Wood carving: everything a novice master needs to know. Wood carving lessons for beginners

It is not difficult to master the skill of woodcarving. Real mastery comes both with experience and with the acquisition of an increasingly high-quality instrument. Today we will tell you about where to start and what basic skills you need to master in order to seriously try yourself as a carver.

The simplest tools and workbench

The work of a cutter always begins with the production of blanks. Therefore, the first thing you need to acquire is a basic set of tools for woodworking. Well, since artistic carving requires a fairly high precision and quality of processing, the arsenal should be expanded.

There should be several hacksaws at your disposal: for longitudinal and transverse cuts, as well as a fitting one and with a fine tooth for metal. Cut marks are removed using rasps, round and flat, preferably with different grain sizes. More fine processing is carried out sandpaper different types... You should keep two wooden bars: round and rectangular profiles, which are convenient to use as a basis for sandpaper.

1 - a hacksaw for wood; 2 - hacksaw (obuskovaya); 3 - hacksaw for metal; 4 - a set of wood rasps; 5 - a block for sanding paper

For preliminary design of blanks, planes and sherhebel are used. It is convenient to select large pieces of wood with the help of a sharply honed carpenter's hatchet, on the rim of which a hammer casting is made, as well as a chisel different widths and edge profile.

1 - various planers; 2 - a hatchet with a hammer on the butt; 3 - a set of chisels

And yet the most important thing for a novice carver is a properly designed and convenient workbench... It must be equipped in accordance with the regulations for the organization of carpentry workplaces, taking into account individual requirements, such as height or arm length. The table must be equipped with a mechanism that allows you to quickly fix and unfasten the workpiece being processed. This includes both joinery vices and clamps as well as adjustable (repositionable) thrust blocks. different forms.

Special devices, power tools

Having everything you need to prepare parts for carving, you need to individually assemble a set of tools for fine work. The basis of such a set is a set of high-quality finishing chisels and cutters of various shapes and sizes. There are two ways to go: purchase middle hand a set of 8-12 items, or buy one or two copies of a quality tool that are missing for mastering a certain technique or carving scheme.

Also, a good carpenter is distinguished by a correctly selected marking tool: rulers, squares, planers, protractors, calipers, vernier calipers, pencils of different densities. Wood carving is always carried out according to a previously thought out scheme, in accordance with which a template is made for each individual product. So get in the habit of not throwing it away carton boxes and trimming thin sheet materials like plastic or LMDF.

1 - combined square; 2 - marking gauge; 3 - protractor with a ruler; 4 - calipers; 5 - construction pencils; 6 - vernier caliper

To study small parts several knives must be available different sizes, one or two shavings, circular cutter, punches of various shapes and sizes. To speed up the process and increase the processing accuracy, it is possible to use electric engravers, chisels and renovators. Up to a dozen trigger clamps will find their application, especially when assembling composite products on a glued joint.

1 - knives for wood carving; 2 - punches; 3 - electric mesh; 4 - quick-clamping clamp; 5 - shavings; 6 - renovator

Finally, in the arsenal of every self-respecting cutter there should be a good mains drill and at least the simplest vibration grinder with replaceable soles. As for the jigsaw, it must be at least semi-professional grade, otherwise you will have to make large machining allowances, and the quality of the through thread will inevitably suffer. If you are thoroughly interested in working with wood, do not forget to think over a system for removing dust and shavings in time.

1 - power drill; 2 - vibration grinder; 3 - jigsaw

Start with small crafts

The complete list of the essentials is a little overwhelming. But it always makes sense to first try the work "on the knee" in order to assess the level of dedication and understand true meaning buying an expensive and high-quality tool in the future.

It is possible to make small crafts, even if there are only two or three basic cutters, a table and a set of sandpaper of different grain sizes. As the first work, it is recommended to choose cutting kitchen boards or decorative figures up to 200x200 mm in size: animals, plants, miniature houses and similar small things.

Such products contain all the basic elements of wood carving: a framing raised edge, an internal through thread and a raised plane carving. The bottom line is that it is not necessary to adhere to strict dimensions and tolerances in crafts, it is much more important to feel the reaction of the tree to the cutting tool, its plasticity, the difference in density in adjacent fibers and other characteristic features.

When muscle memory is developed for certain methods of work, move on to more complex products. At this stage, you should be puzzled with the manufacture of photo frames, chests, boxes. The next level of difficulty is composite products and wooden mechanics. Starting from the well-known composition "A man and a bear" and ending with wooden three-dimensional puzzles or mechanisms with an abundance of gears.

Performing work of this complexity, you will develop and maintain the skill of accurate woodcarving, and this is not neglected even by the hardened pros.

Through and blind threads: how to work

Before starting cutting, the outer shape is first marked on the workpiece (board, board), after which everything unnecessary is removed with a jigsaw. The surface for the threads must be perfectly flat, smooth and free from defects. The template (stencil) is transferred to the cleaned surface of the tree with distinct thin lines.

Threads are classified into two groups: through and blind flat-relief. Cut out first closed loops in the center of the parts: a hole is drilled in each of them, then the figure is cut out along the line with a jigsaw. It is necessary to orient the cut 1-1.5 mm inside the contour, leaving a small layer of wood for further processing. When the figure is cut, its edges are cleaned until the cut marks are removed and a rectangular edge is obtained that exactly matches the marking pattern.

The relief of the edges is given either with a hand mill or with chisels and chisels. The edge can be beveled with a regular straight chamfer, inner or outer edge of a rounded profile. With this, everything is simple: choose a tool of the appropriate size and profile, start with a notch and, removing wood with chips 0.5-1 mm thick, go around the shape along the contour.

It is more difficult to work with edges that require cascading cuts in several tiers. First, you need to mark with a thickness gauge the width of the entry of the widest part of the thread and remove the first tier, then consistently mark and remove all subsequent ones. Please note that the design of the outer edges of the product also belongs to the through thread.

Deaf technique embossed carving more varied. It can be as all kinds of grooves and grooves cut along a pre-drawn contour, as well as a series of grooves or notches of different sizes and geometric shape... Moving from simple shapes to more complex ones, you will develop spatial representation, learn how to shoot wood layer by layer, and eventually move on to making sculptures and bas-reliefs. In this vein, practice is of decisive importance - the more there is, the less real complexity the work causes.

Common mistakes

As a conclusion, we will cite common mistakes that prevent novice carvers from fully mastering the tool or switching to new level skill:

  1. Working with raw wood: all workpieces should be low moisture (12-13%) and good quality.
  2. Too much deepening of the tool: woodcarving does not accept haste, you need to remove excess in fragments that are extremely small, but at the same time commensurate with the scale of the figure.
  3. The heterogeneity of the wood is not taken into account: by carving rounded ornaments, you direct cutting edge then along, then across the fibers, overcoming areas with different densities. The pressure of the tool and the size of the fragments to be deleted must be changed accordingly.
  4. Lack of consistency: Each shape or pattern must be carefully worked out, tried out on rough drafts, and broken down into several sequential steps.
  5. Finally, the desire to embrace everything at once: do not forget that some skills are acquired only with time and provided that the carver is constantly practiced. Improve your qualifications all the time, prioritize the quality of processing, and over time it is even obvious challenging tasks will become easy for you in their organized and thoughtful implementation.

Wood carving is a broad concept that encompasses any kind of work associated with transforming a piece of wood into an aesthetic object using special tool... Wood carving is almost always aesthetics, and rarely carries any functional significance, although in some cases it can also be functional, such as in the cases of furniture making. self made, special devices or cladding panels... Wood carving has a history of thousands of years, and traces of this art can be found in almost every corner of our planet.

Compared to other types of art, such as stone sculptures, ancient examples of wood carving are not so widely represented as over time, wood deteriorates and decays much faster. Some interesting specimens appeared in ancient egypt... These are, for example, beautiful decorative wooden panels with drawings and inscriptions carved on them, or the famous sarcophagi of mummies found in various tombs. A particularly interesting example of carpentry, about 6,000 years old, was found in Egypt. It is a sarcophagus that was made of sycamore wood and decorated with bronze, ebony, rock crystal and quartz.

Christianity contributed to a new round in the development of woodcarving, and samples of this time are well preserved to this day, and their bulk falls on the period 500 - 1500 BC. Carving examples from this era often illustrate Christ and images of other saints. In those days, wood was made for churches. decorative panels with beautiful carvings telling about the life and death of Christ. Around the same time, in Japan, Buddhism was experiencing its rise and gave rise to woodcarving. Special cutting styles were developed, which led to the creation of many different types of wooden Buddha sculptures.

One of the most simple forms wood carving is planing, which consists in removing excess parts of a wooden object with a simple knife. Most often, soft types of wood are used for planing. a regular knife may not be able to handle cutting hard wood. As a rule, planing is a kind of hobby, passion, but it can take more serious forms and produce beautiful objects of art. Some planers make very beautiful pieces of wood. Canes and various wooden Toys and trinkets. The main difference between planing and other forms of wood carving is that it uses a regular knife and not a chisel or any other professional tool.

There are many different tools that can be used in wood carving, and craftsmen take their chisels and chisels with great trepidation. Each type of tool has a different size and shape, allowing the woodworker to do his job with high precision... The mallet is used to increase the force of impact cutting tool on hard wood, and for rigid fixation of the workpiece to be processed, a special vice is installed on the workbench. The main set of tools includes: a chisel, which is a powerful blade with a straight edge and is used to mark and level flat areas on a piece of wood; a semicircular chisel in the shape of a curved blade and used for making rounds and cutting depressions; triangular chisel, which is essentially a chisel for deeper cutting; V-shaped blade for contouring; and a knife for cutting wood, used in small jobs of a different nature.

How to become a carver.
The training begins with your desire to learn the craft of a carver. As soon as you started looking for a teacher for yourself, you did the first and main step... When you crossed the threshold of the workshop, you made the second important step... Then you just need not to stray from the chosen path. To start cutting, you need one thing - the determination to do it.

Where are the carving lessons
Classes are held at my home in small room... So maximum amount, simultaneously engaged in students, only 5 people.

Our carving starts with a "triangular-notched geometric"... Here the basics are comprehended and the initial setting of the cut takes place. I am showing the basic elements. In the lesson, the student works through the material, understands the principle of knife movements. And at home there is a working off and "stuffing" hands.

About what ornaments are and how to create them I try to tell stories on the Internet, on the website http://struzhki.ru and in the Live Journal http://rezchikdereva.livejournal.com/. We study reliefs, dishes, sculpture in the same way. But the training program is not limited to rigid boundaries. If a student came with some knowledge (not from "scratch"), I will not acquaint him a second time with what he already knows. And those who want to cut something different from the program will be supported both in word and deed.

Patience and consistency
But "jumping" over the planned stages I do not welcome. The wheel principle works in learning. Each the new kind like a spoke in a wheel. And before you get to the farthest, you have to touch everyone else. If you do everything in order, knowledge is better absorbed. Let me give you an example.

Skipping "geometry", You immediately get to the stage of reliefs, where instead of one knife, you have to work with a set of tools. And not having the confidence of movements, you get a task where you need to focus on the depth of the thread, the cleanliness of the cut, the smoothness of the lines. And what accuracy can be when your hands are still shaking uncertainly, and you have to think about each instrument.

Skipping reliefs, You find yourself in an even more unpleasant situation. Dishes: spoons, bowls, trays are easy to cut. But you do not know how to cut with this tool, and you see it for the first time, as a result, the carving will be tiresomely long. And having cut out, finally, your spoon, you will understand that you cannot decorate it with carvings, because you have not gone through the reliefs or "geometry".

And a completely unfortunate option, to start with a sculpture. On the reliefs, the instrument is studied, on the dishes, the primary understanding of volume. Without this knowledge, it will be difficult to approach

These statements did not come from my head, but from practice. I tried everything, and now I think that the program is on the best path.

How do we acquire the instrument.
Even at the dawn of creating my own courses for beginner carvers, I had to study the instrumental market of Moscow.
The first subject of the search was, of course, the jamb knife... I will not name companies and people who produce bad tools. It is better to voice all the good things that I managed to find or create. My requirements for the knife were not overestimated, I was only interested in the durability of the sharpening. Because I sharpen the entire student's tool until people master sharpening themselves. The process is manual, without an electric sharpener. For me, this is the best and favorite way to create a good chamfer plane and sharp tip at the incisor. Naturally, I did not want to sharpen broken or dull iron all day and night. For about 1.5 years there was a "rejection" of goods from shops and markets.

It turned out that there is simply no such knife. There was a search for a master to make homemade knives. And one day I remembered that once, during my studies, my brother made an instrument for me. To my delight, Alexander agreed to help. He did it for six months, and I tested different joints in my work, looking for the most convenient tip angle, the best sharpening angle, even the length of the handle changed several times. As a result, a universal version of the knife was found. By the way, on the forum Carved Alexander posted an MK on the manufacture of this particular knife.

The knife problem has been resolved. But then it's time to buy chisels ...

This is the case today. Any student has the right to come with his own instrument. If the tool is not of high quality, the first thing we will go through in the lesson will be sharpening. I provide an opportunity to buy locally made by my brother, inexpensive and quality tool... When buying cutters and chisels, I give advice on all brands that I know, but the choice still remains with the student.

Now our toolbox is as follows: Tools from Alexander, these are cutters that are either expensive in the store, or, in general, the problem is to find. Jamb knives with different angles, Bogorodsky knife, straight chisels, ordinary, and Japanese type with a long handle, straight cranberries to align the selected background.

We buy "cool" semicircular chisels and semicircular cranberries from Viktor Kuznetsov.

Sloping chisels have to be recruited from the branded Petrov and Son, Kirshen, Pfayl. But the big sculptural ones take the cheap forged Belarusian ones.

I try to keep abreast of all the new products on the market and research new tools when I can.

We can do without injuries
I pay great attention to safety precautions in the classroom. From the first lesson, the student learns how to cut without injury. There are plenty of clamps and vices so that you do not have to hold the work with one hand and cut with the other. There are safety stops at every workplace. We DO NOT cut on our knees. Just a table, clamps, and a vice.

And if I'm not an artist
You may not be able to draw at all, but be a carver. Strange, but true. Novice carvers are faced with copying ornaments more often than with artistic drawing.

With the modern capabilities of computers, it will not be difficult for anyone to enlarge or reduce a sketch. And the Internet is now a storehouse of ornaments and carvings. Drawing will be needed by anyone who wants to invent and implement their ideas in the tree. It's in to a greater extent concerns ornaments and flat reliefs (panels). Sculpting requires a different experience - sculpting.

Learning to sculpt from plasticine... Prolepka makes it possible to see the flaws of the sculptural forms and correct them at the stage of the model. Those who sculpted at least once appreciated what kind of assistance in carving ... plasticine provides.

Sharp mind and tool

I teach sharpening without fail. You will need: sandpaper, a utility block, and goi paste on a belt. We do not use any expensive materials.

Companions, competitors or friends

We communicate a lot both in class and on the Internet, and we try to meet more often during non-class times. Sometimes people in groups become so good friends that one meeting a week is not enough for them. That is why we had meetings in cafes, barbecues and even went on a hike once. The origins of the contests are also laid here. Although the competition carries the spirit of competition, well, the spirit is friendly and positive. Only those who wish can participate. But everyone can join the event, and just have a nice time with like-minded people.

The article uses photographs of works by: Evgenia Popkova, Yegor Sidorenko, Pavel Latyshev, Olga Kachalova, Strakhini.

Creative people who want to keep themselves busy with a very interesting and useful business should pay attention to woodcarving for beginners. V Lately this type of creativity is becoming more and more popular, although some time ago it was almost completely forgotten. Before engaging in such a business, it is necessary to understand that this type of work can be quite dangerous, therefore it cannot be recommended to children who have not yet learned how to handle sharp objects. And adults who are going to engage in woodcarving should understand for themselves all the rules for using tools. For wood carving, not only ordinary, but also electrical fixtures... They require careful adherence to safety precautions.

Whereas one glance at an instrument is enough for experienced virtuoso craftsmen to determine its quality, beginners often get lost in all the variety presented in stores. Experts assure that in this case, the most expensive option will not always be the best, since brand promotion, advertising, transportation from other countries, and so on, play an important role. Those who are engaged in woodcarving on a professional basis know that domestic tools can simply be of excellent quality, but cost three times cheaper than foreign counterparts.

In addition, there may be a ton of other tools in the wizard's kit. They may be needed for the manufacture of complex work. For beginners, the very minimum will be enough, but of good quality, so that the hands immediately get used to the correct movements. Experts recommend that novice craftsmen stock up on a set of a dozen tools and gradually improve their skills and replenish their arsenal.

Material for work

In addition to the tools, it is very important to choose the right wood for the job. This task is very difficult for beginners, so you need to heed the advice experienced craftsmen... Each type of material has its own pros and cons. If the wood is soft, it is quite easy to work with it, but in this case there are a lot of defective products. This includes aspen, linden and birch. When it comes about wood carving for beginners, a video about which can be seen below, such wood options are most suitable.

If you have a lot of knowledge and experience allows you to work with more expensive types of wood, you can take oak, boxwood or mahogany. These materials are more expensive and more difficult to work with. They are distinguished by their durability and hardness, which is not always good, since it is difficult to cut from such wood. Craftsmen are often injured from working with hard woods, as any careless movement can lead to trouble. As a result, either the person or his instrument suffers.

For contour wood carving and slotted carving, it is recommended to use coniferous wood... It is quite simple to apply large ornaments on spruce or pine. However, it must be borne in mind that some irregularities may appear between the growth rings when working with a chisel. The point is that the difference in the density of the wood will cause the instrument to jump.

Virtuoso craftsmen love to work with aspen, linden, and juniper; beginners can be advised to look closely at conifers, that is, spruce or pine. For the first work, you can use and inexpensive material, such as pear or birch.

For a wood carver, a router is one of the indispensable assistants. With his participation, you can make a lot of different works of any type of complexity. If a professional knows the principles of working with a hand router well, wood can be used to create products for various purposes. Moreover, such a skill will always be useful in homework. For example, using a router, you can quickly and accurately cut a hole, insert a door lock, or attach hinges to doors.

People who are often faced with woodworking should know how to properly handle a router. The most common version of the tool in use today is submersible. With the help of such a tool, you can perform any work that is associated with milling or carving. For creative work, it is necessary to carefully choose a cutter, with the help of which the wood is processed. Depending on the shape of the working head of the tool, the type of processing of a workpiece made of wood will also differ. With the help of milling wood carving, pictures can be obtained of any complexity. For wood carving, this tool is used very widely. Especially often you can find carved wooden furniture, processed by a milling cutter. For this, special templates are often used, which make it possible to obtain symmetrical patterns. In addition, the router can be used both for inserting locks and for creating beautiful wooden fittings.

One of the very interesting options for using a hand router is artistic wood carving, a video about which can be seen just below. This tool is widely used for both embossing and slotting work. Experts recommend using bearingless V-shaped and fillet cutters for artistic carving. With such adaptations, a creative person can create a true masterpiece.

When working with a router, it is very important to observe safety precautions, since this tool is traumatic and can harm a person. If there are no or very few skills in working with the device, it is worth practicing for a start on soft wood in order to "fill your hand".

One of the most convenient types of woodworking is woodcarving with a jigsaw using a pattern, a photo of which can be found below. With this tool, artistic cutting turns into an interesting activity, the result of which is an original interior detail. Even small decorations for the door will significantly transform its appearance. It is worth noting that for this kind of work, flat-relief carving with a jigsaw is ideal.

Creative work is able to perfectly cheer up, good results will be a reason for the master's pride, which often pushes to perform new feats, already more impressive. At the same time, it is with a jigsaw that experts recommend starting training for beginners. A little effort and time, and the hands themselves will understand which grip will be the most convenient for high-quality cutting.

Smoothness is important when working with a jigsaw. All movements of the master should be slow, without sudden movements, in order to avoid distortions and not spoil the material. In those places where the line should turn, it is worth turning the workpiece itself, and not the tool, to achieve uniformity. Along the edge of the cuts, there will definitely be uneven edges that need to be gotten rid of. Tools such as a file, file, and sandpaper will help with this.

One of the most exciting, fun activities is wood carving. Everyone can comprehend the basics of this skill. It will take very little time to master this noble skill and start creating delightful creations. Such products are durable, beautiful and practical, respectively, they will find a place in any home.

Woodcarving is one of the most exciting, fun activities

Before you start working with wood, you need to stock up on all the necessary tools. After all, if the master lacks something, the clipping will be problematic. Yes, and pleasure from such a creative process is unlikely to be obtained.

What devices and tools are needed:

  • saw;
  • brace or hand drill;
  • plane;
  • semicircular and flat chisels;
  • a set of knives;
  • small ax;
  • drill.

In stores, you can even see special sets of tools designed for carving. They are most likely suitable for beginners, since experienced carvers are too scrupulous in the choice of each individual tool.

Gallery: wood carving (25 photos)

Wood carving lesson for beginners (video)

How to learn to do geometric carving with your own hands: the basics

The main elements of geometric cutting are various geometric figures ... This kind of creativity is often used to transform various household items and even furniture. The simplest technique, which even beginners can do, is a triangular-notched thread, due to the minimum number of tools.

  • softwood;
  • jamb knife;
  • ruler;
  • pencil.

Various geometric shapes are considered the main elements of geometric cutting.


  1. Draw a pair of parallel lines with a line height exactly one centimeter.
  2. Make staggered marks every centimeter.
  3. Draw teeth in the form of triangles and mark them in the very center.
  4. Connect the center of the triangle with the corners.
  5. Deepen the toe of the incisor in the center to a depth of about five millimeters.
  6. Tilt the heel of the incisor alternately to all corners of the triangle.
  7. Tilting the cutter to the right, cut out one side of the triangle.
  8. After that, turn the workpiece 90 degrees, cut the second side.
  9. Do the same with the third party.
  10. Cut out other triangles as well, resulting in a pattern called Single Triangles.
  11. Mark the centers of the triangles at the top and connect them to the corners.
  12. Similar to the previous step, cut out these details.
  13. Re-trace the line and apply a similar pattern.
  14. Cut out the triangles at the top and immediately mark the lower ones, also cut them out.

Sand all sloppy areas with sandpaper.

Wood carving for children

Even children can cut the simplest patterns on wood. Naturally, we are not talking about three-year-old kids, but at the age of ten, children can already try their hand at this skill. Better start carving simple elements, for example, a flower ornament.

Required tools and materials:

  • wood blank;
  • pencil;
  • tracing paper;
  • chisel corner;
  • semicircular narrow and wide chisels.

Even children can cut the simplest patterns on wood.

Cutting in stages:

  1. Transfer the scheme first to tracing paper, and then not to a tree.
  2. First, trim the contour of the central circle, then cut from the outer circle using a semicircular chisel.
  3. Mark the flower petals.
  4. Use a corner chisel to cut the petals along the contour.
  5. Remove excess wood between the petals using the same tool.
  6. Cut out the outer contour of the petals with a semicircular chisel.
  7. Using a large semicircular chisel, make a couple of cuts towards the outline from the center of the flower.
  8. In order to increase the area of ​​the incision, it is necessary to perform the same manipulations one more time.
  9. Round off the center of the flower by expanding a chisel for this.

Make several cuts with a corner chisel in the center of the flower.

How to carve a pattern on wood

Beginners cannot immediately cut pictures and fully master relief cutting, but make a simple pattern on wooden board they will not be a problem. Moreover, this does not require a lot of tools. All that is needed is a simple clerical knife and a few other little things.


  1. It is necessary to choose an ornament, or to come up with it yourself.
  2. Attach the ornament to the cardboard and circle with the stylus.
  3. Draw the outer contours of the stencil on the board.
  4. Immediately cut and inner by placing the knife at an angle.
  5. Cut out all the other details.
  6. Cut all the contours with a knife again.
  7. Refine all details.
  8. Treat the surface, thereby creating the illusion of volume.
  9. Round off the contours, cut off all existing sharp corners.
  10. Work out every detail, give it volume.

Beginners cannot immediately cut pictures and fully master relief cutting.

Sand the surface and varnish.

How to make a decorative plate out of wood: a master class

In order to move on to the manufacture of complex wood products, it is not enough just to read a self-instruction manual on this skill. This requires certain skills. You don't need to be scared by doing a few simple jobs you can safely start making a decorative plate. Everything will certainly work out.

Required materials and tools:

  • linden board;
  • jigsaw;
  • cutters for woodwork;
  • sandpaper.

In order to move on to the manufacture of complex wood products, it is not enough just to read a self-instruction manual on this skill.


  1. Smoothly, without the slightest jerks, cut the board, give it the desired shape.
  2. Sand the wood immediately.
  3. In technology geometric thread cut out the triangles.
  4. Use a semicircular cutter to cut a recess along the perimeter of the oval.
  5. Increase the depth gradually.
  6. Smooth out the formed grooves and sand them with sandpaper.
  7. Saturate the product linseed oil or simply soak in strong tea.

Sand the dry plate with sandpaper.

Not every raw material is suitable for cutting, because the final result depends on its choice. There are both hard and soft varieties. Each variety has its own advantages and disadvantages, a special processing technology is assumed.

Among the soft rocks, the following can be distinguished:

  • Pine;
  • aspen;
  • Linden;
  • juniper;
  • Birch.

Advantage soft material in the ease of processing. At the same time, it is much easier to spoil soft wood, just one wrong movement is enough.

Hard varieties that are used in the creative process:

  • boxwood;
  • Red tree.

The price of hardwood is quite high. Despite this, carvers prefer to use them, since products from them are not only beautiful, but also durable.

In addition to the hardness of the material, its color should also be considered. Light-colored wood may soon darken at the cut points. Therefore, when cutting large ornaments, it is recommended to use coniferous raw materials.

Geometric wood carving for beginners (video)

Many are frightened by this kind of creativity as wood cutting. The job seems difficult and exhausting. In fact, even a child can cope with simple tasks. After a while, any beginner can acquire the necessary skills to make real masterpieces in the future.