Do-it-yourself foundation waterproofing: how to make your own foundation waterproofing at home. Do-it-yourself tape waterproofing Coating technology with roll materials

A strip foundation is often used to ensure the stability of buildings on dry and heaving soils. It is a strip of concrete poured around the perimeter of the future building. Since the material from which such a base is made can quickly collapse under the influence of water, waterproofing strip foundation is a top priority for the builder. There are several types and ways of doing this work that are worth considering.

What to consider before choosing the type of foundation waterproofing

If in the process of designing a house the choice fell on pouring a strip foundation, the craftsmen should conduct a series of studies in order to do their job correctly:

  • the foundation itself should be below the freezing level of the earth;
  • important to consider the level groundwater;
  • waterproofing requirements may vary depending on the purpose of the future structure;
  • it is worth exploring the area for a sharp rise in water after floods and heavy rainfall;
  • an important factor will be the force of swelling of the soil, which affects changes in the level of the soil.

All these factors can affect the depth of the trench that will have to be dug under the foundation, and the means of protection against water used. According to the type of location of the foundation waterproofing from FBS blocks, it is divided into horizontal and vertical, which have several options for execution.

Horizontal waterproofing

This type of waterproofing is carried out before the foundation is started in order to prevent capillary water from entering from below. For the full implementation of the tasks set, it must be a special foundation, possibly larger than the perimeter of the future house. For a small building, a screed of cement and sand in a ratio of 1: 2 will be enough.

When building a residential building, more serious preparation will be required:

  • a layer of sand 20-30 cm thick is laid and compacted at the bottom of the pit;
  • clay can be used instead of sand to get started;
  • applied over the first layer cement strainer 6-8 cm thick;
  • then you need to wait until the cement dries, which takes up to 14 days;
  • then the first screed is covered with bituminous mastic and roofing material is placed;
  • on top, a layer of roofing material is closed with another layer of mastic;
  • a second stitch is made.

After the material has completely dried, the manufacture of the foundation begins.

If the proposed structure is made of wood, it is worthwhile to perform the upper horizontal waterproofing of the strip foundation. Otherwise, water will flow to the wood, causing it to rot.

How can you perform upper layer horizontal waterproofing and at the same time it is easier to cut the roll of roofing material, can be seen in the following video:

Vertical waterproofing

Unlike horizontal waterproofing, this type of work can be performed not only during the construction process, but also when protecting the finished building from moisture. At the disposal of the masters, there are several options for materials used for waterproofing FBS blocks:

  • polyurethane mastic;
  • bitumen in rolls;
  • polymer membranes.

All these products differ in strength, durability, elasticity, installation methods and cost, so before choosing one of the proposed methods, the master should determine the difference between waterproofing materials, their strengths and weaknesses.

bitumen insulation

This method is considered the most common due to the low cost of the material, its elasticity and ease of application. Liquid mastic fills all the formed cracks and voids in the foundation, preventing the penetration of moisture inside. Do-it-yourself waterproofing of a strip foundation can be done by the efforts of one person.

The compositions of bituminous mastic differ in heat resistance, so when choosing, you should pay attention to the marking. Its last two digits indicate the maximum allowable temperature at which the composition retains its properties.

However, the method also has its drawbacks. The composition is applied in several layers, which increases the duration of work. It does not guarantee 100% protection and requires re-treatment of the foundation after 10 years.

Before applying a layer of mastic, surface preparation is required. It should be solid, with rounded corners, without sharp protrusions, with the most smooth transitions from horizontal to vertical. If there are traces of air bubbles in the foundation, they should be rubbed with fine-grained cement mortar. Also, the surface must be cleaned of dust and dirt. All this will affect the evenness and integrity of the applied composition.

Be sure to check the surface for moisture. If the indicator is more than 4%, the bitumen will not form a strong layer, but will begin to delaminate after a short time after application.

The next stage of work is the primer. It is carried out either with a bitumen primer, or with a mixture of BN70/30 bitumen with gasoline in a ratio of 1:3.

To apply the mixture, you will need a roller or brush. In places where the base has joints or irregularities, it is necessary to apply 2 coats of primer. After that, you can start covering the foundation with mastic.

To prepare it, large pieces of bitumen are crushed and melted in a bucket. Since the composition already partially loses its properties during the first heating, it is worth using the mixture before it cools down.

To ensure more reliable insulation, it is worth applying 3-4 layers. For protection, the mastic is covered from above with geotextile or heat-insulating layer. In problem areas, the mastic needs to be reinforced with fiberglass or fiberglass.

Roll waterproofing

This type of FBS waterproofing can be used as an addition to mastic, but as independent way protect the foundation from moisture. Roofing material is most often used as a material, which is characterized by low cost and availability. Compared to mastic, it protects the base from moisture much longer (up to 50 years). At the same time, it will be impossible to do this work alone.

To cover the foundation or plinth with roofing material, you first need to prepare the surface and cover it with bituminous mastic. In this case, you should not worry about the thoroughness of applying the layer, since it will perform the function of attaching the roofing material to the surface.

The sheets of the main coating must first be slightly heated from below with a burner, and then laid on a layer of bitumen. The roofing material is overlapped with an allowance of 10-15 cm. For additional fixation, all joints are also heated. After fastening, the foundation is simply covered with soil without additional protection.

Instead of roofing felt, more modern materials can be used, such as polymer films with bitumen-polymer sputtering. The principle of operation will remain the same. The difference will be in the service life of the coating and in price.

Other methods of waterproofing

In modern construction practice, along with the methods described above, there are a number of alternative methods:

  1. As a waterproofing, you can use an ordinary layer of plaster. The service life of such a coating will not be long due to the low water resistance of the material (no more than 15 years), but it is not difficult to apply it again.
  2. To protect against liquid, the strip foundation can be coated with a composition based on liquid rubber. The quality of waterproofing in this case will be high. cons such a decision there will be a high cost of materials, including a special primer, the presence of a spray gun or low speed due to its absence.
  3. Penetrating waterproofing based on special compositions can be used both for external and for internal processing buildings. The difficulty for the master in this case will be the low prevalence and high cost of such a method.
  4. Masters may be asked to create clay castle. To do this, a trench is dug around the perimeter around the foundation, the bottom of which is covered with a mixture of sand and gravel, and on top the remaining space is covered with a layer of clay, which becomes a reliable barrier to groundwater or heavy rainfall.

Foundation waterproofing is an important part of the design and construction of any building. This is the main defense of any wall structure. Depending on the type of waterproofing, it can be carried out either before the foundation is made, or after the construction is completed. The complexity of manufacturing, cost and service life depend on the selected material and the correctness of its application.

  • Drainage system device

The foundation is the main part of the house. The durability of the building as a whole depends on its quality. The foundation of the house is affected by ground, rain and capillary water, because of which it can sag and deform. Concrete is a hygroscopic material. The moisture that it absorbs rises through the capillaries, penetrating the walls and floor and causing the formation of mold and mildew. When this water freezes, the foundation can collapse. In order to protect the house from destruction as a result of exposure to moisture, a timely foundation waterproofing device is necessary. If you are still thinking about whether to do waterproofing, keep in mind that repairing the foundation in the future will cost more than building a house, and it’s not worth talking about the complexity and laboriousness of the work.

Foundation waterproofing scheme.

It cannot be said that the performance of such works - easy task. Waterproofing technology requires certain skills and understanding of the processes that occur in concrete and soil and in various materials. Experience is also important, therefore, before performing work, it is necessary to consult with a specialist and follow his recommendations.

House foundation waterproofing technology

First you need to decide on the complex of construction works on waterproofing. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the following factors: the level of occurrence of groundwater, the strength of frost heaving, the operating conditions of the house, and the heterogeneity of the soil. If maximum level groundwater is below the base of the foundation by 1 m or more, it is enough to make vertical coating waterproofing and horizontal with the use of roofing material.

The main types of waterproofing foundations.

If groundwater lies close to the foundation, but does not reach the basement level, the complex of works will have to be expanded. Horizontal insulation is carried out in 2 layers, each of which must be coated with bituminous mastic. For vertical waterproofing, both pasting and coating methods are used. Depending on the budget planned for the purchase of building materials, all concrete structures can be treated with penetrating materials that stop the movement of water through the capillaries.

If groundwater occurs above the base of the foundation and the basement floor, it is necessary to additionally equip drainage system. The price of foundation waterproofing depends on its area, quantity and type of materials used. In the simplest case, you will only have to purchase bitumen. In the most difficult - you will have to spend money on penetrating, roll and coating materials, as well as on the arrangement of the drainage system.

Horizontal foundation waterproofing

For monolithic and strip base horizontal waterproofing is carried out in 2 places: at the level of the basement floor and at the junction of the foundation with the walls.

Horizontal waterproofing can only be performed during the construction phase of a building, so it needs to be taken care of in time.

For this you will need the following materials and tools:

Scheme of horizontal waterproofing.

  • shovel;
  • oily clay;
  • concrete;
  • bituminous mastic;
  • ruberoid;
  • cement;
  • rollers, brushes;
  • adhesive mastics.

Before erecting the foundation at the bottom of the pit, it is necessary to fill in a layer of greasy clay 20-30 cm thick, which must be carefully compacted. After that, a layer of concrete of 5-7 cm is poured. This is necessary for arranging the waterproofing of the foundation. Before laying the material, the concrete must dry and gain the required strength. Then the concrete is coated with bituminous mastic, on top of which roofing material is placed.

The surface is again covered with mastic and a second layer of roofing material is laid. Concrete is poured from above and ironing is performed. It is also included in the base isolation work package. Ironing is done like this: cement sifted through a sieve is poured on top of the concrete and leveled. After some time, the cement will get wet from the moisture contained in the concrete. Then the surface is periodically moistened with water until it gains strength.

After the strip or pile foundation is built, its surface must also be waterproofed to prevent moisture from rising into the walls. The surface is covered with bituminous mastic, on top of which roofing material or any other rolled material is laid. The procedure is performed twice to obtain a two-layer waterproofing. The edges of the material are not cut, but brought down and pressed with vertical insulation.

Drainage system device

Option with waterproofing and drainage of the foundation wall.

Depending on the depth of groundwater and the type of soil, it may be necessary to equip a drainage system that serves to collect and drain atmospheric and groundwater into the well. Such a need mainly arises with poor soil permeability and high groundwater. To build a drainage system, you need to dig trenches around the perimeter of the building at a distance of about 70 cm from it. The depth depends on the level of groundwater. Width - 40 cm. The trench should be located with some slope in relation to the pit and the well.

Geotextile is laid at the bottom, its edges are wrapped on the sides of the pit by 90 cm. Crushed stone or gravel is poured with a layer of 5 cm along the length of the trench and perforated pipes are laid with a slope of 0.5 cm for each m. Then pre-washed gravel is poured, everything is covered with the remaining edges geotextile. Pipes are brought to a collecting well, and backfilling of the soil is carried out. The drainage system can be equipped after the house is put into operation.

Vertical waterproofing of the base of the house

Scheme of vertical waterproofing of the foundation.

For this, the most different materials that can be combined. It is considered the cheapest bituminous waterproofing foundation. This will require bitumen, sold in bars. V large capacity 70% bituminous resin and 30% used oil are laid. The vat needs to be warmed up by making a fire under it. After the bitumen has melted, it can be applied to the previously leveled surface. With a brush or roller, bitumen is applied to the surface of the base, starting from its sole and ending 15-20 cm before the soil surface. Bitumen must be applied in several layers, bringing the total thickness to 3-5 cm. So that the bitumen does not freeze in the container, it must be hot all the time.

Bitumen fills the pores in concrete, protecting it from moisture penetration. The service life of such waterproofing is 5 years, after which the coating begins to crack and collapse, letting water into the concrete. To extend the life of waterproofing, bitumen-polymer compounds are used that do not have the disadvantages of conventional bitumen.

Foundation waterproofing

The scheme of waterproofing the foundation with roofing material.

Roll materials can be used alone or in combination with coating materials. The most popular pasting material is roofing material. Before fixing it on the surface of the base, it is treated with bituminous mastic. After this, the roofing felt sheets are heated gas burner and are applied to the surface with an overlap of 20 cm. Roofing material can be fixed with adhesive mastics. Before fusing the vertical waterproofing, the horizontal edges must be wrapped and pressed, fusing roofing material on top.

Roofing material can be replaced with more modern materials based on polyester, which increases their strength, wear resistance and elasticity. But even they cannot provide the necessary strength of the coating without preliminary application of mastic, since they do not fill the pores.

The scheme of waterproofing the foundation with liquid rubber.

Pasting waterproofing can be replaced with liquid rubber, which has good adhesion to the surface. The surface will be seamless, which will provide high-quality protection. If the work will be done manually, Elastomiks or Elastopaz, one-component rubber, will do. "Elastopaz" is applied in 2 layers, each of which must dry for at least 24 hours. Sold in containers of 18 kg, if the contents are not completely used up, the bucket can be hermetically sealed and the material left for storage. Elastomiks is applied in one layer, it is sold in 10 kg. If the bucket with the mixture is not used up to the end, it cannot be stored, because after 2 hours it will turn into rubber.

The surface covered with liquid rubber requires protection from external influences if the soil backfill has inclusions in the form of stones or construction debris. In this case, the foundation is covered with geotextiles and a pressure wall is equipped.

Penetrating foundation waterproofing

Scheme of penetrating waterproofing of the foundation.

Penetrating materials are materials whose substances penetrate into the structure of concrete and crystallize inside. Hydrophobic crystals protect concrete from water penetration into its structure and its uplift through capillaries. This prevents the destruction of concrete and increases its frost resistance. Materials such as "Hydrotex" and "Aquatron" are penetrating waterproofing, most often they process the internal surfaces of the basement or basement. It is better to apply penetrating materials on wet concrete. To do this, the surface must be cleaned of dust and thoroughly moistened. The material is applied in several layers. After it has been absorbed outer layer can be deleted.

For waterproofing and leveling the vertical surfaces of the foundation, you can use plaster mixes with moisture resistant components. The foundation is plastered in the same way as the walls on the lighthouses. To prevent cracking, plaster must be applied hot. After drying, the plaster layer must be protected with a clay castle.

Clay castle does not allow pressure water to the foundation. To do this, a trench is dug along the perimeter of the foundation at a distance of 0.6 m, on the bottom of which crushed stone is poured. The walls and bottom of the trench are covered with greasy clay. The remaining space can be covered with clay or gravel, and a blind area can be made from above. During the spring flood, the clay does not allow water to pass to the base, and excess moisture escapes through the gravel layer.

Foundation waterproofing device: work technology

The foundation waterproofing device begins with horizontal insulation. It can be performed using bitumen, roofing felt, liquid rubber and other materials. They are also used for vertical insulation.

The strip foundation of your house should be “dressed” in waterproofing materials. correct and reliable waterproofing the strip foundation of your house is one of the priorities that you must definitely solve.

Tape is a reinforced concrete strip. It goes along all the external dimensions of the structure and along the load-bearing internal walls.

We know from life experience that in order to preserve our health, we put on warm clothes in cold weather, we put on shoes accordingly in wet weather. We go fishing and hunting in special wading boots so as not to get our feet wet and not get sick. But many unfortunate builders think that the built house, in particular, its foundation, can be located in a rather damp and cold environment - in the ground - without protection from this aggressive environment.

Therefore, in order for the house you built:

  • pleased you and more than one generation of your descendants;
  • was a “long-liver”, for which you need to preserve the “health” of your home;
  • gave no trouble frequent repairs, alterations, reconstructions due to illiterate construction and subsequent operation,

definitely needed modern technology for isolation from groundwater.

With this important issue we have to figure it out.

Strip foundations (scheme).

To create a waterproofing that will last you for many years, you need to use a high-quality, specially designed material with certain properties and characteristics.

The material used must be:

Modern materials have these properties and differ only in a greater or lesser degree of their manifestation.

good drainage

Light soils - sands and sandy loams - are able to easily pass the emerging moisture into the lower layers of the soil. Water does not stagnate near the erected foundation, and therefore waterproofing can be a little easier compared to the waterproofing device, standing on heavy, heaving soils - clay, loam.

As a rule, on heaving soils they arrange a drainage system for collecting and removing moisture from concrete foundation. For this, special drainage membranes are used, which are placed under monolithic slab on which the strip foundation stands.

Scheme of the device of the drainage system.

Under the sole of the reinforced concrete foundation strip, carried out in a trench (house without a basement) along all external and internal bearing walls at home, with a depth of the base of the foundation 20-30 cm below the freezing point of the soil, a sand-gravel or sand-gravel cushion must be built. Such drainage is able to divert moisture to the lower layers of the earth. The width of the bulk and compacted cushion should be 20 cm more than the width of the strip foundation. The cushion prevents water stagnation and silt or clay from being drawn in when the groundwater level rises on the foundation surface and damage to the vertical waterproofing. A vertically installed drainage membrane helps to drain excess water away from the building, preventing it from exerting pressure on the waterproofing itself and looking for weaknesses in it.

Horizontal and vertical insulation

Scheme of the horizontal waterproofing device

Horizontal waterproofing is carried out under a monolithic slab by laying a drainage membrane on a monolithic layer of lean concrete with a slope into the outlet pipeline, followed by installation reinforced mesh and pouring monolithic foundation slab, on which a strip foundation is assembled or poured around the perimeter of the house.

Horizontal waterproofing is also done to separate the upper plane of the strip foundation and the starting wall. It is carried out by spraying the appropriate material or laying rolled waterproofing materials.

All vertical planes of the strip foundation from top to bottom are covered with modern materials specially designed for this.

Several types of waterproofing

Non-pressure waterproofing protects the strip foundation from external atmospheric precipitation penetrating the soil, and from the spring and autumn temporary rise in the groundwater level.

For reliable anti-pressure waterproofing of the basement, it is better to apply three layers of slurry.

After the vertical waterproofing is completed, the foundation is backfilled. The best result is achieved with layer-by-layer backfilling with inert, well-conducting water materials, such as quartz (river) sand with the least clay impurities, gravel mass or earth. Backfill construction waste undesirable, since it is after this operation that the integrity of the waterproofing of the strip foundation can be damaged. On the surface of the earth around the entire perimeter of the building, a blind area 1 m wide is made of concrete or asphalt.

Anti-pressure insulation, in turn, protects the base of the house from contact with permanent nearby groundwater in the area of ​​the foundation. Coating, spraying, painting materials are used for such purposes. After applying such insulating materials, a continuous layer of insulation is formed without joints and seams with good repulsive properties.

Capillary waterproofing prevents moisture droplets from entering the concrete monolith. It gives the best results when concrete is impregnated with compositions both with internal and with outer side foundation tape. Impregnating compositions penetrate deep into the concrete for several centimeters, filling the smallest pores in the concrete, making the strip foundation practically airtight and able to withstand external moisture.

Scheme of junction of horizontal and vertical waterproofing.

Sequence of work

Work on the isolation of the strip foundation from external influence media must pass on a surface free of dirt.

First of all, it is necessary to choose the method of application, and at the same time the insulating material itself.

Coating waterproofing is carried out with mastic, bituminous compounds, liquid glass. In most cases, it is used as the first layer of insulation and as a bonding layer for gluing rolled materials.

After this layer, the foundation is covered with roofing material or other roll materials in two layers, sticking the layers on the mastic. The joints are made with an overlap of 20 cm.

Waterproofing is also possible with the use of spraying special formulations using a sprayer.

After performing any type of waterproofing, it is advisable to mount a special roll profiled membrane, which will protect the waterproofing from damage and help drain excess water from the foundation. The membrane is also rolled out with an overlap at the joints of 15-20 cm.

Do-it-yourself waterproofing of the strip foundation includes the protection of vertical parts and horizontal surface at basement level. The side parts are coated with bitumen if there is contact with the ground.

This type of foundation is perhaps the most common building load-bearing structure for residential buildings, because construction works for its construction are quite simple. Do-it-yourself waterproofing of a strip foundation includes the protection of vertical parts and a horizontal surface at the basement level. The side parts are coated with bitumen if there is contact with the ground.

It is worth canceling that the consumption of materials for waterproofing works on a strip foundation is moderate enough, which makes such a load-bearing building structure optimal in terms of price, quality and construction time.

One of the main criteria in the calculation of the strip foundation is the composition of the base soil and the level of groundwater. In addition to dimensional calculations, frame reinforcement schemes and concrete grades, these parameters are also important to take into account when installing waterproofing. finished construction, as this will largely determine its durability and bearing capacity.

Features of insulation work on a strip foundation

Scheme of the horizontal waterproofing tape device

Those who are faced with the construction of their house for the first time and decided to build it on a shallow shallow foundation should remember important point- waterproofing of the strip foundation is mandatory! This rule cannot be neglected even in cases where the building will be located on rocky soils in the absence of a groundwater level in the freezing zone of the earth. In addition to waterproofing and warming the foundation itself, it is highly desirable to make a blind area.

Waterproofing strip foundation consists of the following steps:

  1. Insulation work carried out at the stage earthworks. These works include the installation of a horizontal layer of roofing material under the foundation cushion. This protection is laid directly on the ground, drainage layer or coarse bedding, depending on the design design. The main task of this roofing material layer is to protect the foundation cushion from possible flooding or frost heaving of the soil. To prevent premature destruction of such a structure by precipitation, it should be protected with a blind area. A pillow under the foundation may not be necessary, the need for its presence is established by calculations or design work.
  2. Horizontal waterproofing. This type of protection is applied to a concrete pad, in front of the tape monolith. It is necessary to protect the joint between two structural elements - the foundation cushion and the strip foundation itself. If you do not perform horizontal insulation, then the water that gets into such a joint, after freezing, can violate both the integrity of the entire structure and damage individual elements foundation. In addition to the protection device, between the tape and the pillow, horizontal waterproofing also includes the laying of roofing material between the upper surface of the foundation and the material of the walls being erected (for example, brickwork). Functional purpose such protection is similar to that which is arranged between the cushion, the sole and the tape supporting structure.
  3. vertical waterproofing. Such protection of the structure from moisture should be carried out both on the outer surface and on the inner one. This is the most important part of the insulation, it is its device that is needed to ensure the durability of the entire structure. Horizontal insulation can be performed both with roll material, for example, roofing material, and with a bitumen-based liquid binder, such as bituminous mastic. In addition to such insulation, the foundation must necessarily have a blind area, only a combination of these two elements can effectively resist moisture.

The need for protection

Schematic representation of the implementation of vertical and horizontal waterproofing with sand cushion(sole) on the ground

For those who want to save money at certain stages or completely abandon measures to protect the foundation from moisture, it should be remembered that even after insulation and decorative finishes horizontal part of the strip structure, the concrete will still continue to absorb moisture coming through the air.

This moisture will gradually destroy the concrete, since microorganisms and spores will penetrate with it, and the moisture itself may contain solutions of aggressive components, which will also affect the structure, which can first lead to microcracks, and then to chipping of the surface. .

For additional protection of the entire structure from precipitation and flood waters, a blind area is also needed - without it, the base under the pillow (sole) may be blurred, which will create an additional load on the load-bearing elements of the entire building. Also, the blind area will not allow moisture to penetrate into the soil when areas of stagnant water form near the house, and after this water is removed, the blind area will protect the soil from rapid drying and cracking. The blind area should be erected under a slope from the building, to ensure the flow of water. The junction of the blind area and the foundation also needs to be isolated.

The procedure for the installation of roll waterproofing

The use of roll material for vertical protection of the supporting structure

Before starting work, clean concrete surface from dirt and dust, as well as to eliminate protruding sharp elements so that they do not damage the material. Then you should mark and cut the roofing material.

To glue the material, it should be heated with a gas burner so that the binder becomes liquid on the surface to be glued, after which it can be glued.

During the application of the material, it should be immediately smoothed so that it correctly takes the form of the structure and fills all the voids, this procedure will also remove air bubbles. If in any area it is not possible to lay whole leaf, then the joining should be done overlapping, heating the edges on both sheets and pressing them tightly, only then they are soldered.

Insulation should be applied to a clean concrete surface and should not be treated with a bituminous binder prior to this unless they are products from the same manufacturer that are intended to be used in combination. Otherwise, the roll material may not stick due to the difference chemical composition organic binder.

The procedure for the installation of coating waterproofing

Treatment of the base tape with mastic standing on pile foundation(pile-tape)

For these purposes, an organic bituminous binder is used, most often bituminous mastic. Before applying to the surface, it must be made liquid, for which a special solvent or heating is used. Before starting work, you should carefully read the manufacturer's instructions, which also give recommendations for liquefaction. When the composition is ready, it is applied with a brush or roller in several layers, filling all the pores and voids.

It should be noted that, compared to rolled insulation, coating insulation is less durable, and it should be used only if there is no threat of flooding and a low level of groundwater. Before installing the blind area, an additional layer of coating should be applied, the blind area itself can also be covered with mastic, but only after the concrete mixture has completely dried.

An example of the construction and waterproofing of a prefabricated tape supporting structure

Let's bring specific example waterproofing of a tape bearing structure without bitumen protection of the sole:

The house was designed without a basement and ground floor. To the water about 145 meters. Soil clay-whole. A trench is dug 100 cm deep. A layer of crushed granite without sand (150-200 mm). A reinforced tape of four rods with a diameter of 12 mm is laid.
Next, a couple of rows of FBS blocks are placed, we get the team load-bearing structure
Armo-belt 40 by 20 is produced
Rolled with a bituminous primer and rubemast is laid
Next, 3 rows of red brick are laid, after which a waterproofing primer is applied from the top
We lay the first row of the gas silicate block

More information can be found in the video

The strip foundation of your house should be "dressed" in waterproofing materials. Proper and reliable waterproofing of the strip foundation of your home is one of the top priorities that you must definitely solve.

Tape is a reinforced concrete strip. It goes along all the external dimensions of the structure and along the load-bearing internal walls.

We know from life experience that in order to preserve our health, we put on warm clothes in cold weather, we put on shoes accordingly in wet weather. We go fishing and hunting in special wading boots so as not to get our feet wet and not get sick. But many unfortunate builders think that the built house, in particular, its foundation, can be located in a rather damp and cold environment - in the ground - without protection from this aggressive environment.

Therefore, in order for the house you built:

  • pleased you and more than one generation of your descendants;
  • was a "long-liver", for which you need to preserve the "health" of your home;
  • did not cause trouble from frequent repairs, alterations, reconstructions due to illiterate construction and subsequent operation,

modern technology for isolation from groundwater is required.

This is an important issue that we must deal with.

Waterproofing properties

To create a waterproofing that will last you for many years, you need to use a high-quality, specially designed material with certain properties and characteristics.

The material used must be:

Modern materials have these properties and differ only in a greater or lesser degree of their manifestation.

good drainage

Light soils - sands and sandy loams - are able to easily pass emerging moisture into the lower layers of the soil. Water does not stagnate near the erected foundation, and therefore waterproofing can be a little easier compared to the waterproofing device, standing on heavy, heaving soils - clay, loam.

As a rule, on heaving soils they arrange a drainage system for collecting and removing moisture from a concrete foundation. For this, special drainage membranes are used, which are placed under a monolithic slab on which a strip foundation stands.

Under the sole of the reinforced concrete foundation tape, carried out in a trench (a house without a basement) along all external and internal load-bearing walls of the house, with a depth of the foundation sole 20-30 cm below the freezing point of the soil, a sand-gravel or sand-gravel pillow is necessarily constructed. Such drainage is able to divert moisture to the lower layers of the earth. The width of the bulk and compacted cushion should be 20 cm more than the width of the strip foundation. The cushion prevents water stagnation and silt or clay from being drawn in when the groundwater level rises on the foundation surface and damage to the vertical waterproofing. A vertically installed drainage membrane helps to drain excess water away from the building, preventing it from exerting pressure on the waterproofing itself and looking for weaknesses in it.

Horizontal and vertical insulation

Horizontal waterproofing is carried out under a monolithic slab by laying a drainage membrane on a monolithic layer of lean concrete with a slope into the outlet pipeline, followed by the installation of a reinforced mesh and pouring, on which a strip foundation is assembled or poured around the perimeter of the house.

Horizontal waterproofing is also done to separate the upper plane of the strip foundation and the starting wall. It is carried out by spraying the appropriate material or laying rolled waterproofing materials.

All vertical planes of the strip foundation from top to bottom are covered with modern materials specially designed for this.

Several types of waterproofing

Non-pressure waterproofing protects the strip foundation from external atmospheric precipitation penetrating the soil, and from the spring and autumn temporary rise in the groundwater level.

For reliable anti-pressure waterproofing of the basement, it is better to apply three layers of slurry.

After the vertical waterproofing is completed, the foundation is backfilled. The best result is achieved with layer-by-layer backfilling with inert, well-conducting water materials, such as quartz (river) sand with the least clay impurities, gravel mass or earth. Backfilling with construction debris is undesirable, since it is after this operation that the integrity of the waterproofing of the strip foundation can be damaged. On the surface of the earth around the entire perimeter of the building, a blind area 1 m wide is made of concrete or asphalt.

Anti-pressure insulation, in turn, protects the foundation of the house from contact with permanent nearby groundwater in the foundation area. Coating, spraying, painting materials are used for such purposes. After applying such insulating materials, a continuous layer of insulation is formed without joints and seams with good repulsive properties.

Capillary waterproofing prevents moisture droplets from entering the concrete monolith. It gives the best results when concrete is impregnated with compositions both from the inside and from the outside of the foundation tape. Impregnating compositions penetrate deep into the concrete for several centimeters, filling the smallest pores in the concrete, making the strip foundation practically airtight and able to withstand external moisture.