Cannes is amazing flowers: growing, nursing and propagating outdoors. How to propagate cannu for planting in spring

Cannes - bright beautiful garden flowers that adorn summer cottages from mid-summer to autumn. Red, yellow, variegated, white, bright orange large flowers attract attention and look very elegant and impressive. Canna is a favorite of landscape designers and gardeners who use the flower to decorate lawns, flower beds, and personal plots. Cannes looks great both in a single planting and in a group with other flowers and plants, giving the composition a special charm.

Canna (Canna) is a perennial herb, the only representative of the Canna family. In the wild, there are over 50 different varieties and cann species that grow in warm climates in countries such as India, Africa, Indonesia, as well as in the tropics South America... Cannes habitats are the banks of rivers, streams, in areas with moist soil.

The luxurious flower has erect, slender, non-branching stems, reaching a height of 80 cm to 2 meters, certain types grow up to 3 meters in height. The leaves of the plant are large, lanceolate or oblong, can grow up to 80 cm in length, up to 25 cm in width. The color of canna leaves can be bright green, and reddish-bronze, and striped, depending on the type of plant. The leaves cover the stem densely and look very attractive. Due to the number and size of leaves on the stem, the cannu is called "miniature palm". Some types of cannes are used by landscape designers because of the decorativeness of the leaves.

But, nevertheless, the canna reveals all its splendor during flowering. Canna flowers on a peduncle are arranged asymmetrically, collected in an inflorescence in the form of a brush or panicle. They have an external resemblance to the gladiolus. The main color of canna flowers is deep red; by selection it was possible to breed varieties with bright yellow, pink, white and two-color petals. Canna flowers do not exude a scent, which is their distinctive feature... A tropical garden beauty is an ideal plant for allergy sufferers or those who have a hard time tolerating the harsh odors of flowers. The beginning of flowering - July, lasts until late autumn.

After flowering, the fruit is formed - a three-nested box of an oval or cylindrical shape with round black seeds located in two rows, the ripening time of the fruits is from 30 to 40 days.
The plant has a powerful branchy root system, grows in width. Canna grows actively even in poor, infertile soils.

Cannes: varieties and varieties

Among the huge variety of canna species and varieties, each of which is unique in its shape, color of petals and leaves. Canna indian is the first garden hybrid developed by the French breeder Crozi. On the basis of its initial material, as a result of many years of selection, many varieties of the plant were bred, which have the general name "garden canna". There are 3 main groups of garden cannes:

  • Deciduous (small-flowered) canna. The tallest canna, which reaches up to 3 meters in height. The leaves of the plant are large, dark green with a purple tint, the flowers are small, about 6 cm.
  • Cannes Crosey. Low-growing cannes, outwardly resemble large gladioli. Reach heights from 70 cm to 1.5 meters. The flowers are large, about 10 cm, the leaves are green, purple with a bluish bloom.
  • Cannes are orchid. This group includes cannes of medium height, up to 2 meters. The leaves are fleshy, green, the flowers are large, resemble a large orchid flower, and have a bright two-tone color.

Popular Cannes varieties

  • Andenken an Pfitzer. Orchid-shaped canna up to 1.5 meters high, blooms with luxurious bright orange flowers with purple blotches on the petals. The leaves are colored green with a brown tint.

  • R. Wallase. Canna reaches a height of about 1 m, blooms light yellow flowers with crane blotches. The leaves are green, the variety does not bear fruit.

  • Durban. Small-flowered canna with small yellow-orange flowers and striped leaves, which are the main decoration of the variety. The shade of the leaves can be pink, bronze, yellow-green.

  • Livadia. Cannes are about 1 meter high with red-crimson flowers that effectively set off purple leaves.

  • Amerika. Reaches a height of 1.5 meters, blooms with large red flowers up to 12 cm in diameter. The dark purple leaves are very decorative.

  • Clara Bulsson. Plant height up to 1.2 meters, blooms with orange-red flowers, purple leaves.

  • Louis Kayeux. Canna is 1 to 1.3 meters high with delicate pink flowers and green leaves.

How to grow canna in spring

Luxurious cannes look equally impressive both in the garden and in a pot, grown at home. Often low-growing varieties of cannes are planted in flowerpots, tubs, large pots on balconies in greenhouses. Evergreen tropical plant - bright decoration winter garden.

Many novice flower growers are afraid to plant a canna in open ground, considering it a capricious tropical guest, very demanding to care for. Growing a cannu in your garden is a snap. It is enough to know the features of its cultivation, planting rules and provide the plant with the necessary agrotechnical care, as in its natural habitat in the wild.

Cannes planting spot in spring

Canna is a native of warm countries with a humid climate, so when choosing a place in the garden, you need to take into account her preferences. The place where you plant the plant should be well lit and not shaded. Cannes will not grow in the shade of trees or outbuildings. One more important condition for her cultivation - reliable protection from strong wind or a draft. A great option is to plant the plant against the wall of the house, which will protect it from the wind. Canna ornamental plant, so it is worth choosing the most prominent place in the garden for planting it. When using a spectacular canna to create flower arrangements, choose shade-tolerant plants as neighbors for it, since the lush, dense foliage of a plant can block other plants from accessing light.

How to propagate cannu for planting in spring

Cannes for planting are propagated in two ways:

  • Vegetative: propagation by rhizomes.

For the propagation of a plant in a vegetative way, division of the rhizome is used. Using this breeding method, next summer you will receive flowering plant... In the last days of September, the cannu must be carefully dug out together with a small clod of earth, trying not to damage the rhizome. The dug out rhizome of the flower is placed overwintering in a dark and cool place... It is necessary to inspect it regularly throughout the winter season, to ensure that the roots do not rot.

With the onset of spring, at the end of March, the rhizome is divided into parts. It is necessary to divide it so that on each part of the divided root there are one or two strong buds that will give growth young plant... Cutting points must be treated with crushed activated carbon and dried for disinfection. Then the delenki, bud upwards, are placed in a container with sawdust or with an earth mixture consisting of peat, sand and black soil in equal parts, and sprinkled with sand on top. Containers with cuttings must be placed in a warm place (20 to 24 degrees) for seedlings to germinate. Periodically, the delenki need to be moistened and not allowed to dry out.

After the sprouts appear, which grow quite quickly, the seedlings are transplanted into small pots and placed in a cooler and brighter room (about 16 degrees).

  • Vegetative: seed propagation. Seed propagation is used less frequently than vegetative propagation. Most optimal time for sowing seeds - early February.

The most important condition for seed method breeding cannes - preliminary preparation seeds, which contributes to their rapid germination, within a month.

Preparing cannes seeds for planting in spring

  1. Canna seeds have a very dense shell. First, it must be scalded with boiling water, and then placed under a stream of cold water.
  2. After water procedures, the seeds are placed in a thermos with warm water to swell.
  3. Carry out mechanical damage to the shell, for example, rub the seeds river sand or make small cuts.
  4. Seeds prepared for planting are planted in the ground. For sowing seeds, you can use a universal soil for indoor plants or prepare a soil mixture consisting of two parts of rotted foliage with peat, part of sod land and 0.5 part of river sand.
  5. Containers with canna seeds should be kept at a temperature of about + 25 ° C. After the appearance of 2 leaves, the seedlings need to be dived into separate small pots.

The seedlings are ready for planting in open ground in May, early June.

Cannes planting in spring

Young plants are planted in spring, closer to the second half of May, when the threat of frost has passed.

The choice of soil for planting cannes in the spring

The soil for planting cannes should be fertile, loose, deeply cultivated. Ideal soil composition: one third each of coarse sand, peat and leafy soil. To ensure the flowers are lush long flowering, experienced florists it is recommended to create a warming bed of manure for the plant before planting, in the spring. To do it, you need to dig a hole 70 cm deep, pour a layer of horse manure (about 20 cm) into it and sprinkle it with soil on top. Over-heating, manure will create a warm environment for the plant's rhizomes, and will also fertilize the soil for active growth and abundant flowering.

How to plant cannu in the spring in open ground

Cannes are planted in open ground in holes 15 - 20 cm deep, keeping a distance of at least 50 cm between them. The root collar should be deepened into the ground by 2 cm and the soil should be slightly tamped. After planting, young plants need abundant watering, at least 5-10 liters per bush. It uses warm water for irrigation, about 25 degrees.

Cannes in spring: care

The beauty of the canna, like any plant, requires care. In order for the flowering to be long and plentiful, the plant must be timely rid of weeds, loosen the soil around the bushes, remove faded inflorescences, maintain constant soil moisture and apply the necessary fertilizers.

Watering cannes

Cannes is a native of countries with a humid climate, so the soil around the bush should be moderately moist. During the flowering period, watering is increased, but it is impossible to fill the canna. Excessive soil moisture provokes the development of fungal diseases and blackening of the buds - the canna will not bloom. In the fall, after the gradual fall of the foliage, the amount of watering is reduced.

Loosening and hilling cannes

Flowerbeds and areas of the garden where cannes grow must be regularly weeded and removed to ensure air permeability of the soil.

In the fall, when the air temperature drops significantly, the cannes are spilled high to protect the root collar of the plant. Low temperature detrimental to the southern plant. In October, before the onset of the first frost, the rhizomes are dug up together with a lump of earth and stored in a cool room in winter until spring.

Cannes care during the flowering period

A distinctive feature of Cannes is the long profuse flowering from mid-summer to October. In order for the canna to bloom all season, experienced flower growers recommend periodically cutting the flowers to prevent the seeds from setting. The ovaries prevent the formation of new flower buds. Cut the flower with a pruner or a sharp knife. Cut flowers look spectacular both in a single bouquet and in compositions with other garden flowers. Cannes stay in the water for 4 to 8 days.

If you notice that cannes do not bloom for a long time, it is worth observing the plant's lighting throughout the day. The reason for her reluctance to bloom may be a lack of sunlight from the shade of trees, hedges, outbuildings.

Top dressing cannes

To achieve a long and lush flowering of the canna, it needs to be regularly fed with mineral and organic fertilizers.

  1. It is necessary to fertilize the soil chicken droppings soaked in water in proportions of 1:10. One irrigation with fertilizer every two weeks is enough. One bush consumes 0.5 liters of liquid fertilizer.
  2. During the growing season, the cannes are fed mineral fertilizers: a mixture of potash, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers in a ratio of 10:12:25 g per square meter plot. The granules are scattered around the planted cannes after watering, then the soil should be loosened.
  3. During the formation of buds, top dressing with crushed charcoal is effective.

How to preserve rhizomes in winter

After flowering, in late September or early October, the cannes need to be dug up and transferred along with a lump of earth to a cool room, where they should be stored until spring. The cannes wintering room should be not only cool, but also with moderate humidity. Rhizomes are laid out in boxes or containers and sprinkled with peat, sawdust or sand. Temperature drops are not desirable.

Ideal storage conditions: air humidity -50%, and temperature - from 6 to 8 degrees Celsius.
It is necessary to regularly inspect the rhizomes. If rot is detected on it, the damaged area must be cut off, and the cut site must be treated with iodine.

Cannes can also be stored in the refrigerator in the fruit and vegetable compartment. In autumn, when the tubers are dug up, they are washed in running water and placed in a solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection for a day. Then they are dried. Each tuber is wrapped in paper.

Cannes rhizomes winter well in the usual flower pot or a bucket, sprinkled with dry earth, on a glazed loggia or balcony, where the air temperature is not higher than 15 degrees. In this case, the soil must be moistened 2 times a month.

Diseases and pests of cannes

The main problem of canna is bacterial and fungal diseases.

Both the leaves and the buds of the plant are susceptible to bacteriosis. At the first stage, white spots appear on the leaves, then blackening and death of the buds occur. The cause of bacteriosis is excessive soil moisture. A plant infected with bacteriosis must be destroyed, since the disease cannot be treated. There is a possibility of infecting other plant specimens with it.

In addition to bacteriosis, cannes are susceptible to diseases such as rust fungus. It manifests itself in the form of yellowed leaves, which eventually become covered rusty stains... For the prevention of rust fungus, a solution of potassium permanganate is used (4 g must be diluted with 10 liters of water).

In rare cases, cannes suffer from the variegated virus, in which the leaves of the plant are covered with small black dots. In the fight against the disease, the timely removal of damaged leaves and inflorescences is used.

Cannes pests

Among the pests of the canna, caterpillars are distinguished, eating the leaves of the plant and nematodes that feed on the roots of the plant. Insecticides are used to control pests.

Canna in landscape design

Cannes get along perfectly with any flowers, the only condition is to take into account the rapid growth of the plant when planting a flower bed. Tall, showy cannes can drown out the blooms of their slower growing neighbors.

Canna looks great not only in a flower bed, but is also used as a tub or pot plant for landscaping terraces, verandas, balconies.

Massive bright flower can disguise or hide unaesthetic areas of the garden, outbuildings. Tall cannes are often used as a hedge, and low-growing varieties are planted along garden paths and borders. Cannes look unforgettably spectacular against the background of a bright green lawn, near a reservoir, a pond.

These bright flowers will delight you until late autumn, decorating a dull autumn landscape with colorful bloom.

Cannes, photo

Canna is a beautiful perennial flower that has long become a favorite of gardeners and owners of private houses. This flower has a whole host of advantages, which include ease of planting, growing, care and reproduction, as well as a wide variety of varieties. He has only one drawback - canna winters poorly in open ground... But more on that later.

There is an ancient legend that tells of an Indian chief. The old leader burned the peace treaty in the fire, and this entailed a big bloody war. And on the site of that fire, cannes grew, with their bright colors resembling tongues of flame and shed blood.

Canna is a favorite flower of many gardeners

Varieties and varieties of cannes

Cannes have a juicy stem, the length of which varies, depending on the species, from 50 cm to 2 m. The first garden hybrid was bred by the Frenchman Crozi. All subsequent cultivated varieties are called "Canna garden" and are divided into three groups.

  • Deciduous canna. The tallest of the cannes, some varieties reach 3 m. The flowers of deciduous cannes are small, about 6 cm, and the leaves are large with shades from dark green to purple.

Canna deciduous

  • Cannes Crosey. The lowest, their growth is from 70 cm to 1.5 m. The flowers are large, about 10 cm, and the leaves are green or purple with a bluish cover.

Canna Crosey

  • Cannes are orchid. The group is medium in height, usually up to two meters high, with large, orchid-like flowers and fleshy green leaves with a purple tint.

Cannes landing

For planting cannes, choose a place protected from the winds, which is also bright and sunny enough. Cannes prefer deeply cultivated, loose and nutritious soil. The most suitable mixture for them: 1/3 coarse sand, 1/3 leafy soil, 1/3 peat. Cannes are planted in open ground after the end of the frost.

Some gardeners advise making "hot bedding" to make the cannes bloom more lush. To do this, 20 cm of horse manure is first poured into a hole dug about 70 cm deep, and earth is poured on top. Thus, under the layer of the earth, slow burning of manure will occur and generate heat, contributing to a longer and more luxuriant flowering of cannes.

Canna will feel good if you plant it against a wall that protects from the wind.

Cannes seeds need to be prepared before planting. To do this, they are first scalded with boiling water, and then placed in a thermos with warm water for 3-4 hours. Seeds are sown in the greenhouse in February. The temperature in the greenhouse should be 20-23 ° C. Sprouted crops are planted in pots after 2-4 weeks, and when leaves appear, cannes are planted in open ground.

But most often cannes are planted by dividing the root system in late spring or early summer. The roots are planted in holes dug at a distance of 50 cm from each other and fertilized with humus. Sprouted roots are planted to a depth of 10–15 cm, and not sprouted by 5–7 cm. The holes are constantly watered.

Canna seeds

Plant care

Cannes are gratefully taken for good care, like any other plant. In order for cannes to bloom on time and look spectacular, they need to get rid of weeds in a timely manner, loosen the soil around the bushes. During the entire flowering period, it is necessary to remove dried inflorescences.

At the right choice heights and grades, cannes can be used anywhere. Massive varieties of these colors allow you to mask the less aesthetic areas of your site.

Indian canna naturally grows along water bodies, so this species can be planted not only along the pond, but also directly in the water body itself. To do this, the flower is placed in a large basket or flowerpot and placed in a pond so that the surface of the pot is slightly covered with water.

Bright photos of your winter garden and flower garden will not leave anyone indifferent.

Canna in landscape design

This flower looks no less wonderful in cut. It costs from 4 to 8 days, and is effective both in a mono bouquet and in combination with other flowers.

Gardeners argue that the minor troubles that canna cultivation, reproduction and care entail, are forgotten as soon as this beauty begins to bloom. These bright flowers will delight you until late autumn, bringing a vivid variety to the gray autumn landscape. And when your neighbors will choose such mundane for photos yellow leaves, your background will be much more attractive.

Cannes landing: video

Cannes varieties: photo

“In all of you, darling, you are good at dresses” - these words can rightly be attributed to a beautiful flowering plant - cannes. Its decorativeness lies not only in beautiful flowers but also in luxurious leaves.

Canna is a thermophilic creature that needs conditions similar to those in which it grows in nature for a full life. But this does not mean that caring for her is difficult. Knowing the intricacies of growing cannes, you can get a wonderful decoration personal plot for the entire summer and autumn period.

Cannes comes from countries with a tropical climate - Central and Latin America, Indonesia, Hawaii. In Europe, it began to be cultivated in the 17th century.

Description of colors

Canna is the only member of the canna family and has more than 50 species. It is a tall - from 0.5 to 2.5 m - plant with a straight, non-branching stem. It is densely covered with leaves - large, oblong in shape with a pointed tip. They themselves are her adornment. Their color can vary depending on the variety - from dark green to purple, purple and bronze-red. For the size and number of leaves on the stem, it is sometimes called a miniature palm tree. Indeed, the size is quite impressive - from 25 to 80 cm in length and from 10 to 30 cm in width.

The canna flower stalk is very strong, therefore, even with high growth, they do not require support. The flowers are large (10-25 cm), asymmetric, the original color is red. But the bred varieties and hybrids today are full of all shades of yellow, orange, crimson colors. The least common canna is with white flowers.

Canna is a rhizome plant. Despite the fact that she is a perennial plant, in our conditions she does not hibernate on the street. The main condition for its flowering next year is proper storage of the rhizome in winter.

Where the canna grows naturally, it is used not only as an ornamental plant. Its rhizome serves as a source of starch, and the upper green part is an excellent vitamin supplement for livestock.

The most popular types and varieties of cannes and their photos

Breeders could not pass by such a fertile material and, thanks to their efforts, today we have many canna hybrids. They differ in the color of the flower. Cannes with spotted, speckled and even striped flowers are not uncommon now.

Cannes are divided into species, which, in turn, have their own varieties:

  • Indian canna - the source material for long-term selection, which resulted in a species called garden canna;
  • canna crozi is a type of low-growing cannes, resembling gladioli in appearance;
  • orchid cannes - reminiscent of cattleya. They have large flowers, sometimes with a corrugated edge and a high stem (1-2 m);
  • deciduous or small-flowered cannes. They are very tall - up to 3 m, their main decoration is leaves. The flowers, on the other hand, are small. But they are rarely bred.

Cannes varieties

Photo. Canna durban

Andenken an Pfitzer. Canna height 110-140 cm, flowers are bright orange with red strokes. The leaves are dark purple. Blooms in July.

Durban. Refers to the small-colored canna species. Its flowers are yellow-orange. Its main decoration is leaves. They are striped with several shades - pink, bronze and yellow-green.

Livadia. Red-crimson flowers are in harmony with purple leaves, plant height up to 1 m, grows in July.

Richard Wallace. A flower up to 1 m high with light yellow flowers dotted with red. Leaves are green. The beginning of flowering is July.

America. It can grow up to almost one and a half meters, cinnabar-colored flowers up to 12 cm in diameter. The leaves are purple. The beginning of flowering is July.

Superstition. Canna with lemon-colored flowers in inflorescences 12 x 15 cm, green leaves, grows up to 1 m.

Cannes planting site in the open field

Growing conditions for cannes should be similar to their native conditions. Of course the tropics in middle lane it is impossible to create in the open air, but it is quite possible to comply with some conditions.

The choice of a place must be approached in terms of its illumination, the presence of a spacious free area and the absence of drafts.

Kanna not only loves light, she needs direct sunlight. Therefore, the place should be such where no shadows from buildings and trees will fall.

Since the canna is an ornamental plant, it must be planted where it will be clearly visible. Most often it is used in flower arrangements. As neighbors for her, you need to select those flowers that are not afraid of shadows - after all, the canna is a tall and bushy plant and can deprive its neighbors of light.

By autumn, the canna grows strongly, and especially its rhizome, which does not grow in depth, but in breadth. Therefore, when determining a place for a flower, you need to ensure a good approach to it, so that you can dig it out in the fall without hindrance and without prejudice to neighboring flowers.

The site should be sheltered from strong winds, but a light cannet breeze won't hurt.

Canna flowers are propagated both by seeds and by dividing the rootstock

Cannes are propagated in two ways - by seeds and by dividing the rhizome. The first method does not guarantee the preservation of varietal qualities; it is rarely used, mainly by those who are interested in breeding.

Reproduction by dividing the rhizome is a common method used by all growers. It allows you to preserve properties mother plant and simple enough.

Seed propagation

Canna seeds are hard bolls with three nests. Before planting them, the hard shell of the seeds must be softened. This can be done in two ways:

  1. Scald the seeds with boiling water and hold them in warm water 3-4 hours. Or put on a battery for 12 hours.
  2. Hold the seeds for 1-2 hours in the freezer.

Cannes seeds are sown in February in light soil... The container with seedlings is placed in a shaded place with an air temperature of 22-23 ° C. The seeds will sprout in 25-30 days. When 3-4 leaves appear, the sprouts must be planted in separate pots and kept at a lower temperature - 16 ° C. Some may bloom this year, others will bloom only next year.

Rhizome division

In early March, cannes can be propagated by dividing the rhizome

If you want to be guaranteed to get a new flowering plant this summer, then propagate the canna by dividing the rhizome. This should be done at the beginning of March. The tuber overwintered in storage should be examined for diseases. If he is healthy, he must be cut so that one large or several small, albeit weak, kidneys remain on each division. Sprinkle the cuts with crushed charcoal and dry.

Pour wet sand into the container and lay the divided pieces horizontally on top of them, kidney-side up. Sprinkle with sand on top and germinate at a temperature not exceeding 24 ° C. From time to time, planting should be sprayed with warm water ( room temperature). Bottom heating of the container will improve germination. When leaves appear and the sprouts become cramped in one container, they must be planted. Small pots are good for this. They should be placed in a bright, cool room (about 16 ° C). There they will grow up and gain strength before landing on a flower bed. In order to prevent diseases, it is recommended to water them once every 10 days with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Outdoor planting

The time for planting is determined by the cessation of return frosts - this is approximately mid-May. But the soil for them should be prepared a little earlier. It needs to be dug up and sprinkled with fertilizers - humus, phosphorus and nitrogen.

The holes for the plant are made deep - up to half a meter. Cannes are large plants, so the distance between the holes should be at least 60 cm. These flowers, like cucumbers, love to keep their roots warm. Therefore, each hole is insulated with a 1 cm layer of manure. From above, it is covered with a layer of earth of at least 25 cm, and only then the seedlings are planted. Before planting, the hole is well spilled with water. The rhizome should be at least 7 cm deep.

Before planting, the canna needs to be grown up. If this is not done, then in our temperate latitudes it simply will not have time to bloom. For this, the rhizome is prepared in the same way as for reproduction.

If you grow cannes outdoors, be sure to weed and loosen the soil around them.

The main condition for lush and long flowering cannes is considered correct watering... Immediately after planting, the plant is watered very abundantly - 1 bucket per sprout. Then it is necessary to ensure that the ground under it is constantly wet. To reduce evaporation of liquid, you can mulch the soil around the canna. But you do not need to arrange swamps, otherwise the roots of the flower will rot and it will die.

Weeding and loosening when growing cannes in the open field are mandatory procedures. Roots need oxygen and nutrition as well as high humidity.

Top dressing is enough to do 2-3 times a season, provided that the soil has been rooted before planting. In general, the canna prefers more phosphorus fertilizers and less nitrogen fertilizers. You can carry out foliar dressing by spraying the leaves with a solution of mineral fertilizers, you can use liquid fertilizers - watering the plant at the root. Infusion of chicken droppings works well.

Growing methods

As already mentioned, cannes are perennials and there are three ways to grow and save them.

  1. Dig out the rhizome in the fall and send it for storage for the winter in complete rest in the usual way. From the middle of February, you can start the growing process. For this, the rhizomes are removed from storage, divided into parts with buds, but not cut. They need to be divided into freely detachable parts, planted in a substrate of humus, garden soil and sand. Sprinkle a little on top and pour with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate... The buds wake up in about a week and in the third decade of May they can be planted in a flower bed.
  2. Dig up the canna in the fall after frost, cut off the stem and transplant it into a pot right with an earthen clod. From the dacha, you can take her to the apartment and ensure her complete peace by placing the pot in a cool place. In order not to wake up the plant ahead of time, you need to water the canna no more than 1-2 times a month. The flower will give the first leaves in about three months, then it needs to be rearranged closer to the light. The plant begins to grow rapidly and by the time it is planted in the ground, it already has a decent size. Before disembarking, it is better to temper the canna for 10 days. Disembarkation is the same after May 20.
  3. Digging cannu in the fall, cut off only the peduncle, but leave the leaves. With a lump of earth, transplant it into a pot and put it in a bright place in the apartment. That is, do not artificially create a rest period for the plant. Watering during the winter should be moderate. Since March, cannu can be fed with infusion wood ash and humus. The plant begins to form a peduncle. By the time of disembarkation, buds will already be formed on it.

In the Russian Federation, Cannes begin to bloom from June, July until frost

In nature, cannes do not have a dormant period, they bloom all year round... In our temperate latitudes, this time lasts from June-July until the onset of frost, on average from 3 to 4 months. The duration of flowering depends on the variety of cannes and their care. Flowering can be reduced due to the fact that the flower lacks moisture and light.

When the first peduncle appears, it must be cut off, then the flowering will be more lush and long-lasting. As the flowers wither, they must be removed so that new buds grow in its place, and so that the seeds do not begin to ripen.

Winter storage

Cannes tubers are dug out at the end of September, when flowering has ended and the stem has begun to turn black. The stem is cut off, and the rhizomes, together with a lump of earth, are sent to winter storage... The storage area should be cool with dim light and moderate humidity. They are placed in boxes or boxes, sprinkled with sand or peat. You can use soil mixed with deciduous tree sawdust.

The desired storage temperature is 6-8 ° C. A sharp temperature drop is undesirable. From time to time, the tubers need to be examined for rotting. If a patient comes across, he must be thrown away. If he is only slightly affected by rot, you need to cut off this area and process the cut with iodine.

If there is no such room - a cellar or a barn -, you can keep the tubers in the refrigerator until spring. Some growers store tubers in the ground (in pots) as described in the planting methods section.

In the southern regions, where there is no severe frost, cannes tubers can be left in the ground, covering them with leaves, sawdust or spruce branches.

Diseases, pests and control methods

Gardeners appreciate cannes for their good disease resistance. But garden pests sometimes a tropical beauty is struck. Most often it is aphid, cabbage whitelet or red mite. There is only one way of dealing with them - insecticides. Moreover, they need to be applied already at the first signs of defeat. You can accept preventive measures- before planting, dip the tubers in Aktara's solution. Then the pests will not attack your pet.

Cannes in landscape design

They are so beautiful that they may well be a single decoration of certain corners of the garden. Cannes also do not lose in combination with other colors. Dahlias, crimson asters, rudbeckia and geleniums are good surroundings for tall flowers. You can experiment by creating flower arrangements because Cannes grows beautifully in the neighborhood of any of them.

Cannes are planted in open ground after spring frosts(in April - May). NS

Before this, the rhizomes are germinated in a greenhouse or room at 22 - 25 degrees in soil consisting of humus earth, turf and sand (2: 1: 0.5).

The warmer the room, the faster the roots form.

As soon as the seedlings grow a little, they should be hardened. To do this, you need to take the pots to a shaded place within a week, where the midday rays of the sun do not fall.

Otherwise, after planting, the plants will receive sunburn leaves.

Cannes need abundant watering, so it is recommended to plant them near a water source.

When choosing a place for planting cannes in open ground, remember that hot Latin America is its homeland, which means that only the bush that is located in a lit and protected area from the wind will bloom luxuriantly.

It is best to plant cannes near water, as the plants love abundant watering.

The soil for cannes should be loose, enriched with compost or humus (5 kg per sq. M), charcoal is also added half a liter per sq. M. m., nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers.

Plants are planted in holes 30 by 30 cm and a depth of 70 cm. Before planting, fresh manure (at least 20 cm) is placed in these holes, ground is sprinkled on top (25 cm) and the plant is placed.

As a result of the discussion of manure, heat is generated, contributing to the normal development of roots and the lush flowering of the cannes.


Cannes breed seeds and dividing the rhizome.

If you do not have a goal to get a new variety, then it is easier and faster to propagate in the second way. To do this, the rhizome must be divided into several parts with a sharp knife so that one or two buds remain on one division.

To avoid infection, the sections are sprinkled with ash or charcoal and the rhizomes are left for 3 days in a room with a temperature of 10-15 degrees to dry out and awaken the kidneys.

After that, the material is germinated and planted in the ground.

Do you want to create a beautiful and unique flower bed on your site? This will help you to choose the right type, shape and plants for the flower bed.

Rockery is a real art on your site. You can master it by following the link.

Caring for planted cannes

During the growing season, cannes need abundant watering (but not waterlogging) and loose soil.

Since the soil under the cannes is quite fertile, weeds germinate very quickly in it, which must be weeded regularly.

You need to feed the plant once a month. phosphorus fertilizers or chicken droppings diluted in water (1:10). Consumption of the composition - 0.5 liters for each bush.

Also carry out foliar feeding by spraying the leaves with a fertilizer solution prepared according to the instructions.

In addition, during flowering, it is useful to sprinkle handfuls of wood ash under the bushes.

Cannes bloom lasts from 90 to 130 days. In order for the flowering to last longer, you need to remove the first buds and then tear off the wilted flowers, preventing the seeds from setting.

At the end of the flowering and growing season, but before the onset of frost, the cannes must be dug up and cut off.

Pruning is carried out at a distance of 20 cm from the root collar, after which the rhizomes are stored and kept at 10 degrees of heat.

It is important that some soil remains on the rhizome of the plant during pruning.

Potential problems and pests

Cannes are practically not affected by pests.

With excessive watering and excess fertilization, the leaves of the cannes can turn black. If this happened and the rhizome has rotted, then it will no longer be possible to save the plant.

Because of high humidity cannes soils can be infested with caterpillars. In this case, the plants are treated with insecticides.

How to independently design and implement landscape design on your site, find out.

This article will help you choose the right variety, planting site, and breeding method.

The most popular cannes varieties

Reaches 2 meters in height. Leaves are oblong, tapering at the end, 0.2-0.6 m long and 10-15 cm wide. Has a rare raceme with yellow flowers, reaching 8 cm in length.

The species has more than 1000 hybrids, differing in size, height, color of flowers and leaves. First of all, these are varieties with gray leaves and carmine red flowers, belonging to the subspecies "Crozi".

Large-flowered or orchid varieties.

This group includes such popular varieties as “ America"(Plants up to 140 cm in height with cinnabar red flowers and purple leaves) and" German Titov"(Up to 130 cm high with pale pink flowers and purple-green foliage).

Canna Striata.

Plant 0.8-0.9 m tall with red-yellow-orange flowers and variegated green leaves. Blooms from July to September.

Photo different varieties Cannes can be viewed in the gallery:

Canna in landscape design

Canna (lat. Canna) is a genus of the monotypic family cannabis (lat. Cannaceae) of the order of gingerbread, numbering more than fifty species of herbaceous plants. For flower growers, the value of canna lies not only in beautiful flowering, but also in large decorative leaves of dark green, dark purple, red-bronze and even purple shades.

At first glance, the canna flower looks like a hybrid of a banana with a gladiolus or orchid. The plant has only two drawbacks: in our latitudes it hibernates badly in the open field and does not smell at all. All other characteristics are solid advantages. The main one is that the plant is almost not sick with anything, so growing canna will not cause trouble even for a novice florist. Canna, for all its beauty and decorativeness, is generally unpretentious, drought-resistant, and decorates the garden with flowering from the end of June until the very frost.

Cannes rhizome branches, expanding in breadth. Flowering stems are erect, thick, high (from 0.6 to 3 m). The leaves are large, powerful, pointed, oblong or elliptical, reaching 25-80 cm in length and 10-30 cm in width.The shape and color of the leaves makes the plant attractive even without flowers, but only when the canna blooms, you will understand that such beauty and harmony.

Canna flowers are sharply asymmetric, bisexual, 4-8 cm in size, the original color is red, but today, thanks to the work of breeders, varieties of yellow, pink, orange flowers, there are two-colored, with a border and even speckled. White cannes are the least common. Flowers are collected in paniculate or racemose inflorescences. The fruit is a three-celled capsule.

Cannes seed growing

Canna seeds often do not retain varietal characteristics, and not all varieties set seeds, therefore The best way Cannes cultivation - division of the rhizome. But if you are passionate about breeding, you can try seed propagation as well. Cannes seeds are distinguished by a very hard shell, which must be softened before sowing. Scald the seeds with boiling water and keep them in a thermos in warm water for 3-4 hours. Or within 12 hours on a hot battery. Or freeze it for 1-2 hours in the refrigerator.

You need to sow seeds in February, the soil should be light, the temperature is 22-23 ºC, the room should be in partial shade. Seedlings appear in 3-4 weeks, and when they have 3-4 leaves, dive them into separate pots, in which they will be kept at a temperature of 16 ºC before planting in the ground. Some seedlings may bloom this year, and some will bloom only next year.

Cannes outdoor planting

Canna loves draft-free, sunny areas, fertile, organic-rich and warm soil. Canna needs are the same as the popular vegetable cucumber. The optimal composition of the soil is as follows: humus, leafy soil, coarse sand and peat in equal parts. Good drainage required!

When to plant cannes

In the second half of May, when the risk of frost will no longer threaten the life of plants, cannes are planted in open ground. From a possible sharp temperature drop, which sometimes happens in spring, the canna in the garden will lag behind in growth for a long time, and in best case the flowering time will be delayed, and in the worst, the canna will not bloom at all.

If you want to get the most out of the canna, make a hot "bedding" for it: a 20 cm layer of fresh manure is placed on the bottom of the planting pit with a diameter of 50-60 cm, which will give warmth to the roots of the canna and provoke it to intensive growth and violent flowering, then Manure is poured with a 25 cm layer of soil, moistened well and only after that the canna rhizome is placed in the hole and added dropwise.

If the canna bulb did not have time to germinate, then the planting depth should be no more than 6-9 cm. The distance between the plants, as well as between the rows, should be half a meter. From the moment of planting in the ground to the moment of flowering, it takes from one and a half to two months.

Cannes outdoor care

During the growing season, cannes need to be fed with mineral fertilizers two or three times: after watering, the granules are scattered around the plants, and then the soil is loosened. For 1 m2, 40-50 g of the mixture will be required (10 g of potassium fertilizer, 12 g of nitrogen and 25 g of phosphorus). As for the rest, caring for a cana is very simple. Watering is necessary regularly, but in moderation, until shoots appear.

Do not forget to cut off the faded inflorescences. In the first half of the growing season, watch for the appearance of weeds and remove them in time. At the end of flowering and before the first frost, the cannes must be spud very high in order to protect the root collars from possible freezing.

Canal care after flowering

At the end of flowering, Cannes also do not need a lot of water, so watering should be gradually reduced and then stopped altogether. Before the first frosts, it is necessary to spud the cannes high in order to protect the root collars from freezing, otherwise they can rot in winter, and immediately after the first frosts, the cannes stems should be cut off at a height of 15-20 cm, and the rhizomes should be removed along with a lump of earth.

Cannes breeding

Most reliable way to get flowering cannes in summer, then at the beginning of March divide the cannes tubers so that each cut has one large bud or several weak ones, sprinkle the cuts with crushed coal, dry them. Fold the cuttings tightly to each other in a greenhouse container on the ground (sand), placing the bud horizontally, sprinkle with sand on top and sprinkle with warm water from time to time.

Germination is carried out at a temperature of 20-24 ºC, it would be nice to slightly warm the container from below. When the plants that have released the leaves become crowded, plant them in small pots and move them to a bright room with a temperature of no higher than 16 ºC, so that they grow and grow stronger before planting in the ground, watering them with a solution of potassium permanganate (2 g per 10 liters of water) once a decade. You can do without growing at home, but abandoning it will greatly postpone the flowering time: if you plant non-sprouted tubers in the ground, the canna may not have time to bloom at all.

Keeping cannes in winter

In late September and early October, the cannes are carefully dug out of the ground along with a lump of earth and transferred to a place where they will be stored until spring. It is best to store cannes in winter in a cool room with moderate humidity and diffused light. Rhizomes are transferred to boxes and sprinkled with peat, sand and earth with sawdust of non-coniferous trees. The moisture content of the substrate is preferably fifty percent, and the temperature is 6-8 degrees Celsius. Storage of cannes requires regular inspection of the rhizomes for decay: if a rot-damaged tuber is found, cut the affected area to healthy tissue, and treat the cut with iodine. Monitor the moisture level and protect the rhizomes from sudden changes in temperature.

If you do not have the opportunity to store cannes indoors, you can keep them in the refrigerator until spring. In autumn, the tubers are dug up, washed from the ground under running water, the day is kept in a disinfectant solution of potassium permanganate, then dried, each tuber is wrapped in paper and placed in a container for storing vegetables, from time to time checking whether any of the tubers has rotted. Some growers store dried cannes tubers on the balcony in a plastic bucket, sprinkling them with dry soil. In case of severe cold snap, the bucket should be brought into the apartment and placed on the floor under the balcony door.

You can store the rhizomes in a pot in the ground at a temperature not exceeding 15 ºC. A glazed loggia, attic or veranda is suitable for this. In this case, the soil needs to be moistened a couple of times a month. If you do not have frosty winters in your region, the dug rhizomes of cannes can be stored directly in an area that is not flooded with water, in a place protected from the wind. It is only necessary to cover the tubers with a twenty-centimeter layer of dry sawdust.

Cannes diseases and pests

When the canna blooms, watering should become more abundant, but do not overdo it: waterlogging can cause fungal or bacterial diseases, leading to blackening and death of the buds. Sometimes canna leaves damage butterfly caterpillars, and roots damage nematodes. Use insecticides to control them.

Cannes species and varieties

The progenitor of almost all types of cannes popular today is canna indian(Canna indica). Cultivars Indian cannes, obtained as a result of long-term selection, are called garden canna. Florists divide these hybrids into three groups:

Cannes Crosey

A low-growing species (60-160 cm), the flowers of which resemble gladioli. The leaves, covered with a white bloom, have a dark green or purple-bronze hue, the flower petals are folded back. The first hybrid by the French breeder Crozi was created in 1868, and this garden canna was named Crozi canna or French canna. The best Cannes Crozi varieties: "Livadia"(up to 1 m high, red-crimson inflorescences 25-30 cm long, purple leaves, blooms from July), "America"(120-140 cm tall, cinnabar-red flowers 12 cm in diameter, inflorescence length 30-35 cm, purple leaves, blooms from July), "The president"(up to 1 m tall, bright red flowers in inflorescences about 30 cm long, green leaves, blooms from July), etc.

Cannes orchids

The shape of the flower is reminiscent of Cattleya. These are tall varieties (1-2 m) with large flowers (12.5-17.5 cm), the petals of which have corrugated edges. The leaves are green or purple-green. Popular varieties: Andenken an Pfitzer (110-140 cm, inflorescences up to 30 cm long consist of bright orange flowers with red strokes, brown-purple leaves, blooms from July), Suevia (height up to 1 m, lemon flowers, inflorescence 12x15 cm, green leaves, blooms at the end of June), Richard Wallace (up to 1 m tall, light yellow flowers with red dots in inflorescences 20-23 cm long, green leaves, blooms from July), etc.

Deciduous cannes

Deciduous (small-flowered) cannes grow up to 3 m in height, have a very beautiful leaves green, purple and violet-green colors, but the flowers of these cannes are small, the size does not exceed 6 cm, in culture they are rare. The most famous variety of small-flowered canna is the Durban variety: a yellow-orange flower, striped leaves, pink-bronze-yellow-green - a real decoration of any garden.

Where to buy cannes bulbs

The Scientific and Production Association "Sady Rossii" has been introducing the latest achievements in the selection of vegetable, fruit, berry and ornamental crops into the wide practice of amateur gardening for 30 years. In the work of the association, the most modern technologies, a unique laboratory for micro-propagation of plants was created. The main tasks of NPO Sady Rossii is to provide gardeners with high-quality planting material of popular varieties of various garden plants and novelties of the world selection. Delivery planting material(seeds, onions, seedlings) is carried out by the Russian post. We are waiting for you for shopping: