Do-it-yourself track from old tires. How to make garden paths from old tires in a summer cottage? Choosing tires for garden paths

At all times it was considered prestigious to maintain a summer cottage, therefore many not very wealthy summer residents have to go out of their way to equip and give the dacha a residential and comfortable look. The owners of the dacha resort to different options for arranging their own, one of the options is to give the site individuality by laying all kinds of paths between buildings. Each summer resident chooses an option, according to the fullness of his wallet. However, if your wallet is not very "competitive" - ​​do not be discouraged, if you wish and imagination, old tires from cars are ideal as material for garden paths! Let's consider this simple option in more detail.

Photo of a garden path

Durability - ONLY high-quality rubber is used for tires, which can withstand both severe frost and high humidity, and terrible heat. This rubber does not rot, does not crack in the cold, does not melt in the sun;
Economical - to fit tire track no need to spend money at all! Each motorist has accumulated a whole "army" of unnecessary tires in the garage for a long time. And now these tires have finally waited for the moment where they can live a second life and show another usefulness;
Saving time - to lay such a path you will need nothing at all - some hour, an hour and a half! This is the best option for "always busy" people;
Practicality - tread rubber tracks can be laid between beds (in one row), between outbuildings (in 2-3 rows), near inclined entrances to the garage (rubber wheels on the same rubber will significantly reduce sliding due to an inclined surface to zero, even in winter).

  • Tires;
  • Knife or jigsaw;
  • Nails;
  • Hammer;
  • Wooden bars.

Car tires are ready, how can you "get" building materials from them?

A sharp knife or jigsaw will help you in this "simple" matter. Your task is to carefully cut the protector from the tire. To do this, make a hole with a knife on the border of the protector and, carefully, using the same knife or jigsaw, cut out the protector on both sides. Cut the resulting rubber ring and you have a rubber band ready to use! Cut as many such tapes as needed for a particular one. Determine the width of the garden path as needed - from one tape to three.

  • We trim all the resulting ribbons to the same length;
  • Dig wooden blocks into the ground across the future paths, at a distance of the length of the rubber tape so that the end of one tape and the beginning of the other are nailed end-to-end to each wooden block;

  • Moisten the earth between the bars - it is advisable for the rubber to lie on wet ground, so the track will be cleaned faster;
  • Nail the protector tapes to the bars. If the track will consist of 2-3 strips in width, leave a distance of 1-2 cm between the strips. Later, grass will sprout in these gaps and decorate the path.

Automobile rubber tracks can be of great service both in a utility yard, in a place for a parking lot, or for washing a car - the rubber does not slip at all, does not wear out at all and looks original.

Photo of the finished track from a car tire

Don't believe me? Try it yourself! You will be pleasantly surprised by your timeless and practical tracks. And your friends, having seen such a "miracle track", will certainly take your idea into service and soon, such tire tracks will decorate more than one summer cottage and a country house.

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Recently paving slabs from rubber has become very popular. Previously, only summer residents used it, but now it is a coating can be found on the alleys of city squares, parks, on sports grounds and pedestrian crossings.

Her spread the floor in summer cottages is used as a covering in kindergartens, on balconies and tennis courts. The range of applications for rubber tiles is almost limitless. Why is she so good?

Rubber tiles - traumatic and an easy-to-install sidewalk covering that anyone can lay. There would be a desire. Even a special tool is not required for this.

V this article, we will consider in detail the process of arranging garden paths from rubber tires, describe the advantages and disadvantages of such a coating, as well as stages its self-assembly and rules leaving behind him.

Pros and cons of rubber tracks

The main Benefits rubber pavement:

  1. Strength and durability... Tiles are made from recycled tires that have become unusable on cars. The wheels of the cars are designed to withstand huge load for a long time. Therefore, they are made from the most durable rubber, which is still elastic and resistant to the action of alkalis and acids. And paving slabs made of rubber, performing the role flooring on garden paths, has a very long service life and high wear resistance;
  2. Moisture resistance... The surface of the rubber track is rough, but at the same time soft and pleasant. Such a surface quickly absorbs water after rain;
  3. Security use. Due to its rough structure, it is absolutely safe to walk on the rubber track. Feet over her do not slip... In the event of a fall, the tile will soften the injury. In addition, rubber tiles do not heat up much in the sun, so you can even walk on them barefoot;
  4. Minimal care behind the surface. Due to its softness and elasticity, rubber pavement does not chip and does not crumble... If the surface is dirty, simply rinse it with a hose and wipe dry. If ice forms, remove it with a shovel. Debris can be easily removed from the tile surface with a broom;
  5. Ease of installation... Laying work is carried out without special tools and equipment. Even rubber paving slabs can be laid layman... The rubber tile fits easily and does not form gaps on the surface;
  6. Convenient transportation... Rubber tiles will not break, crumble or break. This coating easily transfers transportation even to the most distant distances, while maintaining their original superior qualities;
  7. Affordable cost... The price of rubber tiles is several times lower than the cost of a concrete coating, despite the positive technical characteristics and modernity material;
  8. Sound absorbing effect... Due to its structure, rubber tiles are able to minimize the effect of extraneous noise during use. Such coverage - ideally for a place where children play - around, for example;
  9. Sustainability to sudden changes in temperature.

To the main disadvantage rubber tiles should be attributed to the formation on its surface ice in damp, frosty weather.

Installation tools

For laying tiles from crumb rubber you will need:

  • Shovel;
  • Rubber mallet(hammer made of wood or rubber);
  • Sharp knife.

Making a track from rubber tires

  1. We prepare the material... Used truck tires can be used for the garden path;
  2. Cutting out the surface... To lay out the garden path, you only need protectors, i.e. the part of the tire that comes into contact with the road. It is separated with a sharp knife. The knife is periodically dipped in a solution of soap or oil. Then he cuts the tire more easily. Facilitates cutting and such "cunning": it is advisable to move the mount behind the knife (a small crowbar with a bend at the end);
  3. Making the base for the track... After the tread has been separated from the sides, the resulting ring is cut to form ribbon... This tape will become the basis for covering the garden path. To lay a garden path, you need more than one (from 2 before 4-x tapes), and several such tapes. It all depends on the width of the laid out track. A single tape can be used for paths between beds;
  4. Getting started with installation... The ribbons are adjusted to length, then the edges are attached to the oiled bar. It is recommended to leave a small amount of space between the parts of the track. gap (1-2 cm). It is unacceptable to perform tile installation work on a rainy and cold day. It is important to start the installation process in dry weather. Only through 3 days then you can be absolutely sure that it is firmly adhered to the surface.

Note! It is recommended to lay the rubber track on damp soil. The bars will "sink" in the soil without bumps.

In order for the rubber tile to "lay down" well, it is necessary align soil for laying it. This can be done by compacting gravel or by creating a special "pillow" of concrete.

It is only necessary to lay rubber tiles on solid and even surface. For example, on an asphalt base no more than 10 cm... Lay tiles on the sand it is forbidden... It will budge.

The tiles are laid out tightly to each other. To "grip" them with each other, use a special rubber mastic or glue made of polyurethane.

Advice! Use tiles of different colors to create colorful designs.

Where and at what price to buy rubber tiles

Rubber tiles can be buy in any city. It is sold in construction markets, in stores and even in online stores in a wide range. Prices depend on the quality of the material, region, and place of purchase.

Prices for rubber paving slabs range from 929 rub / m2 before 2000 rbl... The color and size of the coating is selected individually. It is possible to purchase rubber tiles in rolls.

Garden path made of finished rubber tiles

Garden paths can be equipped with rubber tiles... A rubber tile is a material made from crumb rubber.

Get rubber tiles hot pressing(heating and bonding rubber). The main components such tiles are:

  • Crumb rubber obtained from crushed tires;
  • Coloring matter;
  • Polyurethane material for bonding tile components.

A wide range of colors of rubber tiles will allow you to original "Beat" the territory of the garden plot. Moreover, it is a pleasure to fix them! Rubber tiles are attached to each other "Castle" method using special bushings.

So, do not hurry to throw out old car tires - at the summer cottage they will begin their new life. Make paving slabs out of your tires. It is beautiful, easy and absolutely safe for a person to move around the site.

How to properly lay tiles from rubber crumb you will learn from this video.

The dacha is a place where you want to relax after the hustle and bustle of the city. Therefore, she must have everything necessary for comfort, including paths on the site, on which not only ease of movement depends, but also safety.

Today, various materials can be used to make paths in the garden. Someone prefers paving slabs, or gravel, but someone goes a more radical way, and makes tracks from old tires.

Indeed, car tires are a very suitable material for these purposes. In addition to decent physical and mechanical properties, the tires have a tread that will make movement on self-made tracks as comfortable and safe as possible.

How to make tracks from old tires? What tires are the best to use for these purposes? Read about it in a construction magazine.

Original and beautiful tracks made of old car tires are not just a budget option. Such an approach to arranging a garden plot will make it possible to embellish it and highlight it among many.

It is also noteworthy that making such garden paths with your own hands will take a minimum of time and tools. By the way, you will need a grinder from the tool, but a jigsaw with a metal saw is better. If you don't have an electric jigsaw, you can also use a sharp knife. However, the work on the manufacture of tracks, in this case, will be seriously delayed.

First of all, you will need to cut out the sidewalls on the tires, so that rings are obtained. As mentioned above, for work it is best to use a jigsaw with a blade for metal. After the sidewalls are cut, it will be necessary to cut the tires in half, so that separate stripes are obtained.

To align the stripes, you will need to make small cuts on them from each edge, up to 5 cm. Thus, when laying garden paths from tires, there will be no difficulties in leveling them.

For the manufacture of tracks, you can use different tires, starting from R13 and larger. Some of the makers take DT D20 tires altogether. However, in this case, there may be some difficulty in cutting out the side of the tires. And the high height of the protectors can become an obstacle to comfortable movement along homemade paths.

Therefore, it is recommended to take tires that are not too large, and exclusively from cars. It will also be just fine if at least some kind of protector remains on the tires. Then the garden paths will not be as slippery as those for the manufacture of which the mine conveyor belt (conveyor belt) was taken.

In order for the tire tracks to serve for a long time, you should adhere to the basic rules associated with their laying. For these purposes, you will first have to mark the territory and prepare a site for the paths.

Therefore, armed with a length of rope or fishing line, as well as several wooden pegs, you should mark the boundaries where the tire tracks will go with your own hands. Then you can prepare the base for laying them.

If there is vegetation in the place where the garden paths are laid, then it is necessary to get rid of it in any case. Then, using a shovel, you should carefully level the soil under the paths (the place should be level, without depressions and protrusions).

The last step will be the laying of tracks from car tires. There is nothing difficult in this, the main thing is that the homemade paths fit well to the surface of the ground, and do not fidget on it.

In some cases, it is necessary to build something like a crate under the paths, but this usually happens only in a very swampy area.

To make a summer cottage special, it is not necessary to have a rich design and construction experience. There are many simple options for self-creation, for example, garden paths made of tires. This waste material will take on a new life after restoration, and the technology for laying tracks is elementary in execution, so creating them with your own hands using instructions from a photo will be as easy as shelling pears.

Advantages and disadvantages of tire tracks

Many owners of country houses prefer to ennoble the territory themselves. In particular, this applies to routes of movement and parking lots. The ideal material for their creation will be car tires to be recycled.

Waste tires will become an acceptable material for garden paths

This option does not require special financial costs. But there are other positive aspects of using tires:

  • availability;
  • increased resistance to negative effects of external factors (precipitation, high and low temperatures);
  • wear resistance;
  • durability (does not require annual dismantling).

Rubber does not absorb moisture (even after heavy rain, it dries instantly) and
it is impossible to slip on it. It is easy to care for rubber tracks - just walk on them with a broom or douse them with water from a hose. Well, the most significant plus is the ease of installation.

Along with this, there are also disadvantages:

  • the need for a large number of tires (even a small path in the garden will require several dozen tires);
  • unaesthetic appearance;
  • low plasticity of rubber;
  • the need to create a gravel base, otherwise the rubber track will fall into the ground.

If there are no unnecessary tires in your garage, then you can contact the nearest tire fitting or ask around from your fellow car enthusiasts.

Tire track options

For the construction of paths in the country, you can use both tires with discs and without them (in the form of cut strips or tiles). In the first case, laying is carried out flat or with an edge. If the terrain is uneven, then the whole tires will make a comfortable staircase. Moreover, its form can be any.

In order to make even flooring for movement, rubber is taken from tires with uniform wear. It is recommended to take wheels from trucks, as they are larger and the tracks will come out wider.

Curbs are also built from the side of the tires.

Photo: track design ideas

The tires are laid in the form of a ladder, which is convenient for summer cottages on a hill It is convenient to move along the path made of tires, as it does not slip Rubber from tires can be used to make a convenient driveway The material is not cut in the form of ribbons, but in tiles. In places where water accumulates after rain, you can make a bridge from tires The easiest option for a garden path is to cut the tape from the tire

Preparatory activities

Before you start laying out the trails, you should plan the work front. It is better to sketch on paper a diagram with all the elements that complement the track:

  • borders;
  • gutters;
  • drainage systems;
  • lanterns.

Be sure to measure the tires in order to navigate the required amount. And this will depend on the length of the path, its shape and route.

Choosing tires for garden paths

Any tires are suitable for the construction of paths in the garden. If you want to make the tracks wider, it is better to choose tires from trucks. If you plan to install whole tires, then they are selected of the same size. For the tape type of trails, you can take different-sized material, you still have to cut it.

Match tires of the same size for the track

It is preferable to stay on "winter tires", since it is designed for low temperatures. These tracks will last longer.

Preparation of the necessary materials and tools

A tool is prepared for work in advance:

  • sharp knife or jigsaw;
  • shovel;
  • hammer;
  • hacksaw;
  • roulette;
  • pencil or marker;
  • axe;
  • nails (from 7 cm long);
  • wooden pegs.

Only old tires are needed from the material.

Prepare the tire in advance

How to make a tire track with your own hands

Choose the type of garden path from car tires, depending on your ability and preference. Let's consider the technological process of each option.


Depending on the width of the trail, you may need 2-4 canvases. The tapes are nailed to the wooden planks, leaving gaps of 1.5–2 cm and placed on the ground.

Grass will grow into the cracks left over time and will keep the flooring from shifting.

It is preliminarily recommended to make a base of gravel, which will serve as drainage. So that the path does not rise, the path for laying it is slightly deepened. This option is suitable for decorating aisles between beds or plantings.


An equally interesting way is to create a staircase from whole tires. This is especially true for summer cottages located on uneven terrain. The main thing is to firmly fix the tires so that when people move on them, there is no risk of falling. You can make a staircase in one or two rows.

Descent or ascent can be done from car tires

Installation is carried out as follows:

  1. Spread the tires on the ground. They start laying out from the bottom tier, gradually moving up. After installation, each tire is carefully checked for reliability. For greater stability, it is advisable to slightly drown it in the ground.
  2. Sand (earth) is poured inside the tires and tamped.
  3. Sprinkle gravel on the finished walkway to prevent slipping on it in wet weather.

From rubber plates

Garden paths can be made of rubber slabs. These are square or rectangular pieces, cut from the same rubber from tires.

Tire rubber can be cut into tiles

Attach them to a base prepared by mixing acetone and polyurethane glue. It is important to observe proportionality when laying slabs. The same indent should be made between the blanks. It will look beautiful if the gaps between the tiles are filled with colored pebbles, and the coating itself is painted.

Video: how to make tiles from tires

Erection of curbs

The installation of the track is completed by the construction of a rubber curb from the tires. This is done not only for the sake of decoration, but also to firmly fix the flooring.

You can decorate the edges of the garden path in different ways:

  • dig in the tires entirely in an upright position;
  • cut the rubber bands and fasten them with nails, bolts or metal staples;
  • cut the tire in half and dig the resulting arcs in the ground.

For decorating the edges of the track, it is better to take truck tires

It is recommended to use imported tires as they have softer rubber and are easily cut with a knife. And in order to make a cross-section, you need a more serious tool - metal scissors or a jigsaw.

As a decoration for the edge of the path, you can use the blocks remaining after paving. They will simultaneously serve as a support.


To increase the resistance of rubber to moisture, temperature extremes and ultraviolet light, staining is recommended... When choosing a paint, preference should be given to those that have the KCH-136 marking (intended for rubber). This paint absorbs up to 97% of the sun's rays and creates the smoothest possible surface. After application, it dries up after a few hours.

If the painting is done at a temperature of +25 ° C, the garden path can be used in 2 days.

Errors when creating tracks from tires

In order for the track on the personal plot to serve for more than one year, it is worth listening to some advice:

  • Do not lay out tires without prior leveling and compaction of the soil. Even with the apparent evenness of the ground, in the future there is a high probability of subsidence and deformation of the sidewalk.
  • Automobile rubber cannot be considered an absolutely harmless material. When exposed to strong sun exposure, it can release harmful substances. Therefore, it is recommended to cover the tire tracks with protective equipment.

Video: a good example of creating a garden path from old tires

As practice shows, you can make something worthwhile out of any unnecessary products. This also applies to car tires. Using them as a building material for garden paths saves a considerable amount and ennobles the site for almost nothing.

Having planned the construction of a path in the garden, you need to weigh the pros and cons when choosing materials. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. The choice is determined by the purpose, size and appearance. These characteristics should correspond to the ease of movement and decorativeness of the garden. In the article we will tell you how to make a garden path from tires, consider step by step instructions.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Tire Track Compared to Other Materials

The first place is always the functionality of the paths, according to which they are divided into driveways and parking lots, as well as pedestrian ones. Suitable as a coating for all types of tracks:

  • Paving slabs, which are also called FEM (curly paving elements),
  • Brick,
  • Cement.

For pedestrian use only:

  • Sand,
  • Stone chips
  • Wooden cuts,
  • Boards. Read also the article: → "".

Each of the materials has certain characteristics.

Name Advantage disadvantages
Paving slabs Strong and durable material for all types of tracks and grounds. Easy to fit. Differs in a variety of shapes and colors. Slippery after rain and snow.
Brick More durable than paving slabs. The shape of one kind is a bar. The color is limited. For tracks, only moisture-resistant, fire-resistant, clinker is suitable.

Tip # 1. Pay attention! Wall bricks are not suitable for walkways.

Cement It is used as a coating in the form of concrete. Suitable for all tracks and grounds. It does not require any special qualifications during installation. Slippery after rain.

The color is limited, most often gray is used, which is determined by cement. If desired, you can add a pigment color, which is used in the production of paving slabs.

Sand Suitable only for summer walking paths. In winter, sand paths cannot be cleaned of snow, so they are used only in the warm season. They require careful compaction during styling and constant moisture during maintenance.
Stone chips

(fine gravel, crushed stone and screenings)

Used for seasonal tracks in the same way as sand. Absorbs moisture well. Cannot be cleaned from snow.
Wooden cuts Must be at least 25 cm in length. Placed only in walking paths. Before laying, you need to remove the bark and treat each saw cut with an antiseptic from all sides. Slips after rain, problematic to clear of snow.
Planks Of these, pedestrian paths are more often built, although driveways can also be equipped from solid species - oak, larch, pear. They slide after the rain.
Paving slabs are the most popular purchased walkway material. Used on driveways and pedestrian surfaces. Differs in a relatively low cost.

In addition to the listed materials, resourceful craftsmen adapted old car tires for the construction of tracks. The indisputable advantage is the cost, or rather, its complete absence. Shipping costs only.

  • Automotive rubber is a high strength material that is resistant to all weather conditions.
  • Do not slip even when wet. Snow does not stick to tires.
  • Dry quickly after rain.

How the dimensions differ for driveways and walkways

Parking lots are calculated based on the size of the car. The starting point is its width, plus 50 cm on each side for free opening of the doors. It is important to take into account the peculiarities of arrival and turn. Taking into account all the features, it turns out that the width of the access road should be at least 3 m.

According to their functional purpose, pedestrian paths are divided into transit and walking paths.

  • "Transit" serve for functional movement. As a rule, they lead from the gate to the house or connect buildings in the yard. For example, they run from home to a summer kitchen or a bathhouse. The width of such paths is calculated for two pedestrians walking side by side or towards each other.
  • Walking paths resemble paths due to their size. For them, 40 - 50 cm wide is enough. Just the diameter of a car tire.

A cut tire track can be laid between the beds. Then you can walk in the garden even after heavy rain.

Tire laying patterns, where is it better to use each of them

For the construction of tracks from whole tires, there are not so many laying options.

  • Lay tires horizontally.
  • Install on the "edge", with tight abutment to each other.
  • Figured paving in the form of a "herringbone".

Which method to choose depends on the scale of construction of the track, the size of the tires and their number.

Each construction method has advantages and disadvantages. For example, flat tires are easier to cover with reinforcing material. The vertical arrangement is problematic in bedding. To thoroughly strengthen the tires, fill the empty spaces between the walls before installation. There is an opinion that it is best to pour concrete, then wear resistance and stability increase. It is better to do this directly at the installation site.

Tires laid vertically create a slope for free water flow.

From car tires, you can build not only a flat track, but also build steps.

If armed with a "Bulgarian", you can cut neat strips from the tires to form a coating in the form of a track.

Step-by-step instructions for constructing a track from car tires

In addition to the fact that the tires can be simply placed as a whole, the original version in the form of cut strips looks much more spectacular. In this case, rubber replaces the hard surface. The work is performed in the following sequence:

Step 1. Prepare "building material". To do this, using the "grinder" cut the sidewalls from the tire. It turns out a ring, which is formed into a tape.

If the track is small, you can cut strips using a sharp knife.

Step 2. When the required amount of material has been prepared, they begin to prepare the base for the track. Using pegs and twine, mark the length and width of the track. Within the allotted frames, the earth is carefully leveled and compacted.

Step 3. Pegs are driven in on both sides of the track and transverse wooden beams are fixed on them. The distance between them is equal to the length of the tire strips. In this way, several rows can be laid.

A rubber covering is nailed to the crossbars. The following tapes are overlapped.

Comparative analysis of types of tires

Ideally, if for the construction of the track, it was possible to pick up tires of the same size. Otherwise, they will definitely have to be cut. Tire sizes depend on their purpose:

  • For cars,
  • For trucks.

In the second version, the tires will need less, but it is more difficult to handle them, due to the greater weight. In addition to dimensions for the construction of tracks, "winter tires" are preferable, that is, tires designed for low temperatures. This will provide a longer service life. In addition, the wear resistance of the coating increases. In this case, it can even be used for driveways and parking lots, provided the substrate is properly prepared. It is formed in the same way as for any other coating. The depth of the trough must be at least 50 cm.

All types of car tires are suitable for footpaths.

Type of Characteristic Recommendations
Summer "Road" is the most common type. They do not attract dust and water, but snow easily adheres to them.

Better to use for the construction of walking paths or paths in the garden

They are used at a positive temperature of + 5 0 and above.
"Universal" - cope with mud and water better than road. Suitable for tracks of all seasons.
"Mud" - have the deepest protector, so they are inconvenient for walking. They are best used for car parks. Ideal for regions with rainy climates

What curbs can be made of

If the number of tires allows, then you cannot think of a better material for decorating the edges. In this case, the base coat is guaranteed to match the finish. You can install the border in three ways:

  • Dig in whole tires vertically. This finish can be installed not only along the tire track, but also with other materials.
  • Cut crosswise into two equal parts (using a grinder).
  • Form ribbons.

Tip # 2.Note! Tires can be cut into strips with a knife, but a cross section must be made using a special tool - metal scissors, a jigsaw or a grinder. An ordinary knife will not take metal rods along the rim of the tire.

The curb can be fastened with plates and bolts. Other materials will do as well.

  • If small logs are used as support, they can be an excellent finish.
  • As a decor, cuts with a diameter of 8 - 15 cm are suitable, which were not useful for paving the path. Before you bury them in the ground, the posts must be freed from the bark and treated with an antiseptic, for example, "Pinotex".

Category: "Questions and Answers"

Question number 1. Is it possible to build a tire track on clay soils?

Only with preliminary preparation. Natural clay soils are called floating, due to the fact that they cannot be compacted, they creep. Therefore, for the construction of the track, you need to prepare a full-fledged trough. This is a ditch, 25-30 cm deep. A layer of rubble and sand is poured at the bottom. Each material is carefully rammed and only after that the tires are laid flat.

Question number 2... What is the significance of the tire type for paving?

It depends on the destination of the track. For pedestrians, any are suitable, and for car sites it is better to use cargo tires. They are stronger and more durable. The deep tread ensures reliable (non-slip) contact between the vehicle wheels and the coating. Moreover, in any weather, even in the rain, even in the snow.

Question number 3... Can a tire cover be concreted?

Undoubtedly! This combination will increase the strength and durability of the walkway and save costs on cement, sand and crushed stone.

Serious mistakes gardeners make when creating a track from tires

Mistake # 1. Laying tires on the track without leveling and compaction of the soil.

At first glance, the surface of the earth may appear level. But if the form is not prepared correctly after the construction of the track, all errors will appear very soon. The track will sag and skew in unstable places.

Tire recycling is a global problem. In our country, they are mainly burned, receiving deadly poisonous smoke. The trouble is that not only when burning, but also when heated from ultraviolet radiation, tires evaporate harmful substances. That is why it is better to cover them with cement or paint with special protective compounds that can withstand high and low temperatures.