Honeysuckle hijacking landing and breeding. The hooks will decorate any plot

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If you dream to create in your garden a picturesque and beautiful corner filled with gentle and fresh flavors, then pay attention to the honeysuckle honeycomb. Delightful flowering and fragrance of this plant loved many gardeners ...

In the language of flowers, the honeysuckle hijacking is "captive dreams". She personifies loyal love and loyalty. She was repeated more than once in ancient legends. So, the legend of lovers of Eloise and Abelare tells how the plant wandered their tombstones, symbolizing eternal love.


Refers to the family of honeycomb, the nature of the curly shrub. All varieties have evergreens or fallen leaves. Honey flowers are located on pairs. Less frequently, flowers can be connected to the head or accommodative inflorescences. The crown has a two-shaped shape with five blades.

Honeysuckle honeycomb

Fruits are edible or inedible berries that have grown in pairs or freely. Wood is often used for needlework. A representative of such a variety, as a hipper is often used to warm the city streets. Its landing should be carried out in sunny places. Lovely loves light, grows in the undergrowth.

Reference. In total, 119 types of honeysuckle are growing in the territory of the countries of the former Soviet Union. It can be found in Siberia, in the Caucasus, in Central Asia.

Plants, varieties

The most common types of plants can be attributed:

  • Curly honeysuckle - used for decorative vertical landscaping.
  • Blue honeysuckle - grows on the carpathians (edible berry).
  • Caucasian honeysuckle - grows in the Caucasus.
  • Edible honeysuckle - you can find in the east or in Siberia, has edible berries.
  • Tatar honeysuckle - grows in middle lane RF, has a nine leaves.
  • Ordinary honest - "wolf berry", not edible varieties.

Blue honeysuckle

The hookie is a curly representative of the variety of housing. It has the most pronounced fragrance, which manifests itself in the evening and attracts butterflies. It has reddish and yellow fruits that are inedible. In most part, other varieties of housing ages have edible berries.

Reproduction of honeysuckle honeycomb

The honeysuckle honeycomb breeds in the following ways:

  • Reproduction with tanks. To do this, you need to slightly insert the lower branches, and then regularly water them. For the summer they will grow root. Already the next year you can disassemble them.
  • The reproduction of cuttings - their trimming occurs after flowering, namely, by early July. You can multiply the hunch of the process, the trimming of which should be carried out in the spring, in the summer, in the fall.
  • Reproduction seeds.


In the fall in October, you need to wipe the berries of the honeysuckle through the sieve. Seeds need to rinse and dry. Then they are driving into the cooked rows, two cm depth. Liana will give sprouts only a year later, by September. Later you should take good shoots and divide into pieces with five or four eyes and ten cm long. Then they should be planted in the loose soil beds to the last eye, building the shelter by leaves.

Saplings of the honeysuckle

To plant seedlings, the depth of the pit for planting - half meter, and the size of 60 per 60 cm. On one hole you need to mix, bucket of the compost peafon-cutting and 60 grams of superphosphate, 50 gr. Potash salts. The root cerv should rise at 3-4 cm above the surface of the soil. For landing you need to use seedlings whose age reaches two to three years. Lyan landing should immediately permanent place.

Reference. The honeysuckle is an unpretentious plant. Landing, like further care, will not require special skills from gardener. In order for Liana to grow rapidly, it is necessary to use a support from metal or wood. The growth of the plant depends on the height of the plant.

The honeysuckle honeriflation refers to those lianams that do not grow without support. It is best to plant saplings hooking in spring period in wet and loose soil. This place should be sufficiently lit by sunlight. In the shade, flowering will not be so abundant. Where a number of plants will be planted, it is necessary to pull the trench.

You can also dig individual pits under seedlings. The landing branch should have two or three kidneys, which will continue to develop into the Lianan branches. When you land seedlings, it is necessary to put sand, as well as compost.


After landing, the decorative hooking will give an increase - two meters per year. Winter's offensive does not mean that you will have to clean the sprouts that crawled. The plant is frost-resistant. Similarly, the trimming of one-time shoots for the winter is not required.

Trimming honeysuckle

But if frosts are expected, then the honeysuckle should be covered with a snack, and the base of plants for the winter can be covered with dry leaves or peat. This must be done only with one year old plants. Liana growing two and three years do not need such winter insulation. They perfectly tolerate the winter, despite the vertical growth.

In the spring, when the hinge starts to produce new processes, you can evaluate how many branches died for the winter. The dead processes should be trimmed. However, pruning should not be held under the root. Separate those processes that no longer produce new shoots. Sometimes pruning is not easy, since the kidneys in the plant are formed quite late. You should wait until the kidneys grow up and get into bloom. Then you will see healthy kidneys, touch which should not.

In a sunny place, the honeysuckle hurting will bloom very abundant, giving large flowers. However, there will be no particular harm to the cultivation of hopri in the shadows, but too abundant flowering, in this case, it is not worth waiting. For beautiful view Plants required mandatory trimming of dried pieces.

Most of all care is needed by honeysuckle in the first year of life, after the seedlings will go up. In the case of dry summer, a rich watering is required. The soil must be loosen from time to time, just to do it carefully, since the roots lie too deep. You can mulch the soil with humus and sawdust, then it is possible to do without loosening.

Important. In the spring, it is necessary to feed the bushes and plant seedlings with nitric fertilizers. In the fall, only potash and phosphoric fertilizers. If high-quality cultivation and care are provided, Liana will rejoice you for a long time.

About diseases and pests

The curling hoodie and its seedlings are rather resistant to pests and diseases. Therefore, its cultivation does not cause special problems. Occasionally honeysuckle honeycomb can be amazed by viruses, diseases and insects. Pests and disease are especially dangerous if you practice the cultivation of the honeysuckle, the berry of which edible. If the sucking insects attack on the plant, the leaves are gradually yellowing, dry and fall.

Honey trunk, affected by pests

Logging insects cause twisting and printed sheets. For prophylaxis, the means "Eleksar" and "Rogor-C" should be used. In order to prevent the leaves, leaves are sprayed in autumn, and for treatment - at any time of the year. The appearance of spots on the leaves testify to the damage to the fungus. To solve this problem, you need to spray the leaves with a solution of copper sulfate: 2 tbsp. Spoons for ten liters of water. Only with viral lesion of the plant can not be done, besides to burn the struck shrub. The cultivation of plants in the place where the hipria grew by the virus, must be stopped for several years.

  • During flowering, you can water the honeysuckle with a solution of ash, then the flowers will look even more effectively. To do this, it is necessary to mix water bucket with a liter of ash.
  • In contact with

    Today, living hedges are very popular. This is due to several factors. First, the acquisition of seeds or seedlings needs much less means than on construction Materials or ready fence. Secondly, nothing compares with an elevation of lush inflorescences. Thirdly, using curly plants, It is possible to close the unsightly wall or divide the area on the zone. If we talk about disadvantages, then the plants need constant care. This is not only trimming branches, but also feeding plants, its fertilizer and soil care. And in the fall, when the alive hedge will reset the leaves, the entire area will be visible as on the palm. Of all the plants that can be used as a living hedge, only ivy is not deciduous.


    Very beautiful as a living hedge looks honeysuckle. The number of varieties of this plant reaches the figures 200. However, it is conventionally all of them can be divided into 3 categories. The criterion will be performed appearance. The first category includes varieties that look like a small village. The second category is represented by plants in the form of shrubs. They can be both adding and high. And the last category is represented by curly lianams.

    The honeysuckle attracts attention to luxurious inflorescences. Her flowers have unusual shape. And the color scheme is represented by almost all the colors of the rainbow. There are bushes with gentle cream, white and golden flowers. And you can meet the honeysuckle with bright raspberry or purple inflorescences. Any plot will acquire a special piquancy if you can plant honeysuckle. The description of this plant does not exaggerate its beauty. You can dream and plant several types of honeysuckle on your site. During the flowering period, your plot will be filled with bright colors. Korolkova's honeysuckle is considered the blooming. And autumn shrub will decorate decorative fruits. The fruits of some varieties are edible. The honeysuckle is decorative, by virtue of its unique aroma, can be used to design a recreation area. This plant is successfully used as in landscape designand in the vertical green architecture. From it you can create unique arches, slopes and gazebos. The presence of various varieties and shape of varieties makes it possible to use honeysuckle in creating various compositions and alpine Gork.


    No plant has such a fragrance as the honeysuckle. Landing and care will not make much difficulty. First of all, you need to decide on the place. The decisive factor must serve as a fragrance that is distinctive feature Honey. Therefore, it is advisable to plant a plant in the corner of the garden in which you spend a lot of time. For lush flowering Shrub is needed sunlight. However, there are forest varieties. For them, a large amount of light is undesirable. They will feel great under the wooden arch. But windy places will not fall to taste the plant. If you have chosen curly grad., In parallel with the landing, you need to take care of the creation of the arch or support.

    It is desirable that the Earth be saturated with an organica. Honey does not like sour soil. During the landing, you need to use drainage (it can be broken brick). If you are putting not one bush, but a few, then you should not have it close to each other, and it is better to use a mixture for the landing, consisting of 3 parts of the turf, 1 part of the humus and 1 part of the sand.

    If necessary, the honeysuckle can be replanted. However, you should not do this during flowering. Better wait for autumn or have time to transplant in early spring. It is necessary to do it carefully so that the root system does not suffer.


    The honeysuckle decorative during growth letters a lot of shoots. Some of them begins to step along the ground and, therefore, to root. Therefore, you need to constantly monitor the growth rates and remove unnecessary shoots.

    Some varieties have high frost resistance. These include, for example, honeysuckle honeycomb. However, most plants in winter tolerates quite well. Not very positively affect the honeysuckle and spring thaws. This is due to the fact that the kidneys wake up fairly early. And since it happens in late January, shoots do not withstand frosts. However, the honeysuckle is rapidly restored, shoots grow from sleeping kidneys that are located closer to Earth.

    The honeysuckle is often suffering from pests. The smoking spine, a housing mite and leaflets are the most common. It is also prone to phythodyromial diseases, mushroom and suffers to malievous dew.

    With the leaflet you can fight with not only chemicals. Pepper, tobacco or garlic come out of the priests. If pests attacked the honeysuckle, they should be collected manually. Only in the case of the mass character of the attack, which is extremely rare, you need to use chemicals. Fungal diseases develop, as a rule, if the air has high humidity. If the honeysuckle fell ill with phytovyrius diseases, then it is not subject to treatment. She needs to dig and burn.


    Unpretentious and in this regard the honeysuckle curly. Reproduction can be held by all known methods. You can purchase seeds and land them according to the instructions. And if it is possible, it is better to multiply the honeysuckle with cuttings. If in the case of seeds it is impossible to give any guarantees, then 90% of cuttings are coming up. You can also multiply the plant with tanks and a pig from stump.


    Honey need to wipe 2 times a week if the weather is dry. If the heat season has not yet come or has already passed, it will be enough to water the plant once a week. An insufficient amount Water can cause a mustard in berries. It is extremely undesirable that water forced in the soil. That is why during the landing necessarily use drainage. It is necessary to monitor this point and during watering.


    The honeysuckle still needs feeding. It needs a large amount of mineral substances. You also need to feed the plant before flowing. In view of a large number of inflorescences that make an eye with a long time, the shrubs need a lot of strength. To do this, you can use a special liquid fertilizer. And in the fall, it is desirable to pour wood ash to each bush.


    Like many other shrubs, the honeysuckle decorative curly needs pruning. However, it is necessary to do this only in order to give the form of a plant. If edible grades grow on your site, the pruning can slow down the growth rates of fruits.


    The honeysuckle is climbing, landing and care for which they will not make care, will decorate any plot. Today, gardeners have somewhere 200 varieties of this plant. Depending on the basis, there are several classifications taken as the basis. Some are based on the form of a plant, some at its height. There is also a division of varieties depending on the time of ripening of berries. If we talk about the height of the plant, then such varieties, like Ramenskaya honeysuckle, Gourmet, souvenir, Julia and Kamchadalka, belong to the lowest. Their height does not exceed 150 centimeters. The average, the height of which ranges from 150 to 200 centimeters, includes Korchag, Kuminovka, Cinderella, Shahin and Kingfisher. Tall are shrubs, whose height exceeds 200 centimeters. Bright representatives are nimph, blue spindle and fortune.

    In terms of ripening, elevation, secondary and lateral varieties are distinguished. Blue spindle, Princess Diana, Ulyana, Gzhel early and Roxane are early varieties. Omega, Cinderella, Shahin, Baccharian Giant, Souvenir and Yugan belong to the secondary varieties. And later, all ripen ripen, nymph, Ramenskaya, Baccharnskaya jubilee, Moscow 23 and Gourmet.

    Honeysuckle "hopping" curly

    This variety refers to unpretentious. This factor ensures that it is specially popular. The honeysuckle "hooking" is a curly Lian. It will work perfectly in order to assign a fence or gazebo. However, it is not necessary to let go of goats for which there is no better delicacy than the leaves of the honeysuckle "houring".

    While liana flowering is covered with inflorescences that have an atypical color. FROM inner Gold flowers, and outside dark pink. The size of each booton reaches 5 centimeters in length. Unusual and form of petals. They are curved in different directions. Four petals look up, and the fifth - down. Stamens also resemble an arc form. The leaves of this Liana are syrodo-green.

    The honeysuckle "hooks" is not afraid of frosts, and therefore the winter is easily worried. She is unpretentious, can survive even in the conditions of rocky forests. This is due to the ability to be attached to the rough surface. The hood has another feature, which attracts special interest. On her stem is located whole line Kidney, which you can not say about most plants that are hidden in the sinus sheet of only 1 kidney.

    Honey Curling "Serotina"

    This variety of honeysuckle refers to Lian-like. The height of the adult plant reaches four meters. For one year, serotin on average increases by 1 meter. The flowering period falls on the middle of the summer and the beginning of the autumn. Magnificent inflorescences have a tubular shape. Bright purple red outside and gentle-cream inside the flowers have a delightful aroma. Leaves have the form of an ellipse. As soon as the flowers are fighting, red decorative fruits appear on the shrub. The honeysuckle "Serotina" is quite unpretentious to soils. But the place for its landing should be chosen solar.

    Honeysuckle "Tatar"

    This variety is popular thanks to its light pink colors that are dissolved in the second half of May. The length of each flower reaches 2 centimeters. And in August to shift tender flowers Decorative fruits come, the colors of which can be yellow, orange or red. These decorative fruits hang on branches for a long time. This variety belongs to the most unpretentious. The honeysuckle "Tatar" can grow even in conditions of severe air pollution and drought. Thanks to these qualities, it is often used to landscap in cities.

    Brown honeysuckle

    This variety has a large decorative value. His flowers are large and bright. The flowering period falls on the summer months. As soon as it ends, the place of flowers occupy bright red fruits. However, the disadvantage of Brown's honeysuckle is that it blooms not every year. As for the characteristics of this variety, it does not apply to the frost-resistant. Therefore, it is better to strengthen it. And when choosing a landing room you need to know that cold winds act on Brown's honeysuckle.

    Honey Alpine

    Already from the name it is clear that this variety is suitable for designing alpine slides. This variety of honeysuckle refers to the lowest. Its height does not exceed one and a half meters. During flowering, which is 2 weeks, the shrub is covered with yellowish colors with a red tint. At the end of summer on the shrub you can see the fruits of bright red. They have interesting form And resemble scarlet cherries. This variety is resistant to frost and feels good in the shade. But to the soil he is quite whimsical. He needs a limety sulant soil. It is possible to use it for creating alive hedges.

    Maak's honeysuckle

    This species can not be confused with any other. Maak's honeysuckle refers to tall varieties. The height of the adult plant reaches four meters. At the beginning of the summer, its shoots have a snow-white color. And the leaves in the form of an ellipse reach 10 centimeters in length. In the perimeter they have long cilia. The flowering period is 1.5 weeks. At this time, the plant was covered with golden flowers. And at the end of the summer and early autumn, the shrub decorate coral berries. They are located in pairs.

    Honey Morrow

    This variety belongs to the lowest. Its height does not exceed 1.5 meters. The flowering period begins at the end of spring. Snow-white flowers appear on the shrub, which are charming look against the backdrop of rich-green foliage. It is no less attractive at the end of summer. It is decorated with red and orange couples, fruits. It is possible to use alley to design.

    The honey of the curving, the varieties of which is now difficult not to list, but even recalculate, is an indispensable plant To create cozy corners in your garden, magnificent arches or alive hedges. No wonder it is so often used for landscaping. The curly honeysuckle, whose photo does not exaggerate the true beauty of the plant, will make any part of the inimitable.

    Large bright colors, abundant covering honeysuckle honeriflation, each spring fill the garden with an extraordinary aroma. This liana is good with inedible, but very picturesque fruits in vertical gardening. In our review you will find information about landing the honeysuckle, what care is needed for it, about the methods of reproduction.

    About varieties and varieties of honeysuckle

    All varieties of honeysuckle are divided into fruit and decorative. Fruit species The honeysuckle is a bush height from 1 to 2 meters. The varieties of this species are characterized by the timing of ripening, yield, taste of fruits. Decorative View Includes plants valued for their beauty.

    Honey Tatarskaya

    This includes two groups:

    1. Bushes - Honey Tatar, Korolkova, Alpine, Ordinary, Maximovich.
    2. Liana - hip, honeysuckle Telman, curly, Brown.

    Honey Telman

    The most beautiful among Lian - the honeysuckle honerifold, reaching a height of 6 m. Its young shoots, then light green, then all shades of red-purple, with age are covered with a bark of grayish-brown color. Long stems are covered with large dense dark green on top and pepper with leaves. In May-June, shoots decorate fragrant multi-flowered sophisticated inflorescences. Everyone has it pink flower White or cream core. A month later, fruits appear - orange balls ripening in August. Although blossom continues only about a month, decorative fragrant liana to late autumn.

    Honeysuckle honeycomb

    Perfectly looks honeysuckle next to coniferous trees, roses with letters, other shrubs. It is enough to look at the photo of this powerful Lian hip, which in the translation indicates the goat to want to wake her up on his site.

    Attention: the fruits of the honeysuckle hurting can not be - they are poisonous.

    In the sun, the honeance blooms abundantly, so for its landing, a place is well lit by the sun. It is better to plant in the spring, and so that the plant develops correctly, the support is necessary. On average, the hip for the year grows on 1 m. In one place grows 50 years.

    Features of landing honeysuckle

    LONICERA CAPRIFOLIUM planted at a permanent place immediately. It is believed that the goat Liana gives preference to neutrally acidic soils. Clay or dry soils she does not like and develops bad on them.

    Fruit honeysuckle honeycomb

    The planting process consists of several consecutive steps:

    ATTENTION: For the honeysuckle, a slightly blowout of the root neck is useful.

    Care for honeysuckle honeycomb

    Winter hardiness in fragrant honeysuckle is high. The first 2 years will have to cover with fallen leaves or peat ground around the roots, and then you can forget about this procedure. There are no leshes in pruning. If in the spring it will be found that someone stems are frozen, cut them - the kidneys on these shoots are still not formed. The process of further care consists of several important aspects:

    Deleting weeds - It is one of the important moments during the care of the honeysuckle. They should be removed from the site before disembarking the bush, especially the weeds and perennials.

    It is important that the development of the honeysuckle does not interfere with the weed grass

    Watering. Hoping wicking love. In summer, watering should be regular, and in drought the portions of water increases two times.

    Trimming - affects the development and formation of the bush. It is held immediately after disembarking, otherwise the fast-growing honeysuckle will turn into a completely unattractive green sap. First, cut the weak stems, leaving no more than 3 most reliable and shorten them by 1/3. We carry out regular inspections, we rebel damaged and dry shoots, and when the lean altitude is reached, we cut the top, then stirre will grow into the bush.

    Tip: Tripping branches in spring, after the appearance of the kidneys. Crop the beat of the kidney above using the secateur.

    How and what to fertilize and feed

    For feeding goat, the honeysuckle reacts positively, just to do it right:

    • at the end of the autumn, we introduce potash and phosphoric fertilizers, we add compost, humus under the bushes;
    • in the spring - liana needs nitrogen, it is also helpful to pour it from a divorced bird litter or a cow.

    Feed the plant twice per season

    Reproduction of fragrant honeysuckle

    Split the honeysuckle is simple, there are 4 ways for this:

    • seeds;
    • cuttings;
    • grains;
    • the division of the main bush.

    Honeysuckle from seeds

    We harvest the seeds in July, for which we remove them from the pulp, we rinse thoroughly, dried. The complexity of this method is that the seed material of the honesty is bad. To fix the situation experienced gardeners Recommend to pre-expose fresh stratification seeds. To do this, in the fall, smell wet sand into some container and pour seeds. The dishes are placed in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. Every 14 days we check the humidity of the sand, spraying with water, if it is reduced.

    For seed workpiece you need ripe fruit honeysuckle

    Thus, the spring seeds will be prepared for landing. Sowing carry out this technology:

    • fill the drawer with a nutrient substrate;
    • pour from above seeds with sand;
    • sowing material sprinkle a thin layer of soil;
    • moisturize;
    • cover with film or glass;
    • remove the shelter after the appearance of germs;
    • we relieve seedlings for permanent place in the fall, creating shelter for them.

    Sprouts of honeysuckle

    You can stratified seeds in the spring, somewhere in April, land on the garden, making a groove with a depth of 15-20 mm and embedding them to a depth of 10 mm. In summer, they should be watered, not allowing weeds to be touched by peat for the winter. In the spring of next year, seedlings are ready for relocation to the place of constant habitat.

    Crossing goat beans with cuttings

    For such a method of reproduction, it is necessary to prepare cuttings. It is better to do this before the end of the flowering period. Do not fit as source material Cuttings that are not superimposed during bending - this indicates that they are still not mature enough. There should be 2-3 interstices on the cutting. The upper cut is made direct on the removal of 1.5 cm from the kidney, and the lower - at an angle of 45 degrees. Bottom leaves We remove completely, and the upper shock on ½. The billets are planted into the greenhouse, protected from the sun, withstanding the distance between them approximately 0.2 m. The substrate for the cutting of cuttings is made of peat, garden land and sand (2: 1: 2).

    Cuttings of the honeysuckle are very easy

    Three times per day, the cuttings spray for a month. During this time, the first sheets and seedlings will stop needing to shelter. So that the sprouts successfully move the winter to mulch them. In the open soil transplant in the spring.

    Tip: Strennikov Still from the middle of the plenty. Ideally, the length of the workpiece is about 10 cm and the thickness of approximately 0.5 cm.

    Reproduction with chains

    This method is the easiest and sureless. The algorithm is the following:

    1. We select suitable shoots from spring or autumn.
    2. Pour the pits to the depth of about 0.2 m on the part of the gag.
    3. Fill out the planting place with fertile soil with the addition of lime.
    4. I am prefigible to the ground, laying it into the plug in such a way that the top remains up.
    5. Fix the gag, using a solid wire brackets.
    6. We fall asleep the soil layer, water and mulch.
    7. Dig up young siblings of fragrant honeysuckle next spring, separate from the base plant, land at a permanent place.

    Reproduction of honeysuckle with letters die on even inexperienced gardener

    If the hipper is grown as a living hedge, then you can not separate the drains from the main bush. Near the top, looking out of the ground, just install the support and weiss a plant that continues to develop as an independent bush.

    Fourth breeding method - the division of the bush

    From scratched, good developed Plant You can painfully separate the part for the transplant:

    • roll a bush at the base;
    • we take a sharp secateur and cut off the escape with the roots.

    The breeding of the division of the bush is a more laborious method

    Or in a different way:

    • dig a plant completely together with a large earthy room;
    • we divide the bush on the part using an acute shovel;
    • process sections ashes or crushed coal;
    • we shorten shoots by a third of the length;
    • let's place each share in a separate landing place;
    • we start forming the crown a year after the transplant procedure.

    Diseases and pests honeysuckle honeycomb

    It should be good to explore the description of the signs and photos of diseases of the honeysuckle, since it is amazed by them often. Among the most dangerous diseases - ramularity. It manifests itself on young leaves in the form of grayish brown spots with a brown middle. Later, stalks and stalks are amazed - they begin to die. Plant weakens due to loss nutrients. Helps spraying "Fundazole", copper vigorous.

    No less dangerous and churchosposition. On the leaves, something in the form of dots with red-brown crossing is formed. Methods of struggle are similar to those used during ramularity.

    There are dangerous fungal diseases affecting the honeysuckle

    Tuberculosis Amuses the branches of the honeysuckle. They appear red tubercles. The disputes of the fungus settle in the crust. Soothes and leaves fade. The affected areas should be cut and destroy, and for the prevention of spraying plants in the spring burglar liquid, copper vitrios.

    From the pests the most dangerous - the wave. With its presence, the leaves are yellowing, covered with stains, then dying. They are damaged and shoots, since the larvae suck juice. Destroy the TRU with the use of such drugs as "Elekshar", "Aktellik", "confident".

    In our gardens, the question of vertical landscaping is one of the above-mentioned and in demand. Under vertical landscaping means landscaping walls, arbors, small architectural forms. Quite often, on young, low-axis sites, the question of overlapping medium and distant plans arises, creating the shadows on the site and the division of individual zones in the garden, where all plants are still very young. In this case, we will save we will save vertical landscaping. While the seedlings of large shrubs and trees are growing up, many years of and annual flowers and the only vertical accent - shadow or decoration of the walls of the house, arbors and other buildings can provide lianas. Quite an interesting representative of Lian, used in the gardening of our gardens, is the honest honerity (Lonicra Caprifolium).

    In the color of the colors "Honey" means "captivating dreams". The honeysuckle flowers were very often compared with the faithful, loyal love, love that does not know the boundaries and limits in ancient legends. In the legend about Eloise and Abelare, the honeysuckle wrapped up their tombstones - a sort of eternal love symbol. And in the legend of Tristan and Isolde, the isold is often compared with the flower of the honeysuckle, the same gentle, elevated and very poetic, and in many legends this flower is a symbol of passion, love and devotion.

    In addition to the fact that the honeysuckle blooms very beautifully, it also smells absolutely. This is a stunning, very fresh and gentle fragrance, and the fragrance increases in the evening. And if you want to create in your garden a corner is not just a beautiful and picturesque, but also filled with flavors, then without honeysuckle, the honeycomb cannot do.

    With all his advantages, the honeysuckle does not require much care. In order for this multi-year liana to develop and grow precisely, it is necessary to give support to it vertically. This is the type of Lian, who will not rise without supporting up, and the higher the support, the higher your plant will rise. In principle, 5 - 6-year-old Liana can grow in a height of 4 - 5 meters - this is a sufficient height for our small gardens.

    It is better to plant the honeysuckle to produce in spring. Liana is planted immediately at a permanent place, so that there were several kidneys on the decene, it is better - 2-3, of which there will be long stems that are actually lyana and are. The landing should be produced into loose, sufficiently moistened soil. The honeysuckle responds very well to feeding with mineral fertilizers and organic. It is best to feed it with nitrogen, potassium and manure. But note that manure should not be fresh, but overworked, i.e. 2 - 3-year-old, or you can use a peatpost that you can prepare yourself, folding into compost pits all the vegetable waste that exists in almost every garden. And if you prepare a peat proper in advance, i.e. in compost pages We will stare enough vegetable waste from the site, and lay in layers in a peat, then for the year you have a sufficiently good substrate, which you add to the landing jam when boarding the honeysuckle honesty.

    The landing is usually carried out either to the landing pit or to the landing trench, depending on what you want to achieve. If this is an element of vertical landscaping, and you plant a whole range of honeysuckle, so that it closes the sleeper to you, then it is better to make a groove-trench, and immediately in this trench for many years to lay all the necessary substances - overwhelmed dung or peat, trace elements organic fertilizers. All this is thoroughly mixed with the landing plant soil and your lobes are planted into this prepared mixture. And if you landing in the spring, by the end of the season there will be sufficiently long young shoots. For good care For the year, the honeysuckle can give an increase to 2 meters in height, and sometimes more. These long vacations that you are creating on the designs of vertical landscaping do not need to be removed for the winter, the honeysuckle hip is winter-hardy. And absolutely not necessarily cut off the long one-year hunters every winter. It is enough if the harsh winter weather is expected, in young plants, with fresh landing, climb the zone with the roots of peat or dry sheet, or cover the clutch with a cloth. And this should be done only during the first two years after landing, and then your honeysuckle will be perfectly wintering even in a vertical state. When the spring plant starts to vegetate, i.e. The kidneys will begin to bloom, a new young increase will begin, you will see which part of the whip you have frozen, and what preserved. So, in the spring after serious winter frosts, you need to produce sanitary trimming, but it is the sanitary trimming, it is not necessary to cut off the hook of stump. Just need to be carefully cut and remove those shoots that the kidneys do not bloom, i.e. Those who have not peeped. But here there is one snag - the kidneys at the honeysuckle bloom quite late and at the same time these kidneys are hidden on escape. You just won't see how on an ordinary shrub, went to the rising kidney or not. So do not hurry to trim the honeysuckle after winter, wait for small young kidneys, which will appear from the hidden sinuses of escape. And when you see that overwhelming the kidney is strong, she swells, and above it is a naked escape, then this escape over the kidney needs to trim the secret.

    If Liana grows on a bright sun, then it gives very abundant blossomBut the honeysuckle highter can develop in half. The plant itself does not suffer from this, the bush will be quite powerful, and the liana will be high, but there will be no blossom abundantly.

    Among the many types of honeysuckle (Lonicera) there are both bush and curly - leaf fall and evergreen. Curly honeysuckle - one of the most decorative and favorite plants, won Europe more than 100 years ago, but still loved so far. Liana honeysuckle are good as soil workers and for vertical landscaping (arches, retaining walls and arbors; masking of the shafts of old trees and an elevation). Curly honeysuckle early begins the growing season and decorate the garden at any time of the year, especially during flowering. Bloom at the end of May - early June. When the long shoots of the current year are completely covered with elongated tubular flowers in spectacular inflorescences at the ends of the shoots. Lian-like honeysuckle have many advantages: numerous leaves and abundant flowering, bright and fragrant flowers (these are wonderful turbines), decorative fruits. The leaves in most types of honeysuckle are elliptical, on top - dark green, bottom - gray.
    Most of the types of honeycomb Lian love solar location, but for them very favorably shading at the base. Lianas are sufficiently shadowed (however, the flowering of honeys begins later and it is less abundant). Liana's honests are growing rapidly, many species are unthinking to the soil (but it is better to develop on fertile, wet soil), well tolerate transplant and crown pruning due to high future conciliation. Liana is thinned after the end of flowering, at the same time cut out extra old stems. The honeysuckle growing on low-hydrogen soils is recommended in the spring to feed mineral fertilizers. The curly honeysuckle is multiplied: seeds, green cuttings, gag.
    Among the honeys-Lian in the garden most often grown honeysuckle.

    Honeysuckle honeycomb, or fragrant (L. Caprifolium), species name with latin language It is translated as a "goose leaf" - leafy liana, capable of climbing up to 10 meters with a support. In the middle lane of Russia, this is the most common of curly honeys; She is pretty frost resistant, winter under the snow (shoots of shoots often frozen). In vivo, it grows in the Caucasus, in Central and Southern Europe. The high-pass hood is demanding of fertility and soil moisture. The leaves are pretty large, dense, leathery, elliptical or wide-elliptic, dark green, bottom - bluish-gray; 2-3 pairs of the upper leaves are growing grounds in an elliptical disk. They retain their painting to deep autumn and fall out one of the last in the garden. The honeriflation appearing on the honeysuckle at the beginning of the summer of a peculiar flower shape, with far-speaking stamens, are collected in bundles and are sacrificed in the sinuses of the upper surrounded leaves. Flowers up to 5 cm long, inside white or yellowish, outside with a purple tinge or purple-red stripes, fragrant, especially in the evening clock. The life of one flower lasts 3-4 days, in general flowering lasts about three weeks .. Elegant fruits (inedible to people) ripen in early August and decorate Liana to late autumn. Orange honeycomb berries have a short fruit, in the frame of green leaves they are shone. Flowers and fruits from four years. It develops quickly, its young shoots for the season will grow by 1.5-2 m. Laises up to 50 or more years.
    Has two decorative forms: white (f. Alba) - with white flowers, blooms 2 weeks before typical; A low-sighted (f. pauciflora) - with pink-red flowers, very decorative, but blooms less abundantly than a typical form.
    Now it is impossible to call this Lian fashionable, it is rather traditional, and despite the loved in last years Many Clematis I. pleet roses, sooner or later, still finds its place in the garden.

    Choosing a landing site and soil preparation
    Curly honeysuckle are light-loving, soils are quite increased (in the suburbs there are a little frozen annual shoots), resistant against pests and diseases. Most of the honeys are moisture (!). Prefer sampling or driving neutral soils rich in organicha, although they can grow on acidic peat and wet limestones. Root system Curly honeyscraft rod, densely extended. The bulk of the roots is located within a radius of 1-1.5 meters at a depth of 40-50 cm.

    Reproduction of curly honeysuckle
    Reproduction: seeds, cuttings and gods.
    With a vegetative method of honeysuckle breeding winter, spring and summer cuttings. Late in the fall takes severe summer shoots and share them into pieces with 4-5 eyes, the length is 10-15 cm. Sizza in a loose ridge until the last eye is covered and covered with leaves.
    Green cuttings are cut at the end of flowering (beginning of July). Each must have 2 interstices. The lower leaves are removed, the upper half is shortened. Save the cuttings in the proplinated greenhouse at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other to a depth of 2-3 cm and covered with glass. The substrate is made of peat, coarse sand and garden land (2: 2: 1). Planting is abundantly sprayed 2-3 times a day. With the advent of the first young leaves (usually it happens a month later) glass can be removed. For the winter, the cutlets are mounted peat, and in the spring they transplanted at a permanent place. When landing, it is desirable to block the root cervix of the plant, which stimulates the development of the apparent roots. Rooting the cuttings without preprocessing 50%.
    Reproduction of seeds - the process is longer. Seeds are collected at the end of July. They are cleaned of pulp, washed and dried. Store at room temperature. To alleviate germination, the seeds are stratified, that is, they withstand a long time in wet sand at a reduced temperature. To do this, in February, dry seeds are mixed with sand (1: 3), moisturized and stored in the refrigerator at a positive temperature for two months. Periodically, they are examined and moisturized if necessary. In April, the seeds together with sand are sown in the prepared ridges at a depth of 1.5-2 cm. The depth of seed seeds is 0.9 - 1 cm. During the summer, seedlings are watered, weeds are smeared. In the autumn or the next year in the spring, the plant can already be resettled at a permanent place. In the first years, Kustiki is desirable to mulch under the winter peat.

    Planting Sazedans
    The best landing date of the saplings of the honeysuckle is an early autumn. The size of the landing pit is 60x60 cm, the depth of 50 cm, the distance in a row of 1.5 meters. On one hole to mix 1 bucket of peafon-cut compost with 50-80 g of superphosphate, 40-50 g of potassium salt. Use 2-3 year old seedlings. The root neck must be 3-5 cm above the surface of the soil.

    Care and feeding
    This wonderful Liana has one significant drawback - she graduated itself quickly turns into a confused untidy com. It happens when you see a launched unauthorized bush with a shapeless mass of greenery. So that this does not happen, it is necessary to correctly care from the very beginning for its curly shoots. The first thing to start is to make a solid and beautiful support. It can be a metal, wooden, a carsional network is suitable with a large cell or cords stretched vertically or in any desired direction. Young shoots are sent by support, evenly distributing over its entire area. It should be borne in mind that at the honeysuckle hip the stems twist counterclockwise. In reached necessary height Eugene cut up the top, thereby stimulating the development of lateral shoots. Of great importance is the looping of the soil in right circles. It makes 4-5 times per season at a depth of 4-5 cm. The honeysuckle need irrigation during the summer vegetation period. Curly honeysuckle are quickly taken from below. This feature must somehow compensate for other curly. The second important condition for preserving the decorativeness of the curling honeysuckle - proper trimming. With its help, the bush can be given and maintain the desired shape, strengthen flowering, rejuvenate the old plant. If the bush is too running, it is better to completely cut the stems. Then from the sleeping kidneys at the base of the plant will develop new shoots. Neither fertilizer nor watering will replace this important operation. After forming trimming, bloom will be particularly abundant. Resistant to pests and diseases.
    In the period of protracted rains, the leaves and berries of the curly honeysuckle may be affected mushroom diseases. The honeysuckle diseases are sprayed with copper-chlorokising drugs 0.15% (spring) and other fungicides.

    In order to improve outdoor territory, Create a zone for recreation and hide a plot from extraneous eyes. Gardeners are recommended to plant honeriflation - honeysuckle, fragrant liana, actively growing and inclusive supports of any form. In addition to the direction of growth of weaves and periodic trimming in the cultivation of this honest, there are no difficulties.

    Honey honeycomb, fragrant or goat, is a decorative liana plant with elegant blossom and bright fruits. Soothes from this species gray-green, from the Sun become reddish. The chisture decorativity attaches an unusual arrangement of ellipseed leaves: they grow contrast and grow into a disk, in the center of which flower is formed, and then the berry bunch.

    Liana blooms for a month from the end of May or early June. Red, yellow, pink or white flowers fill the air with spicy aroma. By autumn, bright orange berries are matured. Unlike the blue honeysuckle or other harvest varieties, the fruit at the honeysuckle honeycomb is inedible and are not applied for medicinal purposes.

    The hookie is grown only as a decorative plant.

    Honeysuckle honeycomb in the presence of supports can grow into a height of up to 4-5 m. The screens are wrapped in any direction that the landscape designer will think. Thanks to such properties, the plant is in the vertical landscaping of the plots. It is necessary to form a bush from the first days of its disembarkation, otherwise the score in the search for support will choose the main escape, the plant will lose decorativeness. Installation of support is a prerequisite for cultivation.

    With proper goat care, the honeysuckle can grow in one place dozens of years. It should be borne in mind that the decorative hooking is not adapted to harsh winters, easily freezes and dies. In most cases, it is grown in the middle lane and southern regions. Which is not so difficult to get acquainted, much rustier, it is not terrible to -35 ° C, it is not terrible to -35 ° C. These types can be grown in a joint landing.

    What is the curly grade to choose for a plot?

    Popular varieties:

    In addition to the listed varieties for planting, they choose an empty Golden Trippet, Dropmo Scarlet with a blue tint of young shoots, thick goldflame.

    Recommendations for selection, seedlings landing

    Landing and care made by the rules will protect the plant from freezing, diseases and pests. The dacnik is important to know when to plant Lian and where, how to cook it correctly for winter.

    Features of the training of a bush to landing:

    Move the seedling on the site can be in spring after snow. Already by the summer Lian will delight gardeners with young shoots. Under favorable conditions, in the first year, the bush can stretch to 1.5 m. It is possible and autumn landing, move the seedling in open ground is recommended on a warm day of August or September. Autumn works are preferable because of the high sensitivity of the plant towards changing the place of growth.

    Agrotechnology landing, selection of support

    How to plant a honest bush correctly? The newcomer is enough to adhere to the simplest rules:

    Support for honeysuckle - important criterion Decorativeness. Install the design immediately when landing. It can be both wooden and metal. The basic requirement is resistance to the weight of the plant and the wind. Designs can be made of primary means:

    1. Of wooden Reques Make a square frame, cubs smaller diagonally rates.
    2. A regular wooden staircase is suitable as a support.
    3. In order for the bush to grow in the form of a cone, a few stable sticks in the form of a shala, and then wipe them with a fishing line or rope.
    4. You can build a grid of a rope or fishing line, stretched between two pillars.
    5. As a support, the lattice of the fence or gazebo is suitable. You can stretch the fishing line right on the wall of the garden building. Liana will quickly braid her, leaning from an extraneous eye.

    Video about formation aromatic Liana.

    How to care for a plant?

    To B to open soil Liana went up well and did not sore, it will take to observe the conditions of watering, periodically feed the bush, send the screens and carry out the pruning.

    Care rules:

    Crossing fragrant Liana - procedure requiring special attention. In the spring, all the frozen parts are completely cut, as they can become a source of infection of the entire plant. The first forming trimming is carried out after planting a seedling. Leave 3 of the strongest stem and shorten them by a third. All other shoots are completely cut.

    In order for the bush to develop stirre, it is necessary to quench the top among actively growing shoots.

    Throughout the season, the crown is thinned, all weak, dry and damaged shoots are removed.

    Options for compositions with honeysuckle honeycomb

    If you put a liano along the fence, she quickly turns the design, creating a dense live hedge. With the help of such thickets you can hide ugly buildings. If you put the screens along the wall of the arbor, in a few years you can get a shady space for rest in the garden.

    In landscaped design, fragrant liana is used in group landing. Combination options Several:

    1. Beautifully looks near 2 varieties of honeysuckle with different shades of flowers.
    2. Coniferous shrubs will be successful neighbors: the varieties of juniper Cossack, Western Tui.
    3. Maximum decorativeness with vertical landscaping is achieved by placing near Lian shrubs with long arcuate shoots, such as plenty roses.
    4. An interesting solution is a combination with other berry shrubs.

    The cultivation of fragrant honeysuckle in the garden does not cause special difficulties even from newbies. It is impossible to leave it without attention. If you put everything on samone, on the site instead of the elegant hedge, a rapid bush will grow. Little efforts on trimming and placement of Liana on the support will pay off when the plant spreads in the design of the lush flowering carpet.