired the best lawyers and prepared a lawsuit against the FDA. The approval of the company was based on the unreasonableness of the prosecution nominated, as well as the fact that scientific clinical studies and millions of products sold did not reveal any side effects accompanied by a fatal outcome.

Yes, there are evidence that geranium extract in sports nutrition can increase pressure and has a long half-life. Thus, it is not recommended to use it again during the day. But this once again proves that it was precisely because of non-compliance with primitive rules and instructions that the military personnel received exactly what they received.

Since we are talking about the return of Geranium to the market, it would be a big mistake not to tell you about the best and relatively new pre-workouts and fat burners with it in the composition. Your attention is 3 fat and 3 pre-workout with DMAA!

Instagram Fit Magazine

Gaspari Nutrition SuperPump 250

Gaspari is not only one of the most "old" manufacturers in the industry, but also one of the best when it comes to additives for the pros. In SuperPump 250, you get not just a PAPM, but the maximum boost of performance. This is bothering the best and efficient components with impressive dosages.

The supplement also includes the well-known geranium, as well as a number of other stimulants that will make you work at your peak even on the rainiest and carb-free day. Citrullin and Agmatin will simply provide incredible pamping, and natural extracts and amino acids will improve concentration and focus.

See the video and find out how to get a maximum effect from the ratio:

Gold Star EPH Bomb

Contains both Geranium and Ephedra. The composition of only 6 components, but each of them is the best in its category! Di-caffeine Malat - enhances lipolysis and gives additional energy, increases efficiency. Phenylethylamine - improves mood and enhances concentration, as well as improves overall well-being. Ephedra - accelerates metabolism and suppresses appetite, stimulates thermogenesis. Root of nettles - contributes to the removal of excess fluid. 1,3-dimethylamylamine - stimulates the CNS, enhances the concentration and gives a lung feeling of euphoria. Yohimbine - suppresses receptors that inhibit fat burning and allows you to get rid of fat without losing muscle mass.

APS Nutrition Phenadrine

Another incredibly powerful complex, which simultaneously combines the action of the pretraine and the fat burner. It is designed primarily on professional athletes. The supplement includes not only geranium and other stimulants (caffeine, synephrine), but also Ikarin, whose action is most similar to testosterone. Also included in Phenadrine is a matrix that significantly improves mental focus, attention and improves brain function. However, the very name "APS Nutrition" will speak about the quality and effectiveness better than any words.

Boss Sport Nutrition YOLO

Fat burner with to a funny simple, but super-effective composition! As stimulants in it are caffeine and geranium. Caffeine also additionally stimulates lipolysis and increases thermogenesis, and Geranium is an excellent remedy for good mood and concentration. It also contains Theacrine, which enhances thermogenesis and improves the overall tone of the body, and Noopept, which is a nootropic agent that improves brain function and memory. T2 is a special ingredient. It improves the work of the thyroid and metabolism, allowing you to burn fat and maintain muscle mass.

Looking at this video, you will force your fat burner to work 100%:

It seems, after all, Geranium is not so bad. The main thing is that she fell into the hands of at least a sensible person. And, oh miracle! Justice has triumphed in the most democratic country. After a long legal battle, the owner of Hi-Tech Pharmacuetics managed to win the case. Thus, we can expect that soon geranium will be completely excluded from the list of prohibited components. We will again be able to appreciate all the benefits and advantages of this supplement. That's just advice for the future: do not be like Americans, eat in moderation.

Geranium extract (DMAA) is used in power sports.

He acts as a pre-training additive that provides a concentration of attention.
The extract also has a thermogenic effect.

Geranium extract - the usefulness and essence of the remedy

According to its properties, geranium is very similar to caffeine. It is usually taken to increase the level of attention, which can last for several hours and increase productivity at work.

Sprinters move much faster, weightlifters can lift more weight, even students are able to focus on the main task without being distracted by something else.

This mixture exceeds the impact on the body ten times stronger than caffeine, does not contain toxic additives and is completely harmless to humans.

Geranium extract in sports nutrition can be used 1-2 times a day. During competitions, the use of the supplement is prohibited, but it is often taken during sports training.

The training process should be properly demarcated, since for many it is very important to pass doping control during important competitions.

The extract rarely has side effects, especially if the athlete regularly uses caffeine drinks.

Proven Oil Extract

Geranium oil is a greenish-yellow oily liquid that resembles the scent of a rose with the addition of mint and citrus.

The composition of the oil has about 100 components, but the most important ones are distinguished from them:

  • chlorophyll;
  • vitamin E;
  • nerol;
  • geraniol;
  • tannin;
  • monoterpene;
  • phenol.

The extract has a beneficial effect on the body and has many healing properties:

  • healing;
  • toning;
  • soothing effect;
  • has anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect;
  • Helps from swelling.

The oil is capable of:

  • fight depression and depression;
  • improve the functioning of the kidneys and liver;
  • helps during a runny nose, otitis media, pharyngitis and many other diseases.

It belongs to the group of drugs with a strong painful effect. Geranium helps in the period of aggravation of arthritis, seizure or in neuralgic diseases.

Oil can remove spasms in brain vessels, thereby paying a person from headaches during migraine. Geranium oil perfectly helps against skin diseases, while healing wounds and relieving pain.

In addition, Gerani essential oil is widespread in the area of ​​aromotherapy. Its fragrance allows us to calm down and relax, which is important when improving the mood and receiving mental comfort.

In addition, this pleasant smell increases physical activity and helps to fight fatigue.

Useful video on the topic

Geranium extract DMAA is a biostimulator that affects the work of the nervous system and increases physical activity. It is capable of increasing body weight, while burning extra calories.

Studies have shown that geranium is similar to ephedrine in its principle of action, but it is several times weaker than it.

Functionality of Geranium:

  1. Stimulating effect - increases many possibilities of the body. The substance almost immediately after admission affects the body and increases the level of attention and concentration on important issues.
  2. Energizing effect - increases the energy intensity during physical training.
  3. Fat burning effect - can reduce weight, especially when combined with caffeine.
  4. It serves as an additive in bodybuilding - increases blood pressure, without changing the heart rhythm. This helps to build muscle mass faster.

The main benefit of the supplement is to maximize attention and activity.

Abroad, not only athletes and students, but office workers and even a housewife take abroad. In addition, DMAA can enhance sensations and give a feeling of complete euphoria.

The most popular drug among athletes, as it is capable of:

  • increase motivation;
  • reduce pain;
  • increase endurance, which allows for enhanced and active training.

Geranium cannot be purchased in Australia, Canada or Great Britain. But in Russia it is a legal product. Therefore, geranium extract can be purchased in any pharmacy available for you.

If it is not available, then there are drugs with a similar composition:

  • Jack3d;
  • 1,3-dimethylamylamine;
  • OxyElite;
  • NeuroCore;
  • Lipo-6 Black.

Before taking the drug should be consulted by a qualified specialist.

For athletes during the pre-workout regimen, the most optimal dose is the daily norm of DMAA from 25 to 75 mg. Many are trying to distribute an equal amount of drug into several techniques during the day, but often it takes 1 time per day.

The drug is used for half an hour before training, which requires the cost of a large amount of energy. If the extract is purchased in the form of a dietary supplement, then all recommendations regarding dosage must be strictly followed.

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One of the most common side effects is to reduce physical activity and excessive lethargy. Many can feel an increase in blood pressure and an increase in heartbeat.

But in most cases, side effects from taking geranium extract occur due to the excess of its normal dosage (from 500 to 1000 mg per day). According to clinical studies, it is known that when the norms were exceeded, patients experienced a rapid heartbeat and an increase in blood pressure.

The simultaneous use of DMAA with alcohol is strictly prohibited. Since their sharing can lead to such side effects on the body as a heart attack or stroke.

Scientists are not recommended to use the drug daily, since the substance has a rather strong stimulating effect on the body. The drug should be used cyclically to successfully combine periods of use and non-use.

No less important symptoms while taking the drug are:

  • worsening mood;
  • irritability;
  • anxiety.

With long-term and constant use of the extract, a strong change in the psychological state of the consumer is observed. To avoid side effects of the extract, it should be used in combination with aniracetam or a source of choline (Alpha GPC, picamilon) to balance the positive effects of geranium.

It is noted that when several components are combined in one, only physical activity increases, and this does not affect the improvement of brain functioning at all.

Some users may experience feelings of anxiety or excitement after consuming 1,3-dimethylamylamine, making it impossible to focus on any one process. In this case, it is necessary to change the drug to other nootropics.

Geranium extract is obtained from Geranian's essential oil (Pelargonium Graveolens) growing on many windowsill worldwide. Get it mainly from the stalks and leaves of the plant. The substance is very rich in its composition with various useful compounds, for which there was widespread and use in a variety of spheres, but the greatest popularity of Gerani's extract has won in sports medicine.

The name "Geranium extract" has a lot of synonyms: Geranans, methylhexanine, dimethylpentylamine, Fortan. But the most commonly used abbreviation is 1,3-DMAA or simply DMAA, which stands for 1,3-dimethylamylamine.

This substance was first released in the United States in 1940 as a remedy for nasal congestion. Since 2006, DMAA has been produced as a dietary supplement.

Dimethylamylamine has the following unique properties:

  • stimulates the activity of the central nervous system;
  • improves blood supply to the brain;
  • improves mood;
  • improves memory;
  • has an analgesic effect;
  • Removes the ethnicity;
  • has a vasoconstrictor effect;
  • increases endurance;
  • increases the level of attention;
  • burns fats;
  • helps build muscle mass;
  • reduces appetite.

That is why geranium extract is so popular among athletes and bodybuilders. It is used by them as a pre-training additive to increase the indicators and the possibility of increasing the loads in training. The recommended dose is 40-60 mg per day.

The drug is used 1-1.5 hours before training, in which case the maximum effect from its use is ensured. However, at the reception of DMAA, it is necessary to control such indicators as a pulse and blood pressure.

It must be taken into account that geranamine was included in the WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) banned substances list in 2009, i.е. this substance is officially recognized as doping. Therefore, professional athletes should stop taking geranium extract approximately 2 months before the competition in order to avoid a positive doping test.

Geranium extract is sold in the form of capsules of 50, 60, 100 mg. Due to the fact that this remedy is prohibited in sports, sports nutrition stores sell drugs with similar compositions, and not pure geranium extract. In online stores, geranium extract is sold without restrictions.

In folk medicine, geranium extract is used as an essential oil. The spectrum of its application is very wide. Geranium essential oil helps for diseases:

  • upper respiratory tract;
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • joints;
  • neuralgia.

Geranium oil has a tonic and calming effect on the body. It improves blood circulation and also lowers blood sugar levels. It is used for headaches, in the fight against depression and as a wound healing agent. It is also a popular aromatherapy substance.

You can buy geranium essential oil at any pharmacy at an affordable price, or you can prepare it at home. To do this, young leaves and flowers are carefully ground to a puree state. The resulting puree is shifted into a glass jar and poured with ethyl alcohol in a proportion of 2: 1. The jar is tightly closed and left in a well-lit place, preferably in direct sunlight. After two weeks, the tincture is poured with olive oil so that the jar is full, and left in the sun for another two weeks. Then the mixture is filtered and poured into dark tanks.

Also, various infusions and decoctions are prepared from the leaves and stems of geraniums, which are used for:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • gout;
  • rheumatism;
  • convulsive manifestations;
  • Treatment of renal disease.

First of all, geranium extract is used to reduce weight. The mechanism of its action is as follows: appetite is suppressed, the metabolism in the body is stimulated, the absorption of fats is reduced, excess fluid is removed. However, it must be remembered that the use of DMAA alone will not lead to the desired result. The effect will be maximum only when the drug is combined with physical activity and diet.

Also dimethylamylamine is also used as nootrop. DMAA has a euphoric effect, it affects emotions, concentration and memory, improves mood and increases performance. Thanks to these qualities, it is possible to use the drug in pre-examination preparation. It is also effective in combating stress and depression.

This use of geranium extract is due to the action of the substance on the stress hormones - adrenaline and norepinephrine. DMAA increases heart rate and blood pressure. Also, its prolonged use causes euphoria, which is accompanied by drowsiness. This state is a greater danger to the body. Therefore, the use of dimethylamylamine should be very careful. You should also know that this drug is contraindicated in hypertensive patients and with tachycardia, and its simultaneous use with alcohol can lead to unpredictable consequences, up to the saddest.

  • Geranium comes from Greece. Translated its name means "stork".
  • English breeder George Tradezkan first brought the sort of royal geranium.
  • According to legend, it was this type of plant that saved the king from insomnia.
  • The court ladies made decorations from Gerani's colors for their outfits, the Lord, in turn, prevented him into a rollback of the aroma's sleeves.

Now geranium is experiencing a rebirth. Wide application plant found in medicine, sports, cosmetology. Miraculous properties are explained by the fact that the leaves of the flower contain a large amount of essential oils. But after all, not only leaves are useful, but also the roots of geraniums. They are used to prepare decoctions and tinctures used in diseases of the stomach and intestines.

A houseplant can disinfect indoor air. As an antibacterial agent, geranium can eliminate germs. Also, the flower refreshes and fills the room with a light aroma of the room in the house, which also has a soothing effect for the human nervous system (more detailed about the dangers and benefits of geranium in the house can be found in).

With the addition of geranium ether, fresheners are made on their own. The flower owns a scare effect for mosquitoes, moths, flies.

Geranium is used in medicine:

  1. Regulates the internal work of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Stimulates blood flow.
  3. It is a wound healing, antibacterial property.
  4. Copes with headaches. Helps with migraines.
  5. Used as an antipyretic.
  6. Prevents the appearance of edema.
  7. Reduces blood pressure.
  8. Used to maintain immunity.
  9. It helps with a toothache and pain in the ears (more about whether it is possible to use geranium with ear pain, you can learn).
  10. It is used in gynecological diseases, menstrual failures.
  11. Improves mood, aromatherapy is useful in times of depression.

In cosmetology, geranium also plays an important role. On the basis of essential oil, masks are made for combination, oily and problem skin (you can find out more about where else geranium oil can come in handy). The use of these funds reduce the secretion of subcutaneous fat, and the antibacterial properties of the plant prevent the appearance of acne. The skin becomes smooth and taped.

Decoctions of geranium leaves and flowers help reduce hair loss, strengthening hair bulbs, compaction of their structure.

Geranium has a number of useful properties, so in sports, or rather, in sports nutrition, it is also used. Physical activity is often associated with muscle strain, wounds and abrasions, and thanks to the analgesic and antiseptic properties of the flower, it heals faster and faster.

According to its properties, geranium is quite similar to caffeine, affecting the human nervous system. People engaged in sports use it as a biodowdava to the diet. Advantages of the tool:

  • concentration of memory and attention;
  • increased endurance;
  • increase in physical activity;
  • lowering the pain threshold;
  • stimulation of muscle growth;
  • fat burning.

Athletes who use products with geranium extract become stronger and more resilient. The weightlifters can raise more weight, tracks faster running, jump and even students can be more perfected, focused.

Important. Geranium extract affects the body up to ten times stronger than caffeine. At the same time, it does not contain toxic substances and is absolutely safe for human health.

Being in a sports diet, geranium extract can be taken a couple of times a day. However, during the competition, the use is strictly prohibited. It is necessary to clearly distinguish the workouts and the competitive process, because the doping control is unlikely to succeed.

You can find out more about what geranium extract is, its properties and side effects, and whether it is prohibited in Russia.

Tablets - fat burners for athletes

Fat burners are a group of drugs for sports nutrition. The purpose of this product is to reduce body weight. Such supplements are used by bodybuilders, people with lipodystrophy to get the coveted cubes on the stomach. The fat burners really accelerate the process of weight reduction, while noticeably increases the growth of muscle mass.

The spectrum of action of such additives is quite wide than the large range in the market is explained. Also the fat burners also distinguish between the sexual principle: for women and for men.

For the right choice of fat burners, it is important to carefully read the composition. They may include:

  1. caffeine and its substitutes;
  2. geranium;
  3. green tea;
  4. tyrosine and its derivatives;
  5. omega-3 acids.

The principle of action of all these substances is to activate the nervous system, reduce appetite, diuretic effect.

Among the products for training facilities or, as they are also called, it is considered the most popular with geranium. Such complexes contain the organic component 1,3-dimethylamylamine, which is obtained from oil and geranium stems. This substance has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system.

A pre-workout complex based on geranium is a powerful boost of energy for an athlete, a kind of stimulation. However, it is important to use the drug with care. Half an hour before playing sports, you should drink 2-3 tablespoons. And at the very beginning of the use of the means it is better to take ½ standard portion, look at the state and give it an assessment. Are there any side effects described in the instructions for the drug.

Disadvantages of these geranium pre-workouts:

Most popular pre-workouts:

  1. Mesomorph APS Nutrition.
  2. Black Annis Gold Star.
  3. Krank 3D Pitchblack.
  4. Arez by Intel Pharma.
  5. WTF Labz Fucking Jack.

They can be bought in online stores on the sites of manufacturers, official suppliers, in pharmacies and sports nutrition stores. The price of such drugs ranges from 15,000 to 3,000 rubles.

DMAA training complex

Undoubtedly, geranium is often used in the manufacture of complex preparations. One of them is DMAA, which has a scandalous reputation. This drug is banned in many countries, but in Russia it can be purchased quite legally. The average cost is 2 thousand rubles.

In the course of research, it turned out that DMAA is a mild stimulant and is recommended for people with an active lifestyle.

The main characteristics of the drug:

  • Energetic, increases energy endurance during training.
  • Fat burner.
  • Raises the mood.
  • Reduces appetite.
  • Stimulant, bioadditive helps to concentrate attention, increase the threshold of the body's capabilities.

Side effects:

  1. mild nausea;
  2. bad sleep;
  3. dizziness;
  4. tachycardia;
  5. shiver.

To date, complexes with geranium are prohibited by professional athletes. However, manufacturers improved the old formula of the drug by removing some components, but this did not affect the quality.

Training complexes are generally safe for athletes who do not have health problems. However, regular use of stimulants can lead to exhaustion of the central nervous system and a decrease in athletic performance.

Geranium is definitely a healing plant with a lot of useful. But everything must be consumed in moderation, strictly according to the instructions, observing the indicated dosage. And then get the long-awaited results.

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