When to plant sod in open ground. Easy planting and care of white sod

In the conditions of the cold Russian climate and constant employment, amateur gardeners in ornamental plants appreciate, first of all, unpretentiousness in care and lighting, high winter hardiness, attractive appearance, good growth energy. Few representatives of the flora are able to pass these strict selection criteria, and among them, deren is an elegant shrub, recognizable in summer and autumn by spectacular foliage and tassels of white berries, in winter and early spring by bright red stems.

Shrub with Siberian character

Deciduous shrub deren belongs to the dogwood family and is represented by almost 50 species. There are among them vigorous sprawling forms, standard representatives that grow into a tree, creeping varieties that cover the soil with a dense carpet. The main area of ​​growth is the temperate climatic zone of the Northern Hemisphere, which affected the resistance of the plant to adverse external factors.

Among cultivated species that gave parent material to numerous decorative forms, the most popular is white turf, also known in botany as svidina. This is a fast growing shrub up to three meters high, forming a branched bush of many flexible stems with bark of red shades - blood-purple, coral, red-brown. Quite large, clean leaves (the plant has practically no diseases and pests) retain their decorative effect throughout the season. In spring and summer they are juicy, dark green, covered with a bluish-white bloom on the reverse side, in autumn they are bright, purple-red.

Deren blooms profusely, large inflorescences crown the tops of young shoots reminiscent of snow-white caps of bulldenezh, spirea or hydrangeas. In autumn, in place of inflorescences, clusters of rather interesting fruits appear, similar to rowan berries, only white with a bluish tint.

For exceptional frost resistance, deren is often referred to as Siberian plants, although it is found and feels comfortable throughout Russia.

Note! The classic garden forms include the white Siberian deren - a low-growing, exceptionally cold- and drought-resistant shrub. It will decorate the garden at any time of the year - with delicate light green foliage, boiling white inflorescences, autumn purple, reddish shoots.

Types and garden forms

Derain or white svidina has been known in culture for over 200 years, but there are other equally interesting species and varieties.

  • Deren Coase is valued for its ability to grow into a single trunk and form a low spreading tree. Varietal varieties are distinguished by beautiful yellow-white or creamy-white foliage, which acquires a purple-red hue in autumn.
  • Blood-red derain, named for its bright autumn outfit, spectacularly complemented by black fruit beads, has an unusual look. Without pruning, it grows up to 4 m, the same can reach in diameter. In cold climates, some of the branches may freeze and require shelter.
  • Offspring turf was brought from North America, biologically having much in common with white pork. Differs in long flexible shoots, capable of rooting tops when in contact with the soil. Another feature is the long flowering (June - September) with the simultaneous setting and ripening of fruits.
  • Of the creeping varieties, Canadian sod deserves attention. A plant 20 cm high is interesting with whorls of leaves, in the middle of which flowers first appear, and then a small brush of red berries.

Tree variety of Coase
Autumn crimson blood-red svidina

Variegated varieties

Sod of variegated varieties is of particular attractiveness, and, therefore, in demand among gardeners. Variability is manifested in the bordering of the leaf plate with white, yellow or cream color, strokes, stripes, spots in the center of the sheet.

  • Derain white varieties Sibirik Variegata are valued by gardeners for a compact bush, not as prone to growth as other representatives of the genus, and for the special decorative effect of the crown. In summer, the green leaf plate is decorated with a wide white border around the edge. It looks even more elegant in autumn, when the green part turns purple. No less interesting are coral shoots, flaming in winter against the backdrop of snow or coniferous trees.

    Deren "Sibirica Variegata"
  • Similar to Sibirika, but more whitish variety - Derain Elegantissima. Differs in rapid growth - a bush, cut into a stump in spring, in one season drives out young shoots with red shiny which and variegated-yellow foliage. In addition to the light border, the center of the sheet is decorated with white or cream stains and stripes.

  • The undersized group of Siberian includes white deren Aurea. A compact shrub no more than 1.5–2m high, suitable for hedges, tapeworms in small gardens. Against the background of coral shoots, pale yellow leaves and creamy white flowers look very elegant. It blooms twice - in early summer and autumn.

  • An unusual color of leaves from the general row stands out Shpet's turf. At the time of blooming, they are painted in reddish-orange tones, in summer the golden border gives elegance to the shrub, in autumn it dresses it in crimson and purple. Without pruning, this variety grows up to 2.5 m, in the middle lane it freezes without shelter.

Note! Variegated forms are not only in white, but also in other types of derain. In offspring - varieties White Gold and White Spot, in red - Mitch, Variegata.

Applications in garden design

Landscape designers love to use shrubs for urban landscaping. Variegated forms, thanks to light leaves, set off dark green plantings; in parks and squares they create volume in the wings of trees.

Variegated varieties of white deren - Sibirika, Elegantissima are often used for hedges. Gardeners choose this particular plant because it is beautiful all year round.

In single plantings on lawns, red turf and its garden forms look original.

Features of shrub agricultural technology

Derain is white and its variegated forms are extremely easy to plant and propagate, do not require special care.

Under natural conditions, the culture grows in the undergrowth, therefore, in the light mode, it prefers alternating sun and partial shade. Variegated varieties are more demanding on the light - they fade in the shade, lose the contrast of colors. And yet, when choosing a place, it is not light that plays an important role, but the protection of the site from the withering north and east winds. In an open area, a draft, the plant will periodically freeze over, it may even die.


In terms of soil, the shrub is not picky - any will do, as long as there is no stagnation of water in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roots. If groundwater is close to the surface, plant sod on a hill or when planting, provide drainage from crushed stone, pieces of stone, broken brick, sand.

The plant loves a spacious planting hole, in which it is desirable to put a supply of nutrients for several years to come. It is better if it is organic - compost, rotted manure, humus. When planting a hedge between seedlings, leave an interval of 30–40 cm.

Advice! Before planting, a seedling with a closed root system (in a pot), together with a container, is immersed in water for several hours so that the roots straighten out and the earthen ball is saturated with moisture.

Trimming nuances

Of all the maintenance activities, trimming the turf in the spring is the most important. If the plant is not formed, then in a few years it forms shapeless thickets, displacing more modest neighbors in its path. What pruning options are there?

  1. Annual sanitary pruning involves the removal of dry, frozen, deformed and growing shoots inside the bush.
  2. The hedges are sheared, thinning out from the dead wood and giving the crown the desired shape.
  3. Rejuvenation and formation of an adult bush is achieved by annual pruning of about a third of the old branches. Each of them will give several young stems, give the planting splendor.
  4. In order to annually obtain compact young bushes of white-edged derain with bright stems in the winter, they practice full pruning in the spring “on the stump”. During the summer, the shrub fully grows, although it does not bloom so profusely.

Reproduction methods

Gardeners prefer vegetative methods of shrub propagation, as they are less troublesome, completely preserve the varietal characteristics of the plant, and allow a full-fledged bush to form in a few years.

An almost 100% result is obtained by propagating the deren by cuttings in the spring. They are cut from last year's shoots (not older!), The lower cut is treated with a growth stimulator and planted in a cold greenhouse, container or garden bed. By autumn, the cutting will take root, but the seedling is not yet ready for wintering in the open field. Therefore, it is carefully covered and left in a greenhouse, the potted version is brought into a room with a cool, but not sub-zero temperature. In the spring, the seedling continues to grow, and in the fall they are transplanted to a permanent place.

Offspring species reproduce well with young shoots, which form a viable root system by autumn.

Most people who have garden and garden plots try to create a beautiful design, decorate their territory. Many people like to plant in the form of ornamental trees and shrubs. Derain blood red and white will be an excellent option. These tall bushes will decorate the lawn, give the site as a whole a well-groomed and attractive look. Today we will talk about the types of turf, describe these plants, and you can also learn all the rules for planting and caring for ornamental shrubs.

Shrub deren white: description

This deciduous shrub is certainly perfect for decorating the site. It can grow up to three meters. If it is not cared for, it becomes too sprawling and untidy, and all its charm disappears, so stable pruning is necessary. Of course, it may seem that it is too tiring, but it's worth it! If you do not run the plant, then it will not take much time and effort for "hairdressing" procedures.

So, the white deren shrub is very bright. Its shoots are red in color, which turns brown over time. The same pruning, removal of old shoots will help maintain color saturation. After the leaves fall, the beauty of the shrub does not disappear; it will look especially fascinating in winter, against the backdrop of snow.

The foliage is painted very effectively. The underside of the leaf is dark green while the top is light green. In addition, each leaf is decorated with an uneven white border, and there are white spots on the rest of the area. Neither the rim nor the spots will disappear in the autumn when the foliage turns purple.

Do not miss the moment of flowering of the white derain shrub from the description. The flowers fill the entire tree, have a white-yellow color. They are small, only one and a half centimeters in diameter, flat, collected in elegant five centimeter inflorescences. In autumn, blue-white fruits appear on the deren shrub, they are unsuitable for human consumption.

Where to plant?

The deren shrub is absolutely undemanding to the quality of the soil. It perfectly tolerates both heat and frost, grows well on the sunny side and in the shade. The sod is resistant to droughts, but even with high humidity it feels excellent. If you have a wetland on your site, you can plant the described ornamental shrub there. It will not only decorate a damp place where not every plant can survive, but also drain it quite strongly.

White sod shrub can be planted as a hedge. It looks great alone or in combination with other ornamental plants. The neighborhood of white and bloody deren looks especially chic. Ornamental shrubs and trees are popular for decorating city parks. They tolerate haircuts well, are not particularly whimsical in care.

Shrub deren red: description

This plant came to us from Europe. It belongs to the dogwood, like all other types of derain. In nature, it can be found on the slopes of lakes and rivers, in bushes, on forest edges. Growing in the wild, the red deren shrub can grow up to four meters, it turns out sprawling.

The new shoots of this plant are green but turn red over time. The foliage is profuse, dark green on the inside and light green on the underside. Unlike the white derain shrub, they are not decorated with spots and a white border, their charm lies elsewhere. Each leaf has a "hair covering", they look very cute. In autumn, the foliage turns blood red, as do the stems, hence the name.

The derena shrub begins to bloom from the end of May, and continues for three weeks. If the climate is favorable, then another flowering is possible in August. For the first time the tree is covered with color at the age of seven. The flowers are creamy white in color, collected in the same neat inflorescences as those of white deren. In autumn, the shrub is covered with black fruits, but, no matter how attractive they look, they are completely inedible.

The deren shrub is very beautiful in winter, especially with an abundance of snow. On a white canvas, the red stripes of the stems of the plant are clearly visible, which cannot but attract admiring glances. It looks amazing, fabulously bewitching.

The deren shrub, the photo of which is available in this article, should be planted in a place such that there is a contrast of colors. It is winter-hardy, perfectly tolerates both drought and high humidity. There are many small branches in the root system, so the plant can be used not only for decoration, but also for strengthening the soil on the slopes.

Planting a derain shrub

As we wrote, both white and red species grow well in the shade. But the color of foliage and shoots with insufficient sunlight can fade in ornamental shrubs and trees. In this case, the deren will stretch out, its crown will become less dense, and the shoots will be pale, and from an aesthetic point of view, this is ugly. It is worth noting that the more intense the sun's rays warm the shrub, the richer the red color of its shoots becomes.

The deren shrub in the first two years may not grow very quickly, but then it will sharply increase in growth, so when planting, consider the possibility of its free growth.

Soil selection

The described plant is completely picky about the quality of the soil, it can grow in any. But for better growth and beauty, he still needs fertile soil, or you can feed. Before planting, it is necessary to apply fertilizer organically to the pit - it can be manure or compost. If the area is too wet, lay a drain to keep water from pooling at the roots.

Landing Rules

When choosing a seedling, ask the seller to choose for you one that has not reached the age of four. If its roots have dried up a little, then it will be necessary to place the plant in water for several hours so that they straighten out and are well nourished. If you wish, you can treat the roots with a growth stimulator. After that, the deren shrub must be cut to fifteen centimeters so that the shoots do not draw out all the forces that will be useful to the roots for development.

Planting can be done both in spring and autumn. The latter is more preferable, because after the snow melts the plant will immediately begin to grow, it will take much less time to adapt. In addition, in autumn the soil is saturated with moisture, and the bush will need to be watered only once, during planting.

If the procedure is carried out in the spring, then the plant is planted with a large lump of soil on the roots so as not to disturb them. After the ground is mulched, the seedling is stably watered. The area must not be allowed to dry out.


In dry and hot summers, you will need to water the ornamental derain shrubs abundantly every week. If there is not enough moisture, the foliage will lose its elasticity, but after drinking water it will quickly return to its original form.

If the shrub is planted together with other plants that are regularly watered, individual procedures for the derain will not be required.


The shrub does not need top dressing, but in the literal sense it rejoices. If you sometimes pamper your handsome man with fertilizers, he will reward you with more juicy, bright shoots, a lush crown. Derain, which is cared for, blooms more profusely, it is more dense. By autumn, many berries will appear on the bushes, which, although inedible, are still needed. They look spectacular against the background of the foliage that has changed color.

The right supplements are:

  • mineral is needed in spring (from 100 to 150 grams per shrub);
  • in summer, organic matter is needed (5 kilograms of manure per plant).

Feeding data is produced once a year.


A deren shrub without stable haircuts will lose its beauty. The shoots will turn brown, and their lower part will be completely bare. In addition, without the removal of shoots and pruning, the plant will quickly grow on the sides. Its branches will lie down on the ground, its roots will fill everything around. Outwardly, the shrub will look very untidy and will cease to be a decoration of the site.

For the first time, cutting the deren is required when it reaches the age of three. In the spring, you will need to cut off all the old shoots by twenty centimeters. In autumn, the procedure involves the removal of all weak shoots that spoil the appearance of the shrub. It will also be necessary to shorten the old ones, which in the spring could be overlooked.

Are pests and diseases terrible for shrubs?

Deren almost never gets sick. The shrub may develop poorly if the site is very swampy, in which case drainage can be created. To do this, pits are dug along the plantations, they need to be filled with stones or rubble.

Prevention from pests is not carried out, since the deren shrub is rarely attacked by them. But at the same time, regular inspection of the plant is necessary: ​​aphids can settle on it, sucking juices, larvae of the yellow-orange fly, or a sawfly that will feed on foliage. If one of the listed insects is found, it is necessary to eliminate them with the help of insecticides.


There are several ways to decorate your site with derain shrubs. Let's consider each of them.

  1. Derain seeds it is necessary to plant in the fall, and if it is planned to produce it in the spring, then they must be hardened by placing them in the refrigerator or under the snow for two months. A full-fledged bush will grow from seeds only after seven years.
  2. Seedlings with layering- The easiest way. To do this, the lowest branch is tilted to the ground, pressed and fixed with a bracket. The place of contact is sprinkled with humus, by the autumn roots will appear there. You can transplant a new plant from the main bush in the spring.
  3. cuttings you can also propagate deren. To do this, fresh shoots that have just begun to stiffen in June are cut at an angle with a sharp pruner. All lower leaves, the top are removed, the stalk is placed in the soil in a greenhouse, it is stably watered. By autumn, roots will appear, and the cutting can be planted in open ground.
  4. You can divide a large bush into several small ones by digging it completely.

What is a house with a chic garden? First of all - the face of the owner, an indicator of his taste and beauty. On the site you can place all kinds of plants - ampelous or huge bushes. And today we’ll talk about such, at first glance, a nondescript shrub, like white turf. Why nondescript? The white deren shrub in summer is no different from most shrubs - dense branches with green leaves and small white flowers. However, all its decorative charm and potential are revealed with the onset of autumn. The hedge formed from it will delight the eye not only in spring and summer, but also in late autumn. The correct one is described in detail in this article. Well, you can see the white turf in the photo illustrating all the charm of the shrub:

This is a genus of ornamental family "Kizilov". In Latin, Сornus (this is its real name) is translated as "horn". And it was obtained for a reason - the branches of the plant are very strong, like the horns of animals.

What is the secret of the bush?

In culture, white turf is described as a hedge that changes its robe several times a year. After all, as soon as the heat subsides, the period of rains begins, the cold snap of the turf will heal in a new way. The first impression of him is an ordinary, unremarkable bush. All that greenery that surrounded the branches becomes completely different - they are transformed into scorching orange leaves. They can also be purple, red and even purple. It all depends on the variety that was planted. And in winter you can observe the wonderful coral color of the bark of the branches. The decorative value of this shrub is very high due to these qualities of reincarnation in different periods of the year.

Among gardeners, white turf or cornus alba remains the leader among gardeners. Very tall, sometimes reaching three meters bushes cannot go unnoticed. Blossoms twice a year - after 2-3 years of growth, the first flowering period will begin in early summer and possibly repeat in September. In addition to flowers, fruits will also appear. So, this plant is also used as a fruitful one. Some species are known for their delicious, sweet and sour red fruits.

Proper planting and propagation of white deren

The most favorable time for planting white turf is the beginning of spring. In this case, the plant will have enough time to take root well. This will cause the roots to absorb the minerals from the soil well, which promotes further healthy growth. And by winter it will fully ripen and safely survive the cold. Proper planting of white turf begins with the selection of a site and a landing line.

In general, these bushes are unpretentious to the composition of the soil. But if the gardener starts everything from scratch, then the need will arise for the following:

  • Before planting, you need to prepare the soil - in a pit that has been prepared in advance, it is necessary to apply organic fertilizers - humus, for example;
  • If the area where the bush will grow is swampy, then drainage is necessary;
  • Also, drainage is necessary in soils with highly suitable waters.

When buying a finished bush, you must choose a young seedling, not older than 3-4 years. And special attention to the roots - if they are a little dried up, then they need to be placed in water for a while so that the plant is saturated with moisture.

Let's talk about the propagation of white dogwood, which can occur in two ways - by planting seeds and cuttings.

Seeds are sold in flower shops. Gardeners who have planted their crops collect seeds that are stored for no more than 5 years. Prepared seeds are planted in the ground in late autumn or early spring. The holes should be no deeper than 5 cm. In order for the turf to grow, you will have to wait from 5 to 8 years.

As for cuttings, an important fact must be emphasized - the plant will grow much faster this way. The strongest and healthiest bushes are selected, from which green cuttings are cut. Planted cuttings in June, so that the roots can germinate well until autumn. For the winter period they warm or bring into the room.

Rules for caring for a white deer hedge throughout the year

The most important thing in caring for white turf is pruning. It should be carried out by a three-year-old plant regularly. Without it, the lower part of the bush begins to become bare, which will lead to its death. Usually, pruning is carried out twice a year, in autumn and spring. For pruning, the oldest shoots are selected, which in the future will cause exposure. The rules for caring for a hedge throughout the year include timely top dressing and loosening of the topsoil. A white turf hedge develops rapidly and requires fertile soil.

Pruning of the turf planted with hedges is carried out in the summer, in July and August, when the shoots bloom profusely. And those bushes that were planted for the sake of decorative bark in winter are carried out once every 2-3 years in early spring. Branches are cut off on which leaves have not yet begun to grow at a distance of 20 cm from the base. This will lead to abundant growth of new branches.

Unpretentiousness is a good factor for a novice gardener. Watering is not needed often. In dry weather, the bushes are watered no more than 3 times a month. About 15-20 liters of water per watering is spent on each deren.

Top dressing for turf is also optional. Only during the development period after planting can it be fertilized with humus several times.

The most popular types of deren for hedges (with photo)

Breeders and nature have developed many species that are designed for various purposes. The most popular types of white turf for hedges among gardeners will be considered below. They can also be seen in the photo. Some are used for planting hedges, others for the sake of winter beauty. And now we will talk about the most popular varieties and their characteristics:

  • white dogwood Elegantissima and Argenteo Marginata - these varieties are popular with gardeners due to the color of the leaves. Each leaf has a unique pattern and white edging, in the form of stripes along the edges. These varieties do not lose their unique color even in the shade. In height, such bushes reach 3 meters;

  • white dogwood Sibirica Red Gnom (Red Dwarf) - small bushes that reach a height of no more than 1 m. Distinctive features from their counterparts - bright green spring leaf color in spring, which darkens in summer, is an excellent addition to scorching red shoots. The name speaks for itself;
  • white dogwood Siberian Variegata - reaches a height of as much as 2 m. A distinctive feature is coral-colored shoots, leaves with a narrow white border. And by autumn, the bushes change into a purple-pink color. Derain white Variegata is very similar to Elegantissima. You can distinguish by the height and color of the leaves;

  • turf white Aurea reaches 2 m in height. The young plant has reddish shoots, and the leaves of this variety are the widest. Aurea is interesting just by them - during the blooming period they are brown with a pink tint. Over time, they acquire a matte yellow color. And by autumn, the leaves turn a bright red hue. In the shade, the leaves are a normal green color.

In the photo, white soren looks very interesting, especially in the form of a hedge. As a single plant looks ridiculous. Useful not only as an ornamental plant, but also fruitful.

In winter in Tomsk, when all colors are faded, you can walk along the embankment and see small bright pieces of summer - red thin branches that resist winter, do not fade under the snow and remind us that frosts are not eternal, that soon all nature will again be full of its summer splendor . Just for this reminder of the summer, I fell in love with deren, or, as it is sometimes called, pork.

Döhren: general description of the genus

Dören is a genus of deciduous or evergreen shrubs of the northern hemisphere, belongs to the dogwood family ( Cornaceae). Some classifiers combine pork with the genus Kizil, so dogwood and dogwood share a common Latin name - Cornus.

Representatives of the genus Deren are distinguished by year-round decorativeness. In summer, they stand out with white or golden inflorescences, and some varieties with unusual foliage. In autumn we can admire their snow-white, blue or black berries against the background of crimson or scarlet foliage, while in winter we can see the exotic branches of the bush - red, orange, yellow, bright green ...

I remember how, as a child, I brought from the forest a purple branch of pork with deathly blue berries. Her parents immediately threw her out - in their opinion, the berries of the bush looked suspicious and dangerous. However, they feared in vain. Derain berries are not poisonous, despite their strange appearance.

In the forests of Russia, deren can often be found. It is distinguished by absolute undemanding to soil, climatic and environmental conditions. Some species are hardy enough to grow well even in Siberia in the north of the Tomsk region and other cold regions. On the Tom embankment, it perfectly withstands icy winds, light snow on the slopes and quickly recovers from damage caused by spring ice drift.

The use of turf in landscape design

Svidina has become today a universal shrub in landscape design and is used in different ways.

If your garden is viewed and blown from all sides, a dense high fence made of turf will help protect more whimsical plants from the wind and you from unwanted eyes. Deren is very pleased with the growth rate (about half a meter a year) and excellent branching, so the hedge from this shrub is formed quickly by frequent haircuts.

If you want to protect the slope from erosion and landslides, plant sod. Its roots and dense growth will perfectly cope with the task of strengthening the soil.

Need to decorate your garden with decorative plantings? Do not forget to choose some interesting sort of turf for decorative groups: it will hardly require care, and it will certainly please the eye. Derain perfectly tolerates moisture in the soil and looks great in plantings near water bodies.

Of course, it would be a good idea to use pork in a garden of cereals and dried flowers, designed to be perceived not only during the growing season, but also in the winter season. In winter, among the dead wood, bright branches will be a good accent in the garden, and berries on the branches will complement this accent.

Planting turf, care and disease control

Deren planting is carried out immediately after the retreat of spring frosts according to the standard method. Don't deepen the root collar, don't fertilize with fresh manure and don't forget to water well after planting - these are the basic rules I can remind you for planting turf.

Deren is shade-tolerant, tolerates both poor and waterlogged soils, but remember that he will not refuse a sunny place, fertile garden soil and drainage.

Derain care is simple and is needed mainly to improve the decorative qualities of the plant. Watering during dry periods, mulching with peat crumbs, weeding, shallow loosening of the soil, top dressing and pruning will help your shrub to be beautiful.

It is better to fertilize pork in two stages: in the spring - complex mineral fertilizers, and in the middle of summer - organic. But without timely feeding, the deren will live calmly and will not notice anything, but without pruning it will live like a sheep without a haircut.

Sanitary pruning of the deren is carried out in the spring after the leaves bloom, when it becomes clear which branches are alive and which are dead. If you want to enjoy abundant flowering and dense foliage of a shrub, prune in the fall to the desired length (but no more than two-thirds of the shoots). If you want to admire the scarlet branches above the snowy canopy, postpone pruning until early spring. Because turf grows very quickly, many gardeners prune a third or a quarter of the shoots 2-3 times per season to keep the bush neat.

When the bush on your site begins to age, you can safely cut off all the shoots in early spring so that they do not rise more than 15 cm above the ground. With the beginning of the growing season, young bright shoots will take the place of decrepit branches.

Most types and varieties of dogwood do not require shelter for the winter. Sometimes they are just covered with snow just in case. But heat-loving varieties, like Japanese deren, do not hurt to cover, so always check with the sellers of planting material whether the variety you have chosen requires shelter in your climate zone.

Now about the diseases of the pork. “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” when growing derain is gray rot, powdery mildew, aphids and scale insects. The first two riders are fungal diseases, therefore, when the first symptoms appear, watering should be reduced (fungi actively multiply and spread in an environment with high humidity) and treat the bush with Bordeaux liquid or Hom, Vectra preparations. Aphids and scale insects are malicious pests, the fight against them can be carried out both by treating them with chemicals like Karbofos, and by treating the tops of potatoes, yarrow, and tobacco with decoctions.

Top 5 most popular types of derain

doren white ( Cornus alba). The most common type and the undoubted leader in popularity of use in landscape design. In good conditions, the bush can reach up to 3 meters in height and width. Dogwood white has erect shoots of dark red or scarlet color, depending on their age. Along with the color of the shoots, the color of the foliage is remarkable - large green leaves will turn purple-burgundy in autumn. And the beautiful white caps of inflorescences, pleasing to the eye from May to June, will turn into clusters of white-blue berries by autumn.

For more than a hundred years, breeders have been working on breeding variegated varieties of pork on the basis of this very tenacious and winter-hardy species. The most famous fruits of their labors are 'Elegantissima', 'Sibirica', 'Sibirica Variegata' and 'Aurea' - these varieties of variegated turf are used everywhere in landscape design.

It is worth noting that any variegated turf will reveal its qualities much better only in a well-lit place. In shading, the leaves of the plant will produce more chlorophyll than other pigments, and they will turn green.

doren red ( ), or blood-red turf, is common throughout Europe and resembles white turf. But this species is much higher (up to 4 m, according to some sources - up to 7 m), has larger leaves, drooping shoots of various colors depending on the variety. It got its name for the autumn outfit - blood-red huge leaves, decorated with small blue-black berries.

It is a pity that such a handsome man will not grow in our harsh Siberia, it is best to grow it within its natural range.

Cornus canadensis) is widespread in North America and the Far East, it can be found even in Greenland and the Japanese islands. Canadian soren in landscape design is used as a ground cover plant in compositions, rockeries and to create a shrub lawn. And we understand why, because its life form is a dwarf shrub only 20 cm high with grassy stems and large elongated leaves. Unlike other derens, it grows slowly. The flowers of the Canadian pig are hardly visible, but the bracts, large and white, give the impression of large single flowers on the plant from June to July. In August, scarlet berries ripen. They enliven the green carpet with bright splashes.

For this shrub, a semi-shady place with moist, acidic soils will be ideal. Well, you should not worry about winter hardiness - heat-loving species in Greenland do not survive. The main thing is to sprinkle it with snow better. In their natural environment, these plants live in snowy areas.

Cornus kousa) is sometimes also called Bentamia Coase ( Benthamidia kousa) and Cinoxylon Cuza ( Cynoxylon kousa). Bentramia is native to China and Japan. In nature, it grows as a small deciduous tree or tall shrub 5-7 meters tall. Like the Canadian dogwood, in this species the bracts play the role of petals.

The peculiarity of the Japanese derain is that its dark pink fruits are visually similar to raspberries, but are valued only for their decorative effect. "Raspberries" look very pompous on a tree in autumn against the backdrop of bright red foliage and can be an excellent tapeworm or accent of a decorative group.

Japanese soren will feel good only in the south of Russia, in the middle lane the shrub will require shelter for the winter.

Enterprising Japanese have learned to grow dogwood as a home plant in the bonsai style. Therefore, if you really liked this particular type of dogwood, and you do not live in Sochi, look for a good bonsai master.

Doren shooter ( Cornus stolonifera) in its external features is similar to white turf. The shoot-bearing soren is distinguished by the large friability of the bush and the incessant vegetative propagation by offspring. The lower branches, approaching the ground, quickly take root and the bush grows strongly in breadth.

A couple of varieties of this restless species deserve special attention: ‘Koralle’ and ‘Cardinal’. They are both curious yellow bark. ‘Koralle’ is much taller than ‘Cardinal’ (up to 2.5 meters), bears fruit with black berries, so beloved by birds, and boasts bright yellow shoots all year round.

But the shoots of the ‘Cardinal’ variety are yellow-green in summer, but by winter they will acquire red hues. The berries of this shrub are white and inedible even for birds, the shoots rise only a meter from the ground. Therefore, it is often used specifically for low, up to a meter, hedges - free or molded.


I have described only some species and a very small number of varieties of pork. Breeders have bred so many of them that you can’t throw them out the window in a day, as they say. Therefore, you can find for yourself a lot of bold, elegant and reliable design solutions using the beloved turf.

Caring for a garden plot, as well as landscape gardening of flower beds and lawns, requires a considerable amount of effort and patience. Designer compositions look spectacular when not only trees and flowers grow on the site, but also beautiful shrubs.

Derain white, planting and caring for which does not take much time, is one of the brightest representatives of universal plants for country gardening.

Derain white (otherwise - Elegantissima or Svidina) refers to the decorative type of shrubs of the dogwood family. The plant grows in countries with a mild or temperate climate. In nature, white sod can reach a height of 2.5-3 meters, quickly growing in width up to 2.

If the shrub is not disturbed and not cut, then during the season it can cover a fairly large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden with its branches. Its amazing feature contributes to this - it quickly takes root and gives new shoots. Delicate graceful leaves give this green carpet a look of openwork lightness, so white turf is popular for landscaping lawns in city parks and squares, flower beds around houses and roads.

Visually, Elegantissima is delicate and surprisingly beautiful. The leaves of the plant have a rich olive color with light gray veins and edging. And during the flowering period, many white buds appear on this olive carpet. Lush flowers eventually turn into fruits with a delicate bluish tint. Collected in small clusters, they become a worthy landscape decoration until late autumn.

The plant looks beautiful if planted as:

  • Walkway landscaping. The plant can be planted along the garden path or path leading to the house;
  • Living fence. Elegantissima takes advantage of the dense undergrowth that delimits the space;
  • Landscaping for the gazebo. Planted near the bushes of this plant will give a beautiful flowering look to the gazebo in the garden or the veranda near the house;
  • lawn. If you prefer lawns as landscaping for your backyard, then white turf is the best solution for covering that does not require cutting.

The main advantage of this shrub is unpretentiousness in care, resistance to changing climatic conditions and a sharp temperature drop.
In addition, the plant tolerates gas pollution well, so it is ideal for planting on sites located along large freeways or suburban highways.

Basic conditions and landing rules

When choosing a shrub, be sure to consider the fact that resistant and unpretentious varieties are those that grow in nature. If you are buying a human-bred hybrid, remember that the seedling will be sensitive to weather changes and prone to various diseases.

It is better to plant Elegantissima in fertile soil. If the soil on the plot has an admixture of clay or sand, the shrub will grow, bloom and bear fruit, but will not be able to fully reveal its decorative qualities.

In order for white sod to grow quickly over the lawn, the soil must be loosened before planting. The plant loves a humid environment, and therefore must be in the soil, which is able to quickly pass and evaporate moisture. In addition, the landing site must be cleared of debris and large stones, have a slightly alkaline or neutral environment.

When planting a deren, you must comply with several mandatory conditions:

  • For spring work. Planting is necessary as soon as the first warming comes, and the soil completely thaws;
  • Winter landing. Work can only be carried out if the bush is purchased or grown in a special container with soil. Landing is carried out by the method of transshipment of an earthen coma.
  • If you plan to plant in the fall, then the air temperature should not be below 0-5 ° C, so it is better to work in late October or early November, no later;
  • Landing hole. It is necessary to dig a hole with dimensions much larger than the volume of the rhizome. This will make it possible to fill the hole with loose soil;

Despite the fact that deren is an unpretentious plant, pay as much attention to the seedling as possible when planting. This will enable the plant to take root faster, and earlier to please you with young shoots, leaves and flowers.

Care and nutrition

If an adult derain plant easily tolerates a short drought, then a young bush just planted on the site needs moist soil. The roots of the deren at this time are still very weak, and only regular watering will help the plant take root.

The first sign of a lack of moisture is slightly dried upper shoots. Even experienced gardeners often confuse this plant behavior with fungal infections, so before you start treating the derain, just try to increase the amount of watering.

Adult Elegantissima does not require special attention. It is necessary to water the plant only after the soil has completely dried out during the period when the summer is hot and dry.

Be sure to check out the bush. Signs that the white deren lacks nutrition are dried or twisted leaves, flowers lowered down, and clusters with fruits.

  • Watering time. In the summer, the plant is watered either early in the morning or in the evening, after sunset. Beware of direct sunlight during watering;
  • Make-up. Since an adult plant is unpretentious to the composition of the soil in which it has already taken root, only young seedlings and those that have been ill or have been subject to sanitary pruning need to be fed.
  • Fertilizer. Humus can act as a nutrient additive to the soil. Such fertilizer is introduced into the soil in cases where the bush is rooted, but grows very slowly.

In order for the bush to quickly and well be accepted, not to get sick and not to require constant watering, take a responsible attitude to the place where the plant will be located. For white derain, it is important that the plot of land is well lit and not shaded, not located on the north side of the garden and protected from cold winds. The leaves of a shrub located in the shade of a garden will quickly lose their natural color and become just green.

Shrub pruning and possible diseases

The shape of the plant is given when it serves as a hedge or decorates a garden arbor. For an adult plant, such sanitization is practically not capable of causing damage, even if you regularly cut and align new shoots.

Pruning is required in early spring so that the aged lower branches are not exposed at the time of the first foliage and flowering.

By cutting off new shoots, you can use them as additional seedlings or plant them in an existing composition. Sanitary pruning, as a measure of preventive care for turf, is recommended twice a year.

  1. Formative. This type of pruning allows you to adhere to the shape of the bush necessary for the already created landscape design. Basically, work is carried out with the crown of the plant, and in early spring they are performed only in order to young side;
  2. Anti-aging. radically. Old and diseased branches are removed, giving the opportunity to grow young and healthy;
  3. Decorative. It differs somewhat from the forming one in that it can be applied to several plants at once. Most often, these types of hedge or topiary work (topiary art);
  4. Sanitary. It is performed in cases where the derain has suffered diseases associated with damage to branches and leaves. Also, during such pruning, internal cross shoots are removed, preventing the shrub from actively developing.

You can cure Elegantissima using fungicides or standard insecticides.

Sod bush can get sick phyllostic spotting. At the same time, brownish spots with a distinct red border are formed on the foliage. Later, the affected tissues in the center of the leaf turn pale. In early autumn, brownish fruiting bodies are formed.

Sod leaves fall off, thus becoming a source of infection. The bush withers, loses its decorative effect.

For prevention, it will be correct to remove all debris and litter under the plants, especially in winter. In early spring, it is worth carrying out preventive spraying with a Bordeaux mixture. And it is better to carry out such a procedure for all plants in the garden.

If the plants are sick, then you can use the same remedy or its analogues.

Dören can be affected by cercospora spotting. At the same time, many black or brown spots appear on its foliage, which have an even darker border. The center of the lesion subsequently brightens and falls off. The system of protective measures is the same as for phyllostic spotting.

Ascochitous spotting of the turf appears as elongated large dark brown blots of irregular shape with a wide red border. Affected tissues eventually turn white and dry out. Treat like other fungal diseases. Of the drugs, Abigo-peak, Hom and Kuproksat are suitable.

Sooty mushrooms are dangerous for turf. They appear in the form of a dark coating. It will be properly washed off from the plant, because such a film clogs the pores of the leaf, preventing respiration and normal photosynthesis. In this case, one root system cannot cope with maintaining the life of the entire plant.

It is possible to treat as the illnesses listed above. But, there is one important nuance: such a disease is always accompanied by an attack by sucking pests. Therefore, a whole system of measures is required to get rid of the problem.

Sucking pests include green sod aphids. Usually has a dark green color, quite small, only a few millimeters. It gathers from the back of the foliage, sucking the juices out of it.

This insect spends the winter right on the bush, therefore processing is required both in the fall, in preparation for the dormant period, and in early spring. Of the drugs, you can use Fufanon, Iskra, Inta-Vir, Fitoverm.

Young derain is affected by spider mites. The danger is highest during the dry summer. For prevention, it is sometimes necessary to irrigate by sprinkling. In case of defeat, Neoron and Actellik can be used.

Reproduction and cuttings

In order to create a complete design picture using white turf on a personal plot, a sufficiently large number of seedlings will be required. You can get planting material at home.

Shrub propagation is possible in several ways:

  • The division of the bush. Work is carried out in early spring by dividing an adult overgrown bush into several small ones. The bush is dug out of the ground, the root is cleaned and, depending on the branching and integrity, is divided into several parts;
  • Reproduction by seeds. The method is quite troublesome, and risky for inexperienced gardeners. During flowering, seed boxes are collected from the bush. If the plant has faded in May, then there is enough time for the ripening and planting of young seedlings. Seeds are stored for 50-60 days at low temperatures, and in autumn they are planted with young shoots in prepared loose soil;
  • Cuttings. shrub shoots must be carefully examined. One cutting must have at least 7 healthy buds, then it is considered suitable for reproduction. Such seedlings are planted in greenhouses with fertile soil, and fed with mineral fertilizers throughout the summer. When the seedlings are firmly rooted and strengthened, they can be transplanted into the ground. Work is carried out 2-3 weeks before the onset of stable cold weather;
  • Layering. Derain white, used for lawn, has low creeping branches. For reproduction, a healthy tap is pinched to the ground and sprinkled with fertile soil. During the season, the branch takes root, and in the spring it is already possible to carry out a new planting.

The most popular and reliable method for an amateur gardener is cuttings. This type of reproduction does not require additional efforts, but is carried out in conjunction with planned shrub pruning.

Just a few bushes planted in a season can, over the years, give a whole family of original plants, illuminating even the farthest corners of the garden with bright olive leaves. Surprising is the fact that some varieties of white derain, bred by breeders, do not lose their leaves until stable winter frosts. But how spectacularly bright green bushes look in the snow!