Operational quality control cards in construction. Recommendations for the implementation of operational quality control of construction and installation works

Construction quality control should be special place. That is why the organization of such events requires, first of all, the organization of the labor process on high level. At the same time, this includes not only the direct participation of persons in the construction of the facility, but also the logistics that determine the methods, terms and quality of delivery. necessary materials or finished elements to the construction site. Therefore, simultaneously with the work related to the creation of a new facility, actions are being taken to coordinate and check the quality of the stages already passed.

Operational quality control of construction installation work is part of the activities of supervisory authorities, which are designed to regulate the work in the field of creating new capital construction projects. They monitor all kinds of technical measures for compliance regulatory framework RF. Each type of activity at a certain stage provides for special rules and requirements that must be observed.

Earthworks and first inspection

The initial and main works are primarily related to land plot where the construction of a new facility or the reconstruction of old buildings is expected. The quality control manual for construction and installation works states that, if necessary, first of all, a plot of soil must be checked for compliance with the following conditions:

  • Is it necessary to additionally fill up the territory to bring it into a more even configuration;
  • Do you need to create trenches, embankments or cuts to create favorable environment during construction and in accordance with the requirements operational control

In the course of creating new capital construction facilities, it must be remembered that it is important for inspection organizations to fix each stage and each action in writing with designations in technical terms. The best option will become a journal in which all technical documentation will be collected and the quality control system will be evaluated.

The operational quality control scheme at this stage is aimed at verifying compliance by citizens or legal entities the correctness of the location of the foundation, the correctness of the chosen area to the volume of construction work. This also includes the determination of the use of the land plot in accordance with the urban planning plan and the points established in the building permit.

At this stage of activity, there is a legal verification of existing documents, as well as a visual inspection of the territory for compliance with the parameters of permitted construction and the presence of indents.

Foundation laying

The most important stage, since it is it that determines the subsequent actions. The integrity of the entire object, its service life and the quality of all activities of the construction organization as a whole will depend on the quality of the basis of the real estate object.

The organization of quality control of construction work in this case is aimed at checking the soil layer directly in the place where the foundation will be installed. To do this, it is additionally necessary to create a quality log of construction and installation works, which will be based on the survey provided by the surveyor. Thus, there should be no construction debris or objects capable of disturbing the foundation layer. Also, all work must be carried out under normal weather conditions, without precipitation, or violation of the integrity of the soil and its normal state.

It is important to consider the quality of structures that are made of either concrete or iron materials, their distance from each other and installation methods. Any violation of the scheme can lead to negative consequences, significantly reduce the life of the building.

The tasks of operational quality control of construction work at the time of direct activity for the construction of buildings or structures are:

  • Creation of a certain scheme of operational quality control of applied building materials and mixtures. Visual inspection of bricks, blocks, beam elements and floor slabs for external condition, elimination of chips, damage and other shortcomings that prohibit the use of such elements in construction. Indication in the journal of shortcomings and measures taken to replace them;
  • Accounting for the scheme of operational quality control at the end of the installation of the main structures. Thus, a log is kept, which indicates the order of construction and installation of blocks and other systems (floor slabs, beam elements and columns).

Such problems are always solved in two stages. Initially, an inspection takes place, and then a check for compliance with the construction project. The whole range of these checks is recorded in the work log and then can serve as the basis for drawing up an act of hidden shortcomings in the implementation of the activities of installation organizations. It is important to remember that any deviations from the standards at this stage will affect the quality of operation in the future. That is why organizations should first of all think about security, which will be a guarantee of the quality of their work.

Definition of roofing and insulation works

The beginning of repair and installation work occurs when installing insulation systems from water, noise and other negative factors. The construction scheme does not differ from the type of buildings. Therefore, even non-residential premises must be finished in such a way that the rules established by the technical supervision service are fully observed.

If we are talking about the reconstruction of any object, it is necessary to take into account the state of this moment all systems of this building. Therefore, in this case, control is reduced to checking current state elements of hydro and noise insulation, and then a plan is developed to strengthen or replace current systems.

As can be seen from the above, operational control consists of many systems that cannot operate separately from each other. A well-designed scheme and maximum responsibility for the work done are necessary.


Status: current

Russian name: Cards of operational quality control of the main construction and installation works

Introduction date: 1999-01-01

Developed in: OJSC PKTIpromstroy 125040, Moscow, Leningradsky prospect, 26

Approved in: OJSC PKTIpromstroy (01.01.1999)

Scope and conditions of application: Operational control must be carried out in strict accordance with the enterprise standard (STP) "Regulations on operational quality control". The main documents of operational quality control are operational control cards. They must always be at the facilities under construction with the construction manager and presented at the request of persons controlling the quality of work. They include responsibilities officials when exercising operational control. If the work at the facility is headed by one manager (foreman, foreman), then he performs all the control functions indicated in the operational control cards.
Operational quality control cards are intended for line engineering and technical workers and foremen, and can also be used by persons exercising quality control over construction.


The text of the document Cards of operational quality control of the main construction and installation works

11.9.1 During the performance of production processes and operations, operational control is carried out in order to identify defects that may be hidden during the continuation of the process or operation, and to take measures to prevent and eliminate these defects.

11.9.2 By operational control, the person carrying out the construction checks:

Compliance with the sequence and composition of the technological operations performed by the technological and regulatory documentation applicable to these technological operations;

Compliance with technological regimes established by technological maps and regulations;

Compliance of the quality indicators of the performance of operations and their results with the requirements of design and technological documentation, as well as regulatory documentation applicable to these technological operations.

11.9.2 During the construction process, an assessment of the work performed, the results of which affect safety, should be carried out. object, but in accordance with the accepted technology, they become unavailable for control after the start of the subsequent work, as well as the completed building structures and plots engineering networks, the elimination of defects of which, identified by the control, is impossible without disassembly or damage to subsequent structures and sections of engineering networks. Representatives of the relevant bodies of state supervision, architectural supervision, as well as, if necessary, independent experts may participate in these control procedures. The performer of works not later than three working days notifies the other participants about the timing of the specified procedures.

11.9.3 The results of the acceptance of work hidden by subsequent work, in accordance with the requirements of the design and regulatory documentation, are documented in survey reports hidden works (Annex M ). The builder (customer) may require a re-examination after the elimination of the identified defects.

11.9.4 Conformity assessment procedure individual structures, tiers of structures (floors), the performer of the work must submit certificates of examination of all hidden works that are part of these structures, geodetic executive schemes, as well as test reports for structures in cases provided for by design documentation and (or) a building contract. The developer (customer) can perform verification of the reliability of the executive geodetic schemes submitted by the contractor. To this end, the performer of the work must keep, until the completion of the acceptance, the alignment axes and mounting landmarks fixed in kind.

The results of acceptance of individual structures should be documented in acts of acceptance of critical structures ( annex H ).

11.9.5 Tests of sections of engineering networks and installed engineering equipment are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the relevant regulatory documents and are documented in acts of acceptance of critical structures (Appendix H).

11.9.6 If, as a result of phased acceptance, defects in works, structures, sections of engineering networks are detected, the relevant acts should be drawn up only after the identified defects have been eliminated.

In cases where subsequent work must begin after a break of more than 6 months from the moment the phased acceptance is completed, these procedures should be repeated before the resumption of work with the execution of the relevant acts.

11.9.7 Places for performing control operations, their frequency, performers, methods and measuring instruments, forms for recording results, decision-making procedures in case of detection of non-compliance with established requirements must comply with the requirements of design, technological and regulatory documentation.

11.9.8 The person carrying out the construction appoints by its administrative documents responsible executors for the performance of operational control, documentation of its results and elimination of defects identified by the control.

The results of operational control should be documented in special work logs.

Any construction and installation work is accompanied by quality control of the actions performed. Operational quality control of work is part of the activities of supervisory authorities involved in regulation in the field of creation of new capital construction projects. The specialists of these bodies monitor all types of technical measures for compliance with current legislation.

Supervisory authorities will not have claims during construction and installation works:

  • if strictly adhere to the construction requirements established in the rules and regulations;
  • carry out all activities in accordance with state standards and documents of state supervision bodies;
  • take into account all requirements project documentation.

The objects of operational control are the materials used. In addition, during the control, the condition of equipment and machinery, the availability of the necessary construction and installation documentation, and much more are checked.

Operational control is carried out at different stages of construction: at the stage of execution earthworks, at the stages of arranging the foundation, installation, carpentry and finishing actions.

Let's take a closer look at each of these stages.

Earthwork control

Initial construction works associated with the land on which the building is being built. new object or renovation of an existing one. At this stage, backfilling, development of excavations, arrangement of trenches and embankments can be performed.

When carrying out control measures, specialists visually check the marks for deviations of land construction formations from design parameters. In addition, specialists check the compliance of geometric parameters and pits with the values ​​specified in the project documentation. In parallel, the specialists of the supervisory authority check the documents for their compliance with general regulatory requirements.

Thus, the operational control scheme at this stage is aimed at checking compliance with the correct arrangement of the selected area for subsequent construction work.

Foundation laying

One of milestones construction and installation work is the laying of the foundation, which begins immediately after the completion of earthworks.

In the future, its integrity, reliability and durability will depend on the quality of the foundation of the capital construction object.

Control measures at this stage are aimed at checking the soil layer on which the foundation will be laid. Experts check the composition of the soil, which should not contain construction garbage, particles of ice and snow, any other decaying elements.

Along with this, the specialists of the supervisory authority determine the characteristics of the blocks and structures that are planned to be used when laying the foundation of the structure. The quality of installation of building elements, the correctness of their location in structures, their distance from each other, the density of information and integrity are also controlled. Any violations identified at this stage, if not eliminated, can lead to negative consequences in the future and significantly reduce the life of the facility.

Installation control

The control of installation work includes a large amount of activity. At this stage, the installation of reinforced concrete columns, beam elements, floor slabs, shafts and panels is controlled.

The entire supervisory process can be conditionally divided into two stages:

  • external and measuring verification of the building materials and structures used (assessment of the compliance of beams, slabs and other materials with the requirements of project documentation);
  • control of installation actions after their completion (checking the installation of objects for compliance with the initially determined location).

At the first stage, the surfaces are inspected, the presence of cracks, concrete sagging and other defects is checked. At the second stage, the existing deviations, the reliability of the fasteners are evaluated. The results of the control measures carried out are the basis for drawing up an act of hidden deficiencies.

Control of carpentry and finishing works

At the next stages, carpentry and finishing works are controlled. As a rule, carpentry activities include the installation of window and door blocks. Before installing them, the characteristics of the material used are checked, including its compliance with the stated requirements. Estimated appearance, the accuracy of the parameters, after which the installation actions are directly controlled, insulation block structures, the correctness of their positions.

After that, finishing works are checked: the quality of materials, their compliance with environmental and design requirements.

Completion finishing works entails the control of the operational properties of the finish. At this stage, possible shortcomings of coatings are identified and recommendations are given for their elimination.

Roofing, insulation and finishing measures

Almost every project provides for the implementation of hydro, noise and heat insulation measures. They are mandatory both for residential buildings and for most industrial facilities, and are designed to neutralize the negative factors affecting the facility from the outside.

Particular attention in the implementation of control is given to roofing work.

Both basic designs and quality are checked roofing materials, their density and reliability.

Thus, operational quality control includes a whole set of measures that must be implemented at each stage of construction and installation activities. Control measures include a high degree responsibility on the part of the inspection structures, since the quality of operational control directly affects the safety of operation of the construction site.

Operational (or intermediate) control is carried out on construction sites during production operations or construction processes and must ensure the timely detection of defects, their causes and the adoption of measures to eliminate and prevent them.

The composition and content of operational control is regulated by RSN-73 guidelines. This knowledge establishes the general procedure for monitoring the implementation of construction and installation and special works in the construction of buildings and structures for various purposes. The task of operational control is to ensure that the construction, installation and special works being carried out comply with the project and requirements normative documents(SNiP, GOST, OST, etc.), as well as in increasing the responsibility of the performers directly for the quality of the work performed.

Intermediate control is carried out according to operational control schemes (SOCC).

The scheme of operational quality control should contain:

■ sketch of the structure indicating on it the point of control application;

tolerances according to SNiP;

■ basic specifications material or structure (strength, frost resistance, fire resistance, etc.);

■ a list of operations, the performance of which must be checked with reference to who exercises this control - foreman, foreman);

■ composition of control;

■ method of control;

■ timing (stages) of implementation;

■ a list of operations controlled with the participation of a construction laboratory, a geodetic service, as well as specialists certain types works. If necessary, operations requiring special tests (systems, assemblies, etc.) are indicated;

■ a list of concealed works to be handed over to the representative of the customer's technical supervision (examples of the design and content of the operational control scheme are given in appendices 2 and 3)..

The organization of operational control and verification of its implementation is usually assigned to the chief engineers of enterprises, who are obliged to instruct the line engineering and technical personnel (before the start of work) on the procedure for conducting operational control with a corresponding entry in the work log for the construction of the facility. Foremen (foremen) who carry out operational control of work must fill out special statistical control cards, which reflect the operation performed in violation of regulatory requirements and not accepted from the first presentation. Identification during operational control of defects, deviations from the project, GOST, OST should be eliminated before the start of subsequent operations.


13.03.01-87 paras. 3.5, 3.6, tab. 12

Limit deviations:

- from the alignment of the installation landmarks of the wall blocks with the risks of the center axes - no more than 12 mm;

- from the vertical of the top of the planes of the wall blocks -12 mm.

The brand of the solution must correspond to the design.

The mobility of the bedding solution should be 5-7 cm.

The installation of wall blocks should be carried out in compliance with the dressing.

Not allowed:

The use of a solution whose setting process has already begun, as well as the restoration of its plasticity by adding water;

Contamination of bearing surfaces.


(method, volume)

Preparatory work Check:

The quality of the surface and appearance of the blocks, the accuracy of their geometric dimensions;

Transfer of the main axes of the foundations to a cast-off;

Preparation of foundation blocks

for installation, including cleaning of supporting surfaces from dirt and ice

visual Visual,



Visual, every element

Passports for slabs and locks, general work log



Installation of foundation blocks, compliance of their position in plan and height with the requirements of the project;

The density of the junction of the base of the foundation blocks to the surface of the base;

Seam filling cement mortar according to project requirements


General work log



Deviation from the vertical of the planes of the wall blocks;

Deviation of the axes of the foundation blocks relative to the center axes;

Filling the joints between blocks with mortar

Measuring, each element


Executive geodetic scheme, work acceptance certificate

Control and measuring tool: level, tape measure, metal ruler, plumb line, rule.

Operational control is carried out by: a foreman (foreman), a surveyor - in the process of performing work. Acceptance control is carried out by: an employee of the quality service, a foreman (foreman), a representative of the technical supervision of the customer.
Requirements and quality of applied structures

GOST 13580-85*. Reinforced concrete slabs strip foundations. Specifications. GOST 13579-78*. Blocks concrete for basement walls. Specifications.

Up to 1000 mm - +10 mm;

St. 1000 to 1600 mm - ± 10 mm;

St. 1600 to 3200 mm -±15 mm.

Permissible deviations of length and width:

Deviation of the position of the mounting loop above the plane of the plate + 10 ... -5 mm. Deviations of the position of embedded products:

In the plane of the plate - 10 mm;

From the plane of the plate - 3 mm.

Non-straightness of the upper plane of the slab in any section along the entire length or width:

Up to 1000 mm - 1.5 mm;

Over 1000 to 1600 mm - 3.0 mm;

Over 1600 to 3200 mm - 4.0 mm.

Not allowed:

On the surface of the slabs, shells with a diameter of more than 20 mm or chipped ribs with a depth of more than 20 mm.

Permissible deviations of block sizes:

Lengthwise - ±13 mm;

in width and height - ± 8 mm;

By the size of the cutouts - ± 5 mm.

The deviation from the straightness of the profile of the block surfaces should not exceed 3 mm per

the entire length and width of the block.

Not allowed:

- cracks, with the exception of local, surface, shrinkage cracks, with a width of not more than 0.1 mm;

- exposure of reinforcement, except for outlets.

Work instructions SNiP 3.03.01-87 paragraphs. 3.9,3.11

Installation of foundation structures is allowed to be carried out only after the completion of the entire complex of earthworks, breakdown of axes and foundation. Before mounting on the upper edges foundation slabs and blocks and at their bases, risks should be applied with indelible paint, fixing the position of the axes of the plates and blocks. The supporting surfaces of the plates and blocks must be cleaned of contamination. Installation of wall blocks should be carried out, starting with the installation of lighthouse blocks in the corners of the building and at the intersection of the axes. Beacon blocks are installed by combining their axial risks with the risks of the center axes in two mutually perpendicular directions. The installation of ordinary blocks should be started after reconciling the position of the lighthouse blocks in terms of and in height.

Ordinary blocks should be installed, orienting the bottom along the edge of the blocks of the lower row, the top - along the center line. Blocks of external walls installed below ground level must be aligned with inside walls, and above - on the outside. Vertical and horizontal seams must be filled with mortar and embroidered on both sides.


Technical requirements

SNiP 3.03.01-87 paragraphs. 3.5, 3.6, tab. 12
Balcony slabs:

The difference between the levels of the plane of the balcony slab and the floor of the room should be no more than 80-1000 mm;

The slope of the balcony slab outer wall - 2%.


Permissible deviations of the marks of the supporting surfaces of the wall -10 mm;

The value of the support of the jumpers on the walls - according to the project;

The side surface of the jumpers should not go beyond the plane of the wall.

Requirements for the quality of the materials used

GOST 25697-83*. Slabs of balconies and loggias are reinforced concrete. Are common specifications. GOST 948-84. Reinforced concrete lintels for buildings with brick walls. Specifications.

Composition of operations and controls


(method, volume)

Preparatory work Check:

Availability of a quality document;

surface quality,

accuracy of geometric parameters, appearance of plates, lintels;

The presence of markings that determine the design positions of plates and lintels


Visual, measuring each element

Passports (certificates), general work log
Installation balcony slabs Control:

Installation of balcony slabs in the design position;

Quality of welding work;

Installation of reinforced concrete lintels in the design position

Measuring, each element

Visual, measuring Measuring, each element


work log, journal

welding work

Acceptance of work performed Check:

The actual position of the mounted plates and lintels;

The quality of the welded joints, the monolithic joints;

Appearance of elements

Measuring Technical inspection Visual Certificate of examination (acceptance) of work performed

Control and measuring tool: metal tape measure, metal ruler, plumb line, level, level.
Operational control is carried out by: foreman (foreman), engineer (laboratory assistant) - in the process of work.
Acceptance control is carried out by: employees of the quality service, foreman (foreman), representatives of the technical supervision of the customer.

Deviation from linear dimension Product length, mm:
up to 2500 ±6
St. 2500 to 4000 ±8
St. 4000 ±10
Width and Height ±5
REJECTION of position of mortgages Embedded parts position:
details in plane 3
out of plane 5
Straightness deviation Straightness of the face
by lenght ±3

Reinforced concrete lintels are allowed to be manufactured with a technological slope of the side and end faces. The dimensions of the bottom face of the jumper can be smaller than the corresponding sizes of the top face:

Length - up to 20 mm;

Width - up to 8 mm.

The values ​​of the actual deviations of the geometric parameters of the lintels and balcony slabs should not exceed the limit values ​​indicated in the table.

On the front surfaces of reinforced concrete products, grease and rust spots. Markings and signs are applied on the end side of the lintel, and on the balcony slab - on the end side hidden in the wall. The label must contain:

The brand of the product;

Short name of the manufacturer;

date of manufacture;

The value of the mass of the product.

Work instructions

SNiP 3.03.01-87 paragraphs. 2.112, 3.4

Balcony slabs and lintels are mounted simultaneously with the construction of external walls. The supporting parts of the masonry for prefabricated reinforced concrete structures must be made of whole bricks in bonded rows.

When installing balcony slabs, it is necessary to perform temporary fastenings in the form of supports made of timber. Permanent fastening must be carried out immediately in accordance with the requirements of the project. Metal embedded parts hidden in the masonry are subject to protection with an anti-corrosion coating.

For the welding of fittings, embedded parts and for the sealing of balcony slabs, certificates of examination of hidden works must be drawn up.