Examples of parceling. What is parceling for, what is it: specific examples

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The means of expressiveness of the language make our speech brighter, richer, enhance its emotional impact. Among the diversity stylistic figures and the tropes that authors use to create imagery and expressiveness, parcelling occupies a special place. This technique can often be found both in the works of classics and in contemporary authors.


The term "parceling" is derived from the French "parcelle", which means "particle".

Parcellation is a figure of speech, which is the process of dividing an utterance into two or more independent phrases (in writing, the division is carried out using punctuation marks, and in oral speech - intonationally, pauses are used).

Well? Can't you see that he's out of his mind?
Say seriously:
Insane! what nonsense he was talking about!
Low admirer! father-in-law! and about Moscow is so menacing!
A.S. Griboyedov

Parcel structure

Parceling is one of the most interesting phenomena modern syntax. Any parcelled structure has basic part and parcels.

The phrase in which the dominant part of the sentence is realized is called (basic); and that part of the syntactic structure, where the structurally dependent part of the sentence is distinguished, is called a parcel. (There may be several parcels in a statement)

She is truly different from most actresses of today, good or bad. Playing on its own first-order system. Crying with real tears, non-glycerine. Dripping out no cranberry juice. Not imitating anyone. Imitating nothing (Today's newspaper, August 16, 1997).

In the above syntactic construction, the basic part will be the phrase: "She really differs from most modern actresses, whether good or bad."

All other proposals are parcels: “Playing by our own priority system”, “Crying with real tears, not glycerin”, “Dripping with non-cranberry juice”, “Not imitating anyone”, “Not imitating anything”.

The purpose of parcelling is to give speech intonation expression by means of its intermittent pronunciation.


The main functions of parceling:

  • characterological: is to imitate the reproduction of the monologue of the character, his internal state;
  • visual: used to highlight the main thing, to focus on certain details;

    "You? To me? Should something? It can not be!" He said with a shrug.

  • emotional-excretory: it is realized when, with the help of parcellation, the author tries to achieve amplification of emotions;

    “She stood up abruptly. She went to the table. She sat down. I thought. I wrote the first line quickly "

  • expressive-grammatical: based on changing the connections between the members of the sentence.

Parcel registration

Parceling gives speech a colloquial character and enhances the concentration of the audience's attention on the information offered, therefore, in writing, the parceled words and phrases are separated from each other through:

  • point, ellipsis;
  • exclamation point, question marks;
  • semicolon;
  • dash;
  • parentheses.

Examples in Russian

Parcelled constructions can often be found in poetic speech:

Night. The street. Lamp. Pharmacy.
Pointless and dim light.
Live for at least a quarter of a century -
Everything will be like this. There is no way out.

No smoky kitchens. No homeless streets.
Twelve beats. Four hits. And six.
And again. Gulliver. Costs. Slouching.
Shoulder. Into the cloud. It's hard. Lean.
Pavel Antokolsky. Gulliver

In everything I want to get to the very bottom.
At work, in search of a path, in a heartfelt turmoil.
To the essence of the past days, to their cause.
To the bases, to the roots, to the core.

I'm afraid of hotels. Maybe because
That I feel that sometime in the room
It will happen to me to remain alone.
Forever. Indeed. No return.

In the morning, bright as a splint, Terrible. Long. Ratny. The infantry regiment was defeated. Our. In an unequal battle.
(R. Rozhdestvensky)

Parceling in Russian is splitting one whole into fractional components punctuation marks. This is done in order to strengthen the meaning of what is being expressed, to focus the reader's attention on something, to give more expressiveness, emotional coloring to a word / several words.

Parcelling is one of the means artistic expression, such as:

  • Anaphora;
  • Graduation;
  • Hyperbola;
  • Inversion;
  • Irony;
  • Litotes;
  • Oxymoron;
  • A rhetorical question;
  • Comparison;
  • Synecdoche;
  • Epiphora;
  • Ellipsis.

The list of these paths can be continued, but to make it clearer for you, we have given several names. The main thing to understand is that parceling came to us from fiction. In the text below, we will consider this phenomenon in more detail and give several examples in order to have a clear idea of ​​this expressive means.

Parceling - syntactic speech technique

The name of the syntactic technique is "parcellation" - has French roots... It was formed from the word "parcella", which means "particle" in translation.

In fact, it turns out that this technique divides the offer into pieces... It brazenly and boldly interrupts the smooth flow of the text, dismembering it and the sentences, of which (as we know from primary school) it consists of short and harsh phrases.

Thanks to him, the reader understands the importance of the moment sees accents set by a writer who wants to make us pay attention to certain aspects. This is done using punctuation marks. Often a well-known point acts as a "cutter", for example:

“He got up. Looked around. I found a book with my eyes. I came up. I looked. Turned away. Left the room. "

But the segments into which the parceling divides the full phrase are perfectly divided by other punctuation marks:

  • Ellipsis;
  • A question mark;
  • Exclamation mark;
  • Dashes;
  • Brackets;
  • Semicolon.

For instance:

“She stood up abruptly. She went to the table. She sat down. I thought. I quickly wrote the first line. "

Parcel structure

Parcelling like syntactic facility, has its own characteristics. Since it divides one sentence into parts, it is quite logical that each of these parts also has its own name. So, you can select the main part is the base.

This is the part that contains the main idea. The punctuated part is called parcel. In practice, there can be an unlimited number of them. This base-dependent phrase is graphically defined as an independent one-piece sentence:

“A cat can get mad. And she is just as dangerous as a mad dog "-" Komsomolskaya Pravda ", 4-9 January. 1998 year

In the above sentence, "the cat can get mad" is the base. Everything else can be attributed to parcels, of which there can be an unlimited number in different offers. Knowing these features of the trail, you can easily find and recognize it in the texts of fictional works of famous writers.

The writer uses parceling deliberately in order to attract the reader to any detail, to make on it emotionally bright accent , to put new meaning in the sound of the sentence.

The purpose of parcelling in literature

As we have already found out, parcelling - means of expression, used by the author in works of art. But what goal is the writer pursuing when he chooses to rudely tear a flowing sentence to pieces? But such reasons make him do it:

  • Focusing the reader on the main thing;
  • Image of time intervals, creating the illusion of its duration;
  • Emphasizing the details of the overall picture;
  • Influencing the reader with intonation that conveys the emotional state of the hero / atmosphere;
  • The effect of suddenness of action;
  • Creation of contrasts, transitions, drops;
  • An image of the character's inner state.

Examples of parceling in fiction

“It happened a long time ago. A long time ago. Anna was in trouble. Big trouble. " (V.G. Rasputin.)

“Do you know that

Do you know that pa,

Did you know that py,

What does my dad have

There were forty sons ... "

(D. Harms)

“Whisper, timid breath.

Nightingale trills,

Silver and wobble

Sleepy stream ... "(A. Fet.)

“They beat the hooves. They sang as if:

- Rude ... "

“Well, come out.

I will strengthen myself.

You see - how calm!

Like the pulse of a dead man ... "

“The musicians laugh:

“Stuck in like!

I came to the wooden bride!

And I don't give a damn!

I'm good…"

“I'll be there at four,” said Maria.


(V. Mayakovsky.)

"You? To me? Should something? It can not be!" He said with a shrug. "

"He lived. And he lived. And he lived again. And again, not so ... "(P. Antokolsky)

“Is there a wash? Meaning? The essence? Why is life given? The senses? Emotions? Answer! "

The union of the divided or the separation of the united are two sides of a single whole. In human perception, the word "union" is most often associated with the "plus" sign, and "division" - with the "minus" sign. Why this happens is unknown. One thing is clear that the stereotypes acquired during life or, on the contrary, inherent in childhood, prevent us from seeing a minus in plus, and plus in a minus. This is limiting. This makes it difficult to see the truth. This makes it impossible to touch beauty. Today we will talk about such a linguistic phenomenon as parceling in the Russian language, and we will make sure "with our own eyes" that division, breakdown, separation is also beautiful, interesting, talented and marvelous.

What is parceling?

The term "parcel" is literally translated from Latin (parcellatio) as "division" and from French (parcelle) as "particle". In linguistics, this is a deliberate, deliberate division of a sentence into several separate parts: “The child is growing up. Releases mother's hand. Takes a step. Your first step. Carefully. Uncertain. First victory. "; “I hear someone's muffled sobs. Someone is crying. Barely audible. Cries and calls ... ”The examples given are a parcel structure, which consists of a base part and parcels. They are related in meaning. The sentence "The child is growing up", as well as "I hear someone's stifled sobs" are the basic or basic elements of the structure, which are its semantic centers.

“He lets go of his mother’s hand. Takes a step. Your first step. Carefully. Uncertain. First victory "; “Someone is crying. Barely audible. Cries and calls ... ... "- parcels - fragments, segments that appeared as a result of dismemberment. They are separated from the basic part using intonation, in written speech - a period, interrogative, or less often - a semicolon or comma.

Parcels should not be confused with connecting structures that are members.They contain additional information or an explanation, a remark that unites them with parcels, however, they are usually located in the middle or end of a sentence, separated by commas and accompanied by words such as, for example, even thus mainly and so on: "I loved our conversations, long, deep, sincere, especially in the evenings."

Basic functions of parceling in text

We have figured out the question of what parceling is, or, to be more precise, what is parcelling in Russian. However, an essential and important issue is the functioning of parceling in speech and text. In it is used unconsciously. In parceled constructions, this is an author's technique, which carries the following functions:

  • creating and highlighting a new bump;
  • pictorial function - underline individual parts, description, fixing the reader's attention at each stage of the action, stretching the action ("She stood up abruptly. She went to the table. She sat down. Thought. She quickly wrote the first line » .);
  • characterological function - imitation of a person's inner monologue, his emotional state("He ran, stumbling and falling. If only to be in time. Not to be late. Faster. Even faster » .);
  • emotional-excretory function ("You? Me? Do you owe something? It can't be! » - he said, shrugging his shoulders);
  • expressive grammatical function - changing the connections between the members of the sentence.

In conclusion, I would like to note that one can talk a lot about what parcelling is, enumerate its main functions, argue and find out the nature of its occurrence ... This is undoubtedly interesting and informative, but this is just a theory. Dry. Fresh. Tasteless (She herself began to use parcels). And you want something bright and “appetizing”. Therefore, I would like to end the topic "What is parcellation" with the most striking example and often quoted poem by Alexander Blok: « Night, street, lantern, pharmacy. Pointless and dim light. Live for at least a quarter of a century, Everything will be like this. No escape ».

In the many terms used in linguistics, not only schoolchildren who are preparing for the exam, but also students of philological faculties are confused. A frequent flaw is finding parceling in the passage offered for analysis. Parcellation is a beautiful word, and the phenomenon denotes, at first glance, seemingly simple, but, alas, there are usually a lot of mistakes in definition.

Parceling is, as a rule, two offers. One of them is considered basic, from which the second sentence is born. If the first is always two-part, that is, it has both a subject and a predicate, then the second is only one-part. As an example, let's analyze the following sentence:

I love this person very much and cannot live without him. I love it very much. It is this person. I can’t live. I can’t at all. I can't live without him.

In the first sentence, as indicated above, there is a subject "I" and a predicate "I love and cannot live." The meaning of the parcel - the next four sentences - is clear even without the main members.

What is the purpose of parceling in this syntactic construction? First, the speaker highlighted what he considered most important. Second, the reader or listener can easily identify his manner of speaking. What else can be expressed by a parceled syntactic construct? The visual function will help to show speech in the same way that an experienced operator, filming a movie, shows the flight of a bullet in slow motion. This will help enhance the effect of the fast acting duration. Emotional-excretory function will make the detail more convex in order to show it in the big picture. Or you can show the contrast, enhancing it with a parcel.

Now it turns out what a big person this device is - a weapon of expressive syntax. An excellent tool to show how emotions and inner state of the speaker grow. Need to enhance the emotionality of the statement? We use parcels. Don't need emotion? Is hidden valuation more important? And again the parcels will come to the rescue. The speaker here, of course, will not demonstrate the beauty and completeness of his speech, but he will convey his thoughts and feelings, despite the obvious inclination of the parcels to the telegraphic style.

Actually, the word "parcellation" itself is translated from French "parceller" into Russian, as "divide into parts" or you can say "split". We put dots between individual words or phrases in the sentence, and for greater expressiveness, you can use exclamation marks and get a parceled structure. Poets and prose writers willingly use this technique in their works, adding non-union or multi-union.

A technique called "asyndeon" (non-union) is needed to show how quickly, or better to say, rapidly changing the depicted events. In such sentences there are no superfluous words, only the characters are shown or the actions that these persons perform. Remember "Poltava" by Alexander Pushkin? Let's consider the famous lines from the point of view of finding in them the method of parcelling with a non-union.

Swede, Russian - pricks, chops, cuts

Drum beat, screams, grinding,

The thunder of the guns, the stomp, the neigh, the groan,

And death and hell from all sides.

The picture turned out to be convex, and adjectives and adverbs are not needed to give it expressiveness. Everything is very clear to the reader, and the picture seems to be very figurative: a terrible and ruthless battle, bringing death!

The deliberate use of unnecessary unions in a sentence, that is, a multi-union is called a polysindeton. This technique allows you to highlight, somehow isolate each word, and with it the image.

I screamed and cried and got up on my knees - nothing helped. And left. And he didn't call. And he won't call. And there is nothing to hope for.

What can be added here? Perhaps there is nothing, because the picture of despair of an abandoned woman, composed of separate fragments, stands before our eyes.

Do you know what parceling is usually compared to? You will never guess! With paintings by Picasso! The same dissection of the general into parts, and the same expression in each fragment. Real Cubism! Nice, isn't it? And absolutely exactly, from the point of view of the definition of the term "parceling".

The Russian language is a harmonious system. It goes through certain stages of development and obeys its internal laws. The development of the language system is especially noticeable in grammar. This is due to the fact that modern language is designed to solve communicative problems, since the communicative function is at the forefront. To fulfill this purpose in full, short constructions begin to prevail in the syntax of the Russian language. Parceling is one of such constructions.

This is really important because in modern world live communication is inferior to virtual. People have forgotten how to logically and competently express their thoughts not only orally, but also in writing.

What is parceling in Russian? Reception is a component of the syntactic system of the Russian language. It belongs to the area of ​​Russian stylistics. It is necessary in order to enhance the emotionality of speech.

Parcelling means that the sentence is divided into short semantic segments. On the letter, they are indicated as full, but short sentences. The peculiarity of the technique is that sentences can consist of one, less often two or three words. When parceling, the end of a sentence can be not only a period, but also an ellipsis, emphasizing the effect of innuendo, question or exclamation marks.

Examples of parceling in the literature:

In the Russian language, the syntactic device has become part of the stylistics section. I know school curriculum enough attention is paid to parceling in the senior grades. This technique is included in the tasks of the unified state examination in the Russian language in the 11th grade.

What is parceling for?

There is no unequivocal answer to this question.

Important! The syntactic technique in oral and written speech are completely different things in terms of functionality.

In oral speech, parceling is used spontaneously for unconscious level... Indeed, when we speak, we do not hesitate, uttering phrases. Moreover, we pronounce them in the context of a particular speech situation.

In written speech, parceling is the prerogative of the author. And in the text, the technique is inextricably linked with the concept of a topic and a rheme in a sentence, that is, known and new information.

Below we list the main cases when parceling is indispensable:

  1. The author of the text deliberately tries to draw the reader's attention to details. In this case, it seems that the action is frozen. Subconsciously, when reading sentences, a person focuses on details. Moreover, starting from the details of clothing or interior, ending with the details of what is happening in the specified episode.
  2. The writer intends to focus on the character of the character, namely his state of mind. This is especially well manifested in a dramatic work, when the hero utters internal monologues. Or in voluminous prose texts.
  3. The author wants to highlight a certain emotional background of the character. This achieves the effect of certainty. It seems to the reader that the literary hero is not fictional, but a real person.
  4. The writer tries not to violate the integrity of the text. In other words, he follows the rules of the speech situation given in the text.

Useful video: parceling


The classic textbook on the style of the Russian language, edited by the famous Russian linguist D.E. Rosenthal, describes the main varieties of syntactic techniques.

There are six of them:

  1. Parcelled subject. It is expressed most often by a noun or by a pronoun in its initial form.
  2. Parcels the predicate. In this case, it can be either a compound nominal or a compound verb.
  3. Parcelled addition. Moreover, both direct and indirect additions are taken into account.
  4. Parcelled definition. Consistent and inconsistent definitions can be part of a structure.
  5. Parcel circumstance.

According to the classification of parcels according to another criterion, three types can be distinguished:

  1. Same type. In this case, the parceling is represented by words that are the same members of the sentence and belong to the same lexical-semantic group.
  2. Diverse. It implies that parcels have different meanings and are different members of the proposal and in different parts speech.
  3. Consistent. In this case, one of the parcels is a component of the main statement, and the other refers to the first parcel. This type is somewhat similar to the theme and rema in a sentence or several sentences. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the style of the text.

Types of parcels

Definition and role in the text

The definition of parcelling goes back to the Latin word Particula, which means "particle" in translation.

The classical definition of parcelling interprets this concept as a technique for the stylistics of the modern Russian language, which implies intonational division of a sentence into segments. They are drawn up in the letter with the help of sentence end signs.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of reception in a text. First, it updates the information in the offer or part of it. Thus, this technique increases the information content of the entire text. Secondly, parceling concretizes the information in the part of the statement. This role of parcelling is more often manifested in literary texts... Thirdly, the stylistic device enhances the emotionality of both a single sentence and the entire text as a whole.

Useful video: simple on complex - parceling


Summing up, we can conclude that parceled structures are firmly entrenched in modern Russian and their number is constantly growing. This suggests that there is a growing tendency in speech to split sentences in the speech stream. Thus, the effectiveness and information content of the text increases significantly.

Since the reception came in literary language from colloquial speech, he brings the effect of ease into the text.

Note! This young phenomenon in the language is very popular. It is studied from different perspectives.

Although in practice, writers and poets have been using the technique for a long time, for example, by A. Blok: “Night, street, lamp, pharmacy. Pointless and dim light. Live for at least a quarter of a century, Everything will be like this. There is no escape. "