Frequent questions about the repair of apartments. Rubric: "General Repair Issues" Plan for Repair of Apartments

1. How to determine the cost of repair?

From the very beginning, the customer should know what exactly repair he wants to get - Capital, cosmetic, etc.

Further, for an approximate estimate, the total area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment is multiplied by the cost of a square meter of repair chosen by you. More accurate will tell you our specialist after inspecting the object. In any case, the capital and cosmetic repair of St. Petersburg will be made qualitatively and inexpensive.

2. What kind of repair suits me:

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Everything depends on the state of your apartment and financial opportunities. If you wish to simply refresh the apartment, shove new wallpapers and change the linoleum, quite enough cosmetic repair.

Cosmetic repair usually implies partial preparation of the surfaces of the apartment to finishing work. The same, or turnkey repair, means aligning all surfaces under the level, replacement of plumbing and communications, repair of the bathroom and bathroom, an apartment decoration by expensive materials.

The finishing works themselves can be performed immediately after accepting an apartment and signing an act of acceptance of an apartment.

If we are talking about overhaul with partial redevelopment, it is initially necessary to obtain permission to scheduled changes in the relevant authorities. And permits can be issued in the process of building a house.

Ask a question about repairing apartments you can us!

6. What is the difference between the blacks from finishing?

These words usually characterize housing readiness level for instant entrance. These concepts were included in the construction of multi-storey new buildings, when the developers built apartments with concrete walls (without plaster, ties, plumbing) - in fact giving one walls with air.

This state of things is customary called chernovo finish. In the future, the definition of the rough finish was any preceding finish repair work. For example, the plaster of the walls is customary to call the draft finish, and the blending of the wallpaper is purish.

7. How fast can you do finish?

Immediately after requesting the customer we make an application and in a few minutes we agree with you all the questions: Measurement of the room, etc.

In order for our specialist to have a complete vision of the object of the object, it is advisable to appoint a meeting at the place of work. We proceed to repair according to the timing specified in the contract for the provision

8. How much time will take

Usually from the month.

Much depends on the area, volume and technologies used, whose violation can lead to serious negative consequences.


Repairs in the apartment

Repair of the apartment is generally divided into two stages: documentary ("paper") and manufacturing (working). To neglect the development of the necessary documents and their appropriate execution should not be: unsystematic work leads to errors, each of which means rework at least at a double price. Double - because you have to break the already made and completely remake it. At a minimum - because at the same time the penalties of the controlling authorities and the reimbursement of the neighbors are possible.

Documentary cycle

Documentary repairs consists of the following steps:

  1. Measurement.
  2. Maketing.
  3. Design.
  4. Drawing up the estimates.
  5. Obtaining permits for requiring their types of work.


The size of the rooms, the height of the ceilings, window and door openings and their location relative to the walls, the thickness of the partitions is measured. In the process of the measure, find out from which partitions are made (for this you need to withdraw part of plaster or cladding) and the presence of emptiness between the plates of capital walls and overlaps. They are found a pointed steel dipstick or just a screwdriver. Also measured furniture remaining after repair or newly acquired, oversized items, for example. Vacuum cleaner, rod, bike, and the volume of long stored - domestic blanks, tools, clothing for departure, etc. is presented.


Then you need to draw an apartment plan on the scale, cut out of the cardboard on the same scale of the application of the proceedable objects and work out the options for their arrangement from the point of view of ergonomics and design. This is plating. His goals:

  • Create convenience.
  • Determine the need and volumes.
  • Find out what can be done yourself, but what is better to charge the pros.

Redevelopment must be minimized: any work related to it require both a formal permission, and these are not melligible costs and extra efforts. The following works include redevelopment:

  1. or loggia with and.
  2. Transferring and / or expansion of door and window openings, walls, overlaps.
  3. , regardless of whether the opening of the balcony block remains in the same form or not.
  4. The device of partitions giving a concentrated load -, from glass blocks, etc. heavy materials.
  5. Alteration of ventilation moves, air supply systems or.
  6. The chimney device (gas ducts).
  7. Association or separation of premises, incl. Bathroom.

In addition, the resolution will be needed on the connecting electrical wiring, and alteration of the omit from the gas riser to gas appliances. All-requiring performance permits are issued by an act of acceptance issued by the authorization issued. Without an acceptance act, the work is definitely considered self-employment.

Note: A device or dismantling of partitions from puzzle blocks, foam and aerated concrete, drywall (GVL), plywood and lumber permission does not require.

Project and estrase

According to the results of the maketting, a project corresponding to the construction standards is being developed (the layout "robs" in the norm), and attics to the production of works. To compile estimates, it is necessary to make explication - specify the floor area, ceiling, walls, etc. necessary for calculating data.

Design - the work is complicated; Even experienced builders, the project often takes more time and work than the actual construction site. The development of the project and the estimates is better to entrust experienced professionals, perfectly knowing the SNiP (building standards and rules). So it will come out rather, easier and cheaper than then redoing the amateur flaws.

Tip: estimation and a family budget allocated to construction - things are different. The budget needs to lay approximately 30% "top" on paper and unforeseen expenses. It can be estimated that with a reasonable savings and the right organization of work, you can meet 12,000 rubles / sq. M based on the total area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment, counting the balcony with the chula.


Construction project organizations, as a rule, prepare and packages of permits for work. Prices are not happy, but "self-regulation" will cost more and can lead to a neuropathologist. Only "but" - the validity of the permits is limited, so when concluding an agreement on the design, it is necessary to stipulate their phased receipt.

The production cycle

Repair work is made from the most dirtiest and complex. They are performed immediately, and the decoration then lead from long-distance premises to the entrance. The sequence of repair is as follows:

The rough repair of the bathroom and the decoration of it with the substitute for plumbing is appropriate to divide so as not to "kill" new when repairing. Kitchen repair is complicated and requires separate macetas, and the room is not passing, so it is better to make it comprehensively. Passion makes the last link primarily because of the garbage.

About balcony

When to make the repairs of the balcony? Often they advise you to leave it finally - there, they say, it is convenient to place a preparatory zone (workbench with vice) and store materials. But the experience of the self-delicar masters says that the dirt and garbage from frequent walking to the balcony and garbage are spread all over the apartment, with long materials, much more convenient to work in the room next to the queue, and there is no danger that the block or board is borrowed down on the head of a random passerby.

Therefore, if the repair is volumetric, the balcony is better done first, especially since it is farther from the entrance. In addition, without risking to spoil housing, the balcony can be counted working skills, learn how to feel the material and gain experience of walking by instances.


The drill and the simplest set of a plumbing tool are among everyone who canso. For repair, you still need to purchase a perforator: they will be useful, and when renting a rental back due to intensive use, problems may arise. To the perforator, you need to immediately purchase a set of drills, drills and bits in concrete (the shock drill for long-term operation of this kind is unsuitable) and the drill-crown of concrete in the size of the holes for the peasants. Bulgarian - several (2-3 for starters) circles on stone and metal cutting and enrolled. To a regular drill, in addition to the available drill, a metal cord brush for stripping surfaces and a mixing nozzle for mixing construction mixtures.

From the small tool, you need to be roulette with a roulette at 10 or more, a building level of at least 1 m long, also 1 m metal ruler and a plumbing kit of 0.5 m. Also need a metal spatula for plaster, a rule for smoking a screed, a chisel or chisel and halfter For grout. For work with glue, you need a toothed spatula for glue.

From the painting tool, we need round and flush brushes 30-40, 60-80 and 100-120 mm and a greasy roller. The drywall will need a needle roller, and for another needle roller, special. Still back by several mounting knives, a knife-jam, divorce and gas keys No. 1 and No. 2. For specific types of work, additional tools will be needed.

As for the soldering iron for, laser level and set for mounting pipelines of split-systems, then they are rarely needed in everyday use (except perhaps an electrolovka), so it is better to rent them.


Materials are heavy, packing, required in large quantities and allowing long-term storage, somehow cement, sand, plastering mixtures, ready-made paints, it is better to purchase at least 2 repairs in order to buy. Piece facing materials (laminate, MDF, lining, tile, porcelain stoneware) are purchased immediately: Then the seller may not be the right article, and even one article has a bit from the party to the party, but according to the results of an accurate calculation - they are roads - and with Flash for battle and waste.

Materials requiring special storage and preparation conditions immediately before use (bulk gender, glue, sealant, etc.) are purchased as needed: suddenly it will be unsuitable, you can contact the claim only after purchase. Hardware, fasteners, installation profiles and draft finishing materials (drywall, plywood) This does not concern - they can be purchased as immediately, if there is where to store and as they need.

Repair is an important stage to which it is necessary to prepare thoroughly. Together with we will tell you about what you need to ask the construction team hired by you to be calm for the result.

How many objects have already been executed by a brigade?

The success of your repair to a large extent depends on the professionalism of the repair brigade. But, no matter how experienced, neither the masters engaged in the repair of your living space will not prevent to know what guarantees after the end of the work they provide.

In some cases, the qualifications of workers are of great importance: ask if there are highly specialized specialists in the brigade or all the universals. Are there in the Plumbing, electricians, tiler?

How long will it take to repair?

Needless to say, the answer to it is important: sometimes there are situations when the repair team promises to customer, to withstand that technologically does not work.

How will the work be paid?

This question is advisable to find out in detail. It is more expedient to pay for the repair of stages.

Sometimes due to unforeseen cases, the budget of repair on work and materials may increase, so before starting work it is worth finding out whether it is possible to fix the cost of repair per square meter.

Is it possible to see the brigade in the case?

It is important when choosing a repair brigade to see the live result of their work - preferably at the final stage. Only so you can objectively appreciate whether these specialists and the quality of their services are suitable.

Plus, it is always clear from the process, how neat builders do not smoke at the facility, are neatly with electrical devices.

What draft materials will be required?

And yet - who will buy them. If a brigade is engaged in their purchase, find out how reporting on purchased materials will be organized.

Julia, 08-12-2019

Good day. The plaster in the area of \u200b\u200bthe wall corner collapsed. With all the fulfillment, everything was rushing, boards were discovered. How to put a plaster on them so as not fell off?

Reply from the administration, 08-12-2019

To begin with, it is necessary to clean and delete the surface. Then it is securely reinforced by a plaster grid of the CPVS and further apply aligning compositions.

Evgeny, 20-11-2019

Greetings! Situation: The ceiling in a new building is a concrete plate with small potholes, stamps are smeared, the ceiling is smooth. I want to specify a couple of moments. 1. Where to start (in addition to primer and cleaning).? From putty or plaster? 2. Can I use only multiphinis? At the first stage, to squeeze the available sembed point, and on the final to align the entire ceiling with further grinding. 3. Is there a need for glass chickens? Thank you!

Reply from the administration, 20-11-2019

Good day.
The order of operations to remove the surface under high-quality color provides for plastering works, putty (you can multiphinish, but it is more expensive than conventional dry mixtures of type vetonit), plane pasting with glass coolers, followed by the finish putty on it.

Andrei, 26-05-2019

Hello, I'm interested in how much the repair will cost in the new building (approximately 70-80 m.2). The room is completely without decoration - there are no walls, screeds and so on. And also interesting deadlines for which this repair is possible. With all respect, Andrew

Reply from the administration, 26-05-2019

The estimated cost of work on the apartment, based on the area, subject to type repair, will be about 550 thousand rubles. (including alignment of surfaces under the "lighthouses", draft and finishing finish, the wiring of all engineering communications with the installation of electro / sanitary equipment), the cost of draft finishing materials is about 200 thousand rubles. With delivery, lifting and consumable tools. Approximate timelines for 3 months.

Tatiana, 21-05-2019

Hello! I bought a three-room apartment on the second floor, a five-storey house, but in it old wooden floor, on top of which chipboard are laid, the floors will creak. Currently, I want to take off these coverage and make new ones. But in front of me, the question arose which floors to lay:, cement screed, dry screed, filler floors, the linoleum laying is planned. Please tell me what type of coating will be better, reliable and acceptable for the price. Thanks in advance for the advice!

Reply from the administration, 21-05-2019

Optimal by the ratio of installation speed / cost / quality in secondary housing for laying of linoleum We consider the dry tie elements of the floor Knauf with a clay fringe.

Alena, 27-02-2019

Hello. We plan to repair from mid-June of this year. 3-room. Apartment 78.37 sq. M in the new building of the SAO of Moscow, we are the first tenants. We would first make repairs in the same room, then transfer things there, furniture and turn turnkey to repair the rest area. Do you work this way? How much will work cost and how much will it be a draft material? Is it possible on your part Purchase and delivery of fixed materials, for example, by catalogs? Thank you in advance for your response.

Reply from the administration, 27-02-2019

Yes, the option with the phased surrender of the premises is possible. It is also possible, assistance in the purchase of finishing materials. The estimated cost of work on the apartment, based on the area, subject to type repair, will be about 640 thousand rubles. (including dismantling-preparatory, alignment of all surfaces under the "lighthouses", the entire draft and finishing finish, the wiring of all engineering communications with the installation of electro / sanitary equipment), the cost of draft finishing materials is about 280 thousand rubles. With delivery, lifting and consumable tools. Approximate deadlines for 3.5 months.