Rusty spots on roses than to spray. How to deal with rust that affects roses

The most dangerous and intractable diseases of the rose are fungal: rust, black spot and powdery mildew. fungal rose diseases and their treatment differ in that they are fairly easy to diagnose, but very poorly treated. So The best way to avoid the appearance of fungal diseases of roses is the implementation of preventive measures.

Rose disease - rust

This disease is considered one of the most dangerous. The harmful fungi of this plant are spread by insects or wind. If there are aphids or other pests on the leaves of the rose, then the spores of rust fungi settle on the secretions of these insects.

A sign of infection of the plant with rust is the appearance in the spring rusty spots on the leaves. Later, bright orange growths appear on the underside of the leaves, inside which are the spores of the fungus.

Closer to autumn, the growths turn black, and the leaves affected by rust fall off. Fungal rust of roses also affects young shoots, which bend and turn red.

Protecting roses from rust disease

Rose disease - black spot

signs of this fungal disease on roses can be found in the second half of summer. Black or brown radiant spots appear on the upper surface of the leaves. Infected rose leaves gradually turn yellow and fall off. Fungal spores of plants infected with black spot are easily carried by the wind.

For the prevention and treatment of black spot roses, the methods used to combat rose rust are largely suitable. It should be added that fungicides are used as a prophylactic to combat black spot, which are treated in advance with healthy roses. These drugs, getting inside the plant, in the early stages of the disease cause a therapeutic effect.

Powdery mildew on roses

Roses suffer from this fungal disease quite often. The disease usually affects plants grown in greenhouses or at home. Signs powdery mildew is an white coating on stems, leaves, young shoots.

Outwardly, a white coating, consisting of spores, looks like flour. When the spores mature, droplets of liquid form. Hence the beautiful name - powdery mildew.

The spores of this fungal disease spread very quickly, affecting the entire bush and neighboring plants. The leaves of affected plants curl, flowers and stems are deformed. If the plant is not treated, it may die.

Good results in the treatment of powdery mildew on roses were shown by a copper-soap solution, which is prepared by dissolving 100 g of grated laundry soap in 10 liters of water with the addition of 40 g blue vitriol. The affected plants are treated with this preparation every ten days until the white plaque disappears completely.

Diseases of roses and their treatment cause a lot of trouble when growing these beautiful flowers, but care will be easier if you carry out disease prevention and strictly observe agricultural technology.
Video: rust on roses

Rose rust is an incredibly contagious attack that spreads at lightning speed and greatly weakens luxurious rose bushes. Roses attacked by her stop blooming and shed most of the leaves. Bringing rust into the garden will not be difficult, but getting rid of it will be extremely difficult. Often it is this ill-fated disease that causes the rapid death of roses. It is much easier to prevent its occurrence than to try to get rid of it later.

A few words about the disease

Recognizing rust on roses is not difficult: heaps of spores of bright orange-yellow tones begin to appear on the wood. Similar heaps of spores, only slightly smaller, appear on the leaves from the lower sides. And on the upper parts of the leaves, yellowish-reddish spots gradually appear, after some time covering the entire leaves.

Infected areas of the bark crack, the shoots thicken, bend and subsequently dry out.

Rose rust is caused by the pathogenic fungus Phragmidium subcorticium. Rust is especially dangerous for remontant roses and centifolias, as well as for a number of wild roses. To a large extent, its development is facilitated by sultry weather, which retards the growth of plants, accompanied by a prolonged drought. In principle, a rainy summer also contributes to the development of rust.

How to fight

Infected rose leaves must be systematically collected and burned, and shoots attacked by rust should be cut off just below the lesions. Too badly affected rose bushes, no matter how sorry they are, should be dug up and promptly burned, after dousing with kerosene.

It is advisable, if possible, to avoid mono-planting roses, planting cute and useful neighbors- yarrow, wormwood, monarda, marigolds and even garlic. All these representatives of the green world are famous for their disinfectant and immune-strengthening properties. Also, when planting roses, excessive thickening should be avoided.

When watering roses, it is important to ensure that water does not fall on the leaves. This recommendation does not apply to cases of spraying with stimulating and herbal solutions and infusions.

Growing roses are recommended to be fed periodically, and top dressing can be both root and foliar. Nettle infusion is perfect for these purposes. To prepare it, a plastic bucket must be filled to the very top with freshly picked nettles. And so that the resulting infusion does not have to be filtered later, you can put nettles in unnecessary old nylon tights. After that, the nettle is poured cold water and let it brew for ten days or more (usually until fermentation is over). From time to time, the composition should be mixed, but you should not cover it with a lid. By the way, if you place the infusion in a warm place, it will ferment much faster there. For root dressings, the finished infusion is diluted in a ratio of 1:10, and for foliar dressings - 1:20.

As soon as the first signs of rust are noticed, it is recommended to treat roses with either Bordeaux mixture or other preparations that contain copper. These can be means such as "Ordan", "Khom", "Oksihom" or "Abiga-peak". Well proven in the fight against rust and drugs such as "Strobi" and "Topaz". In this case, sprayers are best taken with a finely dispersed injection. The smaller the droplets of the solution during treatments, the stickier and thinner the leaf coating will be. Yes, and the preparations in this case will be spent in much smaller volumes, which is extremely important when using sulfur- and copper-containing fungicides - much less heavy salts will enter the soil.

A good folk remedy for dealing with rust of roses is an infusion of wormwood: 400 g of fresh grass should be placed in wooden utensils, pour ten liters cold water and insist for two weeks. Then the composition is filtered and diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. In order not to have to dilute the infusion, you can insist it for one to three days. This tool also copes very well with caterpillars and aphids.

With the onset of autumn, before covering the roses, all foliage should be removed, and the roses should be treated with Bordeaux mixture or three percent copper sulphate.

Rust on roses is one of the most serious and common diseases of roses, which requires qualified treatment. This disease is caused by fungi of the genus Phragmidium disciflorum. The fungus also infects other flowers and appears in late spring, when spores can be observed on rose bushes of sunny color. The first fungal spores appear on the stems, not on the leaves or buds. Infected areas of the stems crack and gradually the plant dies completely. A clear sign of the disease is bright spores on bushes, leaves and flowers. Favorable conditions for the development of rust is an excess of nitrogen and moisture, for example, if the rainy period is prolonged. This disease easily spreads throughout the flower garden and even the garden, and it is very difficult to remove such mushrooms. Sometimes for a short time bushes, and sometimes entire flower beds, become victims.

How to deal with rust

At the first sign of illness, you need to start implementing a whole program to improve your precious flowers. First you need to establish the disease, its cause, find out the foci and extent of the disaster. Rust is immediately visible, it appears in the form of ugly brown spots or if you have started the situation strongly, black spots already appear. Some biologists insist that these are two different types rust - black spotting and brown. In any case, it is necessary to regularly review your plants and not overdo it with watering.

In order to cope with this situation, you need to cut off everything that is even slightly affected by a fungal disease and burn it. Even if a very small speck on the stem, you still need to destroy everything that is suspicious in order to prevent further epidemics.

Then healthy bushes must be processed. Exists folk remedy- a solution of laundry or baby soap. Greatest Efficiency it represents against aphids, but in this case it is also quite an acceptable option. For cooking, you need to purchase soap with a sufficient alkali content. Two bars of soap to be dissolved in a bucket hot water, cool and process the remaining bushes with this. A similar procedure should be carried out for several weeks in a row, with regularity every other day or two. Then, one solution must be changed to a decoction of nettle or horsetail.

Also, the infusion of wormwood has proven itself well. To prepare it, take four hundred grams of fresh grass and pour ten liters of cold water. It is highly desirable to keep the infusion in a wooden rather than iron bowl. It is necessary to insist at least one day - then you can water it directly with this solution, or up to two weeks, then the resulting liquid must be diluted with water. Sometimes ground sulfur or a mixture of sulfur and slaked lime is used. It is important to remember that sometimes water, such as rainwater, washes away prepared solutions and reduces the effectiveness of any drug. In this case, after a minimum pause, you need to repeat the spraying.

There are specially designed pesticides for rust control: Bacillus subtilis, Kresoxim-methyl, Penconazole, Propiconazole, Fitosporin-M, P. These are the latest developments in order to cope with it. After treating the territory of contamination with chemicals, specialists developed the terms for people to go to the lands treated with pesticides for carrying out handmade flower care. They are calculated by a certain number of days for each specific case.

In addition, the equipment that you use also needs to be properly disinfected after work, if you know that there is a problem in the garden or in the flower garden, in order to avoid re-infection. It is important to also process inventory if you have planted a new purchased bush or flower. And watch this newcomer from the nursery very carefully for health. Very often, the incubation period of the disease is hidden behind external well-being. These security measures are needed, no matter what the threat is to miss or to eliminate the source of danger in time.

But even if you coped with fungal diseases. Reinsurance measures are still needed - carefully cut the bush that has recovered from the rose before winter. Leaving shoots at the level of the third bud from the ground. Also, replace upper layer soil where the fungus may have remained, and make fresh mulch.

It is necessary to carry out the prevention of roses before the appearance of flowers in the form foliar feeding superphosphate solution and thoroughly wetting the leaves with the same solution. Choose the right dosage so that instead of benefiting, you do not harm the plant. Small local lesions on the bushes can be sprayed with Bordeaux mixture, Skor, Topsin-M.

For prevention, fungicides are often used, and decoctions of nettle, horsetail, or soap solution are used to prevent the development of fungal diseases and against aphids.

So, rust can lead to serious problems.

If we systematize the above, then to combat it it is necessary:

  1. Regularly inspect the bushes.
  2. Before the flowering season take preventive measures.
  3. If fungal infections are found, it is necessary to process folk methods.
  4. If it doesn't work, use chemicals.
  5. Shrubs where spots are found, carefully trim.
  6. Affected leaves and diseased shoots are burned.
  7. In autumn, diseased roses are re-pruned as a preventive measure.
  8. The top layer of the earth is replaced.

As we see, nothing supernatural needs to be done in order to cope with the disease. But you need to take fungal infections with all seriousness so that they do not spread around the flower garden. Similar ugly spots can appear on other flowers and plants.

Why do flowers get sick?

Roses, like other flowers, require some care and attention. In order for them to grow, bloom and delight our eyesight and sense of smell, certain rules must be followed for caring for this particular flower, of a particular variety.

In order not to fight the consequences of diseases, preventive measures are needed, and it is imperative to take into account the needs of each flower, plant or bush. How much the plant loves and needs sunlight, moisture, fertilizers, which soil is more suitable, which will not work at all. Very often, problems begin when the rules for caring for a particular flower are not followed.

How to properly care for roses:

  1. Provide enough light
  2. The soil should be light, it is possible, sandy-clay, which will not retain moisture.
  3. Weed and loosen the earth.
  4. Watering is necessary - moderately.
  5. The formation of the bush should take place in spring and autumn.
  6. Fertilize the soil in a timely manner.
  7. Early disease prevention.


It is better to carry out timely prevention of diseases, but if your flower is in danger. Every effort must be made to restore it. If fungal lesions are located on the leaves, then you need to immediately get rid of the focus of the disease. And then apply the well-known folk and scientific methods of struggle. A rose is a relatively capricious plant, but spots on it of any color should immediately alert you. It is necessary to find out their origin and begin to act immediately. And get ready for the fact that this process can drag on for several weeks. Given this, it is impossible to delay and postpone treatment in any case. Precautions will never be superfluous when it comes to the health of people, or animals, or flowers.

Some growers are taking the easier route by choosing varieties that are resistant to rust and some other diseases.

Interesting to know:

  • The rose is a flower that has been cultivated since antiquity for aesthetic pleasure, not for food or drink. Artists admired her, poets sang about her, prose writers wrote about the rose. Images of a rose were found on the palace columns of the 3rd millennium BC. e. in ancient Babylon. Even a war called the war of the white and scarlet roses went down in history. Poems have been written and songs sung about her. The rose remains a symbol of love and fidelity in many countries.
  • Some types of roses have been introduced by man - some by nature. Rosehip, which has been growing in the wild for centuries, became the ancestor of artificially bred several tens of thousands of varieties of roses.

Rust on roses is the most common disease among these demanding and sophisticated beauties. This fungal disease is detected quite easily and quickly by the characteristic spots of lesions. However, the fight against this disease for gardeners becomes a real test. Therefore, it is easier for a caring owner to prevent the spread of this disease than to painfully get rid of dangerous pests later.

Rust or spotting?

So, how to recognize rust if it has appeared; how to deal with it; and what preventive measures should be taken to prevent it. Rust is considered one of the most intractable diseases caused by fungi of the genus Pucciniaceae. Most often, these fungi are carried by the wind through the air or by insects. Usually, two similar types are distinguished - black spot and rust itself.

In the first case, the initial symptoms of the disease appear somewhere in the middle of summer. So, spores of fungi carried by the wind affect the upper side of the leaves, which are covered with black-brown spots. Then these once green and glossy leaves begin to turn yellow and fly around. Next to replace the old foliage, around August-September, young shoots grow. But it is difficult for weak sprouts to survive the autumn frosts, and then the winter, so the whimsical and capricious plant dies.

In the case of rust, the symptoms are somewhat different. This disease is always accompanied by infection of roses with other pests - aphids and mealybugs. Rust appears already in early spring in the form of characteristic fungal pads with spores.

It is they who darken over time and turn into black spots on the leaves. In this way, the difference between rust and black spot in terms of detection. In addition, rust begins to appear on the stems, gradually affecting the inside of the leaf, and black spot can only be found on the surface of the leaves.

Rust on roses photo

Treatment and prevention

To treat diseased shoots and leaves from rust, fungicides are used, as well as natural decoctions and infusions with soap, nettle or horsetail. These funds are specifically designed to combat and prevent the disease. But before that, it is necessary to remove all the affected shoots collected from the diseased bush. Whole collected material that was found on and under the bush is immediately incinerated. In no case can diseased leaves and shoots be used for composting.

It is better to replace even the top layer of soil with a new one in order to avoid re-infection. Rust-affected bushes are pruned well for the winter. In the spring, even before the appearance of the first foliage, rose bushes cut off in the fall should be well sprayed with fungicides. These measures will have a therapeutic effect and prevent the growth of fungi.

In the future, in order to avoid the recurrence of rust and other diseases, it is necessary to carry out regular prophylaxis, otherwise the diseases will capture all plantings. To do this, it is important to carefully choose the place for planting roses. Factors such as properly selected soil, illumination of the place, protection from the wind play an important and sometimes key role in protecting plants from pests and various ailments.

If your roses show traces of rust It means it's too late to fight her. This fungal disease is very difficult to cure, one way or another you will have to take drastic measures and be uncompromising - because the longer you delay the treatment of your bushes, the more irreversible will be the weakening effect of the fungi that cause this disease on them.

The first step in fight against rust should be timely diagnosis. The sooner you identify lesions, the less damage will be done to your roses. Because rust has no hidden incubation period and immediately appears on the stems and young leaves in the form of rusty spots and bright orange pads on inside leaves (true rust) or in the middle of the season with black spots on the outer surface of green leaves (black spot) - it is very easy to spot. Regular examination will allow you to notice the first symptoms of the disease and respond in a timely manner.

Affected leaves burn it (even if only one spot is visible on them!), and if there are spots on the trunk, cut it as low as possible. Next, spray the bush with preventive mixtures to prevent the spread of the disease. After removing all damaged parts of the plant, be sure to spray the bush with soapy water. Most fast way- dissolve a bottle in a bucket of water liquid soap, but this method is effective in combating aphids, while toilet or laundry soap (buy a simple domestic baby soap or a bar of soap with a high alkali content) is much better at fighting rust. Two bars of soap must be dissolved in a bucket of hot water, cooled - and the spray mixture is ready. Rose bushes are sprayed with it, trying to go through the underside of the leaves twice a week until the threat of rust spreading disappears. Protecting your roses from rust should always be focused on prevention, because it is almost impossible to cure plants from this difficult fungal disease. Next, the soap solution should be replaced with a decoction of nettle or horsetail or a specialized remedy for roses - sistan. If in the summer you find black spot, then you should resort to more serious measures - spraying with fungicides.

Inventory should be thoroughly washed after each use when spraying, and disposable gloves should be used. If you use cloth gloves, be sure to wash and boil them after each treatment of the bush with both soapy water and prophylactic agents.

Even if you get rid of the rust and no longer find traces of it on the leaves, in the fall the affected bush should be exposed, leaving the shoots at the level of the third bud from the soil surface. Try to replace any topsoil that may have retained fungal spores, or spray the soil with rose preparations, and then lay down fresh mulch.

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