Why are filters used in water treatment? Types of water filters and their characteristics

Today, there are different ways to filter water. Let's consider some of them.

This method is considered the simplest. With the mechanical method of filtration, water passes through a mesh or sieve. Mechanical filtration is widely used in water treatment plants.

This method involves the sorption of charged ions, after the absorption of one ion, another ion enters the solution, it is he who is in the composition of the sorbent. The ion that must be removed from the liquid stops on the sorbent. This is how the so-called "harmful" ions are replaced by other "harmless ions".

Sorbents that work according to this principle are usually called ion exchangers or ion-exchange materials.

Ion exchangers have the ability to remove one type of dissolved salts from water (for example, magnesium salts, calcium salts) and replace them with others (for example, sodium salts).

Basically, ion exchange is used to remove nitrates and heavy metal cations from the liquid, which can cause irreparable harm to human health.

The water ionizer softens hard water by removing magnesium and calcium from it.

Electrochemical Filtration

This method is based on oxidation and reduction reactions. They occur in water when a strong electric current is applied to it. As a result of this process, "living water" and "dead water" are formed.

This method is quite cheap. It is advantageous to use it, since at low cost you can get high performance.

Electrochemical filtration systems are mainly used for industrial cleaning, and not for drinking water filtration.

Using this type of purification, you can get rid of all the microorganisms in the water. But the downside is that some organic substances are destroyed along with microorganisms.

In addition, no one can know the exact composition of the original water, so it is not known how a strong electric current affects it and what the reaction of the substances in the water will be. Such reactions can eventually render the compounds completely unsuitable for consumption.

Sorption and sorption filters

Sorption is the process of absorption of impurities from a gas or liquid by solid substances, the name of which is sorbents.

A liquid or gas is passed through a sorption filter (a vessel filled with a sorbent). Thus, sorption purification takes place. The most important thing is to choose the right sorbent and cleaning mode, in which case you can achieve a good result and remove all harmful impurities from the gas or liquid. It is on this principle that the operation of filter systems for water and gas masks is based.

Most often, activated carbon is used as a sorbent. Every year it is produced in huge quantities, it is able to remove impurities of various origins from water.

But there is also such a sorbent of natural origin as zeolite. It is a fairly strong sorbent. Zeolite purifies water from various chemical compounds, viruses, pathogens, nitrates, radioactive elements, and so on. In addition, zeolite has the ability to enrich water with potassium and magnesium.

Physical and chemical cleaning method. It is used to clean waste pipes from colloidal impurities, fine particles, dissolved impurities. Recently, water purification tablets have become popular. These tablets include the following - aquasept, clorcept, pantocid, aquatabs, hydrochlonasone. With the help of one such tablet, 0.5-0.7 liters of water can be disinfected in 20-25 minutes. In case of severe water pollution, the dose is doubled.

Sodium hypochlorite is also used to disinfect water. This substance has been used for a very long time, it destroys various microorganisms. The most effective method of disinfection is the use of sodium hypochlorite, which is obtained by electrolysis of two to four percent solutions of sodium chloride.

The bactericidal action of sodium hypochlorite can be compared with the action of dissolved chlorine.

This method involves filtering water using a reverse osmosis membrane. Through the membrane, which is represented by a kind of sieve, water is passed, and all the impurities that are dissolved in it are retained.

Such systems guarantee highly purified water as a result, which is very close to distilled water in its quality. With this method, it is possible to purify the liquid even from chloride and sodium ions.

Reverse osmosis devices must contain activated carbon, because the membrane cannot trap bacteria and highly volatile organic substances.

Disadvantages of reverse osmosis filtration:

  • The cost of such installations is quite high, so not everyone can afford to purchase it.
  • The productivity of reverse osmosis plants is low, they can purify 20-25 liters of water per day.
  • Before purifying water by this method, it is necessary to carry out mechanical purification of the liquid.
  • In addition to harmful impurities and substances, all the necessary substances are also removed from the water, so it does not contain trace elements that the body needs. After filtering, they need to be added.
  • After filtration, only 25-35% of water is obtained.


This method is not used often. Distillation is the purification of water by evaporating it and then condensing the steam.

In this way, it is possible to carry out the separation of the liquid from the solids contained in it. Distillation systems must contain activated carbon.

Many are interested in how to choose a water purification system? But in order to answer this question, you need to know what you have to clear it of. For this purpose, bacteriological and chemical analyzes are initially carried out.

Ways to make water drinkable: Video

Modern centralized water supply communications, as we all know, take water from natural sources - freshwater rivers, and after processing it at special treatment plants (industrial filters are used to purify water), it seems to become suitable for consumption.

But, unfortunately, even modern treatment plants, which have at least 14 stages of mechanical and chemical water purification, cannot always cope with all the impurities that are contained in river water.

In addition to the microorganisms themselves contained in river water, there are chemicals and heavy particles - the results of environmental pollution by industry. In addition, when passing through a metal water pipe, water also collects iron particles that have peeled off from the inner walls.

As a result, a large part of this garbage comes along with “drinking” water to your tap in the apartment. It is clear that the use of all this in the body threatens with health consequences, boiling water does little, therefore it is worth playing it safe and installing a filter for drinking water purification in your own water supply.

Types of filters for water purification by purification method

Although the environment is bad and this affects the water, it is still pleasing that various types of water filters have appeared on the market, when choosing which, the first thing to pay attention to is the cleaning method that is used in one form or another of the water filter.

The method of water purification by a filter determines its efficiency, durability, and cost, including consumables (cartridges).

So, today there are already six types of water filter materials, their list is as follows:

  • mechanical water purification filters;
  • filters of the ion-exchange method of water purification;
  • water purification filters by reverse osmosis;
  • filters of the physico-chemical method of water purification;
  • electric water filters.

The lower you go on this list, the more high-tech device for purifying drinking water at home can be observed. It is also important to note that, at the same time, the wear resistance of the device increases, and the latter does not even have used elements in general.

Mechanical water filters are used to clean it from large impurities with a particle size of 5-50 microns.

To do this, they contain special cleaning metal meshes, through the cells of which water, chemical compounds and the smallest particles pass, and coarse particles are retained.

There are also disk cleaning systems, and, in addition, there is a separate class - pre-filters, which are installed as an element of the plumbing system to purify water from coarse impurities.

It is used to soften water, that is, to remove from it the smallest particles of metals, Fe, Mn, Ca, Mg ions dissolved in water.

For this, so-called ion exchangers are used - substances that select ions of these metals from water, thus lowering their concentration.

Previously, ion exchangers of natural origin were used in ion-exchange filters - sulfonated coals, zeolites. However, modern filters operating on this principle contain modern synthetic ion-exchange resins, which are more durable, and the cleaning quality is slightly better.

Water purification filters by reverse osmosis , they are also called membrane filters for water purification - they are able to purify water from almost all impurities existing in it, that is, both from ions and metal particles, and from chemicals, and even more - from microorganisms.

The essence of reverse osmosis purification is to pass water through a special semi-permeable membrane, and this is possible only under some pressure.

The membrane (consisting of several layers) traps impurities (each layer is designed for a certain type of impurities), so water, seeping through it and back, turns from a more concentrated suspension into a less concentrated one, which is actually called reverse osmosis.

Biological water filters are designed to remove organic contaminants that are dissolved in it and mechanical filters are useless here.

The essence of the cleaning method is microorganisms, that is, special microbes that, in fact, feed on these organic impurities and process / decompose them into nitrates.

As a rule, it takes time for microorganisms to process pollution, that is, the design of such filters does not imply a flow-through cleaning method, in fact, these are containers in which water settles for a time that depends on its volume and type of microorganisms.

Filters of the physico-chemical method of water purification they are used to clean impurities dissolved in water, they do not help at all from particles, so filters should be placed in front of them for coarse water purification.

Modern water filters are equipped with special solid substances - adsorbents that selectively absorb chemicals and let water through - this phenomenon, or rather the process, is called sorption.

Adsorbents are different, for example, clay, sawdust, peat, ash. However, the most effective and most used element in modern water filters is activated carbon.

Electric Water Purification Filters are used for filtration from dissolved contaminants susceptible to oxidation - chlorine, manganese, iron, hydrogen sulfide, oil products, salts of heavy metals, organochlorine compounds, etc.

Such filters perform cleaning by generating ozone gas from the oxygen of water under the influence of an electric current. The ozone produced is a powerful oxidizer and sterilizer, which, by binding with harmful substances, oxidizing them, decomposes them into elements, making them safer, either weathering them, turning them into a gaseous form, or turning them into a precipitate. And, after that, it again turns into oxygen.

Unlike many other filters, they have a wider range of purification, that is, indicators such as odors, tastes, water color are also filtered. In addition, the disinfecting property is pronounced, viruses and bacteria, algae and fungal spores, and other microorganisms are destroyed.

In addition, there are electric water purification filters that work on the principle of ultraviolet radiation, it also has a good bactericidal effect, and also significantly reduces the concentration of other substances, reagents such as chlorine, etc.

Types of filters for water purification by design

The choice of a filter according to the method of water purification is, of course, very important, but there is one more difference - the design of the filter for water purification.

The filtration rate, durability and clogging rate, types of components / consumables, and, in the end, the cost of both it and consumables may depend on which water filter to choose by design.

According to their constructive solution, modern types of filters for water purification can be divided into three versions:

  • jug water filters;
  • bulk water filters;
  • cartridge water filters.

It is worth noting that the fourth type of filters - electric filters, which in their design have a device for generating ozone, are not considered here, since the system is very complex, and in general there is no need to know it, it will not be necessary to disassemble it, since consumables he doesn't have to replace them.

Pitcher design water filters consist of two tanks - a tank for water purification and a tank for purified water. Water is poured through the top of the jug, and it ends up in the first container in which the filter is installed. Under the influence of its own gravity, water seeps through the filter and ends up in the lower container for purified water, from where, if the jug is tilted, it flows out through the hole intended for draining.

The filter uses, as a rule, activated carbon, sometimes with an admixture of silver (silver has the ability to destroy microorganisms).

As for the performance of this design of filters, we can say that it is the smallest than that of any other types of water filters and is no more than 5-10 l / h.

Bulk type water filters represent a body structure in the form of an oblong balloon, which is conditionally divided into several levels, each of which has a certain type of filler aimed at purifying water from a certain type of pollution.

So, the lower part of the body tank, as a rule, is covered with a fine gravel substrate, fine-grained filtering aggregate is poured on top of it, and several more layers of various filtering bulk materials are placed on top, among which there may be sorbents and ion exchangers.

Cylinder filters (as they are also called) operate, in other words, on the principle of a drainage distribution system; their performance is sufficient to use them in everyday life.

Cartridge water filters are devices consisting of one or more housings (depending on the degree and types of purification), inside which water passes through cartridge filters. At the same time, the device of the housing is such that it can be easily disassembled to replace a clogged cartridge.

If the device consists of several cases, this most often means that each of them has a cartridge made of filter material, aimed at purifying water from a certain kind of impurities.

Thus, water purification cartridges can accommodate a wide variety of filter media: activated carbon, ion-exchange fillers, mechanical cleaning meshes, semi-permeable membranes and other reverse osmosis cleaning materials.

The throughput of cartridge-type filters is no more than 600 l/h, due to which they are successfully used in domestic conditions.

Types of filters for water purification according to the degree of purification

Perhaps the most important parameter by which to navigate how to choose a water filter is the degree of purification. By this criterion, you can choose a filter, without even delving into its design, principle of operation and cleaning stages, however, it is still important to know these aspects.

At the same time, household filters contain many different filter materials, only their combination can achieve a full degree of water purification from many types of impurities.

So, there are only three types of filters according to the degree of water purification:

  • elementary water purification filter (single-stage);
  • filter of medium degree of water purification (2-3 stages of purification);
  • filter of high degree of water purification (up to 5 steps).

The list contains the main standards, but of course, there can be various variations of filters that can accommodate four and six stages of purification, in fact, the principle of purification is the same, duplicate filters for the so-called “post-treatment” are possible.

Elementary filter Structurally, it is a filter jug. It has a filter with one filter element - activated carbon, but may also have auxiliary substances, for example, silver, which disinfects the water.

Also, the simplest filters include other coarse water filters and fine water filters built into the plumbing system. Coarse filters are installed to prevent clogging of the plumbing system with large particles of various origins, mainly from metal.

A fine water filter is installed to filter water, which is later used as drinking water, however, many impurities still exist after such purification.

Such filters can purify water from elemental mechanical impurities (metal particles, partly from salts of heavy metals), from dissolved chlorine. If there is a silver component in the filter, it partially destroys microorganisms.

capable of a little more, for example, the simplest modification, which has two stages of purification, rids water of the smallest mechanical impurities.

At the same time, the first stage of purification, as a rule, occurs by means of a cleaning mesh, which traps large mechanical impurities, while the second stage of purification, fine purification, occurs during the passage of water through the absorbent - activated carbon, due to which even the smallest particles are retained.

If we are talking about a three-stage medium-cleaning filter, then one more quality is added here: water softening. This happens due to the presence of the third stage of purification, which consists in passing water through an ion-exchange filter material - an ion-exchange resin or other ion exchangers (sulfonated carbons, zeolites). Pressed carbon may also be used, which may include silver or hexamethophosphate.

High purity water filter are high-tech water purification devices that are able to purify water from all types of contaminants.

The simplest varieties of these filters are ozone electric filters, but there is also a whole system of filters for water purification, which consists of many different filter materials and contains as many as five stages of water purification from impurities.

At the first stage, mechanical impurities are removed with the appropriate filter material (foamed polypropylene, membrane or mesh filter).

The second stage of cleaning takes place with the use of a sorbent - activated carbon, which removes gases, chlorine, organochlorine compounds and fine impurities.

The third stage is an insuring post-treatment from fine impurities and organochlorine substances to increase the shelf life of the next filter material.

The fourth stage is a classic purification using a thin-film membrane that filters water using the reverse osmosis method. After it comes the final, fifth stage - filtration with a carbon post-filter.

Types of filters for water purification by configuration and installation method

An important role is also played by where to place the filter for water purification, because it must either be well located and fit into the environment. Or another option - to be completely hidden and placed somewhere out of sight - a good solution if the filter is very cumbersome.

Modern filters, in addition to all the above features, also have a difference in configuration and installation method. Thus, you can choose a filter for water purification by the types of their connection:

  • filter with connection to the tap;
  • filter with a fixed connection under the sink.

Of course, many different options for housings and individual sections give the impression that there are a lot of different configurations, but the list contains all the currently existing types of filters in terms of their configuration, at the same time and by the connection method.

, in other words, a nozzle on a faucet. It connects directly to the outlet of the mixer and is a small container.

Pressurized water passes through the filter material located in it and is cleaned in one or two stages of cleaning - it will simply no longer allow the volume of the body itself. In addition, the productivity is low - 0.3-0.5 l / min.

Such filters are quite cheap, they have replaceable consumables (cartridges), but again, due to the small volume of the filter, they quickly become clogged and are only capable of the simplest purification from mechanical impurities and chlorine.

Filter with connection to the sink or “sink water purifier” is one of the most popular configurations of water purifying household appliances. It is connected to the mixer with a flexible hose, and the device itself is installed near the sink or on it.

After the cessation of work, the hose is removed, or the second option remains in place if it is connected to a special outlet provided on the mixer itself. In the second case, the mixer has a special switch for supplying water to the position of supply to the filter and to the main drain.

The device itself can be of various shapes and sizes, depending on the degree of purification and filtration method. Often they can be presented as flow filters for water purification, that is, they have several containers, in each - a certain stage of purification takes place.

The performance of this filter configuration is 1-1.5 l / min, which is quite acceptable for domestic use. However, there is a minus - this is that it takes up space on the table near the sink, and sometimes a lot.

Filter with fixed connection under the sink considered the best in terms of both convenience and water purification. This filter is connected directly to the water supply system by a collector or tee connection method, but the device itself must be located under the sink.

At the same time, the sink itself should be able to connect a second tap, which, in fact, will serve as an outlet for this water treatment device.

As a rule, these devices are multi-stage filter systems that are distinguished by their durability and the highest quality of water purification. Of course, the cost of such devices is much higher, and there is a wide variety of filter materials, cartridges and other components for them, because the matter is not limited to a mesh and a carbon filter.

Now you know what criteria to choose a household filter for drinking water purification, how to choose a flow filter, which water filters are better, what design of household water filters, types of filter materials for water filters and much more.

But what is also important is which one you have installed and what is the working pressure in it (are there any jumps), because the durability of cleaning household appliances depends on this.

About 100 years ago, centralized water supply was only in the largest and richest cities. Now it is in every apartment, and is an indispensable boon of civilization.

However, the quality of water in the central water supply system is usually poor: it is at least unpleasant to drink, if not boiled. And in many homes, this is not worth doing because of harmful impurities that can lead to problems with the skin and gastrointestinal tract.

In order for drinking water to flow from the tap, filtering devices must be used. Filters for cleaning in the apartment are of several types. Which ones - we will consider below.

The use of filter installations gives the following effect:

  • Removes harmful impurities from water (harmful both for the human body and for household appliances: washing machines, dishwashers, kettles).
  • Improves palatability. Even if the concentration of harmful substances is not dangerous, their small amount can spoil the taste.
  • Softens water. As a result, it does not harm the skin and hair.

Product types

According to the elements removed from the water, the filters are divided into 3 categories:

  1. Filtration from mechanical impurities.
  2. Filtration from dissolved substances.
  3. Complex filtration - up to clean drinking water.

Briefly about the manufacturers

Products of such manufacturers are sold on the Russian market:

Filters for water purification from mechanical impurities

Needed to purify water from:

  • grains of sand
  • metal impurities;
  • rust;
  • winding from pipes.

Such small impurities harm household appliances (washing machine, dishwasher, electric kettle) and pipe fittings.

There are 2 types that differ in the design of the filter element: mesh and disc.


They have a T-shaped (without flushing) or cross-shaped (with flushing) body with a long lower part. It contains a filter element - a fine-mesh mesh flask through which the flow passes. All impurities remain on the grid, which is cleaned as it gets clogged.

According to the cleaning method, such models are:

  1. Without flushing. In this case, the section with filters is blocked by cranes, the lower part of the body is untwisted, the mesh is removed and cleaned.
  2. With washing. The lower part (with filter) has a branch pipe with a tap. A hose or pipe is connected to the nozzle, which is discharged into the sewer. There is usually a pressure gauge in the upper part of the housing, which indicates filter contamination (if the pressure drops, the filter is clogged). For flushing, a tap is opened from below, and the pressure of water flushes the accumulated impurities into the sewer.

Disk (ring)

  • Installed in a pipe break. For apartments - not a very common option.
  • For filtration, a set of polymer rings tightly assembled into a cylinder is used. The surface of each ring has recesses.
  • Water passes through the recesses in a spiral, and large particles settle in the recesses of the rings.
  • To clean the filter element, the cylinder of rings can be removed from the housing, disassembled into separate rings and washed.

Filters for water purification from dissolved substances

In addition to mechanical impurities, water may contain various chemical elements that change its hardness. They spoil the taste of water, in high concentrations they can harm the body, are harmful to household appliances and pipeline fittings. With the constant use of hard water, a person can develop a violation of the mineral balance. One of the consequences is the appearance of urolithiasis or kidney stones.

We are talking about hardness salts - potassium, magnesium, mercury, calcium. There is also an increased concentration of iron in the water.

Filters are distinguished by the element they remove. It can be either iron or hardness salts.

From iron

An increase in the concentration of iron is usually observed in water from wells and boreholes. This is less common in tap water.

Iron gives the water a noticeable red color and a metallic taste. The maximum allowable concentration of this element (determined by laboratory analysis) is 2 mg / l. If the concentration is exceeded, a filter must be installed.

The filter looks like a large cylinder that is connected to the water supply and power supply. Inside the case, a catalyst and small gravel are filled up. Water passes through the catalyst bed from top to bottom, impurities precipitate. In the lower part of the body there is a branch pipe for draining into the sewer - through this line, the precipitated impurities are removed by a stream of water.

The catalytic bed can be replaced. If necessary, it can purify water not only from iron, but also from manganese, chlorine.

Such equipment costs about 22-25 thousand rubles. They usually put it in private houses.

From hardness salts

By type and principle of operation, such filters are similar to those described above (cylinder with backfill). The difference is in the backfill - ion-exchange resins are contained inside. Hardness salts "stick" to them.

Backfill in such filters can work without replacement for up to 5-7 years.

Water filters for drinking water

If the water does not contain a critical concentration of iron, hardness salts or small impurities, it can be used for technical and domestic purposes (washing clothes, washing dishes, swimming). But for cooking and drinking, it is only suitable after boiling.

To make tap water drinkable, the following types of filters are used.

Filter jugs

This type of filter does not cut into the plumbing system: you need to pour water from the tap into it. Inside there is a cartridge with filter elements. The set of elements may include:

  • ion exchange resin (for removing hardness salts);
  • activated carbon (to remove organics, microorganisms, chlorine);
  • polypropylene fibers (for filtering residual mechanical impurities).

Externally, the devices look like a transparent electric kettle. The volume of most models is 2.5-4 liters. Approximate cost - from $5 to $12.

Faucet nozzles

Approximate cost - 10-15$.

According to the method of attachment, there are 2 types:

According to the principle of work there are:

  • Adsorption. Inside the housing there is a porous material that absorbs impurities (mechanical and chemical).
  • With ion exchange membrane and fine mesh. They purify water from mechanical impurities (linger on the grid) and "extra" compounds.

Average productivity - 1 l / m, approximate resource - 1000-3000 liters.

Reverse osmosis filters

Approximate cost: $100-150.

The device consists of 3 flasks, each of which has a separate filter. The flasks are removable, fixed on one body.

The filter elements in the flasks are different (depending on the model). The most common composition is:

  • Stage 1: filtration of mechanical impurities up to 0.5 microns in size. A porous element is used.
  • Stage 2: filtration of chemical and organic compounds (including hardness salts, oil products, metals) and remaining mechanical impurities up to 0.1 micron in size. A carbon element is used.
  • Stage 3: fine-mesh membrane with pores, about 0.0001 microns in size. Nothing but water molecules pass through the membrane.

At stage 3, the flow is divided into 2 parts: clean water (enters the storage tank, if any, and from there to the tap) and filtered sediment (removed to the sewer).

Rating of water filters for washing

Since the most effective are multi-stage filters installed under the sink, here is a rating of popular models:


It is generally accepted that water from deep wells is fresh, clean and tasty. However, it is not. Water from autonomous sources must often be passed through multi-stage purification systems, as it does not comply with sanitary rules and regulations. Not only natural factors are to blame for everything, but also man-made impacts, as well as non-compliance with construction and operational rules.

Well water contains sulfur bacteria that are not afraid of a depth of 50 meters. Thanks to them, the water smells of hydrogen sulfide. Deep waters are very rich in minerals, as they are constantly in contact with various rocks.

The deviation of water quality indicators from the norm can not be visually noticed. But this does not mean crystal clear. Water must be tested in the laboratory. According to the results of the analyzes, the necessary water filtration system is selected.

Well water analysis

How to collect water for analysis

The result of the analyzes directly depends on the correct sampling. It is not enough to pour water from a tap or a water pipe into a bottle. Sometimes a sanitary and epidemiological station worker may ask about the method of collecting water. If it was not assembled correctly, then the owner of the well will be sent back with the necessary recommendations. It may turn out that a water sample will be accepted without questioning and analyzed. Naturally, it will be irrelevant and will have to deal with fictitious problems.

There are certain principles of water intake:

  • Only glass or plastic containers should be used, never metal.
  • Used mineral water bottles can be used. Do not use the container after drinks, as they contained stable dyes that are not washed off with hot water.
  • The maximum volume is up to 1.5 liters.
  • A plastic bottle is doused with hot water, and a glass bottle with boiling water. Next, wash the bottle a couple of times with tap water from which the sample will be taken. Do not use any cleaners, including baking soda.
  • Before water intake, it is necessary to drain the water for 20 minutes in order to prevent stagnation and the ingress of metal substances from the pipes.
  • To reduce the concentration of oxygen, which causes chemical reactions, it is necessary to collect water from a thin stream.
  • It is necessary to fill the container completely so that the water would pour out when the lid is closed. This eliminates the additional air supply.
  • The bottle must be wrapped in opaque cloth or paper.
  • Testing must be completed within 3 hours. If this is not possible, then storage of water in the refrigerator for up to 2 days is allowed.

It is obligatory to hand over water for analysis when opening the well, and then - once every 2 years. If the water has become cloudy or with some kind of aftertaste, then you should immediately bring a sample of water to the sanitary and epidemiological station. Industrial emissions or sewage can lead to poisoning.

Signs of bad water

Poor quality water can often be identified by external signs. At the first suspicion, the use of raw water should be excluded. A visual inspection will help identify the culprits and eliminate them:

  • The smell of rotten eggs - hydrogen sulfide got into the water, which is very dangerous for the body.
  • The water turned slightly yellow, a rust coating formed on the sink - a large concentration of iron. Water must be boiled before drinking.
  • A sediment forms at the bottom of the dishes - the strainer is clogged or the walls of the well are covered with silt. It is possible to wash out the gravel from the backfill.

Methods for purifying water from wells

Today, there are many different schemes that can be combined or used alone.

Mechanical water purification is mandatory for any water intake.

With mechanical cleaning systems soil particles and organic matter are removed, eliminates the possibility of clogging of plumbing equipment and subsequent filters.

At the first stage, submersible pumps are used for wells, which are few for complete cleaning. Additional filters for mechanical cleaning should be installed.

Aeration is the process of enriching water with oxygen to activate oxidative reactions.

Thanks to this from the water remove ferrous iron, which becomes insoluble and is easily filtered in the future. With the help of this technology, oxidation of hydrogen sulfide and heavy metal ions.

Magnetic processing appeared quite recently and softens the water. Dissolved salts crystallize in water and are then filtered out.

Reagent Methods used in extreme cases when other methods of neutralization are ineffective.

Reagent-free cleaning implies backfilling of synthetic or natural components. With its help, various problems are solved. The components act as a catalyst for oxidative reactions and as a sorption material.

Ion exchange technologies are based on the use of certain resins for water demineralization.

Water without impurities and completely safe for drinking can be obtained after reverse osmosis. The liquid is passed through membranes that allow only water molecules to pass through.

The choice of an effective well water purification system depends on the composition of the water.

Modern well water filtration

Filtration of water from a well will allow all family members to use safe water, extend the life of heating and household appliances, eliminate clogging of plumbing equipment, etc.

As described above, the number and types of cleaning elements are selected individually and depend on the initial degree of contamination.

The standard option is: mechanical coarse filter, fine filters, chemical and biological filters. However, not everything is so simple: filters require a lot of space, have different input parameters and energy consumption, and technological parameters must be coordinated.

An ideal option for a private house that takes water from a well is the use of integrated modular systems.

They represent the required number of modules that are consistent in all respects and installed in the desired sequence. Often, owners of private houses additionally install pumps to ensure good water pressure.

Types of filters for water purification from a well

The following types of filters are used to purify water:

  • Mineral - mesh cylinders filled with mineralized substances. Remove salts and chemicals from water. Use filters with different bandwidth.
  • Woven - cylinders that are wrapped with a rope or cloth. Delay metal oxides, crystallized salts and chemical additives.
  • Fine cleaning have two holes at different levels. The filter body consists of activated carbon or silver ions.
  • Reverse osmosis - universal filters. oxygen-containing molecules pass through the nanomembrane. The degree of purification is 99.9%.
  • Filters based on ultraviolet radiation, which adversely affects many microorganisms. No reagents are used, and the water becomes softer.
  • Ozone filters remove germs and viruses.
  • Aerating remove hydrogen sulfide, manganese and iron. The concentration of oxygen in the water increases.

The complex treatment station is purchased once and solves all problems with the quality of drinking water from the well. The cost of equipment is quite high, but in a couple of years of work it will fully pay for itself.

If a person can live without food for a sufficiently long time, then he will not last long without water. The human body is 80% water. What kind of fluid forms the internal environment of our body is of great importance. It is unlikely that anyone will argue that the quality of water directly affects the state of health and well-being of a person. Many of us believe that simply boiling tap water is enough to safely use it for drinking and cooking. But it's not. The issue of low-quality water, which can have a detrimental effect on our body, is currently being solved simply: it is enough to use certain types of filters. After reading this article, you will learn about what types of water filters exist, and you can choose the most suitable option for yourself.

From this article you will learn:

    What are the types of filters for coarse water purification

    What types of water filters are suitable for an apartment, and which ones are best to buy for a private house

    What are the types of filter cartridges

    How to choose the right type of water filter

What groups are divided into all types of water filters

It is generally accepted that in many regions of Russia, water supply systems supply water in a form acceptable for consumption. If we compare the situation with tap water in our country and abroad, the difference is huge. In many parts of the world, the tap liquid, called water, is not only forbidden to drink, but also used for washing. But Russia is also rapidly approaching this, so different types of filters are installed in almost every apartment, and this will not surprise anyone. If you want to be healthy, take care of the water purification system.

A water filter is necessary in order to purify water supplied from natural sources from impurities, heavy metals, viruses and chlorine. Cleaning devices that Russians use in their apartments and houses are called household. They can be ranked according to the degree of filtration into the simplest, the average degree of purification and the highest. The last type of filters is represented by reverse osmosis systems. And today it is the most effective and modern technology.

Each of the three groups of filter types is designed for its own purposes and differs significantly in price. Users, choosing a method of water purification, are guided by their place of residence and their financial capabilities.

Where should you start when choosing a water filter? First of all, hand over the water for analysis at the SES. This is a paid service, as a result of which you will find out what impurities and impurities the drinking water that enters your home contains.

Knowing about the parameters of the water, you will be able to choose a replacement block for the filtration system that is suitable for it. After all, in order to effectively clean the liquid, you need to find out what it should be cleaned from.

Based on the results of the analysis, you will find out how much iron your water contains (total and dissolved), what is its hardness, turbidity and color, how much manganese is in it, what is its oxidizability and PH level. If there are distortions and deviations in the parameters, then you need to choose just such a replaceable block that will bring the composition of the water back to normal.

The filtration system begins not at all with the filter that you yourself install at home, but with a pre-filtration device that purifies water from large impurities such as rust and sand. Typically, a plumbing system is supplied with such a device at the very initial level of its equipment.

There are different types of filters for hot and cold water supply systems. The pre-filter for hot water must be made of heat-resistant material. If you install a conventional filter on the hot water supply system, it will instantly become unusable. Therefore, different pre-filters are usually placed on cold and hot water. Heat resistant ones are more expensive.

But the water purification system from coarse fillers that are visible to the eye does not make it clean and drinkable. It is needed simply in order to facilitate the work of fine filters. It is required to additionally install basic filters that will turn the liquid entering your home into safe drinking water.

To determine which water purification device is best for you, you need to carefully read about the features of different types of filters.

What are water filters

Water filter in the form of a jug

This is the simplest device that can be purchased at the lowest price, consisting of:

    Jug with lid.

    Funnels for collecting water.

    Filtration cartridge.

The name "jug" conjures up a beautiful earthen vessel that is easy to drop and break. But in fact, water filters are made in the form of plastic containers, they only remotely - in the form of a spout - resemble a jug. The plastic glass has a printed scale, it is able to contain from 1.5 to 4 liters of water. The cost of the filter depends on the volume and complexity of the device. So, the lids of some models are equipped with valves that protect the water collected in the jug from dust and microbes.

No matter how much water the jug can theoretically hold, practically only half will enter it, since the other part is occupied by a water collection tank, also made of plastic, at the bottom of which a cleaning cartridge is equipped. It has its own lifespan. Different models have individual characteristics in terms of the amount of water they can clean by passing through their filter. This quantity varies from 170 to 450 liters. After that, the use of the jug becomes meaningless.

If the cartridge in the filter has a liquid counter, then you will not forget to replace it. At the very beginning of using the device, water passes through the valve quite quickly: up to 35 liters per hour. But over time, the rate of fluid passage slows down.

What particular fragments of the cartridge are able to purify the passed water:

    Chlorine is removed thanks to a layer of activated carbon. It also disinfects the liquid from bacteria, improves the organoleptic (smell and taste) properties of water.

    The layer of ion-exchange resin allows you to remove excess minerals from the water, making it soft, while maintaining the required level of important trace elements.

    A layer of polypropylene filters the mechanical impurities that are contained in the water.

Pitchers are a budget option, designed for no more than three people. They are easy to move, take with you to the country, they are easy to use and are inexpensive. However, the cartridge will have to be changed often, otherwise there will be no point in using this filter.

Coarse filters

These filters must be installed in the pipes of the water supply system. Their task is to remove large particles from the water. They are designed for the first stage of fluid purification on the way from the well to the living quarters. Thanks to coarse filters, the water that comes to us is free of sand, silt, clay and other impurities. If you install such a filter on the water that entered the apartment, it will clean the liquid from lime, rust, and scale.

The coarse cleaning method is primitive: those particles that are not able to pass through the mesh holes remain on the filter. That is, this device is a metal or polypropylene mesh with small cells in diameter.

There are the following types of filters for coarse water purification:

    Filter in the form of a grid or in the form of a cartridge.

    Flanged and coupling.

    With the possibility of washing and without it.

    Straight and oblique.

Filter mesh with holes with a diameter of 50 to 400 microns is used most often. Made of stainless material, it can serve up to 30 years. We are also very familiar with filters that purify water with the help of a cartridge, namely by means of a device to be replaced made of polypropylene fibers.

Flanged and sleeve filters are often used to purify water in pipes. The latter are distinguished by the fact that the coupling connection leads to a minimum bending deformation of the flange relative to the body, respectively, its diameter is not more than 50 mm.

The division of filters into straight and oblique depends on the location of the tank and the nozzle outlets from it in relation to the water flow. In oblique filters, the tank is installed at an angle to the flow, and in straight filters, it is perpendicular. Dimensional particles of impurities settle in the tank itself, while smaller particles settle on the filter mesh.

Oblique filters, some straight and all cartridge filters are non-flushing. In them, it remains only to replace the filter element as it wears out. If the device is called flushing, then it can be separated from the general structure, the filter mesh can be removed, washed, cleaned and put back.

Straight filters are often washable. They are equipped with an additional outlet cock, which can flush out accumulations with a stream of water. But such coarse cleaning devices are only possible in those areas where the pipes are located horizontally with the tank directed downwards. And oblique filters are installed indifferent to the location of the pipeline. The main thing is that the water moves from top to bottom, and not vice versa. In this case, a sump will be located below. Coarse filters are inserted into the pipeline to the installed meters.


Among the numerous types, coarse pre-filters are used almost everywhere. They are simply necessary for the normal functioning of washing and dishwashers, plumbing, water heaters, because if all these household appliances use untreated water, they will quickly fail. Such filters are mounted after the blocking tap, but before the counters.

They consist of:

    Metal mesh filtering grains with a diameter of 30-50 microns;

    Cartridge with a polypropylene fiber insert holding particles of about 5-20 microns.

Metal meshes are easy to remove and wash, removing rust and sand. Such washing is performed every 1-2 months. Some filter systems are equipped with a self-flushing mechanism that can be used to clean the mesh without dismantling. A more advanced option is automatic flushing with the removal of contaminants into the sewer.

A more expensive version of the filter has water pressure measuring devices (pressure gauges) installed before and after the filter. Whenever the liquid pressure drops excessively after the filter, the screen must be flushed. The manometer is placed on the diameter of the pipe.

Grids serve long and are exposed to washing. Cartridge filters cannot be washed, but they have a higher degree of purification. They not only remove mechanical impurities, but also disinfect water and enrich it. Often, replaceable elements contain as filter layers not only coal, but also silver, as well as ion-exchange resins.

Important points when installing pre-filters:

    Performance must match the flow of water;

    Cartridge filters are suitable for pre-treated water, and for pre-treatment - only nets;

    It is important to install the filter correctly, so it is worth inviting a specialist.

Therefore, if a filter with fine mesh membranes is already installed or is planned to be installed, then pre-filters will definitely have to be installed in order to protect the gentle cleaning valve from coarse debris. This way you can achieve the best result.

What does the pre-filter do:

    Frees water from large coarse particles that are not able to dissolve;

    Accumulates debris and dirt on the mesh, which can be removed from time to time by washing it;

    Protects household appliances from damage by purifying the water they use.

Almost all types of coarse filters are small in size and easy to use. But their significant drawback is that they are able to remove only large insoluble debris from the water. But what about all the other impurities?

There are filters that do an excellent job with running water, being installed directly in the water pipe. These are main filters, consisting of either a plastic or steel collapsible flask containing a cleaning element.

Sufficiently high throughput (20-50 l/min) filters out all coarse particles, and also rids the water of chlorine. Thus, not only the quality of water is improved, but also its taste.

The main cleaner must be suitable for the type of line, according to the degree of purification that is planned to be achieved. Different types of water filters of similar properties differ from each other in the type of housing and cartridge, performance and level of hydraulic losses. Main filters are equally suitable for pipes of cold and hot water supply. For hot water, devices are made of heat-resistant materials, they will also serve properly on pipes with cold water. But putting a filter for cold water on a hot pipe will not work. Among the main cleaners, there are three types:

    single stage clean water from sand, small debris of sedimentary type and rust;

    two stage in addition to the properties of single-stage filters, they also remove chlorine, unpleasant odors and organic impurities;

    Three-stage models are also able to soften water, removing excess iron from it.

According to the way of functioning, the main types of water filters are mesh (the mesh cartridge purifies water from coarse mixtures), corrugated, propylene and winding.

Experts know that it is important to select a filter with a lower hydraulic loss index (no more than 0.1-0.6 bar) for higher floors. Also, depending on the water consumption, filters are selected with a housing diameter from 114-130 mm (at the most modest consumption) to 184 mm (with active use of water).

An excellent filtration option is a main device with a granular load, which eliminates both large debris and chemical and biological contaminants, and softens water. The filter has a layer filled with rocks, grains of quartz sand, expanded clay, anthracite and even marble chips - all these natural elements gently purify the water and fill it with natural components. These filters vary greatly in price.

Installing a filter for targeted water purification from iron makes sense only in those places where its high content is established. This is extremely harmful to human health and the condition of household appliances. Science knows four states of the presence of iron on Earth:





When analyzing water supplied through the central highways, we can see iron only in the divalent and trivalent state. The coarse filter is able to cope with ferric iron. An ultrafilter with garbage disposal and membrane backwashing is also suitable for this task.

Ferrous iron can be filtered out by more complex installations, for example, bulk-type installations with multi-component mixes (Ferosoft B/L/A/Ecomics). These multi-component mixtures are not only ion-ombene resins, but also, due to the increased sorption capacity, are actively able to filter iron and other compounds. Accordingly, such a mix will effectively cope with such water problems as hardness, iron, manganese, etc.

Why is a reverse osmosis filter considered the most effective at the present stage? Yes, because it purifies water by 99%. High score, right? The system performs several stages of water purification, as a result of which you get a liquid similar to drinking water from the best manufacturers sold in stores.

Let's see what a multi-stage cleaning system consists of.

    Precleaning(chlorine, coarse impurities are removed from the water, which can further damage the membrane for finer purification, pre-treatment is carried out in three flasks).

    Membrane filtration(represents cleaning through a material made of synthetic fiber, twisted in the form of a roll, it passes water through its pores with a diameter of 0.0001 microns).

    Automatic accumulation of water in the tank as it is consumed(capacity 4-12 liters, made of steel and covered with enamel).

    The flow of purified water to the faucet. A special faucet provided by the system cuts into the sink along with a conventional water supply faucet (before it starts to flow from the faucet, the water passes through an activated carbon filter).

Now consider why you need to pre-clean in three flasks. The first is needed for mechanical cleaning of the liquid from coarse grains of rust, sand over five microns in size. The second contains granular activated carbon, which purifies water from chlorine and organic matter. The third flask also removes mechanical grains, but no more than one micron in size.

Why does the membrane have such small pores? The thing is that only water molecules and gases that enrich it (oxygen and hydrogen) have a size of 0.0001 microns, everything else is larger. These are impurities unfiltered by flasks, which will now be discharged through the drainage drain into the sewer.

The reverse osmosis system is equipped with a mineralizer to fill the water with a normal amount of magnesium, sodium and calcium. To structure water to its natural state, the system provides a cartridge with tourmaline. Outside, it is made of plastic, but inside it is a glass container with ceramic balls made from a natural mineral.

The reverse osmosis filter is a set of elements:

    Cleansing flasks (4-6 pieces);

    Replaceable cartridges and membrane;

    storage capacity;

    Drinking faucet;

    Set of mounting tools.

This type of water filter is a rather bulky system, which is most often installed under the sink, hidden by a cabinet. A more complex installation option involves connecting additional hoses that will supply clean and drain dirty water. The osmosis system operates at 2-6 bar. If the pressure indicators are lower or higher than those declared by the manufacturer, then specialists will regulate this pressure to normal with a special pump.

Like any other option, in addition to advantages, this filtration system also has disadvantages: water is cleaned slowly and most of it goes down the drain along with impurities (2/3 of the volume).

Wash filters

The reverse osmosis filter is not the only option for cleaning systems that are usually installed under the sink. All those devices that purify water in several sections require space for their operation. Sink filters are flasks that can be made of steel, plastic or glass. Each flask has its own cleaning cartridge and is responsible for one of the stages of water filtration. This whole structure is connected in a cold water supply pipe, discharges purified water through a special tap, and dirty water into the sewer.

Among the filters under the sink are installed:


    Reverse osmosis.

You already have an idea about the reverse osmosis filter device. The flow filter works as follows:

    Previously, water is mechanically cleaned in flasks from sand and other grains polluting the water;

    Purified from insoluble impurities of rust, silt, sand and other debris, the coal sorbent releases water from chlorine and organic compounds, also filtering out heavy metals and salts;

    The layer of ion exchange resins makes the water softer by removing iron from it, as well as excess magnesium and potassium.

To disinfect the water, an ultraviolet lamp is installed in the flow filter. Such devices consume water more economically than reverse osmosis filters, and purify water faster.

Blind filtering is not recommended. You need to know the characteristics of the composition of the water in the house in order to choose a specific one. In fact, you can choose the filter that you like best, but the cartridges for it should be selected taking into account the properties and quality of the water that will be filtered.

All water filters for washing have a lot of advantages:

    They do not cause difficulties in operation;

    All elements of the system can replace each other;

    Save space due to ergonomic installation;

    Long resource of elements (in flow filters - six months, in a reverse osmosis system - a year);

    Saving the cost of clean water.

Disadvantages: the inability to transfer the system to another location and the high price.

Water passing through filters capable of softening it passes through ion exchange resins, which replace heavy calcium and magnesium ions with sodium or potassium ions.

The following types of filters have softening abilities:

  • Main ion-exchange filters;

    Reverse osmosis systems;

    Electromagnetic filters;

    ultrasonic filters.

From softeners, Russians are most familiar with the regenerative ion-exchange filter. It works at the expense of a flask filled with resin, which purifies water. The device sends everything screened out to the sewer, and fills the container for the regeneration solution with clean water.

The resource of an ion-exchange resin is not infinite. It needs to be restored from time to time. This is done through a chemical reaction. The resin is “revitalized” with a regenerating solution of table salt tablets. Due to this, the hard ions accumulated in the resin are replaced by sodium ions.

The filter elements can be washed both manually and automatically. Regeneration occurs as follows: the device stops working for 0.5-2 hours twice a week. If there is only one ion-exchange filter in the system, then the suspension of its operation is inevitable. Among the many types of water purification devices, this one is considered a variable action filter. But if there are several filter sections, they replace each other.

Water softening filters are of their design:

    balloon type;

    Compact, where the filter and tank are connected in a single housing;

    Automatic systems.

All types of filters that are aimed at softening water remove heavy salts and excess trace elements, making it useful and healthy. They last long enough.

The most compact type of softening filters are magnetic. They are a device with magnets built into the housing, which is installed in a water supply pipe. Due to the magnetic field through which water passes, hardness salts do not settle on heating devices and pipe surfaces and therefore cannot combine into crystals that can destroy elements of the water supply system and household appliances. To protect radiators, boilers, washing machines and other devices that use tap water, softening flasks filled with polyphosphate crystals or ecozone, a special material that lasts about six months, are installed before the liquid enters.

But do not forget that softening water alone is not enough to make it suitable for regular use. It has many other compounds in addition to heavy salts, which must also be removed.

Types of water filter cartridges

Mechanical Cleaning Cartridges

They are able to filter out large insoluble particles with a diameter of 5-50 microns, making the water more transparent. Mechanical cleaning to some extent also contributes to a longer life of household appliances and water pipes.

Charcoal cartridge (granular coconut charcoal filter)

Works to improve organoleptics: purifies water, making it more transparent and pleasant to the taste. The porous structure of activated carbon absorbs free chlorine and, together with other organic compounds, removes it from the water that the user ends up with.

carbon block

There are two elements at work here. On the one hand, this is a polypropylene pre-filter - the outer shell of the block, and on the other - the inner part, pressed carbon, which filters chlorine and organic matter from water, ultimately making it cleaner and more palatable.

Ion exchange resin

Optimally works in system of a filtration from three stages. The first of these is the stage of rough mechanical cleaning, the second is a capsule with an ion exchange resin, and the third is a carbon block.

The activity of ion exchange resins is due to their structure. Molecules form a network with active ions (functional groups), creating a special environment capable of exchange reactions.

The synthetic medium is a collection of solid electrolytes obtained as a result of special processing of resins. The polymerization of a substance leads to the appearance of functional groups intended for electrolytic dissociation.

For the storage of such resins, it is necessary to create certain conditions. The temperature in the warehouse should not be less than 2 °C. Resin should be kept warm, but not near heating appliances. The ion exchange resin has a warranty period, after which its quality indicators should be checked. Its anion and cation exchangers may lose their properties. The same will happen in case of storage in adverse conditions. When the resin loses its properties, it takes more time to filter the water, and the regeneration also becomes longer. Reducing the strength properties of the resin contributes to the fact that it begins to crumble. As a result, resin crumbs can be transferred from the filter to the water supply, and this is unacceptable.

Granular activated carbon cartridges

Activated carbon is a porous material. Depending on the size of the granules, the properties of the cartridge will vary. Together with the ability to collect all the unwanted substances contained in the water, coconut charcoal emits extremely little dust. This is its undoubted merit. But in addition to the granular charcoal, the cartridge must contain a mechanical cleaning agent so that coarse sand and rust particles do not wash away the granules.

Pressed activated carbon cartridges

Coal can be used not only in granular form, but also pressed. Then the cartridge works in the form of a carbon block. Coal can be coconut, or it can consist of a mixture of its different types. This coal is pressed to create a dense and durable mass. During manufacture, the desired level of porosity is reached. Due to the dense structure of the block, the possibility of washing out coal particles is practically excluded.

Each manufacturer tries to develop a unique way of filtering. So the carbon blocks of each brand are different from each other. Some add a hydrophilic fiber, aqualene, to the filter block, which promotes the penetration of water into all parts of the carbon block and increases its absorption properties. Additives to the blocks make it possible to increase the strength of pressed coal, virtually eliminating the possibility of washing.

Cartridges with powdered activated carbon

It is not uncommon to find filters with powdered carbon cartridges. In this state, it has an increased ability to adsorb impurities. Its working surface is larger than that of other types of coal appliances. The longer the water is in contact with the carbon while passing through the filter, the better the cleaning result. A mechanical filter is installed at the outlet, which prevents the powder from leaving the filter capsule.

Whatever the carbon cartridges, whatever type of carbon they use, all cleaning systems based on the properties of activated carbon have the following characteristics:

    They are excellent adsorbents capable of eliminating not only organic compounds, but also heavy metals or oxidizing agents such as chlorine and ozone;

    They provide a favorable environment for the development of viruses and microbes. By themselves, they are not able to disinfect water;

    They are not intended to soften water, since they are indifferent to the hard salts of calcium and magnesium contained in it;

    They do an excellent job with impurities that have a high molecular weight and poor solubility;

    Activated carbon does not absorb water. As water passes through it, it tends to create channels for itself that allow it to flow more easily through the filter. The pressure of the water forces her to look for all possible ways to overcome the retarding carbon filter. The more tubules formed in the coal, the less efficient the water filtration becomes. After all, now not all water will interact with coal, but only that which failed to seep through the tubules;

    Motes of coal often fall into the water;

    The cartridge works more efficiently if the area of ​​contact of coal with water is larger, which means that its sorption capabilities are greater;

    For effective water purification, it is necessary to extend the time of its contact with the working fluid. So, the cartridge must retain water for the most favorable result. When purchasing a filter, look at its efficiency indicator, which displays the properties of the cartridge included in its composition.

Charcoal filters are not bactericidal, they are bacteriostatic types of filters. While bactericidal cause the death of bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms, and bacteriostatic, on the contrary, promote the growth and reproduction of bacteria.

In an effort to improve the performance of filters, manufacturers fill carbon cartridges with a small amount of silver that does not have a harmful effect on the human body (no more than 50 μg / l). But this minimum is not enough to kill harmful bacteria. They die only at a concentration of silver molecules from 150 µg/l and above. It is easy to guess that the use of this element in such meager amounts does not eliminate the problem of bacteriostatic carbon cartridges. The requirements of sanitary norms and rules set the maximum amount of silver at the outlet of the device 0.05 mg/l. In other words, it should not be washed out of the filter.

What should you pay attention to when choosing the most suitable of the many types of filters? Consider the following information:

    Service life and resource of filtered water;

    The period of use of the cartridge (frequency of replacement);

    Type of water suitable for use by the filter (domestic, technical, etc.). Each specific type of filter is intended only for operation in the conditions for which it was developed. The manufacturer declares these requirements in the product specifications;

    The possibility of extending the service life through the use of bacteriostatic additives.

Some manufacturers set the cartridge resource to 1 year, others to 1.5 years. But be that as it may, when the life of the cartridge comes to an end, it must be replaced, even if it has not yet exhausted the declared resource. Because at the end of the service life, a large number of bacteria and harmful microorganisms accumulate in the cartridge. So, by continuing to use it, you risk harming your body with contaminated water.

If the service life of the cartridge has not come to an end, and the filtered water limit has already been used up, it is also not advisable to use it. The volume of water was not announced by chance. It is when such an amount of liquid passes through the filter that it is significantly contaminated. So it is not recommended to use it in the future.

At best, the cartridge will become useless. At worst, it will throw bacteria into clean water during sharp water hammers of the cartridge (this happens as a result of pressure surges in the water supply system).

There are many companies on the Russian market that are developing water treatment systems. It is quite difficult to choose one or another water filter on your own, without the help of a professional. And even more so, you should not try to mount a water treatment system yourself, even if you have read several articles on the Internet and it seems to you that you have figured everything out.

It is safer to contact a filter installation company that provides a full range of services: specialist advice, analysis of water from a well or well, selection of suitable equipment, delivery and connection of the system. In addition, it is important that the company provides service maintenance for the devices.

Such is Biokit, which offers a wide range of reverse osmosis systems, water filters and other equipment online that can return tap water to its natural characteristics.

Biokit specialists are ready to help you:

    Connect the filtration system yourself;

    Understand the process of choosing water filters;

    Pick up replacement materials;

    Troubleshoot or solve problems with the involvement of specialist installers;

    Find answers to your questions over the phone.