Zodiac signs and stones corresponding to them in the table. Which zodiac sign which stone is suitable

Probably everyone knows that precious or semi-precious stones have magical properties. A person, having taken this or that pebble as a companion, counted on its natural and even magic power... From an astrological point of view, minerals can both help and harm. It is important to choose a "friend" based on your character, goals and zodiac sign.

Astrology is a magical science

Even in ancient times, people, knowing about the invaluable knowledge of astrologers, turned to them for help. The requests were basically the same: to make an amulet, a talisman for good luck, love, health, wealth. Astrologers, in turn, selected each ally according to the sign of the zodiac.

In astrology, the year is conventionally divided into 12 parts: each part is dedicated to one of the zodiac signs. And stones are natural sources of strength. This special function of the "children of the earth" attracted the attention of specialists, and they began to study each piece of jewelry.

It is believed that a person under a certain zodiac sign, together with a stone suitable for him in spirit, has strong help and protection. It is only important to choose your own pendant.

You need to understand that talismans are used to implement important thoughts, main ideas. And from the amulet one should expect protection from the negative views and thoughts of people.

Aries and his stones

People born under the sign of Aries have a high vital energy, are distinguished by their fortitude and efficiency. They are bright personalities, confident in themselves. Due to their tough nature, Aries often have ill-wishers. They also need proper rest of the mind and body.

The color of the stone for Aries is red or colorless. The main gems are ruby ​​and diamond.

Diamond is a symbol of strength and power. Suitable only for people with a strong character. This stone will protect its owner from diseases and the influence of enemies.

Heliotrope aka hematite helps people get rid of constant stress and smooth out ambitions and abundant emotions. It protects from the evil eye, gives the character of courage and masculinity.

Suitable stones for Aries are ruby ​​(attracts a soul mate), amethyst (restrains a stormy character), aquamarine (gives well-being in family relationships), agate (protects from the evil eye, gives health), pearls (saves from the torment of unrequited love).

Libra is the antipode of Aries. This means that the stones intended for Libra should never end up on Aries. Minerals can only harm, even if they have certain magical properties. Prohibited stones: opal, chrysolite, morion, citrine, jade, tourmaline, lapis lazuli.

Taurus and his stones

Taurus are brave people with a strong character by nature. However, they do not bring important matters to the end. They are smart, noble. Taurus are ardent materialists.

The color of their stones is blue, blue, green.

The most suitable Taurus stone is turquoise. Turquoise is considered the winner's stone. She has a powerful protective effect, sets the spirit of the owner to win, lures money into the house and gives harmony between spouses.

Malachite will protect Taurus from heart disease and respiratory ailments. Absorbs all negativity from others, gives a good mood and takes a person out of a depression.

Taurus stones: sapphire (protects against evil tongues), emerald (brings happiness), opal (gives hope), agate (saves from envious eyes, gives health), jade (protects against diseases, gives vitality and strength).

The antipode of Taurus is the sign of Scorpio. Scorpio stones topaz, tiger's eye, aquamarine, pomegranate, tourmaline, beryl are forbidden minerals for Taurus.

Gemini and his stones

Gemini are very versatile personalities by nature. They are active in life, are interested in everything new, love to travel. Therefore, they will need protection from the evil eye of ill-wishers, a talisman on the road and traveling, an assistant to achieve their goals.

Gemini stones are usually yellow in color.

Agate will help Gemini to become an excellent speaker, protect from adversity and enemies. Agate gives longevity and health.

Beryl has a cleansing function. It perfectly cleans energy, aura. Relieves stress and fills with vitality. Beryl will be an excellent charm for travelers.

Chrysoprase is a universal helper. He brings success in any business and endeavors.

Suitable stones for Gemini: pomegranate (improves mood), pearls (protects against depression), sapphire (stone of loyalty), gold topaz (for friendship, gives peace of mind), amber (protects against illness and troubles).

Antipode of Gemini Sagittarius. Do not take as allies: turquoise, emerald, amethyst, chrysolite, quartz.

Cancer and its stones

Cancers are the most emotional people... They can be lazy and arrogant, or they can be in complete harmony with themselves and the world. Possess the most different characteristics... They need protective stones to neutralize the bad effects of the moon, attract good luck and success.

For Cancer, green stones are suitable.

The most basic talisman is the emerald. This stone will help with the concentration of thoughts, feelings and mind, get rid of bad thoughts. Attracts wealth and protects on a long trip.

The moonstone will give health, calm the nerves, and affect poor health.

Pearls cope with emotional state, helps to find love.

Suitable stones: ruby ​​(causes reciprocity in the person you like), opal (gives hope).

Antipode of Pisces Capricorn. You need to beware of minerals such as morion, turquoise, malachite, tiger's eye, tourmaline.

Lion and his stones

Those born under the fire sign have mystical abilities. They are strong by nature, domineering, scrupulous, judicious.

The Lion Stone must also have an equally strong character, otherwise it will simply lose its magical power.

The color of the stone suitable for Leo is gold, yellow, white.

Heliodor improves mental capacity, improves mood, drives away depression.

Topaz relieves you of bad thoughts, sets you up for a positive, preserves charm and beauty, brings money and family well-being, protects you from misfortunes.

Amber is suitable for creative people. It promotes the birth of new ideas, protects health, gives strength.

Suitable stones for Leo: onyx (evokes mutual feelings), carnelian (protects from magic, protects marriage), ruby ​​(for marriage), diamond (lucky stone), chrysolite (from nightmares).

Antipode of Leo Aquarius. Aquarius stones turquoise, aquamarine, lazurine, jade are prohibited for Leo.

Virgo and his stones

Virgos are quite optimistic and calm by nature. However, everyone has ill-wishers, and also dreams that must come true.

The best color for Virgo is yellow.

Carnelian is considered the main stone-helper. He develops the best character traits of a person. He is an excellent amulet against the evil eye, envy and negative energy... It is a symbol of love and health.

Serpentine is a stone that is contraindicated in most zodiac signs. However, for Virgo, he is an excellent ally. He is able to protect from dangers and troubles.

Virgo stones: agate (from the evil eye), topaz (for friendship), sapphire (symbol of fidelity), malachite (for spiritual strength), jade (gives life energy).

Antipode of Virgo Pisces. Cannot be worn: aquamarine, pearl, emerald, blue sapphire, amethyst, opal.

Libra and its stones

The air element is represented by sociable, loving and communicative people.

Matching stones color: orange, white, green.

Opal is an important mineral for Libra. He is a "symbol of friendship." That is, the stone helps to establish relationships with others, to arouse sympathy. Drives away bad thoughts and dreams, supports immunity.

Coral is another friend for Libra. Helps to cope with complex tasks and their solution. Possesses protective properties from bad looks and thoughts. Adjusts the work of internal organs, improves skin condition.

Friends of Libra: lapis lazuli (improves mood), diamond (brings happiness), pearls (protects against depression), sapphire (symbol of fidelity).

Libra antipode Aries. Libra should not be friends with Aries stones. Taboo: ruby, agate, turquoise, carnelian, hemiotrope, aquamarine.

Scorpio and its stones

Scorpios are energetic, strong, passionate, amorous, artistic by nature.

It is necessary to help such representatives of water to rationally spend their energy and direct forces in the right direction. Protection from enemies will also not be superfluous.

A color suitable for a Scorpio should be vibrant.

Crimson garnet is a loyal ally of all Scorpions. It is believed that this mineral is able to saturate a person with spiritual and physical strength... Copes with concentration of attention, awakens the best qualities of the owner.

Alexandrite, which has an amazing ability to adapt to environment, improves intuition, promotes mental development. Sharp yellow dots on the stone notify the owner of the impending danger.

Suitable for Scorpio: ruby ​​(for mutual feelings), coral (protects from the evil eye), topaz (stone of friendship), aquamarine (stone of lovers), beryl (opponent of frivolity of feelings).

Taurus stones are worth fearing: sapphire, emerald, rose quartz, onyx, agate, aventurine.

Sagittarius and his stones

People with a strong character and endless vitality. They need to protect their physical and spiritual strength, develop thinking, intelligence and creativity. Sagittarius need a stone that will repel envious glances and bad words.

Sagittarius color: blue, purple, red.

The best ally of Sagittarius is considered to be purple amethyst. It has the property of improving mental abilities, balancing a shattered psyche. A person wearing an amethyst is good at focusing on necessary subjects and assignments.

Protects from diseases and dangers, improves mood.

Ruby is rightfully considered the stone of love. Its carrier attracts the opposite sex to itself like a magnet. This stone is capable of doing the most cherished desire.

Wearing a sapphire will cause a storm of emotions, direct energy in the right direction, and bring victory in any endeavors.

Sagittarius allies stones: opal (gives hope), chrysolite (from bad dreams), topaz (for friendship), pomegranate (for mood), emerald (brings good luck).

You should not wear Gemini stones: agate, carnelian, citrine, pearls, alexandrite, tiger's eye.

Capricorn and its stones

Capricorns by nature are calm, domestic, balanced, smart people... For success in business, they need helpers to accept correct decisions, protect from diseases and dangers.

Suitable colors are dark gray and green.

Most true friend for Capricorns obsidian. This mineral helps to make the right decisions, protects against ill-considered actions. Protects from external negative manifestations.

Black tourmaline is a powerful protector against diseases and the evil eye.

Green tourmaline heals and promotes the full functioning of the internal organs.

Black onyx gives confidence and vitality.

Allied stones: garnet (for mood), ruby ​​(for mutual feelings), lapis lazuli (possesses medicinal properties), malachite (for spiritual energy), turquoise (for lovers), amber (protects against diseases and troubles).

Antipode Cancer. Stones suitable for Cancer are categorically contraindicated in Capricorn. These are stones: chrysoprase, aquamarine, aventurine, pearls, opal.

Aquarius and his stones

Aquarians are vain, intelligent, moral people.

They need to cope with their emotions, clear their minds and souls, and protect themselves from enemies.

The color for Aquarius is blue, yellow, green.

The main stone suitable for Aquarius is aquamarine. It relieves fatigue, irritation, anger and fear. Adjusts thoughts and mind in the right direction. Has a healing effect.

Azurite is able to cope with the psychological problems of the owner. Relieves depression, stress, anxiety.

Zircon promotes positive thoughts and emotions. Suppresses everything negative inside. It improves mood and self-esteem.

Matching stones: sapphire (for loyalty and trust), amethyst (from passion and drunkenness), opal (gives hope).

Antipode Aquarius Leo. Unsuitable stones for Aquarius: amber, topaz, carnelian, quartz, onyx, garnet, sardonyx.

Fish and his stones

Pisces are complex and contradictory people. They are whimsical, sensitive, love fame.

Most of all, they need material well-being, prosperity, protection from enemies and misfortunes.

Pisces choose colors that are light purple, white and gold.

Yellow sapphire will help Pisces businessmen in any endeavors. This stone helps to fulfill the cherished desire, to achieve the set goal.

Aventurine drives away melancholy and depression. Strengthens intuition.

Labradorite attracts good luck. This mineral is capable of attracting happiness and success. Possesses protective properties.

Suitable stones for Pisces: opal (gives hope), amethyst (dulls passion), amber (gives health and good luck), aquamarine (stone of well-being), turquoise (stone of happiness).

Having chosen your stone, it is recommended to perform some rituals before wearing. First, you need to cleanse the mineral from the influence of the energy of other people. To do this, place the stone in a saline solution for a couple of days. You can charge the stone by placing it in the sun for a couple of hours.

To find out for sure whether the selected stone will be an assistant, and not a pest, by hanging it on left hand go to bed. If during the night a person saw good dreams, then the mineral will be an assistant, and if there are nightmares, then the stone will not be able to help.

Natural minerals fascinate us not only with their beauty, but also with amazing qualities. Since ancient times, there has been a belief in their miraculous ability to protect people from misfortunes and illnesses, bring good luck and wealth, and inspire creativity.

The stone is full of secrets. It can become a powerful talisman for its owner, or it can do harm. Everything will be fine if, in the selection process, you do not forget about a few simple rules when choosing your talisman stone according to your zodiac sign.

How to find your talisman

According to astrologers, natural minerals depend on the position of the Sun, Moon and planets in the zodiacal constellations.

The stone of this or that receives the vibrations of this sign from space and, thereby, accumulates powerful energy in itself. That is why, even in ancient times, there was a tradition to select jewelry depending on the date of birth.
If the talisman stone is selected according to the horoscope, then it exhibits the following qualities:

  • makes the owner invulnerable to negative energies;
  • strengthens its immunity, protects against diseases;
  • gives strength and activity, enhances the taste for life;
  • develops innate abilities and best character traits;
  • attracts wealth and luck to the owner;
  • colors his personal life with new colors;
  • sharpens sensitivity to danger.

In the Middle Ages, the first lists of the belonging of precious and semiprecious stones to the zodiacal constellations were compiled. It should be noted that the knowledge of ancestors was appreciated today by the International Association of Jewelers. This organization has developed modern tables based on centuries of experience.

Correspondence table of mascot stones to the signs of the zodiac

(March 21 - April 20)

(April 21 - May 21)

(May 22 - June 21)

(June 22 - July 23)

(July 24 - August 23)

(August 24 - September 23)

(September 24 - October 23)

(October 24 - November 22)

(November 23 - December 21)

(December 22 - January 20)

(January 21 - February 19)

(February 20 - March 20)

Acquaintance with the tables of correspondence of stones to the signs of the zodiac helps to understand which stone will become a friend and protector, and which one will become an enemy.

The role of intuition in choosing a talisman mineral

The inner voice plays no less important role than the recommendations of astrologers and jewelers. It also happens. Fabulous precious stone matches yours. The people around him are delighted. But you don't like him. Do not buy! This is not your amulet!

For a stone to become a talisman, you must love it.

Price and prestige do not matter here. Sincere affection can be experienced not only for jewelry. Modest can become a talisman for life artificial product, even a piece of mineral found on a beach or roadside. The main thing is that there must be contact between you and the stone, and priority according to the zodiac sign is not so important. But if, you are lost in the sea of ​​information, then the first choice should be made according to the table of correspondence of stones according to horoscope signs.

How to avoid harm

  • Not right choice immediately makes itself felt. A person is haunted by a feeling of discomfort and mental anxiety. He feels a lack of energy and an inexplicable antipathy to even the most expensive and exquisite jewelry. To avoid more serious consequences, you should quickly part with an unsuitable stone.
  • Do not buy jewelry from pawnshops and thrift stores. The jewelry may have been stolen. In this case, they will take revenge on their new owner.
  • Acquire stones with defects in the form of spots, cracks, inclusions. They harbor negative energy.
  • An unexpected crack on a natural mineral indicates that he took a hit on himself, protecting the owner from an invisible disaster. You can no longer wear it.
  • If the ring slips off your finger, the beads are scattered, it means that the jewelry was chosen incorrectly and should be discarded.
  • Stones can be at enmity with each other. Do not wear several different minerals at the same time.

Human nature changes with age and life circumstances. It is possible that at some point you will want to give preference to a new stone for a talisman, and you will again choose it according to your zodiac sign. This is the natural course of life. You can endlessly discover the world of natural minerals. Its study gives a person not only new knowledge and vivid aesthetic experiences, but also contributes to the spiritual enrichment of the individual.

They began to select stones according to the signs of the zodiac in ancient times, and in the Middle Ages astrologers brought all the available knowledge about this into numerous tables. Which stone is suitable for each specific person depends on the date and place of his birth, the location of the planets and other factors.

When choosing stones according to a horoscope, it is important to take into account not only the achievements of such specialists as astrologers, lithotherapists, modern magicians and esotericists, but also your personal attitude. Sometimes it happens that the stones corresponding to the signs of the zodiac do not like their owners with their appearance or cause negative emotions. The stone must match in all aspects, then it is capable of:

  • improve immunity and strengthen the health of the owner;
  • protect from the negative flow of surrounding energy;
  • develop innate abilities and improve character traits;
  • attract abundance and good luck;
  • improve personal life;
  • activate inner potential.

Matching stones to the signs of the zodiac in various sources not the same, and sometimes quite the opposite, which is not surprising. Despite the fact that the horoscope for stones has not existed for the first year, this science is very relative. Zodiac signs are the sectors that make up the zodiac belt. There are 12 such sectors in total, their names correspond to the constellations. All signs of the zodiac can be divided into 4 groups depending on the element:

  • the fire;
  • land;
  • water;
  • air.

The influence of a particular sign is maximal for about 1 calendar month, which, in turn, is divided into decades. A decade is 10 ° of the zodiacal circle, it is almost always equal to 10 calendar days, only the first decade begins not from the first day of each month, but from the transition of the Sun into a new zodiacal sector. Since the sector consists of 30 °, then for each sign of the zodiac there are 3 decades, each of which is under the influence of a planet. This is what explains the difference in the characteristics of people belonging to 1 sign.

Fire signs

This group includes 3 zodiac constellations:

  1. Aries;
  2. Sagittarius.

Stones according to the zodiac signs of the fire group generally have a bright, most often, red color.

For the zodiac sign Aries, the main stone is ruby. He fights fears and accompanies in reaching heights, normalizes blood pressure, improves sleep and appetite. Those born under the influence of Mars (first decade) should purchase agate, amazonite, hawk's or tiger's eye, jasper. Those born under the influence of the Sun (second decade) will improve their well-being with heliotrope, pearls, coral, cat's eye, sardonyx and amber. Those born under the influence of Venus (third decade) are better off wearing jewelry with garnets, rubies and zircons.

The diamond is the most suitable for Leo. Diamond jewelry can prevent sadness and sadness, make its wearer more courageous, give hardness to a soft character. Those born in the first decade under the influence of Saturn will be happier if they purchase aventurine, obsidian, carnelian, sodalite, tiger's eye. Jewelry with jadeite, cat's eye, onyx, opal and amber will improve the life of those born in the second decade under the influence of Jupiter. Mars is the most influential planet in the third decade of the constellation Leo. Lucky stones are:

  • alexandrite;
  • hyacinth;
  • Garnet;
  • ruby.

Garnet and ruby. Jewels with them give their owner pep and give fun, help to regain lost strength. Those born under the influence of Mercury are more fortunate in life with agate, amethyst, quartz, sapphire, falcon and tiger's eye. Onyx, sardonyx, chrysoprase correspond to the second decade under the influence of the Moon. In the third decade under the influence of Saturn - hyacinth, topaz and a stone with a beautiful name and no less impressive view of the Black Star.

Signs of the elements of the earth

In the zodiac circle, the elements of the earth include Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. Talismans selected for the signs of the elements of the earth must be of natural, and not artificial, origin.

The luckiest stone for Taurus is a sapphire. It promotes reflection and contemplation, makes the wearer more calm and balanced, and helps relieve back pain. The first decade is under the influence of Mercury. Agates, amazonites, amethysts are ideal companions for the Taurus zodiac signs born in April. If you were born in early May under the influence of the Moon, then take a look at turquoise, jadeite, coral jewelry. The third decade is under the auspices of Saturn. Favored by aquamarines, diamonds, beryls, garnets, topazes, tourmalines in pairs.

In some cases, stones work better if there are more than 1 in the specimen.

The best stones for the Virgo sign are jasper and agate. They ennoble the soul, educate spiritually, have blood-purifying and hemostatic properties. The first decade since solar influence correspond to aventurine, agate, amethyst, malachite. Ideal mascot stones for the zodiac sign Virgo of the second decade under the influence of Venus are rutile quartz, heliotrope, jadeite, pearls. Mercury has the greatest impact on people in the third decade. They should definitely buy diamonds, emeralds, sapphires, topaz, chrysolites in some quantity, for example, earrings (1 pair will just have 2 stones) or a ring with a pendant.

A suitable stone for all according to the sign of Capricorn is topaz. It improves intelligence, promotes the development of intuition, and helps to conceive a child. Pay attention to agates, amethysts, moonstones, malachites, jades, obsidians, sodalites, if you were born in the first decade during the heyday of Jupiter's influence. It is not necessary to buy jewelry, for example, it will do its job perfectly Malachite Box, standing in a conspicuous place in your home. For Mars and the second decade, the following stones can serve as an amulet:

  • turquoise;
  • jet;
  • heliotrope;
  • jade;
  • cat's eye;
  • charoite.

Do not neglect the power of alexandrites, hyacinths, opals, tourmalines, zircons if you were born in the third decade with solar influence.

Water signs

The signs of the element of water are represented by the constellations Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. What stones are suitable for the signs of the zodiac element? Of course, all those that have a beautiful overflow and deep color, not necessarily blue or blue, like water.

High-quality cut will give the stone not only beauty, but also strength.

The stone of the zodiac signs of water and especially Cancer is an emerald that relieves longing and sadness. Green ice also relieves insomnia. Bracelets with agate or pearls are most suitable for those born in the first decade. Second decade under the sign of Saturn. For people of this period, it is best to wear rings with emerald, carnelian or jasper. Corals, opals, selenites, chrysoprase accompany those born in the second and third decades. An unsuitable option for all Cancers is jewelry with a garnet.

This is black opal. Improves health in all respects, gives courage and confidence to its owner. Those born at the end of October under the influence of Mars will be helped by aventurine, serpentine. The second solar decade corresponds to such stones as amethyst, jet, amber. Under the influence of Venus, people of the third decade were born, alexandrite, beryl, heliodoric, tourmaline jewelry will suit them.

The Pisces zodiac sign works best with amethyst. It relieves emotional disturbances, eliminates loneliness, grants peace and tranquility. Saturn predominates in the first decade, pendants with aventurine, amazonite, amethyst, bull's eye, hematite, lunar, carnelian, tiger's eye and jasper are best suited for this combination. Moreover, they do not have to be worn around the neck, such an amulet can be stored in a special bag and taken out in difficult minutes... Fish born under the influence of Jupiter will improve their life with rutile quartz, heliotrope, pearls, coral, opal. But the fish of the third decade, under the influence of Mars, will be happy with aquamarines, alexandrites, diamonds, tourmalines, chrysolites. Perfect option is a bracelet with large quantity stones.

Signs of the element of air

Air signs include Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. The stones of the zodiac signs of the air are better to choose transparent and as clean as possible.

According to the zodiac for Gemini, it is best to have rauchtopaz, which heals internal wounds. It makes a person less vulnerable to negative energy flows. Lucky stones for those born under the influence of Jupiter in the first decade are:

  • agate;
  • rhinestone;
  • moon rock;
  • malachite;
  • nephritis;
  • obsidian.

The second decade of the zodiacal sector under the influence of Mars coincides with the first calendar decade of June. Jewelry, cat's eye and chrysoprase are ideal for such a combination. To Gemini born in the third decade under the influence of the Sun, alexandrite, beryl, pomegranate and tourmaline in pairs will bring prosperity and good luck.

Favorable is aquamarine, which protects while traveling, helps to maintain marital unity, improves visual acuity and hearing. Owners of rose quartz, coral, light agate or chrysoprase will be lucky if they were born in the first decade. Green aquamarines, cacholongs, malachites, jades or reddish, pinkish and greenish tourmalines for those born in the second and third decades will become magical allies. Minerals are also suitable for these people:

  • heliotrope;
  • cat's and tiger's eyes;
  • olivine;
  • rauchtopaz.

Turquoise, which attracts wealth to its owner, can suit everyone who was born under the constellation Aquarius. In addition, it enhances intuition and discernment, improves the functioning of the cardiac system. Stones such as aventurine, amethyst and jasper are suitable for those born in the first decade under the influence of Venus. Wearing large carnelian ring finger or on the wrist will bring abundance in all walks of life. For those born in the second decade under the influence of Mercury, it is advisable to purchase jewelry with turquoise, lapis lazuli, charoite or amber. The third decade is under the influence of the Moon. Lucky talismans will be aquamarines, alexandrites, hyacinths, sapphires, tourmalines.

It is good for your health to wear rings with the Black Star.

Properties of stones

The properties of stones by the signs of the zodiac can be selected not only depending on the decade of the zodiacal sector, but also on the year of birth, although such a classification does not have widespread... Stones of the same name may work differently due to differences in chemical composition... The work of an amulet in the form of a stone is influenced by its origin and cut. For some people, it is better to have talisman stones in the form of jewelry, while household items help others to find good luck:

  • boxes;
  • figurines;
  • decorative ornaments.

A stone purchased independently will not have the same magical properties as received as a gift. The best option is an inherited amulet that has accumulated a lot of positive energy, but if there were evil eyes, curses in the family, a large number of negative events can be traced (serious illnesses, early deaths), then it is better to get rid of such a thing as soon as possible.

Regardless of the sign of the zodiac, opal can become a talisman stone for all men. It has a very wide color spectrum, including light and translucent shades, rich oranges and blue tones, mixtures different colors with tints, but the strongest is black opal. According to Ayurvedic principles, it is best for men to wear it in gold. Opal can provide protection and business success, but only if its owner is an honest and decent person. A man with such a talisman will become more purposeful and at the same time humble and empathetic. Opal develops and supports the talents inherent in a man at birth.

The owner of such an amulet is not afraid of infectious and heart diseases.

A female amulet and a talisman against all adversity is a pearl, but you should always wear jewelry with it in pairs: earrings and a ring or a bracelet and a pendant. The most versatile color is white, but you can choose any color depending on your personal preference. Pearls protect women Health, preserves youth, accompanies abundance and good luck. The main property of pearl jewelry is the ability to accumulate and increase feminine energy... Pearl strings help both single girls find a life partner and married women save family happiness... Sea pearls have a wider range of magical properties in comparison with river pearls, so it is better to choose it.

When choosing amulet stones according to the signs of the zodiac, remember the most important rule - for your amulet to work, you must believe in it! Treat your talisman with care, and he, in turn, will faithfully take care of you.

If you want to improve your life, select mascot stones by date of birth that can safely, quickly and effectively solve many problems.

In the article:

Rules for choosing amulet stones

There are several ways to decide on a talisman stone. The most common is selection. You can conduct it according to the date or month of birth, the article will discuss this method. But first, some important tips.

The best talisman is a gift. At the same time, the mineral takes time to get used to you and start working. Most long period grinding in a diamond that does not tolerate separation from the owner.

If you are going to buy an amulet, be sure to purify it and recharge it after purchase. The mascot collected energy on the counter where people touched it. How correctly, you can find out from the relevant material on the site.

Each mineral has its own character. Indiscriminate wearing may result in unpleasant consequences: from a change in character not in better side before the quality of life deteriorates. Not all mixes, so be careful.

Often a person does not like stones that are suggested by the selection by the zodiac or by date of birth. The best way- personal feelings. The main thing is that it evokes positive emotions.

Dangerous stones by date of birth

There are minerals that have a strong impact on the wearer. They can only be worn by those born in a certain period. Exceptions are rare.

Opal is suitable for those who were born at the end of September. The rest of the jewelry can lead to melancholy and apathy.

Pearl recommended for Pisces, other signs must adhere to certain rules. For example, Aquarius should not wear it during the sad period, so as not to aggravate the situation, and Scorpios should better give preference to black pearls. He threatens Virgos with the development of weakness. Leo and Aries are categorically not suitable.

Amber it is better . For those born under a different constellation, he will not be able to become a talisman.

Amazonite suitable for Taurus, Cancer and Scorpio, not recommended. He has a peculiar character, it is very problematic to please him. Side effect- laziness, which is difficult to fight.

Grenade it doesn't matter when you are born. He loves emotional, bright, initiative people. Negative effects - tendency to envy, dissatisfaction with life.

Sapphire does not tolerate those who wish to harm others, deprives them of joy, love, friendship. There is no confidence in the purity of thoughts - choose another piece of jewelry, even if it is your amulet.

Wear hematite shouldn't be a man who can't resist own desires... He provokes cruelty, rudeness.

Amulet by date of birth - day of the month

take into account the day, day of the week and month of birth separately. The following list is for determining the mascot by date of birth.

  • 1, 10, 19, 28 - coral, opal, topaz, ruby.
  • 2, 11, 20, 29 - cat's eye, jade, opal, pearls, tiger's eye.
  • 3, 12, 21, 30 - amethyst, emerald, coral, topaz.
  • 4, 13, 22, 31 - aquamarine, diamond, garnet, opal, sapphire.
  • 5, 14, 23 - diamond, light sapphire, zircon.
  • 6, 15, 24 - aquamarine, beryl, emerald, green opal, peridot.
  • 7, 16, 25 - pearls, moonstone, opal, tiger's eye.
  • 8, 17, 26 - lapis lazuli, opal, sapphire.
  • 9, 18, 27 - garnet, coral, ruby, red opal.

Talisman stones by date of birth - day of the week

The day of the week plays an equally important role in the selection of amulets:

  1. Monday- pearls, moonstone, opal, others white or having a light base.
  2. Tuesday- hematite, coral, lapis lazuli, ruby, sodalite, jasper, blue, red, dark minerals.
  3. Wednesday- aquamarine, turquoise, sapphire, blue topaz, other heavenly shades.
  4. Thursday- amethyst, fluorite, charoite, other violet.
  5. Friday- emerald, malachite, jade, tourmaline, peridot, chrysoprase; green or with such inclusions.
  6. Saturday- smoky quartz, dark minerals.
  7. Sunday- topaz, carnelian, zircon, amber, others of warm golden color.

Amulet by month of birth

Options to choose an amulet by the month of birth for those who wish to acquire a reliable and powerful amulet.

  1. January- pomegranate, hyacinth, cat's eye, turquoise.
  2. February- amethyst, pearls, hyacinth, hawk eye, rock crystal.
  3. March- aquamarine, heliotrope, jasper, ruby, tourmaline.
  4. April- diamond, sapphire, agate, emerald.
  5. May- emerald, agate, carnelian, chalcedony, chrysoprase, tiger's eye.
  6. June- pearls, alexandrite, agate, turquoise, emerald, cat's eye, chalcedony, aquamarine.
  7. July- ruby, turquoise, carnelian, onyx, sardonyx, aventurine, chrysolite.
  8. August- chrysolite, alexandrite, sardonyx, topaz, carnelian, moonstone, ruby, citrine.
  9. September- sapphire, sardonyx, chrysolite, agate, smoky quartz.
  10. October- tourmaline, opal, aquamarine, beryl, lapis lazuli, garnet.
  11. November- topaz, pearls, coral, chrysolite.
  12. December- zircon, turquoise, heliotrope, ruby, chrysoprase, amethyst, agate.

Choosing stones-amulets according to the season of birth

For those who did not suit the distribution of talismans by months, we offer options for the seasons.

  • Winter- diamond, turquoise, labradorite, moonstone, sapphire, quartz, crystal. All light, white, blue, blue - like winter nature.
  • Spring- amethyst, green diamond, emerald, peridot, topaz, chrysoberyl, spinel; others with bright shades of the first greenery.
  • Summer- garnet, opal, topaz, ruby, chrysoberyl, zircon, spinel. They differ from spring talismans in depth of color and warmer shades.
  • Autumn- hyacinth, pomegranate, sapphire, topaz, yellowish oriental chrysolite. Those born in autumn are advised to use red, blue and yellow stones.

A snowflake pendant is suitable for winter people, and red for autumn zodiac signs. Maple Leaf... If you were born in the spring

Zodiac stones of January In January, two zodiac characters intersect: the second and third decades of Capricorn (1-10 and 11-20) and the first decade of Aquarius (2 ...

Zodiac stones of January

In January, two zodiac characters intersect: the second and third decades of Capricorn (1-10 and 11-20) and the first decade of Aquarius (January 21-31).

STONES BY ZODIAC - Capricorn of the third decade (born January 11-20)

is distinguished by a universal mind, at the same time scientific, broad and philosophical. A good psychologist, but a rather caustic critic. The tiger's eye is recommended to him. Almandine and dark amethyst are also suitable. Garnet, moonstone are not contraindicated. He should not wear ruby ​​and opal.

STONES BY ZODIAC - Aquarius of the first decade (born January 21-31)

an inventive to genius type, a born humanist, often an altruist. He has artistic and artistic inclinations, and the disadvantage is excessive coldness. He is recommended to stones "warmer", "more soulful", first of all turquoise, blue-green aquamarine, light yellow amber. Ruby, hyacinth, sardonyx are contraindicated.

And now in more detail about the magical properties of the mentioned stones.


- transparent corundum colored with admixtures of iron and titanium compounds. It has many varieties. Ural sapphires are gray-blue, and Khibiny sapphires are greenish with a deep dark blue color. Some sapphires are two-tone: dark blue along the crystal and green across.

As a talisman it promotes spiritual development... It communicates concentration and purity of the soul during the hours of meditation. Strengthens faithfulness, chastity, cools excess passion. Brings mental comfort. Increases determination, courage. Draws in friends and repels enemies. For its full action, kindness is required from the owner. Dangerous for its defects: cracks, spots, shells, deprives the owner of joys and a cheerful company.

As an amulet protects from treachery and fear, keeps from slander, heart disease and poisons, purifies the blood. In Indian lithotherapy it is used for epilepsy, eczema and uterine diseases.


- quartz with fibrous inclusions of iron hydroxide and the finest tubular voids, which gives it a brown, brown and golden yellow color with a silky sheen. When calcined, it takes on a striking red color. Tiger's eye is a yellow-brown layered chalcedony with radially radiant inclusions and iridescence of light and dark hair.

In the role of a talisman, it enhances the ability to concentrate, strengthens common sense, and stimulates pedagogical abilities. Timely directs the owner to essential matters. It helps a woman to become a good housewife. As an amulet protects from the insidiousness of competitors and the torment of unreasonable jealousy.


- a hydrate of a double salt of aluminum phosphate and copper hydroxide of a sky-blue color and green with a blue, apple and grayish tint. The color variation is highly dependent on the degree of water cut in the stone. Under the influence organic compounds, especially alcohols, oils, acids, cosmetics, can change color to green and even brown-black or discolor. This is "dead" turquoise, which does not possess any magical properties. Turquoise is a universally beneficial stone and has no contraindications to wearing by any character of the zodiac. The only thing is that in the hands of evil, unfriendly people it quickly deteriorates.

In the role of a talisman, it enhances intuition, calls for independence, gives ambition, courage, foresight, insight and constancy. It brings happiness, peace to the family, removes the anger of the mighty of this world, all this - to people who keep moral commandments. Draws the attention of men to female dignity.

In the role of an amulet, especially on the neck, it moderates menstrual bleeding, eases the suffering of patients with jaundice, and helps with childbirth. In ecologically polluted areas and in front of imminent danger, it grows old before our eyes - from whitish to blue and from blue to green. Green turquoise is dead.


- layered chalcedony, a cryptocrystalline variety of quartz. Very varied in outward appearance... As a talisman gives courage, calmness, promotes longevity, develops the subtlety of feelings, attracts success. Black agate gives power over the forces of hell. Layered gives men charm in the eyes of women.

As an amulet, layered agate relieves pain, sharpens hearing, heals stomach ailments.


- quartz colored with iron in purple different density, up to slightly noticeable. Dark amethyst can fade under prolonged exposure to sunlight. As a talisman it gives prudence, vigor, deliberate courage. Promotes meditation, helps the soul to create lasting values, brings glory in the arts (if a person has at least a little talent). Strengthens social status.

As an amulet protects from drunkenness and drug addiction, preserves memory, drives away bad thoughts, and under the pillow - sends happy dreams... Strengthens vision, regulates digestion, protects against kidney disease. This stone is avoided by snakes and all sorts of reptiles (including in human form).


- a kind of beryl of light greenish-blue tones, the color appears clearly only on a pure blue or light blue background. The color is caused by iron impurities. May fade in the sun. It can be easily confused with pale sapphire or topaz. Its sign is two-color in a different direction of viewing. As a talisman develops courage, maintains the unity of the spouses. Warns the owner by darkening and decreasing transparency about intrigues directed against him.

As an amulet, it cools the ardor of quarrels and passions, keeps the conjugal union, relieves toothache and pain in the stomach and liver. With prolonged examination, it has a beneficial effect on vision.


will be considered with grenades.

Zodiac stones of february

Of the zodiacal characters, February includes the second and third decades of Aquarius and the first decade of Pisces.

In accordance with the dominant planet Uranus for the sign of Aquarius, blue-green (turquoise, aquamarine) and light yellow (amber) stones are suitable for Aquarius. In various sources, rock crystal, obsidian, black pearls, sapphire, pink topaz, zircon, and garnet are named among the stones favorable for Aquarius.

The sign of Pisces has two "chiefs" - Neptune and Jupiter. Accordingly, light purple and white stones are acceptable for the Pisces psychotype, preferably light amethyst, moonstone and milky white opal. Some astrologers believe that it is better for Pisces not to carry stones at all - we will excite this psychotype very emotionally! Chrysolite, flint, coral, sapphire, alexandrite, jasper, agate, emerald, aquamarine, transparent varieties of beryl of the color of clear sea water were considered useful for Pisces at different times.

STONES BY ZODIAC - Aquarius of the second decade (persons born on February 1-10)

is distinguished by a lively, accurate, scientifically directed mind, meticulousness in research, a penchant for statistics. This is an inquisitive person who is interested in travel, space exploration, music, and does not shy away from risk. Women are distinguished by their love of flowers, silk fabrics and art products from glass. They are gentle, love children, participate in their games, good housewives. The disadvantages of this psychotype that need to be smoothed out: carelessness, reaching the point of cynicism, and a tendency to multi-stage combinations, which greatly complicate life. Amber is recommended for Aquarius of the second decade, which supports in him the desire to make the right choice in friendship and strengthens intuition, which is very useful for researchers and inventors. Turquoise also harmonizes with his character, supporting the owner in an effort to get rid of the routine of everyday life, to soar in spirit.

STONES BY ZODIAC - Aquarius of the third decade (February 11-19)

endowed with great imagination and capable of major theoretical generalizations. He has a strict and faithful taste, an interest in all kinds of antiquities, in history. He pays attention to music and poetry, loves detective stories and all sorts of riddles, gravitates towards everything strange, inexplicable, and some are not averse to tickling their nerves with horrors. This psychotype sympathizes with dreamers and does not like creeping empiricists. Inclined to melancholy. In this character, sensuality is slightly lacking and selfishness is expressed slightly above average. It is recommended to him aquamarine, which gives to the green, which supports Aquarius in friendship, and olivine, which promotes good mood and activates the sexual sphere.

STONES BY ZODIAC - Pisces of the first decade (February 20-29)

are distinguished by imagination and poetic feeling, many of them write poetry. Their imagination easily finds a means of expression: literature, music, original ideas and inventions; a naval career is also possible. A philanthropist by nature, this character has the gift of constructive criticism - he easily finds a weak spot in other people's constructions and is able to show the way to their direction. The manner in which these people relate lies in the golden mean between irony and tenderness, which allows them to remain optimistic and, as far as possible, avoid drama in life. Two shortcomings deserve attention and correction: a certain weakness of will, which often makes this character an object of exploitation, and a tendency to mysticism, leading away from the inevitable struggle for existence in our world.

Amethyst is recommended for Pisces of the first decade, a stone of faith that focuses so far unknown, but beneficial cosmic influences, protects against temptations, drugs and those who like to profit at the expense of others, stimulating inspiration and developing a wide ("cosmic") view of everything that happens. Sapphire is also suitable for them, contributing to spiritual development.

Zodiac stones of March

March includes two decades of Pisces and the first decade of Aries.

STONES BY ZODIAC - The second decade of Pisces - people born on March 1-11.

They are characterized by great emotionality, susceptibility to mood, acute sensitivity to the attitude of others towards them. In an unfriendly collective, these people, due to stress, can earn themselves indigestion and even stomach ulcers. As a rule, their life is not sugar, it is constantly complicated. These people are best at realizing their potential in altruistic activities for the good of society - in the service and health sectors. The main thing for this psychotype is not to take unnecessary blame for the mistakes of others, so as not to fall into the position of "scapegoats". The best gemstones for the second decade of Pisces are moonstone and sapphire. The first enhances the ability of foresight and strengthens memory, which helps the owner to bypass the traps placed on him life path... The second protects the owner from envy and attracts the sympathy of others. Chrysolite also harmonizes with this personality type, which enhances the feeling dignity, relieving sorrow and delusion. Jasper is not contraindicated.

STONES BY ZODIAC - The third decade of Pisces (March 12-20)

of all Pisces has the most powerful and enduring personality. A person of this type is devoid of the characteristic indecision of Pisces, is constant in ideals, does not easily change his point of view, but is able to show aggressiveness and selfishness - often to his own detriment. Combining energy and intuition, he can achieve a lot and is able to make others work for him. In the third decade of Pisces, one should not rush into action, for them the dictum "measure seven times, cut once" is relevant. It is useful for them to get rid of excessive suspiciousness: all ailments of this psychotype are exaggerated by self-hypnosis. The zodiac stones of the third decade of Pisces are alexandrite, which stimulates brain work and pacifies the soul, and aquamarine, which cools the ardor of quarrels and passions. A person who feels the power of accomplishment in himself, who has set himself a life task in the social or artistic and artistic sphere, and also decided to devote himself to music or caring for seriously ill patients, can wear white opal, but at the same time he must be ready to sacrifice the small joys of life for the great goals.

STONES BY ZODIAC - The first decade of Aries (March 21-31).

Energetic, impulsive, open type personality with great inclinations as a leader, discoverer, initiator of new directions. He is characterized by passion and ambition. Hot, generous (up to self-sacrifice) nature, very vulnerable to psychological shock. A rich spiritual life, colored by hidden dreams and instinctive intuition. Strange artists (Goya, Van Gogh) and original poets (Alfred de Vigny) belong to this decade. People of this kind need to get rid of dictatorial habits, exaggerated jealousy, and egocentrism. Wearing a ruby ​​contributes to the most complete disclosure of personality (alas, both for the good and for the bad), but it can be recommended to people who vouch for themselves that under no circumstances will they overstep the boundaries of legality and will not violate the norms of philanthropy. Calmer stones for the first decade of Aries are amethyst, which gives prudence and prudence, and sardonyx, which increases vitality and contributes to happiness in marriage.

And now, as usual, let's move on to considering the "magical" properties of the most important stones mentioned in this article.

RUBIN (from the Latin "rubur" - red).

Precious stone top class... Its record price on the international market is $ 100,639 per 1 carat (0.2 grams ma). The largest ruby ​​found in its raw form was 3421 carats. The largest processed stone is considered to be a Burmese ruby ​​of 1184 carats. Ruby is currently being synthesized on a large scale. Chemically, this is corundum (aluminum oxide, A120z), colored with impurities of chromium and iron oxides (the latter gives it a bluish tint, bringing this kind of ruby ​​closer to sapphire). The content of chromium oxide in synthetic rubies is much higher than in natural ones. In Russia, the ruby ​​was called yahont, in the East - lalom. Behind the gorgeous, blood-red ruby, there is indeed a long trail of blood throughout history. That is why, before deciding to wear it, you need to carefully read its magical properties.

As a talisman at its best, the ruby ​​inspires people to do great things. On the hand of a noble, moral leader, a leader, he leads to feats and victories. Ordinary people promises love and happiness through vigor. According to Eastern tradition, it gives the owner the strength of a lion, the fearlessness of an eagle and the wisdom of a snake. Ruby brings fertility to women. But the ruby ​​strengthens and negative qualities... He accentuates selfishness, enhances natural cruelty, ruthlessness, and often his influence becomes fatal. He turns a naturally evil person into a real devil.

As an amulet, a ruby ​​strengthens the body, increases blood circulation, protects from nightmares and from unwanted mental influences (evil spells). It strengthens the heart, drives away longing, protects against false friends and prolongs life. The question of whether synthetic rubies possess these properties remains open.

MOON STONE (adularia, selenite).

Sodium calcium silicate with a milky bluish shine and a magical play of light. The moonstone from the coast of the White Sea is called belomorite. The so-called black moonstone is Labrador. As a talisman, it enhances the lunar qualities of the owner (emotionality, protective instincts, love for the hearth, craving for changing places). Gives dreaminess, softness, tenderness. Stimulates memories. Softens stubborn and overconfident. Dangerous for closed and capricious natures. It is especially strong on the new moon, filling with an icy sheen. It is rarely used as an amulet; believed to help epilepsy and renal colic, presumably through a slight hypnotizing effect on prolonged observation. Gives prudence in words and caution in actions.


Highly contaminated silica. Provides a choice of an amazing richness of shades and patterns, sometimes confused with agate. The ancient name is jasper. The most common are red and green jasper, sometimes bluish, orange, gray-violet, black, but pure of blue color- never. The jaspers of the Orsk deposit (South Urals) are especially picturesque. It is very hard, not scratched by the best steel and is not afraid of weathering. As a talisman, it is good for scientists: it makes them tireless in repeating experiments. The cold-colored jasper talisman gives the power of foresight, focuses attention and enhances the instinct for small business benefits. As an amulet, jasper helps to overcome fever and epilepsy, heals memory, restores strength. Red - sharpens the sense of smell, eases women's suffering. Dark - keeps from poison and hatred.