Spring protection of garden plants from pests and diseases. How to grow bonsai from seeds? Vi: bonsai placement

There are only two ways to create a bonsai. You can either choose a formed tree in the store and only care for it in the future. Or do your own bonsai formation. For this, they are used indoor plant or specially grown seedlings.

For bonsai, you need to choose healthy plants that have a strong root system and a well-formed branch line. Work on the creation of bonsai begins at the age of 2-3 years in the spring after the formation of buds.

Decide on the style you want to create. It is also necessary to clearly understand how the branches will grow after pruning. Remember that the shoots located on the upper buds grow faster. The plant develops more actively in height than in width. Even on the side branches, the buds located at the ends of the shoots develop more actively.

This comes from the fact that large quantity light falls precisely on the outer buds and leaves, hence the increased development of the upper buds. The general growth trend of the plant also goes towards the light source.

The technique of creating bonsai can be divided into several stages:

1. The first thing to do is to remove all dry branches. The lower branches should also be removed. Leave three main ones. Ideally, their vertices should form an equilateral triangle. Next, trim the branches located between the main ones.

2. To create an inclined bonsai, wire is needed. It should be soft, because you will give it a shape with your hands, but at the same time elastic enough to hold the branches and trunk.

3. Next, release the upper roots from the ground. After that, you need to tilt the barrel to the desired angle. Fix the wire in the ground from the side of the slope. If you want to create a cascading style bonsai, and not just tilt, then you need to bend the trunk a lot. Gently but firmly hold the trunk of the tree. Wrap the wire tightly around it, being careful not to injure the bark. Apply turns so that the bent trunk does not crawl out between them, but not more often. The wire should reach the base of the main branches. Please note that she must maintain them in a normal position. Otherwise, the entire crown will hang, resembling a broom.

4. Wrapping branches, after each turn, you need to straighten thin shoots that can break. Of course, additional wire branches will be needed to create the desired frame. The sharp ends of the wire can simply be bent down. Or put eraser pieces on them. This will prevent damage to the plant and help you avoid scratching your hands.

Choose the length of the wire so that it is at least 1.5 times the area to be wrapped. It is desirable that the angle between the direction of the winding and the direction of growth of the shoot (trunk) be 45 degrees. However, this bonsai technique has exceptions. For plants with thin bark, fragile shoots, or those with thorns, they do not use wire winding, but simply apply it to the trunk and tie it with woolen thread or soft insulated wire.

5. In such a frame in a given position, the grown bonsai plant should be at least 1.5-2 years. Such a period is necessary in order to be sure that the trunk does not return to its original position. The longest time is to keep the wire on the barrel. It can be removed from the branches after 6-8 months. For thin branches, braided wire is needed. The wire that is used for tying the cords of household appliances is well suited.

If you decide to create a bonsai with protruding roots, then you will also have to use wire for this.

6. The plant should be transplanted from a pot into a container no earlier than it acquires the desired shape. Before transplanting, the following preparations must be made. Seal the drainage holes with simple earthenware shards (bulge up). Cover the bottom with a layer of moss or chopped fern roots. Next, add some soil mixture.

7. Examine the roots. Damaged ones need to be cut off. How to distinguish them from healthy ones? Very simple. Healthy ones have a light cut. Pruning the roots consists not only in removing the damaged ones, but also in the formation of the root system. After this operation, the roots should be evenly distributed in all directions. In plants with a weakly expressed central root and a fibrous root system, the roots are simply cut evenly, thinning if necessary. A special case - root system with a long central root and weak side shoots. This is the imaging technique. Remove the lower part of the root. The rest is formed using wire or wire brackets. Having fixed the root on the edge of the bowl, we bend it in a horizontal plane towards the center of the bowl.

Carefully place the plant in the container. Pour the soil mixture, after straightening the roots. For plants that do not hold firmly, you need to fix the trunk by placing heavy pebbles.

Watering the first time after transplanting should be very careful. After all, part of the roots was removed from the plant, which can be the cause of decay during waterlogging. Very often, the earth in the bowl is compacted and it has to be topped up. Once the soil has been sufficiently compacted and the tree established, the supporting stones can be removed.

Growing bonsai is not just a creative hobby. Miniature plants are art, a living organism that grows and changes every day.

The ancient art of bonsai

« Bonsai" translated from Japanese as " tree in a flat container". It was first mentioned in Chinese chronicles about 2000 years ago. Dwarf plants adorned the gardens and houses of the nobility, were used for meditation, contemplation and reflection. Over time, the beauty and harmony of miniature compositions became an art, which later flourished in Japan.

The Japanese masters adopted the main techniques and methods from the Chinese, but it was in the Land of the Rising Sun that the classical styles of cultivation were formed. The formed bonsai should resemble a tree or shrub in nature..

Bonsai came to our country only in 1974 as a gift from the wife of the Japanese ambassador. Since the beginning of the 90s, their popularity in Russia, as well as throughout the world, began to grow. Clubs of amateurs, nurseries for cultivation are created, exhibitions are organized.

Types of plants for bonsai

There are many trees and shrubs suitable for growing plant miniatures. How to decide?

The most unpretentious and small-leaved ficus species excellent for the first experience.

Ficus benjamina and ficus blunted

Evergreen trees. winter well in room conditions. They do not retire, they only slow down growth. They grow quickly, you need to periodically thin out the crown.

Experienced gardeners can expand their list with subtropical deciduous and.

An evergreen coniferous plant, in nature it grows up to 10 m. It grows quickly, most species are perfectly formed with early age. Resistant to pests. used for outdoor bonsai.

Pomegranate dwarf

A year-round flowering shrub from the Mediterranean, the flowers are small, bright red. In room conditions, it can bear fruit. The pomegranate is shaped in all Japanese styles.

More difficult to grow is a group of deciduous plants of the middle zone. For them, you need to create special conditions for wintering.

More than 150 species are known. Maple is one of the symbols of bonsai in Japan. It is valued for its beautiful ornamental leaves, which turn crimson in autumn. Light-loving, but can grow in shady places. Resistant to adverse conditions. Handles pruning well.

Blooming sakura (Japanese cherry) is a spectacle of special beauty. Its flowering in nature is celebrated annually in Japan as National holiday. The trunk of the tree is red-brown in color with a dense crown. Bright pink and white flowers with a diameter of 1 cm are collected in inflorescences of several pieces. Grown as in open ground as well as at home.

How to choose bonsai in the store?

It is better to purchase plants in garden stores or nurseries. They offer two options: young plants aged 2-3 years, which need to be cut at home and transplanted into a flat container or ready-made bonsai.

What should I pay attention to when buying?

Plant appearance

The plant must look healthy: have a good root system, lush crown and a strong trunk without scratches and wounds. The presence of several yellowed leaves on the lower branches of deciduous plants in the autumn is allowed, but plants with half-leafed leaves should be discarded. The soil in the pot should not be waterlogged.

Presence of pests and diseases

They should not be on the branches, trunk and ground. If it so happens that pests and diseases are detected after purchase, then immediate treatment with drugs will prevent the spread of infection. The old soil is replaced by adding Bazudin or Aktara to the new substrate to kill the larvae.

What conditions are needed for growing?


Plants have different lighting needs: some like constant bright light, others like partial shade.

The location also depends on the orientation of the windows (north, south, west, east). Plants are placed so that the sun is available three to four hours a day. Every 2-4 weeks the containers are rotated 180°. V winter time, if the shoots began to stretch, organize artificial lighting.


Optimum air humidity in a dry urban area is maintained by regular spraying of plants and the air around them with settled water. It is good to place water trays and aquariums near the bonsai tree.


The temperature regime during the year must correspond to the natural conditions in the homeland of plants.

Plants of the middle lane v warm time they are kept outdoors, for the winter they are either left covered there, or brought into a glazed loggia.

subtropical plants in summer they are on the balcony, in the garden or near an open window, in cold period kept indoors at a temperature not exceeding 15°C.

Tropical A year-round temperature of 18°C ​​to 25°C is required.

The soil

Bonsai soil must retain moisture, provide the plant with oxygen and nutrition. good substrate consists of peat, sand and humus earth(leaf or coniferous humus) in proportions corresponding to the needs of each species.

How to choose a pot?

The pot is the second most important element of a bonsai. Together with the plant, they create an ideal harmonious image. Depending on the type of plant and style, containers can be different shapes: round, oval, multifaceted, deep or flat.

For instance, for cascading style fit tall and narrow, for formal and informal vertical styles round, square or rectangular are best.

It is preferable to use earthenware pots in natural colors: brown, gray, black, white. It is important that the coloring is not flashy and does not dominate the overall appearance. Containers must have drainage holes for draining.

How to grow bonsai from seeds?

Growing bonsai from seeds is a long way to go, but some plants that do not take well or do not take cuttings can only be propagated in this way. These include: , cedars, maples, oaks, lindens, birches, elms, poplars etc.

Seeds are prepared for sowing. Without pre-treatment, seedlings will be less and they will have to wait longer. It is conditionally possible to distinguish three groups of seeds:

  1. Not requiring stratification. Minimum seed treatment required tropical and subtropical plants (, coffee, ficus), as well as some deciduous, whose seeds in nature ripen in early summer and sprout by autumn. It is enough to soak them for a day in warm water. If the seeds have a hard shell, then to stimulate germination, it is carefully filed, trying not to damage the core.
  2. Requiring cold stratification. This group includes plants that live in places where the change of warm and cold periods is a common occurrence. After soaking, the seeds are placed in wet sand, sphagnum, vermiculite and kept in the cold for one to six months at temperatures up to 5°C. Seeds are periodically checked, controlling the appearance of sprouts and preventing rotting.
  3. Requiring warm stratification. plant seeds, genus from regions with mild winter(Southern Europe) after soaking and before cold stratification, they are kept at a temperature of 15–20 ° C for a month or two. Some of them are placed in hot water with a temperature of 40°C and left in it after cooling for a day. Then transferred to the cold. So artificially for plants, an imitation of the change of seasons is created.

After processing the seeds, they begin sowing. You need flat, shallow containers with drainage holes and a light, water-retaining substrate, such as a mixture of peat and sand. To avoid rot and fungal diseases, the soil is watered with a fungicide. Seeds that germinate in the light are left on the surface, slightly pressed into the substrate. The rest are planted to a depth of 0.5 to 12 cm, depending on the size of the seeds.

At first, they need only moisture and heat to germinate. The air temperature should be at least 25 ° C, after germination it is lowered to 18 ° C. In order to develop safely, good lighting and moderate watering are important for seedlings. Picking is carried out 3-4 weeks after germination, placing one plant in small pots.

Reproduction by cuttings

A faster way to reproduce. Suitable for , boxwood, cypress, willow, ficus, cotoneaster etc. When propagated by cuttings, all parental characteristics are preserved: the shape of the crown, leaves.

The best time for cuttings is March-August. The upper or middle part of the shoot is taken, 8–25 cm long, depending on the type of plant, and cut off with a knife or secateurs. There must be at least two knots on the handle.

The shoot is placed in water or in the substrate so that the lower node is buried. Roots will then begin to form from it. The soil must be porous, permeable to water and air. Suitable river sand, perlite, peat, sphagnum moss. When cuttings, you can use growth stimulants.

The stalk is watered, periodically sprayed with water or covered with a jar or plastic bag. The room must be lit, ventilated, with an air temperature of at least 24°C.

Rooting times are different, some species need more than one month. The appearance of young leaves in most species signals the appearance of roots. But for and spruce, this is not an indicator. Their growth of shoots is ahead of root formation.

After the roots appear, the plants are opened and aired daily. Transplanted into separate pots after the plants get stronger, after 2-3 months.

How to care?


The most important part of care. Most often, trees and shrubs die due to errors in watering. Water them as needed. The soil should be moist, but not dry and wet. Only the top layer is allowed to dry. Water is used settled, soft, so that mineral salts do not form a crust on the surface of the soil and trunk.

In winter for tropical and deciduous plants watering is reduced. An exception - coniferous, as the extra moisture saves them from dry air in the house. Watering for all types is combined with air humidification.


For top dressing, organic and mineral fertilizers without mixing them with each other. Plants are fed from spring, when they begin to grow until autumn, once every 3-4 weeks.


In the first year, the young tree grows freely, until 3-4 years old it is transplanted once a year. After the regularity of transplantation is determined individually for each species.

The signal for the need for a transplant is the exit of the roots into the drainage holes of the pot. The plant is taken out of the pot, carefully cut off the lower and lateral roots by 2–3 cm, planted in a new bowl and watered. The procedure is carried out in March-April, at the beginning of active growth.

crown formation

The trunk and branches of the tree are the central parts of the image. The trunk should have a powerful base, gradually decreasing towards the crown. To form it, all branches that are superfluous for the selected style are removed, the rest are shortened by at least 1/3.

The volume of the roots should be approximately equal to the volume of the crown. By trimming the crown, the roots are also shortened.

Regular pruning of branches keeps the tree small. When pruning, the lower shoots are left longer. The shortening of the branches sets a new direction for growth - young shoots begin to grow from the buds located near the cut.

To significantly change the direction of growth of branches, pruning alone is not enough. To obtain the desired result, use the wire. It is first mounted on the trunk or on the thickest branch, then fixed on a thinner one. No more than two branches are attached with one wire. You also need to make sure that the wires do not cross and do not cut into the bark of the branch.

Too thick branches are fixed with a tension wire, both ends of which are fixed in loops of thicker wire, fixed through drainage holes in the bottom of the pot.

"Aging" of the tree

To give the "ancient" look of bonsai, you can use:


With a chisel or power tool, the bark is removed from a certain area. Then these areas are processed with a special cutter. This creates the effect of cracked old wood. This method is used only during the dormant period on healthy trees growing in a pot for at least two years.

Creation of cracks and scars

With the help of chisels of different sizes and a hammer, recesses are made on the trunk. Coal powder is rubbed into these places, the cracks will darken and look natural. By pressing a chisel into the wood and pulling it down the trunk, you get a scar - a cavity that is rougher than a crack.

Imitations of decay

A grinder makes several vertical cuts on the trunk, deepening them if necessary.

"Aged" plants are protected, regularly watered, sprayed and do not feed for a month.

Pests, diseases


The first sign of infection is the appearance of a sticky light bloom on the leaves. An easy and quick way to get rid of it is to wash the leaves with soapy water. Do this three times with a break of 3 days. If aphids have bred, then use an aerosol insecticide. It is carefully sprayed from all sides and the plant is covered with a plastic bag for 30–40 minutes. Processing is also carried out 3 times.

spider mite

It feeds on plant juices, which causes the leaves to turn yellow and fall off. For prevention, spraying is more often carried out. If the tick nevertheless appeared, then they fight it, as well as with aphids, with aerosol means.


A small white butterfly settles on the wrong side of the leaf. With a small number of pests, the plants are washed with soapy water. If the insect colony has increased, then pesticides are used.


Hiding on the underside of leaves and young shoots. Looks like brown patches. The shield is removed by hand, washing the plant well. The procedure is repeated as new individuals appear.


A white pest with a fluffy skin. Forms nests of many individuals. Aerosol chemicals are used to fight.

powdery mildew

Fungal disease. Appears on leaves white plaque. Control measures are the use of fungicides.

root rot

The most common cause occurrence - poor drainage. Also, the roots can be damaged from frost and from watering with concentrated fertilizers. The tips of the shoots begin to dry out.

The diseased specimen is carefully removed from the pot, the rotten roots are removed to the healthy part, the cut sites are treated with foundationazole and a growth stimulator. It is recommended to temporarily place the plants in sterile sand until signs of decay disappear.

Everyone can grow bonsai. One or more plants will open up a whole world to the gardener, take you on an amazing journey and help you find harmony and yourself.

Bonsai is a compact miniature plant. Now Japan is considered the birthplace of the tradition of growing miniature plants, although in fact the country only adopted the tradition from the ancient Chinese - bonsai were grown there 2 thousand years ago. And in Japan, art appeared much later, along with the religion of Buddhism.

But it was through Japan that the whole world learned about the art of bonsai. It was the inhabitants of this country who brought it to perfection, invented many different types, ways of growing and decorating. For a small country like Japan, these miniature trees turned out to be very in a suitable way Express your love for art, beauty and nature. At the same time, they are small, which is important, because the average apartment in Japan is small in size - and bonsai fit perfectly into this space. Chinese bonsai still exist, but the Japanese versions differ from them in much greater elegance and thoughtfulness.

By now, the thoughtful Japanese have already created a real philosophy of bonsai, as in almost every other area in life, to which they put their hands and brains. It is believed that the art of bonsai cultivation brings up hard work, patience and wisdom in a person. It is sometimes difficult for a European and Westerners to accept this philosophy, but nevertheless, having started growing these plants, willy-nilly, you will have to show patience. With proper care, bonsai can delight you for many years - some plant varieties live for more than a hundred years. And a tree planted by a grandmother may well continue to be grown by her grandchildren.

Now, by the word bonsai, we mean a miniature tree growing in a container, preferably ceramic. It differs from an ordinary indoor flower in that the bonsai looks like a tree, only a very small one. It also has a trunk and a crown. At the same time, bonsai almost never bloom.

What signs are inherent in the "correct" bonsai:

  1. A powerful trunk with clear signs of a developed root system.
  2. The branches have a clear contour, they are quite branchy, they form a crown characteristic of an ordinary tree in a plant.
  3. The trunk is the base of the bonsai and should be clearly visible through the leaves.
  4. Bonsai should be very similar to an ordinary tree growing in natural conditions.
  5. A container for the composition is preferable without decor, a simple laconic shape, made of ceramics or clay.
  6. The pot and the plant itself should be combined with each other, emphasize and complement the dignity.

Bonsai come in different sizes. According to this parameter, they are divided into the following groups:

  • Large bonsai - from 60 to 120 cm.
  • Average bonsai - from 30 to 60 cm.
  • Small - from 15 to 30 cm.
  • Miniature - from 5 to 15 cm. Among this last group there is a so-called “s-nail” species 5-15 cm in size and “baby” - 7.5-15 cm.

Height is measured from the edge of the container in which the flower is located - to the very top of the plant.

The most popular types are small and miniature bonsai. Their beauty, decorativeness and complete repetition of ordinary tall trees in a reduced version cause admiration and surprise. What plants are most often grown as bonsai:

  • dwarf bamboo. This plant is native to China. It is quite capricious and thermophilic. In the conditions of Russia, it is not suitable for horticultural cultivation.
  • Cypress. This is a subtropical plant, it is possible to grow it as a bonsai in greenhouses and conservatories.
  • Rosemary. Quite unpretentious.
  • Olive. Very beautiful and decorative bonsai. A miniature olive can bear completely edible fruits.
  • Buckthorn. Berries are poisonous. Therefore, with the cultivation of this bonsai, you need to be careful. In addition, the bark of the plant is a powerful laxative. Pets must not be allowed near it.
  • boxwood. Decorative and quite unpretentious.
  • Chinese elm - stable and does not require much care.
  • Ficuses - common trees in many homes and offices. They are hard to care for.
  • Myrtle- an evergreen tree that has a pleasant smell, especially during flowering, emits essential oils which are bactericidal.

Breeding at home

Breeding a bonsai tree is practically no different from growing its counterpart of normal size in garden conditions. But, of course, there are some nuances:

A well-formed bonsai has few branches - mostly around 3-5 main branches.

In the first few years, it is recommended to grow bonsai in a disproportionately large pot. This is necessary in order for the plant to form a strong trunk of the desired shape, a large capacity will allow the tree to quickly gain the desired mass. After the formation of the trunk reaches the required size, the bonsai can be transplanted into a pot that is more suitable for its size. Of course, there are methods for thickening the trunks, but we will talk about them later.

Bonsai needs more thorough watering than a garden tree. But at the same time, it is not allowed to “flood” the plant, this can lead to rotting of the roots, and later the death of the plant.

It is customary to replant a bonsai tree every spring, changing the ground and removing excess roots, some species are replanted 2 times a year, others every 2-3 years.

Top dressing of bonsai is done with a very weakly concentrated solution and quite rarely, again, everything depends on the plant, but mostly once every 1-2 months.

The most popular forms of indoor bonsai

According to this parameter, the classification was made by Japanese flower growers, so all groups have "native" names.

Chokkan. This is a bonsai with a straight trunk perpendicular to the ground. The trunk has the shape of a regular cone, evenly and symmetrically covered with branches.

Mayogi. Also a vertical trunk, but some curvature and lack of symmetry are allowed. If the chokkan resembles a garden tree, then the mayogi is a wild specimen.

Shakan. Heavily inclined bonsai.

Fukinagashi. This type of miniature symbolizes a tree that is bent under a gust of wind. It has a very strongly inclined trunk. The branches at the same time look in the direction of the slope.

Hokidachi. This shape resembles a small fan. There is a straight trunk, which, closer to the top, diverges to the sides in the form of a regular fan.

Kengai. This is a bonsai hanging, "ampel" form. The branches and leaves of the plant can bend over the edge of the pot. As an option - Khan-kengai - a semi-hanging form, while the drooping is not so pronounced.

Ishitsuki. This is "bonsai growing on a rock" - a literal translation. In reality, stones are placed in a pot as a rock. The roots of the plant entwine these stones very picturesquely.

Sokan. This is a form of bonsai that has two, almost identical, trunks. Literally means "twins". Trunks should grow from one root.

Sankan. Three trunks.

Kabudachi. This is a multi-stemmed bonsai, looks like a bush. Trunks can be different in height and thickness, but their number must be odd - this must be strictly followed.

Yose-Yu. This is an imitation of a plot of forest in a pot. There may be several trees here. different varieties and sizes.

Ikadabuki. In translation, this form means "raft". Represents practically lying, tumbled down on the ground, a trunk. Its branches grow vertically upwards.

Choosing between these species is not an easy task, because each of them is beautiful and wonderful in its own way. See what these styles look like in the photos and pick the right one for you!

Growing bonsai outdoors.

if you have garden plot, whether it’s a summer house or you live in a private house, then you are very lucky. After all, in the fresh air in open conditions, bonsai is most quickly gaining desired forms. In addition, some types of trees are simply not possible to keep in an apartment, this should not be forgotten!

Garden bonsai grow best outdoors. Dry indoor air is difficult for them to tolerate. If the plant is grown outdoors, then the bonsai gets sick less often and looks better. At the same time, aggressive sunlight should not be allowed to hit the plant. In winter, the maintenance of the plant provides protection from precipitation and strong wind. What types of bonsai can be classified as suitable for horticultural cultivation:

  • juniper;
  • Kaempfer larch;
  • pines;
  • Japanese maple;

gray elm. And a few other less well-known plants in our country. In general, for horticultural cultivation, it is important that the plant has a strong root system and is hardy enough. You can make the right choice of a suitable bonsai by consulting on the forum with experienced flower growers and lovers of these miniatures.

Growing bonsai in conditions enclosed space not too easy. In "captivity" plants begin to act up and show their effeminacy and fastidiousness on a full scale. But improper care of bonsai can deprive the plant of decorativeness and make it completely unattractive.

What conditions does he need to provide:

1. Lighting.

In our latitudes, the bonsai tree, as a guest from hotter countries, often lacks lighting. Therefore, it is best to keep it on the southern windowsills. It is possible, if the apartment allows, to completely transfer the pot after the sun.

If there is no way to provide sufficient natural light for it, you can arrange additional light for bonsai in the apartment using a table lamp. But at the same time, artificial light can only be used as a temporary measure when it is dark and overcast. At the same time, it is important not to put incandescent lamps next to the bonsai, LED or halogen ones are better.

2. Temperature

Some species can withstand up to 5 degrees Celsius in winter. In summer, they should be grown outdoors at natural summer temperatures.

And tropical varieties need warmth all year round- from 18 to 25 degrees. They should also be left at home during the summer. You should know that the higher the temperature and the drier the air, the more abundant the watering and the more often the feeding should be. And vice versa.

3. Humidity

In our usual premises, the air humidity, especially if it is an apartment in winter, is not high enough. For normal bonsai breeding, it is not very suitable. How to fix the situation?

You can install an electric humidifier. This thing is useful not only for the existence of bonsai, but also for health and appearance the inhabitants of the house. But there are also disadvantages - it is expensive, it consumes a lot of electricity, it makes a lot of noise.

A simple and elegant way out is to place the bonsai pot on a tray of expanded clay filled with water. Such a measure is especially effective when the pallet is located above the heating radiator. A steam effect is created by the rapid evaporation of water.

You can spray bonsai with a spray bottle. It is better to do this procedure in the morning so that the plant does not stay overnight with wet leaves.

4. Watering

Bonsai loves fairly moist soil, drought endures with great difficulty. In summer, watering should be increased, in winter - vice versa. When watering, it is important to monitor the temperature of the water; you can not water a delicate miniature cold water- only at room temperature.

5. Substrate (primer for wood)

Clean shop soil is not suitable for growing bonsai. It can only use like constituent part substrate. The maintenance of bonsai provides for the manufacture of earthen mixture on their own. How to do it:

  1. clay - 1 part;
  2. humus - 5 parts;
  3. coarse sand, ground gravel - 2 parts.

This is the optimal soil substrate recipe for growing capricious bonsai.

Instead of humus, humus from leaves or needles, even bark, is suitable.

Do not forget the constituent parts of the soil to be crushed properly. After you have prepared the parts, they should be heated at a temperature of 100 degrees for 15 minutes. This heat treatment will destroy pest larvae and weed germs.

In conclusion, we add that in Japan there is a sign associated with the cultivation of miniature plants, that the art of bonsai cultivation reaches its greatest flowering when the society in the country is healthy, and in general the whole country moves forward and develops.

Some believe that bonsai is a variety of dwarf tree-like plants that are grown in standard pots. Others believe that bonsai is an art form or direction in Eastern philosophy, which is tiny japanese tree like it complements. In fact, bonsai are really tiny trees that are the most exact copy of their tall relatives. They get them - having comprehended all the subtleties of a special type of art, and for years they successfully keep them in their home - only by understanding all the subtleties of Eastern philosophy, based on contemplation, admiration and reflection. Formerly a unique Japanese tree as tall as a normal indoor flower could only be seen at exhibitions. Now bonsai has become incredibly popular and has spread throughout the world. Many Russians also began to master the technique of its cultivation. It is simple only at first glance, but it is fraught with many secrets and features.

Where to begin

If you have firmly decided that you need a tiny tree in a pot, the question arises how to get it. To facilitate the task, you can buy ready-made bonsai in the store. Then the duration of his life in the apartment will depend on the knowledge and compliance with the rules of care. But many adherents of oriental culture certainly want to grow an exotic plant from scratch on their own.

There are different types of bonsai, depending on the type of plant that will be dwarfed. Almost any tree from the garden or from the nearest forest belt can become a candidate. The art of bonsai became famous in Japan, but was born in China during the Tang Dynasty, when one of its rulers wanted to create a miniature copy of his empire. It was then that the smart ancient Chinese came up with the idea of ​​making exactly the same trees out of ordinary trees, only reduced tenfold. They called the new agricultural technique "cultivated on a tray" or bonsai. Thus, following certain techniques, any plant can be turned into a dwarf. But in practice, success often comes with trees that can withstand extreme conditions of existence, namely, to develop in a miniature volume of soil, not to get sick from changes in natural lighting conditions, changes in annual temperatures and watering. Therefore, whatever types of bonsai you choose, it is important to take into account the natural conditions of your pets and strive to get as close to them as possible.

Where to get planting material

As mentioned above, different plants are suitable for bonsai, both coniferous and deciduous. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the size of their leaf blade. Since the potted plant will be miniature, it is desirable that the leaf blades of its prototype are not too large. Otherwise, a small trunk simply will not be able to hold them on itself. The second condition is that the species of plants from which different types of bonsai are created should have a genetic tendency to form a dense crown. Having decided on a candidate, it is necessary to take into account in what soil your future bonsai grows in the wild, with what illumination, at what humidity. All this exactly will need to be recreated at home in a pot. In practice, success is achieved with fruit trees, with citrus fruits, with myrtle, maple, rhododendron, ficus and many others.


There are not only different kinds bonsai, but various technologies its reproduction, or, more correctly, the starting operation of cultivation. Yamadori is considered the simplest technology. It consists in the fact that in the natural habitat the right young tree is being looked at. It is dug in a circle, too powerful roots (if any), truncated and left alone for three months. Then it is removed with a clod of earth and placed in a selected flower pot (bonsainik). For speedy adaptation, the plant is shaded, sprayed, and a temperature regime similar to the natural one is created.


This technology in Russian means trivial cuttings. It is important to respect the timing of this process. For example, in Russia, it is desirable to cut hardwoods at the end of spring, and conifers, on the contrary, at its beginning. Plants from which cuttings are harvested should be at the age of five to ten years. If you strictly follow the rules for harvesting planting material for your bonsai, caring for it in the future will not bring disappointment. Cuttings should be cut only in cloudy weather, cutting off shoots that are not yet stiff. Their length can vary depending on the number of internodes. They should not be less than three and it is not desirable that there be more than five. The upper edge of the handle is made even, and the lower edge is beveled, placed in water, covered with a damp cloth. Another practiced way of toriki is to carefully remove a strip of bark no more than 2 cm wide on a branch that you like, or make an incision on a branch into which a pebble is inserted. This place is abundantly moistened with epin, wrapped with sphagnum, polyethylene on top, fixed and wrapped on both sides to stop the air supply. Moisture is regularly supplied to this compress with a syringe. The twig should take root in about 60 days.


This method is ideal for beginners and means seed propagation. Maples, oaks, myrtle, pomegranate, citrus fruits are suitable for this. You can collect ripe seeds from selected trees, from which bonsai should turn out without any problems. Only for this, the seeds must go through all phases of stratification. To facilitate the task, you can carefully remove already sprouted seeds from the ground in the spring and place ready-made sprouts for the future bonsai in prepared bowls.

Classification according to size

There are not only different types, but also styles of bonsai that differ in size. It's amazing that the world of miniature plants has its own tiny giants and midgets. V international classification allocate:

1. Mame. This group consists of trees up to 20 cm high. Among them:

Keshi-tsubu (Lilliputians in the country of Lilliputians, only up to 2.5 cm high).

Sieve (up to 7.5 cm high, maximum 8 cm).

Gafu (up to 20 cm high).

2. Shohin. This group consists of plants intermediate in size between very small and just small. Here, too, there are two subgroups:

Komono (about 20 cm tall).

Myabi (up to 25 cm).

3. Kifu. The group is in the middle. The plants included in it can grow up to 40 cm.

4. Ty. Plants in this group are almost giants and reach a meter height. Subgroups:

Tyukhin (up to 60 cm).

Omono (up to 100 cm).

5. Bonju. In the world of midget plants, these are already giants, capable of stretching up to 120 cm and above.

Crown shape classification

It turns out that according to how the crown looks, there are also different styles of bonsai. The traditional ones are:

Tekkan (upright trunk, thickening towards the base).

Moyogi (the base and top of the stem are perpendicular to the ground, and the middle is curved).

Sokan (the tree has two stems, each with its own crown, forming something whole).

Syakan (trunk without curvature, but growing to the ground at an angle).

Kengai (trees resemble classic weeping trees, that is, they grow with stems tilted below the pot, as if falling).

Khan kengai (the trunk of the tree is also falling, but the top is always in line with the soil of the bowl, and the outgoing branches resemble independent plants).

Bunzingi (the tree grows with an upright stem, but with a minimum number of branches).

Sekijoju (there are stones in the bowl on the ground, and the roots of the tree seem to braid them).

Ishitsuki (a composition of figured stones is created in a bowl, and plants grow in their crevices).

Hokidati (the stem of the plant is straight, and the branches form a beautiful spherical crown).

- Yose ue (several trees grow in a pot, not a multiple of 4, different in height and age).

Ikadabuki (imitation of a tree, as if collapsed to the ground, from the trunk of which separate branches grow upwards).

Exclusive styles

In addition to the classic ones, which are considered simpler, there are very complex ones in the art of bonsai that require high skill. This:

Netsuranari (a tree has several stems growing from one root, which are intricately intertwined with each other).

Fukinagashi (a complex composition in which the bonsai grows not just at an angle, but in such a way that its branches and leaves are arranged as if the wind were blowing the tree).

Sakei (in a bowl, an imitation of a whole corner of nature is created - a forest or a mountainous area, and bonsai plants make this imitation more natural).

Growing Rules

It is not very difficult to keep a bonsai at home, the care of which is based on the exact observance of the rules. Those who believe that dwarf trees should grow only in the house, as an element of decor, are mistaken. Very often, bonsai compositions are placed outdoors, and they are brought into the house only with the onset of cold weather. If the winters are not severe, bonsai can be left outside, but at the same time, the bowls should be placed in a container with a large diameter, and covered with a dense layer of moss from above to the very branches of the tree.

It is very important that deciduous bonsai in winter, as well as in natural conditions, shed their foliage and remain dormant for some time. To do this, they are taken out to a cool room. The third condition for success is the exact observance of lighting and humidity standards. If the bonsai does not have enough natural light, they additionally turn on the lamps, but at the same time take into account the heat they generate. Support optimal humidity You can use an electric humidifier. If this is not available, the bowl with the plant can be placed in a tray lined with pebbles and half filled with water. The simplest, but also the most ineffective way is spraying the crown of plants.


When the planting material is prepared - cuttings or seeds - the bonsai must be placed in his house. The Japanese and Chinese use for this purpose bowls and low flower pots, glazed or matte, but always with several drainage holes. So that the soil is not washed out of them, the holes are covered with a piece of tile. The shape of the pot can be any. The soil for indoor bonsai is best taken the same as that of its outdoor counterpart. Some masters prepare the soil separately. Everyone has their own recipes. Here are the most common:

A mixture of equal parts of clay, fine gravel, humus, stone chips or sand;

Clay, humus and gravel in ratios (3:5:2);

Clay humus, gravel (1:5:3);

Leaf earth, coke, sand, bark, volcanic soil.

In any case, the soil should easily pass water in order to avoid its stagnation. In addition, experienced craftsmen advise disinfecting the pot and soil before planting. placed in the ground, covered with glass, the entire period of germination is maintained at a warm temperature and moderate humidity. Plants that have hatched and reached the stage of 2-4 leaves dive. In order for the root system to develop, the picking operation must be carried out several more times. Cuttings and seedlings are planted in the same soil as the seeds. For better rooting, the cuttings are covered with a film.


Growing bonsai is unthinkable without a transplant, which must be done every two, maximum three, years before the start of sap flow. This operation is also carried out with suspicion of rotting of the root system. Before transplanting, the plant is left without watering for a couple of days. Remove from the pot with a knife. The soil is carefully removed from the roots, all suspicious roots, and large roots are also removed. The pot is disinfected, filled with a couple of centimeters of new soil, the roots remaining after pruning are straightened with a wooden stick, laid out on the ground, sprinkled with earth, compacted and watered. You can fix the plant with a wire inserted into the drainage hole.

Bonsai (plant): how to care

Keeping small trees is not very difficult. They need to be regularly watered with non-cold water, making sure that the soil in the pot does not remain dry or too waterlogged. During the dormant period, the plants are watered less often, during the growing season more often. Feeding bonsai is a must. Do this from the beginning of the growing season every week, adding sapropel or urea. You can also use mineral fertilizers in the form of granules or solutions. Fertilizers containing a lot of nitrogen are applied after the end of the first wave of growth. With the onset of a dormant period, feeding is stopped. Coniferous bonsai are also not fed in winter. Do not fertilize diseased and recently transplanted plants.

bonsai shaping

How to make an unusual out of an ordinary tree is, perhaps, main question. Technologies are different. In our conditions, maple bonsai is not bad even for beginners. Selecting the desired variety general rules seeds or cuttings are planted, the first year the plant is allowed to get stronger. In the future, they change the appearance of the trunk, gently wrapping it with soft (copper or aluminum) wire. But with maples this does not always work. Most often they are formed by pruning. To stop the growth of the top, new shoots are regularly removed from it. Maple has a rather large leaf blade. To reduce it, grown leaves are removed around the middle of summer, leaving the petiole. The tree for this period is moved to a shady place. In order for the maple bonsai to grow lush, when pruning, you can truncate a too elongated trunk (cover the wound with an antiseptic), remove skeletal branches, pinch young shoots. To give the trunk a slope or bends, a weight can be tied to it during the period of active growth or gently bent in the right direction and secured with copper wire, placing a fabric under it. Several methods can be used to achieve the desired barrel thickness. In some plants, young stems are spliced, planted next to each other and fastened together. For maple, this method is not very successful. The thickness of the trunk in this case is achieved by its truncation.

The technique of cultivating miniature trees originated in China over a thousand years ago. Bonsai literally translates as "plant on a tray." This technique came to Japan with Buddhist monks, who used small trees to decorate the niches of houses, so the plants were no more than 50 cm. And in the 18th century, the Japanese turned this technique into a real art, and therefore a variety of styles arose.

Bonsai can be bought, but the pleasure is not cheap. Therefore, more and more often flower growers independently practice the cultivation of such trees. In order for the venture to be successful, you should first decide on the type of plants suitable for growing on a "tray".

Species diversity of bonsai

Species diversity bonsai is extensive, but beginner growers are advised to start with coniferous plants, because they are long-lived and quite unpretentious.

There are several main types of bonsai that combine certain types of plants:

  1. evergreens that delight with rich greenery at any time of the year
  2. spring bloomers that bloom during the spring months
  3. blooming in summer
  4. capable of throwing flowers only in autumn
  5. with an intricate shape of the trunk and branches that open to the eye after leaf fall

Any plant can be used for bonsai, but heat-loving trees and shrubs should be chosen for indoor floriculture. Most often in apartments and offices you can admire the following views:

  • dwarf pomegranate
  • xora
  • acacia
  • bougainvillea
  • , or firs
  • fruit representatives of the garden, among which are distinguished, or
  • oak trees

Some craftsmen also practice more fastidious representatives of green nature to create bonsai. For inexperienced craftsmen who decide to grow a miniature forest or garden in the house, any seeds of undemanding plants will do. Wisteria is often used, the small flowers of which densely cover the branches and make the plant very decorative.

The secret to making a small copy garden tree consists in constant pruning of the crown. In order to grow bonsai from seeds at home, you will need a lot of patience and a great desire. It may not work on the first try, so you have to start all over again.

Growing process miniature plant quite long and requires constant attention.

Conventionally, the bonsai cultivation technique can be divided into three main stages:

  1. Care of the seed over a long period of time, which can stretch for years. The plant should be chosen taking into account the climatic conditions of the region. Ficus and pine are considered the most adapted.
  2. Growth care. The most crucial moment that requires tireless attention. A young plant needs to be aired frequently. And when four full-fledged leaves appear, the sprout should be transplanted and two months later, start feeding. In winter, it is advisable to move the plant to the windowsill, and gradually reduce top dressing to nothing.
  3. Maintenance of an adult tree. It is necessary to constantly monitor the degree of illumination and maintain an optimal level of humidity by periodic spraying. After a certain period of time, bonsai begin.

It is important for little green friends to create optimal conditions especially in the early stages of growth. To do this, you should study the features and preferences of the chosen culture and satisfy all its whims.

The secret of decorative bonsai is that the trees need to be grown in a permanent container, periodically pruning the crown and roots. Thanks to such segments, the balance of the ground and underground parts of the plant is achieved, and the desired crown is also formed. In addition to pruning, other equally important cultivation conditions should be taken into account.

Care Tips:

  1. Accommodation. If you choose the right type of plant, then you can grow it both indoors and outdoors. The main thing is to provide a sufficient amount of light and periodic ventilation. It is also necessary to remember that some cultures have a rest period. These include decorative maple or. Some types of plants should first be kept indoors, and then transplanted into the garden. Experienced gardeners say that there are no completely outdoor crops, because if the plant is placed in a room and the necessary conditions are created, then they will gradually acclimatize and will grow no worse than on the street.
  2. Choice of capacity soil preparation. The bonsai technique involves the use of light soils with good drainage capacity. Water stagnation should not be allowed, so you need to equip the container with high-quality drainage. A variety of containers are selected, but containers of different geometric shapes are often taken to create creative compositions. The main thing is that they are not deep - this will allow them to develop correctly. In this case, you need to ensure that the color of the container is in harmony with the color of the plant itself.
  3. Watering. Based on the fact that the size of the container is quite limited, certain methods have been developed for irrigating such plants. This is either direct watering, or placing a bonsai pot in a container of water. The frequency of irrigation depends on the chosen crop: some plants can easily tolerate periods of drought, while others require constant moisture. If bonsai preferences are not taken into account, then the root system may suffer, leading to death. It is better to water miniature trees with rainwater, but tap water is also suitable if it is cleaned and allowed to settle. The temperature of the irrigation water should be close to the air temperature.
  4. Also, plants need spraying to maintain the required level of humidity. Such events are held several times a day in the summer. Procedures allow the plant not only to freshen up, but also wash off dust particles from the leaves.
  5. Bonsai should be fed once every 7-10 days. For this, any garden fertilizers are used: urea, sapropel and others. also make top dressing based on algae, but twice as rarely. Top dressing provides nutrition and strengthens the crop, due to the replenishment of nutrients in the soil. Top dressings are applied in the form of powders, granules or solutions.

But when feeding, you should follow a few basic rules:

  • at the initial stages of development, fertilizers with a low nitrogen content are used - they significantly accelerate growth
  • high nitrogen concentration is acceptable with stronger leaves, when the first wave of growth has subsided
  • in spring and autumn, it is customary to use complex balanced fertilizers. Plants with periods of sleep, stop feeding before the onset of cold weather

Feeding should be discarded if the bonsai is sick, weak or just transplanted.

Crown formation rules

To reduce the size of the plant, you can use various methods:

  • Seasonal pruning, which is the key to success in growing, but it must be done correctly, otherwise the plant will die.
  • The direction of growth of branches and trunk using copper or aluminum wire.
  • Creating the illusion of an old tree. To do this, remove the bark from the trunk of a living tree. But this must be done very carefully so as not to destroy the plant.

It is the main method of crown formation. It allows you to reduce the size of the tree, form the location of the main branches, and also stimulate the growth of young shoots. But during such events, bonsai is under heavy stress, so manipulations can only be carried out on healthy and strong specimens.

Several types of pruning are used when forming bonsai:

  • forming when large branches are cut out and the trunk is truncated, creating the shape of the future plant
  • shortening the branches, which allows you to increase the volume and give a neat look
  • light cutting of young shoots
  • pinching to limit growth
  • pruning roots - for the growth of a new root mass

Moreover, pruning of the roots and crown should be proportional and balanced.

Interest in the bonsai technique prompted gardeners and breeders to a series of experiments, thanks to which the style of this method of growing plants was formed. To date, there are quite a few styles of bonsai, including:

  • "Chokkan" is presented in a classic upright style with simple and clear lines. This style is preferred by beginners.
  • "Shakkan" - expressed in a tilted tree.
  • "Sokkan" has a forked barrel.
  • "Moegi" is distinguished by a peculiar irregularly shaped trunk, but the top of the crown is directed vertically.
  • "Fukinagashi" looks like a tree bent in half, the trunk of which is parallel to the ground.
  • Group plantings that depict a miniature grove.
  • "Kengai", growing in a cascade.

Also used are styles growing in a stone tree or with a bare root system. But before choosing a particular style, you should find out from experienced flower growers the nuances of their formation and cultivation. Only after the consultation it will become clear how difficult it is to grow such beauty.

Bonsai is not only beautiful miniatures, it is a corner of wildlife in enclosed space(room or house).

The presence of such a living corner is always able to settle joy and good mood in the soul, calm the shattered nervous system and minimize discord in the family. The presence of bonsai, as it were, reminds that a person is a piece of pristine nature, which modern people have long forgotten about, being in constant pursuit of technical progress.

More information can be found in the video: