What to do for the orchid to give a peduncle. Why the orchid does not bloom: causes and solutions to the problem

Lovers of exotic flowers ask how to make an orchid bloom, since the plant seems to receive proper care, they constantly pay attention to him, but the peduncle does not develop. But you really want to see how the orchid begins to bloom, gradually captivating the observer with its amazing flowers.

Even at the acquisition stage, you need to know how to care for an orchid so that it can create comfortable conditions, provide proper care for her. It blooms at the age of 1.5 to 3 years, it is in this interval that different varieties 5 to 8 leaves are formed. It is recommended that early blooming attempts be discouraged so as not to weaken the plant.

If you water the orchid too abundantly, then stagnation of water can lead to decay of the roots; under such conditions, the plant does not form a peduncle or a baby.

The orchid will bloom if the rule of alternating growth and dormancy periods is observed. If orchids, as always, receive an equal amount of water at regular intervals, live at the same comfortable temperature and lighting, then they can grow, form a baby regularly, grow roots, but this is not suitable for flowering. At home, they alternate between rains and droughts, the awakening of the buds, the beginning of the growth of peduncles occurs when the plants use the accumulated moisture, and not during the rains.

In the absence of a difference between the values ​​\ u200b \ u200bof day and night temperatures, sleeping kidneys may not wake up at all, as with a shortage fresh air.

How to create a comfortable environment

Only conditions that are as close to natural as possible can make an orchid bloom. Most often, the Phalaenopsis orchid is grown at home, so it makes sense to talk about how to properly care for the Phalaenopsis orchid at home, so that its flowers regularly delight the owners.

The Phalaenopsis orchid can bloom for 9 months of the year, but then it needs a dormant period, after which it blooms again. During active growth and flowering, she needs regular watering, as soon as the substrate dries out, top dressing, wet warm air... The humidity level must be maintained at least 60%, and the air temperature can be from +18 to +25 degrees during the day and 4–5 degrees lower at night. An electric humidifier, frequent spraying, wiping the leaves with a wet soft cloth will help to humidify the air. Or you can put a bowl of water next to the pot for constant evaporation. Watering and spraying is necessary only with clean, soft, warm water, with a temperature not lower than room temperature.

The best place for an orchid is a windowsill on the southeast or southwest side, daylight hours should last more than 13 hours, only Phalaenopsis can bloom even with 8 hours of daylight.

During the winter dormancy, orchids need to be looked after in a more restrained manner - cancel feeding, reduce watering, lower the air temperature. It is this kind of care that should awaken the buds, make Phalaenopsis grow a peduncle, not a baby.

Lighting and temperature control

If you're unsure of how to make an orchid that is comfortable and well cared for to bloom, give it a little stress. You can transfer the flower to another place for 3-4 weeks - dark and damp, such a change in conditions makes it awaken new buds.

Can make the orchid bloom a noticeable decrease in night air temperature. In summer, it can be placed on a balcony, veranda, or in a garden, where the natural difference between daytime warmth and nighttime coolness can give an impetus to flowering. The cold season will not allow this, but airing the room at night (in the dark and cool there are conditions for the accumulation of carbon dioxide) will remind the plant of the need to bloom so that it gives not a baby, but a flower arrow. In this case, it is important to prevent drafts.

Watering features

It is usually recommended to water the plant after the substrate has dried. How do you know if an orchid needs water? You will definitely understand by the whitened roots, or you can simply insert a wooden stick or skewer into the pot and leave it there for a couple of hours. If it remains completely dry, then it's time to water the flower. As a rule, watering is carried out 2-3 times a week, or even more often. But with regular watering, flower buds do not awaken - during the rainy season in their homeland, orchids do not bloom. To start flowering, arrange a drought for your flower for 2 weeks, and then pour abundantly with warm soft water, resume the usual watering regime so that the awakened bud will give not a baby, but a peduncle.

When the flower arrow grows, all new flowers bloom, the plant should not experience a lack of moisture, and at the end of flowering, watering is sharply reduced to 1 watering after 7 or even 12 days. After a dormant period, the plant will begin to bloom again.

After the leaves wither, the peduncle is cut off, but "Phalaenopsis" can bloom again, if you do not rush to do this or cut it under the very last flower, and not below. Having cut off the arrow completely, the owner did not allow the remaining buds to awaken, and each of them can form a new branch with flowers, although not as lush as the first, but no less beautiful. The cut peduncle can be put on sand or sand, covered with a film, provide it with light, warmth and moisture, the buds can germinate. Then the pieces of the twig that gave the roots can turn into beautiful new orchids.

Fertilizer for flowering

Orchid care involves regular fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. They are carried out during the period of active growth and flowering, using special kits for fertilizing orchids, which are sold in stores. To start growth, mixtures with a large dose of nitrogen are suitable, but to start and support flowering, you need to increase the amount of potassium and phosphorus, while nitrogen, on the contrary, should be reduced. It is phosphorus and potassium that contribute to the formation and activation of flower buds.

Experts do not recommend feeding the plants too often. You need to prepare the composition strictly according to the instructions, water it on a wet substrate, or simply add it to the water for irrigation. At the beginning of growth, it is recommended to carry out top dressing after 2-3 weeks, and then less often, after 4-6 weeks.

Video "The Secret of Permanent Blooming of Orchids"

In this video, you will learn how to create conditions for the constant flowering of an orchid.

Orchid belongs to perennial herbaceous plants, the family of which includes about 30,000 species. Under natural conditions, it does not grow in the ground, but is fixed on trees. Orchids were added to greenhouses and botanical gardens in the mid-18th century. The flowers of this plant fascinate with their beauty and variety of forms. But attempts to grow them at home often lead to the fact that only the roots and leaves of the plant develop intensively. To find out why the orchid does not bloom, it is necessary to understand the peculiarities of its breeding.

Why the orchid does not bloom at home

The natural habitat for orchids is in tropical climates. If the conditions of keeping the plant are very different from natural, you can wait for flowering for a long time. The main reasons for the lack of colors are:

  • Lack of minerals. Orchids usually grow in small pots where the soil is quickly depleted. Periodically, the plant needs to be fed. Mineral fertilizers should contain to a lesser extent nitrogen, it ensures the growth of the green mass, and potassium, magnesium, phosphorus are required for the formation of peduncle buds. First, the soil is watered abundantly with water so as not to burn the roots. Dry fertilizers are used to make water solution weak concentration, an overabundance of minerals is also detrimental to the orchid.
  • Not correct watering. The orchid has rather wide leaves, from which moisture evaporates quickly. During the period of active growth, it is necessary to water the plant quite often, about 2 - 3 times a week. V winter period on the contrary, the soil should not be too wet. Water for irrigation should be soft. Better to use boiled or filtered water room temperature... If the roots are wet, condensation drops are visible, there is no need to water the plant. Excess moisture contributes to the formation of foci of rot on the roots.
  • Violation of temperature and lighting... Orchids are very sensitive to temperature fluctuations. The difference between daytime and nighttime should not exceed 4 ° C. V warm time during the year, the optimum air temperature is 18 - 25 ° C, in winter - at least 15 ° C. Lighting should be sufficient, but it is advisable to avoid direct sunlight in order not to cause burns on the leaves.
  • Unsuitable soil mixture. The soil for the orchid should provide a minimum of moisture around the root and free air circulation. For this reason, plants are never planted in garden soil. The pot is filled with a substrate consisting of moss, peat, coarse sand. It is better to purchase a ready-made soil mixture designed specifically for growing orchids.
  • Behold at the root: features of the location of the root system in a pot. The orchid takes out strong, sturdy roots covered with spongy tissue. In nature, they allow you to gain a foothold on tree trunks. At home, a pot helps to keep the plant upright. It should be made of transparent material to allow access to sunlight. There must be holes on the bottom for water drainage, and on the walls for air ventilation. The roots should be loose in the pot, often sticking out. Transparent plastic pots are best for orchids. Through it you can clearly see how it develops root system... When transplanting a plant, such a container can be easily cut so as not to damage the roots during extraction.

How to make an orchid bloom: the most effective techniques

In tropical rainforests, orchids grow under a canopy of dense foliage, for them there is no concept of changing the seasons. The most unpretentious species is the phalaenopsis. It can bloom continuously for 11 months. But it is not always possible to achieve such a result at home. If a favorable climate is created, but the orchid does not bloom for 2 years, you can use some effective ways for forcing a peduncle.

  • A sharp drop in temperature. During the day, the plant should be in warm room, and at night you can open a window or balcony to lower the temperature to 16 - 18 ° C. V summer period a garden is perfect for this. The result is the acceleration of photosynthesis and the accumulation of carbon dioxide that goes to bloom.
  • Arid desert conditions... It is necessary to increase the intervals between waterings. In summer it can be 4 days, in winter up to a week. The roots of the plant must be dry. At correct application this way lower leaves will soften a little.
  • Hot shower. Before starting the procedure, the bathroom is filled with steam, turning on boiling water. The plant is placed in a bath and poured over for 15 minutes warm water, the temperature of which is about 35 ° C. At this point, there is an abundant absorption of moisture through the roots and an intense release through the leaves. After about a week, the orchid should release flower stalks.
  • Improved lighting. Different types of orchids require different light intensities. If the plant is not blooming, there may not be enough light. It is required to rearrange the pot to a more illuminated place or purchase a special fluorescent lamp.
  • Peduncle pruning. Each peduncle contains several buds that are dormant. To achieve flowering, the arrow is cut approximately above the third bud.
  • Transfer. The lack of flowering can be caused by soil depletion. This is noticeable in the leaves of the orchid. If the growing leaves are smaller in size than the old ones, or are deformed, then the plant must be transplanted into new soil.

Some types of orchids release a peduncle only after reaching the age of three. If the plant has 5 - 8 shoots, then it is mature enough and ready for flowering. Only healthy orchids can be made to bloom. Weakened and diseased plants should gain strength to release the flower branch.

The orchid has released a peduncle: what to do next

From the moment the orchid shot the arrow, it will take about 2 months until the first flowers open. During this period, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for the unblown buds to bloom.

A small container of water can be placed next to the pot for additional humidification. If the heating is working at home, the plant can be sprayed with warm water. Watering is done as usual, as the soil dries out.

In the cold season, additional light is needed for the peduncle. For supplementary lighting, you can use a phytolamp. It does not dry the air and provides a lot of bright light. Daylight hours during this period should be at least 12 hours.

The orchid does not like movement and reacts to them by slowing down its growth. When you need to rearrange the pot, it is placed with the same side to the light as it was previously.

Before the first flower appears, you can feed the plant with fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium, which have a beneficial effect on the formation of flower buds. Once the orchid has bloomed, fertilization is no longer necessary.

How to care for an orchid after flowering

The period when plants bloom lasts from 5 to 12 months. After the flowers have dried, do not cut off the peduncle immediately. Make sure the orchid has stopped blooming. The arrow is carefully examined to determine further actions. If there is a green tip, additional buds may appear.

If the peduncle turns yellow and begins to dry, the flowering is over. But the plant keeps getting from the flower branch nutrients... Therefore, the arrow is cut off after complete drying.

The cut is usually done, leaving 3 lower buds, the stump should be at least 2 cm. In the summertime, a young shoot - a baby - may appear on a flower branch. With its help, the plant is propagated. To do this, the baby is left on the stem for about 6 months, until the roots and 2 leaves grow. Phalaenopsis can develop 2 - 3 offspring on each peduncle.

Otherwise, caring for the plant after flowering does not differ much from other periods. For the rest period, you can reduce the amount of feeding up to 1 time per month. If the soil dries quickly after watering, and roots stick out from the bottom hole of the pot, the orchid must be transplanted. The period immediately after flowering is most suitable for this procedure.

Before transplanting, the plant is watered abundantly, carefully removed from the pot. Do not unfold the roots. Blackened and dried out processes are removed. The soil mixture can be pre-calcined on fire to destroy pests. To make drainage, a layer of crushed granite is laid on the bottom of the pot. In the new soil, the orchid is placed at the same level as before. No watering is needed after transplanting. Spraying can be done.

The dormant period lasts 3 - 6 months, then new flower stalks appear, and the plant blooms again.

Creating favorable conditions for the flowering of an orchid is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Surrounding her with care and attention, you can admire the wonderful exotic flowers almost all year round.

Home breeding of orchids is very popular because of the desire of people to admire their wonderful flowers. But not everyone knows what needs to be done for the orchid to bloom. In this article, you will learn how to properly care for phalaenopsis so that it delights you with abundant blooms.

In order for an orchid to bloom luxuriantly and for a long time (in the case of Phalaenopsis, almost all year round), you need to know the basic secrets of care. First of all, she needs to create comfortable conditions, and then, if necessary, then stimulate. Typically, orchids are placed on a windowsill to provide the most light. With a lack of light, it will be impossible to stimulate flowering, the Phalaenopsis orchid, for example, will only grow leaves and form children.

Place the flower away from heating appliances that dry the air or warm too much those parts of the plant that are closer to them. The crown and roots should be in equal temperature conditions - from +18 to +25 degrees during flowering or active growth and from +12 to +16 degrees during dormancy.

This beauty loves a lot of fresh air, but drafts can provoke buds to fall off. Refusal from flowering, even if it has begun, will certainly provoke a sharp change in place, the plant must be prepared gradually for any changes.

For a dormant period indoor flower can be removed where there is no heating, not as bright lighting as in a permanent place. The correct location causes the necessary reactions of the plant organism - active growth or rest and the accumulation of strength.

Regular watering

Nurturing care involves lowering hydration for the rest period and gradually increasing hydration upon recovery. With the resumption of watering after a dormant period, new buds begin to wake up, flower stalks grow. But watering should be reasonable, not excessive. With an increase in the amount of light, an increase in air temperature, the need for moisture also increases. They usually water it 2-3 times a week, but the exact watering regime can only be set by an attentive owner individually for each plant.

By the way, stimulation of flowering indoor orchids is done only for mature plants that have already grown from 5 to 8 leaves, this is approximately 1.5–3 years old for different varieties. Excessive watering not only does not stimulate flowering - orchids do not bloom at home during the rainy period, but can cause rotting of the roots, depriving them of the necessary air flow, and compacting the substrate.

Optimal illumination

Tropical guests need a lot of sunshine for them to bloom, daylight hours should last more than 13 hours. For permanent place it is better to choose a southeast or southwest window sill. On the south side, it will be necessary to shade the plant at midday, saving it from burns, and on the north side, it will be necessary to increase the light intensity and the length of the day with a lamp, and it can be directed precisely to the peduncle, not even to the whole plant. They will not bloom with a lack of light.

Light is the stimulating factor that can accelerate the development of flower buds. At good care it happens that the orchid feels great, but does not bloom. How to stimulate flowering? Transfer to a dark, humid place for 2-3 weeks, and then put it back in its original place.

Air humidification

Orchids do well at a humidity level of at least 60%, and many varieties require even higher. You can humidify the air in your apartment with an electric humidifier. Usually, the humidity is increased exactly where the flowers are, for this they are often sprayed, washed, and the leaves are wiped.

For spraying, as well as for watering, you need to use clean, soft (settled, boiled or melted) warm water. Its temperature should be a couple of degrees higher than the air temperature. Sprayed from a spray bottle with the smallest nozzle, directing water not to the plant itself, but forming a cloud of small droplets above and around it. You can simply place a wide container of water next to the flowerpot for evaporation.

What to do to make a drying orchid bloom? Resume regular watering, bathe it, do not forget about the required level of air humidity.

Root care

It is very important to care for the roots of the orchid, if this organ dies, the plant will not survive. The roots need to provide an influx of fresh air, proper watering. It is very convenient if the plant lives in a transparent pot, this allows you to monitor the condition of the roots. Healthy roots are rather thick, greenish in color. Gradually, the roots become more and more white, starting to experience a lack of water. Watering is recommended when the roots are completely white.

When buying, be sure to pay attention to the color and condition of the roots. Brown color speaks of decay or drying out. If watering is incorrect, the roots can be severely damaged; they can be saved by transplanting. Healthy plant transplanted 2 years later before the start of active growth. Flowering plant can be transplanted only as a last resort.

The flower is watered abundantly, then removed from the pot, the roots are immersed in water, which will make it easier to free them from the remaining substrate. The roots are washed, carefully examined, dried, rotten, damaged parts are carefully cut off with a sharp, clean (disinfected) tool, the cut sites are treated with crushed activated or charcoal. After that, a new one is placed on a hill in a new pot, carefully covered with a substrate from all sides to the top of the pot. After transplanting, do not water for several days.

Correct soil and top dressing

Leaving means feeding, because orchids get their nutrition only from water and air. The substrate consists of large fractions tree bark, sphagnum moss, coconut fibers, vermiculite, pebbles. It is used to fix the roots, retain moisture after watering. How do you make it right? Better buy ready mix in the store, like fertilizers. During the growing season, the plants are fed 2-3 weeks later with solutions of special fertilizers. More nitrogen is needed for growth, and phosphorus and potassium for flowering.

Video "Reproduction of an orchid"

In this video, you will learn how to properly propagate orchids at home.

In today's post, you will find the answer to the question that worries many: "Why does the orchid not bloom and how to make it bloom?"

Many of the epiphytic plants grow in the tropics, where weather conditions suggest alternating periods of dryness and rain. But even the "dry" period, which can vary from one to nine months, is not a complete drought, the plant during this period simply feeds on moisture from the air.

For pets, the onset of the "dry" period can be simulated by significantly reducing watering.

What can be done to make the orchid bloom? This requires not complicated conditions at all, which a novice amateur can arrange. True, it should be noted that it is for beginners to arrange these factors affecting flowering, it turns out from ignorance natural conditions in which the phalaenopsis grows.

Novice orchid growers often place the purchased plant on the southern windows, where they often and willingly bloom. High level illumination, "glitches" in the irrigation schedule and a significant drop in daily temperature - these are the mistakes of beginners that contribute to the flowering of the plant.

Hence, we can conclude that the main conditions for the formation of the kidneys and their further development two basic conditions are needed.

Drastic limitation of watering the plant

This condition mimics the "dry" period described above in the natural habitat of the plant. At home, we provide these conditions with 10-12 days of drought and a subsequent drop in temperature by 3-5 degrees.

Daylight hours

During the laying of flower buds, some types of orch require long daylight hours, followed by a sharp transition to short daylight hours. At home, you can provide long daylight hours with the help of additional lighting.

Additional lighting

For supplementary lighting and replacement of natural light, incandescent lamps with special spraying, mercury, sodium, fluorescent and metal halide lamps. Conventional lamps will not work as they heat up the plant.

In our retail outlets 40 W fluorescent lamps are available. You will need 2 lamps, which we put in the lamp and place them at a height of 30-35 cm from the tallest plant.

What seems to us to be a bright light for a plant is darkness. Daytime running lamps "cold", at correct location will correct the situation with this source of wellness orch.

Poor light mode - less than 10 hours of daylight hours (the included chandelier under the ceiling is not considered supplemented lighting).

Normal mode - no more than 14 hours of daylight hours.

For additional lighting, it is best to use clothespin fixtures.

If different orchids have settled on the windowsills, then it is imperative to clarify how much light they need. Then we correct their additional lighting.

Orchids that require little light (cattleya, pafiopedilum,).

We place them on the windowsill of the east window
- or 30 cm from the western windowsill,
- or 60 cm from the southern windowsill,
- or 30 cm from the southern window sill, if it is in the shade of plants or the window is darkened.

Orchids requiring moderate light (, brassia, epidendrum, brassavola, oncidium and their hybrids).

We place these plants on the windowsill of the western window
- or 30 cm from the southern windowsill.

Orchids that require a lot of light (oncidium of the variegated group, and their hybrids). Growing these plants, one should not be afraid of sunburn.

It must be remembered that even a slight distance from the light source reduces the chance of making the orchid bloom. Drawing a conclusion from the above, we see that the better we provide light to the orch during the setting and development of flower buds, the "fatter" it will bloom.

But when the plant blooms in full force, it can decorate any dark corner of your apartment (we rearrange it to a dark place only when all the flowers on the phalaenopsis have already bloomed!).


The flowering of phalaenopsis is favored by a relatively cool temperature (16-21 degrees). It should be borne in mind that keeping a blooming orchid in a warm room accelerates the end of the flowering period, and in a cooler one - prolongs this period. Chill temperature regime for plants reminds me of the need to get pajamas from a panther. At this temperature, pajamas will help us coexist perfectly with the lover of cool air - phalaenopsis.

The plant prefers an even temperature regime without drops (drafts, a direct stream of air from an air conditioner or heating devices must be excluded).

Many people ask this question and, I hope, having studied all the favorable factors, they found out why the orchid does not bloom. I want to clarify some more possible actions that can interrupt flowering, forcing the plant to shed flowers or buds.

  • Transfer

Transplanting during flowering can cause flowers and buds to fall off. As with any plants, transplanting is not desirable. We do transplanting only after flowering or if we see that the plant has problems with the root system.

  • Watering

Frequent watering and eternal moisture content can cause rare phalaenopsis flowering. In between waterings, it is necessary to allow both the substrate and the roots of the halyard to dry out. Try to arrange a monthly "hunger strike" for Phalaenopsis with occasional watering - he will surprise you with such an expected peduncle.

  • Fertilizers

Fertilizing a plant according to the instructions on the bottle "2 times a week" or according to the calendar may be the reason why the orchid does not bloom. Yes, the plant will grow juicy healthy leaves, but with such feeding, it "heals" and flatly refuses to release a peduncle.

Phalaenopsis begins to feed regularly only with the appearance of a peduncle until the moment the first flower opens. At this point, we stop feeding! Even a one-time feeding can cause flowers and buds to shed.

Be sure to pay attention to the content of trace elements in the fertilizer (even if it says "especially for orchids"). Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium should be in equal proportions, an increased content of phosphorus (P) is allowed. The increased nitrogen content will give lush growth of greenery.

The best feeding during the flowering period is a good dose of light. We can say that orchids are ascetics and excessive "pampering" with feeding is unnecessary.

  • "Hot shower"

Very often, beginners use this procedure to get the long-awaited peduncle, thus arranging a shock for the phalaenopsis.

As an opponent of the "hot shower" I want to give my reasons against this method:

  1. poor quality tap water which leads to salinization of the roots;
  2. decay of the plant (often after a shower, the remaining water in the leaf axils causes undesirable processes). For shoes, cambria and miltonia, such a procedure is generally undesirable;
  3. even if such a procedure is used, then we must remember that the water temperature should not exceed 35-45 degrees (that is, it should be comfortable for our body).

I hope, dear friends, I was able to tell about the secrets in an accessible way lush bloom and all the nuances given in the care revealed the secret of how to make an orchid bloom. I wish you a great mood from the blooming of your tropical favorites!

It's no secret that orchids are grown for the sake of flowers. Large, of different colors, they stand out from the flowers of other plants for their unusual shape, resembling some kind of bizarre insects rather than, in fact, parts of plants. And the solution is simple: many Orchid species in nature attract with the shape of their flowers male insects who mistake them for females and try to mate. Flying from flower to flower, "deceived" males carry pollen. Consider how much orchids can bloom, why unblown buds fall and what to do while doing this.

The flowering of an orchid begins with the development of a peduncle

Orchid flowering period begins with the growth of a long peduncle... Even in phalaenopsis with a short stem, the arrow of the peduncle can reach several decimeters and even a meter. An orchid can drive out a peduncle for a long time, up to two months.

Has the orchid faded? If, after the first flowering, the peduncle is not cut off, then a lateral shoot will grow from it next year, on which there will be a flower. A lateral shoot is formed 2-3 times faster than a new peduncle.

The cycle of flowering and dormancy: what conditions are needed for a home phalaenopsis

Orchid can bloom at any time of the year, if only there was enough light, moisture and minerals for this. At the same time, some types of orchids can bloom for up to three months, and some growers claim that they managed to achieve flowering within 5 or even 8 months for orchids of the Phalaenopsis genus. .

Creating the right microclimate is the basis for proper flowering

The rest period is also not defined., it depends on the flowering period and the conditions of the house. There are orchids that do not have a dormant period at all. This is the already mentioned genus Phalaenopsis.

How long dormant periods are in other species, reasons for less water intake

Other orchids have different kinds rest period:

Conditional rest period. Observed in Cattleya orchids In this period home orchid starts to consume significantly less water, which is why it needs to be watered less often two to three times than during the growth period. It is advisable to stop feeding altogether. It is observed after the ripening of the pseudobulb and after flowering.
Dry a dormant period is observed in King's dendrobium During this period, it is required to abandon frequent watering and fertilizing (water once every three months), lower the air temperature by 5 degrees. The period can last a whole season.

This period usually begins in autumn and lasts until midwinter, after which the orchid blooms. As with other orchids, the dormant-flowering schedule can be disrupted.

Expressed a dormant period is observed in most other types of orchids The period precedes flowering, it also requires a decrease in temperature by 5 degrees and a decrease in watering (water once a month). The length of the resting time depends on the specific species.

How many times a year does an orchid bloom

Orchid bloom is usually observed once a year., the duration ranges from several weeks to several months (depending on the species).

With proper maintenance, the orchid can bloom every year for its entire life, the number of blooms is not limited. In addition, in some species, one peduncle can bloom twice if not cut off after the first time.

Flower care during flowering

During flowering the plant needs to be watered vigorously(how many times a week - depends on the species), "wash" from the spray bottle once a week or more often, feed once a week with fertilizer for orchids. The night temperature during this period should be high enough (20-21 degrees).

After flowering, the peduncle is usually cut off, and further care depends on the type of plant: some orchids have a dormant period, in which they need to lower the temperature by 5 degrees and reduce watering, others continue to grow actively, and do not require any special changes to the content.

Peduncle pruning is a must after orchid bloom

What to do from diseases: withers, dries, drops unblown flowers

What to do? Therefore, it is better to limit yourself by chemical means fight. Buy Fitoverm, dilute it in water according to the instructions and spray the affected plant parts and substrate. Repeat the procedure after a week. Do not overdose to avoid scorching healthy parts of the plant.

Problems and diseases of flowering: why buds can fall off and dry

Falling buds are directly related to mistakes when growing a flower

During flowering, the following problems may occur:

  • The buds turn yellow and fall off. In winter, the buds can dry out and wither. due to lack of light... Rearrange the orchid and / or install artificial lighting. Fit Fluorescent Lamp 100 watts. The distance should be such that the lamp does not heat the leaves. In summer, dry air or substrate may be the cause. Solution - spraying from a spray bottle and watering;

The daylight hours for an orchid are long - 12 hours.

  • The flower can shed the buds without yellowing due to hypothermia... If a flower "catches a cold" on the way from the store, nothing can be done: you just need to wait for the next flowering. If the temperature in the house is insufficient, you need to rearrange it to a warmer place and where there are no drafts;
  • The buds usually dry out due to lack of water in the substrate or moisture in the air. Solution - frequent watering and spraying of plants.

Orchids are very vulnerable during the flowering period. They need increased nutrition and watering, do not tolerate transplants of strong temperature changes. The dormant periods between flowering are very species-specific: some Orchids do not have them at all, others need "dry" rest for several months.